John Deere Dubuque Works A,-Standard 3?7: DTW 1223 Radiator and Heater Hose Specification
John Deere Dubuque Works A,-Standard 3?7: DTW 1223 Radiator and Heater Hose Specification
John Deere Dubuque Works A,-Standard 3?7: DTW 1223 Radiator and Heater Hose Specification
This specification establishes standard construction and material requirements for cab
heater, radiator, and engine coolant bypass hoses.
The ultimate hose cover material would be one that has good resistance to both oils and
high temperatures. Although there are many hose cover materials that provide a portion
or all of one of these characteristics, there is none that provides both. Instead, most
tend to be in one of two categories - high temperature but low oil resistance or good oil
resistance and only moderate temperature capability. This specification embodies these
two cover types.
To assure that the appropriate hose material is selected, the engineer must decide
which of the two cover types is best for the anticipated environment. Generally the high
temperature cover will be adequate. However, if it is apparent that the hose will be
exposed to significant amounts of oil, the oil resistant cover should be chosen.
Since many coolant hose failures are caused by heat aging of the reinforcement fiber,
Kevlar or an equivalent heat resistant fiber is specified for ail applications.
Radiator and heater hoses must conform to SAE J20e Type 20R4 and 20A3, respectively,
with the following exceptions and additions: #
1. Tolerances
1.1 SAE J20e Commercial Tolerances are to be used unless specified otherwise,
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Decision Date Decision Date Decieion Date Declaion Date lnter- Term Code
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Decision Date Decision Dale Decialon Date Decision Date Design
86742T 06 FEB85 Con. T DTW 1223
Printed In U.S.A Pags 10t6
m L17no!’ ‘, IJIJ045LL 272 m
2. Hose Construction
‘For all situations except those in which the hose will be exposed to significant
amounts of oil.
‘For situations where the hose will be exposed to significant amounts of oil and to
temperatures below 150DC.
John Deere Dubuque Works
E%mTl Standard
DTW 1223
Radiator And Heater Hose Specification
2.2 Reinforcement
2.2.1 The reinforcement shall consist of one or more plies of knitted, braided,
or spiral wound fiber.
2.2.2 The fiber shall be Kevlar or an equivalent material that meets the
following specifications: The hose must meet the burst requirements given in Table II
when tested per SAE J20e. These requirements are 345 kPa
(50 psi) higher than equivalent SAE J20e levels. The hose must also provide a minimum of 85°/0 of the burst
~ levels given in Table II after undergoing the Reinforcement Heat
Resistance Test in Section 4.
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3. Anti-Collaspe Wire
3.1 An anti-collapse wire (spring insert) must be used in all hoses that run from the
radiator outlet to the water pump inlet.
3.2 The wire insert must be 1.8 mm (0.070 inch) minimum diameter galvanized wire.
3.2.2 The wire must pass a 96 hour salt spary test per ASTM B1 17.
O. D.*
& 1.52 mm (.06 inch)
For Expanded end: O. D.* = Hose I.D. & 1.52 mm (.06 inch)
For Free end: O. D.* = Hose I.D. + 0.0 mm (0.0 inch)— 3.2 mm (.125 inch)
3.3 The free length of the spring shall be such that when installed in the hose, the
spring ends are 38 Y 6 mm (1.50 a .50 inch) from either end of the hose.
3.4 “ The hose and spring insert must be such that the inlet (radiator) end of the
spring cannot be displaced more than 12 mm (0.050 inch) inward when a 22 N
(5 lb) force is applied to the end of the spring.
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4.1 This test shall be performed on a straight length for SAE 20R3 hose in
accordance with ASTM 380, except that the length tested shall be 254 mm
(10 in.). For SAE 20R4 hose, the same reference applies, except that the test
shall be performed on an individual curved hose.
4.2 The coolant shall consist of 10% water, 88°/0 ethylene glycol, and 2°/0 soluble
oils by volume.
4.3 The coolant temperature shall be maintained at 121 Deg. C (250 Deg. F) and
circulated through the hose at a pressure of 206 kPa (30 psi) and flow rate of
1.5 m/s (5.0 ft/see) for 200 hours. At the end of the test period, the hose shall be
burst tested per SAE J20e.
4.4 Test requirement - 85°/0 of the burst levels given in Table Il.
5. Drawing Notes
5.1 Radiator inlet and engine coolant bypass hose, high temperature:
5.1.3 “HOSE CONSTRUCTION: SAE 20e R4 Class D-1 with High Temperature
EPDM tube and cover and Kevlar or equivalent fiber reinforcement.”
5.2 Radiator inlet and engine coolant bypass hose, oil resistant:
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John Deere Dubuque Works
G’=ia Standard
DTW 1223
Radiator And Heater Hose Specification
5.3.3 “HOSE CONSTRUCTION: SAE 20e R4 Class D-1 with High Temperature
EPDM tube and cover and Kevlar or equivalent fiber reinforcement, and
anti-collapse spring.”
5.5.2 “HOSE CONSTRUCTION: SAE J20e R3 Class D-1 with High temperature
EPDM tube and cover and Keviar or equivalent fiber reinforcement.
6. Reference Documents
6.2 JDQ 86, “Test For The Effect of Engine Coolants on Rubber Properties.”