Cryoconcentration of Flavonoid Extract For Enhanced Biophotovoltaics and PH Sensitive Thin Films
Cryoconcentration of Flavonoid Extract For Enhanced Biophotovoltaics and PH Sensitive Thin Films
Cryoconcentration of Flavonoid Extract For Enhanced Biophotovoltaics and PH Sensitive Thin Films
K. Groszman
Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University, Houston, TX
M. Pazmin
Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
D. C. Vanegas
Food Engineering Department, Universidad del Valle, Cali Colombia
B. Welt
Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
J. A. Hondred
Mechanical Engineering Department, Iowa State University, Iowa City, IA
N. T. Garland
Mechanical Engineering Department, Iowa State University, Iowa City, IA
J. C. Claussen
Mechanical Engineering Department, Iowa State University, Iowa City, IA
E. S. McLamore
Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
DOI 10.1002/btpr.2557
Published online October 4, 2017 in Wiley Online Library (
Flavonoids are important value added products for dye sensitized solar cells biosensors,
functional foods, medicinal supplements, nanomaterial synthesis, and other applications. Bras-
sica oleracea contains high levels of anthocyanins in leaf sap vacuoles, and there are many via-
ble extraction techniques that vary in terms of simplicity, environmental impact, cost, and
extract photochemical/electrochemical properties. The efficiency of value added biotechnolo-
gies from flavonoid is a function of anthocyanin activity/concentration and molecule stability
(i.e., ability to retain molecular resonance under a wide range of conditions). In this paper, we
show that block cryoconcentration and partial thawing of anthocyanin from B. oleracea is a
green, facile, and highly efficient technique that does not require any special equipment or pro-
tocols for producing enhanced value added products. Cryoconcentration increased anthocya-
nin activity and total phenol content approximately 10 times compared with common extraction
techniques. Cryoconcentrated extract had enhanced electrochemical properties (higher oxida-
tion potential), improved chroma, and higher UV absorbance than extract produced with other
methods for a pH range of 2–12, with minimal effect on the diffusion coefficient of the extract.
As a proof of concept for energy harvesting and sensor applications, dye sensitized solar cells
and pH-sensitive thin films were prepared and tested. These devices were comparable with
other recently published biotechnologies in terms of efficacy, but did not require expensive/
environmentally detrimental extraction or concentration methods. This low cost, biorenewable,
and simple method can be used for development of a variety of value added products. V C 2017
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online ver-
sion of this article.
In plants, flavins are involved in photoprotection and photo-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to E. S. transduction,1 nitrogen translocation,2 and pollinator attraction.3
McLamore at Flavins include carotenoids (liposoluble) and anthocyanins
(water soluble), each class having a range of antioxidant and well as total phenol content were monitored over time. Next,
photochemical properties.4,5 Plants that are rich in anthocyanins the most efficient extraction/concentration method was ana-
include blueberries, raspberries, concord grapes, and red cab- lyzed using standard electrochemical and photochemical
bage.6 Anthocyanin extracts are used as food additives,7,8 techniques. Finally, we demonstrate potential applications by
medicinal supplements,9,10 molecular templates for nanomate- developing and testing a dye sensitized solar cell and a pH
rial synthesis,11,12 various cosmetic applications,13 dye- sensitive thin film using cabbage extract.
sensitized solar cells,14,15 and as biodetectors.16,17 Due to the
diverse applications of anthocyanins, research on the develop-
ment of this value added agricultural product has increased in Methodology
the last decade.18–20 Reagents and chemicals
The general photochemistry of anthocyanins is well Red cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata, f, rubra) was
known.21,22 Due to the aromatic cyclic arrangement, antho- purchased from an organic market in Gainesville, FL during
cyanins absorb low energy radiation, which varies depending the spring. Methanol (CH3OH), acetic acid (CH3COOH),citric
on pH as a function of molecular resonance. Some anthocya- acid (C6H5O327 ), disodium phosphate (Na2HPO4), potassium
nins have demonstrated fluorescence with emission near ferrocyanide (KFeCN6), lithium perchlorate (ClLiO4), sodium
600–630 nm,23,24 while some inhibit fluorescence of biocon- carbonate (Na2CO3), potassium nitrate (KNO3) potassium
jugates such as DNA–propidium iodide.25 Red cabbage chloride (KCl), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), hydrochloric acid
(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) can have up to 36 differ- (HCl), sodium acetate (CH3COONa), sodium bicarbonate
ent anthocyanins, each of which vary in terms of physico- (NaHCO3), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), potassium iodide,
chemical properties and stability.26 B. oleracea anthocyanins Folin–Ciocalteu reagent, and biological buffers (MES, BES,
are primarily composed of cyanidin or peonidin based agly- TRIZMA, AMPSO, CAPS, and CABS) were purchased from
cones, although pelargonidin has been reported as well. Most Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO).DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-
B. oleracea anthocyanins are mono or di-acylated anthocya- hydrazyl) was purchased from Fisher Scientific (Atlanta, GA).
nins, with acid moieties consisting of sinapic, ferulic, caffeic Trolox (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic
and p-coumaric acids. acid) was purchased from Alexis (Axxora, Switzerland). Plati-
Anthocyanins from B. oleracea are encased in leaf sap num wire (0.3 mm diameter) was purchased from Alfa Aesar
vacuoles and can be extracted using high pressure extrac- (Ward Hill, MD), and working electrodes (Pt/Ir and glassy car-
tion,27 microwave irradiation,28 supercritical fluid extrac- bon) were purchased from Bioanalytical Systems (West Lafa-
tion,29 Soxhlet/solvent extraction,27 adsorbent purification,14 yette, IN). Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticle paste
ultrasonic treatment,30 or pulsed electric field processing,31 (Nanoxide-T, colloidal anatase with particle size of 13 nm)
among other techniques. The antioxidant and optical proper- was obtained from Solaronix (Aubonne, Switzerland).
ties of extracts vary widely for these methods, even for the
same species and harvest season.32 The efficacy of many
biotechnologies that utilize anthocyanins as a working com- Preparation of extract
ponent of the device (e.g., solar cells, sensors, functional B. oleracea leaves were pulled from the stem, the stem
foods) are dependent on the total concentration and chemico- was discarded, and leaves were chopped into 1 cm2 pieces
physical properties of the extract, where native physiological using an autoclaved knife. Any leaves that did not contain
structures are desired (pH 5 7, low salinity, absence of sol- purple pigment were discarded. Four different methods were
vents). Methods for increasing extract yield include passive used for extraction, including (i) solvent extraction, (ii)
cryoconcentration,33–35 vacuum-assisted cryoconcentration,36 microwave assisted extraction, (iii) conduction (boiling), and
centrifugal cryoconcentration,37 falling film freeze concentra- (iv) conduction with cryoconcentration. For solvent and
tion,38 and nanofiltration.39 For development of new technol- microwave extraction, aliquots of chopped leaves (100 g)
ogies such as sensors/biosolar cells, many of these were added to either 100 mL methanol at varying dilutions,
concentration methods are cost prohibitive, as they require or 100 mL DI water with 10% acetic acid, respectively. For
expensive consumables, high pressure, large centrifuges, or microwave-assisted extraction, the power was 1000 W and
other equipment. This high cost often impedes translation to treatment times of 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 240, or 480 s were
the industrial market, creating a bottleneck of biotechnolo- used (average final temperature for all samples was
gies. Among the concentration methods listed here, cryocon- 95 6 68C). The sample was placed in the center of the
centration with passive thawing and gravity separation is the microwave for all relevant experiments. For conduction-
most attractive green method, as it can be conducted at phys- based extraction, 100 g of fresh chopped leaves were added
iological pH in the absence of solvents. This is a critical fea- to 100 mL of DI water and samples were heated at different
ture for manufacturing of sensors/biosolar cells at any temperatures (25, 45, 60, 80, or 1008C) for either 30 min or
appreciable scale. Further, the technique uses commonly 1 h.
available equipment, and thus capital costs are low for For cryoconcentration, samples were transferred to a plas-
implementation. tic container, sealed, and stored at 2808C for at least 2 h
In this paper, we conduct a comparative study of facile immediately after extraction. No pretreatment was used for
anthocyanin extraction techniques including solvent extrac- the freeze concentrated extract, and no agitation was used
tion, microwave assisted extraction, and conductive heating. during the freezing process (known as “block concen-
We compare three parameters for variations of each tech- tration”). After block freezing, samples were stored at 208C
nique: (i) total anthocyanin content, (ii) antioxidant activity, and the extract at the bottom of the plastic container (a vis-
and (iii) total polyphenol content. To improve yield, block cous purple syrup) was collected after 5 min, 1, 5, and 24 h,
cryoconcentration followed by passive partial thawing was and analyzed immediately as noted (see highlight image).
used and then anthocyanin content, antioxidant activity as All aqueous extracts were vacuum filtered using a 0.45 lm
208 Biotechnol. Prog., 2018, Vol. 34, No. 1
cellulose acetate filter Whatman (Kent, WA) prior to was measured at k 5 760 nm using a spectrometer. Aliquots
analysis. of 5 mL samples contained 2% (w/w) sample, 5% (w/w)
Folin–Ciocalteu reagent, 15% (w/w) Na2CO3, and 78% (w/
w) DI water.
Total anthocyanin content
Total anthocyanin content was measured using the differ-
ential pH method by Lee et al.,40 which is a rapid and sim- Electrochemistry
ple spectrophotometric method based on the anthocyanin To determine the diffusion properties of the extract (an
structural transformation that occurs with a change in pig- estimate of molecular weight) as well as the general antho-
ment color at pH 1.0 versus pH 4.5. Two buffer systems cyanin content, electrochemical analysis of extract was car-
were used including potassium chloride buffer (0.025M, ried out based on published methods.44–46 For all analysis,
pH 5 1.0) and sodium acetate buffer (0.4M, pH 5 4.5). An cyclic voltammetry (CV) and linear sweep voltammetry
aliquot of the cabbage extract (1.0 mL) was placed in a (LSV) were carried out in buffer at 208C. Bulk pH in the
20 mL volumetric flask, diluted to volume with pH 1.0 electrochemical cell was monitored with a standard potentio-
buffer or pH 4.5 buffer, and mixed. Both solutions were metric glass pH probe (Orion 9109WL, Thermo Scientific)
incubated at room temperature for 20 min. Prepared solu- during all CV and LSV experiments. For studying the
tions were then measured with a UV/VIS spectrophotometer effect(s) of pH, extract (1 mL) was added to a 10 mL elec-
(Beckman Coulter DU-640 spectrophotometer, Beckman trochemical cell with buffers at various pKa, including: (i)
Instruments, CA, USA) at 510 and 700 nm. Anthocyanin 79.5 mM citric acid with 20.6 mM Na2HPO4 (pKa 5 3.0),
was calculated according to Eq. 1 and expressed as mg of ii) 61.5 mM citric acid with 38.6 mM Na2HPO4
cyanidin-3-glucoside (c3g) per gram of cabbage: (pKa 5 4.0), iii) 48.5 mM citric acid with 51.5 mM
Na2HPO4 (pKa 5 5.0), iv) MES (pKa 5 6.1), v) MOPS
A MW DF (pKa 5 7.2), vi) TRIZMA (pKa 5 8.1), vii) AMPSO
Antho5 (1)
EI (pKa 5 8.9), viii) CAPS (pKa 5 10.4), and ix) 90 mM
where Na2CO3 with 10 mM NaHCO3.
Antho 5 anthocyanin concentration (mg-c3g/L), All experiments used a three-electrode cell stand (Bioana-
lytical Systems, West Lafayette, IN) with a glassy carbon or
A 5 differential absorbance 5 (A510 – A700) at pH1.0 –
Pt/Ir working electrode, a 1 mm platinum wire as counter
(A510 – A700) at pH4.5,
electrode, and a Ag/AgCl reference electrode as previously
A510 5 absorbance at k 5 510 nm (arb. units), described.47–49All CV analyses were performed with a Pt/Ir
A700 5 absorbance at k 5 720 nm (arb. units), electrode in potassium ferrocyanide (4 mM) at a switching
MW 5 molecular weight (611 g/mol for c3g), potential of 600 mV with a five second quiet time at scan
DF 5 dilution factor, rates of 25–500 mV s21 as noted. LSV was performed with
I 5 path length (cm), and a glassy carbon electrode between 0 and 800 mV at a scan
rate of 5 mV s21, with lithium perchlorate (0.1 mM) as the
E’ 5 molar extinction coefficient for c3g (30,175 L 3
supporting electrolyte. The Randles–Sevcik theorem was
mol21 3 cm21).
used to calculate the diffusion coefficient for a given total
concentration based on Ref. (50).
Antioxidant activity
ip 52:693105 n3=2 A D1=2 C v1=2
Antioxidant activity was evaluated using a modified ver-
sion of the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) where
assay.41 Stock solutions were prepared by dissolving 24 mg ip 5 oxidative/reductive peak current (A),
DPPH with 100 mL methanol and then storing at 2208C n 5 number of electrons transferred in redox reaction,
when not in use. The working solution was obtained by mix-
ing 10 mL stock solution with 45 mL methanol to obtain an D 5 diffusion coefficient (cm2 s21),
absorbance of 1.1 6 0.02 U at 515 nm for a blank sample C 5 total anthocyanin concentration (M),
(methanol). Cabbage extract (100 lL) was reacted with A 5 electroactive surface area of working electrode
3900 lL of the DPPH solution for 60 min in the dark at (0.02 cm2), and
room temperature. Meanwhile, a 100 mL aliquot of Trolox V 5 scan rate (V s21).
solution with respective concentrations of 100, 200, 400,
600, 800, or 1000 mM was added to 3.9 mL DPPH working
solution for generating the standard curve. Then, absorbance
was recorded at 515 nm and results were expressed in molar- Photochemistry was performed using an Ocean Optics
ity of Trolox equivalent per mass of wet extract. fiber optic UV–VIS spectrometer with fiber optic accessory
from 250 to 850 nm (Ocean Optics, Dunedin, FL). A P-400-
2-UV–VIS fiber optic cable (Ocean Optics) was used where
Total polyphenol content noted. Where noted, the fiber was positioned near the thin
Total phenolic content was determined using a modified film using a precision linear micromanipulator stage (2 lm
version of the Folin–Ciocalteu assay based on Stanković42 resolution) with custom fiber housing (Newport Corporation,
and Piljac et al.43 Gallic acid (GA) was used as the standard San Francisco CA). Extract (1 mL) was added to a cuvette
and all data was expressed as mass of GA equivalents per with 3 mL of buffer at various pKa values as described in
mass of dry defatted matter (mg-GAE/g-DM) based on GA the previous section. Samples were added to sterile cuvettes,
calibration curves. Samples and prepared standards were inverted to mix, and then absorbance was measured (relative
incubated for 30 min in a 408C water bath, and absorbance to a control sample of DI water). Where noted, thin films
Biotechnol. Prog., 2018, Vol. 34, No. 1 209
were measured using a 100 lm single mode silicone-coated For testing pH sensitive films, water samples from a local
UV–VIS fiber and a custom 3D printed film analysis setup. A lake, and soil slurry samples from various soil types were
boxcar width of 15 and an integration time of 100 ms was used prepared. Water samples from Lake Alice conservation area
for all samples. For analyzing color of each sample, the CIE at the University of Florida (Gainesville, FL) were acquired
LAB system was used, which is an international standard in November, 2016. The location includes 130 acres of pro-
defined by the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage using a tected area, with an 82 acre open water system that has
chromaticity diagram. In this system, L 5 luminance, A 5 red inputs from stormwater runoff, interstorm discharges, irriga-
green chromaticity, and B 5 blue-yellow chromaticity. tion water, and direct rainfall. Samples were collected near
the southeast storm sewer drainage pipe at noon, and ana-
lyzed on site immediately. Soil samples were taken from
Proof of principle applications two vegetable garden sites (Gainesville, FL). One plot con-
There are a variety of applications for anthocyanin derived tained oak–saw palmetto scrub (Alaquods) that had compost
from cabbage beyond food additives. To show two specific (10% w/w) applied weekly for the past 5 years (noted as
applications, flavonoid-sensitized solar cells (i.e., Gr€atzel organic soil). The second sample site consisted of a garden
cells) were prepared based on the methods by Kumara that was prepared with commercial soil (Miracle GroV) that
et al.51 (see Supporting Information Figure S1 for schematic, contained a mixture of perlite (99.44%), ammonia nitrogen
energy diagram, and typical I–E curve). Manufacture of (0.035%), nitrate nitrogen (0.035%), phosphorous pentoxide–
these solar cells is described in detail by Kumara et al. P2O5 (0.07%), soluble potash–K2O (0.07%), and proprietary
Briefly, photo electrodes were prepared by coating pre- wetting agents (0.07%). For tests, a 1:2 (soil:electrolyte) soil
cleaned fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) glass slurry was prepared by mixing 10 g of soil sample with
(50 mm 3 50 mm, 1.1 mm thick, 7 X sheet resistance) with 20 mL of 10 mM CaCl2. The soil slurry was subsequently
TiO2 nanoparticle paste using the doctor blade method (40– stirred vigorously and allowed to settle for 15 min. This
50 lm film thickness). Electrodes (1 cm 3 1 cm) were pre- measurement avoids bias by varying salt concentrations
heated to 508C for 20 min and then sintered at 4508C for among the soils, which is the official method adopted by the
30 min. Photoelectrodes were then immersed into extract for Association of Official Analytical Chemists.56 The liquid
20 min at room temperature, rinsed in ethanol, and then air extract was measured by either immersing the pH electrode
dried at room temperature for 30 min. Solar cells were in the sample vial or drop casting the slurry based on Miller
assembled by coupling the flavonoid-sensitized FTO elec- and Kissel.56 After drop casting the sample on the pH-
trode (anode) with a carbon-coated FTO glass slide (cathode) sensitive film, the fiber optic probe was positioned 1 mm
and clamping the ends. The electrolyte (0.5M potassium from the surface using the micromanipulator, and a measure-
iodide) was added by drop casting 50 lL onto each edge of ment taken.
the glass electrode interface, and cells were allowed to stabi-
lize at room temperature in the presence of 1000 W/m2 Statistics and data analysis
white light for 20 min. Based on I–E curves, the short circuit Analysis of variance (ANOVA model I) was performed to
current density (Jsc), open circuit voltage (Voc), maximum determine whether any effects in the optical properties of the
power output (Pmax), voltage at max power (Vmp), current films are statistically significant (a 5 0.05). Where relevant,
density at max power (Jmp), form factor (FF), and solar con- error bars represent the standard deviation of the arithmetic
version efficiency (g) were calculated using the methods mean for the random experimental design.
reported by Hug et al.52
Inkjet printing of the extract closely followed our similar
procedures for printing graphene inks.53–55 For preparing RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
inkjet-printed thin film biodetectors, aliquots (3 mL) of Extract anthocyanin and phenolic content
extract were filtered through a 0.45 mm. Polytetrafluoroethy- Figure 1 shows the average anthocyanin content, antioxi-
lene (PTFE) syringe filter and then loaded into an inkjet dant activity, and total phenol content for extractions using
printer cartridge (1.5 mL max. fill) and then printed through various solvent extraction (100% methanol), microwave irra-
inkjet printer (Fujifilm Dimatix DMP-2850) using a piezo- diation (8 min) and boiling methods. For variations of each
electric driven nozzle with a 10 pL nominal drop volume. method see the Supporting Information section (Supporting
The substrate holder (vacuum plate) was maintained at 508C Information Figures S2–S4). The average anthocyanin con-
to ensure uniform, rapid drying of the printed ink. Extract tent for solvent extraction at room temperature, microwave
was inkjet printed with a 20 mm drop spacing and 25 passes. irradiation, and conduction for 1 h were not significantly dif-
These printer settings permit an even printing of the extract ferent (P 5 0.15, a 5 0.05). The anthocyanin content (Fig-
without holes/gaps in the film and without material pooling ure 1a) for solvent (methanol) extraction, microwave (MW)
effects at the edges. The printed line morphology resulting (120 s), MW 1 acetic acid (10%), and boiling were not sig-
from the drop spacing and the working temperature control nificantly different. Microwave irradiation for 8 min or boil-
edge effects (known as the coffee ring effect). Our previous ing for 60 min increased anthocyanin content by at least
work shows that average film thickness is between 3 and 35% compared with the other methods (MW for 8 min and
5 mm, classifying this structure as a thin film.53–55 A circular boiling for 1 h were not statistically different (P 5 0.001,
array was designed using computer-aided design (CAD soft- a 5 0.05). Antioxidant activity (Figure 1b) and total phenol
ware) and inkjet printed. For unbuffered calibration tests, pH content (Figure 1c) were at least 40% higher for 60 min of
was adjusted with 3M HCl or 2M NaOH, and then 5 mL ali- boiling compared with solvent extraction, although this was
quots were drop cast onto the pH sensitive film. For buffered not statistically different than boiling for 30 min, MW
calibration tests, 10 mM stock solutions of buffer (as (8 min) 1 AA (10%), or MW (8 min). Among all extraction
described previously) and drop cast as described above. methods, the highest absorption (k 5 435 nm) was for
210 Biotechnol. Prog., 2018, Vol. 34, No. 1
Figure 3. Effect of thawing time on cryoconcentrated extract, including: anthocyanin content (a), antioxidant activity (b), and total
phenol content (c). The highest concentration of each was recorded after 5 min of thawing, which decreased at an average
rate of 0.6 6 0.2 h21. Different lower case letters denote statistically different groups (ANOVA, a 5 0.05).
is not known, this result is most likely due to the presence We speculate that the marked difference in dilution by water is
of compounds not analyzed by the assays used in this study the main reason for the increased phenol content and anthocya-
as the CIE data indicate clear differences in the pigmentation nin activity in the extract, although the specific mechanism is
of each extract. Other established techniques such as adsorp- not known at this time. Aider and de Halleux33 showed that,
tion column separation could be used to improve the purifi- other than the total time to thaw, there was no difference
cation of the extract, removing impurities such as sugars, between microwave-assisted thawing or passive thawing of
organic acids, and proteins,14 but these techniques can be cryoconcentrated maple sap extract (the study measured sugar
cost prohibitive in many applied settings, such as develop- content, electroconductivity, and CIE chromaticity). However,
ment of low cost sensors. in our work we saw a clear difference in the extracts taken at
To improve the extraction yield, block cryoconcentration different times during passive block thawing.
followed by passive partial thawing was used (Figure 3). The results in Figures 1–3 indicate that boiling for one hour
Miyawaki59 showed that passive (i.e., gravitational) partial followed by cryoconcentration enhances extraction efficiency
thawing of the cryoconcentrated block is optimal for high sol- considerably. Our study did not use vacuum-assisted cryocon-
ute concentrations, while final freezing temperature had no centration or tubular ice systems for progressive cryoconcen-
effect on extract yield. Anthocyanin content/antioxidant activ- tration due to the added expense and need for additional
ity and total phenol content were measured over time during equipment, although both methods may possibly improve
passive thawing. After 5 min at 208C, the anthocyanin content extraction efficiency. Petzold et al.37 showed that the time for
(2649 6 83 mg/mL), antioxidant activity (1635 6 cryoconcentration can be reduced by up to 33% if a vacuum
106 lmol g21) and total phenol content (1732 6 14 mg/g) of system is used. Gunathilake et al.60 and Miyawaki et al.61
the extract were significantly higher than all other methods showed that tubular ice systems for partial ice melting enhance
tested (P < 0.01, a 5 0.05). As expected, these values extraction efficiency by up to 20% relative to progressive cryo-
decreased exponentially as the frozen extract was diluted by concentration and passive thawing. The technique here is a
melting ice. Anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity simple, highly efficient green method for obtaining highly con-
(0.6 6 0.2 and 0.2 6 0.1 h, respectively) decreased at a lower centrated anthocyanin at physiological pH and salinity.
rate than the total phenol (1.0 6 0.3 h). Surprisingly, after 24 h
at 208C, the extract was fully thawed and the anthocyanin con-
tent/activity was higher than extract prepared by boiling in Extract electrochemistry
water for 1 h (P 5 0.010, a 5 0.05), although the total phenol Figure 4a shows a representative linear sweep voltammo-
content was not statistically different (P 5 0.13, a 5 0.05). gram (LSV) at various extract concentrations (pH 5 7). The
212 Biotechnol. Prog., 2018, Vol. 34, No. 1
Figure 4. Electrochemical behavior of extract with and without cryoconcentration (sample taken 5 min after placing frozen extract at
(a) A representative linear sweep voltammogram (LSV) at various concentrations of cryoconcentrated extract (pH 5 7). Inset shows peak current at
various anthocyanin concentrations. (b) Average concentration of oxidizeable species calculated from LSV data. (c) Representative cyclic voltammo-
gram (CV) at various scan rates (pH 7). Inset shows Cottrell plot indicating a linear increase in peak oxidation current with the square root of the
scan rate. (d) Effect of pH on diffusion coefficient with and without cryoconcentration.
inset shows the relationship between average oxidative peak structure. The inset in Figure 4c shows a linear Cottrell plot,
current and total concentration of oxidizable species, which indicating that transport was diffusion limited, as expected.
increases linearly as expected. As the pH increased, the oxi- Using the Randles–Sevcik theorem, the diffusion coefficient
dation potential decreased (Figure 4b), indicating that flavo- (D) was calculated at various pH levels; data shown for cry-
noids are easily oxidized at higher pH as hydroxyl groups oconcentrated extract and boiled extract are shown in Figure
are deprotonated in accordance with the Nernst law 4d. For both extracts, the value of D slightly decreased as
(slope 5 58 6 3 V/pH). At all pH levels tested, the cryocon- the pH increased, which was also shown by Xavier et al.62
centrated extract had a significantly higher concentration of The net change in diffusion coefficient from pH 3 to pH 7
oxidizeable species than boiled extract (P < 0.0001, (12.9 6 2.1%) was more significant than the net change
a 5 0.05), which is similar to the trend in Figure 1. In addi- from pH 7 to pH 11 (5.7 6 1.6%). This is most likely attrib-
tion, the extract was more stable at lower pH, based on the uted to nonacylated anthocyanins (comprising 20–30% of
results shown here. The oxidation potential at 1 V is associ- total anthocyanins) and methylated anthocyanins (e.g., peoni-
ated with electrochemical oxidation of flavonoids (FL- din), which are sensitive to pH changes. There was no sig-
OH ! FL-O• 1 e– 1 H1); where FL is a flavonoid.45 The nificant difference between the two extraction procedures
electrochemical data in Figure 4a,b and antioxidant activity with regards to diffusion coefficient at all pH levels tested
measured by radical scavenging (DPPH) from Figure 1b (P < 0.0001, a 5 0.05). This electrochemical characteriza-
(FL-OH ! FL-O• 1 H1) are tightly correlated since each tion confirms that the cryoconcentrated extract has potential
technique reports data based on the same hydroxyl groups application as a dye in electrochemical devices.
on the anthocyanin.
Figure 4c shows the oxidative sweep of a representative
Extract photochemistry
cyclic voltammogram (CV) at various scan rates for an
extract concentration of 1.7 lM and pH 5 7. The oxidation Aqueous extracts of anthocyanin are known to undergo a
peak near 1 V confirms that functional hydroxyl groups on variety of resonant structural transformations when the pH of
anthocyanin were electrochemically oxidized at the electrode the solution changes, which is the major driving force for
surface. Based on the work by Lima et al.,45 the relatively observed color changes.63 At low pH (3–4), the anthocyanin
high oxidation potential corresponds to C-3 hydroxyl groups, was protonated (i.e., flavylium salt) and appeared red in
resornicol groups, and the presence of sugars in the ring color with a CIE chroma of 496. See Supporting Information
Biotechnol. Prog., 2018, Vol. 34, No. 1 213
Figure 6. Inkjet-printed red cabbage extract on nanocellulose substrate in a circular array for pH sensing.
(a) Photograph of inkjet-printed “dots” on a circular disc. The outer ring represents pH increasing clockwise from 1 to 14, the middle ring represents
control samples (pH 7), the third ring represents increase of pH clockwise from 7 to 14, and the middle circle is pH 1. (b) UV–VIS spectra for pH 2
to pH 6; (c) VIS spectra for pH 6–11. The pH-sensitive film was applied for analyzing water samples from (d) a fresh water lake, (e) a commercial
soil, and (f) an organic soil. CIE and peak absorption at 435 nm are shown for each thin film. Reference image (buffers) are shown for comparison.
concentration dependence. Since the DSSC efficiency ring). The middle ring of dots shows a control (pH 5 7), the
depends on the concentration of flavonoids, the cryoconcen- inner ring shows standards of pH 14–7, and the innermost
tration method is a highly useful and simple mechanism for dot is pH 1. The color of the films in Figure 6 are nearly
enhancing DSSC performance. In the future, DSSC can be identical to the trend in Figure 2; red at pH < 4, blue at pH
further improved by deposition of nanocrystalline TiO2 5–6, purple at pH 7, blue/green at pH 8–9, and green/yellow
films,68 use of plastic substrates such as polyethylene naptha- above pH 10. In Figure 6b,c, the UV–VIS spectra are shown
late,69 or by mixing extracts from multiple plant species (white light excitation) for pH 2–6. The violet peak
such as red cabbage and blueberry.70 Figure 5c shows the (435 nm) and cyan peak (480 nm) also followed the same
energy pathway for the electrochemical cell, and a detailed trends in Figure 2, although the bathochromic shifts were
schematic of the working mechanism can be seen in Sup- more pronounced than when the anthocyanin was suspended
porting Information Figure S1. These results clearly show in aqueous solution. Figure 6d–f shows applications of the
that cryoconcentration of extract enhances DSSC perfor- printed anthocyanin using samples from lake water (Figure
mance when compared with boiled extract. 5d), commercial soil (Figure 6e), and organic soil (Figure
Figure 6 shows the performance of inkjet-printed biodetec- 6f). In each case, the reference image from Figure 6a, the
tors for direct measurement of pH. Figure 6a shows a photo- measured CIE, and the absorbance (kEx 5 435 nm) are
graph of the inkjet-printed “dots” at pH from 1 to 14 (outer shown for comparison. For each of the samples, the pH
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