Property, Plant & Equipment: Measurement After Recognition
Property, Plant & Equipment: Measurement After Recognition
Property, Plant & Equipment: Measurement After Recognition
Elimination of Dr. Accumulated depreciation
depreciation Cr. Asset
Recording gain or Dr. Asset Dr. Loss on revaluation
loss Cr. Gain on revaluation Cr. Asset
CAF 5 – IAS 16
= Net disposal proceeds – carrying amount at the time of disposal
Sale proceeds on disposal (Cash received) XX
Page | 2 Sale proceeds (part-exchange asset received) XX
Less: Disposal costs and cash paid (X)
Gain or Net disposal proceeds XX
loss Asset at cost XX
Less: Accumulated depreciation (XX)
Carrying amount at date of disposal (XX)
The gain or loss is recognised in profit or loss but gain is not classified as
The carrying amount of replaced part is derecognised on disposal even if the
replaced part was not depreciated separately. The cost of replacement may
be used as an indication for carrying amount of the replaced part.
Revaluation The revaluation surplus related to the asset disposed of is transferred
surplus to retained earnings.
The value of old asset agreed in exchange of assets.
Dr. Disposal
1. Transfer the cost of non-current asset
Dr. Accumulated depreciation
2. Transfer the accumulated depreciation
Cr. Disposal
Dr. Bank / Receivable
3. Sale proceeds (cash received)
Cr. Disposal
Dr. PPE (new)
4. Part-exchange (asset received)
Cr. Disposal
Dr. Disposal
5. Disposal costs
Cr. Bank / Payables
Dr. Disposal
6. Cash paid in part exchange
Cr. Bank
Dr. Disposal
Gain or loss (balance on disposal Cr. Gain (PL)
account) Dr. Loss (PL)
Cr. Disposal
Realisation of revaluation surplus on Dr. Revaluation Surplus
disposal Cr. Retained Earnings
The entry 1 to 7 may be combined as follows:
Dr. Accumulated depreciation
Dr. Bank (received)
Dr. PPE (new)
1 to 7. Dr. Loss (balancing figure)
Cr. Bank (paid)
Cr. PPE (old)
Cr. Gain (balancing figure)
Measurement bases for determining gross carrying amount (Cost
model or revaluation model)
Depreciation method
For each class
Useful lives or depreciation rates
of PPE Page | 3
Gross carrying amount and accumulated depreciation at beginning
and at end of the period and reconciliation thereof [PPE
the existence and amounts of restrictions on title, and PPE pledged
as security for liabilities
Circumstantial capital work in progress
disclosure the amount of contractual commitments for the acquisition of PPE
the amount of compensation from third parties for items of PPE
that were impaired, lost or given up.
Change in The nature and financial effect of the change in residual values, estimated
estimate dismantling costs, useful lives and depreciation method is to be disclosed.
the effective date of the revaluation
whether an independent valuer was involved
the extent to which items’ fair values were determined directly by
reference to observable prices in an active market or recent market
For revalued transactions or were estimated using other valuation techniques.
assets for each revalued class of PPE, the carrying amount that would
have been recognised had the assets been carried under the cost
the revaluation surplus, indicating the change for the period and
any restrictions on the distribution of the balance to shareholders.
the carrying amount of temporarily idle PPE
the gross carrying amount of any fully depreciated PPE that is still
in use;
the carrying amount of PPE retired from active use and not
classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5
when the cost model is used, the fair value of PPE when this is
materially different from the carrying amount.
Cost Rs. m
At beginning of period 500 250 750
Additions 20 10 30
Acquisition through business combination 50 25 75
Revaluation effect 40 20 60
Impairment losses (30) (15) (45)
Disposals (60) (30) (90)
Assets classified as held for sale (IFRS 5) (10) (5) (15)
At the end of period 510 255 665
Accumulated depreciation
At beginning of period 100 50 150
Depreciation expense 40 20 60
Revaluation effect (10) (5) (15)
Disposals / Transfers (20 (10) (30)
At the end of period 110 55 165
Carrying amount 400 200 600
CAF 5 – IAS 16
IAS 1 requires the disclosure of accounting policies used that are relevant
to an understanding of the financial statements. Property, plant and
equipment often includes the largest numbers in the statement of financial
Page | 4 of IAS 1
position and results in significant expense in the statement of
comprehensive income.
Increases in the carrying amount arising on revaluation of land and buildings are credited to
other comprehensive income. Decreases that offset previous increases of the same asset
are charged directly to other comprehensive income. Any amounts not so covered are
recognised in profit or loss for the period.
Depreciation is based on the carrying amount of the asset after the revaluation. The
incremental depreciation is the difference between the depreciation based on historical cost
and depreciation based on fair value. Each year this amount is transferred from the
revaluation surplus to accumulated profits. Any accumulated depreciation at the date of
revaluation is eliminated against the gross carrying amount of the asset, and the net amount
is restated to the revalued amount of the asset.
When revalued assets are sold, the amounts included revaluation surplus in respect of that
asset is transferred to accumulated profits. Freehold land has an indefinite useful life and is
not depreciated. Freehold buildings are depreciated on a straight-line basis over their useful
economic lives over as shown below.
Leasehold land and buildings are all depreciated on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method to allocate their cost or revalued
amounts to their residual values over their estimated useful lives, as follows:
Buildings 35-50 years
Machinery 5 to15 years
Vehicles 3 years
Furniture, fittings and equipment 5 to 10 years
The residual values and useful lives of assets are reviewed on an annual basis and adjusted
as appropriate.
CAF 5 – IAS 16
Sr.# Description Marks Reference
1H Basic Incremental Depreciation calculation 05 KA
Page | 6 2C *Surplus Deficit – without transfer 10 KA
3C *Surplus Deficit – with transfer 10 KA
4C *Deficit Surplus 10 KA
5H Derecognition 04 CI
6C Derecognition of revalued asset 04 KA
7H Adjustments Limited – Effects of changes in depreciation 15 QB
8H Rooney: Complex asset loss on revaluation and reversal 12 QB
9H Ehtisham: Revaluation loss and reversal of loss 10 QB
10C SK Limited: JE for revaluation gain, reversal of gain and
11 PE S18
reversal of loss
11C PQR Enterprises: Disclosures and JE for revaluation
15 PE A15
including incremental depreciation with change in estimate
12H Shahzad Textile Mills Limited: JE for incremental
depreciation, revaluation gain, reversal of gain and reversal 15 PE A14
of losses
13H Omega Chemicals Limited: Revaluation gain and losses –
17 PE S15
14H Piano Limited: Depreciation and Revaluation entries 16 PE S19
15H Carly: PPE Schedule 18 QB
16H Disclosure of revalued assets: Theory 04 PE S17
17C Sherdil Limited: PPE schedule / disclosure note
18 PE A17
18H Fam: Disclosure note 16 QB
19H Abid Limited: PPE Disclosure note with revaluation 13 PE S16
20C Orchid Limited: Disclosures PPE and change in
20 PE S18
depreciation method
21C Abbas Limited – Journal entries and disclosures 20 QB
22H Games Limited – Journal entries and disclosures 20 QB
A company revalued its buildings at the start of the year to Rs. 6 million. The property cost
was Rs. 4 million and it was bought 10 years ago. Its total useful life of 50 years is
unchanged. The company policy is to make an annual transfer of realised amounts to
retained earnings.
On 1 January 2001, M Limited purchased a building for Rs. 100,000 with nil residual value
and 10 years useful life. The company policy is not to transfer incremental depreciation.
On 31 December 2002, due to slump in the property market, the building was again revalued
but this time the worth was only Rs. 55,000.
Pass the journal entries from 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2002. (10)
On 1 January 2001, M Limited purchased a building for Rs. 100,000 with nil residual value
and 10 years useful life.
On 31 December 2001, the building was revalued to Rs. 108,000.
On 31 December 2002, due to slump in the property market, the building was again revalued
but this time the worth was only Rs. 55,000.
Pass the journal entries from 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2002. (10)
On 1 January 2001, J Limited purchased premises for Rs. 100,000 with nil residual value
and 10 years useful life.
On 31 December 2001, the building was revalued to Rs. 63,000.
On 31 December 2002, due to surge in the property market, the building was again revalued
but this time the worth was Rs. 92,000.
Pass the journal entries from 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2002. (10)
Entity X has several motor cars that are accounted for as property, plant and equipment. As
at 1 January Year 5, the cost of the entity’s cars was Rs.200,000 and the accumulated
depreciation was Rs.80,000.
On 2 January Year 5, Entity X bought a new car costing Rs.50,000. The car dealer accepted
a car owned by Entity X in part-exchange, and the part-exchange value of this old car was
Rs.4,000. This car originally cost Rs.30,000 and its accumulated depreciation is Rs.25,000.
Calculate the gain or loss on disposal of the old car (04)
CAF 5 – IAS 16
A revalued asset with a carrying amount of Rs. 70,000 (after deducting accumulated
depreciation of Rs. 30,000) was sold for Rs. 95,000. There is a Rs. 40,000 revaluation
surplus relating to this asset.
Page | 8 Pass the journal entries on disposal. (04)
Adjustments Limited has carried out a review of its non-current assets.
(a) A lathe was purchased on 1 January 2009 for Rs. 150,000. The plant had an
estimated useful life of twelve years, residual value of nil. Depreciation is charged on
the straight line basis. On 1 January 2015, when the asset’s net book value is Rs.
75,000, the directors decide that the asset’s total useful life is only ten years.
(b) A grinder was purchased on 1 January 2012 for Rs. 100,000. The plant had an
estimated useful life of ten years and a residual value of nil. Depreciation is charged
on the straight line basis. On 1 January 2015, when the asset’s net book value is Rs.
70,000, the directors decide that it would be more appropriate to depreciate this
asset using the sum of digits approach. The remaining useful life is unchanged.
(c) The company purchased a fifty year lease some years ago for Rs. 1,000,000. This
was being depreciated over its life on a straight line basis. On 1 January 2015, when
the net book value is Rs. 480,000 and twenty-four years of the lease are remaining,
the asset is revalued to Rs. 1,500,000. This revised value is being incorporated into
the accounts.
Explain the effects of these changes on the depreciation for the year to 31 December 2015.
Rooney manufactured a press for Rs. 30 million. The press comprises two significant parts,
the hydraulic system and the ‘frame’. The hydraulic system has a three year life and the
‘frame’ has an eight year life. Rooney depreciates plant on a straight line basis. The cost of
the hydraulic system is 30% of the total cost of manufacture.
Rooney uses the IAS 16 revaluation model in accounting for diamond presses and revalues
these assets on an annual basis.
Revaluation surpluses or deficits are apportioned between the hydraulic system and the
‘frame’ on the basis of their year-end book values before the revaluation.
Explain the IAS 16 rules on accounting for significant parts of property, plant and equipment
and show the accounting treatment of the diamond press in the financial statements for the
financial years ending:
(i) 31st March 2016 (assume that the press has a fair value of Rs. 21million)
(ii) 31st March 2017 (assume that the press has a fair value of Rs. 19.6 million).
The following information relates to the financial statements of Ehtisham for the year to 31
March 2015.
The head office of Ehtisham was acquired on 1 April 2012 for Rs.1 million. Ehtisham intend
to occupy the building for 25 years. On 31 March 2014 it was revalued to Rs. 1.15 million.
On 31 March 2015, a surplus of vacant commercial property in the area had led to a fall in Page | 9
property prices and the fair value was now only Rs. 0.8 million.
Explain the correct accounting treatment for the above (with calculations if appropriate).
Following information pertains to a building acquired by SK Limited (SKL) on 1 July 2012 for
Rs. 360 million:
(i) The building is being depreciated on straight-line basis over 10 years.
(ii) SKL uses revaluation model for subsequent measurement of buildings. It accounts
for revaluation on net replacement value method. The details of revaluations as
carried out by independent valuer are as follows:
Fair value
Revaluation date
(Rs. in million)
31 December 2013 323
31 December 2015 208
31 December 2017 167
(iii) There is no change in useful life of the building.
(iv) SKL transfers the maximum possible amount from the revaluation surplus to retained
earnings on an annual basis.
(v) SKL’s financial year ends on 31 December.
Prepare entries to record revaluation surplus/loss on each of the above revaluation date.
(Entries to record depreciation expense, incremental depreciation and elimination of
accumulated depreciation are not required) (11)
(a) When a company follows revaluation model for subsequent measurement of its
Property, Plant and Equipment, it is required to provide certain additional disclosures
(as compared to cost model). Specify such disclosures as have been mentioned in
IAS 16 ‘Property, Plant and Equipment’. (03)
(b) PQR Enterprises was incorporated on 1 July 2012. The company depreciates its
property, plant and equipment on straight line basis over their useful life. It uses
revaluation model for subsequent measurement of the property, plant and equipment
and has a policy of revaluing these after every two years.
CAF 5 – IAS 16
During the year there were no addition or deletion in the above assets.
As per policy, PQR transfers the maximum possible amount from the revaluation surplus to
retained earnings on an annual basis.
Prepare necessary journal entries for the year ended 30 June 2014 and 2015. (12)
Shahzad Textile Mills Limited (STML) purchased a plant for Rs. 500 million on 1 July 2010.
The plant has an estimated useful life of 10 years and no residual value.
STML uses revaluation model for subsequent measurement of its property, plant and
equipment and accounts for revaluations on net replacement value method. The details of
revaluations performed by an independent firm of valuers are as follows:
Revaluation date Fair value
1 July 2011 Rs. 575 million
1 July 2012 Rs. 390 million
1 July 2013 Rs. 380 million
Prepare journal entries to record the above transactions from the date of acquisition of the
plant to the year ended 30 June 2014. (Ignore tax implications) (15)
On 31 December 2013, Omega Chemicals Limited (OCL) changed its valuation model from
cost to revaluation for its buildings. The following information pertains to its buildings as at 31
December 2013:
Prior to revaluation as at 31-12-2013 Revalued
amount as
useful life Accumulated
Cost per valuation
as originally depreciation*
-----------------------Rs. in million---------------------------
Factory buildings 20 years 100.00 37.50 52.00
Office buildings 25 years 164.50 26.32 149.94
*Including depreciation for the year ended 31 December 2013
As per the report of the professional valuer, there was no change in estimated useful life of
the buildings. OCL recorded revaluation effect for the office buildings on 31 December 2013
as per the valuation report. However, no valuation effect was incorporated for the factory
buildings as the change in their value was considered to be temporary by OCL.
On 1 July 2014, one of the office buildings was sold for Rs. 30 million. On 31 December
2013, written down value before revaluation and revalued amount of the sold building
amounted to Rs. 27.72 million and Rs. 31.92 million respectively.
On 31 December 2014, factory buildings were revalued at Rs. 64 million whereas there was
no change in value of the office buildings. Page | 11
OCL uses straight line method of depreciation which is charged from the date the asset is
available for use up to the date of disposal. Revaluation is to be accounted for by using net
replacement value method.
In the light of the requirements of the International Financial Reporting Standards, prepare
accounting entries from the above information for the year ended 31 December 2014
including correcting entries. (Ignore taxation) (17)
The following information pertains to Piano Limited (PL):
Plant Equipment
Date of acquisition 1 January 2015 1 July 2015
Cost Rs. 500 million Rs. 360 million
Estimated useful life 10 years 12 years
Residual value Rs. 60 million Nil
Depreciation method Straight line method Straight line method
Revaluation on 31 December 2016
Fair value Rs. 526 million Rs. 280 million
Residual value Rs. 78 million Nil
Revaluation on 31 December 2018
Fair value Rs. 310 million Rs. 275 million
Residual value Rs. 64 million Nil
Additional information:
(i) PL uses revaluation model for subsequent measurement and accounts for
revaluation on net replacement value method.
(ii) There is no change in useful life of plant. The remaining useful life of equipment was
estimated as 15 years and 10 years in 2016 and 2018 respectively.
(iii) PL transfers maximum possible amount from the revaluation surplus to retained
earnings on an annual basis.
(iv) PL’s financial year ends on 31 December.
(a) Calculate depreciation on each asset for 2015 to 2018. (08)
(b) Prepare entries to record revaluation in 2018. (Entries to record depreciation
expense, incremental depreciation and elimination of accumulated depreciation are
not required. Further, entries prior to 2018 are also not required.) (08)
CAF 5 – IAS 16
The following is an extract from the financial statements of Carly on 31 December 2014.
Property, plant and equipment
Land and Plant and Computers Total
buildings equipment
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Page | 12 Cost
On 31 December 2014 1,500,000 340,500 617,800 2,458,300
Accumulated depreciation
On 31 December 2014 600,000 125,900 505,800 1,231,700
Carrying amount
On 31 December 2014 900,000 214,600 112,000 1,226,600
Accounting policies
Depreciation is provided at the following rates.
On land and buildings 2% per annum straight line on buildings only
On plant and equipment 25% reducing balance
On computers 33.33% per annum straight line
State the disclosure requirements for assets carried at revalued amounts, as referred to in
IAS – 16 ‘Property, Plant and Equipment’. (04)
The following information pertains to Sherdil Limited (SL):
(i) Buildings and equipment were acquired on 1 January 2014 for Rs. 450 million and
Rs. 50 million respectively.
Depreciation Subsequent
Assets Life/rate
method measurement
Buildings Straight line 20 years Annual revaluation
Equipment Reducing balance 10% Cost
(iv) Equipment costing Rs. 35 million was purchased on 1 August 2015. Half of the
equipment purchased on 1 January 2014 was disposed off on 30 June 2016.
In accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, prepare a note on ‘Property
plant & equipment’ (including comparative figures) for inclusion in SL’s financial statements
for the year ended 31 December 2016. (18)
Fam had the following tangible fixed assets at 31 December 2014.
Cost Depreciation NBV
Rs. 000 Rs. 000 Rs. 000
Land 500 – 500
Buildings 400 80 320
Plant and machinery 1,613 458 1,155
Fixtures and fittings 390 140 250
Assets under construction 91 – 91
2,994 678 2,316
CAF 5 – IAS 16
(8) Depreciation is provided on all assets in use at the year end at the following rates.
Buildings 2% per annum straight line
Plant 20% per annum straight line
Fixtures 25% per annum reducing balance
Page | 14 Show the disclosure under IAS 16 in relation to fixed assets in the notes to the published
accounts for the year ended 31 December 2015. (16)
Abid Limited (AL) uses the revaluation model for subsequent measurement of its property,
plant and equipment and has a policy of revaluing its assets on an annual basis using the
net replacement value method.
The following information pertains to AL’s buildings:
(i) Four buildings were acquired in same vicinity on 1 January 2012 at a cost of Rs. 300
million. The useful life of the buildings on the date of acquisition was 20 years.
(ii) AL depreciates buildings on the straight line basis over their useful life.
(iii) The results of revaluations carried out during the last three years by Premier
Valuation Service, an independent firm of valuers, are as follows:
Fair value
Revaluation date
Rs in Million
1 January 2013 323
1 January 2014 252
1 January 2015 272
(iv) On 30 June 2015, one of the buildings was sold for Rs. 80 million.
Prepare a note on “Property, plant and equipment” (including comparative figures) for
inclusion in AL’s financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2015 in accordance
with International Financial Reporting Standard. (Ignore taxation) (13)
The following information pertains to property, plant and equipment of Orchid Limited (OL), a
listed company:
Cost Subsequent
Date of Original Depreciation
Description Rs. in measurement
purchase useful life method
million model
Buildings 1-Jan-15 600 30 years Straight line Revaluation
Plant 1-Jan-15 475 25 years Straight line Cost
The revalued amount of buildings as determined by Shabbir Associates, an independent
valuer, on 31 December 2015 and 2017 was Rs. 700 million and Rs. 463 million
On 30 June 2017 a building having original cost of Rs. 66 million was sold to Baqir Limited
for Rs. 85 million. It was last revalued at Rs. 87 million. OL incurred a cost of Rs. 2 million on
OL transfers the maximum possible amount from revaluation surplus to retained earnings on
an annual basis.
On 31 December 2016 the recoverable amount of the plant was assessed at Rs. 360 million
with no change in useful life.
During 2017, OL has decided to change the depreciation method for plant from straight line
to reducing balance. The new depreciation rate would be 10%.
Page | 15
Prepare following notes (along with comparative figures) to be presented in the financial
statements of OL for the year ended 31 December 2017 in accordance with the
requirements of relevant IFRSs and Companies Act, 2017:
(a) Property, plant and equipment (18)
(b) Change in depreciation method (02)
Abbas Limited (AL) is engaged in the business of manufacturing near the Karachi-
Hyderabad Motorway. Its Property, Plant and Equipment comprises of land and buildings,
plant and machinery, and equipment and fittings. Details for the period up to 30 June 2018
are as follows:
(i) The balances as at 30 June 2018 are given below:
Gross Carrying Amount Accumulated Depreciation
(Rs. Million) (Rs. Million)
Land 12 N/A
Buildings 125 38
Plant and Machinery 500 300
Equipment 100 36
(ii) The relevant information pertaining these assets is given below:
Assets Depreciation Method Subsequent Measurement Model
Land N/A Fair Value
Buildings Straight-line Cost
Plant and Machinery Units of Production Cost
Equipment Written down value Cost
(iii) Abbas Limited uses proportionate policy to depreciate its Property, Plant and
(iv) All of the plant and machinery pertains to factory use whereas all the equipment
pertains to office use. However, floor areas occupied by factory and office are in the
ratio 60:40 respectively.
(v) The equipment was purchased on 1 July 2016. No disposals and acquisitions took
place in the period up to 30 June 2018.
(vi) Until 30 June 2018, 12,000 units had been produced by Abbas Limited in its factory.
The plant and machinery do not have any residual value. No additions or disposals of
plant and machinery took place till this date.
(vii) The buildings were acquired on 1 July 2014 with a residual value of Rs. 11 million.
No additions and disposals took place till 30 June 2018.
(viii) The land had actually cost Rs. 15 million on the date of its acquisition.
(ix) It is assumed that value of land and buildings is spread evenly across the area
The following information pertains to the year ended 30 June 2019:
(i) On 1 July 2018, land was revalued to Rs. 20 million on 1 July 2018. The value was
determined by an independent firm M/s Ashfaq& Co. Chartered Accountants.
CAF 5 – IAS 16
(ii) This year, 5,000 units were produced in the factory of AL.
(iii) On January 1, 2019, AL disposed 25% of its area comprising of land and buildings at
a price of Rs. 90 million. The portion of land was sold at its fair value as determined
on 1 July 2018. The legal costs of drafting transfer agreements were Rs. 0.1 million.
It is assumed that this disposal will not affect the proportion of areas occupied by
factory and office.
Page | 16
(iv) Further equipment costing Rs. 60 million was acquired on 1 November 2018.
(v) In the meeting of its board of directors, it was decided to open a new factory
premises near Lahore-Islamabad motorway. An expenditure of Rs. 20 million was
spent of the construction of the factory on 1 December 2018, financed by a loan
obtained from the bank at the rate of 12% per annum. The construction had not been
completed at the end of the year.
(vi) Moreover, the directors also made a contract with M/s Uni Power& Co. to purchase
plant and machinery worth Rs. 35 million once the construction of factory building is
(a) Prepare journal entries to record the revaluation of land and disposal of land and
(b) Prepare the disclosure under IAS 16 in relation to Property, Plant and Equipment in
the notes to the published accounts for the year ended 30 June 2019. (20)
Games Limited (GL) commenced a business of preparing and burning video game CDs on 1
July 2015. The following information pertains to the year ended 31 March 2016:
(i) GL purchased 30 computers on the date of commencement of business at a cost of
Rs. 20,000 each, purely for the task of burning CDs. The management of GL
estimates that since the computers are subject to obsolescence, more of its benefit
can derived in its early life. The total useful life at the date of acquisition was
estimated to be 4 years and residual value was estimated to be Rs. 4,802 for each
computer.GL decided to adopt historical cost model for subsequently measurement
of computers.
(ii) GL purchased an office building at the date of start of business worth Rs. 3 million.
GL decided to adopt fair value model due to fluctuations in property prices. 80% of
the building is occupied by computer labs, whereas 20% is used by administrative
and selling departments. The useful life is estimated to be 10 years at the date of
acquisition with no residual value, and the economic benefits are expected to be
derived evenly over its useful life. At the end of the year, the fair value of office
buildings was assessed to be Rs. 3,237,500.
(iii) GL also purchased fittings for its administrative and selling departments, costing Rs.
120,000 on 1 July 2015. It is to be depreciated over 10 years using the straight-line
method, with no residual value.
(iv) GL made a contractual commitment with Al-Karim Computers to purchase 6
computers of Rs. 20,000 each to be delivered at GL’s premises on 1 May 2017.
(ii) At the end of the year, the fair value of office building was assessed to be Rs. 2
million. At the yearend GL mortgaged entire building with JS Bank to obtain a loan
worth Rs. 1.75 million for prospective investments in other divisions.
(iii) Fittings with a cost of Rs. 30,000 were disposed of for Rs. 22,000 on 1 January 2017.
The Suzuki Driver was paid Rs. 1,000 to transfer the fittings to customer’s premises.
(iv) The fair values of the office building were determined by an independent firm M/s Page | 17
Hafeez Yasir Chartered Accountants& Co. Moreover, GL uses proportionate policy to
depreciate its assets.
(a) Prepare the disposal account to record the sale of fittings on 1 January 2017.
(b) Prepare the disclosure under IAS 16 in relation to Property, Plant and Equipment in
the notes to the published accounts for the year ended 31 March 2017 (comparatives
are required). (20)
CAF 5 – IAS 16
Page | 18
Depreciation per year (before revaluation) Rs. 4,000,000 / 50 years 80,000
Accumulated depreciation at revaluation Rs. 80,000 x 10 years 800,000
Carrying amount before revaluation Rs. 4,000,000 – 800,000 3,200,000
Page | 19
Gain on revaluation Rs. 6,000,000 – 3,200,000 2,800,000
Deprecation – current year Rs. 6,000,000 / 40 years 150,000
Rs. 150,000 – 80,000 70,000
Incremental depreciation
Rs. 2,800,000 / 40 years 70,000
Date Particulars Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.
01.01.01 Building 100,000
Bank 100,000
31.12.01 Depreciation 10,000
Accumulated depreciation 10,000
(Rs. 100,000 / 10 years) = Rs. 10,000
31.12.01 Accumulated depreciation 10,000
Building 10,000
31.12.01 Building 18,000
Gain on revaluation (OCI) 18,000
31.12.02 Depreciation 12,000
Accumulated depreciation 12,000
(Rs. 108,000 / 9 years) = Rs. 12,000
31.12.02 Accumulated depreciation 12,000
Building 12,000
31.12.02 Loss on revaluation (OCI) 18,000
Revaluation loss (P&L) 23,000
Building (cost) 41,000
Date Particulars Dr. Rs. Cr. Rs.
01.01.01 Building 100,000
Bank 100,000
31.12.01 Depreciation 10,000
Accumulated depreciation 10,000
(Rs. 100,000 / 10 years) = Rs. 10,000
31.12.01 Accumulated depreciation 10,000
Building 10,000
31.12.01 Building 18,000
Gain on revaluation (OCI) 18,000
31.12.02 Depreciation 12,000
Accumulated depreciation 12,000
(Rs. 108,000 / 9 years) = Rs. 12,000
31.12.02 Revaluation Surplus 2,000
Retained earnings 2,000
(Rs. 12,000 – 10,000 = Rs. 2,000 OR Rs. 18,000 / 9 years)
CAF 5 – IAS 16
Page | 20
Date Particulars Dr .Rs. Cr. Rs.
01.01.01 Building 100,000
Bank 100,000
31.12.01 Depreciation 10,000
Accumulated depreciation 10,000
(Rs. 100,000 / 10 years) = Rs. 10,000
31.12.01 Accumulated depreciation 10,000
Building (cost) 10,000
Revaluation/Impairment loss (P&L) 27,000
Building (cost) 27,000
31.12.02 Depreciation 7,000
Accumulated depreciation 7,000
(Rs. 63,000 / 9 years) = Rs. 7,000
31.12.02 Accumulated depreciation 7,000
Building (cost) 7,000
Building (cost) 36,000
Reversal of revaluation loss (P&L) 24,000
Gain on revaluation (OCI) 12,000
(now carrying amount Rs. 56,000 to HCA Rs. 80,000)
Sale proceeds on disposal (Cash received) 0
Sale proceeds (part-exchange asset received) 50,000
Less: Disposal costs and cash paid [Rs. 50,000 – 4,000 trade in] (46,000)
Net disposal proceeds 4,000
Asset at cost 30,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation (25,000)
Carrying amount at date of disposal (5,000)
Date Particulars DrRs. Cr. Rs.
XXX Accumulated depreciation 30,000
Cash 95,000
Asset 100,000
Gain on disposal (Other income) 25,000
XXX Revaluation surplus 40,000
Retained earnings 40,000
Part (a)
The lathe was purchased in 2009 and was originally being written off over an estimated
useful life of twelve years. As at 1 January 2015 six of the years have elapsed with a further
six years remaining. It was decided that the machine will now only be usable for a further
four years.
Page | 21
IAS 16 requires that where the original estimate of useful life is revised, adjustments should
be made in current and future periods (not in prior periods). The unamortized cost of the
asset should be charged to revenue over the remaining useful life of the asset. The net book
value of Rs. 75,000 should therefore be charged over the remaining four years of useful life,
giving an annual depreciation charge of Rs. 18,750. The revision is not a change in
accounting policy, or a fundamental error but a change in accounting estimate. It is therefore
not appropriate to deal with any excess depreciation by adjusting opening retained earnings.
Part (b)
The grinder was purchased in 2012 and was originally being depreciated on a straight line
basis. It has now been decided to depreciate this on the sum of digits basis.
The depreciation charge for the remaining life of the asset will therefore be as follows.
Year No of digits Depreciation
2015 7 (7/28 x 70,000) 17,500
2016 6 (6/28 x 70,000) 15,000
2017 5 12,500
2018 4 10,000
2019 3 7,500
2020 2 5,000
2021 1 2,500
½ x 7 (7 + 1) 28 70,000
Disclosure will need to be made in the accounts of the details of the change, including the
effect on the charge in the year.
Part (c)
IAS 16’s allowed alternative treatment in respect of measurement of property plant and
equipment (subsequent to initial recognition), is that of revaluation. Revaluation is made at
fair value. Where any item of property plant or equipment is revalued, the entire class to
which the asset belongs should be revalued. Revaluations must be kept up to date. Where
there are volatile movements in fair value, the revaluation should be performed annually.
Where there are no such movements, revaluations every three to five years may be
CAF 5 – IAS 16
(ii) Eliminated against the gross carrying amount of the assets and the net amount
restated to the revalued amount of the asset (e.g. where buildings are revalued to
their market value).
AS 16 requires that the subsequent charge for depreciation should be based on the revalued
amount. The annual depreciation will therefore be Rs. 62,500, i.e. Rs. 1,500,000 divided by
Page | 22 the 24 years of remaining life. There will then be a difference between the revalued
depreciation charge and the historical depreciation charge. The resulting excess
depreciation may be dealt with by a movement in reserves, i.e. by transferring from the
revaluation reserve to retained earnings a figure equal to the depreciation charged on the
revaluation surplus each year.
IAS 16 requires that each part of an item (that has a cost that is significant in relation to the
total cost) is depreciated separately. Therefore, the cost recognized at initial recognition
must be allocated to each part accordingly.
(i) 31st March 2016
Hydraulic System Frame Total
Carrying amount 1-4-2015 9,000 21,000 30,000
Depreciation (3,000) (2,625) (5,625)
Carrying amount
6,000 18,375 24,375
6,000 / 24,375 x 3,375 = 18,375 / 24,375 x
Loss on revaluation
(831) 3,375 = (2,544) (3,375)
Fair value 5,169 15,831 21,000
IAS 36 implications
Hydraulic System Frame Total
Loss recognised last year 831 2544 3375
Depreciation reduced by (416) (363) (779)
Loss reversal possible
415 2,181 2596
through PL
Gain in OCI 136 715 851
Total 551 2896 3,447
The original depreciation was Rs. 40,000 (Rs. 1,000,000/25 years) per annum.
On 31st March 2014 the asset is two years old. Its carrying value before revaluation was
therefore Rs. 1million less accumulated depreciation of Rs. 80,000 (2/25 × Rs. 1million).
Cost/valuation 1,000,000
Accumulated depreciation (80,000)
Net book value 920,000
In order to effect the revaluation, the cost is uplifted to fair value of Rs. 1.15m, the
accumulated depreciation is eliminated, and the uplift to the net book value is credited to a
revaluation surplus account.
Accumulated depreciation 80,000
Cost / Valuation 80,000
Page | 23
Cost/valuation 2300,000
Revaluation surplus 230,000
The asset is depreciated over its remaining useful economic life of 23 years giving a charge
of Rs. 50,000 (Rs. 1,150,000/23 years) per annum in the year to 31st March 2015.
Cost/valuation 1,150,000
Accumulated depreciation (50,000)
Net book value 1,100,000
Debit Credit
Date Description
Rs. M
31 Dec 2013 Accumulated depreciation 18 + 36 54
Building 54
Building 17
Revaluation Surplus (OCI) 17
CAF 5 – IAS 16
Part (a)
When items of property, plant and equipment are stated at revalued amounts, the following
additional disclosure should be made:
the effective date of the revaluation;
whether an independent valuer was involved;
for each revalued class of property, plant and equipment, the carrying amount that would
have been recognised had the assets been carried under the cost model; and
the revaluation surplus, indicating the change for the period and any restrictions on the
distribution of the balance to shareholders.
Part (b)
Journal entries
Date Particulars Debit Credit
Rs. in million
30-Jun-14 Depreciation for the year (W-1) 1,390
Accumulated depreciation – Office building 500
Accumulated depreciation – Factory building 440
Accumulated depreciation – Warehouse 450
30-Jun-14 Accumulated depreciation – Office building (W-1) 1,000
Accumulated depreciation – Factory building (W-1) 880
Accumulated depreciation – Warehouse (W-1) 900
Office building 1,000
Factory building 880
Warehouse 900
30-Jun-14 Office building (W-1) 750
Loss on impairment – buildings and warehouse 450
Surplus on revaluation 750
Factory building (W-1) 200
Warehouse (W-1) 250
30-Jun-15 Depreciation expense (W-1) 1,507
Accumulated depreciation – Office building 719
Accumulated depreciation – Factory buildings 369
Accumulated depreciation – Warehouse 419
30-Jun-15 Surplus on revaluation (750÷8) 94
Retained earnings (incremental depreciation) 94
Acc. Revaluation
Dep. for Revalued Dep. for
Dep. surplus/
Cost (A) WDV (B) the year amount the year
Assets D=A- (impairment)
2014 (C) (E) 2015
B+C F=E-(A-D)
---------------------------------- Rupees in million ----------------------------------
Office Page | 25
6,000 5,500 500 1,000 5,750 750 719
4,400 3,960 440 880 3,320 (200) 369
Warehouse 4,500 4,050 450 900 3,350 (250) 419
1,390 1,507
Debit Credit
Date Particulars
(Rs. m) (Rs. m)
1-Jul-10 Plant 500.00
Bank 500.00
Record purchase of plant
30-Jun-11 Depreciation 50.00
Accumulated depreciation - Plant 50.00
(Record depreciation for the year 2010-11)
Working: Rs. 500m ÷ 10 = Rs. 50m
1-Jul-11 Accumulated depreciation - Plant 50.00
Plant 50.00
(Reversal of prior years’ depreciation)
CAF 5 – IAS 16
Omega Chemicals Limited
Accounting entries for the year ended 31 December 2014
Debit credit
Date Description
Rs. in million
Accumulated depreciation-Factory buildings 37.50
Factory building 37.50
(Reversal of accumulated depreciation on revaluation of
factory buildings on 31 December 2013 – correcting entry)
31-Dec-13 Retained earnings (2013 Impairment) [52 – (100 – 37.5)] 10.50
Factory buildings 10.50
(2013 Impairment of factory buildings accounted for in 2014 –
correcting entry)
31-Dec-14 Depreciation expense(52÷12.5W1) 4.16
Accumulated depreciation-Factory buildings 4.16
(Depreciation expenses for the year ended 31 December
Part (a)
Plant Equipment
----- Rs. in million -----
Cost 500 360
Depreciation 2015 [(500–60)/10] ; [(360/12)×(6/12)] (44) (15)
456 345
Depreciation 2016 [(456–78)/9], [345/15] (42) (23)
414 322
Revaluation–surplus/(loss) 2016 (balancing) 112 (42)
Fair value 526 280
Depreciation 2017 [(526–78)/8], [280/14] (56) (20)
470 260
Depreciation 2018 [(470–64)/7], [260/10] (58) (26)
412 234
CAF 5 – IAS 16
Part (b)
Piano Limited
Accounting entries for revaluation
Date Particulars Dr. Rs. m Cr. Rs. m
31-Dec-18 Revaluation loss (PL) 18
Revaluation surplus (OCI) 84
Page | 28 Plant 102
31-Dec-18 Equipment 41
Revaluation gain (PL) 35.1
Revaluation surplus (OCI) 5.9
Plant Equipment
W1: Revaluation surplus/(impairment): ----- Rs. in million -----
Fair value 310 275
Book value [From part(a)] (412) (234)
Increase / (Decrease) in asset (102) 41
Adjustment for previous:
Revaluation surplus 112–(112÷8)– (112÷8) 84
Revaluation loss 42–(42÷14)–(39÷10) (35.1)
Revaluation surplus/(Revaluation loss) (18) 5.9
Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2015 (extract)
Property, plant and equipment
Land and Plant & Computer Total
buildings machinery equipment
At 1 January 2015 1,500,000 340,500 617,800 2,458,300
Revaluation 250,000 - - 250,000
Additions W2 - 17,550 - 17,550
Disposals - (80,000) - (80,000)
At 31 December 2015 1,750,000 278,050 617,800 2,645,850
Accumulated depreciation
At 1 January 2015 600,000 125,900 505,800 1,231,700
Charge for the year W1 20,000 51,191 44,800 115,991
Revaluation (620,000) - - (620,000)
Disposals - (57,000) - (57,000)
At 31 December 2015 Nil 120,091 550,600 670,691
Carrying Amount
At 31 December 2014 900,000 214,600 112,000 1,226,600
At 31 December 2015 1,750,000 157,959 67,200 1,975,159
W1 -Depreciation charges
Buildings = (1,500,000 – 500,000) x 2% 20,000
Plant and machinery:
New machine (17,550 x 25% x 9/12) 3,291
Existing plant (((340,500 – 80,000) – (125,900 – 57,000)) x 25%) 47,900
Total 3,291 + 47,900 51,191
Computer equipment = 112,000 x 40% 44,800
Property, plant & 2016 2015
equipment Building Equipment Total Building Equipment Total
Rs. in million
Cost / Revalued amount
1 Jan 456 85 541 450 50 500
Revaluation - cancellation (24) (24) (22.5) (22.5)
Revaluation surplus
28.5 – 28.5/19 (27) (27) 28.5 28.5
Revaluation loss (27) (27)
Additions 35 35
Disposal [50 x 50%] (25) (25)
31 December 378 60 438 456 85 541
Accumulated depreciation
1 Jan 24 10.96 34.96 22.5 5 27.5
Revaluation - cancellation (24) (24) (22.5) (22.5)
Disposal W2 (5.76) (5.76)
Depreciation W1 21 6.39 27.39 24 5.96 29.96
31 Dec 21 11.59 32.59 24 10.96 34.96
The revaluation was performed on 1 January 2016 by Accurate Valuers (Private) Limited, an
independent firm of valuers. The entity transfers effect of incremental depreciation from
revaluation surplus to retained earnings on annual basis.
CAF 5 – IAS 16
W1 – Depreciation Rs. m
2015 – Building [456 / 19 years] 24
2015 – Equipment [45 x 10% = 4.5] + [35 x 10% x 5/12 = 1.46] 5.96
2016 – Building [378 / 18 years] 21
2015 – Equipment [74.04 – 20.25] x 10% + 1.01 6.39
Page | 30
W2 – Depreciation on disposed equipment Rs. m
Cost 50 x 50% 25
Depreciation 2014 10% (2.5)
Depreciation 2015 10% (2.25)
Depreciation 2016 10% x 6/12 (1.01)
Accounting policies
(a) Property, plant and equipment is stated at historical cost less depreciation, except
land and building which is stated at revalue amount less subsequent accumulated
(b) Depreciation is provided on all assets, except land, and is calculated to write down
the cost or valuation over the estimated useful life of the asset.
Land and buildings have been revalued during the year by Messer Jackson & Co on the
basis of an existing use value on the open market.
2% straight line depreciation is equivalent to a 50-year life. The buildings are ten
years old at valuation and therefore have 40 years remaining.
Depreciation on plant (1,613 + 154 – 277) x 20% 298
4 - Property, plant and equipment
2015 2014
----- Rs. in million ----
Gross carrying amount 252 323
Accumulated depreciation and impairment losses (323÷19) = 17 (14) (17)
Net carrying amount 238 306
Additions - -
Revaluation (expense)/Income (P/L)
[272- {300-(300÷20*3)}] and (306-252-36) 17 (18)
Revaluation surplus increase/(decrease) (OCI)
(272-238-17) and [{323-(300-15)} -(38÷19)] 17 (36)
The last revaluation was performed on 1 January 2015 by M/s Premier Valuation Services,
an independent firm of valuers. Revaluations are performed annually.
CAF 5 – IAS 16
2015 2014
… Rs in million …
Carrying value had the cost model been used instead
[225 – (225÷20× 4)] and [300 – (300÷20×3)] 180 255
Page | 32 4.1 - Details of property, plant and equipment disposed of during the year
Cost /
Accumulated Carrying Sale
Revalued Mode of Particulars of
depreciation amount proceeds
amount disposal buyers
……… .Rs in million………
Building 68 2 66 80 Not mentioned Not mentioned
Orchid Limited
Notes to the financial Statements
For the year ended 31 December 2017
Property, plant & equipment 2017 2016
Building Plant Total Building Plant Total
Rs. in million
Cost / Revalued amount
1 Jan 700 475 1,175 700 475 1,175
Disposal (87) (87)
Revaluation – cancellation (42.28) (42.28)
Revaluation loss (OCI & PL) W1 (107.72) (107.72)
31 December 463 475 938 700 475 1,175
Acc. depreciation/Impairment
1 Jan 24.14 115 139.14 0 19 19
Disposal W2 (4.5) (4.5)
Depreciation W1 22.64 36 58.64 24.14 19 43.14
Revaluation (Cancellation) (42.28) (42.28)
Impairment W1 77 77
31 Dec 0 151 151 24.14 115 139.14
Building Plant
Measurement basis Revaluation model Cost model
Useful life / depreciation rate 30 years 10%
Depreciation method Straight line Reducing balance
The last revaluation was performed on 31 December 2017 by Shabbir Associates, an independent
firm of valuer.
Cost /
Book Sale
Assets Rev. Gain Mode of
Purchaser Value Price
disposed amount disposal
Rs. in million
Building Baqir Ltd 87.00 82.50 85.00 0.5 Tender
Cost of disposal Rs. 2 m
Change in estimate
Due to significant change in the expected pattern or consumption of the future economic
benefits in the Plant assets, therefore, the company has decided to change the depreciation
method of plant from straight line to reducing balance method. The new depreciation rate is
Had the deprecation method been not changed, profit of 2017 would have been higher by Page | 33
Rs. 20.35 million. [Rs. 360 x 10% - 360 /23 years]
2015 – Depreciation [475 / 25 years] 19
2016 – Depreciation [475 / 25 years] 19
2016 – Impairment [475 – 19 – 19] – [360 Recoverable amount] 77
2017 – Depreciation [360 x 10% reducing balance] 36
Part (a)
Dr Cr.
Date Particulars
R. 000 Rs. 000
July 1, 2018 Land 8,000
Revaluation surplus 5,000
Reversal of revaluation loss (other income) 3,000
Jan 1, 2019 Cash [90m – 0.1m] 89,900
Acc. Dep. [(125 - 11) x 25% / 12 years x 4.5 years] 10,687.5
Buildings [125m x 25%] 31,250
Land [20m x 25%] 5,000
Gain on disposal (Other income) 64,337.5
Jan 1, 2019 Revaluation surplus 1,250
Retained earnings 1,250
CAF 5 – IAS 16
Revaluation surplus
Rs. Million
At 1 July 2018 -
Revaluation of land 5
Transfer to retained earnings (1.25)
At 30 June 2019 3.75 Page | 35
A further reversal of revaluation loss of Rs. 3 million was reversed during the year.
1. Annual depreciation on building = Rs. 38m / 4 years (2014 to 2018) = Rs. 9.5
Original useful life = Depreciable amount / Depreciation = (125 – 11) / 9.5 = 12 years
2. (Accumulated depreciation 300,000,000/12,000 units) = Rs. 25,000 per unit
100 − 36
= 1− = 20%
4. Depreciation on buildings
On disposed [(125-11) x 25% / 12 years x 6/12] = Rs. 1,187.5
On other [(125-11) x 75% / 12 years x 12/12] = Rs. 7,125
Total = Rs. 8,312.5
5. Depreciation on equipment
On addition 60 x 20% x 8/12 = Rs. 8,000
On other (100 – 36) x 20% x 12/12 = Rs. 12,800
Total = Rs. 20,800
6. Borrowing costs capitalised
20 million x 12% x 7/12 = 1.4 million
Part (a)
Disposal account – Fittings
Rs. Rs.
Jan 1 Fittings – cost 30,000 Jan 1 Acc dep – fittings W1 4,500
Jan 1 Cash (disposal costs) 1,000 Jan 1 Cash (sale proceeds) 22,000
Mar 31 SPL – loss on disposal 4,500
31,000 31,000
W1 30,000 x 9/12 x 2 x 10% = 4,500
CAF 5 – IAS 16
4.3 The entire office building was mortgaged with Js Bank on 31 March 2017, to obtain a
bank loan worth Rs. 1.75 million for prospective investments in other divisions.
4.4 No contractual commitments were made during the year ended 31 March 2017 to
purchase Property, plant and equipment.
A contract was made with AL – Karim Computers during the year ended 31 March
2016 to purchase 6 Computers of Rs. 20,000 each to be delivered on 1 May 2017.
4.5 The following depreciations are either made part of inventory or expensed out in
statement of profit or loss:
2017 2016
Assets COS Admin Total COS Admin Total
Buildings 280,000 70,000 350,000 180,000 45,000 225,000
Computers 172,500 - 172,500 135,000 - 135,000
Fittings - 11,250 11,250 - 9,000 9,000
Total 452,500 81,250 533,750 315,000 54,000 369,000
4.6 Revaluation disclosures
The revaluation of office building took place on 31 March 2017 and 31 March 2016
respectively. The fair values of the office building were determined by an
independent firm M/s Hafeez Yasir Chartered Accountants & Co.
The carrying amount of buildings had the revaluation not taken place:
2017 2016
Rs. Rs.
Cost at the start of the year 3,000,000 -
Acquisitions - 3,000,000
Disposals - -
At end of the year 3,000,000 3,000,000
Accumulated depreciation at start 225,000 -
Depreciation for the year 300,000 225,000
Disposals - -
At the end of the year 525,000 225,000
Carrying amount at year end 2,475,000 2,775,000
Carrying amount at year start 2,775,000 -
Revaluation Surplus
2017 2016
Rs. Rs.
At start of the year 462,500 -
Revaluation of building (412,500) 462,500
Transfer to retained earnings (350,000-300,000) (50,000) - Page | 37
At end of the year - 462,500
= 1− = 30%
2. Depreciation – Building
2017 3,237,500 / 9.25 = Rs. 350,000
2016 3,000,000 / 10 x 9/12 = Rs. 225,000
3. Depreciation – Computers
2017 Acquisitions (120,000x30%x11/12) = Rs. 33,000
+ Remaining [(600,000 - 135,000) x30%] = Rs. 139,500
= Rs. 172,500
2016 600,000 x 30% x 9/12 = 135,000
4. Depreciation – Fittings
2017 Disposals (30,000x10%x9/12) = Rs. 2,250
+ Remaining (90,000x10%) = Rs. 9,000
= Rs. 11,250
2016 120,000/10 x 9/12 = 9,000
CAF 5 – IAS 16
Page | 38
02. An entity owns two buildings, A and B, which are currently recorded in the books at carrying
amounts of Rs. 170,000 and Rs. 330,000 respectively. Both buildings have recently been valued
as follows:
Building A Rs. 400,000
Building B Rs. 250,000
The entity currently has a balance on the revaluation surplus of Rs. 50,000 which arose when
building A was revalued several years ago. Building B has not previously been revalued.
What double entry will need to be made to record the revaluations of buildings A and B?
(a) Dr Non-current assets Rs. 150,000
Dr Statement of profit or loss Rs. 80,000
Cr Other comprehensive income (revaluation surplus) Rs. 230,000
(b) Dr Non-current assets Rs. 150,000
Dr Statement of profit or loss Rs. 30,000
Cr Other comprehensive income (revaluation surplus) Rs. 180,000
(c) Dr Non-current assets Rs. 150,000
Cr Other comprehensive income (revaluation surplus) Rs. 150,000
(d) Dr Non-current assets Rs. 150,000
Dr Statement of profit or loss Rs. 50,000
Cr Other comprehensive income (revaluation surplus) Rs. 200,000
03. An entity purchased property for Rs. 6 million on 1 July 2013. The land element of the purchase
was Rs. 1 million. The expected life of the building was 50 years and its residual value nil. On 30
June 2015 the property was revalued to Rs. 7 million, of which the land element was Rs. 1.24
million and the buildings Rs. 5.76 million. On 30 June 2017, the property was sold for Rs. 6.8
What is the gain on disposal of the property that would be reported in the statement of profit or
loss for the year to 30 June 2017?
(a) Gain Rs. 40,000
(b) Loss Rs. 200,000
(c) Gain Rs. 1,000,000
(d) Gain Rs. 1,240,000
CAF 5 – IAS 16
05. The following trial balance extract relates to a property which is owned by Maira Limited as at 1
April 2014.
Dr Cr
Rs. 000 Rs. 000
Property at cost (20 year original life) 12,000
Accumulated depreciation as at 1 April 2014 3,600
On 1 October 2014, following a sustained increase in property prices, Maira Limited revalued its
property to Rs. 10.8 million.
What will be the depreciation charge in Maira Limited’s statement of comprehensive income for
the year ended 31 March 2015?
(a) Rs. 540,000
(b) Rs. 570,000
(c) Rs. 700,000
(d) Rs. 800,000
06. A company purchased a building on 1 April 2007 for Rs. 10,000,000. The asset had a useful
economic life at that date of 40 years. On 1 April 2009 the company revalued the building to its
current fair value of Rs. 12,000,000.
What is the double entry to record the revaluation?
(a) Dr. Building 1,500,000
Dr. Accumulated depreciation 500,000
Cr. Other comprehensive income 2,000,000
(b) Dr. Building 2,000,000
Dr. Accumulated depreciation 500,000
Cr. Profit or loss 2,500,000
(c) Dr. Building 2,000,000
Dr. Accumulated depreciation 500,000
Cr. Other comprehensive income 2,500,000
(d) Dr. Building 1,500,000
Dr. Accumulated depreciation 500,000
Cr. Profit or loss 2,000,000
07. The carrying value of property at the end of the year amounted to Rs. 108 million. On this date
the property was revalued and was deemed to have a fair value of Rs. 95 million. The balance
on the revaluation reserve relating to the original gain of the property was Rs. 10 million.
What is the double entry to record the revaluation?
(a) Dr. Profit or loss 3 million Page | 41
Dr. Other comprehensive income 10 million
Cr. Property 13 million
(b) Dr. Profit or loss 10 million
Dr. Other comprehensive income 3 million
Cr. Property 13 million
(c) Dr. Profit or loss 13 million
Dr. Other comprehensive income 3 million
Cr. Property 16 million
(d) Dr. Profit or loss 13 million
Cr. Property 13 million
08. A company revalued its property on 1 April 2009 to Rs. 20m (Rs. 8m for the land). The property
originally cost Rs. 10m (Rs. 2m for the land) 10 years ago. The original useful economic life of
40 years is unchanged. The company’s policy is to make a transfer to realized profits in respect
of excess depreciation.
At which amount the property be presented at as at 31 March 2010?
(a) Rs. 20 million
(b) Rs. 19.6 million
(c) Rs. 12 million
(d) Rs. 11.6 million
09. A company revalued its property on 1 April 2009 to Rs. 20m (Rs. 8m for the land). The property
originally cost Rs. 10m (Rs. 2m for the land) 10 years ago. The original useful economic life of
40 years is unchanged. The company’s policy is to make a transfer to realized profits in respect
of excess depreciation.
What is amount of balance in revaluation surplus account as at 31 March 2010?
(a) Rs. 12 million
(b) Rs. 10 million
(c) Rs. 9.8 million
(d) Rs. 11.8 million
CAF 5 – IAS 16
11. Following information is available for equipment account of a business on 1st January 2018:
Opening balance of equipment, a/c (Revalued amount) Rs. 7,500,000
Surplus on revaluation of equipment a/c Rs. 2,000,000
At start of year company sold equipment for Rs. 90,000,000.
Page | 42
Company has a policy of charging 20% depreciation on straight line basis.
What will be treatment of revaluation surplus at disposal of asset?
(a) Dr Surplus on revaluation Rs. 2,000,000
Cr Retained earnings Rs. 2,000,000
(b) Dr Retained earnings Rs. 2,000,000,
Cr Surplus on revaluation Rs. 2,000,000
(c) Dr Surplus on revaluation Rs. 3,500,000
Cr Retained earnings Rs. 3,500,000
(d) Dr Surplus on revaluation Rs. 2,0000,000
Cr Equipment account Rs. 2,000,000
12. A non–current asset costing Rs. 216,000 and carrying value Rs. 145,000 is revalued to Rs.
How should revaluation be recorded?
(a) Dr Asset a/c Rs. 75,000,
Cr Surplus on revaluation Rs. 75,000
(b) Dr Asset a/c Rs. 75,000,
Dr Accumulated Depreciation Rs. 71,000,
Cr Surplus on revaluation Rs. 146,000
(c) Dr Surplus on revaluation Rs. 146,000,
Cr Asset a/c Rs. 75,000,
Cr Accumulated Depreciation Rs. 71,000
(d) Dr Accumulated depreciation Rs. 146,000,
Cr Surplus on revaluation Rs. 146,000
13. When items of property, plant and equipment are stated at revalued amounts the following must
be disclosed:
(i) the effective date of the revaluation
(ii) whether an independent valuer was involved
(iii) the methods and significant assumptions applied in estimating the items’ fair values
(iv) the extent to which the items’ fair values were determined directly by reference to
observable prices in an active market or recent market transactions on arm’s length
terms or were estimated using other valuation techniques
(v) for each revalued class of property, plant and equipment, the carrying amount that
would have been recognised had the assets been carried under the cost model;
(vi) the revaluation surplus, indicating the change for the period and any restrictions on the
distribution of the balance to shareholders.
Page | 43
14. IAS 16 encourages disclosure of the following information as users of financial statements might
find it to be useful.
(i) the carrying amount of temporarily idle property, plant and equipment
(ii) the gross carrying amount of any fully depreciated property, plant and equipment that is
still in use
(iii) the carrying amount of property, plant and equipment retired from active use and held
for disposal
(iv) when the cost model is used, the fair value of property, plant and equipment when this
is materially different from the carrying amount
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) only
(b) (i), (ii) and (iv) only
(c) (i), (iii) and (iv) only
(d) (i) to (iv) all
16. Waqas Limited purchased a machine for Rs. 30,000 on 1 January 2015 and assigned it a useful
life of 12 years. On 31 March 2017 it was revalued to Rs. 32,000 with no change in useful life.
What will be depreciation charge in relation to this machine in the financial statements for the
year ending 31 December 2017?
Rs. ___________
17. A business purchased building costing Rs. 7,500,000 on 1 January 2018.
The policy of business is to charge straight line depreciation over its useful life of 20 years.
On 31 December 2020, building was revalued to Rs. 7,650,000.
What is the amount of incremental depreciation to be transferred to retained earnings at year
ending 31 December 2021?
Rs. ___________
18. A business purchased an asset on 1 January 2016 costing Rs. 5,000,000 having a useful life of
10 years with nil residual value. On 1 January 2018 balance of accumulated depreciation was
Rs. 1,000,000. Asset is revalued to Rs. 4,500,000 on 1 January 2018 (start of the year).
Business has a policy to charge straight line depreciation.
CAF 5 – IAS 16
What is the depreciation charge for the year ended 31 December 2018?
Rs. ___________
19. A business purchased an asset on 1 January 2016 costing Rs. 5,000,000 having a useful life of
10 years with nil residual value. On 1 January 2018 balance of accumulated depreciation was
Page | 44 Rs. 1,000,000. Asset is revalued to Rs. 4,500,000 on 1 January 2018 (start of the year).
Business has a policy to charge straight line depreciation.
What is the amount of revaluation surplus at the date of revaluation?
Rs. ___________
20. A business purchased an asset on 1 January 2016 costing Rs. 5,000,000 having a useful life of
10 years with nil residual value. On 1 January 2018 balance of accumulated depreciation was
Rs. 1,000,000. Asset is revalued to Rs. 4,500,000 on 1 January 2018 (start of the year).
Business has a policy to charge straight line depreciation.
What is the amount of incremental depreciation for the year ended 31 December 2018?
Rs. ___________
22. After initial recognition, an entity has a choice to choose cost and?
(a) Realizable model
(b) Replacement model
(c) Revaluation model
(d) Carrying value model
23. When an item of property, plant and equipment is revalued, what should be revalued?
(a) A selection of assets decided by management
(b) The whole class of assets to which it belongs
(c) The individual asset
(d) A selection of assets picked at random
25. Which of the following is not a valid reason for reporting non-current assets at revaluation
amount rather than cost?
(a) To prevent long life assets from being reported at out of date historical costs
(b) To keep owners of the business better informed of their equity in the business.
(c) To report performance correctly by matching earnings with the proper costs of assets
used. Page | 45
(d) To avoid having to pay higher taxes
26. An entity has a policy of revaluing its PPE. An asset cost Rs.5m on 1 January 2020 and has a
useful life of five years and is depreciated on a straight-line basis to a zero residual value. The
value of the asset at 31 December 2020 was Rs.3.8m. The fall in value will be accounted for as
(a) Depreciation Rs.1m and fall in value of Rs.200,000 both to the reserves
(b) Depreciation Rs.1m to the income statement and fall in value of Rs.200,000 ignored
until there is a revaluation surplus
(c) Depreciation Rs.1m to income statement and fall in value of Rs.200,000 to the reserves
(d) Depreciation Rs.1m and fall in value of Rs.200,000 both to the income statement
27. During the financial year, Akmal Ltd had the following increases in reserves:
i. Rs. 5 million from a revaluation of freehold premises
ii. Rs.10 million in share premium
iii. Rs.25 million from trading profit retained
Which of these are increases in capital reserves?
(a) i only
(b) ii only
(c) i. and ii. Only
(d) iii. only
28. The following gains may legally be withdrawn from the company by shareholders:
i. gains that arise from the upward revaluation of non-current assets
ii. gains that arise from the sale of non-current assets
What is the validity of each statement?
(a) Both i. and ii are true
(b) i. is true and ii. is false
(c) Both i. and ii are false
(d) ii. is true and i. is false
29. The financial statements of Saadi Limited for the most recent year indicated the following:
i. a bonus issue of shares
ii. a transfer of profit retained to retained earnings
iii. an increase in the revaluation reserve due non-current assets
iv. a rights issue of shares
Which of the above involved a movement of cash?
CAF 5 – IAS 16
(a) i. and ii
(b) ii. and iii.
(c) iii only
(d) iv only
Page | 46
30. An apartment is revalued upwards by Rs. 1 million. It was acquired 5 years ago for Rs. 5 million.
Its useful life remains same as 10 years.
What is the revised depreciation charge for the year after revaluation?
(a) Rs. 500,000
(b) Rs. 600,000
(c) Rs. 700,000
(d) Rs. 800,000
31. A building is revalued upwards by Rs. 2 million. It was acquired five years ago for Rs.10 million.
Its useful life remains same as 20 years. What is the incremental depreciation charge for the
(a) Rs.100,000
(b) Rs.133,333
(c) Rs.166,667
(d) Rs.200,000
32. An IT equipment being carried at revaluation model has revaluation reserve balance of Rs.
50,000. During the year, it reduces its value due to technological obsolescence. It has Rs.
70,000 decrease in value. What would be the impact of this revaluation decrease?
(a) The decrease of Rs.50,000 is debited to revaluation reserve and Rs.20,000 to profit or
loss for the year
(b) The decrease of Rs.50,000 is debited to profit and loss account and Rs.20,000 to
revaluation reserve for the year
(c) The whole decrease is debited to revaluation reserve
(d) The whole decrease is debited to profit or loss for the year
Carrying amount
(100,000 – (100,000 × 2% × 15 yrs)) (70,000) Page | 47
02. (a)
Building A Building B
Building depreciation
Rs. 5 million/50 years x 2 years (0.2) (0.2)
Building depreciation
Rs. 5.76m/48 years x 2 years (0.24) (0.24)
The gain on disposal is Rs. 40,000. The Rs. 1.2 million balance on the
revaluation reserve is transferred from the revaluation reserve to another
reserve account (probably retained earnings) but is not reported through the
statement of profit or loss for the year.
04. (a) IAS 16 (para 31) states that when the revaluation model is used,
revaluations should be made with sufficient regularity to ensure that the
carrying value of the assets remains close to fair value. IAS 16 also states
(para 36) that, if one item in a class of assets is revalued, all the assets in
that class must be revalued.
CAF 5 – IAS 16
05. (c) Six months’ depreciation to the date of the revaluation will be Rs. 300,000
(12,000/20 years × 6/12). Six months’ depreciation from the date of
revaluation to 31 March 2015 would be Rs. 400,000 (10,800/13.5 years
remaining life × 6/12). Total depreciation is Rs. 700,000.
07. (a) Total loss Rs. 13 million, Rs. 10 will be charged to revaluation surplus and
remaining to profit or loss.
11. (a) On disposal of a revalued asset, the full balance of surplus on revaluation is
transferred to retained earnings.
15. (b) Either useful lives or depreciation rates may be disclosed, both are not
16. Rs. 3,087 The machine has been owned for 2 years 3 months, so the remaining
useful life at 31 March 2017 was 9 years 9 months.
Prior to revaluation it was being depreciated at Rs. 2,500 pa (30,000/12), so
the charge for the first three months of 2017 was Rs. 625.
The machine will now be depreciated over the remaining 9 years 9 months
= 117 months. So, the charge for the remaining 9 months of 2017 is Rs.
2,462 ((32,000 / 117) × 9).
So total depreciation for the year ended 31.12.17 is (625 + 2,462) = Rs.
19. Rs. 500,000 Revaluation surplus = Rs. 4,000,000 – 4,500,000= Rs. 500,000
20. Rs. 62,500 Incremental depreciation = Dep on revalued amount – Dep on cost
Page | 49
= (4,500,000/8)– (5,000,000/10)
=Rs. 562,500 – 500,000 = 62,500
Alternatively, Rs. 500,000 surplus / 8 years = Rs. 62,500
26. (d) Depreciation Rs. 1 million (i.e. Rs. 5 million / 5 years) SPL
Revaluation loss Rs. 3.8 million – (5 – 1) million = Rs. 0.2 million SPL
27. (c) Revaluation reserve and share premium are capital reserves.
28. (d) Gain from sale of non-current assets may be withdrawn because these are
realised gains. Revaluation gains are not considered realised.
29. (d) Right issue of shares only. All other transactions do not involve cash.
30. (c) Before revaluation Rs. 5 million / 10 years x 5 years = Rs. 2.5 million
After revaluation Rs. 2.5m + 1m = Rs. 3.5 million
Depreciation Rs. 3.5 million / 5 years = Rs. 0.7 million
31. (b) Annual depreciation before revaluation = Rs. 10m / 20 years = Rs. 0.5m
Before revaluation Rs. 10 million – (0.5m x 5 years) = Rs. 7.5 million
After revaluation Rs. 7.5m + 2m = Rs. 9.5 million
Depreciation Rs. 9.5 million / 15 years = Rs. 633,333
Incremental depreciation Rs. 633,333 – 500,000 = Rs. 133,333