Rama Sharma - Research Report
Rama Sharma - Research Report
Rama Sharma - Research Report
The purpose and objective of this project report is to organize and facilitate learning
and development. Expedite acquisition of the knowledge, skills, and abilities
required for effective job performance
At the onset I must bow down in reverence to the almighty that blessed us with the
With great pleasure I express my heartiest thanks to Mr. Vikas Jain (Head–MBA
and guidance, this project would just not have been possible. I am very thankful for
his/her invaluable guidance, support, and affable & friendly nature. She guided me
At last I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the respondents to whom I
visited for giving their support and valuable information, which helps me in
M.B.A. Ill Sem
Roll No. 1901730700065
I, MR. AKHILESH GAUR, hereby certify that this research work entitled “A
Comprehensive Study On Training And Development” is the result of research
under taken by Rama Sharma & 1901730700065. The findings and conclusion
express in this report are genuine, authentic and are of academic purpose only. Any
resemblance to earlier work is purely coincidental.
Preface…………………………………………………………………………... i
Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………… ii
Student’s Declaration…………………………………………………………... iii
Supervisor Certificate…………………………………………………………… iv
3.0 Usefulness & Importance of the study………………………………..…..36-37
Topic of study:
A comprehensive study of Training & Development programs that has been
carried out by Crompton Greaves Limited.
I would like to go through relevant files and the company has carried out documents
from where can get an idea about the different types of training and development
In this regard at the outset, I would like to talk about the training and development in
charge to enquire for the identify the needs of training and development programs
at present scenario.
iii. Feedback from the employees through the interview and written
For evaluation the effectiveness of training and development programs I would like
to take feedback from employees that how much they get benefit from that
programs. At last I would like to take suggestion for future improvement.
Motivation to learn
Thus training is systematic and intentional basically involving the felicitation of the
learning process Further training enhances three broad classes of skills
Motor skills: manipulation of physical environment based on certain patterns
of bodily movements
Cognitive skills: acqusitional of mental and attitudinal functions
-Clear understanding of the situation that calls for more effective behavior
-The management has to handle a person who is more confident, post training A
lot of
adjustment is needed on both sides
The history of Crompton Greaves goes back to 1878 when Col. R.E.B. Crompton
founded R.E.B.Crompton & Company. The company merged with F.A Parkinson in
the year 1927 to form Crompton Parkinson Ltd., (CPL). Greaves Cotton and Co
(GCC) was appointed as their concessionaire in India. In 1937, CPL established, it's
wholly owned Indian subsidiary viz. Crompton Parkinson Works Ltd., in Bombay,
along with a sales organization, Greaves Cotton & Crompton Parkinson Ltd., in
collaboration with GCC. In the year 1947, with the dawn of Indian independence,
the company was taken over by Lala Karamchand Thapar, an eminent Indian
industrialist. Crompton Greaves is headquartered in a self-owned landmark building
at Worli, Mumbai.
Products & Services Offered
The company is organized into three business groups viz. Power Systems,
Industrial Systems, Consumer Products. Nearly, two-thirds of it's turnover accrues
from products lines in which it enjoys a leadership position. Presently, the company
is offering wide range of products such as power & industrial transformers, HT
circuit breakers, LT & HT motors, DC motors, traction motors, alternators/
generators, railway signaling equipments, lighting products, fans, pumps and public
switching, transmission and access products. In addition to offering broad range of
products, the company undertakes turnkey projects from concept to commissioning.
Apart from this, CG exports it's products to more than 60 countries worldwide, which
includes the emerging South-East Asian and Latin American markets.
Thus, the company addresses all the segments of the power industry from complex
industrial solutions to basic household requirements. The fans and lighting
businesses acquired "Superbrand" status in January 2004. It is a unique recognition
amongst the country's 134 selected brands by "Superbrands", UK.
Apart from strengthening it's foothold in the Indian market, Crompton Greaves
acquisition of the Pauwels Group and it's transformer manufacturing facilities in five
countries is expected to provide a significant impetus to the company's international
The additional turnover of approximately Rs.1,380 crore of Pauwels Group for it's
last financial year is expected to increase Crompton Greaves' International business
to around 50% of it's turnover, making the company a force to reckon with, in the
international market.
Future Outlook.
The quality of households is enhanced when their money is invested into products
such as fans and lighting for basic comforts. Their lives are literally touched by
delight. Similarly, Crompton helps electricity boards and other utilities to reach
electricity to the last home and factory. Therefore, every individual in India who uses
electricity can be considered as Crompton customer. Hence, the company
continues to further and consolidate the initiatives that Colonel Crompton set into
motion by focusing on meeting increasing customer demands for products that are
eco-friendly, energy efficient and with intelligent monitoring and control systems.
All economic indicators point towards the manufacturing sector being the future
driver of India's economic growth. India is today preferred destination for sourcing
various engineering goods not only due to low cost but also due to high quality of
products. Although, the climate for the manufacturing sector is bright, the concern is
the threat of imminent competition from global players who are already in the
process of setting up manufacturing facilities in India. The market is expected to
remain competition with an added element of competition from imported products.
However, several measures that the company has already taken and it's plans for
the future, together with business impact of the Pauwels acquisition, will equip the
company to respond in adequate measure to this competitive pressure.
Business Description
Crompton Greaves Limited. The Group's principal activities are broadly classified
into four strategic business units: Power Systems; Consumer products; Industrial
Systems and Other. The Power System consists of designing, manufacturing and
servicing electrical products such as transformers, switchgears, capacitors and
engineering projects. Consumer Products consist of fans, luminaires, light sources
and agricultural and domestic pumps. Industrial Systems consists of manufacturing
electric motors including fractional horse power motors, LT motors, alternators, DC
Machines and rail transportation motors. Other includes telecommunication
products, transmission products, access products and terminal equipment. The
plants are located in Maharashtra, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat,
Punjab and Kolkata
canalized through its four business units- These are Power Systems,
Industrial Systems, Consumer Products and Telecom Products.
Board of Directors
Key Personnel
Regional Management
Power Systems
Industrial Systems
Consumer Products
Telecom Group
Board of Directors
Mr. G. Thapar
Mr. Gautam Thapar is currently, Chairman of Ballarpur Industries Limited, India's
largest pulp and paper manufacturing company. He is also a Director in several
other companies including Bata International, apart from serving as Chairman of
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Northern Region in 2003-04.
Mr. S. M. Trehan
(Managing Director)
SUDHIR MOHAN TREHAN is the Managing Director of Crompton Greaves Limited
since May 2000. Prior to this, he was the President of CG - Digital and looked after
the areas of Networking, Informatics and Telecommunications.
He is actively involved in various national industry forums like IEEMA, CII and AIMA
- leading names in India. He is currently the Chairman of Maharashtra State
Council of CII.
He was the recipient of the „Outstanding Chief Executive of the Year‟ Award for
2000-2001, instituted by the Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, for steps he
took towards successfully implementing his vision of making Crompton Greaves a
world-class manufacturing company.
Other Directors
• Dr. O. Goswami
• Mr. S. Labroo
• Ms. M. Pudumjee
• Mr. S.P. Talwar
• Mr. K. Thapar
Key Personnel >> Regional Management
NORTH SA Kane General Manager Delhi 011 30416300
011 23354879
Key Personnel >> Industrial Systems
022 67558425
Key Personnel >> Telecom Group
Alternators & DC Machines Plant,
Switchgear Plant, Nashik
Kanjurmarg – Mumbai Baroda.
trained in Six Sigma technology for capture of customer's
• Corporate R&D and Quality Division of Crompton Greaves Ltd has been
certified to ISO 27001:2005 by UL India Ltd.
• In accordance with plan, the second phase of Six Sigma implementation
commenced during 2004-05 with increasing executives being trained in the
methodology. Six Sigma methodology has been extended to the design
activity of the products. Ten products have been covered in the first phase,
while nine products would be included in the second phase. Increasing
coverage of products with six sigma approach will progressively help the
company achieve 'product quality as perceived by the customer'.
• Twenty-three divisions / regions have been accredited with ISO9001: 2000
• Seven manufacturing units have been accredited for ISO 14001 and four
units for OHSAS 18001
• The Light sources division is one of the few business units in India in lighting
industry to receive dual certificate of ISO 9000:2000 was well as ISO 14001
• The company's Power Transformers and Switchgear are now compliant to
international Euro/IEC norms and ANSI/NEMA standards for greater
acceptance in international markets.
• The Industrial Transformer Division located at Malanpur is amongst the few
units in India, to have been accredited both ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001,
Certification for Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
• The company's Fans, Motors, Automation and control products are approved
by the CSA, BASEEFA, and CE
• Ensure that staff have a level of knowledge and skill to fully perform their role
• Look for potential, and find ways for staff to demonstrate potential
Equal opportunities
All staff are entitled to and can expect to receive training they need to carry out their
current role. This includes seconded, fixed-term contract or short-term contract
Permanent employees can expect to benefit from further commitment for each
individual to devote at least 5 days a year towards training and development. First
priority will be towards job-related training, but we will also encourage individuals to
undertake personal development training. This may entail taking professional
qualifications; undertaking research into a particular field of interest or experiencing
a particular aspect of another job in order to gain an insight into the role and fuller
understanding of the work.
Training should not be viewed purely as “attending a training course”. There are a
variety of different methods that can be used to help train and develop individuals
and Personnel Services will be happy to help individuals and managers select the
most appropriate method. For example, using open learning materials;
computerbased packages; videos or CD-ROMs; e-learning; and reading literature,
to name but a few.
Shared responsibilities
It is recognizes the need for everyone to learn and develop their skills on a
continuous basis and will support individuals to help them achieve this. Equally, the
company expects individuals to take on some responsibility for their own
selfdevelopment. For example, identifying suitable training activities (with the help
of line managers and Personnel Services) and adopting a flexible and positive
approach to any training and development that is identified with them.
Identifying training and development needs, and helping individuals to improve their
performance, are key responsibilities for line managers, so they are expected to be
actively involved in their team‟s training and development. Line managers are also
responsible for measuring the effectiveness of any training and development
undertaken by team members, with assistance from Personnel Services.
The skills and knowledge that will be needed for the future success of the company
will become apparent as each year‟s business (corporate) plan is drafted and
communicated to teams within the company and individual performance objectives
agreed. Where individual skills, knowledge or the development of competencies are
needed to achieve our business objectives, these should be recorded on the
Development Needs Assessment plan, which forms part of our Performance Review
The company has a number of key business objectives that it needs to achieve.
These objectives can be achieved only through harnessing the abilities and skills of
everyone in the company and by releasing potential and maximizing opportunities
for development. If individuals need to learn in order to achieve business
objectives, it is important that any training and development in which we invest has
a relationship to our business objectives, so we can demonstrate the contribution
learning makes towards overall organizational success.
To demonstrate this contribution, individuals will agree with their line managers,
prior to undertaking a learning activity, “learning objectives”. Learning objectives will
be the means by which managers and company can measure how effective training
and development has been towards achieving our business objectives or
performance. Setting learning objectives will therefore provide a benefit for
For the organization, objectives give a greater likelihood of strategic and corporate
plans being achieved.
Once someone has experienced a training and development activity or learning, we
will measure its impact and effectiveness on individual performance and the
organization. Again, line managers are expected to be part of this process by
defining the performance standards (or measures) when setting objectives and
deciding on the methods that they will use to evaluate the learning. (Personnel
Services will of course be available throughout the process to provide guidance
and support).
There are three key stages that will be used to evaluate training and development:
Organizational impact: At this level evaluation assesses the impact of learning on
organizational effectiveness, and whether or not it is cost-effective in organizational
terms. Personnel Services will undertake this evaluation as part of a wider training
and development evaluation process.
In summary then, Personnel Services will evaluate training and development at the
reaction and organizational levels, and line managers will be responsible for
evaluating the effectiveness of training and development at the performance level.
However, there will be some types of learning activities, for example attending
conferences or seminars, where it may not be appropriate to undertake any
evaluation. If any doubt, please contact Personnel Services.
To assist line managers, there are a variety of methods that can be used to
measure the effectiveness of the learning. Some of these include:
• Participant self-assessment
• Structured interviews
• Questionnaires
• Feedback – for example, internally from colleagues, peers, and managers and/or
externally from partners, customers or clients
• Qualifications obtained
Line managers should contact Personnel Services, who will be pleased to help
setup an evaluation method to use to measure the effectiveness of a training
Funding for training and development will be paid from a central training budget,
therefore the Head of Personnel Services must approve any training and
development that involves a financial cost before any financial commitment is made.
Details of how to apply for a training and development are explained under the
section headed “Selecting a training provider and applying for training”.
Where an individual needs to attend a training course funded by company, time off
during working hours will be given to attend the course. Individuals are expected to
travel to and from a training venue within the normal course of the day. Where
company is providing sponsorship towards a professional qualification, time off to
attend lectures/workshops/summer school will be agreed on an individual basis,
taking account of the business needs. The Head of Personnel Services will approve
any such requests, in full consultation with line managers.
Non-training course learning activities
Typically, a training course is designed to transfer new skills or knowledge to an
individual. Invariably new skills and knowledge will be developed over time to
improve performance. However, not all learning has to be addressed through a
training course. There is a wide range of development methods available that can
be used without leaving the office. For example, being coached by a fellow
colleague or manager; using a computer aided training package; on-the job training;
reading books; undertaking research or practising a particular skill.
Finding out about training courses or alternative learning methods
Personnel Services is building up a range of literature from training suppliers and a
selection of books/videos/computer discs available for individual use. To find out
more, please contact Personnel Services.
Selecting a training provider and applying for training
Before booking a training event, individuals should research the costs and course
availability with possible training providers. Personnel Services will be happy to
help as they keep details of various training providers, so please contact them for
Company organised training programmes, for example Customer Service Training,
Team Building training, will be co-ordinated through Personnel Services (so
individuals do not have to complete any forms). All other training and development
activities must be authorised by PersonnelServicesbefore any training is booked.
Company sponsorship
Company recognises the need for continuous professional development and are
pleased to be able to offer a sponsorship scheme to all permanent and fixed-term
employees (whose contracts are for at least one year). The scheme covers
professional, academic or NVQ (or equivalent) qualifications. The following
guidelines are designed to give individuals an idea of the sort of funding that may be
available and how individuals may apply.
For purposes of this discussion we will divide the training process into three phases:
(1) needs identification
(2) Training Systems (courses, modules, training aids, presentation, instructors,
(3) Evaluation
The first phase is the identification and analysis of an organization's training needs.
As a minimum, the organization should be able to accomplish the following four
Identification of training needs (ITN), if done properly, provides the basis on which
all other training activities can be considered. Also requiring careful thought and
analysis, it is a process that needs to be carried out with sensitivity: people‟s
learning important to them, and the success or the organization may by to stake.
It is important to know exactly what you are doing, and why, when undertaking ITN.
This is the reason we have included material to help you make considered decision
and take thoughtful action. You will find, however, that the return on the investment
you make in fully understanding what ITN is all about will make it well worth while.
In Crompton Greaves Ltd., Delhi across training is customized product wise. If any
defect comes in a product or process, a training session is initiated to eradicate root
There are normally two work stations in production,
1. Critical station
2. Normal station
At critical work station an efficient worker should produce 5000 to 6000 units in one
shift. At this work station minor job is done.
At normal work station an efficient worker should be produce 8000 to 10000 units in
one shift in normal circumstances.
2. Temporary worker
A worker get the permanent job after the good and consistent performance in the
company, these people are well experienced in their relative jobs.
Temporary worker is a layman. They don‟t know any thing about the work, so these
types of people require training.
When a new person joins the company, he got the training about the safety and
maintenance. For getting these training he is send in technical training cell (TTC).
In TTC he has to go some basic knowledge and instruction, which is given by the
just senior boss. That person is called line in charge. During the training a person
gets the job. He is watched by the line in charge. At any point the line in charged
found any fault in the work, the line in charge instructed at that time, so that the
worker does the job in a proper way and come out with zero-defect product.
After the TTC training employees are divided among various teams and send to the
different operations, on the different operations. A line-in charge is there, who will
watch each and every steps during the work. If any fault in the work is found, he
takes that serious and instructs to remove the fault immediately.
After some experience the worker is transferred from one operation to another
operation area. Where same procedure is performed. He works and if get any
confusion regarding the job, he may ask the line in charge or if line in charge see
any fault during the operation, he educates the worker to do the job better. This
process is repeated on each and every operation. This is how each and every
employee is familiarized to the job . The main advantage of this job rotation is, if any
worker does not come on the particular day, that place can be filled by any other
worker and the works progress without any interruption.
After job rotation and getting experienced the entire worker divided into three
• Highly efficient
• Efficient
• Adequate
If a person can handle all the machines related to any particular job. That worker is
called highly efficient worker. After getting training 40% out of them became as
highly efficient worker. These workers are very efficient and can handle any
situation during the work. He can work on any machine at any time without any
problem. These people can take decision at the critical point of time. So that these
type of worker are called highly efficient worker.
After highly efficient the second category is called „efficient‟. In this category those
type of person are master in their job. He is master in one job. In this category 50%
worker comes. These types of people are well known people in their particular job.
They are not able to handle the different machines. They feel problem in some job.
After that the third category comes, that is called adequate. This type is not
beneficial for the company. So that they are not acceptable. They have less
knowledge and not will to work.
Highly efficient person is well-known about their job. He can handle any situation.
So that this type of people doesn‟t require training.
Efficient people are master of just on job. So that they need training to be highly
efficient worker.
Company is giving training to the efficient worker. For them there are three types of
• Counseling
In counseling the instructor or line in charge counsel the worker. A line in charge
tries to motivate the worker to do their job in proper way. This is a verbal
communication. With the help of words a senior person tries to make them as
effective as highly efficient worker.
The second option “provide them opportunity to work with highly efficient people”
helps those people to learn. During the work he can watch how the highly efficient
people work? How can they handle the situation? They got the idea about the
problem, which may be arising during the work. They also get the idea about
dealing those types of problems. This way an efficient worker is developed to be
highly efficient worker.
Before start working every worker should get the knowledge about the job profile.
Without proper knowledge no one can perform better. There must be some
defective in the product due to less knowledge about the production process. So
specific knowledge is essential for zero-defect product. This is the duty of
management to educate them and provide full knowledge about the production
process and quality control.
For adequate people company has some other way for giving them training. The
work pressure is the best way for make them work. Under this the adequate person
is send to work between two highly efficient workers. Highly efficient people can
work faster than adequate person. So from both sides he faces the pressure for
work faster and effectively. This way an adequate worker can be the efficient and
highly efficient worker for company. In any company some factor effect the
• Strategies changes
• Technical changes
If the top management of the company want to change their strategies. Here
company wants trained people for work. So firstly company looked for the
experienced people, but it is very difficult to get trained people. So they hired semi-
skilled people and after joining them they give them training. So that this can work
effectively and according to the requirement of the company.
If company wants some technical change in product, they also require trained
people for work. Technical change requires more technical people. If company
wants to retain the same people who are working form last some times then
company has to give them training. After getting training a worker can adjust in any
environment and work effectively.
Today‟s era is the cost cutting era. In the intensive competition cost of the product
is very important. We can‟t survive in the market with high cost. So we need to cut
the cost of the product. For cutting the cost we need more trained worker who can
work faster and quickly. So that the production time can be reduced. At lastly we
can get the low price product.
So that in every area we need trained people. For getting trained people we have to
make them trained by giving training.
5. Clarence Francs indicated this when he was the chairperson of the General
Food. He said “You can buy a man‟s time, you can buy a man‟s physical
presence at given place; you can even buy a measured number of skilled
motions per hour or day: but you cannot buy devotion of heart, mind and soul.
7. If a manager wants to get work done by his employees he can either hold out a
promise or a reward for them for doing work in a better or improved way.
Designing is preliminary step in every activity. It provides a picture for the whole before
starting of the work.
transmitted] F
Where F = feed back [Helps in controlling the sub -system to which it is
FF = feed forward [Serves the vital function of providing criteria for
The sample size for the purpose of this study will include 100 employees.
Middle level and Lower level employees
Simple random sampling
Structured Questionnaire
There is various methodology of training. No single technique is always best. The
best method depends on
Cost effectiveness
Learning principles
The choice of methods depends on the knowledge and experience of the teacher
or trainer.
The choice of the methods should take into consideration the intellectual level
and educational background of the participants and the participants‟ age
practical experience.
Some methods are more effective than others in achieving certain objective.
Choice methods depend on the social and cultural factors in the environment.
Now many participative methods are accepted and used in management training.
It also depends on the time and the availability of resources and infrastructural
Types of training
Job instruction training
Job rotation
Vestibule training
Supervisory training:
Supervisory training needs reveal utmost divergence in view of divergent duties of
supervisors. Employee attitude surveys help in identifying area of supervisory training.
Likewise, supervisors themselves may be requested to indicate the areas where they
need training. Frequently, these surveys indicate that supervisors need training in
human relations, production control, company policies and how to instruct. Supervisory
courses consist of job methods training (JMT) and job relations training (JRT). The JMT
helps the supervisors to improve methods in their departments, while the JRT helps
them in handling human relations problems in their departments.
Job rotation
Vestibule training
The employee is allowed to mimic the trainer‟s example. Demonstration by the
trainer and practice by the trainee are repeated until the job is mastered. Repeated
demonstrations and practice provide repetition and feedback. Finally the employee
performs the job without supervision, although the trainer may visit the employee to
see if there are any lingering questions.
Easy organized
Less costly
The disadvantage of this method is that the assigned instructor may be a poor teacher.
The worker may haste for immediate production, so the actual cost may increase.
Some trainers move a trainee from job to job. Each worker move normally is preceded
by job instruction training. This is a method of training wherein workers rotate through a
variety of jobs. Thereby providing them a wide exposure. Trainees are placed in
different jobs in different parts of the organization for a specified period of time. They
may spend several days or even years in different company locations. In this way they
get an overall perspective of the organization. It is used with both blue-collar production
workers and white collar managers and it has many organizational benefits. Job rotation
creates flexibility, during manpower shortages, workers have the skills to step in and fill
open slots. The method also provides new and different work on a systematic basis,
giving employees a variety of experiences and challenges. Employees also increase
their flexibility and marketability because they can perform a wide array of tasks.
An apprentice is a worker who is learning a trade but who has not reached the state
where he is competent to work without supervision. It is particularly common in the
skilled trades. In organization a new worker is “tutored” by an established worker for a
long period of time. An apprenticeship lasts from two to five years. Each apprentice is
usually given a workbook consisting of reading materials, tests to be taken and practice
problem to be solved. This training is used in such trades, crafts and technical fields in
which proficiency can be acquired after a relatively long period of time in direct
association with the work and under the direct supervision of experts. Training is
intense, lengthy and usually on a one to one basis.
Increasing national attention is being paid to workforce preparation in the United States.
This stems from the growing realization that America's ability to occupy a leading
competitive position in the emerging global economy hinges, to a large degree, on
assuring that the nation's workforce is second to none. Today, unfortunately, this is not
the case. Employers frequently report that significant numbers of young people and
adults alike exhibit serious educational deficiencies and are ill-equipped to perform
effectively in the workplace. As a consequence, leaders from industry, labor, education,
and government are all grappling with how to design educational reforms and
education/training strategies that will improve the skills of America's current and future
In the spirit of this reform, one particular training strategy -- apprenticeship -- has
captured the interest of many policy makers, educators, and others who are involved in
the national reform movement. Its growing appeal comes as no surprise and, perhaps,
is long overdue. Experience both in the U.S. and growing abroad has repeatedly
demonstrated that apprenticeship is a highly effective strategy for preparing people for
work. The bulk of apprenticeship programs offered in the U.S. and its territories are in
the building trades and manufacturing industries, but there is significant potential to
develop apprenticeship programs in a variety of other industries.
The rush to embrace apprenticeship, however, is leading to efforts that could undermine
the very pillars of its value. For example, in some instances, apprenticeship is being
viewed as a generic concept -- one that can be loosely applied to a variety of learning
situations. Likewise, others have coined such terms as "youth apprenticeship" to
characterize various school-to-work transition programs. Such thinking, while
understandable in an environment that begs for creativity and innovation, may be more
harmful than helpful to the cause.
credentials have explicit meaning, recognition and respect in the eyes of Federal
and State governments and relevant industries.
effectively in the workplace. Few, if any, other types of educational programs can make
this claim.
A Policy Recommendation
As the education and training system in this country undergoes its restructuring, how
apprenticeship fits in must be considered. Some may argue that the definition of
apprenticeship should be boarded to encompass some or all of the previously described
alternative training strategies. Unfortunately, this could have the practical effect of
seriously undermining a tried and true training strategy -- on that, ironically, exhibits all
ten qualities that reformers are striving to achieve in new training designs. Of particular
concern is the possibility that an expanded definition could significantly dilute the value
and meaning attached to the apprenticeship credential. Today, an apprentice who earns
a Certificate of Completion and attains journey worker status from a registered
apprenticeship program knows that he or she has acquired industry-defined skills at
industry-accepted standards of performance and can reasonably expect to be gainfully
employed in his or her occupational area. If alternative training strategies (ones that do
not fully conform to the essential components) are also permitted to call themselves
"apprenticeship," the apprenticeship credential stands to become devalued. Such a step
makes little sense at a time when other credentials -- such as high school diplomas --
have lost much of their meaning.
Thus, we conclude that their term "apprenticeship" should be reserved only for those
programs that adhere to the eight essential components described previously. Other
strategies may seek to adopt designs that conform to all the essential components, in
which case they may be called apprenticeship. But to call any other types of programs
"apprenticeship" is to do a major disservice to the participants in such programs.
Whether intentional or not, the participants may be misled into thinking that completion
of these programs will allow them to reap the benefits accorded to graduates of true
apprenticeship programs.
Clearly, we are on the verge of a major revolution with respect to how America prepares
its workforce. As a new national training system emerges in the coming years,
considerable thought should be given to the role of true apprenticeship in that new
system. One on hand, apprenticeship could be the locomotive that drives this training
system. Under this scenario, apprenticeship programs would serve as the principal form
of training for preparing the majority of the nation's workforce. Alternatively,
apprenticeship may become one of several cars on a train that provides a variety of
training options to existing and future workers. This choice requires further study and
broader deliberation, but, whatever the outcome, the integrity of the term
"apprenticeship" should not be jeopardized or compromised.
At management levels Coaching of immediate subordinates by their managers is
common. A coach attempts to provide a model for the trainee to copy it tends to be less
formal than an apprenticeship program. Coaching is almost always handled by the
supervisor or manager. It is likely not to be as directive approaches such as
nondirective counseling or sensitivity training. If the trainee‟s shortcomings are
emotional or personal. Coaching will be ineffective if relations between trainee and
coach are ambiguous in that the trainee cannot trust the coach.
Vestibule training:
Vestibule training is a type of instruction often found in production work. A vestibule
consists of training equipment that is set up a short distance from the actual production
line. Trainees can practice in the vestibule without getting in the way or slowing down
the production line. These special training areas are usually used for skilled and
semiskilled jobs, particularly those involving technical equipment. Vestibule is small, so
relatively few people can be trained at the same time. The method is good for promoting
practice a learning principle involving the repetition of behavior.
The lecture should be brief and to the point, presenting the theme of the subject in a
manner that arouses the interest of the audience from the start. The speaker should be
poised, courteous and sincere. The action should be spontaneous. The role of a lecturer
is make difficult things simple, not the reverse.
This method can‟t readily adopt itself to individual differences, which may arise farthest
from reality.
Audio-visual techniques:
Audio-visual techniques covers an array of tainting techniques, such as films, slides and
videotapes. It allows seeing while listening and is usually quite good at capturing their
interests. These methods allow a trainer‟s message to be uniformly given to numerous
organizational locations at one time and to be reused as often a required.
Flip chart
Magnetic board
Flannel board
Overhead projector
Role playing
Active participation rather than passive reception facilitate learnings. Role-playing
believes in active participation. This is a training method often aimed at enhancing
either human relations skills or sales techniques. Role-playing can be defined as an
educational or therapeutic technique in which some problems involving human
interaction, real or imaginary is presented and then spontaneously acted out.
Participants suggest how the problem should be handled more effectively in the future.
This “acting out” is followed by discussion and analysis to determine what happened
and why and, if necessary, how the problem could be better handled in future.
Role-playing is less tightly structured than acting, where performers have to say set
lines on sue. Participants are assigned roles in the scenario to be enacted, so , in this
way, it is a device that forces trainees to assume different identities. Usually participants
exaggerate each other‟s behavior. Ideally, they get to see themselves as others see
before conducting the role-play-enactment, the trainer should carry out the following:-
(a) Read aloud generation information,
(B) Those who have volunteered to role play are given briefing sheets and sent out of
the room with the instruction not to communicate amongst themselves, (C) The
instructor should clarify all the doubts that role player might have, (D) Role players take
their positions facing the class, (E) To begin the role play, the trainer sets the scene by
restating the identify of the roles being enacted and making a brief statement about
what has just happened when the action began.
Post Enactment Discussion:
in conducting post enactment discussion, reaction to role play should be obtained
form the people who have acted a role play.
Role playing has been shown to be effective (I)in studying small group leadership skills,
(ii) increasing sensitivity to the motivation of others, (iii)improving interviewing skills, (iv)
enhancing ability to develop innovative solutions to human relation problems, and (v)
modifying attitudes.
Case Study
By studying a case situation, trainees learn about real of hypothetical circumstances
and the actions others take under those circumstances. Beside learning from the
content of the case, a person can develop decision making skills.
Case method is an excellent medium for developing analytical skills.
Cases are usually organized around one or more problems or issues that are
confronted by an organization. Cases can range from one page to over fifty pages.
Feedback and repetition, are usually lacking. One inherent difficulty is personal bias.
This method calls for skills with language. But many people are sent to case study
courses primarily because they lack communication skills.
When cases are meaningful an similar to work related situations, there is some
transference. There also is the advantage of participation through discussion of the
case. It improves participants‟ skills in problem analysis, communication and particularly
brings home to the participant that nothing is absolutely “right or wrong” in the field of
human behavior. Survey results indicate that the case method is considered by training
directors to be the best methods of developing problem solving skills.
Simulation is an approach that replicates certain essential characteristics of the real
world organization so that the trainees can react to it as if it were the real thing and then
consequently transfer what has been learned to their job. Simulation training is based
on a reproduction of some aspect of job reality. Simulation usually enhance cognitive
skills, particularly decision making. A very popular training technique for higher level
hobs in which the employee must process large amounts of information.
Simulations have many forms- some use expensive, technical equipment, while others
are far less costly. Some simulations need only one participant, others may involve as
many as 15-20 people working together as a team. Simulations are a broad based
training techniques that can be adapted to suit a company‟s need. By using the
equipment simulators, workers can practice new behaviors and operate certain complex
equipment‟s free of danger to themselves. Equipment simulators can range from simple
mock-ups to computer based simulations of complete environments. Some of them are
utilized to train a single individual and the others are used for team training.
Programmed instruction is a training approach which makes the advantages of private
tutoring available to large groups of students beings trained in new skills. Programmed
instruction is one of the innovations in teaching technology developed in recent years.
The methods involves an actual piece of equipment, usually called Teaching machine,
of a specially constructed paper booklet.
The participants are active in the training process. In fact they determine their own
learning pace.
What is to be learned involves many discrete pieces of material, and the participants
get immediate feedback on whether they have learned each piece.
The major advantage of programmed instruction is that is reduces the training time. The
learning takes place at the students own pace. Participants get immediate feedback.
The participants are active learners, there is constant exchange of information between
themselves and the programme. Fast learners do not have to wait for slow ones to
catch up. Administrative simplicity and increased productivity in training result in lower
training cost per student.
The biggest disadvantage of this method is the absence of a teacher. The book
becomes the teacher. Hence it is absolutely essential that the trainee is highly
motivated to continue learning. The material has to be broken down into a logical
sequence, since there may be several correct ways to perform the task. This methods
does not appear to improve training performance in terms of immediate learning of
retention over a time compares with conventional methods.
Syndicate Method
Working in small group to achieve a particular purpose is described as a syndicate
method. The essence of this method is that participants learn from each other and
contribute their own experience to the fullest. The syndicate method is designed to
provide the participant an environment that would help him to reflect critically on his own
work and experience; to update his knowledge of new concepts and techniques with the
help of other co-participants; to develop sound judgement through greater insight into
human behavior. This method is suitable for training and development students, without
any experience.
The participants are divided into groups consisting of about eight to ten participants.
These groups are called “syndicates”. Each syndicate functions as a team that can
represent various functional as well as interest areas. The syndicates are given
assignments which have to be finished and a report submitted by a specified date and
time. By rotation each member of the syndicate becomes the leader for completing a
specific task. Each assignment to a syndicate is given in the form of a “Brief”. This is a
carefully prepared document by the faculty. Generally, each syndicate is required to
submit a report which is circulated to other syndicates for critical evaluation.
The advantages of this method is that it secures a very high level of involvement from
the participants. Their own experience is the starting point in this method. It is a process
of self business and development for participants. This method also gives the
participant a practice in communicating with his colleagues and understanding them.
If the syndicate is not structured properly, it should lead to a lot of wastage of time and
cause frustration. In the absence of proper pressure on the participants by trainers or
participants themselves, some participants might start dragging their feet. Differences of
opinion or viewpoint may be ignored to avoid action.
Behavior Modeling
According to social learning theory, most human behavior is learned observationally
through modeling. When social learning theory is applied in industrial training
programmes, it is commonly referred to as “behavior modeling”. Used behavior
modelling to improve the interpersonal and communication skills of supervisors in
dealing with their employees. The topic was first introduction by the trainers after which
a film was shown to the trainees which depicted a supervisor model effectively handing
a situation, followed by a set of three to six learning parts that were shown in the film
immediately before and after the model was presented. A group discussion is them
held in which the effectiveness of the method is discussed. After this, the practice
session starts in which one of the trainee assumes the role of an employee. And then,
feedback from the training class is given on the effectiveness of each trainee in
demonstrating the desired behavior. At the end of each training session, the trainees
are given copies of the learning points and are asked to try and apply them to their jobs
during the following week. It has been found that this programme has had desirable
effects on learning, behavior and performance criteria.
There creation of the behavior may be videotaped so that the trainer and the trainee can
review and critique it. When watching the ideal behavior, the trainee also gets to see
the negative consequences that befall someone who does not use it as recommended.
By observing the positive and negative consequences, the employee receives vicarious
reinforcement that encourages the correct behavior.
The aspects to which the fish bowl exercise can be put to effective use are; individual
and group behaviour , content of communication, roles individuals paly in groups,
intergroup conflicts, level of participation, dynamics of group problem solving and
decision making and, inter personal relations.
The exercise can involve up to 25 participants seated in two concentric circles( one
inner, the outer).the inner circle is the target group, members of this group will either
discuss a preselected topic or move towards completion of a group task. After the
discussion by the members of the inner group, the outer group is asked to comment on
the content and more importantly the dynamics and group process of the inner group
Participants must learn to provide feedback with clarity and precision. Feedback must
never be critical or it loses its constructive nature. After one cycle of the exercise is
completed the outer group will change palces with the inner group and become the
target group , inner group member become observers and the exercise is repeated.
There are several non-group methods involving an assessment of each individual‟s
strengths and weaknesses.
It helps the trainees to observe their weaknessed and involves measures to overcome
them. It is related to periodic appraisals of ratings. Specifically counselling purports to
help the subordinates to do a better job, provides a clear picture of how they are doing,
build strong personal relationships and eliminate, of at least minimize anxiety.
Understudies System:
In this the trainees work directly with individuals whom they are likely to replace.
However, it is disappointing as a training because of a likelihood of an imitation of weak
as well as strong points of the seniors.
Proper training can be as important as the equipment used and other characteristics of
the job.The money annually paid for training by business and industry also
demonstrates the importance of training. It has been estimated that American business
firms spend more than $30 billion per year on training and development, with some
estimates running as high as $100 billion Motorola, Inc. alone spends about $44 million
annually on employee education.
Another indication of the importance business and industrial firms attach to training is
the estimate, made a few years ago, that some forty five thousand employees across
the United States were assigned full-time to training and development activities. Since
then the figures have no doubt grown.
This broad definition of training includes both skills training, which is usually of a
technical nature and has a short-term focus, and management and career development
programs, which are aimed at educating employees above and beyond the immediate
technical requirements of their jobs in order to increase the organizations present and
future ability to attain its goals. Thus, management and career development tend to be
more future oriented than skills training.
The purpose of skills training is to bring the competencies of individuals up to desired
standards for present or near-future assignments & develop new skills and knowledge
to replace those that have become obsolete as a result of technological organizational
4. Selecting trainees
2. To find the satisfaction level of the employees and what they feel about the
exceptions rewarded practices.
3. The working style followed by the higher authority and their communication with
the employees.
5. To study the interpersonal relationship.
Tools & Techniques means the methods & ways that how the data for the research is
collected and analyzed in order to fulfill the objective of the research work.
The data was collected through primary source through records and discussions with
the concerned authority and top level management and middle/lower level management
and from employees working in the organization with the help of questionnaire method.
The respondents who were provided a set of structured question filled the questionnaire
and feedback was obtained by personally administering the discussion on question by
respondent. Questionnaire method is very versatile almost every problem can be
approached by this method. Knowledge, opinion, motivation and intent are usually not
open to observation. Multiple-choice question were introduced as they are faster to
administer. They lend themselves to analysis using various statistical techniques. They
are not prone to interviewer bias.
The survey for this project was conducted in following places: HR
Marketing Department
Finance Department
Other Departments
The data, after collection, has to be processed and analyzed in accordance with the
objective laid down for the purpose of the research work. This is essential for ensuring
that we have all relevant data for making contemplated comparisons and analysis. The
term analysis refers to the computation of certain measures like editing, coding,
classification and tabulation of collected data so that they are amenable to analysis
along with searching for patterns of relationship that exist among data-groups. The term
interpretation refers to the task of drawing inferences from the collected data after an
analytical and/or experimental study. In fact, it is a search for broader meaning of
research findings.
There are various methods of analyzing the data. But in this project work, I used
Bar charts & Pie charts for analyzing the collected data, which is prepared by using
Excel Sheet. In this project work, Pie charts & Bar charts are prepared with the help of
collected data, which is being collected through questionnaire.. The graphical
presentation of the data is helpful in understanding the each & every aspect of the
collected data very easily.
1. What types of training have you gone through?
Skill enhancement
Personality development
Total 45 workers have gone through these training programs. 2 out of them got the skill
enhancement training, 4 got personality development, and 6 got skill enhancement &
personality development program. Out of 45 workers 8 got skill enhancement & IT
related training, 11 got personality development & IT related training and rest 14 got all
three, skill enhancement, personality development & IT related training.
2. Please indicate when should the study material be given to the trainees? Before
the tr aining After the tra ining
Before the
After the
Before the training
In any training program the material plays an important role. So it should be provided.
But the question is that, "when should be the materials be given, before the training or
after the training.” In the responses of such
Question, 30 out of 45 workers say that materials should be given before the training
and 15 says that it should be given after the training.
Don't ready
face test
A good trainee is essential for the successful completion of any training program. A
good trainee can be selected by the test. So a test is required for selecting appropriate
trainees. Responding this 27 out of 45 workers tell that they don‟t want to go through
any test and rest 18 want to go through such test process.
The evolution of any program is very much require for the future. It can be done by
asking the trainees.
Skill Enhancement:
Good Very good 25% Very
Responding to skill enhancement programs, 11 out of 45 workers say that the training
program was good, 20 say that it ways very good and rest 14 trainees opine that
training program was very helpful to enhance their skills and perform their job in batter
Personality Enhancement:
47 % Good
Very good
40% Very
Responding to the personality development questions there are different views of the
trainees, 6 out of 45 workers say that the program was good, 18 say that it was very
good and 21 workers say that program was excellent.
IT related:
49 %
Responding to the IT related development questions trainees are very much conscious
about their improvement. 10 out of 45 have good experienced regarding IT
development, 13 say that program was very good and rest 22 have excellent
experienced regarding IT in the training program.
5. In your opinion what should be the frequency of the training programme in your
Once in a month Once in 3 Months
Once in 6 months Once in 12 Months
Once in a year
13% Every month Every month
Every six month 29%
Every three
21% month
Every three
Every six
Once in a year
The experienced of the training program is so impressive that all the trainees very much
interested in these types of programs. They want more of such types of training
programs. So 7, out of 24 trainees want this type of training in every month .On the
other hand 9 trainees want such program once in every three month. 5 out of them want
to hold such types of program twice in a year. Rest of them wants to hold this once a
year. In my opinion it should be twice a year.
4 hours 5% 8 hours
16 hours 4
hours 8
16 hours
20 hours
20 hours 60%
The duration is an important factor for the successful completion of any program. It
should be according the requirement of the trainees. 2 out of 45 trainees say that
duration should be 4 hours, 6 say that duration can be 8 hours. 10 out of them want 16
hours and rest 27 wants 20 hours for the training program.
After analyzing & interpreting the data received from the respondents, following findings
have been drawn:
1. Most of the people referred their problem when a critical situation or a grievance
is arising.
2. According to my survey most of the employees are satisfied with the benefits and
salary provided by the organization.
3. Most of the employee enjoy the welfare activities provided to them by the
organization but some are not
5. According to this survey the worker will follow the instruction given by the
management but some of the workers who lacks in following the instruction
management will motivate them to follow the instruction.
6. According to the survey most of the employees complete their work at time but
some of them are lacking in complete their work in time.
Training is a costly affair for the management. It needs a handsome amount and long
time. So management has to play safe game for the benefits of the company as well as
the workers. One wrong decision may enforce the company to fall into deep troubles.
So selecting the weak areas of staffs and workers should be done very carefully. For
that the management should be conduct a test.
An effective training program can bring about dimensional changes in the technical and
2. Management should not order, but should inspire. It should not impose but
3. Management should make every employee of the organization give their
hearts not just heads to the goals.
4. A timely presentation of the work done should be there to the top
5. Teamwork in all operational process must be encouraged.
8. The management should let his people know that it consider them valuable
capable individual.
9. Provide the employee enough work.
11. Employee should be informed in advance about the changes, which motivation
should be completely abolished though it works well in the short run but is an
ineffective long term strategy are planned in the organization.
12. Suggestion system can be a strong employee motivation because the
employees are given the opportunity to say something. This will increase the
sense of belonging.
1 Mamoria C.B., “Personnel Management” 21 st revised and enlarged edition 2001,
Himalya Publishing House.
2 Kothari C.R., “Research Methodology”, revised edition 2000, Vishwa Prakashan.
3 Flippo B Edwin, “Personnel Management”, sixth edition, Hill Book company.
Company‟s catalogues & annual report year 2006.
1 www.cromptongreavesltd.co.in
2 www.google.com
3 www.hr.com
Name …………………………………………………
Department ………………………………………
Designation ………………………………………
2. Please indicate when should the study material be given to the trainees?
5. In your opinion what should be the frequency of the training programme in your
Once in a month Once in 3 Months Once in 6
months Once in 12 Months
6. In your opinion what should be the duration of this training programme?
7. Would you like to suggest some thing for the training programme?
Date : Signature