RILEM TC 162-TDF Test and Design Methods For SFRC
RILEM TC 162-TDF Test and Design Methods For SFRC
RILEM TC 162-TDF Test and Design Methods For SFRC
RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced
concrete - Uni-axial tension test for steel fibre reinforced concrete
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RILEM TC 162-TDF : Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete
3 Recommendations
The text presented hereafter is a dr@for general consideration. Comments should be sent to the TC Chairlady 9Prof. dr. it.
Lucie Vandewalle, K. U. Leuven, Departement Burgerlijke Bouwkunde, de Croylaan 2, 300I Heverlee, Belgium
Fax" +32 16 321976; e-mail ", by 30 September 2000.
1. INTRODUCTION Table 1 - Steel fibre reinforced concrete strength classes: char-
acteristic compressive strength ffck (cylinders), mean fk'tm fl and
The design of steel fibre reinforced concrete accord- characteristic ffctkfl flexural tensile strength in N/mmZ; mean
ing to the o-g-method is based on the same fundamen- secant modulus of elasticity in kN/mm 2
tals as the design of normal reinforced concrete. The
proposed method is valid for steel fibre concrete with Strength
class of
compressive strengths of up to C50/60. SFR- C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
The E u r o p e a n pre-standard E N V 1992-1-1 concrete
(Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures - Part 1:
General rules and rules for buildings) [1] has been used
ffck 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
as a general framework for this design method proposed. ffctm,fi 3.7 4.3 4.8 5.3 5.8 6.3 6.8
It must be emphasised that these calculation guide- ffctk,fl 2.9 3.4 3.9 4.3 4.7 5.1 5.5
lines are intended for cases in which the steel fibres are Efom 29 30.5 32 33.5 35 36 37
used for structural purposes: they do not apply for other
applications such as those in which increased resistance compressive strength by SFR.-concrete strength classes
to plastic shrinkage, increased resistance to abrasion or which relate to the cylinder strength ffck or the cube
impact, etc. are aimed for. strength ffck,cube(Table 1).
Those strength classes are the same as for plain con-
2. MATERIAL PROPERTIES Steel fibres can also be used in high strength con-
crete, i.e. concrete with ffck-> 50 N/mm 2.
2.1. Compressive strength However, care should be taken that the steel fibres do
not break in a brittle way before being pulled out.
The compressive strength of steel fibre reinforced con-
crete (= SFR-concrete) should be determined by means of
standard tests, either on concrete cylinders (O = 150 ram, 2.2. Flexural tensile strength
h = 300 mm) or concrete cubes (side = 150 ram).
The design principles are based on the characteristic When only the compressive strength ffck has been
28-day strength, defined as that value of strength below determined, the estimated mean and characteristic flex-
which more than 5% of the population of all possible ural tensile strength of steel fibre reinforced concrete
strength determinations of the volume of the concrete may be derived from the following equations:
under cor/sideration, are expected to fall.
Hardened SFR-concrete is classified in respect to its ffctm,ax= 0.3 (ffck)2/3 (N/mm 2) (1)
1359-5997/00 9 1LILEM 75
Materials and Structures/Mat~daux et Constructions, Vol. ,33, March 2000
Sp tl0
ffctk,fl = ffctms,fl SptlO 1.645Sp[14
#n CmsT#nn Fu ' 6deflecti~
ffctkA : characteristic value of LOP (N/mm 2) 0.3. i . 2.35
t. =1
ffctms,fl" mean value of test series of LOP (N/mm 2) ' I
ffctm,fl : mean value of LOP (N/ram 2)
Fig. 1 - Load-deflection diagram.
ffctm,fl = ffctms,fl Sp tl0
Sp : standard deviation (N/mm 2) hsp _ distance between tip of the notch and top of cross
section (mm)
s fect,Z L = span of the specimen (ram)
Sp= (n-l) (6) D~z ~,, DCuz 9n (D~z 3i, D~z 3n) = contribution of
steel't'ibres to'-the energ'y absori~tlon capacity (Nmm)
n: number of specimens (see Fig. 1).
tl0 : value for the "student distribution" at 10% fractile The relation between "characteristic" and "mean"
(dependent on the number of specimens); some values equivalent flexural tensile strength is given in 2.2 (for-
are given in Table 2. mula (5)).
Table 2
n 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 3. ULTIMATE LIMIT STATES
tlo 1.89 1.64 1.53 1.48 1.42 1.38 1.36 1.34
3.1. Ultimate limit states for bending and axial
The maximum value of expression (4) and (5) can be
taken as the flexural tensile strength of the SFR-concrete. 3.1.1. General
The mean value of the secant modulus Eft m in In assessing the ultimate resistance of a cross section,
kN/mm 2 is also given in Table 1. the assumptions given below are used:
9 plane sections remain plane (Bernoulli);
9 the stresses in the steel fibre reinforced concrete in
2.3. Equivalent flexural tensile strength tension as well as in compression are derived from the
stress-strain diagram shown in Fig. 2;
The equivalent flexural tensile strength, which is an 9 the stresses in the reinforcement (bars) are derived
important parameter characterizing the post-cracking from an idealized bi-linear stress-strain diagram;
behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete, is deter- 9 for cross sections subjected to pure axial compression,
mined by a deformation-controlled bending test. the compressive strain in the SFR- concrete is limited to
Two different values are defined: -2%0. For cross sections not fully in compression, the
limiting compressive strain is taken as -3.5%0. In inter-
= _3(D[3Z,2,, D~Z,2,,,'~ L (N/mm2) mediate situations, the strain diagram is defined by
feq,2 2 V 0.65 + 0.5----O-Jb~Tsp
2 (7) assuming that the strain is -2~ at a level 3/7 of the
height of the section from the most compressed face;
9 for steel fibre reinforced concrete which is additionally
3(Dfuz'3"+Dfz'3"'~ L~ (N/mm2) (8) reinforced with bars, the strain is limited to 10%0 at the
feq'3=2~ 2.65 2.50 )bhsp 2 position of the reinforcement (Fig. 3);
9 to ensure enough anchorage capacity for the steel
where fibres, the maximum deformation in the ultimate limit
b = width of the specimen (ram) state is restricted to 1.5 ram. It follows from Fig. 1 that
0.85ffc k
0.85ffc d = - fc I ~ fc,t
~_ h - x j h - x t
~fc,mo• r , , gfc
fc (~'-)10
- 2 -3.5
/ e'fct (N/ram 2 )
,fc,t ,11,
Fig. 4 - Element without ordinary reinforcement.
i I
0.37 feq.3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . l- - -I- "
\0.45 feq,2 for exposure classes 3 and higher: special provisions have to
be taken.
--N-Nffctk ,oX/Tct (extol force)
3.1.2. Calculation of crack width
Ofct ffctk,ox(1600-d) (extol force +
Yct , 1000 bending moment) Crack control is required in all structures. This crack
control can be satisfied by at least one of the following
(d in ram) end
1600 - d
conditions :
1000 " >..1 * presence of conventional steel bars,
Tc : pertiol sofety footer for steel fiber reinforced concrete in compression * presence of normal compressive forces (compression -
"Yct: portiol sofety foctor for steel fiber reinforced concrete in tension prestressing),
Fig. 2 - Stress-strain diagram. * crack control maintained by the structural system itself
(redistribution of internal moments and forces limited by
the rotation capacity).
In structurally indeterminate constructions without
conventional reinforcement but with a compression
zone in each cross section, the crack width may be deter-
mined as follows (see Fig. 4):
* determination of the neutral axis on the basis of Fig. 4,
ODO * determination of the compressive strain e fc,maxof con-
* determination of an idealized tensile strain efc,t taking
~(~) into account the Bernoulli - hypothesis:
10 0 -2.0 -3.5 Eec,t = Efc,max - - (9)
Fig. 3 - Strain- and stress-distribution in cross section.
* calculation of the crack width in the ultimate limit
"w = 1.5 mm" corresponds approximately to the force
w ~ %,t (h - x) (10)
( Df f "~
BZ,3,I ~_ DBZ,3,II ( N ) f r o m w h i c h the equiva- In statically determinate constructions (bending -
F3- 2.6---~ 2.5~
J pure tension), crack control is only possible if a high
lent flexural tensile strength
e, feq,ao has been calculated. If amount of steel fibres is used or if there is a combination
crack widths larger than 1.5 mm are used, the post- of steel fibres and conventional reinforcement.
cracking stress corresponding to that crack width and In structures with conventional reinforcement the cal-
measured during the bending test has to be adopted in culation of the crack width corresponds to that of normal
the calculations. It is recommended that this mean value, reinforced concrete. However, the stress in the steel bars
which replaces feq,o,, should not be lower than 1 N/mm2;
/ has to be calculated, taking into account the beneficial
9 in some cases, as mentioned below, the contribution effect of the steel fibres, i.e. a part of the tensile force Ffc,t
of the steel fibres near the surface has to be reduced. For which is taken up by the steel fibres (see Fig. 5).
this reason the steel fibres should not be taken into
account in a layer near the surface:
for exposure class 2 (appendix 1): if crack width is larger 3.2. Shear
than 0.2 mm (serviceability limit states: see 4), the
height of the cracked zone has to be reduced by The calculation for shear shown here applies to
15 ram. This rule is only applicable in the ultimate beams and plates containing traditional flexural rein-
limit state. forcement (bar and mesh). It also applies to prestressed
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, Vol. 3 3 , March 2 0 0 0
1', , , , A
,5".l,,, lid
I)b,nett VSd J___L
fe,t II.
i i
Fig. 7 - p~ for Vcd.
Fig. 5 - Element with ordinaryreinforcement.
nmm bending moment m the dement under considera-
tion (mm) in a member with constant depth. In the
compression chord shear analysis, an approximate value z = 0.9 d can nor-
struts mally be used.
-': ,, 4,,/, 77, .... ': rc An example of the standard method, i.e.: 0 = 45 ~
I ~Vcot Q N M
will be used for the shear analysis.
Vcd=[0.1ak(100peffck)"+0.15Ocplbwd (N)(12)
Fig. 6 - Strut and tie model.
b w = width of the web (nun) and both concrete and steel are assumed to be elastic in
tension as well as in compression.
n - b- f -- b w where n < 3 and n < 3bw When a cracked section is used, the steel fibre rein-
hf hf
forced concrete is assumed to be elastic in compression,
and capable of sustaining a tensile stress equal to 0.45 feq,2"
k l _ 1600-d (dinmm) andk>l (18)
rfd = design value of the increase in shear strength due 4.2. Limit states of cracking
to steel fibres:
In the absence of specific requirements (e.g. watertight-
~fd = 0.12 feqk,3 (N/mm2) (19)
ness), the criteria for the maximum design crack width
Vwa: contribution of the shear reinforcement due to (Wd) under the quasi-permanent combination (***) of
stirrups and/or inclined bars, given by: loads, which are mentioned in Table 3 for different expo-
sure classes (see Appendix 1), may be assumed.
Vwd = asw 0.9d fywd(1 + cot gct)sinct (N) (20)
where 4.3. Minimum reinforcement
s = spacing between the shear reinforcement mea-
sured along the longitudinal axis (ram) The following formula is proposed for calculating the
ct = angle of the shear reinforcement with the longi- m i n i m u m reinforcement A S in order to obtain con-
tudinal axis trolled crack formation:
fywd= design yield strength of the shear reinforce-
_ ~ Act
ment (N/mm2). As = (kc kkp ffct'ef -0"45teqm'2) ~s (mm2) (23)
When checking against crushing at the compression
struts, Vp.d2 is given by the equation: where:
feqm,~~ = the averauee, equivalent flexural tensile strength of
( l v f
VRd2 = ~ . 2 fcd) w "~b 0.9d(1 + c o t g c x ) ( N ) (21) the steel fibre reinforced concrete at the moment when a
crack is expected to occur (N/mm2),
with: A s = area of reinforcement within tensile zone (mm2). If
A s is smaller than zero only steel fibres are necessary.
v = 0 . 7 - ffck >0.5 (ffck (N/mm2)) (22) Act = area of concrete within tensile zone (mm2). The
2O0 tensile zone is that part of the section which is calculated
For vertical stirrups, or for vertical stirrups combined to be in tensionjust before formation of the first crack.
with inclined shear reinforcement, cotg ct is taken as zero. % = the maximum stress permitted in the reinforcement
immediately after formation of the crack (N/mm2). This
may be taken equal to the yield strength of the reinforce-
4. SERVICEABILITY LIMIT STATES ment (fvk)- However, a lower value may be needed to
satisfy the crack width limits.
4.1. General ffct,ef= the tensile strength of the concrete effective at the
time when the cracks may first be expected to occur
W h e n an uncracked section is used, the full steel (N/mm2). In some cases, depending on the ambient
fibre reinforced concrete section is assumed to be active conditions, this may be within 3 - 5 days from casting.
Values of ffctef may be obtained from formula
(1) by taking as ffck the strength at the time
Table 3 - Criteria for crack width cracking is expected to occur. When the time
of cracking cannot be established with confi-
Exposure steel fibres steel fibres + steel fibres +
class(*) ordinary
dence as being less than 28 days, it is recom-
reinforcement post-tensioning pre-tensioning mended that a minimum tensile strength of
3 N / m m 2 be adopted.
1 (****) (.... ) O.2mm 0.2mm
k c = a coefficient which takes account of the
2 0.3 mm 0.3 mm 0.2 mm decompression (**) nature of the stress distribution within the sec-
3 tion immediately prior to cracking. The rele-
4 special crack limitations dependent upon the nature of the vant stress distribution is that resulting from
aggressive environment involved have to be taken the combination of effects o f loading and
5 restrained imposed deformations.
*): see Appendix 1 k c = 1 for pure tension (e = M/N = 0)
(**): the decompression limit requires that, under the frequent combination ('**) of loads, all k c = 0.4 for bending without normal compres-
parts of the tendons or ducts lie at least 25 rnm within concrete in compression
(***): see E N V 1992-I-1 [1]
sive force (e = oo)
(****):for exposure class I, crack width has no influence on durability and the limit could be In the range between e = 0 and e = oo;
relaxed or deleted unless there are other reasonsfor its inclusion.
Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions, Vol.33, March2000
crete surrounding the tension reinforcement of depth Table 4 - M i n i m u m values for shear reinforcement
equal to 2.5 times the distance from the tension face of
SFR-Concrete class ~min (N/mm2)
the section to the centroid of reinforcement [1].
Equation (32) is identical to that in ENV 1992-1-1 C20/25 0.312
[1]. Since the beneficial effect of the steel fibres has not C25/30 0.36
been taken into account, i.e. the crack spacing is smaller C30/37 0.408
due to fibre addition, formula (32) can be considered as C35/45 0.444
conservative. C40/50 0.492
For steel fibre reinforced concrete, formula (30) is
also used, but with % and % in (31) calculated taking s = spacing of the shear reinforcement (stirrups) (mm)
into account the postcracking tensile strength of the steel b w = width of the web of the member (mm)
fibre reinforced concrete, i.e. 0 . 4 5 feq,2" c~ = angle between the shear reinforcement and the main
steel (i.e. for vertical stirrups : ~x= 90 ~ and sin~x = 1)
fywd= design yield strength of the stirrups (N/ram2).
5. DETAILING PROVISIONS are given in Table 4.
The rules applicable to normal reinforcement (bar,
mesh) and prestressing tendons can be found in ENV REFERENCES
1992-1-1 [1]. Only requirements applicable to "steel
fibre reinforced concrete" will be discussed below. [1] European pre-standard: ENV 1992-1-1: Eurocode 2: Design of
concrete structures - Part 1: General rules and rules for buildings.