FEM-Question Bank

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Some of the key takeaways from the text include that finite element analysis involves discretizing a structure or domain into small elements, developing the stiffness matrix and solving for displacements/stresses. It discusses various element types like truss, beam, plane stress, etc. and their formulations. It also covers various applications of FEA in fields like structural, heat transfer and fluid flow analysis.

The different steps involved in finite element analysis according to the text are preprocessing which includes generating the geometry, mesh and applying boundary conditions. This is followed by solving the system of equations to obtain the nodal displacements/stresses and postprocessing to analyze the results.

Some of the common applications of finite element analysis mentioned in the text include structural analysis problems like analysis of trusses, beams and plates under different loads. It also discusses applications to heat transfer, fluid flow and coupled field problems.




1. Define FEM and list out various types of FEM.

2. What are the various steps in FEM?
3. Explain the history of FEM.
4. Discuss the application of FEM.
5. List out the advantages of FEM.
6. Explain boundary and initial value condition in FEM.
7. What is variational formulation in finite element?
8. What is weighted residual method?
9. What is Galrkin method?
10. What is subdomain method?


1. Write about basics and history of FEM.

2. With an example discuss various steps involved in FEM.
3. Discuss applications and advantages of FEM.
4. Discuss boundary and initial value problem with an example.
5. Discuss variational formulation in FEM.
6. Discuss any one of weighted residual method.
7. Write about Galerkin method.
8. Derive sub domain method.
9. Write about least square method.
10. Explain collocation method.


1. Discuss general procedure for FEM.

2. What is discritization?
3. Explain boundary conditions in FEM.
4. What is natural discritization?
5. What is artificial discritization?
6. What are the various types of elements in FEM? Give example.
7. What is node? Give example.
8. What is stiffness matrix?
9. Write down the governing equation and global stiffness matrix for spring element.
10. Write down the governing equation and global stiffness matrix for beam element.

1. Discuss in detail about general procedure of FEM.

2. Discuss in detail about various types of discritzation process.
3. Derive stiffness matrix for bar element.
4. A spring assembly with arbitrarily numbered nodes is shown in figure. The nodes
1 and 4 are fixed and a force of 500 KN is applied at nod 3 in the X direction.
Calculate the following:
1. Global stiffness matrix.
2. Nodal displacement.
3. Reaction at each nodal points.
Assume K1= 100 KN/m; K2= 200 KN/m; K3= 300 KN/m.

5. Consider the bar shown in figure and axial load P = 200 X 10³ N is applied as
a) Determine the nodal displacement.
b) Determine the stress in each element.
c) Determine the reaction forces.
Assume A1= 2400 mm², A2 = 600 mm², E1= 70 N/mm², E2= 200 X 10³ N/mm².

6. In the figure a load of P = 60X10³ N is applied as shown. Determine the

displacement field, stress and support reaction on the body.
Assume area = 250 mm² and E=20X10 ³ N/mm².

7. Derive the elemental stiffness matrix for a truss element.

8. Consider the four bar truss shown in figure. It is given that E= 200 X 10³ N/mm²
and A = 625 mm² for all elements.
a) Determine the element stiffness matrix for each element.
b) Assemble the structural stiffness matrix K for the entire truss.
c) Solve for the nodal displacement.

9. Derive the stiffness matrix for beam element.

10. Find the displacements and rotations of the beam shown in figure. Assume E=
200 X 10³ N/mm² and I = 400 X 10⁵ mm⁴.


1. What is plane stress?

2. What is plane strain?
3. What is CST element?
4. What is LST element?
5. Write down stiffness equation for CST element.
6. Write down stiffness equation for LST element.
7. Discuss finite element solution for CST element.
8. What is axisymmetric element? Give example.
9. What is bar element?
10. Explain about rectangular plane stress element.


1. Discuss development of the plane stress and plane strain giving suitable examples.
2. Determine the shape function N1, N2 and N3 at the interior point P for the
triangular element shown in figure.
3. Determine the x and y coordinates of point P for the triangular element shown in
figure. The shape function N1 and N2 are 0.2 and 0.3 respectively.
4. Consider the triangular element shown in figure. The element is extracted from a
thin plate of thickness 0.5 cm. The material is hot rolled carbon steel. The nodal
coordinates are Xi = 0, Yi = 0, Xj = 0, Yj = -1 cm, Xk = 2 cm and Yk = -1 cm.
Determine the element stiffness matrix. Assume plane stress analysis.
5. Evaluate the element stiffness matrix for the triangular element shown in figure
under plane stress condition. Assume E= 200 X 10³ N/mm², t = 10 mm and γ =
6. For the plane stress element shown in figure, the nodal displacements are U1 =
2mm, U2 = 0.5mm, U3= 3mm, V1 = 1mm, V2 = 0mm, V3= 1mm. Determine the
element stress σx, σy and τxy. Let E= 210 GPa and γ = 0.25 and t= 10mm.
All coordinates are in mm.
7. Determine stiffness matrix for Axisymmetric element.
8. For the axisymmetric element shown in figure evaluate the stiffness matrix. The
coordinates are in mm. Let E=30 GPa and γ = 0.25.
9. Derive the stiffness matrix for isoparametric element.
10. Consider a rectangular element as shown in figure. Assume plane stress condition
E= 300 X 10⁵ psi, γ = 0.25 and U = [0, 0, 0.002, 0.003, 0.006, 0.0032, 0,0]in.
Evaluate J, B and σ at ξ= 0 and η= 0.


1. What is 1D heat transfer finite element formulation?

2. What is 2D heat transfer finite element formulation?
3. What is fluid flow heat transfer finite element formulation?
4. What is orthotropic material?
5. What is structural dynamics?
6. Write about time dependent application in FEM.
7. What is constant strain triangle?
8. List out the process to divide elements in 2D application.
9. Describe about 2D isoparametric element.
10. What is four node quadrilateral elements?

1. With examples, describe CFD software.

2. Derive the stiffness matrix for fluid flow of 2D element.
3. Derive the stiffness matrix for fluid flow of 3D element.
4. For the smooth pipe shown discretized in figure with uniform cross section of 1
m², determine the flow velocity at the center and right end, knowing the velocity
at the left end Vx = 2 m/s.
5. A simply supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load over entire span.
Determine the bending moment and deflection at mid span by using Raleigh Ritz
6. A beam AB of span L simply supported at ends and carrying a concentrated load
w at the center. Determine the deflection at mid span by using Raleigh Ritz
method and compare with exact solution.
7. Derive the strain displacement matrix for 2D continuum element.
8. Determine Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors for the stepped bar shown in figure.
Assume E = 300 X 10 ⁵ psi and specific weight f = 0.283 lb/in³.
9. Derive the element mass matrix.
10. Describe with example Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.


1. What is 3D element? Give examples.

2. Write about tetrahedral element.
3. What is 3D isoparametric formulation?
4. List out FEA software and state their advantages.
5. List out the steps involved in analyzing 2D bar element.
6. How to fix boundary conditions in FEA software for 2D elements?
7. What is preprocessor in FEA software?
8. Describe the steps involved in meshing in FEA software.
9. Write about solution process in FEA software.
10. Write about postprocessor in FEA software.


1. With an example, describe the process in FEA software for 3D element.

2. Write about tetrahedral element in detail.
3. Describe various commands used in FEA software.
4. Describe preprocessor in FEA software in detail with an example.
5. Describe meshing process in FEA software in detail with an example.
6. Describe postprocessor in FEA software in detail with an example.
7. Write about various solution processes in FEA software.
8. Describe various elements available in FEA software with their applications.
9. Write about ANSYS software.
10. Write about Hypermesh software.

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