BSBMKG523 Task 2 V4.2

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Design and develop an integrated

marketing communication plan
Task 2 – Written Report

Candidate Instructions

Purpose of this Assessment task

This assessment task is designed to test your skills in designing and developing an integrated marketing
communication plan as required by the unit BSBMKGT523 Design and develop an integrated marketing
communication plan. Your trainer/assessor will be assessing your work and provide you with constructive
feedback on Canvas. This task will assess your skills to:
 Determine marketing communication requirements
 Develop marketing communication brief
 Design integrated marketing communication strategy
 Select and recommend media for marketing strategy
 Develop creative brief

In this assessment you will analyse the provided case, undertake research using Bounce Fitness website,
and complete the four parts of the project to demonstrate your skills in designing and developing an
integrated marketing communication plan.

What are you required to do to undertake this Case Study?

To complete this assessment, you must use the simulated business “BOUNCE FITNESS” by clicking on the
link below. This business is a fitness company which is in all States within Australia. Bonce Fitness website
contains information about the company, Infrastructure, People, Policies and procedures, Performance of
the business, Documents, and scenarios. You can find the login details and the additional resources
needed on Canvas. <http;//>

To successfully undertake this assessment, you should be doing the following:

 Read the provided Case Study, scenarios and Bounce Fitness additional resources couple of times
and understand the requirements
 Clarify the requirements with your trainer and assessor if you are not sure
 Research appropriate websites as directed by your trainer/assessor
 Complete all of the four parts and upload them onto Canvas
 Discuss with your trainer/assessor the contents of the project you will be submitting

Context and conditions of undertaking the tasks?

The prescribed tasks will be undertaken by you after carefully analysing the case scenarios. Your trainer
will also provide you guidance on the websites to be researched. Your trainer/assessor may also set
certain conditions under which you will perform the tasks required by this assessment. For example, your
trainer may set a time limit to perform a task or, ask you to repeat a task or, ask you to give additional
information about the performance by asking you some verbal questions or, they may prescribe you
some new conditions to undertake certain tasks.

Given your personal conditions, your trainer/assessor should also be able to make some reasonable
adjustments in undertaking the tasks of this assessment. You should check with your trainer/assessor
about the conditions under which the tasks should be completed, and the possible adjustment they can
make in undertaking these tasks.

What specific WHS requirements may be involved?
This assessment will require you to be aware of the standard Workplace Health and Safety requirements
e.g. Workplace Health and Safety Act and Workplace Health and Safety Legislation Your trainer/assessor
will advise you on these and other legislative requirements.

Tasks and frequency of performance

Details of the tasks to be undertaken in this assessment are provided in this document. The tasks listed
must be performed at least once.

Getting Started
The assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum three attempts in total). All
assessments must be resubmitted 3 days within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You must clearly
indicate “Re-submission” on your resubmitted work.

You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel but may refer to
reference material as may be needed. All questions must be answered satisfactorily for the assessment to
be completed satisfactorily.

For any assessment conducted that is incomplete, or without satisfactory performance, the assessment
will need to be completed again after further training support. This may be simply to focus on question
areas not achieved in the prior assessment.

Submitting your assessment

When you are ready to submit your assessments, upload the files in Canvas via the submission tab. It is
important that you keep a copy of all electronic assessments submitted to Canvas.  Please submit all
assessment components.

Word count
In this assessment some of the questions include a word count. This is a guideline only, but your answers
should not vary substantially (i.e. +/- 10%) from the word count provided. Microsoft Word includes a
word count tool.
To test the required application skills in developing an integrated marketing
communication plan.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Candidate name:

Candidate ID

Trainer’s Name:

Date Submitted:
Candidate declaration: I declare that:
 I have read and understood all the information provided in relation to
the assessment requirements to complete this unit, the instructions
and the purpose and processes of undertaking this assessment task
 This assessment is my own work and where other’s works or ideas have
been borrowed, I have appropriately referenced or acknowledged them
 I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to
disciplinary action.

Candidate signature:

Task 2 – Written Report and Presentation

You are a marketing professional in a marketing company called T & J Marketing Agency. Your company has
been approached by Bounce Fitness and you have been selected as the Marketing specialist to help
promote Bounce Fitness’ product and service. Bounce Fitness intends to market its brand through
excellence in service and expertise to establish itself as a premier provider of fitness and wellness in
Australia. Bounce Fitness began in 2001 in Cairns, Queensland.

The business model has been well received and resulted in expansion to Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne.
Marketing is very important to maintain growth and market penetration. Much time is invested in training
the staff to upgrade their professional skills and in customer service to foster a loyal member base. Classes
are innovative and varied with regular changes to routines and activities.

Bounce Fitness continues to differentiate itself from its competitors through lower pricing and the
continuing development of unique classes, personal training and expanding on the one-stop-shop for health
enhancement. The one-stop-shop approach is expected to allow substantial gains in the largest segment of
a growing market. This focused approach also makes it easier for Bounce Fitness to establish and retain a
position as an industry leader.

Recently the company launched a new energy drink (see Bounce Fitness Marketing Communication brief
within your supporting documents). You will need to assist the company in developing a marketing and
communications strategy to introduce this product to the market.

Past Media Performance

This is the summary of the performance of other media that was utilised from the past financial year of
Bounce Fitness. Information collated are from surveys handed out to consumers through either face-to face,
email, letter, feedback forms, etc. Results are based on 100 random new costumers that replied to the
survey. Numbers reflect how many costumers learned about Bounce Fitness through the given media

Media Number of Attraction

Television Ads 52
Radio Ads 19
Posters 26
Flyers 35
Newspaper and Magazine 40
Window Display 31
Social Media Facebook Ads 23% of overall reach

General Instructions:
In this assessment task you will refer to the case study and Bounce Fitness simulation additional
resources available on Canvas to complete activities in developing a communication plan. The case
study and additional resources include Bounce fitness’s marketing mix, current market trends, past
media performance and media consumption rates by age groups.

Part A – Determine marketing communication requirements

You organized to meet with Paul Thomas Cairns Centre Manager, and his team to discuss and decide
on suitable marketing communication requirements. In your discussions, you have:

a) Confirmed marketing communication purpose and objective with Bounce Fitness team.

b) Obtained comprehensive information about Bounce Fitness and the information on the product
the company would like to promote.

c) Discussed and reviewed any previous outcomes of marketing.

d) Confirmed budget allocation with client and what type of marketing methods will be involved in
the costing.

Provide a summary of the above discussion using Table A, below: (Approx. 200 words)

Table A: Marketing Communication Requirements

Marketing Stimulate the demand for Bounce Fitness’ product and
communication services
initiative aims to Sales improvement
achieve the following
objectives: Profit improvement
Sales increasement by 10% through advertising by the end of
the current financial year
Client and product Product: Pre-Workout Powder 100g
It can assist in energy performance and can improve
performance during long-duration endurance session. One
scoop in 300ml water prior to exercise will give energy and
support to any workout. The difference between other pre-
workouts is that it has caffeine which is an all-natural molecule
that stimulates the brain to increase alertness.

Client: Male and females aged 20-40 years old from CBD

People that take vitamins as part of their diet and are health
conscious and passionate about sports.

Company Mission The Centres will serve the community with quality,
comprehensive, unique, and distinctive health programs, and

Company Vision
Staff will expand the preventive services offered while
improving the quality of life among participants through
health and fitness services using state of the art equipment
and practices. These programs will reflect members’ needs
and be financially viable for stakeholders.

Budget allocation $1000

Past Media Media Number of Attraction

Television ads 52
Radio ads 19
Posters 26
Flyers 35
Newspaper and magazine 40
Social media Facebook Ads 23% of
overall reach

Part B – Develop marketing communication brief

Now that you have met with the Centre Manager and his team, you have been asked to come up
with a marketing communication brief which you must present to the Centre Manager within the
month. Before you can develop a communication brief, you are required to research Bounce Fitness
website and review the Marketing Plan, Business Plan, and any other relevant documents. By using
Table B, below, write a report for your Marketing Manager Jason Smith from T & J Marketing Agency
detailing the following from your research:

a) Who is the client and the profile of the client?

b) Purpose statement and objectives reflecting client needs.

c) State marketing communication objectives in measurable terms and provide specific

guidelines on what is to be accomplished by marketing communication.

d) Define key characteristics, competitive factors and market situation facing product or service.

e) Include a summary of information on target audience and legal and ethical constraints.
(Approx. 200 words)
Table B: Marketing Communication Brief
Client profile Those who recognize the need to take health supplements in their daily lives.

Purpose Branding is special identification of company and organization; thus, exclusive branding
Statement properties must be essential to demonstrate its unique identification.

Campaign Stimulate the demand for Bounce Fitness’ product and services
Objectives Sales improvement
Profit improvement
Sales increasement by 10% through advertising by the end of the current financial
Brand awareness

Agency T & J Marketing Agency

project lead

1 month


Marketing Brand: Bounce Fitness intends to market its brand through excellence in service and
guidelines expertise to establish itself as a provider of fitness and wellness in Australia
(Brand, Logo, Slogan: “Fit is fantastic”
Slogan, Colours)
Colors: Blue grey (R:44, G:55, B: 64) and Turquoise (R:124, G: 207, B: 228)

Target Male and females aged 20-40 years old from CBD areas.
characteristic People that take vitamins as part of their diet and are health conscious and
s passionate about sports.


Competition Bounce fitness continue to differentiate from its competitors through lower pricing
and the continuing developing of unique classes, personal training and expanding on
the one-stop-shop for health enhancement.
The main competitors are – Fitness First, Pro Body Personal Training, Axiom Fitness
Inc, Southern Sculpt Fitness, New Edge Alliance Inc.

Legal and All Marketing activities must abide the national Australian Consumer Law.

Part C – Media Options Report

The Manager of Bounce Fitness has asked you to prepare key information that will assist them to
make strategic decisions around advertising media options. The advertising brief is shown below:

Pre-Workout Powder 100 G


Pre-Workout Powder 100G is a new sports drink about to be launched on the Australian

CAMPAIGN: National.

PRODUCT: Sports energy drink in a range of 4 flavours Hydra - re-hydrates

and replaces essential electrolytes lost during sporting activities
and other exercise.

TONE: Hyrda drinkers are:

 Fitness focused
 Body image conscious
 Involved in sport
 Trains or works out minimum of three times weekly
 Health conscious
 Push themselves to the limit.

Based on the above brief, please answer the following questions:

1. Research various forms of media which could be considered for the launch of this campaign.
Critically analyse the advantages and disadvantages of two marketing communication options
and two media vehicles for ‘Pre-Workout Powder 100G’.

Marketing campaigns promote products through different types of media, such

as television, radio, print, and online platforms. Campaigns are not solely reliant
on advertising and can include demonstrations, video conferencing, and other
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interactive techniques.
I would choose the cheapest that brings results as soon as possible such as print
and online platforms more specifically Facebook ads and Google ads. The main
ones essential for a business to gather branding awareness and reach as much
people as possible according to the target.

2. Determine the media characteristics that match the requirements of this advertising brief.

Printed materials, Email Marketing Facebook ads and Google ads.

3. Analyse media consumption habits for primary and supplementary marketing media in
relation to the target audience of the selected advertising brief.

Billboards and posters – 70% of people goes to a Bounce Fitness through an

outdoor and as message.
Online Communities – 70% of users have searched online for a product or service
with 50% of them having made a purchase online.

Both have showed that are more effective advertising options.

4. Select the advertising media options that match requirements of the selected advertising

Billboards and posters and Online Communities.

5. Conduct an evaluation of media styles in relation to the brand character of the

product/service being advertised.

Billboards and posters these includes billboards and posters that are traditionally
printed and digital.
Online communities – the most popular platform used is Facebook ads with 75%
of them using it daily.
People here wants answers quickly and in real time, most of them have heard
about a product or service through a friend or an online review.

6. Develop and apply criteria for selecting multiple media in a media plan.

Here are a few criteria before selecting multiple media in a media plan: potential

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market, credibility and image, cost and company objectives and reputation.

7. Compare advantages and disadvantages of selecting multiple media in a media plan.

Advantages of Social Media Advertising

 Social media sites are great for building customer relationship and offers
an incredible reach and the opportunity to connect with customers in an
entirely new way
 Offers a wide reach, with its potential for viral marketing
 Traffic generated can be extremely targeted
 Social media tools are relatively inexpensive

Disadvantages of Social Media Advertising

 Targeting is so low because of the diversity and breadth of audiences,

resulting in low ROI as visitors do not convert
 Visitors mainly go to social media sites to socialize, and are not interested
in advertising
 Traffic is typically in the learning stage of the buying process; hence it is
more important to inform and teach than sell outright
 Social media can be a hard branding tool for small businesses, and it is not
easy to build awareness, create appeal and generate traffic

8. Review the details of the advertising brief selected to ensure recommended media meets the
advertising brief and advertiser’s requirements and legal and ethical requirements.

The main form of regulation for non-broadcast advertising is the CAP Code

written by the Committee on Advertising Practice (CAP). CAP is a self-regulatory
body, and its members include organisations that represent the advertising, sales
promotion, direct marketing, and media businesses.

Part D - Develop Creative Brief

Your presentation was successful, and you have now been asked by your manager to create the
creative brief for your client. Your creative brief will be for Bounce Fitness’s ‘Pre-Workout Powder
100G’ and should identify the following:
1. Your approach must incorporate the brand or image that Bounce Fitness has cultivated and
highlight the features of their energy drink product. Your choice of words must evoke an

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immediate response from your target audience. This is crucial when you are starting your
pitch since it will heavily rely on emotions, morals, or rationality to cater to the consumers’
needs. It also helps to back your facts up with evidence to strengthen your claims.

1.1) What pitch are you going to use? Explain your answer.

Pre-Workout Powder 100G

Pre-Workout Powder 100G is a new sports drink about to be launched on the
Australian market -
Hyrda drinkers are:
 Fitness focused
 Body image conscious
 Involved in sport
 Trains or works out minimum of three times weekly
 Health conscious
 Push themselves to the limit.

Those who recognize the need to take health supplements in their daily lives. People
that take vitamins as part of their diet and are health conscious and passionate about

1.2) How will you define the brand of your produce? You can use a set of key words that
can explain the personality or characteristics of the brand.

Slogan: “Fit is fantastic” that message will stimulate the clients to have a fitness

1.3) What colours will you use for your brand? Explain why you used these colours.

Colors: Blue grey (R:44, G:55, B: 64) and Turquoise (R:124, G: 207, B: 228)

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1.4) Insert below a brand image for the powder drink. You can create your own image. If
you wish to use an image from the internet, make sure to reference the source. Don’t
use an existing brand name.

1.5) Create a new slogan for the energy drink. Try to limit the length of the slogan to
between 5 and 10 words.

Give your maximum with your Pre-workout!

2. Once you have established the details in the previous question, you then must focus on the
resources Bounce Fitness has. Take into consideration both their financial and time constraints for
this project. To create a Media Schedule using Table C, below. Creative briefs may start out as
abstract, but its main objective is always the same: You and your client must have a common
understanding of what the outcome of your campaign will be like.

Table C: Media Schedule

Media Vehicle Start Date Date of Resources Required Cost
25/08 By the 25/09 Marketing Agency $ 400
Google ads
25/08 By the 25/09 Marketing Agency $ 400
Facebook ads
15/09 Graphics $ 200
By the 25/09
Billboards and posters

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