2 Status Maritime vs. Doctolero

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THIRD DIVISION diagnosis could be made, he resumed work on Philippine Overseas Employment Administration

board the vessel. In the evening of the same day, Standard Employment Contract (POEA-SEC); and
January 18, 2017 however, he was brought to Clinic San Luis, also in that no evidence was adduced to establish that
Mexico, because he again complained of such illness had been caused or aggravated by the
G.R. No. 198968 abdominal pains. He was then diagnosed to be working conditions on board the vessel. 9
suffering from "Esophago-Gastritis-Duodenitis."
The attending physician, Dr. Jorge Hernandez Decision of the NLRC
STATUS MARITIME CORPORATION and Bustos, recommended his repatriation.
LTD., Petitioners On appeal, the NLRC affirmed the Labor Arbiter's
vs. On October 29, 2006, Doctolero again experienced finding no basis for the award of sickness
RODRIGO C. DOCTOLERO, Respondent difficulty of breathing while waiting for his return allowance and disability pay but held the
flight schedule. He informed the ship's agent of his petitioners liable to reimburse to Doctolero the
condition and requested assistance, but the latter cost of his medical treatment in the amount of
DECISION extended no assistance to him. Thus, he, by $7,040.65. It ratiocinated and disposed as follows:
himself, went to the HospitalesNacionales, where
bersamin, J.: he was admitted. He paid the hospital bills x xxxThe illness was clearly suffered during the
amounting to MXN$7 ,032.17 on his own.4 Upon term of his contract and insofar as work
Petitioners Status Maritime Corporation (Status discharge, he sought assistance from the relatedness is concerned, there being no contrary
Maritime) and Admibros Shipmanagement Co., Philippine Embassy until his repatriation to the evidence adduced by the respondents-appellees of
Ltd. (Admibros) appeal to assail the March 17, Philippines in the second week of November the nonexistence of causative circumstances of
2011 decision 1 and October 6, 2011 2006. 5 complainant-appellant's illness, We are
resolution2 promulgated in CA-G .R. SP No. constrained to rule in the latter's favor. The latter
113206, whereby the Comi of Appeals (CA), On November 16, 2006, the company-designated finding is likewise supported by the consistent
modifying the decision3 rendered on August 18, physician evaluated Ooctolero 's condition and ruling that it is not required that the employment
2009 by the National Labor Relations Commission found normal upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy be the sole factor in the growth, development or
(NLRC), awarded permanent and total disability and negative H. pylori test. 6 Doctolero was acceleration of the illness to entitle the claimant to
benefits in favor of respondent Rodrigo C. recommended for several other tests that were, the benefits incident thereto. It is enough that the
Doctolero. however, not administered. employment had contributed, even in a small
measure, to the development of the disease.
Antecedents On January 22, 2007, on account of the illness
suffered while working on board the M/V Dimitris That said, complainant-appellant is thus entitled
On July 28, 2006, Status Maritime, acting for and Manios II, Doctolero filed in the NLRC his to reimbursement of his medical expenses in
in behalf of Admibros as its principal, hired complaint demanding payment of total and Veracruz, Mexico equivalent to $7,040.65.
Doctolero as Chief Officer on board the vessel M/V permanent disability benefits, reimbursement of (Records, p. 28) However, with respect to his
Dimitris Manios II for a period of nine months medical and hospital expenses, sickwage claims for sickness allowance and disability pay,
with a basic monthly salary of US$1,250.00. allowance, moral and exemplary damages, and there being no declaration as yet of complainant-
Doctolero underwent the. required. legal interest on his claims.7 appellant's fitness to return to work or degree of
PreEmployment Medical Examination (PEME) disability made by the company designated
prior to his. ei-pbarkatiqn, and was declared "fit to Ruling of the Labor Arbiter physician, entitlement thereto has not attached.
work." He boarded the vessel in·Augtist 2009. We take note of the fact that the initial evaluation
On July 18, 2008, Labor Arbiter Pablo C. Espiritu, of the company designated physician was that the
On October 28, 2006, while M/V Dimitris Manios Jr. rendered his decision dismissing the complaint Gastroscopy was normal and after such evaluation
II was in Mexico, Doctolero experienced chest and for lack of merit.8 He opined that the initial there had been no other assessment on his
abdominal pains. He was brought to a medical diagnosis of gastritis-duodenitis was not one of condition made. We also note that there had been
clinic in Vera Cruz, Mexico. When no clear those listed as an occupational illness in the no other assessment made by any other doctor of

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complainant-appellant's condition that would physicians had declared him fit to work; that he WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered
controvert the findings of the company designated was entitled to disability benefits because he had MODIFYING the assailed Decision of public
physician and that this complaint has been filed been unable to perform his customary job for respondent in that private respondents are
before the 120 days period given to company more than 120 days; and that he was further ordered to pay petitioner the following:
designated physician to make a fitness to return to entitled to moral and exemplary damages because
work assessment or a disability grading in the the petitioners had failed to shoulder the expenses 1. US $60,000.00 or its equivalent in Philippine
latter case. It is clear therefore that the instant he had incurred while he was awaiting his peso at the time of actual payment, as permanent
case has been prematurely filed and that the cause repatriation. and total disability benefits;
of action for disability claims has not arisen.
The CA decision disposed thusly: 2. Moral and exemplary damages in the amount of
Moreover, to this date there had been no evidence ₱100,000.00;
showing that complainant-appellant is WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered
permanently and totally disabled. MODU'YING the assailed Decision of public 3. $7,040.65 (MXN) by way of reimbursement
respondent in that private respondents arc of the cost of medical treatment in Mexico City;
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is ordered to pay petitioner the following:
hereby rendered finding no basis for award of 4. Legal interest on the monetary awards to be
sickness allowance and disability 1. US $60,000.00 or its equivalent in Philippine computed from the time of this decision up to the
pay.1âwphi1 However, respondents-appellees are peso at the time of actual payment, as permanent actual payment thereof;
hereby ordered to reimburse complainant- and total disability benefits;
appellant the cost of his medical treatment in the
5. Sick wage allowance equivalent to 120 days of
amount of $7,040.65. Accordingly, the decision of 2. Moral and exemplary damages in the amount of his basic salary;
the Labor Arbiter dated July 18, 2008 is Pl00,000.00.
hereby MODIFIED.
6. Attorney's fees equivalent to 10% of the total
3. US$7,040.65 by way of reimbursement of the awards.
SO ORDERED.  cost of medical treatment in Mexico City;
Doctolero moved for reconsideration, but the 4. Legal interest on the monetary awards to be
NLRC denied his motion for reconsideration on computed from the time of this decision up to the
January 8, 2010. 11 In all other respects, the motion for
actual payment thereof; reconsideration is DENIED for lack of merit.
Decision of the CA 5. Sick wage allowance equivalent to 120 days of SO ORDERED. 14
his basic salary;
By petition for certiorari, Doctolero assailed the
adverse decision of the NLRC in the CA, insisting Issues
6. Attorney's fees equivalent to 10% of the total
that the NLRC thereby committed grave abuse of awards.
discretion amounting to lack or excess of In this appeal, the petitioners argue that the PEME
jurisdiction. did not reveal the real state of health of Doctolero;
SO ORDERED. 13 that he did not show that his illness had occurred
On March 17, 2011, 12 the CA granted the petition during the term of his contract and had been
Upon the petitioners' motion for reconsideration, work-related or had been aggravated by the
for certiorari, and declared Doctolero's illness as
the CA amended the dispositive portion of its conditions of his work; and that his illness was not
work-related because it had been contracted by
decision through the resolution promulgated on listed either as a disability or as an occupational
him while on board the vessel; that he had
October 6, 2011, to wit: disease under Section 32 and Section 32-A,
undergone rigid preemployment medical
examinations by virtue of which the company respectively, of the 2000 PO EA-SEC.

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Doctolero counters that the CA did not err because disability. If caused by an injury or sickness it shall (c) The company-designated physician declared
its assailed decision was based on law and not be paid longer than J 20 consecutive days that he is fit for sea duty within the 120-day or
jurisprudence. except where such injury or sickness still requires 240-day period, as the case may be, but his
medical attendance beyond 120 days but not to physician of choice and the doctor chosen under
It their reply, the petitioners stress that there was exceed 240 days from onset of disability in which Section 20-8(3) of the POEA-SEC are of a contrary
no finding by an independent physician that case benefit for temporary total disability shall be opinion;
Doctolero's illness had been work-related or had paid. However, the System may declare the total
been aggravated by his working conditions; and and permanent status at anytime after 120 days of (d) The company-designated physician
that Doctolero's complaint was premature for continuous temporary total disability as may be acknowledged that he is partially permanently
being filed before the expiration of the 120-day warranted by the degree of actual loss or disabled but other doctors who he consulted, on
period of treatment by the company-designated impairment of physical or mental functions as his own and jointly with his employer, believed
physician and in the absence of the disability determined by the System. that his disability is not only permanent but total
grading. as well;
These provisions have to be read together with
Based on the foregoing, the issue to be determined the POEA-SEC, whose Section 20(3) states: (e) The company-designated physician recognized
is whether Doctolero was entitled to claim that he is totally and permanently disabled but
permanent and total disability benefits from the Upon sign-off from the vessel for medical there is a dispute on the disability grading;
petitioners. treatment, the seafarer is entitled to sickness
allowance equivalent to his basic wage until he is (f) The company-designated physician determined
Ruling of the Court declared fit to work or the degree of permanent that his medical condition is not compensable or
disability has been assessed by the company- work-related under the POEA-SEC but his doctor-
The appeal is meritorious. designated physician but in no case shall this of-choice and the third doctor selected under
period exceed one hundred twenty (120) days. 15 Section 20-B(3) of the POEA-SEC found otherwise
Permanent and total disability is defined in Article and declared him unfit to work;
198(c )(1) of the Labor Code, to wit: Applying the aforementioned provisions, we find
the filing of the respondent's claim to be (g) The company-designated physician declared
premature. him totally and permanently disabled but the
x xxx
employer refuses to pay him the corresponding
In order for a seafarer's claim for total and benefits; and
(c) The following disabilities shall be deemed total permanent disability benefits to prosper, any of
and permanent: the following conditions should be present: (h) The company-designated physician declared
him partially and permanently disabled within the
(1) Temporary total disability lasting continuously (a) The company-designated physician failed to 120-day or 240-day period but he remains
for more than one hundred twenty days, except as issue a declaration as to his fitness to engage in incapacitated to perform his usual sea duties after
otherwise provided for in the Rules. sea duty or disability even after the lapse of the the lapse of said periods. 16
120-day period and there is no indication that
x xxx further medical treatment would address his Although the degree and extent of the seafarer's
temporary total disability, hence, justify an disability constitute a factual question that this
The relevant rule is Section 2, Rule X, of the Rules extension of the period to 240 days; Court should not re-assess on review, the conflict
and Regulations implementing Book IV of the between the factual findings of the Labor Arbiter
labor Code, which states: (b) 240 days had lapsed without any certification and NLRC, on one hand, and those of the CA, on
issued by the company designated physician; the other hand, compel the Court to dwell on the
Period of entitlement. - (a) The income benefit factual matters and to re-examine the evidence
shall be paid beginning the first day of such adduced by the parties. 17

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Upon its re-evaluation of the records, therefore,
the Court concludes that the CA' s findings in favor
of entitling Doctolero to permanent and total
disability benefits were erroneous. While the fact
that Doctolero suffered the disability during the
term of his contract was undisputed, it was
evident that he had filed his complaint for
disability benefits before the company designated
physician could determine the nature and extent of
his disability, or before even the lapse of the initial
120-day period. With Doctolero still undergoing
further tests, the company-designated physician
had no occasion to determine the nature and
extent of his disability upon which to base
Doctolero's "fit to work" certification or disability
grading. Consequently, the petitioners correctly
argued that Doctolero had no cause of action for
disability pay and sickness allowance at the time
of the filing of his complaint.


ASIDE the March 17, 2011 decision and October 6,
2011 resolution of the Court of Appeals awarding
permanent disability benefits to respondent
Rodrigo C. Doctolero; REINSTATES the decision
rendered on August 18, 2009 by the National
Labor Relations Commission; and ORDERS the
respondent to pay the costs of suit.


Associate Justice

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