Overcoming Dietary Supplement Challenges - Vitamin C: Formulation of Dietary Supplements
Overcoming Dietary Supplement Challenges - Vitamin C: Formulation of Dietary Supplements
Overcoming Dietary Supplement Challenges - Vitamin C: Formulation of Dietary Supplements
Therefore, formulators must understand the properties of the active ingredients and choose the right
excipients that will improve the formulation properties for successful manufacture and shelf-life stability
of the finished dosage form.
The Challenge
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a widely used dietary supplement for boosting the immune system1. It is used
in a broad range of doses and is highly soluble in water. Poor flow and compressibility present formulation
and manufacturing challenges. Vitamin C is also moisture sensitive and prone to undergo degradation
on storage. This study demonstrates the use of StarTab®, Directly Compressible Starch in simplifying the
formulation and manufacturing process leading to stable film coated vitamin C tablets.
A 1 kg batch of the formulation (Table 1) was prepared by mixing the main ingredients for 10 minutes,
adding lubricant and mixing for a further 3 minutes. Tablets were compressed using 13/32” (10.3 mm)
standard round concave B-tooling, 23 kN main compression force. Final tablets were coated with a brown
StarTab® -1-
The use of StarTab improved the powder properties of vitamin C, making the formulation suitable for
direct compression (Table 3). The formulation compressed easily, yielding defect-free tablets with good
physical properties. Table 4 shows the final tablet properties of uncoated and coated vitamin C tablets.
The tablets were successfully film coated, resulting in glossy, smooth tablets (Figure 1). All tablets met
the USP specification2 of complete tablet disintegration in less than 30 minutes. Additionally, coated
tablets were tested for dissolution resulting in >90% of vitamin C released within the first 10 minutes
(Figure 2).
% Vitamin C Released
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (min)
The use of StarTab, directly compressible starch, in the formulation of immediate release valerian root
extract tablets, shows simplicity of the formulation and process. StarTab improved the formulation
powder flow and compressibility. Tablets developed were robust and easily coated with Nutrafinish,
High Performance Coating for a perfect finish.
1. Zelman, Kathleen. (2010). The Benefits of Vitamin C. https://www.webmd.com/diet/features/the-benefits-of-vitamin-c#1
2. USP 32 – Dietary Supplements I <2020> Disintegration and Dissolution of Dietary Supplements
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StarTab® Directly Compressible Starch -3-