Cpri Mux (Sran16.1 - 01)
Cpri Mux (Sran16.1 - 01)
Cpri Mux (Sran16.1 - 01)
Issue 01
Date 2020-03-30
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1 Change History.........................................................................................................................1
1.1 SRAN16.1 01 (2020-03-30)..................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 SRAN16.1 Draft A (2020-01-20)........................................................................................................................................ 1
3 Overview....................................................................................................................................5
3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Application Scenarios............................................................................................................................................................. 6
7 Network Analysis.................................................................................................................. 58
7.1 Benefits..................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
7.2 Impacts..................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
7.2.1 Services..................................................................................................................................................................................58
7.2.2 Features................................................................................................................................................................................ 59
7.2.3 System Capacity................................................................................................................................................................. 60
7.2.4 Network Performance...................................................................................................................................................... 60
8 Requirements......................................................................................................................... 61
8.1 Licenses.................................................................................................................................................................................... 61
8.2 Software................................................................................................................................................................................... 61
8.3 Hardware................................................................................................................................................................................. 62
8.4 Networking............................................................................................................................................................................. 62
8.5 Others....................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
10 Parameters............................................................................................................................73
11 Counters................................................................................................................................ 74
12 Terminology..........................................................................................................................75
13 Reference Documents........................................................................................................ 76
1 Change History
Technical Changes
Editorial Changes
Technical Changes
Change Description Parameter Change
Editorial Changes
This document only provides guidance for feature activation. Feature deployment and
feature gains depend on the specifics of the network scenario where the feature is
deployed. To achieve the desired gains, contact Huawei professional service engineers.
Software Interfaces
Any parameters, alarms, counters, or managed objects (MOs) described in Feature
Parameter Description documents apply only to the corresponding software
release. For future software releases, refer to the corresponding updated product
Trial Features
Trial features are features that are not yet ready for full commercial release for
certain reasons. For example, the industry chain (terminals/CN) may not be
sufficiently compatible. However, these features can still be used for testing
purposes or commercial network trials. Anyone who desires to use the trial
features shall contact Huawei and enter into a memorandum of understanding
(MoU) with Huawei prior to an official application of such trial features. Trial
features are not for sale in the current version but customers may try them for
Customers acknowledge and undertake that trial features may have a certain
degree of risk due to absence of commercial testing. Before using them, customers
shall fully understand not only the expected benefits of such trial features but also
the possible impact they may exert on the network. In addition, customers
acknowledge and undertake that since trial features are free, Huawei is not liable
for any trial feature malfunctions or any losses incurred by using the trial features.
Huawei does not promise that problems with trial features will be resolved in the
current version. Huawei reserves the rights to convert trial features into
commercial features in later R/C versions. If trial features are converted into
commercial features in a later version, customers shall pay a licensing fee to
obtain the relevant licenses prior to using the said commercial features. If a
customer fails to purchase such a license, the trial feature(s) will be invalidated
automatically when the product is upgraded.
3 Overview
This document applies to 3900 and 5900 series base stations, excluding DBS3900
and DBS5900 LampSite base stations. For CPRI MUX in DBS3900 and DBS5900
LampSite base stations, see CPRI MUX (LampSite).
This document does not involve any basic CPRI topologies, such as chain, star, ring,
dual-star, and load-sharing topologies. For details, see RF Unit and Topology
This document does not involve the CPRI trunk chain and description of the trunk
chain topology with CPRI MUX. For details, see RMU.
If LTE and NR uplink spectrum sharing is enabled, data convergence is supported
between LTE and NR. For details, see LTE FDD and NR Uplink Spectrum Sharing.
This document applies only to CPRIs, and does not apply to enhanced common
public radio interfaces (eCPRIs). For details about eCPRI MUX, see eCPRI.
3.1 Introduction
CPRI MUX enables multiple network modes to use a common public radio
interface (CPRI) link for data transmission.
Figure 3-1 shows CPRI MUX principles when data of multiple network modes is
converged. The board of network mode B is connected to the board of network
mode A through the backplane. This way, data of network mode B is converged
on the board of network mode A. Then, the CPRI optical fiber connecting the
board of network mode A and a multimode RF module can carry data of both
network modes A and B.
The board of network mode A serves as the converging board and network mode
A is the converging party. The board of network mode B serves as the converged
board and network mode B is the converged party.
Figure 3-1 CPRI MUX principles when data of multiple network modes is
Star topology with CPRI Most areas, especially densely 5.1 Star Topology
MUX populated areas (The star with CPRI MUX
topology with CPRI MUX is
recommended for co-MPT base
Chain topology with Long and narrow areas, such as 5.2 Chain
CPRI MUX highways and railways Topology with
Trunk chain topology Insufficient CPRI links for long- RMU Feature
with CPRI MUX distance transmission or Parameter
insufficient CPRI bandwidth Description
From SRAN12.0 onwards, star, chain, load sharing, and dual-star topologies with CPRI MUX
are supported by GM, UM, GUM, GLM, ULM, and GULM multimode base stations.
● CPRI MUX in GM or GLM base stations is used in the same way in GL base stations.
● CPRI MUX in UM or ULM base stations is used in the same way in UL base stations.
● CPRI MUX in GUM or GULM base stations is used in the same way in GUL base stations.
For details about CPRI MUX in GM/GLM, UM/ULM, and GUM/GULM base stations, see CPRI
MUX in GL, UL, and GUL multimode base stations respectively in 5.1 Star Topology with
CPRI MUX, 5.2 Chain Topology with CPRI MUX, 5.3 Load Sharing Topology with CPRI
MUX, and 5.4 Dual-Star Topology with CPRI MUX. For the BBU models and boards that
support NB-IoT, see BBU3900 and BBU3910 Hardware Description, BBU5900 Hardware
Description, and BBU5900A Hardware Description.
This chapter describes only BBU boards that support CPRI MUX and constraints. For more
details about BBUs and BBU boards, see BBU3900 and BBU3910 Hardware Description,
BBU5900 Hardware Description, and BBU5900A Hardware Description.
● (1)UBBP_Ux indicates that the working mode of this UBBP includes UMTS. UBBP_Gx
indicates that the working mode of this UBBP includes GSM.
● (2)In non-baseband extension mode, GSM baseband signals are processed by RRUs
instead of a UBBP_Gx in the BBU.
● (3) In GSM baseband extension mode, GSM baseband signals are processed by a
carry services of two network modes. If the CPRI ports work at a data rate less than or
equal to 4.9 Gbit/s, each port can carry GUL services. If GLM/ULM concurrency is
applied, GLM/ULM is equivalent to two network modes when CPRI compression is not
used for LTE FDD and equivalent to three network modes when CPRI compression is
used for LTE FDD.
Table 4-1 BBU3900 boards that can serve as the converging board of CPRI MUX in
co-MPT scenarios and their slot assignment
UL UBRIb Slot 1
GU UBRIb Slot 0 or 1
UBBP_G/U/GU/GL/UL/GUL Slot 2 or 3
GL UBRIb Slot 1
UBBP_G/L Slot 1, 2, or 3
UBBP_GU/GL/UL/GUL Slot 2 or 3
UBBP_G/U/L/GU/GL/UL/GUL Slot 2 or 3
Topology Constraints
The constraints on CPRI MUX used with a BBU3900 in separate-MPT scenarios are
listed as follows:
● Converging and converged parties must be deployed in the same BBU. Inter-
BBU CPRI MUX is not supported.
● Converging and converged boards must be configured in the same BBU. The
converging party cannot serve as the converged party. Data of a network
mode can only be converged to one board.
● Only UMTS and LTE can serve as the converging party. If CPRI MUX involves
GSM, GSM supports the non-baseband extension mode only.
● Each BBU provides a maximum of six ports for data convergence. These ports
must be located on the same WBBPf, LBBPd, UBBP_U, or UBBP_L.
● When UMTS serves as the converged party, a WBBPf or UBBP_U must be
installed in slot 2 or 3.
● The CPRI ports on the two RRUs serving a dual-RRU cell must be connected
to the BBPs of the same mode.
Table 4-2 BBU3900 boards that support CPRI MUX in separate-MPT scenarios and
their slot assignment
Network Converging Converging Slot of the Converge Slot of
Mode Party Board Converging d Board the
Served Board Converge
by the d Board
Table 4-3 BBU3910 boards that can serve as the converging board of CPRI MUX in
co-MPT scenarios and their slot assignment
Network Mode Converging Board Slot of the Converging
Served by the Board
GU UBRIb Slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
LN UBBP_L/UBBP_N/UBBP_LN Slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
● The network modes served by a CPRI port on a co-BBP UBBP are the same as or included in
those served by this UBBP. For example, a CPRI port on a UBBP_GUL can work in UO, UL, or
GUL mode.
● If CPRI ports on a UBRIb work at a data rate higher than 4.9 Gbit/s, each port can carry
services of only one network mode in versions earlier than SRAN11.1, and can carry services
of two network modes in SRAN11.1 and later versions.
Table 4-4 BBU3910 boards that support CPRI MUX in separate-MPT scenarios and
their slot assignment
The UBBPg2/UBBPg2a using DSFP optical modules cannot serve as the converged board. If
they serve as the converging board, only the first LC port of each DSFP optical module
supports CPRI MUX.
MPT scenarios, data convergence between UMTS and LTE and between LTE and
NR is supported.
Table 4-5 BBU5900 boards that can serve as the converging board of CPRI MUX in
co-MPT scenarios and their slot assignment
GU UBBP_G/U/L/GU/GL/UL/GUL Slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
LN UBBP_L/UBBP_N/UBBP_LN Slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
The network modes served by a CPRI port on a co-BBP UBBP are the same as or included in
those served by this UBBP. For example, a CPRI port on a UBBP_GUL can work in UO, UL, or
GUL mode.
Table 4-6 BBU5900 boards that support CPRI MUX in separate-MPT scenarios and
their slot assignment
The UBBPg2/UBBPg2a/UBBPg3 using DSFP optical modules cannot serve as the converged
board. If they serve as the converging board, only the first LC port of each DSFP optical
module supports CPRI MUX.
● A BBU3910A supports CPRI MUX only in co-MPT scenarios and supports only
● Converging and converged parties must be deployed in the same BBU.
● A BBU3910A provides six CPRI ports, all of which support CPRI MUX.
Table 4-8 BBU5900A that can serve as the converging board of CPRI MUX and
their slot assignment
Network Mode Converging Board Slot of the Converging
Served by the Board
GU UBBP_G/U/L/GU/GL/UL/GUL Slot 0, 2, or 4
LN UBBP_L/N/LN Slot 0, 2, or 4
The network modes served by a CPRI port on a co-BBP UBBP are the same as or included in
those served by this UBBP. For example, a CPRI port on a UBBP_GUL can work in UO, UL, or
GUL mode.
Figure 5-4 shows an example where GSM uses the non-baseband extension
mode. In this example, the converging party is UMTS and the converging
board is a UBBP_U.
Figure 5-6 shows an example where GSM uses the non-baseband extension
mode. In this example, the converging party is GSM and the converging board
is a UBRIb.
Figure 5-7 shows an example where GSM uses the non-baseband extension
mode. In this example, the converging party is LTE and the converging board
is a UBBP_L.
● (1) In this scenario, UMTS and LTE cells must be configured on the specified
baseband equipment group, and such a baseband equipment group must include
only single-mode BBPs.
● (2)
WBBP refers to all types of WBBPs that support UMTS, including the WBBPa,
WBBPb, WBBPd, and WBBPf.
Figure 5-9 shows an example where GSM uses the non-baseband extension
mode. In this example, the converging party is GSM and the converging board
is a UBRIb.
Figure 5-9 GUL CPRI MUX in co-MPT scenarios (converging board: UBRIb)
Figure 5-10 shows an example where GSM uses the non-baseband extension
mode. In this example, the converging party is UMTS.
Figure 5-10 GUL CPRI MUX in co-MPT scenarios (converging party: UMTS)
Figure 5-11 GUL CPRI MUX in co-MPT scenarios (converging party: UL)
Figure 5-12 GUL CPRI MUX with GUL co-BBP in co-MPT scenarios
● Figure 5-14 shows an example. In this example, the converging party is LTE
and the converged party is UMTS.
In this scenario, data can be converged from slot 6 to either slot 2 or 3, but cannot
to both slots.
● The following figure shows an example. In this example, the converging board
is a UBBP_GU.
● This section describes RF module cascading solutions and constraints. For BBU
configurations, see 4 Boards That Support CPRI MUX and Constraints and 5.1 Star
Topology with CPRI MUX.
● If a chain contains RF modules whose working mode includes GSM, first activate cells
served by such RF modules that are configured at the upper levels, that is, closer to the
● All RF modules on a chain must work at the same rate.
Cascading Specifications
Table 5-1 lists the maximum number of cascading levels in a chain topology with
Table 5-1 Maximum number of cascading levels in a chain topology with CPRI
GU 6
GL 4
UL 4
LN 4
● In specific scenarios, the maximum number of cascading levels also depends on factors
such as the cell specifications of each network mode and the CPRI MUX access
capabilities of the converging party. For details on the CPRI MUX access capabilities, see
6 Specifications of CPRI MUX Access Capabilities.
● If configurations of a base station exceed CPRI MUX access capabilities, the status of
certain cells served by this base station may be abnormal.
● For the maximum level of cascading and the maximum distance between an RF module
and a BBU, see the description of CPRI port specifications in RRU Technical
Specifications or AAU Technical Specifications for the RF module.
Figure 5-33 shows an example of GU CPRI MUX where a BBU3900 is used and
GSM uses the non-baseband extension mode. In this example, the converging
party is UMTS and the converging board is a UBBP_U. Multimode RF modules on
the chains are all configured to work in GU mode which is the case on the live
Figure 5-33 Intra-mode cascading chain with GU CPRI MUX in co-MPT scenarios
where a BBU3900 is used and GSM uses the non-baseband extension mode
(converging party: UMTS; converging board: UBBP_U)
On an inter-mode cascading chain, multimode RF modules are configured with
different working modes. The configured working modes are the same as or
included in the working modes of the live network. The inter-mode cascading
solution is provided for use in specific scenarios.
1. If GSM is included in the working mode of any multimode RF module on an
inter-mode cascading chain, all multimode RF modules on this chain must
support GSM. In other words, if any multimode RF module on such a chain
works in GO, GU, GL, or GUL mode, then this chain can only contain GU, GL,
and GUL RF modules. Figure 5-34 shows an example.
2. If GSM is excluded from the working modes of all multimode RF modules on
an inter-mode cascading chain, this chain can contain any type of multimode
RF modules. In other words, if all multimode RF modules on such a chain
work in UO, LO, and UL modes, then this chain can contain GU, GL, UL, and
GUL RF modules. Figure 5-35 shows an example.
● The following figure takes GU CPRI MUX in co-MPT scenarios as an example
of constraint 1. In this example, a BBU3900 is used, GSM uses the non-
baseband extension mode, the converging party is UMTS, and the converging
board is a UBBP_U.
In this figure, UO RF modules are multimode RF modules that work in UO mode and
also support GSM. In other words, they are GU or GUL RF modules.
In separate-MPT scenarios, an inter-mode cascading chain can contain multimode
RF modules that work in a single network mode or dual network modes. These RF
modules must support both converging and converged parties.
Figure 5-36 takes GU CPRI MUX in separate-MPT scenarios as an example. In this
example, multimode RF modules on the inter-mode cascading chains must be GU
or GUL RF modules that work in GO, UO, or GU mode.
● In the multimode load sharing topology, the two CPRI links of an RF module
must be connected to two BBPs/BRIs that work in different network modes.
Only the BBU3900/BBU3910/BBU5900 supports the multimode load sharing
● In the multimode load sharing topology, the number of LTE cells cannot exceed
the limit supported by each CPRI link. The maximum number of LTE cells varies
depending on the CPRI port rate and the number of cells supported by the BBU.
For details about the number of LTE cells supported by CPRI ports with
different data rates, see the following:
For 3900 series BBUs, see section "UBBP" or "LBBP" in 3900 & 5900 Series Base
Station Product Documentation > BBU3900 and BBU3910 Hardware
Description > BBU3900 and BBU3910 Boards.
For the BBU5900, see section "UBBP" in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station
Product Documentation > BBU5900 Hardware Description > BBU5900 Boards.
● If a UBBP is used in the multimode load sharing topology, the UBBP must have
been configured with baseband resources of its working mode. Otherwise,
carriers cannot be successfully allocated to the CPRI ports on this UBBP.
● In the multimode load sharing topology, if the CPRI port or the board hosting
the CPRI port is faulty, services of certain network modes may fail to be
established. After the fault is rectified, services of all network modes will
automatically recover.
The converging party and the converged party must share one BBU and cannot be deployed
in different BBUs.
BBU 0 supports the BBU3900 and BBU3910, and BBU 1 supports the BBU5900.
In a topology with CPRI MUX, the CPRI MUX access capability depends on the
CPRI line rate and board capabilities of the converging party.
● The CPRI line rate, access capabilities of a CPRI link, and access capabilities of a board
all refer to those of the converging party.
● Access capabilities mentioned in the tables apply to common cells. For the impact of
this feature working in different RATs on cell capacity, see the corresponding feature
parameter description.
● If GSM uses the baseband extension mode, GSM-related data in the tables refers to
capacity specifications when the antenna TX/RX mode is 1T2R.
● UMTS-related data in the tables refers to capacity specifications when the antenna
TX/RX mode is 1T2R.
● LTE-related data in the tables refers to capacity specifications when the antenna TX/RX
mode is 2T2R.
● The capabilities of a BBU3910A or a converging board in a BBU3900/BBU3910/
BBU5900/BBU5900A cannot exceed the TRX, cell, or carrier specifications of a site. For
the TRX, cell, and carrier specifications, see BBU Technical Specifications.
Table 6-1 Access capabilities in multimode scenarios where CPRI MUX is used with
a BBU3900/BBU3910/BBU5900/BBU5900A
CPRI Line 2.5 Gbit/s 4.9 Gbit/s 9.8 Gbit/s
● (1) For GU or GL CPRI MUX used with a BBU3910 in separate-MPT scenarios, if the
number of ports converging data is less than or equal to five, a single CPRI link can
carry 32 GSM TRXs. However, if the number of ports converging data is six, a single CPRI
link can only carry 24 GSM TRXs.
● If GSM uses the non-baseband extension mode, GSM-related data in this table refers to
capacity specifications when the maximum distance between the BBU and RF modules
is 20 km in time division multiplexing (TDM) transmission mode.
In IP over E1 or IP over FE transmission mode, specifications in this table take
precedence if these specifications do not exceed the site capacity specifications.
Otherwise, site capacity specifications take precedence.
● (2) The capacity specifications refer to those when GSM uses the non-baseband
extension mode. If GSM uses the baseband extension mode, a board serves a maximum
of 72 GSM TRXs.
● (3)For GU or GL CPRI MUX used with a BBU3900 in separate-MPT scenarios, if the
converging board is a WBBPf or an LBBPd:
The converging board can provide a maximum of three ports for data convergence if the
CPRI line rate of the ports is 9.8 Gbit/s. The ports must be ports 0, 1, and 2.
The converging board can provide the following port combinations for data convergence
if the CPRI line rates of the ports include both 9.8 Gbit/s and 4.9 Gbit/s:
Three 9.8 Gbit/s ports and one 4.9 Gbit/s port
Two 9.8 Gbit/s ports and two 4.9 Gbit/s ports
One 9.8 Gbit/s port and four 4.9 Gbit/s ports
A 9.8 Gbit/s port converging data must be port 0, 1, or 2.
● For LTE access capabilities in this table:
An LTE FDD cell with a bandwidth of 10 MHz is equivalent to four LTE NB-IoT cells, each
with a bandwidth of 200 kHz.
An LTE FDD cell with a bandwidth of 20 MHz is equivalent to eight LTE NB-IoT cells,
each with a bandwidth of 200 kHz.
● (4) If LTE cells are served by a board in slot 0, 1, 4, or 5 of a BBU3900, the board serves a
The minimum CPRI line rate of the converging board is 2.5 Gbit/s.
Table 6-2 Access capabilities in LTE and NR multimode scenarios where CPRI MUX
is used with a BBU3910/BBU5900/BBU5900A
CPRI Line Rate 10.1 Gbit/s 24.3 Gbit/s
Access Capabilities of a NR 100 MHz 2T2R + LTE NR 100 MHz 8T8R + LTE
CPRI Link (LN) 6x20 MHz 2T2R 20 MHz 8T8R
Table 6-3 Access capabilities in multimode scenarios where CPRI MUX is used with
a BBU3910A
CPRI Line 2.5 Gbit/s 4.9 Gbit/s 9.8 Gbit/s
GSM-related data in this table refers to capacity specifications when GSM uses the non-
baseband extension mode, the transmission operates in IP over E1 or IP over FE mode, and
the maximum distance between the BBU3910A and RF modules is 20 km.
Table 6-4 Access capabilities in multimode scenarios where CPRI MUX is used with
a BBU3910C
CPRI Line Rate 2.5 Gbit/s 4.9 Gbit/s
The BBU3910C does not support the baseband extension mode. GSM-related data in this
table refers to capacity specifications when GSM uses the non-baseband extension mode,
the transmission operates in IP over FE mode, and the maximum distance between the
BBU3910C and RF modules is reached.
antenna TX/RX mode is 1T2R is twice that supported when the antenna
TX/RX mode is 2T4R.
– With the antenna TX/RX mode and CPRI line rate fixed, the number of
cells supported by a 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, or 20 MHz cell is in inverse
proportion to the bandwidth of LTE cells. For example, the supported
number of 3 MHz cells is twice that of 5 MHz cells, and the supported
number of 5 MHz cells is twice that of 10 MHz cells.
– With the antenna TX/RX mode and CPRI line rate fixed, the supported
number of 1.4 MHz cells equals that of 3 MHz, and the supported
number of 15 MHz cells equals that of 20 MHz cells.
– With the cell bandwidth fixed, the antenna TX/RX mode of 1T1R, 2T2R,
and 4T4R is in inverse proportion to the number of cells. For example, if
the cell bandwidth is 20 MHz, the number of cells supported when the
antenna TX/RX mode is 2T2R is twice that supported when the antenna
TX/RX mode is 4T4R.
– With the cell bandwidth fixed, the number of cells supported when the
antenna TX/RX mode is 1T2R equals that supported when the antenna
TX/RX mode is 2T2R, and the number of cells supported when the
antenna TX/RX mode is 2T4R equals that supported when the antenna
TX/RX mode is 4T4R.
● NR
– When antenna TX/RX capabilities and CPRI line rates are the same, the
number of supported cells is in inverse proportion to the cell bandwidth.
For example, the supported number of 10 MHz cells is twice that of 20
MHz cells, and the supported number of 20 MHz cells is twice that of 40
MHz cells.
– With the cell bandwidth fixed, the antenna TX/RX mode of 1T1R, 2T2R,
and 4T4R is in inverse proportion to the number of cells. For example, if
the cell bandwidth is 20 MHz, the number of cells supported when the
antenna TX/RX mode is 2T2R is twice that supported when the antenna
TX/RX mode is 4T4R.
6.3 Examples
Scenario 1: BBU3900, GL 1800 MHz, GSM S2/2/2, LTE 3x20 MHz 2T2R
This scenario requires that:
● Each CPRI link serves two GSM TRXs and one 20 MHz 2T2R LTE cell.
● Each board serves six GSM TRXs and three 20 MHz 2T2R LTE cells.
According to Table 6-1, each CPRI link can serve one 20 MHz 2T2R LTE cell if the
CPRI line rate is 4.9 Gbit/s. In this case, each converging board can serve a
maximum of 126 GSM TRXs and four 20 MHz 2T2R LTE cells.
The capacity requirements are met and this scenario is supported.
Scenario 2: BBU3900, GL 1800 MHz, GSM S2/2/2, LTE 3x10 MHz 4T4R
This scenario requires that:
● Each CPRI link serves two GSM TRXs and one 10 MHz 4T4R LTE cell.
● Each board serves six GSM TRXs and three 10 MHz 4T4R LTE cells.
One 10 MHz 4T4R LTE cell is equivalent to two 10 MHz 2T2R LTE cells, and then
equivalent to one 20 MHz 2T2R LTE cell.
According to Table 6-1, each CPRI link can serve one 20 MHz 2T2R LTE cell if the
CPRI line rate is 4.9 Gbit/s. In this case, each converging board can serve a
maximum of 126 GSM TRXs and four 20 MHz 2T2R LTE cells.
Therefore, the capacity requirements can be met and this scenario is supported.
Scenario 3: BBU3900, GL 1800 MHz, GSM S2/2/2/2/2/2, LTE 6x20 MHz 2T2R
This scenario requires that:
● Each CPRI link serves two GSM TRXs and one 20 MHz 2T2R LTE cell.
● Each board serves twelve GSM TRXs and six 20 MHz 2T2R LTE cells.
According to Table 6-1, each CPRI link can serve one 20 MHz 2T2R LTE cell if the
CPRI line rate is 4.9 Gbit/s. In this case, each converging board can serve a
maximum of 126 GSM TRXs and four 20 MHz 2T2R LTE cells.
Therefore, the capacity requirements cannot be met and this scenario is not
supported. Contact Huawei engineers for technical support.
7 Network Analysis
7.1 Benefits
CPRI MUX provides benefits in the following scenarios:
7.2 Impacts
7.2.1 Services
cycle, or the converging board or the main control board is removed and
then reinserted.
– The converging board is blocked.
– CPRI ports on the converging board are being commissioned.
– A CPRI port of the converging board becomes faulty.
● Operations or exceptions of the converged party
– If the software of the main control board of the converged party is reset,
the data rate of PS services of the converging party may be decreased for
less than 3s in most cases and the longest does not exceed 10s. However,
voice services will not be affected.
– If the main control board of the converged party is reset through a power
cycle or if it is removed and then reinserted, CS and PS services of the
converging party will be interrupted for less than 1 minute in most cases
and the longest does not exceed 3 minutes.
Service interruption duration does not include the duration of manual operations, such as
blocking a board or removing and then reinserting a board.
7.2.2 Features
● GBFD-510104 Multi-site Cell
For hardware capability and cell capacity specifications when both CPRI MUX
and Multi-site Cell are used, see Multi-site Cell Feature Parameter Description.
8 Requirements
8.1 Licenses
8.2 Software
Before activating this function, ensure that its prerequisite functions have been
activated and mutually exclusive functions have been deactivated. For detailed
operations, see the relevant feature documents.
Prerequisite Functions
8.3 Hardware
3900 and 5900 series base stations
8.4 Networking
Perform network planning according to the topologies and principles described in
5.1 Star Topology with CPRI MUX, 5.2 Chain Topology with CPRI MUX, 5.3
Load Sharing Topology with CPRI MUX, and 5.4 Dual-Star Topology with CPRI
8.5 Others
Perform hardware planning by referring to 4 Boards That Support CPRI MUX and
Constraints. The CPRI rates of BBPs/BRIs, optical modules, and RF modules must
correspond and meet the minimum requirements outlined in 6 Specifications of
CPRI MUX Access Capabilities.
For scenarios where CPRI MUX is used with the RMU solution, see the
corresponding "Operation and Maintenance" section in RMU.
9.2 Precautions
The following information must be collected before feature deployment:
RF modules have been installed. Cables between RF modules and BBUs have been
connected as required by the CPRI MUX feature. For details, see Base Station
Installation Guide in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Installation Guide or 3900 &
5900 Series Base Station Maintenance Guide.
The RRU configurations of the converged party take effect only after RRUs of the
converging party have been configured.
There are no specific requirements for the configurations of the converging party.
For the configurations, see section "Data Preparation" in "Data Configuration" of
chapter "Topologies" > "Operation and Maintenance" for a specific base station
type (GBTS/eGBTS/NodeB/eNodeB/gNodeB/multimode base station) in RF Unit
and Topology Management.
CPRI MUX requires that Access Type be set to PEERPORT for the RRU chain or
ring of the converged party. Table 9-2 provides key parameter settings.
● If the converged party is GSM (GBTS), set parameters in a BTSRXUCHAIN
● If the converged party is GSM (eGBTS)/UMTS/LTE, set parameters in an
Bit Rate Set BITRATESET This parameter specifies the bit rate set
for rate negotiation. This parameter
takes effect only when the user-defined
rate negotiation switch is turned on.
When configuring a BTSRXUCHAIN MO, you do not need to set the Local Slot No.,
User-Defined Rate Negotiation Switch, Bit Rate Set, Rate Change Period
Dual-Star Topology
● GU+L triple-mode dual-star topology
For details, see Figure 5-38.
● GL+U triple-mode dual-star topology
For details, see Figure 5-39.
● G[U*L] triple-mode dual-star topology
For details, see Figure 5-40.
● GU+LN dual-star topology
For details, see Figure 5-41.
For these topologies, see CPRI MUX in Separate-MPT Scenarios for data
preparation of separate-MPT GU/GL/LN CPRI MUX and CPRI MUX in Co-MPT
Scenarios for data preparation of co-MPT U*L CPRI MUX. For data preparation for
GSM/UMTS/LTE/NR, see section "Scenario-specific Data" > "Scenario 1: Dual-star
topology" of chapter "Topologies" > "Operation and Maintenance (Multimode
Base Station)" > "Data Configuration" > "Data Preparation" in RF Unit and
Topology Management.
Data configurations must be identical for RF modules on the converging party and converged
party sides. For the parameters, see Table 9-1.
//Adding an RRU or RFU to the RRU/RFU chain or ring on the converged party
DSP CELL for LTE To query the cell Fully Fully supported
DSP ULOCELL for status. You can run this supported
UMTS command if cell setup
fails or cell capability
DSP GTRXSTAT degrades due to
for GSM (GBTS) insufficient CPRI
DSP GTRX for bandwidth.
9.6 Reconfiguration
You can add an RRU/RFU to or remove an RRU/RFU from a cascading chain in the
star or chain topology with CPRI MUX.
For guidance on how to add RF modules to or remove them from a chain or ring
on the MAE-Deployment, see section "Adding or Deleting an RF Module" of
"Device Data Reconfiguration" in eRAN Reconfiguration Guide.
Separate-MPT Scenarios
● Adding an RRU/RFU to a cascading chain
To add an RRU/RFU to a cascading chain without changing the original
topology, you need to add the information of this RRU/RFU on both the
converging and converged parties.
a. On the converging party, run the MOD RRUCHAIN command to set a
breaking point.
b. On both the converging and converged parties, run the ADD RRU
(GBTS) to add an RRU/RFU.
c. Adjust the cable connections and add an RRU/RFU at the specified
d. On the converging party, run the MOD RRUCHAIN command to remove
the breaking point.
● Removing an RRU/RFU from a cascading chain
To remove an RRU/RFU from a cascading chain without changing the original
topology, you need to remove the information of this RRU/RFU on both the
converging and converged parties.
a. On the converging party, run the MOD RRUCHAIN command to set a
breaking point.
b. On both the converging and converged parties, run the RMV RRU
(GBTS) to remove an RRU/RFU.
c. Adjust the cable connections and remove the RRU/RFU at the specified
d. On the converging party, run the MOD RRUCHAIN command to remove
the breaking point.
Co-MPT Scenarios
● Adding an RRU/RFU to a cascading chain
To add an RRU/RFU to a cascading chain without changing the original
topology, perform the following steps:
a. Run the MOD RRUCHAIN command to set a breaking point.
b. Run the ADD RRU command to add an RRU/RFU.
c. Adjust the cable connections and add an RRU/RFU at the specified
d. Run the MOD RRUCHAIN command to remove the breaking point.
● Removing an RRU/RFU from a cascading chain
To remove an RRU/RFU from a cascading chain without changing the original
topology, perform the following steps:
a. Run the MOD RRUCHAIN command to set a breaking point.
b. Run the RMV RRU command to remove an RRU/RFU.
c. Adjust the cable connections and remove the RRU/RFU at the specified
d. Run the MOD RRUCHAIN command to remove the breaking point.
10 Parameters
The following hyperlinked EXCEL files of parameter reference match the software
version with which this document is released.
● Node Parameter Reference: contains device and transport parameters.
● gNodeBFunction Parameter Reference: contains all parameters related to
radio access functions, including air interface management, access control,
mobility control, and radio resource management.
You can find the EXCEL files of parameter reference for the software version used on the
live network from the product documentation delivered with that version.
11 Counters
The following hyperlinked EXCEL files of performance counter reference match the
software version with which this document is released.
● Node Performance Counter Summary: contains device and transport counters.
● gNodeBFunction Performance Counter Summary: contains all counters related
to radio access functions, including air interface management, access control,
mobility control, and radio resource management.
You can find the EXCEL files of performance counter reference for the software version used
on the live network from the product documentation delivered with that version.
12 Terminology
13 Reference Documents