Qatar Commercial Law

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Law No.

5 of 2002, promulgating the Law of Commercial Companies 5

/ 2002
Number of Articles: 348
Table of Content
Issuance Articles (1-5)
Part 1 (1-18)
General Provisions (1-18)
Part 2 (19-43)
General Partnership (19-43)
Part 3 (44-51)
Limited Partnership (44-51)
Part 4 (52-60)
Joint Venture (52-60)
Part 5 (61-205)
Joint Stock Company (61-205)
Chapter One (61-65)
General Provisions (61-65)
Chapter Two (66-93)
Incorporation of the Company (66-93)
Chapter Three (94-140)
Management of Joint Stock Company (94-140)
Section 1 (94-121)
Board of Directors (94-121)
Section 2 (122-136)
General Assembly (122-136)
Section (137-140)
Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (137-140)
Chapter Four (141-151)
Auditors (141-151)
Chapter Five (152-179)
Company Capital (152-179)
Section 1 (152-167)
Shares (152-167)
Section 2 (168-179)
Debentures (168-179)
Chapter Six (180-187)
Company Finance (180-187)
Chapter Seven (188-202)
Amendment of Company Capital (188-202)
Section 1 (188-198)
Capital Increase (188-198)
Section 2 (199-202)
Decrease of Capital (199-202)
Section Eight (203-205)
Private Joint Stock Company (203-205)
Part 6 (206-224)
Partnership Limited by Shares (206-224)
Part 7 (225-260)
Limited Liability Company (225-260)
Chapter One (225-231)
Incorporation of Company (225-231)
Chapter Two (232-239)
Shares and Capital (232-239)
Chapter Three (240-260)
Company Management (240-260)
Part 7 (bis) (260-260)
Sole Proprietorship (260-260)
Part 8 (261-266)
Holding Company (261-266)
Part 9 (267-282)
Transformation, Amalgamation, Division and Acquisition of Companies (267-282)
Chapter One (267-271)
Transformation of Company (267-271)
Chapter Two (272-277)
Amalgamation of Company (272-277)
Chapter Three (278-282)
Division of Company (278-282)
Chapter Four (282-282)
Acquisition of company (282-282)
Part Ten (283-312)
Nullity of Company (283-312)
Chapter One (283-294)
Dissolution of Company (283-294)
Chapter Two (295-312)
Liquidation of Company (295-312)
Part 11 (313-322)
Control of Companies (313-322)
Part 12 (323-329)
Penalties (323-329)

Reference: Legislations of 2002, page 17, published in the Official Gazette No. 7 of 2002

We, Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar,

Having perused the Amended Provisional Constitution, in particular Article s 23, 34 and 51 thereof;
Law No. 2 of 1962 on the regulations of Public Finance in Qatar, as amended pursuant to Law No. 19 of 1996;
The Labour Law No. 3 of 1996 and the amending laws thereof;
Law No. 11 of 1962 on the establishment of a Company Registry and the amending laws thereof;
The Law of Civil and Commercial Procedures enacted by Law No. 16 of 1971 and the amending laws thereof;
Law No. 7 of 1974 onthe Regulation of the Profession of Accountants and Auditors;
The Law of Commercial Companies enacted by Law No. 11 of 1981, as amended by Law No. 9 of 1998;
Decree-Law No. 22 of 1993 on the Regulation and Functions of the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Trade;
Law No. 14 of 1995 on the establishment of the Doha Stock Exchange and its internal regulations issued by
decree of the Minister of Finance, Economy and Trade No. 10 of 1999;
Law No. 13 of 2000 on the regulation of Investment of Foreign Capital in the Economy;
Emiri Order No. 1 of 2002 on the amendment to the structuring of the Council of Ministers;
Ministerial Decree No. 7 of 1983 on the form of the Memorandum of Association and Article s of Association of
Joint Stock Companies;
The proposal of the Minister of Economy and Commerce;
The draft law submitted by the Council of Ministers; and
After consulting the opinion of the Shura Council,
Have decided to pass the following Law:

Issuance Articles

Article 1 - Introduction

The Commercial Companies Law attached hereto shall hereby come into effect.

Article 2 - Introduction

Within a period not exceeding six months from the date this Law comes into effect, companies in existence at the time of issuance must comply with
the provisions hereof and amend their status accordingly.
Article 3 - Introduction (Amended By Law 28/2008)

The Minister of Business and Trade shall issue the necessary resolutions for the execution of this Law.

Article 4 - Introduction (Amended By Law 28/2008)

The aforesaid Law No. 11 of 1981, the Ministerial Resolution No. 7 of 1983 and all other provisions which are inconsistent with this Law shall be
repealed. Notwithstanding the provisions that are inconsistent with the provisions of this Law, the aforesaid Ministerial Resolution No. 7 of 1983 shall be
effective until such time that the Minister of Business and Trade issues a directive as to the form of the Memorandum and Articles of Associationfor
joint stock companies in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

Article 5 - Introduction

This Law shall come into effect sixty days after its publication in the Official Gazette and shall be implemented by all competent authorities in their
respective capacities.

Part 1
General Provisions

Article 1 (Amended By Law 28/2008)

In the application of the provisions of the present law, unless the context requires otherwise, the words and expressions set forth below shall
bear themeaning assigned to each of them:

“Ministry” means the Ministry of Business and Commerce;
“Minister” means the Minister of Business and Commerce;
“Competent Department” means the relevant Department at the Ministry.
“Memorandum of the Company” means the Memorandum of Association of the company.
“Public Claim” means the criminal claim.

Article 2 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

A commercial company is a contract in terms whereof two or more natural or juristic persons agree to participate in a project for the purpose of
making a profit, by contributing in money or in kind to share the profits and losses of such project in agreed proportions.
The company may be constituted by one person in accordance with the provisions of Part Seven (as herein repeated) of this Law.

Article 3
Every company incorporated in Qatar shall hold the Qatari nationality. Such company shall have its principal office in Qatar and shall not
automaticallybe entitled to privileges legally reserved for Qatari nationals.
Article 4 (Amended By Law 16/2006)
Every company incorporated in the State of Qatar shall take one of the following forms:

1. General partnership
2. Limited partnership
3. Joint venture company/Particular Partnership
4. Joint stock company/shareholding company
5. Equities Partnership
6. Limited liability company
7. Sole proprietorship
8. Holding company

Article 5
Any company that does not take on the forms referred to in the preceding Article shall be deemed null and void, and any person who enters into a
contract on behalf of such company shall be severallyand jointly liable for the obligations arising therefrom.

Article 6
Save as for a joint venture company, the Memorandum of Association and any amendment thereto shall be drawn up in Arabic and shall be attested by
the Notary Public, otherwise the said Memorandum or its amendment shall be null and void.

Article 7
Partners may invoke nullity arising from failure to provide dully written or formalized Memorandum against each other, but no protest thereby may be
admitted against third parties who may protest against the partners on the basis of such nullity.

Article 8
Save as for a joint venture company, no company shall enjoy corporate personality unless registered in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
The managers or Board members of such company shall be, mutatis mutandis jointly liable for all the damages suffered by third parties due to the non-
registration of such company.

Article 9
The share of a partner in a company may consist of a specified amount of fund (cash share) or may be made in kind (material assets) to serve the
objects of the company. Such a share may take the form of work performance, provided that the share of a partner shall not be constituted by the
reputation or the influence of such partner. The company's capital shall exclusively comprise cash and corporeal shares.
Article 10
Where the share of a partner comprises a title or any other corporeal right, such partner shall, in accordance with the applied regulations in respect of
sale agreement, be liable to the guarantee of such a share in case of amortisation or maturity or in the event of an evident flow or shortage therein.

In the event of a share being based merely on utilization of property the applicable regulations in respect of rent agreements shall apply to matters
referred to in the preceding paragraph.
Unless otherwise agreed, where a partner's share involved entitlements with third parties, such partner's liability towards the company shall be
absolved only upon the settlement of these entitlements.
Unless otherwise agreed, where a partner's share is composed of efforts, then the profits arising from such efforts shall be the company's right unless
such profits are achieved by virtue of a patent certificated.
A partner whose share is performance of work shall not perform the same work for his own account.

Article 11
Each partner shall be indebted to the company for the share pledged by himself and
unless settled on due dates, default partners shall indemnify the company against damages caused by such delay.

Article 12
No personal creditor may acquire his entitlements from the debtor's share in the company capital. However, such creditor may receive his
entitlements from the dividends accrued to his debtor in accordance to the balance sheet of the company. If the company is dissolved, the creditor's
entitlements shall be transferred to the share of his debtor in the surplus balance of the company's property after payment of the company debts.
Where the partner's share comprises stocks, his personal creditor may, in addition to the entitlements referred to in the preceding paragraph, request
the sale of these stocks to satisfy his entitlements from the sale proceeds.

Article 13
The Memorandum of Associationmay not include any provision that deprives a partner of the profit or relieveshim from the loss; otherwise, such
contract shall be deemed null and void. However, it may be stipulated that partners contributing only with efforts, shall be exempted from the loss.

Article 14
Where a partner's share in profit or loss is not specified in the Memorandum of
Association, his share thereof shall be prorate to his share capital. Where a Memorandum determines the partner's share in profits only, his share in
loss shall be equal to his share in profits. The same ruling shall also apply if only the partner's share in loss was determined in the Memorandum.

Where a partner's share is limited to his efforts, and the Memorandum of Association have not fixed his share in the profit or loss, the company shall
assess his work and such assessment shall be the basis for determining his share in the profit or loss in accordance to the aforementioned provisions.
Where more than one partner contributes by their effort without assessment of their shares, such shares shall be deemed of equal value, unless
proven otherwise. Where, in addition to his efforts, a partner' contribution is made in cash or in corporeal shares, he shall be entitled to a share in the
profit or in the loss in consideration of his efforts, and to another share against his cash or corporeal share.

Article 15
Fictitious profits may not be distributed to the partners, otherwise the company's creditors may claim from every partner to reimburse the amounts he
so received even in good faith. The partner may not be obliged to reimburse the real profits that he has received, notwithstanding that the company
might incur a loss in subsequent years.

Article 16
All the contracts, correspondences, discharges and notices and other documents issued by the company shall bear its name and a statement of
kind, head office and its serial registration number in the Commercial Register.
In addition to these particulars, save as for general partnerships and limited partnerships, the company's capital and the paid-up amount thereof shall
be indicated. Where a company is in liquidation, such fact shall be stated in the papers issued thereby.

Article 17 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

Notwithstanding the provisions pertaining to the incorporation of companies, the provisions of the present Law shall apply to foreign companies that
operate their activities in the State.

Article 18
Without prejudice to the special provisions of each company, the provisions of this Part shall apply to all companies stipulated herein.

Part 2
General Partnership

Article 19
A general partnership is a company which comprises two or more natural persons, who shall be jointly liable for the company obligations to the full
extent of all their property.

Article 20
The title of the general partnership shall be composed of the names of all partners. However, the company's title may be restricted to one or more
partners followed by the term “and partners” wherever it appears.

The name of the company shall be complying with the reality. Where a name of an individual, who is not a partner therein, is knowingly embodied in the
name of the company, such person shall be jointly liable for the company's obligations. However, the company may maintain in its name a name of a
partner who withdrew from the partnership or died, if the withdrawn person or the heirs of the deceased partner so agree. The company may have a
special trade title provided that it is associated with an indication that it is a general partnership.

Article 21 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

All partners in a general partnership must be natural persons
Article 22
The Memorandum of Association of a general partnership must be drawn up in writing and signed. In particular the Memorandum shall comprise the

1. Name, purposes, headquarters and branches (if any) of the company.

2. Name, family name and surname (if any) of every partner and his nationality, date of birth and place of residence.
3. Company capital and shares contributed by each partner, whether paid in cash or in kind, or rights with third parties, the estimated value of such
shares, their submission method and due dates.
4. Date of incorporation and term.
5. Management of the company and name of the persons who are authorized to sign on behalf of the company and their respective authorities.
6. Commencement and end of the fiscal year of the company.
7. Rate of distribution of profits and losses.

Article 23
Partners may adopt written Articles of Association for the company that include the detailed provisions agreed upon for the management of the
company. A copy of this Articles of Association shall be attached to the Memorandum of Association.

Article 24
The Memorandum of Association of the company and all the amendments made thereto shall be entered and published in the Commercial Registry
according to rules pertaining to this Registry. A summary of the Articles of Association and all the amendments made thereto shall also be published in
a local daily Arabic newspaper at the company's expense.
Unless the registration and announcement procedures are complete, the existence of the company shall not be asserted in defences against third
parties in good faith. The failure in the fulfilment of the registration and announcement procedures shall lead to the rejection of any claims asserted by
the company against others.

Nevertheless, third parties in good faith may assert the existence of the Company in claims placed against partners thereof even though such
registration and announcement procedures are not complete.

Article 25
A partner in a general partnership shall have the status of merchant. He shall be deemed as conducting commercial business under the name of the
company. The bankruptcy of the company shall lead to the bankruptcy of all partners.

Article 26
The share of the partners in the general partnership may not be in the form of negotiable instruments.

Article 27
in a partnership company, assignment of shares shall not be permitted except with the consent of all partners or in accordance with the terms
stipulated in the company's Memorandum of Association. In this case, the Memorandum shall be amended and the assignment shall be published in
accordance with Article 24 herein.

Any agreement whereby non-conditional assignment of the shares is allowed shall be null and void. Nevertheless, the partner shall be entitled to assign
to a third party the rights related to his share in the company. Such agreement shall have no impact upon any other one except the parties thereto.

Article 28
The creditors of the company shall have the right of recourse against the company and any partner's personal property.
All partners of the Company shall be jointly liable to creditors of the
Eexecution against assets of a partner for the liabilities of the company shall not be permitted except where a final judgment against the company has
been obtained, notice has been served and settlement has not been made on time.
The execution judgment issued against the company shall be evidence against the partner.
Where any partner settles any liability against the company, he is entitled to recourse against the company. He is also entitled to recourse against the
other partners each according to his share in the debt.

Where any of the partners is insolvent, the responsibility of the insolvency shall be borne by the partners who settled the debt, each according to the
amount of his share.

Article 29
Except with the partners' approval, it shall not be permitted for a partner, to conduct on his own account or on the account of any third party, any
activity of the kind the company is practising, or to be a partner in a competing company if this company is a joint company or a limited partnership or a
company having limited liability.
Where any of the partners violates this rule, the company shall be entitled to claim compensation from him and consider all the operations performed
for his own account as having been done for the account of the company.

Article 30
Where a partner joins the company, such partner shall become responsible collectively with the other partners in all his property for the liabilities
existing before and after joining the company. Any agreement between the partners to the contrary shall not be asserted against third parties.

Article 31
A partner who retires from partnership shall be held harmless of such partnership liabilities as might arise after his retirement is proclaimed.

Article 32 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

A partner who assigns his share in the company, shall not be released of the liabilities of the company towards it creditors unless the creditors
approve such assignment.
Article 33
A partner who is not a manager may not interfere in the management affairs of the company. However, such partner may have access to the core
operations of the company, inspect its ledgers and documents and may obtain by himself or through his agent a summary of the financial status of the
company and may provide advice to the manager of the company. Any agreement to the contrary shall be null and void

Article 34
Decisions of general partnership shall be made by the unanimous consensus of the partners, unless otherwise stipulated in the Memorandum of
Nevertheless, resolutions pertaining to the amendment of the Memorandum of Association shall not be valid unless made by the unanimous agreement
of the partners.

Article 35
The management of a general partnership shall be carried out by all the partners unless such management, by virtue of the Memorandum of
Association or a separate contract, is assigned to one or more partners or to one or more persons other than the partners.

Article 36
Where the company is directed by more than one manager, and each of them is assigned a specific function, each manager shall be responsible only
for the functions within his competence.

In the case of numerous managers who are collectively responsible for the management of the company, their decisions shall only be valid if reached
by unanimity or by the majority of votes as stipulated in the Memorandum of Association. However, each manager may individually carry out urgent
matters if omission thereof may cause substantial damage to the company or loss of sizeable profit thereto.
In the case of numerous managers and where no specific function was assigned to each manager and where it is not stipulated that they should work
collectively, any of them may carry out any of the management operations, provided that other managers have the right of veto against any such
operation before it is completed. In this case, the matter shall be decided according to the majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the matter shall be
referred to the partners.

Article 37
Where the manager is a partner and appointed in the Memorandum of Association, he may not be removed except by the partners' unanimous vote or
by virtue of a decision issued by the court upon the request of the majority of partners.

Unless otherwise stipulated in the Memorandum of Association, such expulsion in the event of partnership or appointment of the manager as
mentioned above shall necessarily entail the dissolution of the company.
Where the manager is a partner appointed by a contract independent of the Memorandum of Association, or is not a partner, whether appointed in the
Memorandum of Association or in an independent contract, such manager may be expelled by a majority of the partners' votes. This expulsion shall not
cause the dissolution of the company.

Article 38
Where the manager is a partner and appointed in the Memorandum of Association, he may not decline management except for acceptable reasons,
otherwise he shall be liable for the damages. Save as otherwise stipulated in the Memorandum of Association, the retirement of such partner shall
result in the dissolution of the company.
Where the manager is a partner and appointed by a contract independent of the Memorandum of Association, or where the manager is not a partner,
whether appointed by virtue of the Memorandum of Association or by an independent contract, such manager may resign from management, provided
that he selects an appropriate time to resign his post by notice served to the partners before a reasonable time, otherwise he shall be liable for
damages. Such resignation shall not lead to the dissolution of the company.

Article 39
Unless limited by the Memorandum of Association, the manager may conduct all normal management operations that comply with the objectives of
the company. the manager may compound on the rights of the company or seek arbitration if the compounding and arbitration achieve the interest of
the company.
The company shall be bound by any work carried out by the manager in the name of the company within his authority, even if the manager uses the
signature of the company for his own account, unless the one with whom he contracted has acted in bad faith.

Article 40
Save as otherwise agreed by the partners or explicitly expressed in the Memorandum of Association, the manager may not exceed his normal
dispositions. In particular such restriction shall apply to the following acts:

1. Donations, except for the ordinary small contributions.

2. Sale of real estates of the company, unless disposal of such real estate is part of the objectives of the company.
3. Mortgage of the real estates of the company, even if the manager is authorized to sell such real estate under the Memorandum of Association.
4. Sale or mortgage of the company premises.
5. Guarantee of third parties debts.

Article 41
The manager may not conclude contracts for his own account with the company except with the consent of all partners, to be issued for each case
The manager may not be permitted to practise any of the activities similar to those of the company, except with the approval of the partners.

Article 42
A manager shall be held accountable for damages sustained by the company, the partners or third parties as a result of his violation of the provisions
of the Memorandum of Association or for the mistakes committed by him in the performance of his duties. Any provision to the contrary shall be null
and void.

Article 43
The profits, losses and shares of each partner shall be determined at the end of the fiscal year of the company as per the balance sheet and profit and
loss account.
Each partner shall be deemed a creditor of the company with his share in the profits upon the determination of such share with the
approval/endorsement of balance sheet.
Unless otherwise agreed upon, any shortfall in the capital of the company due to loss shall be made up from dividends of the following years.
Notwithstanding the above, a partner may only make up the shortfall of his share in the capital due to losses by his own consent.
Part 3
Limited Partnership

Article 44
The limited partnership is a company comprising two categories of partners:

1. Partners in the general partnership who manage the company and who are responsible jointly for its liabilities in their private assets.
2. Silent partners who contribute to the capital of the company without being responsible for the liabilities of the company except to the extent of the
capital they invest in the company or they undertake to pay on behalf of the company.

Article 45 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

All the joint partners shall be natural persons.

Article 46
The Memorandum of Association of the company shall include the names of joint partners and silent partners.

Article 47
The name of a limited partnership shall only be composed of the names of the joint partners in addition to an indication showing the existence of other
It may have a special commercial name provided that the name is followed by words showing that it is a limited partnership.
The name of the silent partner may not be stated in the name of the company. Where the name of a silent partner become, with his knowledge
included, such silent partner shall be jointly responsible for the liabilities of the company as against bona fide third parties.

Article 48
The silent partner may not interfere in the management of the company even under a power of attorney; otherwise such partner shall be jointly
responsible for the liabilities arising out of his management. The silent partner may undertake the liabilities of the company fully or partially as per the
volume or repeat work of the business and in accordance with the trust bestowed by others on him due to such work.
However, it shall not be deemed as interference; monitoring the actions of managers of the company, provide advice thereto and permit them to act
outside their mandate.

Article 49
The silent partner may request to be furnished with a copy of the balance sheet, the profit and loss statements and verify the accuracy of their
contents. To realise this, the silent partner may, by himself or through a representative or others review the ledgers and documents of the company,
provided the company is held harmless as a result of such acts.
Article 50
Unless otherwise stipulated in the Memorandum of Association, decisions of the limited partnership shall be issued by the unanimous votes of joint
The decisions pertaining to the amendment of the Memorandum of Association shall be valid only if endorsed unanimously by the joint and silent

Article 51
Notwithstanding the provisions stipulated in this Part, the limited partnership company shall be subject to the same rules as those applicable to the
general partnership

Part 4
Joint Venture

Article 52
The joint venture company comprises two or more persons.
The joint venture company is a silent company which does not affect the rights of others or enjoy juristic identity. The joint venture shall not be subject
to any registration procedures.
The existence of such joint venture company may be substantiated by all means of substantiation including evidence and presumptions.

Article 53
The Memorandum of Association of the joint venture company shall define its objectives, the rights and liabilities of the partners, the distribution of
profits and losses between partners, the modus operandi of company management and other basic elements.

Article 54
he joint venture company shall not be permitted to issue bonds or negotiable instruments.

Article 55
Unless the Memorandum of Association stipulate otherwise, each partner in a joint venture company shall be the owner of the share taken by him.
Where the share becomes a particular material asset and the bankruptcy of the partner who possesses it is declared, then its owner shall have the
right to recover the same from the bankruptcy after having paid his share of the company's losses.
Furthermore, if the share is in cash or undivided kind, the owner of such share shall only be entitled to participate in the bankruptcy in his capacity as a
creditor of the share value after deduction of his share in the company's losses.
Article 56
Third Parties may recourse only against the partner or partners with whom they concluded a transaction.
However, if the partners conduct any business that reveals the existence of the company to third parties, then the third parties shall consider the joint
venture company as a real company, and the partners shall be jointly liable towards them.

Article 57
The partner in a joint venture company shall not be considered a merchant, unless he carries out commercial transactions by himself.

Article 58
Each partner may demand access to the ledgers and documents of the company either by himself or through an agent, provided that the company is
held harmless. Any agreement to the contrary shall be null and void.

Article 59
Unless otherwise stipulated in the Memorandum of Association, decisions in the joint venture company shall be adopted by the unanimous votes of
Decisions pertaining to the amendment of the Memorandum of Association shall be valid only if endorsed unanimously by the partners.

Article 60
Where there is a non-Qatari partner among the partners, the joint venture company shall not be permitted to conduct business that is prohibited by law
for non-Qatari nationals.

Part 5
Joint Stock Company

Chapter One

General Provisions

Article 61
The Joint Stock Company (JSC) is a company whose capital is divided into negotiable shares of equal value and a shareholder therein shall be liable
only to the extent of his share in the capital.
Article 62
The JSC shall derive its name from its objectives. It cannot be a name of a natural person unless the company objective is intended for the investment
of a patent registered under the name of this person or it has acquired a commercial entity and took that name as its own.
In all cases, the term “Qatari joint stock company” shall be appended to the name of the company.

Article 63
The Joint Stock Company shall have a definite term that must be specified in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company. Where the
objectives of the company require the performance of a specific task, the company shall expire upon the realization or extinction of its object.
The specified term may be extended by a decision of the extraordinary meeting of the general assembly.

Article 64
The capital of the company must be adequate to achieve the objectives for which it was incorporated. In all cases, the capital of the JSC, which issue
its shares for public subscription shall not be less than ten million (10,000,000) Qatari Riyals.

Article 65
The JSC Memorandum and Articles of Association must comply with the two forms issued under a Ministerial Resolution. Breach of these two forms
may not be permitted unless there are strong reasons approved by the Minister.

Chapter Two

Incorporation of the Company

Article 66
A JSC shall be incorporated by a ministerial decision. The number of founders or shareholders may not be less than five persons.

Article 67 Cancelled (Repealed By Law 16/2006)

Article 68 (Amended By Law 2/2008)

1. The government, other public authorities and corporations, and companies in which the State holds a minimum 51 percent of shares or less,
may, upon approval of the Council of Ministers,incorporate one or more joint stock companies either by itself or jointly with one or more
founders, whether a Qatari national or a foreigner, or a natural, juristic or private person.”

1. Such companies are subject to the provisions of this Law, except to the extent that they are not in conflict with the agreements or situations
concluded thereunder, or upon incorporation and the provisions stipulated in its Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Article 69
The Memorandum and Articles of Association shall be set up by the founders in accordance

Article 70
The founders shall form a committee of not less than three and not more than five members to undertake the procedures of incorporation with the
concerned authority.

Article 71
The application for the incorporation of the company shall be submitted to the Ministry attached with a draft copy of the Memorandum and Articles of
Association of the company. The Ministry may request any additional information it deems necessary, and the supporting documents and papers. The
Ministry may also request to review the feasibility study of the project.

The Ministry may request amendments to the draft Memorandum and Articles of Association so as to be consistent with the provisions of this Law and
the two aforementioned forms in Article 65.

Article 72
Where the Ministry approves the application for the incorporation of the company, the founders shall sign the Memorandum and Articles of Association
in accordance with the proposals approved by the Ministry. The Memorandum and Articles of Association shall be authenticated at the Notary Public
and submitted to the Ministry. Accordingly, the Minister shall issue a decision concerning the company's incorporation in a period not exceeding sixty
days from the date of submission of the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Article 73
Where the application for incorporation is rejected, or the period stated in the previous Article expires without response, the founders may appeal to the
Council of Ministers within thirty days, from the date of the rejection notification or the expiry of the period, as the case may be. The decision issued by
the Council of Ministers in this respect shall be final.
Where sixty days lapse without the Council of Ministers issues a decision, the appeal shall be deemed rejected.

Article 74
Where the application for the company incorporation is rejected by a final decision, the founders shall not have the right to submit a new application for
the incorporation of the same company before the lapse of at least six months from the date of the final rejection decision.

Article 75
The decision of the incorporation of the company shall be published in the Official Gazette appended with the Memorandum and Articles of
The company may only acquire a corporate identity after its declaration which shall be by registration in the Commercial Register and publication in the
Official Gazette.

Article 76 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

Founders shall subscribe neither less than 20% nor more than 60% of the company's capital. No founder shall subscribe to a higher percentage than
what is specified in the Articles of Association. The founders shall, before the publication of the subscription prospectus, deposit the amount equal to
the percentage required to be paid up by the public for each share upon subscription.
Before inviting the public for subscription, the founders shall furnish the Ministry with a bank certificate proving that they have subscribed to the
company shares with the limits specified by this Article and that they have deposited in the company account the amount equivalent to the percentage
due to be paid by the public for each share at the subscription.
Deposit of this amount shall be stated in the subscription prospectus. The bank certificate shall be enclosed with the draft subscription invitation
prepared by the founders in accordance with the provisions of the following article. Having satisfied the foregoing, the Minister shall authorize the
publication of the invitation prospectus in two local daily newspapers.

Article 77
The invitation for public subscription shall be announced in two local Arabic-language daily newspapers, at least one week before the commencement
of subscription. The subscription prospectus shall include the following details:

1. Names and nationalities of founders.

2. Name, objects and head office of the company.
3. Amount of capital; paid capital; type of shares; value and number thereof; percentage of what was offered for public subscription, shares
subscribed by the founders and the restrictions imposed on transfer of shares.

1. Shares in kind and particulars thereof as well as entitlements (if any).

2. Privileges granted to the founders and others (if any).
3. Method of dividends distribution.
4. Estimated statement of the expenses of the company incorporation.
5. Fulfilment of the founders to the payment of the shares values subscribed by them.
6. Minimum limit of shares to which a person can subscribe and also the maximum limit without exceeding the percentage prescribed for the
7. Date, deadline, domicile and terms of subscription.
8. Date of licence authorizing the incorporation of the company.
9. Statement of assignment of shares to subscribers when subscription exceeds the number of shares available for sale.
10. Any other matters which affect the rights or obligations of the shareholders.

The founders or their representatives shall sign the subscription prospectus and shall be jointly liable for the authenticity of the contents thereof as well
as fulfilment of the aforesaid requirements.
A statement signed by the auditor and indicating that the prospectus has been revised and attested by the auditor shall be enclosed with the

Article 78 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

Subscription shall be undertaken at one or more banks licensed to operate in the State. Payment of instalments due upon subscription shall be made
at the bank. The payment shall be credited to a special account opened in the name of the company.

Article 79
Subscription shall be made by a declaration signed by the shareholder stating the number of shares subscribed for, the shareholder's approval of the
Company's the Memorandum and Articles of Association, his address in the State of Qatar and any other information that may be deemed necessary.
Subscription shall be duly made and unconditional. Any condition made by the subscriber in the subscription application shall be deemed null and void.
The subscriber shall submit the subscription application to the bank and pay the due amount upon obtaining a receipt signed by the bank stating the
name and address of the subscriber; date of subscription, and number of shares subscribed to and paid-up instalments.
The subscription shall be final when the subscriber receives such receipt.
Article 80
Each subscriber shall be furnished with a hard copy of the Memorandum of Association to be mentioned in the subscription receipt received from the
During the subscription period, stakeholders may obtain the company's Articles of Association in hard copy without or with a reasonable consideration
as specified by the subscription prospectus.

Article 81
The bank shall keep all the funds paid up by the shareholders in the account of the company under incorporation. Such funds may only be submitted to
the Board of Directors after declaration of the company's incorporation and its registration in the Commercial Register.

Article 82 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

The subscription shall remain open for a minimum period of two weeks and a maximum period of four weeks.
Where the shares have not been fully subscribed for during the subscription period, the founders may, after obtaining the approval of the Ministry,
extend the subscription period for a maximum period of two weeks.
Where, during the extension period, the shares have not been fully subscribed for, the founders must either relinquish the incorporation of the company
or reduce the capital thereof to the extent for which the subscription was achieved, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 64 herein.

Article 83
Where the company is not incorporated, the founders shall be jointly liable for refunding the subscribers the paid-up value of shares during a maximum
period of one week from the date specified for closing the subscription pursuant to the provisions of the foregoing Article. The founders shall also be
jointly liable for reimbursement of such funds and expenses incurred during the incorporation of the company. The founders shall be jointly liable before
third parties for operations and transactions thereby during the incorporation period

Article 84
Where the capital is reduced, the subscribers may opt to withdraw their subscription within a period not less than the period of the initial subscription,
otherwise their subscription shall be deemed final.

Article 85 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

In case of oversubscription, the shares shall be distributed, to subscribers pro rata to the percentage of their subscriptions.
In all cases, the surplus subscription funds shall be refunded to subscribers by the bank within a maximum period of two weeks from the closing date
of the subscription
Article 86
Any concerned party may request an invalidity of a subscription that is contrary to the aforesaid provisions within thirty days from the date of closure of
the subscription.

Article 87
The founders shall inform the Ministry within thirty days from the date of closure of the subscription of the subscription results; value of shares paid by
the subscribers, their names and number of shares subscribed to by each subscriber.

Article 88
The founders shall, within the period specified in the foregoing Article, invite subscribers to a constituent general assembly meeting. A copy of the
invitation shall be sent to the Ministry.
Such constituent general meeting shall only be valid where the quorum present holds at least half of the shares issued capital. The Meeting shall be
chaired by one of the founders to be elected by the general assembly.

Article 89
Irrespective of shares held, any subscriber shall have the right to attend the general assembly meeting.

Article 90
The founders shall submit to the constituent general assembly a report including sufficient information as to the incorporation process along with the
supporting documents.
In particular, the constituent general assembly shall discuss the following:

1. Report of the founders regarding the processes of the company incorporation and the expenses it entailed.
2. Adoption of the Articles of Association.
3. Election of the first Board of Directors and appointment of auditors as well as determination of their remunerations.
4. Approval of the evaluation of shares in kind (if any).
5. Final announcement of the incorporation of the company.

The decisions of the constituent general meeting shall be adopted by absolute majority of the shares duly represented therein according to the
provisions of this Law.

Article 91
The first Board of Directors shall take the measures to announce the company in accordance with this Law. Members of the first Board of Directors
shall be jointly liable for all damages incurred due to failure to take the aforementioned measures of announcement.
Results of all acts carried out by the founders on behalf of the company prior to its announcement shall be transferred to the company upon its
announcement and all expenses incurred by the founders to this effect shall be borne by the company

Article 92
Where any fault has occurred in the procedures of incorporating a JSC, any concerned party may, within five years from its incorporation, warn the
company in writing to rectify such fault, within a month from the date of notification.
Failing regularization within the time limit, the concerned party may seek a ruling to nullify the company and it shall be dissolved as a de facto company.
However, the shareholders may not rely on the nullity of the company as a defence against third parties acting in good faith.

Article 93
Where any fault has occurred in the procedures of incorporating a company, the shareholders and the stakeholders may, within a period allowed for
submission of a nullity claim pursuant to the previous Article, submit a claim of joint liability against the founders, first members of the Board of
Directors and the first auditors

Chapter Three

Management of Joint Stock Company

Section 1

Board of Directors

Article 94
The management of a JSC shall be undertaken by an elected Board of Directors, the number of whose members and term of office shall be provided
for by the Company's Articles of Associations. The members of the Board of Directors shall not be less than five and not more than eleven and their
term of office shall not exceed three years.
A member of the Board of Directors may be re-elected more than once unless otherwise stipulated in the Articles of Association.

A member of the Board of Directors may withdraw from the Board provided that such withdrawal is made at an appropriate time, otherwise he shall be
held accountable to the company.

Article 95
The general assembly shall elect the members of the Board of Directors by secret ballot, otherwise, the founders may appoint inter se the first Board
of Directors for a maximum period of five years.

Article 96
The member of the Board shall fulfill the following conditions:

1. He must be less than twenty-one years old.

2. He must not have been convicted in any offence or a crime relating to honour and honesty or of one of the crimes provided for in Articles 324 and
325 of this Law unless he is rehabilitated.
3. He must be holder of a number of shares determined by the Articles of Association and specified as a security for the rights of the company,
shareholders, creditors, and third parties.

Such shares shall be deposited within sixty days from the date of commencement of membership, at one of the approved banks. The deposited
shares shall not be subject to transfer, lien or attachment until the balance sheet of the last financial year in which he was holding office is approved.
Failing to provide the aforesaid security nullifies the membership of the Board member
Article 97
With the exception of government representatives in joint stock companies and persons who hold at least 10% of the capital therein, no person, either
in his personal capacity or as a representative of one of the corporate persons, shall be permitted to become a member of the Board of Directors of
more than three joint stock companies whose headquarters are located in the State nor shall such person be the Chairperson or a vice-Chairperson
in more than two companies whose headquarters are located in the State.

In all cases, no person, either in his personal capacity or as a representative of one of the corporate persons, shall neither be a managing director of
more than one company whose headquarters is located in the State, nor be a member in the Board of Directors of two companies having similar

Failing the above nullifies the membership in the Board of Directors exceeding the quorum prescribed herein according to the date of membership. A
manager whose office is invalidated shall reimburse all amounts received thereby from the company or companies.

Article 98
Where the State or public authority or corporation becomes a shareholder in a joint stock company, the State or public authority or corporation shall,
instead of participating in electing the Board of Directors, delegate representative(s) to participate in the Board pro rata to the shares held. The number
of such representatives shall be deducted from the total number of Board's members. The State or public authority or corporation shall have the
exclusive right to dismiss such representatives and replace them at any time.
The representatives of the State or public authority or corporation appointed in the Board of Directors shall have the same rights and liabilities accorded
to elected members. The State or public authority or corporation appointed shall be liable for the actions of its representatives towards the company;
creditors and shareholders' therein.
The representatives of the State or public authority or corporation in the JSC Board of Directors shall be exempted from submitting the security shares
for their memberships.

Article 99
The BoD, through secret ballot, shall elect a Chairperson and a vice-Chairperson for one year unless the Articles of Association determines otherwise.
The term of the Chairperson and vice-Chairperson shall not exceed three years.
The BoD may elect, through secret ballot, one or more managing directors. Such managing directors shall jointly or severally, according to the decision
of the Board have the right to sign on behalf of the company.

Article 100
Where the office of one of the Board members becomes vacant, such office shall be filled by the member who received a majority of votes from the
shareholders who have not attained membership of the Board. Where a justifiable reason prevents such manager from taking up the office, he shall be
replaced by the next member who received a majority of votes. The new member shall only complete the unexpired term of his predecessor.
Where the vacant positions amount to one quarter of the original positions, the Board of Directors shall invite the general assembly to meet within a
maximum period of two months from the date on which the last position becomes vacant in order to elect the members for these vacancies.

Article 101
Each company shall annually provide the Ministry with a detailed list, endorsed by the Chairperson, including the names, capacities and nationalities of
the Chairperson and Board members. The company shall inform the Ministry of any change in this list as soon as it occurs.
Article 102
The Chairperson shall be deemed the head of the company and shall represent the company before courts and third parties. The Chairperson shall
implement the Board decisions and abide by its recommendations.
The Chairperson may delegate some of his powers to other members of the Board.
The vice-Chairperson shall replace the Chairperson during his absence.

Article 103
The Board of Directors shall convene upon the invitation of its Chairperson pursuant to the provisions of the Articles of Association at the request of at
least two members.
The meeting shall be valid only if attended by half the members, provided that three members thereof at least are present, unless the company's
articles of association provide for a higher number or ratio.

The Board of Directors shall meet at least six times during the fiscal year of the company, unless the Articles of Association provide otherwise.
The meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held at least every two months.
An absent member may delegate in writing another in the Board meetings to act on his behalf in the attendance and voting, provided that one member
cannot represent more than one member.

The decisions shall be adopted by majority of votes of the present representatives. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.
Voting by mail shall not be permitted.
A member not in agreement with a decision taken by the Board shall put such objection in the meeting minutes.

Article 104
Where a Board member is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Board or five inconsecutive meetings without acceptable justification to the
Board, he shall be deemed resigned.

Article 105
Minutes of the Board meetings shall be prepared in a special record to be signed by the Chairperson, the managing director (if any), and the member
or the officer who undertakes the secretarial work of the Board.
The minutes of meetings shall be regularly recorded in the record after each meeting and in serial order without deletion or erasure.
The signatories shall be liable for accuracy of facts recorded in the minutes and its compliance with the law and the Articles of Association of the
The pages of the register shall be numbered in sequence. Each page of the register shall be stamped by the competent authority and signed by the
competent official.
The competent official shall confirm at the top of the pages the numbering and stamping of the pages and his signature before use.
It shall not be permitted to stamp a new register until after the previous register has been submitted to the competent authority and the competent
official has recorded its closure

Article 106
Subject to the powers of the General Assembly as specified herein or in the company's Articles of Association, the Board of Directors shall have full
authority to assume all the powers necessary to achieve the Company's objectives. The Board may, within its mandate, authorise one of its members
to carry out one or more specific tasks or supervise one of the company's activities.
Article 107
Neither the Chairperson nor any other Board member may participate in any business competitive with that of the Company or trade for his own
account or the account of third parties in one of the activities practised by the company.The company may otherwise demand indemnity therefrom, or
considers businesses carried out for their account as for the company's account.

Article 108
The Chairperson, any Board member or director may not have any direct or indirect interest in the contracts, projects and transactions concluded for
the account of the company. Shall be exempted from such restriction, the public contracting works and tenders where all the competitors are permitted
to participate on equal footing. Where one of the persons mentioned in the previous paragraph offers the best tender, the ordinary general meeting,
shall approve the same, which shall be annually renewed if such contracts and projects are regular and renewable.
In all cases, it shall not be permitted for any of the aforementioned concerned parties to attend any of the ordinary meetings of the general assembly or
meetings of the Board of Directors if such meetings are pertaining to a matter related to any one of them.
Anyone who breaches the provisions of this Article shall be dismissed from his office in the company.

Article 109
The company shall not give cash loans whatsoever to any member of its board or guarantee any loan contracted by any of them with third parties.
However, as an exception, banks or other financing companies may grant loans to the Board members or open a credit account for them or guarantee
a loan contract concluded with third parties in accordance with the same rules and conditions that the company follows towards public customers.
Without prejudice to the right of the company to claim compensation from the defaulter in due time, any action being made in contravention of this
Article shall be null and void.

Article 110
The Chairperson, member of the Board of Directors or any staff of the company are prohibited from utilizing the information accessible to them by
virtue of their membership or position for the achievement of a benefit for themselves, or for their spouse, children or any of their immediate relatives up
to the fourth degree as a result of trading in the securities of the company.

No one of such persons shall have any interest, directly or indirectly, with anybody involved in activities intended to affect the prices of the securities
issued by the Company.

Article 111
The JSC shall be bound by all acts performed by the Board of Directors acting within their remit. The company shall also be accountable as to
damages caused by unlawful acts by the members of the Board of Directors

Article 112
The Chairperson and members of the Board shall be jointly liable for compensating the company, shareholders and third parties against damages
arising out of acts of fraud or misuse of powers, violation of the provisions of this Law or the Articles of Association, and any maladministration. Any
provision to the contrary shall be null and void.
Article 113
Members of the Board of Directors shall all be liable under the preceding Article, if a default arises from a decision adopted unanimously thereby.
However, in the event of decisions reached by majority votes, dissident members shall not be held liable if they entered their objection in writing in the
minutes of the meeting. The absence from the meeting in which a decision was adopted shall not be a reason for exemption from liability unless it is
proven that the absent member did not know about the decision or that he was unable to object to the same upon his knowledge thereof.

Article 114
The company, within five years from occurrence of a default or negligence resulting in damages to a group of shareholders, may file a liability claim
against the Board members for such default or negligence.
The ordinary meeting of the general assembly shall take a decision appointing a person to pursue the case on behalf of the Company.
However, if the Company is under liquidation, the decision to file the case shall, by a General Assembly's resolution rest with the liquidator of the

Article 115
When the aforesaid default causes personal damage to a shareholder, he may independently sue the company, provided that he informs the
company of his intention thereto.
Any provision in the Articles of Association of the company to the contrary shall be null and void.

Article 116
Any decision adopted by the general assembly shall in no way discharge the Board of Directors from liability or dismiss a liability claim against Board
members because of defaults committed during the execution of their duties. If the act giving rise to liability was forwarded to the general assembly and
it was ratified thereby, the liability claim shall be dropped after five years from that meeting of the general assembly. However, if the act attributed to the
Board members is a criminal act, the liability claim shall not become invalid until the public claim is invalidated.

Article 117
The general assembly may, by a resolution adopted by the absolute majority of the Board of Directors or by a request signed by shareholders
possessing not less than 25% of the subscribed shares in the capital, dismiss the Chairperson or any elected member of the Board.
Consequently, the Chairperson shall call the general assembly for a meeting within ten days from the date of the dismissal notice; otherwise, the
competent authority shall make such an invitation.

Article 118
The company's Articles of Association shall determine the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors which shall not exceed 10% of the
net profit after the deduction of the legal reserves and depreciation, and after the distribution of dividends at not less than 5% of the paid-up capital to
the shareholders.

It may be stipulated in the company's Articles of Association, upon the approved of the general assembly that the members of the Board receive a
certain amount if the company does not make profits. The ministry may determine a higher limit for such amount.
Article 119
The Board of Directors shall prepare every fiscal year the balance sheet, statement of profits and losses, cash flow statements, and justifications
compared to the previous fiscal year, all of which shall be attested by the company's auditors. The Board of Directors shall also prepare a report on the
activities of the company; its financial position during the previous fiscal year, and future plans for the coming year.
Within a period not exceeding three months from the end of the fiscal year, the Board shall prepare such statements and documents and submit them
to the general assembly meeting to be held within a maximum period of four months from the end of the fiscal year of the company.

Article 120 (Amended By Law 28/2008)

The Board of Directors shall invite all shareholders to the general assembly meeting by an announcement published in two local Arabic daily
newspapers and on the website of Qatar Securities Market.
The advertisement shall be published at least fifteen days before the meeting of the general assembly. The announcement shall include sufficient
summary of the agenda of the meeting, all statements and documents provided for in the previous Article and the report of the company auditors.
A copy of the announcement shall be sent to the competent authority at the same time that it is sent to the newspapers.

Article 121
Annually, the Board of Directors shall, three days before the meeting of the general assembly to examine the balance sheet and the Board report,
present to the shareholders, a detailed statement including the following:

1. All the amounts received by the Chairperson and each member of the Board in the fiscal year including remuneration, fees, salaries, bonuses for
attending the meetings, and compensation for the expenses in addition to the amounts received by them in their capacities as technical or
administrative employees or for any technical, administrative, or consultative work done for the company.
2. Material benefits enjoyed by the Chairperson and each member in the Board during the fiscal year.
3. The bonuses proposed by the Board to be distributed to the members.
4. Amounts specified to each member of current or previous managers as pension or reserve or compensation for the end of the service.
5. Deals in which the Board members or managers have interests that contradicts with the interests of the company.
6. The final amounts spent for the purposes of advertisement in any form with the details of each amount.
7. Donations with details of the party to whom the donations were made, the reason and particulars thereof.

For banks and other financial companies, a report of the auditor shall be attached to certify that all cash loans or credits or guarantees given by any of
these institutions to the Chairperson or Board members during the fiscal year have been executed without violating the provisions of Article 109 of this
This detailed statement shall be signed by the Chairperson and one member of the Board.
The Chairperson and members of the Board shall be liable for the implementation of the provisions of this Article and the verification of data in all the

Section 2

General Assembly

Article 122
The general assembly shall be held upon the invitation of the Board of Directors at least once in a year at the place and date fixed by the Board with the
approval of the competent authority. The meeting shall be held within four months following the end of the fiscal year of the company.
The Board may, whenever it deems appropriate, invite the general assembly to the meeting
Article 123 (Amended By Law 28/2008)
The trading of the company shares shall be suspended on the day the meeting of the general assembly is held.

Article 124
The Board of Directors, based on the auditor request, shall invite the general assembly to convene. If the Board fails to convene the meeting within
fifteen days from the date of such request, the auditor may directly call for the meeting after the approval of the Ministry.
For serious reasons, based on the request of one or more shareholders who hold at least 10% of the capital, the Board shall call for the general
assembly meeting within fifteen days from the date of such request, otherwise the Ministry, based on a request by the shareholders, shall extend the
invitation on the expense of the company. The agenda in these two cases shall be limited to the subject matter of the request.

Article 125
Subject to the provisions of Article 88 and 124 herein, the Ministry shall convene the general assembly of the company for a meeting in the following

1. Where thirty days pass from the date fixed in Article 122 of this Law without extending the invitation to hold the general assembly meeting.
2. Where the number of the members of the Board becomes less than the minimum limit provided for in Article 100 of this Law, without extending
the invitation to hold the general assembly meeting.
3. Where it is proved to the Ministry, at any time, that there has been a breach of law or of the Articles of Association of the company or if a serious
default occurs
4. in its management.

In all these cases, the specified procedures pertaining to convening the meeting of general assembly shall be followed and the company shall bear all
costs involved.

Article 126
The Chairperson shall publish the balance sheet, statements of profits and losses, sufficient summary of the Board report, and the full text of the
report of the company auditors in two local Arabic dailies at least fifteen days prior to the date fixed for the general assembly meeting. A copy of such
documents shall be submitted to the Ministry.

Article 127
The agenda of the annual meeting of the general assembly shall contain the following:

1. Consideration and approval of the board's report on the company's activities and financial position during the ended financial year.
2. Discussion and approval of the company balance sheet and profit-and-loss accounts.
3. Election of members of the Board of Directors, if required.
4. Appointment of auditors and determination of their remuneration.
5. Consideration of discharging the Board members.
6. Consideration and approval of proposals by the Board of Directors pertaining to distribution of dividends.

Article 128
Each shareholder shall have the right to attend the meetings of the general assembly and shall have one vote against each share held by him. The
decisions shall be taken with absolute majority of the shares represented in the meeting.

1. Minors and interdicted persons shall be represented by their legal representatives.

2. Proxies may attend meetings on behalf of their principals provided that the principals themselves are shareholders. The proxy agreement shall
be exclusive and in writing. The shareholder may not request a member of the Board of Directors to represent him in the general assembly
meetings. In all cases, the number of shares held by a proxy, in this capacity, shall not exceed 5% of the capital of the company.
3. Notwithstanding the corporate persons, no shareholder, whether in his original capacity or his capacity as a proxy, shall have a number of votes
exceeding 25% of the votes specified for shares represented in the meeting.

Article 129
Without prejudice to the provisions of this Law pertaining to the extraordinary meeting of the general assembly, the general assembly shall be
mandated to examine the following in particular:

1. Discussion of the report of the Board of Directors concerning the activities of the company; financial position during the year and future plans
thereof. The report shall include a detailed explanation of revenue and expense items, detailed statement of the method proposed by the Board
for distribution of annual net dividends, and a fixed date for disposal of these dividends.
2. Discussion of the auditor's report concerning the company balance sheet and final accounts submitted by the Board of Directors.
3. Discussion and approval of the company balance sheet, profit and loss accounts and dividends to be distributed.
4. Consideration of the discharge of members of the Board of Directors.
5. Election of members of the Board and appointment of auditors and determination of their remuneration for the next fiscal year unless stipulated in
the Articles of Association.
6. Examination of any other proposal tabled by the Board in the agenda in order to take a decision thereof.

The general assembly may not deliberate on matters not included in the agenda. However, the assembly shall have the right to deliberate on serious
matters that may arise during the meeting.
Should a number of shareholders who represent at least one tenth of the company capital request an inclusion of specific matters in the agenda, the
Board shall respond to such request, otherwise the assembly shall be entitled to decide on the discussion of such matters

Article 130
The general assembly shall be chaired by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors or his deputy or whoever the Board assigns therefore. In the
absence of such persons, the general assembly shall appoint a Chairperson and a secretary for its meeting inter se.
Where the Assembly is discussing a matter related to the Chairperson of the meeting, it shall select a Chairperson from among the shareholders.

Article 131 (Amended By Law 28/2008)

The general assembly meeting shall be valid if the following are satisfied:

1. The Ministry through a representative attends the meeting, following an invitation at least three days prior to the meeting.
2. It is attended by shareholders representing at least one half of the capital of the company unless the Articles of Association provide for a higher
representation. Where the quorum is not present in the first meeting, a second meeting shall be held in compliance with the provisions of Article
120 of this Law. Invitation shall be extended at least three days prior to the meeting. The second meeting shall be valid irrespective of the number
of shares represented therein.

Article 132
Every shareholder shall have the right to discuss matters listed in the agenda and to seek clarifications from members of the Board of Directors. The
Board shall respond to the extent that is not detrimental to the company's interests.
A shareholder may revert to the general assembly should he feel that the answer to his query is not satisfactory. A decision issued by the general
assembly to this effect shall be duly implemented.
Any condition provided for in the Articles of Association of the company to the contrary shall be null and void.

Article 133
The Articles of Association shall determine the mechanism of voting with regard to the general assembly decisions.
The voting shall be by secret ballot if a decision is related to the election or dismissal of the Board members, the institution of a liability claim against
the Board members, or if it is requested by the Chairperson of the Board or a number of shareholders who represent at least one tenth of the votes
attending the meeting.
The members of the Board may not participate in voting on the decisions of the general assembly on matters concerning their discharge of liability
towards the company.
The decisions issued by the general assembly in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the Articles of Association shall be binding on all
shareholders whether they are present in or absent from the meeting in which the decisions were taken and whether they are in agreement or
disagreement. The Board of Directors shall implement such decisions as soon as they are issued and provide the Ministry with a copy thereof within
fifteen days from the date of issue.

Article 134
The minutes of the general assembly meeting shall indicate the names of attending shareholders either in person or by proxy, the number of shares
held in person or represented by those present, the number of votes allocated thereto, decisions made, the number of votes for or against them, and
sufficient summary of discussions held during the meeting.
The minutes of the meeting shall be signed by the Chairperson, secretary, vote collectors and auditors. Signatories to the minutes shall be liable for the
validity of the contents thereof

Article 135
Minutes of the general assembly shall be recorded in a special register.
The records and minutes of the meetings of the general assembly shall be governed by the same provisions as the records and minutes of the Board
of Directors pursuant to Article 105 of this Law.
A copy of the minutes of meeting of the general assembly shall be sent to the competent authority within a maximum of one month from the date of the

Article 136
Without prejudice to the rights of bona fide third parties, any decisions inconsistent with the provisions of this Law or the Articles of Association of the
company shall be null and void.
Any decision made in favour of or causing damage to a particular group of shareholders or that may bring a special privilege to the Board members
while conflicting with the interest of the company shall be abrogated.
In the event of abrogation of a decision, such decision shall be deemed as of no effect with regard to all the shareholders. The Board of Directors shall
publish this abrogated decision in two local daily newspapers issued in Arabic.
The abrogation claim shall not be entertained after the lapse of one year from the issue of the challenged decision. The filing of the claim shall not result
in the suspension of the decision unless the court orders otherwise. The abrogation claim shall not be entertained except from the shareholders who
opposed the decision and established their objection in the minutes of the meeting or those who were absent in the meeting for any acceptable


Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting

Article 137
Decisions on the following issues shall not be taken except in an extraordinary general assembly meeting:

1. Amending the Memorandum and the Articles of Association of the company.

2. Increasing and decreasing the company's capital.
3. Extension of the term of the company.
4. Dissolution of the company or its liquidation, transformation or amalgamation with another company.
5. Sale of the venture for which the company was established or disposal of it in any other manner.

The Commercial Register shall record any resolution taken to approve any of these matters.
However, the general assembly shall not be entitled to make amendments to the Articles of Association of the company that are likely to increase the
burdens on shareholders or to amend the main objective of the company or change its nationality or transfer the headquarters of the company
incorporated in the State to any other state. Any provisions stipulating otherwise shall be null and void.

Article 138
Subject to the provisions contained herein, the provisions pertaining to the ordinary general meetings shall apply to the extraordinary general meetings.

Article 139
The extraordinary general meeting shall convene only at the invitation of the Board of Directors. The Board shall extend this invitation if so requested by
a number of shareholders representing at least 25% of the company capital.
Where the Board fails to hold the meeting of the general assembly within fifteen days of this request, the applicants may request the Ministry to address
the invitation on behalf of the company

Article 140
The extraordinary meeting of the general assembly shall be valid only if attended by the shareholders representing at least three quarters of the
company capital.
Where a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be held within thirty days following the first meeting. The second meeting shall be valid if attended by
the shareholders representing one half of the company capital.
Where a quorum is not present in the second meeting, a third meeting shall be called to convene within thirty days following the second one. The third
meeting shall be valid irrespective of the number of the shareholders attending.
Where the discussion pertains to the dissolution of the company or its transformation or amalgamation, the meeting shall be valid only if attended by
the shareholders representing at least three quarters of the company capital.
In all the foregoing situations, the decisions shall be adopted by a two thirds majority of the shares represented in the meeting.
The Board of Directors shall publish a decision of the extraordinary meeting of the general assembly if it includes the amendment of the Articles of
Association of the company

Chapter Four


Article 141
The JSC Company shall have one or more auditor who shall be appointed by the general assembly for one-year. The general assembly shall
determine the remunerations of the auditor(s). The general assembly may reappoint such auditor(s) provided that the period of appointment shall not
exceed five consecutive years.

The Board of Directors may not be authorised in this respect. However, the founders may appoint an auditor who shall carry out his duties until the first
general assembly is convened.

Article 142
The Auditor shall be enrolled in the professional auditors' register in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in the State.

Article 143
An auditor shall not be permitted, in any capacity, to participate in the incorporation of the company or to be a member of its Board or to carry out any
technical or administrative or advisory works in the company. An auditor shall also not be permitted to be a partner or a proxy or an employee of any of
the company founders or any Board member or to become a relative of the company founders or any Board member up to the fourth degree.
Any appointment of an auditor contrary to these provisions shall be null and void

Article 144
In the event where there is more than one auditor, they shall be jointly liable for activities pertaining to auditing.

Article 145
Article 145
The accounts auditors shall assume the following tasks:

1. Audit the operations of the company.

2. Verify the accounts of the company according to the applicable rules of auditing, requirements of the profession and its scientific and technical
3. Inspect the balance sheet and the profit and loss accounts.
4. Take note of the implementation of the law and the Articles of Association of the company.
5. Inspect the financial and administrative systems of the company as well as the internal financial auditing systems of the company in order to
confirm its compliance with good conduct and good keeping of finances of the company.
6. Verify the assets of the company and its ownership and confirm the legal compliance and validity of company obligations.
7. Review the decisions of the Board of Directors and instructions issued by the company.
8. Any other duties to be carried out by the auditor pursuant to this Law, the Auditors' Profession Regulation Law and other relevant auditing
systems and principles.

The accounts auditor shall submit a written report to the general assembly on his function. He or his representative shall read out the report before the
general assembly. A copy of this report shall be sent to the concerned authority.

Article 146
The report of the auditor aforementioned in the previous Article shall include the following:

1. Whether the auditor has satisfactorily obtained all information, statements, and explanations that he deems necessary to perform his duties.
2. Whether the balance accounts and regular records are consistent with the established universal principles and whether they clearly reflect the
financial position of the company and the results of its operations and whether the company's balance sheet and profit and loss account are
consistent with its ledgers and records.
3. Whether the auditing procedures made by him for the accounts of the company are considered sufficient in his opinion to form the reasonable
basis for expressing his opinion as to the financial position, business results and cash flows of the company in accordance with internationally
approved auditing principles.
4. Whether the financial statements contained in the report of the Board of Directors addressed to the general assembly conform to the company
records and ledgers.
5. Whether stocktaking was conducted according to established principles.
6. Whether there were violations of the provisions of this Law or the Articles of Association of the company which occurred during the year the
subject of the auditing and whether they had fundamental impact on the results of the company business and its financial position and if these
violations still exist, in the light of information available to him.
Article 147
Where it is not possible for the auditor to conduct functions and duties assigned thereto in accordance with the provisions of this Law, for any reasons,
the auditor shall, before excusing himself from auditing, submit a report to the Ministry copied to the Board of Directors explaining the reasons
preventing him from performing his duties. The Ministry shall discuss these reasons with the Board where possible, otherwise the Ministry shall call for
a general assembly meeting to consider such matters.

Article 148
Where the company has one or more auditors, they shall submit one report. This report shall be read out by one of them at the general assembly
meeting. Where the general assembly decides to approve the report of the Board of Directors without hearing the report of the auditor, such decision
shall be deemed null and void.

Article 149
The auditor shall be responsible for the authenticity of the information and details stipulated in his report in his capacity as the representative for all
shareholders. Every shareholder shall have the right, during the general assembly meeting, to discuss and request explanations from the auditor with
regard to the content of his report.

Article 150
The auditor and his employees shall not be permitted to trade in the shares of the company whose accounts are audited by him, whether this trading is
conducted directly or indirectly, otherwise the auditor shall be dismissed and held accountable. The auditor shall also be requested to indemnify against
any damage resulting from the breach of the provisions of this Article.

Article 151
The auditors shall keep the secrets of the company and shall not, except in the general assembly meeting, disclose to the shareholders or others,
any of the secrets of the company known to him by virtue of his assignment, otherwise he shall be dismissed and held accountable.
The auditor shall indemnify the company or the shareholders or third parties against damages sustained thereby as a result of defaults on his part. In
the case of more than one auditor, they shall be jointly liable for damages caused by their default.
Any liability claim on the ground set out in the preceding paragraph shall not be considered after one year from the date of the general assembly
meeting in which the report of the auditor was submitted. If the act attributed to the auditor constitutes a criminal offence, the claim shall stand valid
throughout the duration of the general claim.

Chapter Five

Company Capital

Section 1


Article 152 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

The company's capital shall be divided into equal shares. The nominal value of each share shall not be less than ten Qatari Riyals. The issue
expenses of these shares may not exceed 1% of the nominal value of the share.
However, the nominal value of a share may not be less than ten Qatari Riyals provided that the Ministry's approval is granted.
Article 153
The shares of a company incorporated in Qatar shall be nominal

Article 154
A share in the Joint Stock Company is indivisible. However, where the share is held by a number of persons, they shall elect one of them to represent
them to use the rights pertaining to such share. All such persons shall be jointly liable for the obligations arising from the ownership of the share.
It shall not be permitted to issue a share for less than its nominal value. However, the share may be issued at a higher price than its nominal value if so
stipulated by the Articles of Association of the company or approved by an extraordinary general meeting of the company. In this case, the difference
shall be added to the legal reserve.

Article 155
The share value shall be paid in cash, in a single payment or instalments. An instalment value due to be paid up at subscription may not be less than
25% of the share value.
In all cases, the share value shall be completely paid within five years from the date of the publication of the company's incorporation in the Official

Article 156
At the time of subscription, the company shall issue temporary certificates wherein the names of the shareholder, number of subscribed shares,
amounts paid up and outstanding instalments shall be stated. These certificates shall stand for the ordinary shares until Amended with shares upon
payment of all instalments

Article 157
Where the shareholder fails to pay any instalment of the share value on its due date, the Board of Directors may act on the share by notifying the
shareholder and calling for the payment of the due instalment by registered mail. In the event of the failure to pay within thirty days, the company may
sell the share in a public auction or on the Stock Exchange. The company shall settle the defaulted instalments and expenses from the proceeds of
sale and the remaining amount shall be returned to the shareholder. Notwithstanding the above, the defaulting shareholder may, even on the day of
sale, pay the value due from him plus the expenses of the company. If the proceeds of sale are insufficient to settle these amounts, the company may
collect them from his private assets. The company shall cancel the share on which such action was taken and the buyer shall be given a new
shareholding in the place of the cancelled share. The sale shall be recorded in the share register stating the name of the new owner.

Article 158
The company may hold material shares given against non-cash assets or evaluated rights. The founders shall request a civil court to appoint one or
more experts to establish whether these shares were properly evaluated and rectified. Estimation of these shares shall not be final until approved by a
group of underwriters with a majority possessing two thirds of the cash shares.
Holders of shares in kind shall not have the right to vote even if they hold cash shares.
Shares in kind may not represent shares that were not paid up completely.
The shares representing material dividends shall not be delivered until their complete ownership is transferred to the company.
Article 159
The company shall maintain a special record called the Shareholders Register, which includes names of shareholders, their nationalities and place of
residence, shares held by each of them and the paid-up amount of the share value. The Ministry shall have the right to access these particulars and
acquire copies thereof.
The company may deposit a copy of this Register with any other authority in order to follow up affairs of shareholders and authorize that authority to
keep and organize this Register, if it so wishes.
The shareholders may also view this Register free of charge.
Every concerned party shall be entitled to correct particulars included in the Register, especially when a name is entered or deleted without due
justification. A copy of these particulars and any amendments thereof shall be sent to the concerned authority within a maximum of two weeks before
the date specified for disposal of dividends to the shareholders.

Article 160
Where the shareholding company intends to enlist its shares in the securities market, the procedures and principles as stipulated by the laws,
regulations and guidelines for organizing the trading operations of securities in the State shall be followed, particularly those related to the handover of
the Register provided in the previous Article to the body specified by these laws, regulations and guidelines.

Article 161
Ownership of the shares shall be transferred upon their registration in the Shareholders Register and the share shall be transferred upon this
registration. No objection against the company or others with regard to its disposal transaction shall be made except from the date of its registration in
the Shareholders Register.
Notwithstanding the above, the company shall be prohibited from disposing of shares in the following conditions:

1. If such a disposal is contrary to the provisions of this Law or the Articles of Association of the company.
2. If the shares are under lien or sequestration by a court order.
3. If the shares are lost and no substitutes have been given.

Article 162
Shares may be mortgaged by submitting them to the mortgagee. The mortgagee may receive the profits and use the rights related to the shares
unless otherwise agreed in the mortgage contract

Article 163
Sequestration on the company assets due to the debts of any shareholder shall not be permitted. Sequestration may be placed on shares of the
indebted shareholder and profits accrued there from and sequestration shall be noted on the share entry in the Shareholders Register in accordance
with Article 159 of this Law.

Article 164
All decisions issued by the general assembly shall apply to the sequestrator, creditor and mortgagor in the same way as to the shareholder whose
shares were sequestrated or to the mortgagor.
Nonetheless, the sequestrator or mortgagor may not attend meetings of the general assembly or participate in its deliberations or approve its
decisions. He shall not have any rights in the company.

Article 165
The founders shall not be permitted to dispose of their shares until the completion of two years from the incorporation of the company. In the event of
the death of any founder, the heirs shall have no right to dispose of the shares of their testator within this period.

Article 166
All decisions issued by the ordinary or the extraordinary general assembly affecting the shareholder's rights derived from the provisions of this Law or
the Articles of Association of the company or increasing his liabilities shall be deemed null and void.

Article 167
The company Articles of Association may provide for restrictions pertaining to share trading, provided that these restrictions shall not prohibit the share

Article 167 - (bis) (Added By: Law 16 / 2006)

Section 2


Article 168
The company may purchase its debentures for purposes of sale in accordance with measures determined by Qatar Financial Markets Authority.

Article 169
Debentures shall be nominal, and shall remain so until their value has been settled completely.
Article 170
No loan debenture may be issued without fulfilling the following conditions:

1. It must be provided for in the company Articles of Association.

2. The company capital must be fully paid up.
3. The value of debentures shall not exceed the current capital as per the latest approved balance sheet, unless these debentures are guaranteed
by the State or one of the banks operating therein.

Article 171
Debentures issued for a single loan (one credit) shall grant their owners equal rights, and any provisions to the contrary shall be null and void.

Article 172
Debentures declared for public subscription shall be made through one or more banks accredited and operating in the State. Debentures shall be
offered to the public at least fifteen days in advance by advertisement in two local daily newspapers published in Arabic and shall be signed by the
members of the Board of Directors and include particulars determined by a decision issued by the Ministry. These particulars, inter alia, include the

1. Decision of the general assembly for the issue of debentures and its date.
2. Number of debentures issued and their value.
3. Commencement and end date of subscription.
4. Date of maturity of debentures, terms of payment and payment guarantees.
5. Value of debentures already issued, their guarantees and the unpaid amount

thereof upon the issue of the new bonds.

1. The company capital.

2. Headquarters of the company, date of incorporation and duration.
3. Value of shares in kind.
4. Summary of last balance sheet of the company approved by the accounts auditor.

Article 173
New loan debentures shall not be permitted to be issued unless the subscribers to the previous debentures have paid the full value of the old
debentures, provided that the balance of that value in addition to the value of new debentures shall not exceed company capital according to the latest
approved balance sheet.

Article 174
Within one month from the closure of subscription, the Board of Directors shall provide the Ministry with a statement on the subscription process and
the names of subscribers and their nationalities and their respective subscriptions.

Article 175
Decisions adopted during the shareholders' general assembly shall apply to debenture holders. Nevertheless, the general assembly may not amend
the rights given to the debenture holders without approval issued by them in their general meeting according to the rules laid down at the extraordinary
general meeting of the shareholders.
Article 176
Debentures shall not be converted into shares unless so stipulated in the conditions of the debenture in accordance with the terms provided for in the
preceding Article.
If conversion is approved, the debenture holders may, at his discretion, either accept the conversion or receive the nominal value of the stock.

Article 177
Where a share certificate or a nominal stock is lost or damaged, the holder thereof may demand a new instrument in replacement thereof.
The owner shall publish, in one local Arabic newspaper, the serial numbers of the lost or damaged instruments.
Where, within thirty days from the date of publication, no objection is received by the company, it shall provide the holder with a new instrument wherein
it shall be stated that it is issued in replacement of a lost or damaged one. Such certificate shall grant its holder all the rights and obligations related to
the lost or damaged instruments.

Article 178
Anyone opposing the issue of an instrument in replacement of a lost or damaged one shall file his suit in the competent court of jurisdiction within
fifteen days from the date of submitting his opposition. Failing which, the objection shall be deemed null and void.

Article 179
Upon being notified of the final judgment, the concerned authority shall deliver to the owner the certificates in lieu of the lost or damaged ones upon
notifying them of the final decision.

Chapter Six

Company Finance

Article 180
As specified in its Articles of Association, the company shall have a fiscal year of not less than twelve months except for the first fiscal year.

Article 181
At least two months prior to the annual general meeting of the company, the Board of Directors shall show, in each fiscal year, the balance sheet of
the company, statements of profits and losses, and a report on the company activities during the previous fiscal year and its financial status during that
year to the accounts auditor.
The Chairperson of the Board of Directors and one of the members shall sign these documents.
Article 182
The company shall publish biannual financial reports in the local Arabic daily newspapers for the reference of the shareholders. The accounts auditor
shall verify these reports and the same shall not be published without the approval of the concerned authority

Article 183
Unless a higher rate is specified by the Articles of Association of the company, 10% of the net profit of the company shall be deducted annually to
create the legal reserve.
The general assembly may stop making such deduction whenever the legal reserve reaches one half of the paid-up capital.
The legal reserve may not be distributed among the shareholders. However, the excess beyond one half of the paid-up capital may be used for the
distribution of dividends among the shareholders up to 5% in years where the company does not attain sufficient net profit to distribute this rate.

Article 184
Upon a proposal by the Board of Directors, the general assembly may decide to annually deduct a portion of the net profits for an optional reserve.
The optional reserve shall be used for any other purposes as decided by the general assembly.

Article 185
A percentage specified by the Articles of Association of the company or the Board of Directors shall be deducted annually from the gross profit of the
company for the depreciation of the company assets or as a compensation for their devaluation. This percentage shall be used to repair or purchase
the necessary material and equipment for the company and shall not be distributed among the shareholders.

Article 186
The general assembly shall decide to deduct part of the profits for compensating the company obligations arising out of the labour laws.
The company Articles of Association may provide for the formation of a special fund to assist the company employees.

Article 187
The Articles of Association of the company shall stipulate the minimum part of the net profits to be distributed among the shareholders after the
deduction of the legal and optional reserves.
The shareholder shall be entitled to his share of profits once a decision is issued by the general assembly. The Board of Directors shall implement this
decision within thirty days from the date of its issue.

Chapter Seven

Amendment of Company Capital

Section 1

Capital Increase

Article 188
Company capital shall not be increased unless the value of shares is completely paid

Article 189
The company capital may be increased by a decision adopted by an extraordinary general assembly and the approval of the Ministry. The decision
shall specify the amount of increase and issue rate of new shares.
The general assembly may authorize the Board of Directors to fix the date for the implementation of that decision not later than one year from its date
of issue

Article 190
The company capital shall be increased by one of the following methods:

1. Issue of new shares.

2. Capitalization of the reserve or a part thereof or of the profits.
3. Conversion of debentures into shares.
4. Issue of new shares against shares in kind or evaluated right.

Article 191
Regulations pertaining to subscription in the original shares shall apply to subscription in the new ones.

Article 192
New shares shall be issued with a nominal value equal to the nominal value of the original shares. However, the extraordinary general assembly may
decide a share premium to the nominal value of the share and determine its amount provided that approval of the Ministry is obtained. This share
premium shall be added to the legal reserve.

Article 193
The shareholders shall have priority to subscribe to the new shares. The shareholder shall not be permitted to assign his right in such priority to other

Article 194
The Chairperson shall publish a statement in two local Arabic daily newspapers notifying the shareholders of their priority in subscription, opening date,
closing date and price of the new shares.
Article 195
Distribution of shares to applicant shareholders shall be pro rata to the shares held by them provided that it does not exceed their respective
applications. The remaining shares shall be distributed to the shareholders who applied for more than the percentage of shares held by them. The
remaining shares may also be offered for public subscription or disposed of upon approval of the concerned authority.
Should shares in kind be included in subscription in such capital increase, evaluation of such shares shall be done in accordance with the provisions
concerning the same, provided that the extraordinary general meeting shall stand for the general assembly of incorporation.

Article 196
In the event that new shares are offered for public subscription, a subscription prospectus shall be published specifically, containing the following

1. Reasons of capital increase.

2. Decision of capital increase taken by the extraordinary general assembly.
3. Company capital at the time of issuing new shares, amount of increase, number of new shares and premium, if any.
4. Particulars of shares in kind or evaluated right, if any.
5. A statement of profits distributed by the company during the three years prior to the date of the decision taken for the capital increase.
6. Certificate from the accounts auditor to certify that statements included in the prospectus are accurate.

This prospectus shall be signed by the Chairperson and the accounts auditor and they shall be jointly liable for the accuracy of particulars stated

Article 197
In the event of increasing the capital by the capitalization of distributable reserves, gratis shares shall be issued and distributed among the
shareholders pro rata to shares held by each of them, or by increasing the nominal value of the shares proportionate to the casual increase of capital.
This shall not impose any financial burdens on the shareholders.

Article 198
Conversion of the debentures into shares shall be made by recovery of debentures, cancellation thereof, giving their holders shares in return and
adding their value to the capital.

Section 2

Decrease of Capital

Article 199
Subject to the Ministry's approval, the capital shall not be decreased except by a decision adopted in an extraordinary general assembly and after
hearing the report of the accounts auditor. Such decrease may be made in the following two cases.
1. If the capital exceeds the company's needs.
2. If the company sustains losses.
Article 200 (Amended By Law 16/2006)
The capital may be decreased by one of the following measures:

1. Decreasing the number of shares by cancelling a number of shares equivalent to the value intended to be decreased.
2. Decreasing the number of shares equivalent to the loss sustained by the company.
3. Purchasing a number of shares equivalent to those intended to be decreased or cancelled.

Article 201
The Board of Directors shall publish its decision to decrease capital in two local Arabic daily newspapers and the creditors shall provide the company,
within sixty days from the date of publication, with supporting documents so that the company shall settle its immediate and provide adequate
guarantees for deferred ones.

Article 202
Where it is resolved to decrease the company capital through the purchase and cancelation of a number of its shares, all shareholders shall be
invited to offer their shares for sale. Such invitation shall be published in two local Arabic daily newspapers.
Shareholders may be informed by registered mail of the company's intention to purchase shares. Where the number of shares offered for sale
exceeds the quantity decided to be purchased by the company, sale offers shall be reduced pro rata to the excess. The purchase price shall be fixed
according to the provisions of the Articles of Association. Where no provision is stipulated in this respect, the company shall pay the fair price fixed by
the company auditor in accordance with the prevailing evaluation methods or the market price, whichever is higher.

Section Eight

Private Joint Stock Company

Article 203
A number of founders, not being less than five, may, among themselves, incorporate a private Joint Stock Company whose shares shall not be offered
for public subscription and they may subscribe to the full amount of the capital which shall not be less than two million Qatari Riyals.

Article 204
Notwithstanding the provisions concerning public subscription and trading, all provisions contained herein with regard to public joint stock companies
shall apply to private joint stock companies.

Article 205
A private Joint Stock Company may be transformed into a public Joint Stock Company if it satisfies the following requirements:

1. Nominal value of the shares issued must be paid up in full.

2. The company must be more than two fiscal years old.
3. During the pursuit of its objectives for which the company was established, the company must, during the two years preceding the application for
transformation, have achieved net profits of not less than 10% of its capital, distributable to the shareholders.
4. The decision of the transformation of the company must be adopted by a majority of three quarters in the extraordinary general meeting of the

The Minister shall issue a decision declaring the transformation of the company into a public joint stock company. This decision, along with the
Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company, shall be published at the expense of the company

Part 6
Partnership Limited by Shares

Article 206
A partnership limited by shares is a company comprising two groups. One of them includes one or more partners jointly responsible for the debts of
the company in all of their assets. The other group consists of shareholders, being not less than four. They shall not be responsible for the debts of the
company except to the extent of their shares in the capital

Article 207 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

In so far as the joint partners are concerned, the company shall be deemed a general partnership, and the joint partner shall be deemed a trader even
if he had not attained such capacity before entering the company. All joint partners shall be citizens of the State.
All joint partners shall be natural persons.

Article 208
The name of the company shall consist of the name of one or more joint partners. An invented name or one derived from its own object may be
annexed to its name.
It shall not be permissible to insert the name of the shareholding partner in the company name, but, if inserted knowingly, he shall, with regard to bona
fide others, be deemed a joint partner.
In all cases, the term “partnership limited by shares” shall be added to the company name.

Article 209
The capital of the company shall be divided into negotiable and indivisible shares of equal value.

Article 210
The company capital shall not be less than one million Qatari Riyals fully paid at the time of incorporation.

Article 211
Subscription in a partnership limited by shares shall be conducted according to the rules and regulations pertaining to subscription in shares of joint
stock companies.
Article 212
All the founder partners shall sign the company Memorandum and Articles of Association. The company Articles of Association shall include names of
joint partners, their place of residence and nationalities in addition to the name of the manager appointed from among them.

Article 213
The joint partner shall not be permitted to interfere in the management activities related to others even with authorization. However, he may participate
in the internal management activities within the limits stipulated by the Articles of Association of the company

Article 214
Where the joint partner violates the provisions of the preceding Article, he shall be held responsible in all of his assets for the liabilities arising out of the
management work conducted by him. If he carries out such acts with authorization from the joint partners, the authorizing party along with him shall be
responsible for the liabilities arising out of such activities.

Article 215
Each partnership limited by shares shall have a general assembly comprising all joint partners and shareholders.
Rules and regulations applicable to the general assembly of the Joint Stock Company as to its incorporation, meetings and voting on its decisions shall
apply to the general assembly in the partnership limited by shares.
The manager of a partnership limited shares shall replace the Board of Directors in inviting the general assembly for meetings.
The general assembly shall represent shareholders before the managers.

Article 216
The general assembly of the partnership limited by shares shall not be permitted to make disposal of the company matters related to others or amend
the company Articles of Association without the approval of the managers, unless otherwise stipulated by the Articles of Association.

Article 217
A partnership limited by shares shall have a supervisory Board comprising at least three members elected by the general assembly either from the
shareholding partners or others in accordance with the Articles of Association. The joint partners shall have no vote in the election of the members of
the supervisory Board.

Article 218
The supervisory Board shall ascertain that procedures pertaining to the company's incorporation are taken in accordance with provisions of this Law
and monitor its activities. For this purpose, the Board may request the managers to provide it with a report on their management. It may also examine
the books, documents and records of the company and take stock of its assets.
The Board shall express its views on such matters as the company managers may refer thereto, and declare its consent to the transactions whenever,
under the Articles of Association, such consent is required.

Article 219
The supervisory Board shall have the right to invite the general assembly to convene if significant breaches in the company management have
The Board shall also submit at the end of each fiscal year a report on the results of its supervision to the general assembly of shareholders.
The members of the supervisory Board shall not be responsible for the acts carried out by the managers or the results of these acts except for those
discovered or which have come to their knowledge but of which they failed to notify the general assembly

Article 220
The partnership limited by shares shall be managed by one or more joint partners. The provisions concerning the functions and removal of the
managers of joint stock companies shall also apply to the managers of partnerships limited by shares.

Article 221
The extraordinary general meeting shall not be permitted to take decisions regarding the amendment of the Articles of Associations of the company
without the approval of all the joint partners, unless otherwise stipulated in the Articles of Association.

Article 222
A partnership limited by shares shall have one or more auditor(s) who shall be subject to the same provisions that govern the auditors in joint stock

Article 223
Subject to the provisions stipulated in this Part, the provisions concerning joint stock companies shall equally apply to partnerships limited by shares in
the following:

1. Rules pertaining to incorporation of the company and its registration.

2. Rules concerning the company's financial accounts.

Article 224
In the event of a vacancy in the post of the manager of the company, the supervisory Board shall appoint a temporary manager who shall attend to
urgent administrative affairs until the general assembly meeting convenes.
Such a temporary manager shall, within fifteen days from date of his appointment, invite the general assembly to convene in accordance with the
procedures established by the Articles of Association, failing which the supervisory Board shall extend the invitation without delay.
The temporary manager shall only be responsible for executing operations that are delegated to him.
Part 7
Limited Liability Company

Chapter One

Incorporation of Company

Article 225
A limited liability company means a company in which the number of partners is not more than fifty and not less than two. Each partner shall be liable
only to the extent of his share in the capital, and the partners' shares shall not be in the form of negotiable instruments.

Article 226
A limited liability company shall have a name derived from its objectives or from the name of one or more partners. In both cases, the name of
company may contain an inventive name provided that it is not misleading as to its objectives or identity.
The term “limited liability company” or acronym shall be annexed to the company's name. In the event of failure on the part of the managers to observe
the above clause, they shall be held responsible to the extent of their private assets as well as collectively for the liabilities of the company apart from

Article 227
The objective of a limited liability company shall never be the business of banks or insurance, or investment of funds for others in their own name or as

Article 228
A limited liability company shall neither seek public subscription for its formation nor increase its capital by obtaining loans. It shall not be entitled to
issue shares or transferable bonds.

Article 229
A limited liability company shall be established pursuant to the Memorandum signed by all partners, who shall include the following particulars, based
on which a decision shall be issued by the Minister:

1. Type, name and objectives of the company and its headquarters.

2. Names of the partners, their nationalities, places of residence and addresses.
3. Amount of the capital and share of each partner and particulars of the shares in kind, their amounts and names of subscribers therein, if any.
4. Names and nationalities of the company managers and whether they are from partners or others, if their names are included in the Memorandum
of Association.
5. Names of members of the supervisory Board, if any.
6. Term of the company.
7. Methods of distribution of profits and losses.
8. Conditions concerning the assignment of shares.
9. Methods to be followed for addressing notices to the partners.

The company Memorandum of Association may include provisions related to regularizing the right to recover the shares of partners, and method of
evaluation when such right is exercised, as well as forming an optional reserve, organizing company finance and accounts and grounds for the
company's dissolution

Article 230
A limited liability company shall not be established unless all cash shares and shares in kind are distributed among the partners and the value of each
share is paid in full.
Cash shares of the company shall be deposited in one of the approved banks operating in the State. The bank shall not release the same except for the
company managers and shall only do so upon the submission of documents proving the registration of the company in the Commercial Register.
Where a partner submits a share in kind, it shall be mentioned in the company Memorandum of Association along with its value, the price accepted by
other partners as well as the name of the partner and the amount this share represents in the capital against what he offered.
The partner who offered the shares in kind shall be liable to others for the difference between the real and estimated value of such shares in the
Memorandum. The remaining partners shall be jointly liable for the payment of such difference; unless it is proved that they are not aware of the same.
However, a liability claim shall not be heard in this case after the lapse of five years from the date of the company registration in the Commercial

Article 231
The manager of the company shall apply for the registration of the company in the Commercial Register. Such application shall be annexed to the
Memorandum of Association of the company along with other documents showing the distribution of shares among the partners, payment of their value
in full and the deposit of the same in a bank operating in the State. Furthermore, all documents showing the delivery of shares in kind, if any, to the
company shall be annexed.
The company shall not conduct any of its activities unless after it is registered in the Commercial Register.

Chapter Two

Shares and Capital

Article 232
The company capital shall be sufficient to achieve its objectives. It shall not be less than two hundred thousand Qatari Riyals distributed in equal value
shares, and the value of each share shall not be less than ten Qatari Riyals.
Profits and losses on the shares shall be distributed equally, unless otherwise stipulated in the company Memorandum of Association and in
compliance with the provisions of Article 13 of this Law.

Article 233
Company capital shall be distributed in shares of equal value paid up fully by the partners upon incorporation. A share shall be indivisible, and if the
share is held by more than one person, the company may cease the use of rights pertaining to such shares until the holders of such shares choose
one of them to be deemed as individual holder of the shares vis­à­vis the company. The company may fix a date for such owners to conduct this
selection, failing which the company shall have the power to sell the share on behalf of its owners, and in this case the share shall be first offered to the
partners and then to others.

Article 234
The company shall keep a special ledger, at its head office for the partners, to include the following:

1. Names of the partners, their places of residence, nationalities and professions.

2. Number and value of shares owned by each partner.
3. The assignments taken place of the shares along with the date of the same transactions, reasons of transferring the ownership, name of the
assigner and assignee as well as their signatures.
4. Total number of shares owned by the partners after the assignment.

The company managers shall be collectively liable for the said register and the validity of its contents. The partners, and any concerned party, shall
have the right to review this register

Article 235
In compliance with the Memorandum of Association, a partner may, under an official instrument, assign his share to another partner or to other parties,
and such assignment shall be valid with regard to the company and others only from the date of entry of the same in the company's register and the
Commercial Register.
The company may not refuse to enter the assignment in this Register unless it is inconsistent with its Memorandum of Association and this Law.

Article 236
Unless the Memorandum of Association stipulates otherwise, a partner who intends to assign his share to a person who is not a partner in the
company, for consideration, shall, through the company manager, notify the other partners of the assignment terms. Upon receipt of such notice, the
manager shall notify the partners instantly. Each partner may request recovery of the said share at an actual price based on the same assignment
terms. In the event of disagreement over the price, the company's auditor shall fix that price on the recovery date. If, after thirty days from the date of
notification, no partner requests recovery of the share, the said partner shall be free to dispose of his share

Article 237
The share of each partner shall be transferred to his heirs or his legatees. The provisions of the previous Article pertaining to recovery shall not apply
to this transfer.

Article 238
Where more than one partner uses the right of recovery, the shares, or the sold share, shall be divided among them pro rata to their shareholding,
subject to the provisions of the aforementioned Article 233 of this Law.

Article 239
Should the creditor of any partner practise execution procedures on the share of his debtor, he may agree with the debtor and the company on the
method and terms of its sale, otherwise the share shall be offered for public auction. The company may recover the share for sale in favour of one or
more partners on the same conditions of the auction within fifteen days from the date of awarding the tender. These provisions shall also apply in the
case of bankruptcy.

Chapter Three

Company Management
Article 240
The company manager shall have the full authority to carry out management affairs of the company, unless the Memorandum of Association limits his
The manager's acts shall be binding on the company, provided that they are substantiated by the authority given to him.
Any decision that provides for the change of managers or imposes restrictions on their powers shall not apply against others unless recorded in the
Commercial Register.

Article 241
In the event of more than one manager, the Memorandum of Association may provide for the formation of a Board of Directors and determine both the
tasks of the said Board and the majority needed for the validity of their decisions.

Article 242
Provisions pertaining to liabilities of managers of a Joint Stock Company shall apply to the managers of a limited liability company.

Article 243
Unless the approval of the general assembly is granted, the manager may not assume management in another competing company or a company
that has similar objectives. He may not conclude, on his own account or on account of others, competing or commercial deals or transactions. Any
breach of these provisions shall result in the dismissal of the manager and indemnity.

Article 244
Where the number of the partners exceeds twenty, supervision shall be vested in a monitoring council comprising at least three partners for a limited
period as stipulated in the company Memorandum of Association. The general assembly may reappoint them after the expiry of the said period or
appoint other partners, and may dismiss them.
The managers shall have no vote whether in the election of the monitoring council or in matters related to the removal thereof.

Article 245
The monitoring council shall inspect the company ledgers and documents and shall carry out stocktaking of the funds, goods, financial papers and
documents establishing the equities of the company. Furthermore, it may, at any time, instruct the managers to submit reports about their
management. The monitoring council shall monitor the balance sheet and the distribution of the profits. The monitoring council shall submit its report in
this regard to the general assembly of the company at least fifteen days before it convenes.

Article 246
The members of the monitoring council shall not be liable for the actions of managers unless they became aware of the defaults therein and fail to
refer to the same in their report to the general assembly.
Article 247
A partner who is not a manager in a company where no monitoring council exists may offer advice to managers and request inspection, in the main
office of the company, of its transactions, ledgers and documents. Any condition to the contrary shall be null and void

Article 248
A limited liability company shall have a general meeting comprising all of the partners. The meeting shall convene at the invitation of the managers at
least once every year within the four months preceding the expiry of the fiscal year at the venue and date stipulated in the Memorandum of Association.
The managers shall invite the general assembly to hold a meeting if the same is requested either by the monitoring council or by a number of partners
holding not less than one quarter of the capital.
Invitations to the general meeting shall be sent by registered mail to each partner at the address stipulated in the Memorandum of Association, at least
twenty-one days prior to the date of the meeting. The invitation letter shall include the meeting agenda, the venue and the time of the meeting and a
copy of the balance sheet.

Article 249
In each fiscal year, managers shall prepare the balance sheet of the company, the profit and loss accounts as well as report on the activities of the
company and its financial position and their proposals about distributions of dividends within two months from the end of the fiscal year.
Managers shall send copies of these documents, the report of the monitoring council and the auditor's report to the Ministry and to each partner within
one month of preparing the aforementioned documents. Each partner shall be entitled to demand to be invited to a meeting to deliberate on such

Article 250
Each partner shall be entitled to attend the general assembly meeting irrespective of the number of shares owned by him. He may appoint a partner,
other than a manager, to represent him by proxy at the general assembly meeting. Each partner shall have a number of votes equal to the number of
shares owned or represented by him.

Article 251
The agenda of the annual general assembly meeting shall include the following:

1. Discussion of the report of the managers on the company activities and its financial position during the year, as well as the report of the
monitoring council and that of the auditor.
2. Discussion and approval of the balance sheet and the profit and loss accounts.
3. Defining of the percentage of dividends to be distributed among the partners.
4. Appointment of the managers and Board of Directors or the supervisory Board members (if any) and defining of their remunerations.
5. Appointment of an auditor and fixing of his remunerations.
6. Other matters within its jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of this Law or the Memorandum of Association.

Article 252
The general assembly may not deliberate on matters outside the scope of the agenda except if, during the meeting, certain significant facts demanding
discussion are disclosed.
Where a partner requests the inclusion of a specific item on the agenda, the managers shall comply therewith; otherwise the partner shall be entitled to
revert to the general assembly meeting.

Article 253
Each partner shall be entitled to discuss items on the agenda and the managers shall give replies to their queries. Where a partner considers the reply
to his query as inadequate, he may revert to the general assembly whose resolution shall be enforceable.

Article 254
Unless otherwise stipulated in the Memorandum of Association, the decisions issued by the general assembly shall be valid only if adopted by a
number of votes representing at least one half of the capital.
Where the requirement for such majority is not met during the first meeting, partners shall be invited to a second meeting, within twenty-one days from
the first meeting. Unless otherwise stipulated in the Memorandum of Association, decisions in the second meeting shall be adopted by majority of the
votes present.

Article 255
The managers shall not be permitted to cast their votes on decisions related to their dismissal or suspension from the management.

Article 256
It shall not be permissible to either amend the company Memorandum or to increase or decrease its capital, except by a decision issued by the
general assembly based on the majority of votes holding three quarters of the capital, unless, in addition to the above quorum, a majority of the partners
is stipulated in the company Memorandum of Association. Nevertheless, the partner's financial commitments shall not be increased except by their
unanimous approval.

Article 257
An adequate summary of minutes of the general assembly deliberations shall be issued. Together with the general assembly decisions, these minutes
shall be entered in a special register kept at the headquarters of the company. Any partner may review the same either in person or through a proxy. He
shall also be entitled to review the balance sheet, profit and loss accounts and annual report of the company.

Article 258
The company shall have one or more auditors appointed each year by the general assembly. These auditors shall be subject to the same provisions
as auditors in joint stock companies
Article 259
Without prejudice to the rights of bona fide third parties, any resolution adopted by the general assembly or partners that is inconsistent with the
provisions of this Law or the Memorandum of Association shall be null and void. Only the partners who object to such decision in writing and those who
were unable to object after being made aware of it may demand the abrogation thereof.
A nullified decision shall be invalid as against all the partners.
After the lapse of one year from such decision, nullified claims shall be inadmissible, and, unless otherwise ordered by the court, the filing of the claim
does not necessarily suspend the enforcement thereof.

Article 260
The company shall allot each year 10% from the net profit to form the legal reserve.
This allotment may be suspended if the reserve attains a value equivalent to 50% of the company capital. The legal reserve may be used to cover the
losses of the company or to increase the capital of the company upon a decision by the general assembly.

Part 7 (bis)
Sole Proprietorship

Article 260 - (bis) 1 (Added By: Law 16 / 2006)

Article 260 - (bis) 2 (Added By: Law 16 / 2006)

Article 260 - (bis) 3 (Added By: Law 16 / 2006)

Article 260 - (bis) 4 (Added By: Law 16 / 2006)

Article 260 - (bis) 5 (Added By: Law 16 / 2006)

Article 260 - (bis) 6 (Added By: Law 16 / 2006)

Article 260 - (bis) 7 (Added By: Law 16 / 2006)

Article 260 - (bis) 8 (Added By: Law 16 / 2006)

Part 8
Holding Company

Article 261 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

A holding company is a joint stock or limited liability company that controls financially and administratively one or more other companies that becomes
part thereof. The holding company shall own at least 51% of the shares or equities of this company or companies, whether these companies are joint
stock companies, limited liability companies or sole proprietorships.

Article 262
A holding company may not own shares in any kind of joint liability company or limited partnership company. It shall not own any shares in other
holding companies

Article 263
The capital of the holding company shall not be less than ten million Qatari Riyals

Article 264
The objectives of the holding company shall be as follows:

1. Participate in the management of its subsidiary companies or companies in which it holds shares.
2. Invest property in shares, debentures and negotiable instruments.
3. Provide the necessary support for its subsidiary companies.
4. Own patent rights, commercial transactions, privileges and other legal rights. It shall also be entitled to exploit and lease its companies for itself
or others.
5. Own moveable and immoveable assets within the limits provided for in this Law.
Article 265
In addition to its trade name, the term “holding company” shall be added to all documents, advertisements, correspondence and other documents that
are issued by the holding company.

Article 266 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

Without prejudice to the provisions of this Part, the provisions of this Law pertaining to joint stock companies, limited liability companies and sole
proprietorships shall apply mutatis mutandis to all holding companies.

Part 9
Transformation, Amalgamation, Division and Acquisition of Companies

Chapter One

Transformation of Company

Article 267
Pursuant to the provisions pertaining to amendment of the Memorandum or Articles of Association and provided that the conditions of incorporation
and announcement with regard to the transformation of a company are fulfilled, a company may be transformed to take another status.
A decision for transformation shall be annexed with a statement of all assets owned by the company, deductions and the estimated amounts of both of
these. The company's transformation shall be entered in the Commercial Register. If a company is transformed to a joint stock company, three years
must have lapsed from entry in the Commercial Register. Furthermore, the company must have achieved, by exercising its objectives, net profits that
are distributable of not less than 10% of its capital within the two fiscal years preceding its request for transformation.

Article 268
Transformation of the company shall not result in the acquisition of a new legal personality. The transformed company shall maintain its rights and
obligations that preceded its transformation.

Article 269
Transformation shall not lead to a discharge of joint partners from liabilities that preceded transformation, unless otherwise approved by creditors. This
approval shall be presumed if no objection was submitted by the creditors in writing within three months from the date they were formally informed of
the transformation in accordance with the procedures issued under decree by the Minister.

Article 270
In the event of transforming the company into a joint stock company, a partnership limited by shares or a limited liability company, each partner shall
have shares or stocks equal to the value of his shares after valuation.
If the partner's share falls short of the minimum limit of a share in a limited liability company, he shall have to make up the shortfall.

Article 271
Partners or shareholders or stockholders who objected to the decision of transformation may request to withdraw from the company.

Chapter Two

Amalgamation of Company

Article 272
Even if under liquidation, a company may be amalgamated with another company of the same or different kind.

Article 273
Amalgamation shall be by merging one or more companies to another existing company or by consolidation of two or more companies into a new
company under incorporation. The amalgamation contract shall determine its conditions, especially those pertaining to the liabilities of the
amalgamated company and the number of its stocks or shares in the capital of the company to be amalgamated into or formed by this amalgamation.
Amalgamation shall not be valid unless a decision to this effect is issued by each Partner Company in accordance with the company Memorandum or
Articles of Association.
The amalgamation decision shall be announced by normal procedures pursuant to amendments made in the amalgamated company's Memorandum
or Articles of Association.

Article 274
Amalgamation by merger shall be undertaked as per the following procedures:

1. A decision shall be issued by the amalgamated company calling for its dissolution.
2. The net assets of the amalgamated company shall be evaluated according to the provisions concerning evaluation of the shares in kind
contained herein.
3. The parent company shall issue a decision increasing its capital in accordance with the evaluation of the amalgamated company.
4. The increase in the capital shall be distributed among the partners in the amalgamated company pro rata to their shares.
5. In the event of the shares being represented by stocks and provided that two years have elapsed since the date of incorporation of the parent
company, the said stocks may be negotiated upon their issue.

Article 275
Amalgamation by consolidation shall be effected by decision issued respectively by each of the companies in question calling for dissolution and
thereafter the new company shall be established in accordance with the provisions stipulated herein.
A number of stocks or shares shall be allocated to each amalgamated company equivalent to its share in the capital of the new company. These
shares shall be distributed among the partners in each amalgamated company pro rata to their shares therein.
Article 276
The decision of amalgamation shall be published in two local daily newspapers published in Arabic.

Article 277
All the rights and obligations of the merged companies shall be carried over to the merging company or the company formed by the merger after the
completion of the amalgamation procedures and registration of company in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
The company that was merged into or formed by such amalgamation shall be the legal successor of the merged companies and shall replace them in
all rights and obligations

Chapter Three

Division of Company

Article 278
It is permitted to divide a company into two or more companies with the dissolution or maintaining of a company that was subject to division. In this
event, the procedures and arrangements of amalgamation shall be adhered to for evaluation of the capital. Each company resulting from such a
division shall have an independent legal personality and bear the effects thereof.
A decision issued to effect such division shall specify the number of shareholders or partners, their names, the shares held by each of them in the
companies incorporated as a result of this division, the rights and obligations of these companies and the method of distributing assets and deductions.

Article 279
Companies resulting from the division may take any legal form of companies taking into consideration the fulfilment of procedures of these forms
according to the relevant legal provisions.

Article 280
The division shall take place under a decision by extraordinary meeting of the general assembly of the company or partners, as the case may be, by
majority vote representing three quarters of the capital.
The companies resulting from such a division shall become legal successors to the divided companies to replace them legally within the limit of liability
transferred pursuant to this division in accordance with the decision of division and without prejudice to the rights of the creditors.

Article 281
Shares of the companies resulting from the division shall be negotiated as soon as they are issued, if the shares of the company subject to division
were negotiable at the time the decision of division was issued.

Article 282
Acquisition of a company shall take the form of direct or indirect ownership for part of the capital of another company or by obtaining a majority of voting
rights through the purchase of all shares or part thereof or through a public offer for exchange or pursuant to an agreement with partners or
shareholders without prejudice to the interests and objectives of the company or through any method provided for in the provisions of this Law. The
acquisition shall not result in the abrogation of the legal personality of the company that was acquired or contravention of its rights and obligations.

Chapter Four

Acquisition of company

Article 282 - (bis) 1 (Added By: Law 3 / 2010)

Article 282 - (bis) 2 (Added By: Law 3 / 2010)

Article 282 - (bis) 3 (Added By: Law 3 / 2010)

Article 282 - (bis) 4 (Added By: Law 3 / 2010)

Part Ten
Nullity of Company

Chapter One

Dissolution of Company

Article 283
In accordance with the grounds for dissolution of each form of company provided for in this Part, a company shall be dissolved on one of the following

1. Expiry of the period fixed therefore in the Memorandum of Association unless renewed in accordance with the provisions included in the
Memorandum or the Articles of Association.
2. Fulfillment of the objectives for which the company was established or if it proves impossible for them to be fulfilled.
3. Transfer of all stocks or shares to a number of partners or shareholders that is less than the number specified by this Law.
4. Depreciation of all or most of the company assets to an extent whereby the investment of the remaining is deemed infeasible.
5. Unanimous approval of the partners to dissolve the company before the end of its term unless a certain majority is provided for in the
Memorandum of Association.
6. Amalgamation of the company into another.
7. Judicial order to dissolve the company or declaration of its bankruptcy.
Article 284
The court may dissolve any general partnership or partnership limited by shares or joint venture companies at the request of one of the partners if
reasonable grounds justify the same. Any provision depriving the partners of the right to exercise such right shall be null and void.
If the grounds of the dissolution are attributed to the acts of one of the partners, the court may order his removal from the company, and in this case the
company shall continue to exist between the remaining partners.
The share of the partner who is ordered to be removed from the company as per the value on the day of removal shall be paid to him in cash. This
partner shall not have a share in the remainder of the company entitlements unless the latter resulted from preceding operations before his removal.
The court may also order the dissolution of the company at the request of one of the partners in the event of failure on the part of any partner to fulfil his

Article 285
Joint liability companies or partnerships or limited partnerships shall be dissolved upon the death of a partner or the issuance of a judgment of
sequestration, bankruptcy or insolvency against a partner.
The Memorandum of Association may, however, include a provision for the validity of the company with the heirs of the deceased partner, even if such
heirs are minors.
Where the withdrawal of a partner is made mala fides or at an inappropriate time, judgment may be given for the continuation of the company in
addition to indemnity, if necessary

Article 286
Where no provision is made in the Articles of Association of a joint liability company or partnership or limited partnership regarding the continuation
thereof in the event of withdrawal or death of one partner, judgment of sequestration, bankruptcy or insolvency against him, the partners may, within
sixty days from the occurrence of any of the above events, unanimously resolve to maintain the company by themselves. Such agreement may not,
however, be invoked against third parties except after it is entered in the Commercial Register in the case of general partnerships and limited
In all cases where the company is maintained by the remaining partners, the share of the withdrawing partner shall be estimated on the basis of the
recent valuation unless, in the company Memorandum of Association, any other valuation method is provided for.
Neither the said partner nor his successors shall have the right to any part of the accrued entitlements of the company except if those entitlements
arise from transactions carried out prior to his withdrawal from the company.

Article 287
Where a Joint Stock Company sustains loss amounting to one half of the capital, the Board of Directors shall convene an extraordinary general
assembly to discuss whether the company shall be maintained or dissolved before the term fixed in its Articles of Association.
Should the Board fail to convene the extraordinary general assembly or if it is impractical for the general assembly to adopt a decision on such matter,
any interested party may request the court to dissolve the company.

Article 288
Where the shareholding company is dissolved due to the transfer of all its shares to one shareholder, this shareholder shall be liable for company
debts to the extent of its assets.
Should one year elapse after the reduction of the number of shareholders to less than the minimum level, any interested party may request the court to
dissolve the company.
Article 289
A limited liability company shall not be dissolved upon the withdrawal or death of one of the partners or a judgment of sequestration, bankruptcy or
insolvency against him unless otherwise stipulated in the Memorandum of Association.

Article 290
If a limited liability company sustains loss amounting to one half of the capital, the managers shall, within thirty days from the date of recording this
loss, inform all partners of the need to replace the loss in capital or dissolve the company. It shall be a requirement that a valid decision of dissolution
be adopted by the same majority required as for the amendment of the company Memorandum of Association.
If the managers fail to extend the invitation to the partners or the partners fail to reach a decision on the matter, the partners or shareholders, as the
case may be, shall be liable for obligations of the company that arise out of their negligence.

Article 291
A partnership limited by shares shall be dissolved upon the withdrawal or death of a joint partner or a judgment of sequestration, bankruptcy or
insolvency against him, unless otherwise stipulated in the Memorandum of Association.
If there is no provision in the Memorandum of Association in this respect, the extraordinary meeting of the general assembly may decide the
continuation of the company and follow the procedures required for the amendment of the company Memorandum of Association

Article 292
Where all joint partners are affected by withdrawal or death or a judgment of sequestration, bankruptcy or insolvency issued against all of them in the
partnership limited by shares, the partnership shall be dissolved unless the company Memorandum of Association provides for possible transformation
of the company into a different form.

Article 293
A sole proprietorship shall be dissolved upon the death of the owner of its capital, unless all shares of heirs are given to one person or if the heirs elect
the continuation of proprietorship in another form within a maximum period of six months from the date of the death.
The proprietorship shall be dissolved upon dissolution of the corporate body which is the owner of its capital.

Article 293 - (bis) (Added By: Law 16 / 2006)

Article 294
With the exception of joint ventures, the decision as to the dissolution of a company shall, in all cases, be declared in the Commercial Register and
published in two local daily newspapers published in Arabic. The dissolution of a company may be invoked against third parties only from the date of its
publication. The company managers or the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, as the case may, shall pursue the execution of this procedure.

Chapter Two

Liquidation of Company

Article 295
Once a company is dissolved, it shall enter the process of liquidation. Throughout the liquidation period, it shall maintain its corporate body to the
extent required for the completion of the liquidation formalities. The term "in liquidation" shall be clearly appended to the name of the company.

Article 296
Upon the dissolution of the company, the authorities of either the managers or the Board of Directors shall cease. They shall, however, continue to
assume the company management, and with regard to others, they shall be deemed liquidators until a liquidator is appointed.
Throughout the period of liquidation, the company structures shall remain valid and their functions shall be restricted to liquidation affairs that do not fall
within the liquidator's powers.

Article 297
Liquidation of the company shall be carried out according to the company Memorandum or Articles of Association, or what is agreed upon among the
partners upon dissolution. Should there be no provision or agreement in this respect, the provisions of the Articles in this Part shall be complied with.

Article 298
The liquidation shall be carried out by one or more liquidator(s) appointed by the partners or by the general assembly with the usual majority whereby
company decisions are issued. If the liquidation is effected by a court decree, the court shall define the method of liquidation and appoint the liquidator.
In all cases, the functions of the liquidator shall not end as a result of the death of the partners or their bankruptcy, insolvency or sequestration, even if
he was appointed by them. The liquidator shall receive a remuneration to be determined in the letter of his appointment, otherwise the court shall
decide on the same.

Article 299
The liquidator shall declare the decision of his appointment, the limits imposed on his authorities, the agreement of the partners or the decision of the
general assembly as to the method of liquidation or the judgment issued in this regard, using the same method prescribed for amending the Articles of
Association of the company or its Memorandum. The appointment of the liquidator or the method of liquidation shall be binding upon the third parties
with effect from the date of declaration.

Article 300
Should there be more than one liquidator, their actions shall be valid only with unanimous approval, unless otherwise provided for in their appointment
instrument by the appointing authority.
Liquidators shall be collectively liable for damage caused to the company, partners and others by acts in which they exceeded their jurisdiction or if
such damage is due to the failure to carry out their duties.

Article 301
The liquidator shall assume all functions required for the purposes of liquidation, and particularly he shall do the following:

1. Collect in the rights of the company as against others.

2. Settle the debts of the company.
3. Sell the movable or immovable assets of the company either by auction or in any other manner that guarantees a maximum price, unless a
certain method for sale is stipulated in the liquidation document.
4. Perform the necessary acts to safeguard the assets and entitlements of the company.
5. Represent the company before courts and accept reconciliation and arbitration on behalf of the company.

Article 302
Unless it is required for the completion of the above transactions, it shall not be permissible for the liquidator to carry out new transactions. The
liquidator shall be liable to the extent of all his assets, and in the event of more than one liquidator, all the liquidators shall be collectively liable for their

Article 303
Upon the dissolution of the company, the terms of all its debts shall lapse. The liquidator shall notify all creditors, by registered mail, of the
commencement of the liquidation and shall invite them to submit their claims. Notice to this effect may be made by publication in two local daily
newspapers published in Arabic in the event of unknown creditors or if their places of residence are unknown. In all cases, the notice of liquidation shall
grant the creditors a grace period of at least seventy-five days from the date of such notice for submission of their claims, provided that this notice shall
be re-advertised after one month of taking effect. If creditors fail to submit their demands, their debts shall be deposited in the court treasury until the
owners of the debts appear or their claims lapse by prescription.

Article 304
The liquidator shall settle the debts of the company after the payment of liquidation expenses including remuneration of the liquidator in the following
order of priority:

1. Amounts due for to company employees.

2. Amounts due to the State.
3. Rent due to any landlord who leased property for the company.

Other amounts due as per the priority order stipulated in the relevant laws

Article 305
The liquidator shall deposit sufficient funds for the settlement of disputed debts. Debts arising out of liquidation shall have priority over other debts.

Article 306
The company shall abide by the acts of the liquidator, which are required for the liquidation process, provided they are within his authority. No
responsibility shall be borne by the liquidator due to the performance of the abovementioned duties.

Article 307
The liquidator shall, within three months of assuming his duties and in collaboration with the auditor of the company, if any, carry out a stock take of the
company assets and deductions therefrom. The managers or the Board of Directors shall provide the liquidator with the company accounts, ledgers,
documents and any requested explanations. The liquidator shall provide the partners with any explanations or statements about the status of the
Should liquidation continue for more than one year, the liquidator shall prepare a balance sheet, profit and loss account and a report on the liquidation
process. These documents shall be submitted to the partners or the general assembly or the court, as the case may be, for approval in accordance
with the company Memorandum and Articles of Association.
In all cases, the liquidation term shall not exceed three years unless a resolution to this effect is issued by the court or the Minister.

Article 308
Upon settlement of company debts, the liquidator shall return to the partners the value of their cash sales in the capital and the remaining company
assets shall be distributed among the partners pro rata to their respective shares in the profit.
Unless otherwise provided for in the company Memorandum of Association, the material assets of the company shall be distributed in partitions among
the partners. Applicable provisions pertaining to dividing common funds shall apply, unless the Memorandum of Association stipulates otherwise.

Article 309
If the net assets of the company are insufficient to settle the shares of the partners completely, the loss shall be distributed among them as per the
percentage determined for distributing the losses.

Article 310
Upon the completion of the liquidation process, the liquidator shall submit to the partners or the general assembly or the court a final account of the
liquidation process. The liquidation shall not end until the partners or the general assembly or the court ratifies the final account.
The liquidator shall declare the end of the liquidation in the Commercial Register. The completion of the liquidation shall be invoked against third parties
only from the date of its entry in the Commercial Register. Furthermore, the liquidator shall request to delete the enrollment of the company in the
Commercial Register.

Article 311
The dismissal of the liquidator shall be in the same manner as his appointment, and any resolution or decree for his removal shall stipulate the
appointment of a replacement.
Dismissal of the liquidator shall be entered in the Commercial Register and may not be invoked against third parties except from the date of registration
of the same.

Article 312
A claim against the liquidator, by reason of the liquidation process, shall not be heard after the lapse of three years from the entry of the liquidation in
the Commercial Register. A claim against the partners or managers or members of the Board of Directors or auditors by reason of the performance of
their duties, shall not be heard after the lapse of the same period.

Part 11
Control of Companies

Article 313
The Ministry shall have the right to monitor joint liability companies, partnerships limited by shares and limited liability companies to ascertain whether
these companies are fulfilling their obligations according to the provisions provided for in this Law and the Articles of Association.

Article 314 (Amended By Law 16/2006)

Administrative officers shall be mandated to act as judicial inspectors pursuant to a decision issued by the Attorney General in agreement with the
Minister to inspect and prove crimes committed in contravention of this Law or resolutions issued to implement this Law.

Article 315
Where a crime stipulated in this Law is committed, the aforementioned judicial inspectors shall write a letter in the format decided by the Minister.
A copy of this letter shall be given to the relevant police centre to take the necessary measures pursuant to this Law.

Article 316
Administrative officers who are authorized as judicial inspectors according to the provisions of Article 314 of this Law shall have the right to inspect
companies and companies' ledgers according to Article 313 of this Law.
In conducting such inspection, the officers shall be entitled to examine records, ledgers, documents and others. They shall have the right to inspect
these documents at the headquarters of the company or other places. The members of the Board of Directors, auditors and employees shall provide
them with such statements, extracts and copies of documents that they may request for this purpose.
The Minister shall be informed of reports produced as a result of the procedures of inspection and monitoring in compliance with the aforementioned
method. The Minister shall take the necessary decision accordingly.

Article 317
The Minister shall delegate the administrative officers who are acting as judicial inspectors to attend meetings of the general assembly without
incurring any liability on the part of the government against the shareholders or other interested parties of the company. Those responsible for writing
the minutes of the general assembly meeting shall record the attendance of those inspectors delegated by the Ministry in the said minutes. Such
officials shall not express opinion or participate in the voting. However, their mandate shall only pertain to recording proceedings of the meeting in a
special register after the meeting.
Article 318
Every shareholder and partner in the companies registered in compliance with this Law shall examine the information and documents published which
are related to the company and reserved at the Ministry and acquire its approval in order to have a document legalised. Every shareholder and partner,
upon a request made to the court, shall acquire a legalised copy including any unpublished statement in return for fees provided for in the applicable

Article 319
Shareholders or partners who own 20% of the capital in a Joint Stock Company or limited liability company or partnership with shares may request the
Minister to inspect the company with regard to significant defaults attributed to the managers or the auditors in the course of their duties as prescribed
in this Law or in the company Articles of Association, provided that reasons in support of the occurrence of such defaults are provided.
The application shall include evidence showing that the applicants have serious reasons to justify taking such measures. The application submitted by
the partners shall be accompanied by the shares owned by them and such shares shall remain in custody until a final judgment is given.
The Minister may refer the application to the concerned authority in the Ministry which shall hear evidence provided by the inspection applicants, the
managers, the auditors, and others whose evidence is deemed necessary by the authority. The authority shall prepare a report about the

Article 320
The Minister shall, after viewing the report stated in the previous Article , appoint, at the expense of the inspection applicants, an auditor from those
registered in the Auditors' Register to inspect the business of the company and its ledgers.
Members of the Board of Directors and employees of the company shall inform the inspector of all matters related to the company affairs of ledgers,
documents and papers that they are keeping or have the right to acquire.
The inspector shall submit a detailed report about his functions to the Minister within the date specified in the instrument of his appointment.

Article 321
Where it is proven to the Minister that what was attributed by the inspection applicants to the managers or auditors was incorrect, it may publish the
result of inspection or part thereof in two local daily newspapers published in Arabic and instructs the inspection applicants to pay the expenses without
prejudice to their liabilities with regard to indemnity, if any.
Where it is proven proven to the Minister that what was attributed to the managers or the auditors was correct, the Minister shall take urgent measures
and convene a general assembly meeting instantly. In such event, the Meeting shall be presided over by a Ministry representative named by the

Article 322
The general assembly may dismiss the managers or auditors and institute a liability action against them. Its decision shall be valid if adopted by the
shareholders or the partners holding one half of the capital after the share of the manager whose dismissal is under consideration is deducted from the
The dismissed managers cannot be re-elected to the Board of Directors before the expiration of five years from their dismissal.

Part 12

Article 323
Without contravention of the right to request compensation when necessary, any conduct or transaction or decision issued or made contrary to the
provisions of this Law shall be invalid, without prejudice to the rights of bona fide third parties.
In the event of attributing invalidity to a number of parties, they shall be jointly liable for compensation.
A claim of invalidity shall not be accepted if instituted one year after the date of informing those concerned of actions contravening this Law.

Article 324
Without prejudicing to any severer punishment stipulated in any other law, imprisonment not exceeding two years and a fine of not less than ten
thousand and no more than one hundred thousand Qatari Riyals, or either of these two punishments, shall be given to:

1. Any person who wilfully enters into documents of shares or debentures or negotiable instruments false information or information that is
inconsistent with the provisions of this Law and any person who knowingly signs any such documents.
2. Any founder who knowingly includes in the Memorandum of Association of limited liability company false information related to the distribution of
shares or stocks among partners or related to the payment of their value.
3. Any person who, mala fide evaluates shares in kind submitted by the partners at more than their actual value.
4. Every founder or manager who invites the public for subscription in the stocks or shares of company other than shareholding companies or
partnerships with shares, and any person who offers such documents on behalf of the company.
5. Any person who, mala fide, distributes profits or dividends or interests in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this Law or with the
company Memorandum of Association and any Auditor, who, mala fide, while knowing their inconsistency, approves such distribution.
6. Any auditor or any person who works in his office who deliberately makes a false report on the result of his auditing or who willfully conceals
substantial facts in the report which should be presented to the general assembly pursuant to provisions of this Law or if he trades in shares
belonging to the company whose auditing he is responsible for or if he divulges the company secrets.
7. Any liquidator who deliberately causes damage to the company or partners or creditors.
8. Any public official who divulges a secret which he obtains or if he willfully enters false information in his reports or wilfully conceals facts that
affect the result of these reports.
9. Any person who forges in the company records or willfully enters false information or prepared reports presented before the general assembly
that includes false statements which affect the assembly resolutions.
10. Any manager, manager, member of the Board of Directors or employee thereof who divulges company secrets or willfully attempts to cause
damage to company activity or if he has a direct or indirect interest with any authority to conduct operations which cause an effect on prices of
stock or negotiable instruments issued by the company.
11. Any other contravention of the provisions of this Law.

Article 325
Without prejudice to any severer penalty stipulated in any other law, a fine of a minimum of five thousand Qatari Riyals and a maximum of fifty
thousand Qatari Riyals shall be imposed upon:

1. Any person who disposes of stocks of incorporation or shares in a manner inconsistent with the provisions established by this Law.
2. Any person who accepts being appointed as a manager or a delegate in management or remains a member or an auditor in a Joint Stock
Company in a manner contrary to the provisions of this Law and any delegated member in the management of the company wherein such
violation occurs and he has knowledge of such violations.
3. Any member of the Board of Directors who fails to present shares that are specified to secure his management in the required manner pursuant
to the Articles of Association within sixty days from the date he was informed of his appointment. The same shall apply to any person who fails to
present the due statements or makes false statements or deliberately conceals a statement that is required by the Board for preparing a report.
The same shall apply to a Board member who makes false statements in the company reports or deliberately conceals these statements.
4. Any person who purposely obstructs access to the company books and documents by the auditors or the officers delegated by the Ministry for
inspection of the company in compliance with the Law.

Any member of the Board of Directors who deliberately obstructs invitations extended for holding the general assembly meeting or its convention

Article 326
In case of recurrence of or refusal to remove a contravention after final decision is made of punishment, fines stipulated for in the previous two Articles
with minimum and maximum limits shall be doubled.

Article 327
Any resolution issued by the general assembly shall not lead to a discharge of members of the Board of Directors from a civil liability due to defaults
made by them while executing their mandate.
Where the action that causes liability is brought before the general assembly by way of a report by the Board of Directors or the auditor, this claim shall
lapse after five years from the date when the general assembly issued a decision to approve the Board report. However, should the action attributed to
the Board members constitute a criminal offence, the claim shall only lapse upon a lapse of public claim.
The concerned authority and any shareholder may institute such claim. Any condition included in the Articles of Association which causes a
discontinuance of the claim or provides that institution of the claim is dependent on prior permission from the general assembly or the taking of another
procedure shall be null and void.

Article 328
Save for the joint venture companies, the right of the creditors to institute claims resulting from company business shall lapse after five years from its

Article 329
In all commercial companies, prescription shall lead to a lapse of claims by creditors against partners after five years from the company dissolution or
withdrawal of one of the partners in relation to claims made against this partner.
Prescription shall be valid from the day of entry into the Commercial Register in all cases where entry into the register is mandatory. Prescription shall
also be valid from the date liquidation was proclaimed in claims instituted to this effect.

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Al Meezan - Qatary Legal Portal

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