G Uidelines For Form Fill-Up / New Admission: Page - 1

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Please read the following guidelines carefully before using the Web Portal for obtaining, fill-up and submission
of Application form. For any queries, applicants may kindly contact the college office during working hours.



1. Helpline & Support. 2

2. Section-1 : Instructions for new applicants. 3

3. Section-2 : How to login to the online system. 4

4. Section-3 : How to obtain forms & do online form fill-up 5

5. Section-4 : Guidelines for scanning and uploading photograph and documents 7

6. Guidelines for the admission process (will be available later)

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Applicants / Students using the Online Admission System are advised to go through these Guidelines
first before contacting the Online Portal Helpline.

Users facing any difficulty and unable to resolve the issues themselves may send an email to:
Technical Helpline Email : helplinekhscollege@gmail.com

For any information related to admission matters, applicants may contact the college
admission committee on the numbers provided on the first page of the portal.

For any technical queries, users may contact the technical helpdesk at +919859982956 during
office hours.

Please specify your request for support to the above email id in the following format:

1. Name of College applied for :

2. Registered Mobile no and password :

3. Name of applicant / user :

4. Course and session :

5. Details of problem faced/ support required :

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Instructions for New Applicants proceeding for online form fill-up :

1. New applicants applying for online form fill-up shall have to first login to the system by registering their
mobile no. Please keep the mobile no with you at the time of online registration.

2. Candidates are advised to use their own mobile no and email Id for registration and applying online. All
further communications shall be made on this mobile no and email id only. Applicants are required to preserve
their User ID (Mobile No) and Password details carefully as it will be required at the time of admission as well
as throughout college life.

3. Preferred web browsers are updated versions of Firefox and Chrome.

4. We do not recommend using mobile phones for applying online as functionalities are seen to be limited on
mobile phones. Any issues that arise are the sole responsibility of the applicant.

5. Applicants are to upload the following documents for applying online -

a. One passport size photograph (.jpg/.jpeg format of 20-100 KB size) *Mandatory
b. Scan copy of signature (.jpg/.jpeg format of 10-20 KB size) *Mandatory
c. Qualifying marksheet (.jpg/.jpeg format of max 1 MB size) *Mandatory
d. Bank passbook front page (.jpg/.jpeg format of max 1 MB size) *Mandatory
e. Caste certificate if other than General category (.jpg/.jpeg format of max 1 MB size)
f. Extra-Curricular Certificates (if applying under EC quota). (.jpg/.jpeg/ .pdf format of max 5 MB size)
g. PwD (Person with Disability/ Specially Abled Category) Certificate as applicable. (.jpg/.jpeg format of max 1 MB size)
h. Domicile/ Permanent Resident Documents (The applicant must furnish any one of following supporting
documents to prove their domicile of Assam like – PRC/Voter Identity Card of Self or Parent/Aadhaar Card of self
or Parent/BPL Card of family/Birth Certificate issued by Registrar of Birth and Death/ Passport of Self or Parent.
In case of Aadhaar Card/ Voter ID Card/ Passport, a single picture containing both the front side and back side of
the card is to be uploaded ) (.jpg/.jpeg format of max 1 MB size)

6. For uploading your photograph use passport size photograph between 20KB to 50KB size in .jpg/ .jpeg
format. Selfies taken using smartphones are not allowed and shall be rejected.

7. As and when the college calls for physical verification of the documents, students shall have to take a
printout of the admission form (obtained after final submission is made) and carry it to the college along with all
original copies (plus one set of Photostat copies) of all mark sheets and certificates and relevant documents.

8. Incomplete application forms and forms where Final Submission has not been made shall not be
considered for admission. Also, it is the responsibility of the Applicant to ensure that all necessary
documents have been uploaded clearly and correctly without which the application will not be
considered for admission.

9. Please LOGOUT of the portal before leaving especially if you are using a shared computer.

10. Applicants facing any difficulty in online form fill-up are to contact the college helpline no / email id
provided on the portal home page.

11. Applicants are advised to apply well in advance before the last of submission to avoid last minute
issues. Since printed forms are not used, students facing any difficulty should contact the college
helpline numbers early to sort out any difficulties. Step by step guidelines are provided at each and
every step of the online process to help you easily procure and submit your application form.
Applicants may send their queries to the college email address provided on the website or contact the
helpline no.
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Steps to Login for New Applicants proceeding for online form fill-up :

New applicants who desire to do admission form fill-up shall have to first login to the system by registering their
mobile no. Candidates are advised to use their own mobile no and email Id for registration and applying online.
The following steps are to be followed for logging in to the portal.

1. Open the website http://khscollege.webdcl.in on your computer (preferably on Firefox/ Chrome browser). On
the portal homepage / welcome screen click on the Form Fill-up / New Admission Button.

2. The login cum registration page opens.


4. The Registration page opens.

5. Fill up the Applicant’s Name, Email and Mobile No fields on the registration form and click 'GENERATE OTP'
button. A One-Time-Password (OTP) is sent by SMS to the mobile no, which you specified in the form. If the
OTP is not received in your mobile immediately, wait for a minute or two and click on the RESEND OTP link.

6. Enter the OTP number you received in the mobile phone in the respective field and enter a new password of
your choice in both the fields – ENTER PASSWORD and CONFIRM PASSWORD.

7. Click on the submit button. A message of successful registration shall show and you will now be able to log
into the portal using your mobile no and password you specified above. (Important : Please use your own
Mobile no and Email ID as all correspondence by the college will be done with these).

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1. After Login to the system using your User ID (registered mobile no), Password you created above
and the Captcha text appearing on the screen, you shall be able to see the Obtain Admission Form
page containing Name of candidate, Course & Session.

2. Fill-up up the fields to obtain the online admission form as shown.

3. Click on the 'OBTAIN ADMISSION FORM’ button.

4. A Download Prospectus and Application Form Link shall appear in the form below.
5. Please read the prospectus carefully and proceed to fill up the form online by clicking on the
application no. The online form shall appear.

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6. You can see a number of sections in the online application form like Personal Details, Address,
Educational Qualifications, Upload Photograph, Upload Documents and subjects desired etc. You
have to fill up the fields of each section and click on the SAVE button in the bottom of the section
before clicking Next to go to the next section.
7. All Fields marked with a star mark (*) are compulsory fields and have to be filled up. Otherwise the
system shall not allow you to save.
8. Upload your passport size photograph, signature, admit card, qualifying mark-sheet, caste
certificate(not required for General category), EC certificate if applicable, Gap certificate if applicable,
bank passbook front page, PwD Certificate if applicable, Domicile Document by clicking on the
respective buttons. Photograph, Caste Certificate & Marksheet should be in (.jpg/.jpeg) format. Gap
certificate may be in either (.jpg/.jpeg) or (.pdf) formats. Use lower resolution files for reduced file
sizes. You can reduce the size of the files if required by following the links provided on the upload
9. After filling up all the sections one after another click on the FINAL SUBMISSION button present
on the last section to Submit the application form. Before final submission however please review that
all information you have filled up is correct. You can preview the application form and uploaded
documents from the links provided just above the FINAL SUBMISSION button.
10. No changes in the application form is possible after the FINAL SUBMISSION button has been
clicked. Do not provide any false information as you shall be straightway rejected on scrutiny.
11. Your application shall be considered for admission by the college authorities only after
you click the FINAL SUBMISSION button. Final submission has to be done on or before the last
date of submission after which no submission shall be possible.
12. Download and take a printout of the filled up application form by clicking on the Application Form
No. You will need to take it with you to the college at the time of verification of the forms along with all
supporting documents in original.
13. Watch the college website for the merit list / waiting list that will be uploaded prior to the date of
14. If you face any error while saving data on the form, check whether any field has been left blank.
Also try reducing the typed text in any field if it is too long.
15. Applicants are advised to apply well in advance before the last of submission to avoid last minute
issues. Since printed forms are not used, students facing any difficulty should contact the college
helpline early to sort out any difficulties. Step by step guidelines are provided at each and every step
of the online process to help you easily procure and submit your application form. Applicants may
send their queries to the college email address provided on the website or contact the helpline no.

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Before applying online for admission, a candidate will be required to have a scanned (digital)
image of his/her photograph and certificates as per the specifications given below:

Photograph Image:

Photograph must be a recent passport size colour picture. Dimensions 200 x 230 pixels (preferred) Size of
the file should be between 20kb-50kb. Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50KB.
If the size of the file is more than 50 KB, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as the DPI
resolution, no. of colours etc., during the process of scanning. The file should be saved and uploaded in
.jpg / .jpeg format. NO SELFIES ARE ALLOWED.

Certificates, Marksheet and other upload Files :

The applicant has to upload a scanned copy of his qualifying marksheet (the HSLC marksheet for HS
course and HS marksheet for graduate degree courses). Additionally other certificates like caste certificate
(for other categories except General), Extra Curricular (EC) certificate and any other certificate mentioned
in the website are required to be scanned and uploaded.

Certificates/ Marksheet and all other documents may be scanned and uploaded in any one format out of
.jpg / .jpeg. The scanned file of the qualifying marksheet, caste certificate etc each should be of maximum
size 1 MB or below. EC certificates may also be saved as a single.pdf file having multiple pages containing
different certificates of achievements. The file size of EC certificate should be maximum of 5 MB or below.

Candidates who are applying for EC category may have a number of certificates of different
achievements. While scanning, 'Multiple page .pdf' file have to be chosen on the scanner software while
scanning all the certificates so that a single .pdf file is created. Various online websites are also available
which can merge multiple pictures/pdf into a single .pdf files or combine two or more .jpg/.jpeg picture files
and create a single .jpg/ .jpeg picture file which contains your multiple documents to be uploaded.

To reduce the size of the scanned documents the scanner resolution has to be set at a lower dpi (below
150 dpi). Alternatively, there are a number of software utilities and websites which reduce the file sizes for
free. We have mentioned a few file reducing websites in our upload pages next to the upload buttons.

You will not be able to click the final submission for the Online Application unless you upload your
photograph, marksheets and certificates as specified. Note :

(1) In case the photograph/ documents are not clear, the candidate's application may be rejected.

(2) After submission online, candidates are advised to take a printout of their system generated online
application forms which have to be signed and taken by them to the college (along with the copies of the
documents mentioned in the printed application form) at the time of verification of documents.

(3) After uploading the photograph, marksheet and certificates in the online application form, candidates
should check that the images are clear and have been uploaded correctly from the 'CLICK TO VIEW' links
in the 'REVIEW' section before clicking on the 'FINAL SUBMISSION' button. In case the photograph or
documents are not prominently visible or wrongly uploaded, the candidate may browse and re-upload his/
her photograph or documents, prior to submitting the form. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure
that all necessary documents are uploaded clearly and correctly prior to FINAL SUBMISSION

The college remains committed to providing the users a satisfying and safe online experience.

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