Bs Criminology Obe Curriculum: St. Mary'S College of Tagum, Inc
Bs Criminology Obe Curriculum: St. Mary'S College of Tagum, Inc
Bs Criminology Obe Curriculum: St. Mary'S College of Tagum, Inc
Alignment Matrix
Instructional Design
We commit ourselves to:
1. Deepen our intimacy with the Triune God;
2. Continuously form engaged Ignacian Marian learners who witness to Faith, Excellence & Service in varied socio-cultural environment;
3. Intensify research, instruction and community involvement to develop world-class professionals;
4. Enhance resources and strengthen capabilities to improve the quality of life; and
5. Expand our educational thrust for the poor.
In order for us to go nearer our vision and live our mission, we offer all our human resources to transform the SMCT academic community to become enlightened,
renewed, creative, compassionate and empowered individuals living and sharing life to the fullest. “I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly”.
(John 10:10)
1. Transformative Ignacian Marian Education towards services for the common good.
2. Strong and relevant institutional social programs to enhance quality of life.
3. Responsible partnership to sustain and advance human welfare.
4. Sustainable programs to favor the disadvantaged sectors of the society.
Nurturing Faith……. Passion for Excellence……. Commitment to Service
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
CO 1. Define and explain the definition, characteristics and fundamental principles of criminal law, felonies and other related concepts.
CO 2. Know and understand who the persons criminally liable are and their degree of participation.
CO 3. Examine and connect the different circumstances affecting criminal liability to different kinds of crimes.
CO 4. Outline and demonstrate the general principles on penalties as well as its duration and effects, nature, application, graduation and its imposition.
CO 5. Analyze and explain the modification and extinction of criminal liability as well as the civil liability of the offender arising from crime.
CO 6. Perceive and appreciate the importance of laws in the lives of the people.
CO7. Promote and protect the constitutional and statutory rights of the accused in particular as well as the human rights of people in general.
Information Technology
PO 4 Excellence: Competence PEO 3 ILO 5 MS 4
This course shall deal with the study of the concepts and principles of Law and Criminal Law, the Criminological Theories of Criminal Law, relevant provisions of the
Revised Penal Code Book 1, and related jurisprudence.
1987 Philippine Constitution.
Act 3815 Codal Provisions.
Callanta, H. (2012). Lecture notes in Criminal Law 1.
Campanilla, M. (2019). Criminal Law Reviewer. (Vol. 1). Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.
Reyes, L. (2018). Revised Penal Code. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.
San Beda University Memory Aid in Criminal Law 1 (2011).
University of Santo Tomas Golden Notes in Criminal Law (2019).
o Internet Connection/Mobile Phone/Laptop/Desktop/Tablet
o Google Classroom Account
o Google Meet Account
o Schoology Account
o Messenger/FB Account
o Module (both soft copy and printed)
o Educational Packets (related readings/topic content in MS Word/Pdf, PPT, E-books)
1. Group Portfolio - Portfolio Output sheet that would allow you to apply, evaluate, and/or synthesize what you have learned in the Chapter.
2. Class Participation & Quiz/zes
3. Major Examinations – Prelim, Midterm, Finals
NUMBER OF HOURS: 54 Hours (36 minimum hours of online learning content discussion, 18 hours of self-directed activity, online examinations, quizzes and
Identify the rules regarding civil liability in certain cases, the subsidiary liability of other
persons as well as what civil liability includes.
PO 6. Ensure offenders’ welfare Perceive and appreciate the importance Enumerate the different modes of extinguishing criminal and civil liability.
and development for their re- of laws in the lives of the people.
The rubric below will serve as the general guide for scoring the answers. In accordance to academic freedom, the instructor reserves the right to change the scoring as
4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor
The reflection/reaction/insight The reflection/reaction/insight The reflection/reaction/insight The reflection/reaction/insight
paper explains the student’s paper explains the student’s paper attempts to demonstrate paper does not address the
Reflective/Insightful own thinking and learning thinking about his/her own thinking about learning but is vague student’s thinking and/or
Thinking processes, as well as learning processes. and/or unclear about the personal learning.
implications for future learning. learning process.
4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Student proactively Student proactively Student rarely Student never
contributes to class by contributes to class by contributes to class by contributes to class by
offering ideas and/or asks offering ideas and/or asks offering ideas and asking offering ideas and asking
Level of Engagement in questions more than once questions once per class questions and/or works questions and/or has
Class per class and/or works and/or works on group on group project only trouble staying on task
consistently on group project for most of the some of the allotted time. during group project
project the entire time. allotted time. time.
This Class Participation Rubric is adapted and downloaded from
THRA121 ParticipationRubric.pdf
4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Presentation was very Presentation was fairly Presentation was not Presentation lacked
organized and was very organized and pretty clearly organized. organization. Poor transitions
easy to follow. Transitions followable. Transitions might Transitions between between group members’
Organization between group members have been slightly members were jumpy or individual parts. Presentation
were well planned and discontinuous but did not awkward. lacked order and very
executed cleanly. take away greatly from the difficult to follow.
overall presentation.
The group worked very well The group worked very well Group communicated Group did not work well
with each other and the with each other and the relatively well with a few together. There were
Teamwork/Participation presentation was shared presentation was shared lapses in the presentation; obvious miscommunications
equally among the group equally among the group some students dominated and lapses in the
This Group Work/Presentation Rubric is adapted (with some modifications) and downloaded from
4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor
The facts are clearly and The facts are related to the The facts involve situations The facts do not relate to the
entirely related to the topics, but do not manifest which are not related to topic at all.
Facts topic. exactly the point at issue the topic.
(based on the topic)
The issue is clearly and The issue is pointed out The issue raises concerns The issue is out of context.
exactly pointed out according to the narration of that is not exactly related
Issue according to the narration facts, but not closely related to the facts and the topic.
of facts and to the topic. to the topic.