DW 9500 Manual

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Remove the stand, accessories and all packing materials from the box and carrying bag, then follow these instructions to set-up and adjust your hi-hat to fit the way you play.

Section 1: Assembly quality. To adjust the angle, turn the wingscrew while playing the pedal to achieve the
1.1: Base Section desired sound. Once the optimal position is achieved, tighten the inside nut against the
1. Loosen the four keyscrews on the sides of the footboard assembly and unfold the wingscrew to lock the angle/position
assembly so that the bottom keyscrews fit into the notches on the side panels. 2.3: Spring Tension
2. Once the pedal is in its horizontal playing position, tighten the keyscrews securely. Clutch The 9500 Hi-Hat provides for incremental spring tension adjustment. To adjust the feel of
3. To more permanently secure the pedal plate to the base casting, line up the holes Wingscrew the pedal:
in the bottom of the base casting with the holes in bottom of the pedal plate. Insert Knurled Nuts 1. Loosen the drumkey screw just above the large knurled knob on the base casting.
the two screws (provided) through the bottom of the assemblies and tighten the lock Felt Washers 2. Rotate the large knurled knob clockwise to tighten the spring and counter clockwise to
washers and nuts from the top. Bottom Nut loosen it. Be sure to re-tighten the keyscrew before playing.
1.2: Leg Assembly Section 3: Adjustable Spurs and Velcro™
Upper Rod
1. Loosen the drumkey screw and wingscrew on the leg assembly clamps. Your DW 9500 Hi-Hat stand includes built-in, adjustable spurs and non-skid Velcro™ on
2. Pull the legs out and away from the center tube and place the base section on the the bottom of the pedal plate to prevent hi-hat crawl. The Velcro™ automatically grips
floor. on most types of carpeting. To adjust the spurs, loosen the keyscrews on the sides of the
3. Slide the bottom clamp of the leg assembly downward so that it touches the top of Cymbal Seat base casting, lower the spurs to their desired position and tighten the screws. Be careful
the base casting and adjust the spread and height of the legs so that the pedal plate/ Cymbal Angle Adjustment to use the spurs on carpet/soft surfaces as they may damage some types of flooring.
footboard assembly is flush with the floor (forming a tripod) and the center tube is Section 4: Double-Eccentric Chain & Sprocket Drive System
vertical. The patented 9500 Double-Eccentric Chain & Sprocket Drive System is factory set for
DW’s patented dual-leg assembly has been designed to rotate in order to accommodate optimum performance. Although you may notice that one of the chains seems slightly
double bass drum pedals, stands and other set-up requirements. Rotate the leg assembly Upper Tube looser than the other one, this is completely normal and will not affect the performance
to its desired position and then tighten the key and wingscrews to secure the position. of the stand.
1:3 Upper Rod Section 5: Pack Up
1. Remove the clutch from the upper rod by loosening the wingscrew and sliding the To transport the 9500 please follow these directions:
clutch off the rod. 1. Remove the cymbals and clutch.
2. Select either the short or long rod depending on your preference and application and 2. Separate the top tube and rod sections from their bottom counterparts.
insert the threaded end of the upper rod into the receiver in the lower rod (inside the 3. Fold the leg assembly by loosening the wingscrew in the top clamp and sliding the
base section). Memory Lock clamp up the tube to bring the legs inward. Once the legs are folded up, tighten the
3. Screw the two rod sections together by rotating the upper section clockwise until wingscrew to secure them.You do not have to loosen the keyscrew on the bottom clamp.
Tube Receiver
tight. 4. Fold-up the footboard assembly by loosening the four keyscrews connecting it to the
1:4 Upper Tube Section base casting. Tighten the top keyscrews to secure the footboard in its transport position.
1. Loosen the memory lock on the upper tube section and place the upper tube over
the upper rod so that the rod comes through the center of the hi-hat cymbal seat and
the tube fits into the tube receiver of the lower tube section.
2. With the footboard facing towards you in its normal playing position, rotate the upper Customizing Your Pedal with the DW Hi-Hat Pedal Customizing Kit
tube so that the angle adjustment wingscrew is positioned between the “9:00” and (part #1236, sold separately)
Rotating Leg Assembly
“12:00” position. Upper Clamp Elevator Heel Platform (U.S. Patent No. 6359205)
3. Adjust the tube height as required and tighten the tube receiver wingnut and memory Lower Clamp DW’s advanced 9-Position “Elevator” Heel Plates provide a
w/Protective Rubber Bumper
lock. unique method for drummers to achieve a more comfortable 1 2 3
pedal playing position without sacrificing speed, power or accura-
Section 2: Mounting and Adjusting the Cymbals cy. By using different combinations of the heel sections, the height
2.1: The Clutch 9500 of the heel can be adjusted independently of the angle of the
footboard. The “Elevator” positions range from normal (#1) and 4 5 6
1. Separate the hi-hat clutch by loosening the drumkey screw, unthreading the bottom slightly elevated (#2-3) to raised (#4-7) and extreme (#8-9). Posi-
nut and removing the lower felt washer. tion #8, for example, is recommended for achieving a smoother,
2. Place the top hi-hat cymbal on the clutch stem so that the top of the bell rests on Base Casting more effortless heel-toe sliding technique, while positions #2 and
the top felt washer and replace the bottom felt below the cymbal. Adjustable Spurs
Spring Tension Adjustment
#3 offer a subtle but effective way to increase control. 7 8 9
To install the Elevator heel sections, first turn the pedal over
3. Thread the bottom nut back onto the stem until it stops. and remove the three screws holding the original heel (A) to the
Double-Eccentric Drive
4. Adjust the lower of the two knurled nuts at the top of the clutch to achieve the pedal plate. In order to loosen chemical lock holding the three
desired space between the cymbal and the felt washers and lock the position by screws, you may first need to heat them with a hair dryer for 2-3 minutes. Place additional Elevator heel
tightening the upper knurled nut against the lower one. sections (B, C) either below or above the original section and re-attach the stacked heel sections using the
Footboard Assembly longer screws (provided). The following chart indicates which screws (supplied) should be used in conjunc-
5. Place the bottom hi-hat cymbal on the cymbal seat located at the top of the upper
tion with the Elevator heel sections to modify the height of your heel.
tube so that the upper rod comes through the mounting hole in the cymbal and the
bell rests on the cymbal seat felt. Place the clutch/cymbal assembly over the upper rod heel position heel sections top screws bottom screws
so that the top cymbal rests on top of the bottom cymbal. Depress the pedal and, when #1 A 3/4” -
the desired space between the cymbal is achieved, tighten the wingscrew on the clutch. #2 A/B 3/4” -
6. To further secure this position for more intense playing situations, reach between the A #3 B/A 7/16” 7/16”
Pedal Plate #4 A/C - 1 1/4”
cymbals with a drumkey and tighten the drumkey screw on the clutch. B #5 A/C 3/4” 7/16”
2.2: Bottom Cymbal Angle Adjustment #6 A/C/B 3/4” 3/4”
C #7 B/A/C 7/16” 1 1/4”
The lateral adjustment mechanism at the top of the upper tube is designed to adjust the #8 C/B/A - 1 1/2”
angle of the bottom hi-hat cymbal and enhance the cymbals’ performance and sound #9 C/B/A 1 1/4” 7/16”
SM379 Tech-Lock™ Hi-Hat Clutch
SM505 Drop-Lock™ Hi-Hat Clutch
SM803-2 2-Key pack (includes hi-torque and standard keys w/ tube clips)
SM808 5-Key pack (includes standard, large, keychain, drill bit and speed keys)
SM1236 Stacking Heel Kit (includes stacker heels and screws)
SMSVKIT Drummer’s Survival Kit (includes plastic case)

HI-HAT STAND T hanks for purchasing this DW product. It has been designed and
manufactured to provide a lifetime of trouble-free service. Please
take a moment to familiarize yourself with the exclusive features
DW 9000 SERIES and operating suggestions contained in this manual in order to
ensure its optimum performance. Should you have any further ques-
tions, feel free to contact your local authorized DW dealer.

379 505 SMSVKIT

M A N U A L O W N E R ’ S — Don Lombardi
president, Drum Workshop, Inc.

1236 803-2


For a period of five years from the date of purchase, Drum Workshop, Inc.
guarantees the original owner, when presented with proof of purchase, that
all 9000, 5000 and 7000 Series Bass Drum Pedal cast parts are free of ma-
terial and manufacturing defects. This warranty is limited to cast parts only;
such as the base casting, footboard, beater hub, sprocket, heel and cam cast-
ing. This warranty does not include moving parts; such as the spring assem-
bly, beater ball, radius rod, hex shaft, ball bearings, etc. If under normal play-
The Drummer’s Choice® ing conditions parts covered in this limited five year warranty fail, they will
be replaced at no charge. Return the pedal to your authorized DW dealer
or, if there is not a dealer in your area, contact DW directly. DO NOT send
pedal to DW without first receiving a Return Authorization Number. Ship-
3450 Lunar Court • Oxnard, CA 93030 USA ping charges to DW will be paid by the consumer. DW’s maximum liability
www.dwdrums.com pursuant to this warranty is limited to the monetary value of the product
that is the subject of the warranty claim. This is a summary only; please see
specifications subject to change without notice
the actual limited warranty for additional terms and conditions.
PR-OM-9500 © DW 2004

Contact your authorized DW dealer

for additional accessories and replacement parts.

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