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Getting Started
• Students will need the McGraw- Hill Chemistry Textbook, a copy of the Science Notebook
(available to complete online in each lesson, fillable pdf or printable pdf), a Science Journal
(which is a composition or notebook to keep notes in) and a student login for online materials
such as Labs and Assessments. Website Username:
Student first name and ID number (i.e. Stella95834) Password: Sutterpeak1

• Module Assessments can be printed or assigned to take online. Please discuss with your teacher
if you would like the assessments assigned to take online or emailed to you as a pdf to print.

• Students have the option of completing the course by using “Learnsmart/Smartbook” (your
teacher can assign it to you per module) where you have access to all of the textbook material
online and/or can answer all questions online (from the Science Notebook) as well as
assessments, with immediate feedback.

• The textbook or pacing guide will indicate when you should access online materials (videos, CER
charts, additional activities). You can access them by logging in, click on Lessons, click on the
three lines in the top left-hand corner of your course, select the module and lesson and then
scroll down to the appropriate section (Engage, Explore and Explain, Elaborate or Evaluate)
which you can find at the bottom of the page in your textbook.

• You have two options to complete the lab requirement for this class:

o Option 1: Complete labs in this course. There are several labs available in each module.
You will need to complete a minimum of 1 lab per module and turn in the lab sheets to
your teacher. A material list for all of the labs can be obtained from your teacher. Your
teacher will need to assign the labs to your student online account and it is suggested to
look through the available labs for each module (online) ahead of time, choose which
lab(s) you would like to complete, and obtain the materials you need. You can be
reimbursed from your student budget for materials and borrow from the Lending
Library when materials are available (i.e. microscope, etc.).

o Option 2: Take a corresponding lab class through a community partner for the year.
Please talk to your teacher and/or the school counselor for available options.

• The course pacing is designed to allow for an additional day in each module to complete a lab.
So if the module says it takes 7 days, you can take 8 days to include a lab day if needed.

Module One: The Central Science
6 Days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 3 Lab: How can you Students will define
Module Opener: Science Notebook: form layers of chemistry as a
The Study of Life Page 1 liquids? discipline.
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 4-10
Lesson One: Science Notebook: Lab: Laboratory Students will learn
What is Chemistry? Pages 2-6 Techniques and about the base units
Day 3 Textbook: Pages 11- Safety for scientific
Lesson Two: 26 measurements, as well
Measurement Science Notebook: Lab: Determine as some basic
Page 7-13 Density operations with these
Day 4 measurements.
Textbook: Pages 27-
Lesson Three: 35 Lab: Use Density to
The Uncertainty in date a Coin Students will learn
Science Notebook:
Data about accuracy and
Page 14-17
Lab: Making a Graph precision and how
Day 5 Textbook: Pages 36-
significant figures
Lesson Four: 41
reflect the precision of
Representing Data Science Notebook:
a measurement.
Pages 18-22
Day 6 Textbook: Pages 42- Students will analyze
Module Wrap-Up 43 graphs.
Module Assessment

Unit 1: Structure and Properties of Matter

Module Two: Matter- Properties and Changes

9 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Page 45 Lab: How can you Students explore the
Unit Opener Online: Project observe chemical basic properties of
Planner: STEM Unit change? matter, including
Project: Battery physical and chemical
Chemistry Lab: The Density of properties.
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 47 Wood
Module Opener: Science Notebook: Students extend their
Matter-Properties Page 23 understanding of the
Lab: Properties of
and Changes properties in matter to
Day 3 Textbook: Pages 48- an understanding of
Lesson One: 54 the different changes
Properties of Matter Science Notebook: matter undergoes,
Pages 24-27
Online: PhET Video: ChemLab: Identify including physical and
States of Matter the Products of a chemical changes.
Day 4 Textbook: Pages 55- Chemical Reaction
Lesson Two: 59 Students are
Changes in Matter Science Notebook: Lab: Observe Dye introduced to elements
Pages 28-31 Separation and how they can
Day 5-6 Textbook: Pages 60- combine to form
Lesson Three: 67 Lab: Separation of compounds.
Elements and Science Notebook: Aspirin
Compounds Pages 32-36 Students are
Day 7-8 Textbook: Pages 68- Forensics Lab: The introduced to
Lesson Four: 73 Counterfeit Coin homogeneous and
Mixtures of Matter Science Notebook: Caper heterogeneous
Pages 37-40 mixtures and how they
can be separated.
Day 9 Textbook: Pages 74-
Module Wrap-Up 75
Module Assessment
Module Three: The Structure of the Atom
7 Days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Page 77 Lab: How can the Students will explore a
Module Opener: Science Notebook: effects of electric summary of early
The Structure of the Page 41 charges be theories about the
Atom observed? nature of matter which
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 78- builds to the
Lesson One: 81 Lab: Simulation of introduction of modern
Early Ideas About Science Notebook: Rutherford’s Gold atomic theory and its
Matter Pages 42-45 Foil Experiment relationship to
Day 3-4 Textbook: Pages 82- conservation of mass.
Lesson Two: 90 Lab: Model Isotopes
Defining the Atom Science Notebook: Students see the atom
Pages 46-50 Lab: Half-Life of defined, from the
Online Simulation: Barium-137m discovery of the
PhET Rutherford’s electron through the
Experiment modern electron cloud
Day 5 Textbook: Pages 91- model.
Lesson Three: 97
How Atoms Differ Science Notebook: Students enhance their
understanding of the
Pages 51-55
composition of matter
Online Simulation:
as they study atomic
PhET: Isotopes and
Atomic Mass
Day 6 Textbook: Pages 98- number, mass number,
Lesson Four: 101 and isotopes.
Unstable Nuclei and Science Notebook:
Radioactive Decay Pages 56-58 Students are
Day 7 Textbook: Pages 102- introduced to the basic
Module Wrap-Up 103 types of radiation,
Module Assessment furthering their
understanding of
matter and how it can
Module Four: Electrons in Atoms
7 Days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Page 105 Lab: How do you Students study the
Module Opener: Science Notebook: know what is inside dual nature of light,
Electrons in Atoms Page 59 an atom? leading to atomic
Day 2-3 Textbook: Pages 106- emission spectra, the
Lesson One: 115 Lab: Identify foundation for
Light and Quantized Science Notebook: Compounds analyzing the light from
Energy Pages 60-65 stars.
Day 4-5 Textbook: Pages 116- ChemLab: Analyze
Lesson Two: 125 Line Spectra Students apply the idea
Quantum Theory and Science Notebook: of quantized energy to
the Atom Pages 66-70 Lab: The the atom, helping them
Photoelectric Effect understand how
different colors of light
Day 6 Textbook: Pages 126-
Lab: Electron can signal different
Lesson Three: 133
Electron Charge-to-Mass elements in stars.
Science Notebook:
Configuration Pages 71-74 Ratio
Students learn to
Day 7 Textbook: Pages 134-
model the
Module Wrap-Up 135
arrangements of
Module Assessment electrons in atoms.
Module Five: The Periodic Table and Periodic Law
7 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 137 Lab: How can you Students will have a
Module Opener: Science Notebook: recognize trends? brief introduction to
The Periodic Table Page 75 the history of the
and Periodic Law ChemLab: periodic table to help
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 138- Investigate students understand
Lesson One: 145 why elements are so

Development of the Science Notebook: Descriptive arranged and how to
Modern Periodic Pages 76-80 Chemistry begin extracting
Table information from the
Day 3 Textbook: Pages 146- Lab: Properties of table.
Lesson Two: 151 Transition Metals
Classification of the Science Notebook: Students connect the
Elements Pages 81-84 Lab: Organize organization of the
Day 4-5 Textbook: Pages 152- Elements periodic table to the
Lesson Three: 161 organization of
Periodic Trends Science Notebook: Lab: Periodic Trends electrons in atoms.
Pages 85-88
Day 6 Textbook: Pages 162- Students study the
Module Wrap-Up 163 basic trends on the
Module Assessment periodic table and the
reasons for these
Day 7 Complete and present
STEM Unit Project STEM unit project:
Battery Chemistry

Unit 2: Chemical Bonding and Reactions

Module Six: Ionic Compounds and Metals

8 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Page 165 Lab: What Students study the
Unit Opener Online: Project compounds conduct formation of ions, the
Planner: STEM Unit electricity in foundation for the
Project: Therapeutic solution? crystalline structures of
Putty ionic compounds.
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 167 ChemLab: Students build on their
Module Opener: Science Notebook: Synthesize an Ionic study of ions by
Ionic Compounds and Page 89 Compound learning how ionic
Metals bonds form and the
Day 3 Textbook: Pages 168- Lab: Observe properties, including
Lesson One: 172 Properties crystal structure, that
Ion Formation Science Notebook: emerge from those
Pages 90-93 bonds.

Students learn how to

Day 4-5 name ionic compounds
Textbook: Pages 173-
Lesson Two: 186

Ionic Bonds and Ionic Science Notebook: and how to write their
Compounds Pages 94-98 formulas.
Day 6 Textbook: Pages 187-
Lesson Three: 191 Students learn about
Names and Formulas Science Notebook: bonding in metals and
for Ionic Compounds Pages 99-102 how that bonding
Day 7 Textbook: Pages 192- affects the properties
Lesson Four: 193 of metals.
Metallic Bonds and Science Notebook:
Properties of Metals Pages 103-106

Day 8 Textbook: Pages 159-

Module Wrap-Up 160
Module Assessment
Module Seven: Covalent Bonding
9 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 195 Lab: What type of Students explore how
Module Opener: Science Notebook: compound is used to atoms can gain stability
Covalent Bonding Page 107 make a super ball? from sharing electrons,
foundational to
Day 2-3 Textbook: Pages 196- Lab: Compare understanding the
Lesson One: 204 Melting Points bonding in water.
The Covalent Bond Science Notebook:
Pages 108-111 Lab: Modeling Students study the
Day 4 Textbook: Pages 205- Molecular Shapes formal system for
Lesson Two: 210 naming molecules, as
Naming Molecules Science Notebook: ChemLab: Model well as how to write
Pages 112-115 Molecular Shapes formulas from the
formal names.
Day 5-6 Textbook: Pages 211-
Lesson Three: 219 Lab: Covalent
Compounds Students write
Molecular Structures Science Notebook:
structural formulas for
Pages 116-120
molecules, including
Day 7 Textbook: Pages 220-
molecules that are
Lesson Four: 224
exceptions to the octet
Molecular Shapes Science Notebook: rule.
Pages 121-124
Online: PhET Students move from
Simulation: Molecular molecular structures to
Shapes molecular shapes,
Day 8 Textbook: Pages 225- including the shapes of
Lesson Five: 232

Electronegativity and Science Notebook: molecules such as
Polarity Pages 125-130 water that have lone
Online: PhET pairs of electrons.
Simulation: Molecular
Polarity Students study bond
Day 9 Textbook: Pages 233- character and how
Module Wrap-Up 234 bond character affects
Module Assessment the properties of

Module Eight: Chemical Reactions

7 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 236 Lab: How do you Students learn to
Module Opener: Science Notebook: know when a describe chemical
Chemical Reactions Page 131 chemical change has reactions with
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 237- occurred? balanced chemical
Lesson One: 244 equations.
Reactions and Science Notebook: ChemLab: Develop
Equations Pages 132-135 an Activity Series Students learn to
Online: PhET classify chemical
simulation: Balancing Lab: Double- reactions and how
Chemical Equations Replacement those classifications
Day 3-4 Textbook: Pages 245- Reactions can help them predict
Lesson Two: 254 the outcomes of
Classifying Chemical Science Notebook: Lab: Relate chemical reactions.
Reactions Pages 136-139 Photosynthesis to
Day 5-6 Cellular Respiration Students learn about
Textbook: Pages 255-
Lesson Three: reactions between
Reactions in Aqueous substances dissolved in
Science Notebook:
Solutions water and learn to
Pages 140-144
write ionic equations,
Online: PhET
as well as combine two
simulation: Salts &
reactions into an
overall equation.
Day 7 Textbook: Pages 267-
Module Wrap-Up 268
Module Assessment

Module Nine: The Mole

10 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 270

Module Opener: Science Notebook: Lab: How much is a Students will learn about
The Mole Page 145 mole? the mole and how to
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 271- convert between moles
and particles.
Lesson One: 276 Lab: Determining
Measuring Matter Science Notebook: Avogadro’s Number
Students will convert
Pages 146-149 between the mass of a
Day 3-4 Textbook: Pages 277- Lab: Estimating the substance and the moles
Lesson Two: 284 Size of a Mole of representative
Mass and the Mole Science Notebook: particles.
Pages 150-153 Lab: Analyze
Day 5-6 Textbook: Pages 285- Chewing Gum Students apply their
understandings of the
Lesson Three: 293
Lab: Mole Ratios mole to compounds,
Moles of Compounds Science Notebook: determining the molar
Pages 154-157 mass and converting
Day 7-8 Textbook: Pages 294- ChemLab: between moles of a
Lesson Four: 303 Determine the compound and mass.
Empirical and Science Notebook: Formula of a
Molecular Formulas Pages 158-162 Hydrate Students apply mass and
Days 9 Textbook: Pages 304- the mole to determine
empirical and molecular
Lesson Five: 309
formulas from percent
Formulas of Hydrates Science Notebook: composition.
Pages 163-166
Day 10 Textbook: Pages 310- Students analyze
Module Wrap-Up 311 hydrates to determine
Module Assessment the moles of water
associated with each
mole of the compound.
Module Ten: Stoichiometry
8 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 313 Lab: What evidence Students define the
Module Opener: Science Notebook: can you observe that relationships in a
Stoichiometry Page 167 a reaction is taking balanced chemical
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 314- place? equation and write
Lesson One: 319 mole ratios given the
Defining Science Notebook: Lab: Apply balance equation.
Stoichiometry Pages 168-171 Stoichiometry
Day 3-4 Textbook: Pages 320- Students apply molar
Lesson Two: 325 ChemLab: mass and mole ratios
Stoichiometric Science Notebook: Determine the Mole to convert between
Calculations Pages 172-177 Ratio masses of reactants
Day 5 Textbook: Pages 326- and products.
Lesson Three: 331

Limiting Reactants Science Notebook: Lab: Observing a Students continue to
Pages 178-181 Limiting Reactant develop their
Online: PhET understandings of
simulation: Reactions, Lab: Stoichiometry stoichiometry by
Products, and of a Chemical identifying limiting
Leftovers Reaction reactants and
Day 6 Textbook: Pages 332- determining the
Lesson Four: 336 masses of products
Percent Yield Science Notebook: formed and excess
Pages 182-184 reactant remaining.
Day 7 Textbook: Pages 337-
Module Wrap-Up 338
Module Assessment
Day 8 Complete and present
STEM Unit Project STEM unit project:
Therapeutic Putty

Unit 3: Matter, Energy, and Equilibrium

Module Eleven: States of Matter

9 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 341 Lab: How do Students develop the
Unit Opener Online: Project different liquids kinetic molecular
Planner: STEM Unit affect the speed of a theory to explain the
Project- Ocean sinking ball? behavior of gases.
Prevention Lab: Forensics: How Students develop a
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 343 is DNA extracted? deeper understanding
Module Opener: Science Notebook: of intermolecular
States of Matter Page 185 Lab: Model DNA forces.
Days 3-4 Textbook: Pages 344- Replication
Lesson One: 353 Students examine how
Gases Science Notebook: Lab: Model Crystal the properties of
Pages 186-189 Unit Cells liquids and solids relate
ChemLab: Compare to the arrangements
Day 5 Rates of Evaporation and interactions of the
Textbook: Pages 354-
Lesson Two: particles that compose
Forces of Attraction them.
Science Notebook:
Pages 190-192
Students study phase
Day 6-7 Textbook: Pages 359-
changes that require
Lesson Three: 369
energy and phases
Liquids and Solids

Science Notebook: changes that release
Pages 193-198 energy.
Days 8 Textbook: Pages 370-
Lesson Four: 377
Phase Changes Science Notebook:
Pages 199-204
Day 9 Textbook: Pages 378-
Module Wrap-Up 379
Module Assessment
Module Twelve: Gases
7 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 381 Lab: How does Students learn the laws
Module Opener: Science Notebook: temperature affect that can be used to
Gases Page 205 the volume of a gas? predict the behavior of a
sample of gas when
Day 2-3 Textbook: Pages 382-
pressure, temperature,
Lesson One: 391 Lab: Boyle’s
and volume change.
The Gas Law Science Notebook:
Pages 206-212 Lab: Charles’s Law Students learn how the
Online: PhET ideal gas law can account
Simulation: Gas Lab: Model a Fire for changes in amount of
Properties Extinguisher gas, in addition to
Day 4-5 Textbook: Pages 392- changes in pressure,
Lesson Two: ChemLab: temperature, and
Determine Pressure volume, and reexamine
The Ideal Gas Law Science Notebook: ideal v. nonideal
Pages 213-217 in Popcorn
Day 6 Textbook: Pages 400-
Lesson Three: 405 Students learn that
Gas Stoichiometry Science Notebook: Avogadro’s principle
Pages 218-220 means that the molar
Day 7 Textbook: Pages 406- relationships between
Module Wrap-Up gases in balanced
chemical equations also
Module Assessment represent volume

Module Thirteen: Mixtures and Solutions

8 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Page 409 Lab: How does Students revisit
Module Opener: Science Notebook: energy change when heterogeneous and
Mixtures and Page 221 solutions form? homogenous mixtures,
Solutions expanding their

10 | P a g e
understandings of
Day 2-3 Textbook: Pages 410- ChemLab: Factors these classifications.
Lesson One: 414 Affecting Solubility
Types of Mixtures Science Notebook: Students describe and
Pages 222-225 Lab: Making a quantify the
Day 4 Textbook: Pages 415- Solubility Curve concentrations of
Lesson Two: 425 solutions.
Solution Science Notebook: Lab: Examine
Concentration Pages 226-230 Freezing Point Students study the
Online: PhET Depression solvation process,
simulation: including factors such
Concentration as agitation, surface
Day 5 Textbook: Pages 426- area, and temperature
Lesson Three: 435 that affect solvation.
Factors Affecting Science Notebook:
Solvation Pages 231-235 Students study the
properties of solutions
Online: PhET
that depend on the
simulation: Molarity
concentration of solute
Day 6-7 Textbook: Pages 436-
particles, such as
Lesson Four: 443
boiling point elevation
Colligative Properties Science Notebook:
and freezing point
of Solutions Pages 236-240
Day 8 Textbook: Pages 444-
Module Wrap-Up 445
Module Assessment
Module Fourteen: Energy and Chemical Change
9 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 447 Lab: How can you Students examine the
Module Opener: Science Notebook: make a cold pack? nature of energy in
Energy and Chemical Page 241 chemical reactions,
Change establishing the
Lab: Determine
foundation for analyzing
Specific Heat
heat released by a
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 448- ChemLab: Measure reaction.
Lesson One: 455 Calories
Energy Science Notebook: Students learn about
Pages 242-245 Lab: Heats of heat in chemical
Day 3-4 Textbook: Pages 456- Solution and processes and how
Lesson Two: 462 Reaction thermochemistry defines
Heat heat changes in terms of
Science Notebook:
system and surroundings.
Pages 246-249

11 | P a g e
Days 5 Textbook: Pages 463- Lab: Heat of
Lesson Three: 467 Combustion of Students learn to write
Thermochemical Science Notebook: Candle Wax thermochemical
Equations equations and to use
Pages 250-253
them to calculate energy
Day 6-7 Textbook: Pages 468- Lab: Energy Changes
released in a chemical
Lesson Four: 476 in Chemical and reaction.
Calculating Enthalpy Science Notebook: Physical Processes
Change Pages 254-258 Students apply Hess’s law
Day 8 Textbook: Pages 477- and the summation
Lesson Five: 486 equation to determine
Reaction Spontaneity Science Notebook: enthalpy changes in
chemical processes.
Pages 259-262
Students learn about
Day 9 Textbook: Pages 487- entropy and how to use
Module Wrap-Up 488 enthalpy and entropy to
Module Assessment determine Gibbs’ free
energy to assess the
spontaneity of a reaction.
Module Fifteen: Reaction Rates
8 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 490 Lab: How can you Students learn to
Module Opener: Science Notebook: accelerate a calculate an average
Reaction Rates Page 263 reaction? reaction rate and use
Day 2-3 Textbook: Pages 491- collision theory to
Lesson One: 499 Lab: Examine explain how
A Model for Reaction Science Notebook: Reaction Rate and substances react.
Rates Pages 264-268 Temperature
Online: PhET Students apply
simulation: Reactions activation energy and
& Rates collision theory to
ChemLab: Observe explain factors that
Day 4-5 Textbook: Pages 500- How Concentration affect reaction rates,
Lesson Two: 506 Affects Reaction including the nature of
Factors Affecting Science Notebook: Rate the reactants,
Reactions Rates Pages 269-271 concentration, surface
Lab: Determining area, temperature, and
Day 6 Textbook: Pages 507-
Reaction Orders catalysts and
Lesson Three: 511
Reaction Rate Laws Science Notebook:
Pages 272-276
Students write rate
Day 7 Textbook: Pages 512-
laws for reactions and
Lesson Four: 517

12 | P a g e
Instantaneous Science Notebook: determine reaction
Reaction Rates and Pages 277-280 order.
Mechanisms Students calculate
Day 8 Textbook: Pages 518- instantaneous reaction
Module Wrap-Up 519 rates and study
Module Assessment reaction mechanisms
for complex reactions.
Module Sixteen: Chemical Equilibrium
7 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 521 Lab: What is equal Students will be
Module Opener: Science Notebook: about equilibrium? introduced to
Chemical Equilibrium Page 281 reversible reactions
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 522- Lab: Observe Shifts and the concept of
Lesson One: 533 in Equilibrium dynamic equilibrium
A State of Dynamic Science Notebook: and will write
Balance Pages 282-286 Lab: Reversible equilibrium constants.
Online: PhET Reactions
simulation: Reversible Students will apply Le
Reactions ChemLab: Compare Chatelier’s principle to
Day 3-4 Textbook: Pages 534- Two Solubility analyze factors that
Lesson Two: 541 Product Constants affect equilibrium,
Factors Affecting Science Notebook: including
Chemical Equilibrium Pages 287-289 Lab: Exploring concentration,
Days 5-6 Chemical temperature, and
Textbook: Pages 542-
Lesson Three: Equilibrium volume and pressure.
Using Equilibrium Science Notebook:
Constants Students will use
Pages 290-294
equilibrium constants,
including the solubility
Day 7 Textbook: Pages 534-
product constant, to
Module Wrap-Up 535
Module Assessment concentrations and
predict precipitates.
Module Seventeen: Acids and Bases
9 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 557 Lab: What is in your Students will be
Module Opener: Science Notebook: cupboards? introduced to the basic
Acids and Bases Page 233 acid-base definitions.
Days 2-3 Textbook: Pages 558- Lab: Compare Acid
Lesson One: 567 Strengths

13 | P a g e
Introduction to Acids Science Notebook: Lab: Comparing the Students will compare
and Bases Pages 234-237 Strengths of Acids strong and weak acids
Days 4 Textbook: Pages 568- and bases in terms of
Lesson Two: 574 ChemLab: ionization and be
Strengths of Acids Science Notebook: Standardize a Base introduced to
and Bases Pages 238-242 ionization constants.
Online: PhET Lab: Acids, Bases, Students will apply the
simulation: Acids and and Neutralization ion product for water
Bases and the formulas for
Days 5 Textbook: Pages 575- pH and pOH to
Lesson Three: 582 calculate the pH and
Hydrogen Ions and Science Notebook: pOH of solutions.
pH Pages 238-242 Students will also
Online: PhET calculate ion
simulation: The pH concentrations and the
Scale value of ionization
constant when given
Days 6-7 Textbook: Pages 583-
Lesson Four: pH.
Neutralization Science Notebook:
Students will learn that
Pages 238-242
reactions produce salt
Day 8 Textbook: Pages 594- and water and will
Module Wrap-Up 595 calculate molarity from
Module Assessment titration data.
Students will also be
Day 9 Complete and present introduced to salt
STEM Unit Project STEM Unit Project- hydrolysis and buffered
Ocean Acidification solutions.

Unit 4: Oxidation and Reduction Reactions

Module Eighteen: Redox Reactions

7 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 597 Lab: What happens Students will define
Unit Opener Online: Project when iron and oxidation-reduction
Planner: STEM Unit copper(ll) sulfate reactions and learn to
Project: Non- react? assign oxidation
Destructive Testing numbers.
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 599 Lab: Observe a
Module Opener: Science Notebook: Redox Reaction Students will use the
Redox Reactions Page 315 oxidation number

14 | P a g e
Day 3-4 Textbook: Pages 600- Lab: Reduction of method and half
Lesson One: 608 Manganese reactions to balance
Oxidation and Science Notebook: the equations for redox
Reduction Pages 316-319 ChemLab: Identify reactions.
Day 5-6 Textbook: Pages 609- the Damaging
Lesson Two: 617 Dumper
Balancing Redox Science Notebook:
Equations Pages 320-328 Lab: Determining
Day 7 Textbook: Pages 618- Oxidation Numbers
Module Wrap-Up 619
Module Assessment
Module Nineteen: Electrochemistry
7 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 621 Lab: How can you Students will describe
Module Opener: Science Notebook: make a battery from the functioning of
Electrochemistry Page 329 a lemon? voltaic cells and
Day 2-3 Textbook: Pages 622- calculate
Lesson One: 632 Lab: Observe electrochemical cell
Voltaic Cells Science Notebook: Corrosion potentials.
Pages 330-335
Day 4 Textbook: Pages 633- ChemLab: Voltaic Students will learn
Lesson Two: 643 Cell Potentials about the basic types
Batteries Science Notebook: of batteries, including
Pages 336-341 Lab: Electrolysis of those used in cameras.
Day 5 Textbook: Pages 644- Water Students will also
Lesson Three: describe corrosion and
Electrolysis Lab: Eletroplating methods to prevent
Science Notebook:
Pages 342-344
Day 6 Textbook: Pages 651-
Students will describe
Module Wrap-Up 652
electrolytic cells and
Module Assessment
some applications of
Day 7 Complete and present
STEM Unit Project STEM Unit Project:

15 | P a g e
Unit 5: Organic and Nuclear Chemistry

Module Twenty: Hydrocarbons

9 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 655 Lab: How can you Students will be
Unit Opener Online: Project model simple introduced to bonding
Planner: STEM Unit hydrocarbons? in hydrocarbons and,
project- Energy Audit briefly, refining
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 657 ChemLab: Analyze hydrocarbons.
Module Opener: Science Notebook: Hydrocarbon Burner
Hydrocarbons Page 345 Gases Students will be
Day 3 Textbook: Pages 658- introduced to the
Lesson One: 664 Lab: Synthesize and properties of alkanes
Introduction to Science Notebook: Observe Ethyne and will name straight-
Hydrocarbons Pages 346-350 chain alkanes,
Day 4 Textbook: Pages 665- Lab: The Ripening of branched chain
Lesson Two: Fruit with Ethene alkanes, and
Alkanes cycloalkanes.
Science Notebook:
Pages 351-355 Lab: Isomerism
Students will be
Day 5-6 Textbook: Pages 675-
introduced to the
Lesson Three: 680
properties of alkenes
Alkanes and Alkynes Science Notebook:
and alkynes and will
Pages 356-359
name alkenes and
Day 7 Textbook: Pages 681- alkynes.
Lesson Four: 685
Hydrocarbon Isomers Science Notebook: Students will recognize
Pages 360-363 isomers, including
Day 8 Textbook: Pages 686- structural isomers,
Lesson Five: 692 stereoisomers, and
Aromatic Science Notebook: optical isomers.
Hydrocarbons Pages 364-366
Day 9 Textbook: Pages 693- Students will recognize
Module Wrap-Up 694 the benzene ring and
Module Assessment will name
hydrocarbons that
contain benzene rings
in their structures.

16 | P a g e
Module Twenty-One: Substituted Hydrocarbons and Their Reactions
9 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 696 Lab: How do you Students will be
Module Opener: Science Notebook: make slime? introduced to functional
Substituted Page 367 groups and will name
Hydrocarbons and halocarbons.
ChemLab: Observe
Their Reactions Properties of
Students will identify and
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 697- Alcohols name alcohols, ethers,
Lesson One: 702 and amines and will be
Alkyl Halides and Aryl Science Notebook: Lab: Make an Ester introduced to
Halides Pages 368-372 substitution reactions.
Day 3 Textbook: Pages 703- Lab: The
Lesson Two: 709 Characterization of Students will identify and
Alcohols, Ethers, and Science Notebook: Carbohydrates name carbonyl
Amines compounds and will be
Pages 373-377
introduced to
Day 4-5 Textbook: Pages 710- Lab: Polymerization
condensation reactions.
Lesson Three: 717 Reactions
Carbonyl Compounds Science Notebook: Students will classify
Pages 378-382 reactions as elimination
Day 6-7 Textbook: Pages 718- reactions, addition
Lesson Four: 724 reactions, and oxidation-
Other Reactions of Science Notebook: reduction reactions, as
Organic Compounds well as predict the
Pages 383-386
product of organic
Day 8 Textbook: Pages 725- reactions.
Lesson Five: 732
Polymers Science Notebook: Students will identify
Pages 387-392 monomer units and
Day 9 Textbook: Pages 733- recognize addition
Module Wrap-Up 734 polymerization and
Module Assessment condensation
Module Twenty-Two: The Chemistry of Life
8 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 736 Lab: How do you Students will identify
Module Opener: Science Notebook: test for simple parts of amino acids and
The Chemistry of Life Page 393 sugars? describe how they
combine to form
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 737-
proteins. Students will
Lesson One: 742 ChemLab: Observe
describe the basic
Proteins Science Notebook: Temperature and biological functions of
Pages 394-399 Enzyme Action proteins.

17 | P a g e
Day 3 Textbook: Pages 743- Lab: Denaturation Students will define
Lesson Two: 745 monosaccharides,
Carbohydrates Science Notebook: Lab: Observe a disaccharides, and
polysaccharides and will
Pages 400-402 Saponification
describe the basic
Day 4-5 Textbook: Pages 746- Reaction
biological functions of
Lesson Three: 750 carbohydrates.
Lipids Science Notebook: Lab: Saturated and
Pages 403-407 Unsaturated Fats Students will identify
Day 6 Textbook: Pages 751- fatty acids, triglycerides,
Lesson Four: 754 Lab: Plants Produce and the steroid ring
Nucleic Acids Science Notebook: Oxygen structure. Students will
describe the basic
Pages 408-411
biological functions of
Day 7 Textbook: Pages 755- lipids.
Lesson Five: 760
Metabolism Science Notebook: Students will identify the
Pages 412-418 structural components of
Day 8 Textbook: Pages 761- DNA and RNA and will
Module Wrap-Up 762 describe the basic
Module Assessment biological functions of
nucleic acids.

Students will identify

anabolism and
catabolism and describe
the role of ATP as an
energy storage molecule.
Module Twenty-Three: Nuclear Chemistry
9 days
Days Assignments Labs Focus
Day 1 Textbook: Pages 764 Lab: How do chain Students will identify
Module Opener: Science Notebook: reactions occur? and describe the basic
Nuclear Chemistry Page 419 types of radiation:
Day 2 Textbook: Pages 765- Lab: Modeling alpha, beta, and
Lesson One: 770 Radioactive Decay gamma.
Nuclear Radiation Science Notebook:
Pages 420-423 Lab: Modeling Students will describe
Day 3-4 Textbook: Pages 771- Isotopes the importance of the
Lesson Two: 781 neutron-to-proton
Radioactive Decay Science Notebook: ChemLab: ratio write balanced
Pages 424-432 Investigate nuclear reactions for
Online: PhET Radiation Dosage the basic types of
simulation: decay and calculate the
Radioactive Dating remaining amount of
18 | P a g e
Day 5-6 Textbook: Pages 782- an isotope after a given
Lesson Three: 792 time interval.
Nuclear Reactions Science Notebook:
Pages 433-438 Students will write
Day 7 Textbook: Pages 793- balanced equations for
Lesson Four: 799 transmutations,
Applications and Science Notebook: calculate the energy
Effects of Nuclear Pages 439-442 equivalent of mass,
Reactions and describe fission
Day 8 Textbook: Pages 800- and fusion.
Module Wrap-Up 801
Module Assessment Students will describe
Day 9 Complete and some uses of radiation,
STEM Unit Project Present STEM Unit as well as the biological
project- Energy Audit effects of exposure to

19 | P a g e

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