UST LAW Review (Vol. 65 274

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G.R. No. 232579, 08 September 2020, EN BANC (Caguioa, J.)


Subject to the required proof, without any need of prior judicial determination, Larlar, et
al., siblings of Rosie, by operation of law, are entitled to one-half of the inheritance of the decedent.
Thus, in filing their Complaint, they do not seek to have their right as intestate heirs established,
for the simple reason that it is the law that already establishes that right. What they seek is the
enforcement and protection of the right granted to them under Article 1001 in relation to Article
777 of the Civil Code by asking for the nullification of the Affidavits of Self-Adjudication that
disregard and violate their right as intestate heirs.

Unless there is a pending special proceeding for the settlement of the decedent’s estate or
for the determination of heirship, the compulsory or intestate heirs may commence an ordinary
civil action to declare the nullity of a deed or instrument, and for recovery of property, or any other
action in the enforcement of their ownership rights acquired by virtue of succession, without the
necessity of a prior and separate judicial declaration of their status as such.

Rosie Larlar Treyes (Rosie), the wife of Dr. Nixon Treyes (Dr. Nixon), died
without any children and without a will. Rosie left behind seven siblings, Antonio,
Emilio, Heddy, Rene, Celeste, Judy, and Yvonne (Larlar, et al.). At the time of her
death, Rosie owned fourteen (14) real estate properties with Dr. Nixon as conjugal
properties. Subsequently, Dr. Nixon executed two Affidavits of Self-Adjudication,
transferring the estate of Rosie unto himself, claiming that he was the sole heir.

Hence, Larlar, et al. filed before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) a Complaint
for annulment of the Affidavits, cancellation of TCTs, reconveyance of ownership
and possession, partition, and damages.

Dr. Nixon filed a Motion to Dismiss on the ground, among others, of lack
of jurisdiction over the subject matter and, corollarily, lack of real parties in
interest. The RTC denied the Omnibus Motion, prompting Treyes to file before
the Court of Appeals (CA) a petition for Certiorari under Rule 65. The CA,
however, denied the same. Hence, the instant petition.

Is a prior determination of the status as a legal or compulsory heir in a
separate special proceeding a prerequisite to an ordinary civil action for recovery
of ownership and possession of property?

NO. That Larlar, et al. do not really seek in their Complaint the
establishment of their rights as intestate heirs but, rather, the enforcement of their
rights already granted by law as intestate heirs finds basis in Article 777 of the Civil
Code, which states that “the rights of succession are transmitted from the moment
of the death of the decedent.”

The operation of Article 777 occurs at the very moment of the decedent's
death — the transmission by succession occurs at the precise moment of death
and, therefore, the heir is legally deemed to have acquired ownership of his/her
share in the inheritance at that very moment, "and not at the time of declaration
of heirs, or partition, or distribution."

Hence, the Court has held that the "title or rights to a deceased person's
property are immediately passed to his or her heirs upon death. The heirs' rights
become vested without need for them to be declared 'heirs.'" In fact, in partition
cases, even before the property is judicially partitioned, the heirs are already
deemed co-owners of the property. Thus, the heirs are deemed real parties in
interest without a prior separate judicial determination of their heirship.

The Civil Code identifies certain relatives who are deemed compulsory heirs
and intestate heirs. They refer to relatives that become heirs by virtue of
compulsory succession or intestate succession, as the case may be, by operation
of law. Here, subject to the required proof, without any need of prior judicial
determination, Larlar, et al., siblings of Rosie, by operation of law, are entitled to
one-half of the inheritance of the decedent. Thus, in filing their Complaint, they
do not seek to have their right as intestate heirs established, for the simple reason
that it is the law that already establishes that right. What they seek is the
enforcement and protection of the right granted to them under Article 1001 in
relation to Article 777 of the Civil Code by asking for the nullification of the
Affidavits of Self-Adjudication that disregard and violate their right as intestate
276 UST LAW REVIEW [Vol. 65

To delay the enforcement of such rights until heirship is determined with

finality in a separate special proceeding would run counter to Article 777 of the
Civil Code which recognizes the vesting of such rights immediately — without a
moment's interruption — upon the death of the decedent.

Moreover, jurisprudence supports the institution of an ordinary civil action

by legal heirs arising out of a right based on succession without the necessity of a
previous and separate judicial declaration of their status as such.

Henceforth, the rule is: unless there is a pending special proceeding for the
settlement of the decedent’s estate or for the determination of heirship, the
compulsory or intestate heirs may commence an ordinary civil action to declare
the nullity of a deed or instrument, and for recovery of property, or any other
action in the enforcement of their ownership rights acquired by virtue of
succession, without the necessity of a prior and separate judicial declaration of
their status as such.

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