Pulmonary Tuberculosis G3
Pulmonary Tuberculosis G3
Pulmonary Tuberculosis G3
In September 1998, Patient B a 36-year-old male soldier in the French Foreign Legion with
hemoptysis was sent back to France from Djibouti. He expectorated bloody sputum after
running and on a few other occasions. His medical history was not unusual. When the patient
was hospitalized, 2 weeks after the initial symptoms, he began to experience progressive
fatigue. He did not experience fever, weight loss, night sweats, anorexia, cough, dyspnea, or
chest pain, and did not produce sputum.
Results of the clinical examination were normal. The Mantoux test, performed with 10 IU of
purified tuberculin (Aventis-Pasteur-MSD, Lyon, France), yielded a maximum transverse
diameter of induration of 15 mm. Laboratory values were normal (Table). The chest X-ray
showed a triangular consolidation of the left upper lobe with blurred limits and small cavitary
lesions. No other contiguous mediastinohilar anomalies were visible. A computed tomographic
scan confirmed the cavitary syndrome: three excavated nodular images showed radiating
spicules within a micronodular infiltrate. Bronchoscopy showed a moderate inflammation of
airway mucosa, especially in the left upper lobe. Biopsy specimens exhibited nonspecific
Laboratory values for both patients infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis subsp. canetti
Blood count
Creatinine (µmol/L) 89 97
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
A bronchial washing smear from the left upper lobe was positive for acid-fast bacilli. Serologic
tests for HIV-1 and HIV-2 were negative. acid fast
No evidence bacillus)was found elsewhere; the
of disease
patient did not experience bone pain. Results of neurologic and ophthalmologic examinations
were normal; no lymphadenopathy or hepatosplenomegaly were found and the genitalia were
normal. Auscultation revealed no pericardial fremitus; no ascitic fluid was detected. The urinary
sediment contained <1,000 red blood of and
cells/L dried<5,000
nuclei Antituberculosis
chemotherapy was begun with four drugs: rifampicin,
(Airborne isoniazid, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide.
Cultures revealed a strain identified as M. tuberculosis subsp. canetti that was susceptible to all
primary antituberculous drugs. Therefore, rifampicin and isoniazid were continued for 3 more
months for a total treatment period of 6 months. The patient’s response to treatment was
favorable, and he remained asymptomatic.
Inflammation in Alveoli
1. Refer to the next 1. To continue
nurse on duty. the
to the
Name of drugs Route of General action Indication/ Client’s Nursing responsibilities prior
administration Mechanism of action Purpose response to to, during, and after
, dosage and med. With administration
frequency of actual side
administration effects
Generic name: Route Inhibits RNA synthesis by Acute Tuberculosis Red Perform mycobacterial studies
Rifampicin/Rifa PO blocking RNA transcription in (with other agents). discoloration of and susceptibility tests prior to
mpin Single dose; susceptible organisms. Elimination of tears, and periodically during therapy
Brand name: may also be meningococcal abdominal pain, to detect possible resistance.
Rimactane given twice carriers. diarrhea, Assess lung sounds and
weekly flatulence, character and amount of
Frequency heartburn, sputum periodically during
Single dose; nausea, therapy.
may also be vomiting, red Administer medication on an
given twice discoloration of empty stomach at least 1 hr
weekly urine. before or 2 hr after meals with
Dosage a full glass (240 ml) of water.
600 mg/day Advise patient that this
medication has teratogenic
properties and may decrease
the effectiveness of oral
Emphasize the importance the
importance of regular follow-
up exams to monitor progress
and to check for side effects.
Brand name: Route Inhibits mycobacterial cell First-line therapy of CNS: psychosis, Be alert for signs of peripheral
Isoniazid PO wall synthesis and interferes active tuberculosis, seizures. EENT: neuropathy (numbness,
Generic name: Frequency with metabolism. Therapeutic in combination with visual tingling, decreased muscle
INH Daily Effects: Bacteriostatic or other agents. disturbances. strength). Establish baseline
Dosage bactericidal action against Prevention of GI: DRUG- electroneuromyographic
300mg susceptible mycobacteria. tuberculosis in INDUCED values at the beginning of drug
patients exposed to HEPATITIS, treatment whenever possible,
active disease nausea, and reexamine these values
(alone). vomiting. periodically to document drug-
Derm: rashes. induced changes in peripheral
Endo: nerve function.
gynecomastia. Always wash hands thoroughly
Hemat: blood and disinfect equipment
dyscrasias. (whirlpools, electrotherapeutic
Neuro: devices, treatment tables, and
peripheral so forth) to help prevent the
neuropathy. spread of infection. Employ
Misc: fever. universal precautions or
isolation procedures as
indicated for specific patients.
Instruct patient and
family/caregivers to report
other troublesome side effects
such as severe or prolonged
fever, skin rash, vision
problems, breast enlargement
in men, or GI problems
(nausea, vomiting).
Generic name: Route Inhibits the growth of Active tuberculosis Dizziness, Asses lung sounds and
Ethambutol PO mycobacteria. Therapeutic or other fatigue, or character and amount of
Brand name: Frequency Effects: Tuberculostatic effect mycobacterial headache, loss sputum periodically during
Myambutol Daily against susceptible diseases (with at of appetite, therapy.
Dosage organisms. least one other upset stomach, Administer with food or milk to
1200 mg drug). vomiting, minimize GI irritation or tablets
numbness and may be crushed and mixed
tingling in the with apple juice.
hands or free, Emphasize the importance of
and optic routine exams to evaluate
neuritis-blurring progress and ophthalmic
of vision. examinations if signs of optic
neuritis occur.
Generic name: Route Converted to pyrazinoic acid Used in combination GI: Advise patient to take
Pyrazinamide PO in susceptible strains of with other agents in Hepatotoxicity,a medication as directed
Brand name: Frequency mycobacterium which lowers the treatment of norexia, and not to skip doses or
Once daily the pH of the environment. active tuberculosis. diarrhea, double up on missed
Dosage Therapeutic Effects: nausea, doses.
15 to 30 mg/kg Bacteriostatic action against vomiting GU: Advise patients to notify
susceptible mycobacteria. dysuria DERM: health care professional if
acne, itching, no improvement is
photosensitivity noticed.
, rash HEMAT: Emphasize the importance
anemia, of regular follow-up exams
thrombocytope to monitor progress and
nia. METAB: check for side effects.
MS: Arthralgia,
gouty arthritis.
Analysis and
Diagnostics/ Date Nursing responsibilities prior
Interpretation of
Laboratory ordered/ Indication/Purposes Result to, during, and after the
results (related to
Procedure Date Done procedure
the disease)
An endoscopic technique
Instruct to the
of visualizing the inside of It shows moderate
patient the purpose
the airways for diagnostic inflammation of airways
of the test.
and therapeutic purposes. mucosa, especially in the Result interprets
Monitor patient
Bronchoscopy An instrument is inserted left upper lobe. Biopsy that the patient has
Document the
into the airways, usually showed a moderate asthma.
through the nose or inflammation of airway
mouth, or occasionally mucosa, especially in the
through a tracheostomy left upper lobe.
It is a simple test that
looks at a small sample of Instruct the patient on
<1,000 red
urine. It can help find hoe she can cooperate.
blood cells/L
Urinalysis problems that needs Normal Provide privacy.
and <5,000
treatment including kidney Document findings.
disease, diabetes or liver
Bronchial A mild salt solution is From the left upper lobe Positive for acid Explain to the patient
Washing washed over the surface of was positive for acid bacilli. the purpose of the test.
Smear the airways to collect cells, bacilli. Inform the patient for
which are then looked any abnormalities.
under the microscope. It is Record the result.
used to find infections.
Explain to the patient
It determines the presence
the purpose of the test.
Serological of the human
Inform the patient for
tests for HIV 1 immunodeficiency virus All findings are normal. Negative
any abnormalities.
and 2 (HIV) in human serum or
Record the result.