5.4 MLBasics Estimators

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Deep Learning Srihari

Machine Learning Basics:

Estimators, Bias and Variance
Sargur N. Srihari

This is part of lecture slides on Deep Learning:


Topics in Basics of ML
Deep Learning

1.  Learning Algorithms

2.  Capacity, Overfitting and Underfitting
3.  Hyperparameters and Validation Sets
4.  Estimators, Bias and Variance
5.  Maximum Likelihood Estimation
6.  Bayesian Statistics
7.  Supervised Learning Algorithms
8.  Unsupervised Learning Algorithms
9.  Stochastic Gradient Descent
10. Building a Machine Learning Algorithm
11. Challenges Motivating Deep Learning 2
Deep Learning Srihari

Topics in Estimators, Bias, Variance

0. Statistical tools useful for generalization
1.  Point estimation
2.  Bias
3.  Variance and Standard Error
4.  Bias-Variance tradeoff to minimize MSE
5.  Consistency

Deep Learning Srihari

Statistics provides tools for ML

•  The field of statistics provides many tools to
achieve the ML goal of solving a task not only
on the training set but also to generalize
•  Foundational concepts such as
–  Parameter estimation
–  Bias
–  Variance
•  They characterize notions of generalization,
over- and under-fitting
Deep Learning Srihari

Point Estimation
•  Point Estimation is the attempt to provide the
single best prediction of some quantity of
–  Quantity of interest can be:
•  A single parameter
•  A vector of parameters
–  E.g., weights in linear regression
•  A whole function

Deep Learning Srihari

Point estimator or Statistic

•  To distinguish estimates of parameters from
their true value, a point estimate of a parameter
θ is represented by θ̂
•  Let {x(1), x(2),..x(m)} be m independent and
identically distributed data points
–  Then a point estimator or statistic is any function of
the data
θ̂m = g(x (1),...x (m) )
•  Thus a statistic is any function of the data
•  It need not be close to the true θ
–  A good estimator is a function whose output is close
to the true underlying θ that generated the data 6
Deep Learning Srihari

Function Estimation
•  Point estimation can also refer to estimation of
relationship between input and target variables
–  Referred to as function estimation
•  Here we predict a variable y given input x
–  We assume f(x) is the relationship between x and y
•  We may assume y=f(x)+ε
–  Where ε stands for a part of y not predictable from x
–  We are interested in approximating f with a model fˆ
•  Function estimation is same as estimating a parameter θ
–  where fˆ is a point estimator in function space
•  Ex: in polynomial regression we are either estimating a
parameter w or estimating a function mapping from x to y
Deep Learning Srihari

Properties of Point Estimators

•  Most commonly studied properties of point
estimators are:
1.  Bias
2.  Variance
•  They inform us about the estimators

Deep Learning Srihari

1. Bias of an estimator
•  The bias of an estimator θ̂m = g(x (1),...x (m)) for
parameter θ is defined as
( )
bias θ̂m = E ⎡⎣θ̂m ⎤⎦ − θ

•  The estimator is unbiased if bias( θ̂m )=0

–  which implies that E ⎡⎣θ̂m ⎤⎦ = θ
•  An estimator is asymptotically unbiased if
( )
limm→∞ bias θ̂m = 0

Deep Learning Srihari

Examples of Estimator Bias

•  We look at common estimators of the following
parameters to determine whether there is bias:
–  Bernoulli distribution: mean θ
–  Gaussian distribution: mean µ
–  Gaussian distribution: variance σ2

Deep Learning Srihari

Estimator of Bernoulli mean

•  Bernoulli distribution for binary variable x ε{0,1}
with mean θ has the form P(x;θ) = θx (1 − θ)1−x
•  Estimator for θ given samples {x(1),..x(m)} is θ̂ = m1 ∑ x
(i )
i =1

•  To determine whether this estimator is biased

determine bias(θ̂ ) = E ⎡⎣θ̂ ⎤⎦ − θ
m m

⎡ 1 m (i ) ⎤
= E ⎢ ∑x ⎥ − θ
⎣ m i −1 ⎦
= ∑ E ⎡⎣x (i ) ⎤⎦ − θ
m i =1
1 m 1
( )
= ∑ ∑ x (i )θx (1 − θ)(1−x ) − θ
m i =1 x (i ) =0
(i ) (i )

1 m
= ∑ (θ) − θ = θ − θ = 0
m i =1

–  Since bias( θ̂ )=0 we say that the estimator is unbiased

Deep Learning Srihari

Estimator of Gaussian mean

•  Samples {x(1),..x(m)} are independently and
identically distributed according to p(x(i))=N(x(i);µ,σ2)
–  Sample mean is an estimator of the mean parameter
1 m (i )
µ̂m = ∑ x
m i =1
–  To determine bias of the sample mean:

–  Thus the sample mean is an unbiased estimator of the

Gaussian mean
Deep Learning Srihari

Estimator for Gaussian variance

•  The sample variance is ( 1 m (i )
σ̂ = ∑ x − µ̂m
m i =1
•  We are interested in computing
bias( σ̂m2 ) =E( σ̂m2 ) - σ2
•  We begin by evaluating à
•  σ̂ 2
Thus the bias of m is –σ2/m
•  Thus the sample variance is a biased estimator
•  The unbiased sample variance estimator is
1 m (i )
( )
σ̂ =
m ∑ x − µ̂m
m − 1 i =1
Deep Learning Srihari

2. Variance and Standard Error

•  Another property of an estimator:
–  How much we expect the estimator to vary as a
function of the data sample
•  Just as we computed the expectation of the
estimator to determine its bias, we can compute
its variance
•  The variance of an estimator is simply Var(θ̂ )
where the random variable is the training set
•  The square root of the the variance is called the
standard error, denoted SE(θ̂)
Deep Learning Srihari

Importance of Standard Error

•  It measures how we would expect the estimate
to vary as we obtain different samples from the
same distribution
•  The standard error of the mean is given by
⎡ 1 m (i ) ⎤ σ
( )
SE µ̂m = Var ⎢ ∑ x ⎥ =
⎣ m i =1 ⎦ m

–  where σ2 is the true variance of the samples x(i)

–  Standard error often estimated using estimate of σ
•  Although not unbiased, approximation is reasonable
–  The standard deviation is less of an underestimate than variance
Deep Learning Srihari

Standard Error in Machine Learning

•  We often estimate generalization error by
computing error on the test set
–  No of samples in the test set determine its accuracy
–  Since mean will be normally distributed, (according
to Central Limit Theorem), we can compute
probability that true expectation falls in any chosen
•  Ex: 95% confidence interval centered on mean µ̂m is
(µ̂ m ( ) ( ))
− 1.96SE µ̂m , µ̂m + 1.96SE µ̂m

•  ML algorithm A is better than ML algorithm B if

–  upperbound of A is less than lower bound of B
Deep Learning Srihari

Confidence Intervals for error

95% confidence intervals for error estimate

Deep Learning Srihari

Trading-off Bias and Variance

•  Bias and Variance measure two different
sources of error of an estimator
•  Bias measures the expected deviation from the
true value of the function or parameter
•  Variance provides a measure of the expected
deviation that any particular sampling of the
data is likely to cause

Deep Learning Srihari

Negotiating between bias - tradeoff

•  How to choose between two algorithms, one
with a large bias and another with a large

–  Most common approach is to use cross-validation

–  Alternatively we can minimize Mean Squared Error
which incorporates both bias and variance

Deep Learning Srihari

Mean Squared Error

•  Mean Squared Error of an estimate is
MSE = E ⎡⎢( θ̂ − θ ) ⎤⎥


=Bias ( θ̂ ) + Var ( θ̂ )
m m

•  Minimizing the MSE keeps both bias and

variance in check
As capacity increases, bias (dotted )
tends to decrease and variance (dashed)
tends to increase

Deep Learning Srihari

Underfit-Overfit : Bias-Variance
Relationship of bias-variance to capacity is similar to
underfitting and overfitting relationship to capacity

Bias-Variance to capacity Model complexity to capacity

Both have a U-shaped curve of generalization

Error as a function of capacity

Deep Learning Srihari

•  So far we have discussed behavior of an
estimator for a fixed training set size
•  We are also interested with the behavior of the
estimator as training set grows
•  As the no. of data points m in the training set
grows, we would like our point estimates to
converge to the true value of the parameters:
plimm→∞θ̂m = θ
–  Symbol plim indicates convergence in probability
Deep Learning Srihari

Weak and Strong Consistency

•  plimm→∞θ̂m = θ means that
For any ε > 0, P(| θ̂m − θ |> ε) → 0 as m → ∞
•  It is also known as weak consistency
•  Implies almost sure convergence of θ̂ to θ
•  Strong consistency refers to almost sure convergence
of a sequence of random variables x(1),x(2),… to a
value x occurs when
p(limm→∞x (m) = x) = 1
•  Consistency ensures that the bias induced by the
estimator decreases with m

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