Develop3D Reviews ANSYS
Develop3D Reviews ANSYS
Develop3D Reviews ANSYS
There are very few organisations that are pushing the limits of simulation technology as much as
Ansys. In addition to its historically strong set of structural analysis software in recent years it has
acquired a number of simulation companies and now boasts a huge range of technologies specifically
designed to help better understand a product’s performance.
However, while acquisition brings access to a whole range of new technologies, it also has a habit of
creating interoperability problems and disconnects.
Combined CFD and FEA results in the advanced posprocessing tools in Workbench
When Ansys acquired CFX and Fluent, the master plan was to integrate their Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) software and create a multi-physics, fluid structure interaction (FSI) solution.
However, with decades of development time invested in each company’s disparate products, it took a
great deal of effort to enable them to work together effectively. This is where Workbench fits in.
Workbench isn’t a product per se. It’s a platform that allows interaction between almost all of the
products in the Ansys portfolio. In essence, it controls how data is exchanged, repurposed and
communicated and is all done through a schematic interface. For the latest release, development on
Workbench has stepped up a gear and there has been a major concentration on making the system
much easier to use as well as providing more power to connect the various constituent products.
Below this, there is a list of component systems that includes geometry import, meshing, materials,
inputs, and post processing. ‘Custom Systems’ allows users to integrate their own routines,
integrated third party solvers or in house simulation code. These are stored as an XML file, so can
easily be shared throughout the team. The final group, ‘Design Exploration’, includes goal-driven
optimisation, min-max search, response surface simulation, and Six Sigma analysis, to name but a
The high level concept is that users drag and drop items from these lists to build up a simulation
task. Using the pre-packaged analysis systems as a starting point the user simply double clicks the
desired system, adds the inputs and defines the variables as required. Regardless of whether that’s
materials information from a library, the import of CAD geometry, or the addition of loads, restraints
and boundary conditions, each system uses its dedicated editor so users don’t need to re-learn a
great deal. Throughout this process users are given instant feedback about what’s fully defined and
what needs to be completed. Once done, the simulation is good to calculate and post process. It’s also
possible to build full reporting and data inspect tools into a workflow.
In simulation terms this type of analysis is extremely complex. Most fluid flow simulation technology
uses completely different meshing, loading and solving methods compared to structural simulation.
And this is where the true power of Workbench 12.0 comes into play. The software has the ability to
transform meshes between the two disciplines and to ensure that parameters and variables remain
consistent where needed.
Completed project schematic showing linked fluid and structural analysis with parametric links throughout
When the user is connecting up the dialogs within the schematic layouts, many of these are handled
automatically, simply by dragging a connection between the outputs of one analysis system and the
inputs of another. When and if there’s mapping to be done, this is handled in a very simple dialog
that makes the process simple, rather than the often-tortuous methods traditionally associated with
this type of work.
Ansys 12 is a huge software product, which covers many aspects of simulation, and we’ll be exploring
some of these in more depth over the course of the year. The purpose of this review, however, is to
provide an understanding of the central core platform that makes it all tick, both within each
simulation discipline in isolation, and when linking together different and often disparate
technologies and methodologies.
The new under-the-hood work that Ansys has done is impressive purely in its ability to link together
very different simulation techniques - but the real beauty is in the user interface and interaction
methods that remove the high degree of complexity traditionally associated with the process.
Many engineers are looking at simulation and exploring how they can best fit it into their
organisation. One of the biggest headaches is how to manage the simulation of increasingly complex
products with multiple types of analysis. A platform that allows users to connect simulation methods,
intelligently, then capture processes and workflows in such a graphically led and clearly laid out
manner is something that removes many of the barriers to using simulation as an integral part of the
product development process - and Ansys just rewrote the rules.