E-Marketing in India: Sathish Bandi, Vallabhapurapu Venkat Rao, Madhurantakam Pavan Kumar

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International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-3, Issue-4, Aprl.

E-mail: 1sathishbandi01@gmail.com, 2 v.venkatmba5@gmail.com, 3 pavan6441@gmail.com

Abstract - E - Marketing is the process of marketing a brand using the Internet. It includes both direct response
marketing and indirect marketing elements and uses a range of technologies to help connect businesses to their customers. E-
marketing means using digital technologies to help sell your goods or services. These technologies are a valuable
complement to traditional marketing methods whatever the size of your company or your business model. The basics
of marketing remain the same – creating a strategy to deliver the right messages to the right people. What has changed is
the number of options you have. Though businesses will continue to make use of traditional marketing methods, such as
advertising, direct mail and PR, e-marketing adds a whole new element to the marketing mix. Many businesses are
producing great results with e-marketing and its flexible and cost-effective nature makes it particularly suitable for small
businesses. Very simply put, e - Marketing or electronic marketing refers to the application of marketing principles and
techniques via electronic media and more specifically the Internet. The terms e -Marketing, Internet marketing and online
marketing, are frequently interchanged, and can often be considered synonymous.

Keywords - on-line marketing, e-marketing, online marketing, Internet marketing, global marketing competition.

I. INTRODUCTION communication and delivery mediums within the

scope of e-marketing which include:
Due to globalization, not only nations are coming
closer to each other but also different sector II. DEFINITION
undergoes into significant changes. And marketing
sector is also affected by this and experiencing so “Internet Marketing or E-Marketing is the process of
many changes continuously. To sell our product promoting a brand, products or services over the
through internet or digital media is known as E- Internet. Its broad scope includes email marketing,
marketing. Types and size of business organization electronic customer relationship management and any
affects marketing traditionally but in today’s promotional activities that are done via wireless
scenario, digital technology is a valuable addition. E- media.” “E-marketing means using digital
Marketing is also known as web marketing and online technologies to help sell your goods or services.
marketing. E- Marketing helps to find out the right These technologies are a valuable complement to
audience to whom goods and services are to be traditional marketing methods whatever the size of
provided by the business organizations. It consists of your company or your business model.”
all processes and activities with the purposes of
attracting, finding, winning and retaining customers. III. OBJECTIVE
Creative use of internet technology is made by using
various multimedia, text, graphics etc. with different In this paper we focus on the study of E-Marketing
languages to create catchy advertisements, forms, e- and online behavior of consumers. They also provide
shop where product can be promoted, viewed and an incentive to focus on critical areas and formulate
sold. The scope of E-Marketing is deemed to be strategies to help achieve intended objectives.
broad in scope it does not only use to promote  To review the present status of online trading in
marketing over the internet but also helps in retailing in India.
marketing as well through e-mail and wireless media.  To identify the problems in online trading in
E-marketing also joins technical and creative aspects retailing from the point of view of providers and
of the Internet, including: development, design, consumers.
advertisement and sales. Use of websites are made by
e-marketing in combination with online promotional IV. IMPORTANCE OF INTERNET
techniques such as social medial marketing, search MARKETING
marketing (SEM), interactive online ads, e-mail
marketing, online directories, viral marketing, Below are some of the reasons why it is absolutely
affiliate marketing and so on. E- Marketing also important for any business to invest in online
include product display, advertisement consisting of marketing for their brands.
graphics videos and audio with text, 3D product view,
product navigation, basket selection, checkout and Cost effective: IM (internet marketing) is one of the
payments. The digital technologies used as best cost effective ways of advertising because
marketing products on the internet is less expensive

E-Marketing in India

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-3, Issue-4, Aprl.-2017
in comparison to physical marketing due to short other channels is a project we all should be working
chain of middlemen in online marketing as well as on.
less expenses on the physical outlet of the showrooms
and the use of marketing articles or social media in Increased Integration with Social Networks:
establishing an online presence is minimal and you Love them or hate them, many of our customers are
don’t have to incur cost of rental property and its almost permanently active on social networks. E-mail
maintenance because you will not have to purchase must be equipped for instant integration; sharing,
stocks in bulk for display in a store. liking, posting, and linking. This is a huge benefit for
the brand, getting exposure and endorsements from
Convenient: Internet marketing enables to provide trusted friends.
24*7 services without worrying about the opening
and closing hours of a physical store. It’s also Impersonal service: Electronic methods of providing
convenient for your customers because they can customer service are used by businesses which are
browse your online store at any time and from any operating online, such as posting and emailing info
place worldwide and place their orders at their own on the website to answer possible user questions.
convenient time. Sometimes customers perceived this to as just too
impersonal or uncaring. Merchants must develop
Improves customer seller relationship: Better efficient checkout procedures for selling goods via
platform to build relationships with customers to the Web, for addressing this problem. Hiring call
increase customer retention level is provided by handling services is also taken into consideration, so
internet. For example when a customer has purchased that customers can talk to real people when they have
a product, first step to begin the relationship by inquiries about problems that need instant answer.
sending a follow up e-mail to confirm the transaction
and then thank the customer. You can also invite the Lack of Trust: In general, identity theft, Spam,
potential customers to give product reviews on your intrusive advertising and technological glitches have
website regarding the existing product and this will left many mistrusting of marketing. You are either
help to build a sense of community. part of the problem or part of the solution, you have
to decide it.
Personalization: By building a profile of their
purchasing history and preferences, internet Know-It-Alls: Nobody is able to fully understand all
marketing will help a business to personalize offers aspects of marketing. There is simply too much to
for customers. You can do this by tracking the know, and whatever you do to know is changing at
product information and web pages that helps to supersonic speed. If you are going to be an expert,
prospect, visit and make targeted offers which reflect you will have to get specialization in one aspect of e-
their interests. marketing

Increases sales: Internet marketing will increase your Customer Expectations: Never before customers
sales because it provides the consumers opportunity had expected too much. Managing your customer
to purchase the products online rather than physically expectations is vital to marketers, because if you don't
going to a place or sending an order form by mail. know your competitors will, you are not able to
This will increase the impulse rate of purchasing survive in long run in the market. Without customers
power resulting in an increase of revenue for business you will not have a business because customer is
organizations and an excellent return on their treated as a king of market, so take the time to get to
investments. know them, treat them with due care and respect, and
in the same way you want to be treated as a customer.
Traditional advertising dollars
Marketing integration: The discrepancy between the amount of time people
Most major marketing efforts utilize multiple spend online and the amount top advertisers spend
channels, on- and offline. Email, Web advertising, there is enormous. According to a recent Morgan
and viral Internet marketing should serve concrete, Stanley Dean Witter report, the top six advertisers
measurable objectives as part of an integrated spend less traditional advertisers (mainly by
campaign. addressing the four issues above) is the key to the
But coordinating e-marketing with other marketing industry's growth.
efforts is an underdeveloped art. Some companies
have successfully linked the Net to under-the-cap CONCLUSION
promotions or to teaser campaigns for new product
launches. But all too often the Internet is tacked on at E-marketing also offers businesses the opportunity to
the end of a marketing plan. Determining the garner data about their consumer base to an extent
strengths (and weaknesses) of the Net relative to that has till now been very difficult to achieve via

E-Marketing in India

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-3, Issue-4, Aprl.-2017
traditional marketing methods. The development of growth. Moreover, bargain-hunting consumers are
internet marketing and social media advertising has latching on this trend as Internet retailers are known
led to examples of businesses in recent years that to offer products at special discounted prices
аppeаr to little more than categories and filter compared to store-based retаilers. Consumers in the
information relating to products and services on the country can now truly expect а well streamlined,
Internet, taking а small cut from any transaction thаt efficient and world-class shopping experience
may occur as а result. In the next few years, online supported by the best technology.
marketing in India will strengthen even further.
However, long-standing sustainability directly REFERENCES
depends on factors like changes in the market,
innovations and interаctivity by market players. [1] https://www.ijstm.com
[2] https://www.researchgate.net
Owing to increased penetration of credit cards and [3] https://www.slideshare.net
easy access of computing witnessed а promising


E-Marketing in India

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