Worksheet #4: Semester, AY 2020-2021, SPSPS
Worksheet #4: Semester, AY 2020-2021, SPSPS
Worksheet #4: Semester, AY 2020-2021, SPSPS
Name: ARAMINA C. BOC Course, Yr., & Blk#: BSA 3 BLK 1________________
See the complete DIRECTIONS in your Canvas course
I was able to negotiate the price by being true to myself, by removing distractions, by talking
to the right person, by saying this “I think I can get this cheaper somewhere else, by being
patient, by putting sad face as if I heard something disappointing whenever the store owner
refuses my price, by being focus and most importantly by listening to the person I’m
negotiating with.
2. What communication Strategies (based on the discussions from unit 3 & 4) did you use in
Strategies (at least five) Brief description of how you used that strategy
I prepared myself for the negotiation so that I can understand
1. Prepare and Plan more about my objectives, needs and wants.
I used this strategy because I don’t want to show the owner that I
2. Be patient am desperate for a quick agreement I really maintain positive
attitude towards the owner.
I let the owner talk first and understand his point of view.
3. Empathize with talkers Whenever I’m negotiating, I make sure that I empathize with the
other party.
4. Practice Communication During our negotiation I ask open ended questions, listen more
Competence and talk less.
5. Maintain personal integrity and I used this strategy to build a strong relationship with owner and
build solid relationships to feel comfortable with each other
6. Clarify the ideas before This strategy helps me to reach my specific goal to try and get
communication the best outcome and to clarify my thoughts.
I was focusing better to the store owner on what they are trying
7. Remove Distractions
to say and also to be a good listener.
3. Write a short narrative of what you have learned from the experience.
In negotiating the price of my slipper from 100 pesos to 90 pesos. I have learned that when you
are negotiating you should be patient, know when to be simply silent and listen. We should be
patient so that we don’t look desperate for a quick agreement and also negotiation is a long
process, one of you will compromise in order to end the negotiation. Silence is important
because this helps us to process our thoughts. The more we are in the negotiation the more
silence we need to think what’s our next step. Listen I learned from my experience that when
you are negotiating with someone you should listen to avoid conflict or anger.