Discuss The Importance of Anti

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1) Discuss the importance of anti-virus.

2) What is E-Commerce?
3) Write short notes on Hackers?
4) Differentiate between TPS and MIS. 3M
5) Explain the advantages of E-Commerce. 3M
6) What is the role of Operating System in a Computer? 3M
7) What do you mean by the term Firewall?
8) Explain the term Multitasking.
9) What is Decision Support System?
10) Define the term Office Automation System.
11) Explain the role of Information Technology in business.
12) What is M-Commerce?
13) Write short notes on Knowledge management?
14) What are the typical information requirements of different levels of management?
15) What are the typical information requirements of different levels of management?
16) What are the typical information requirements of different levels of management?
17) Explain the features of Customer Relationship Management.
18) Discuss the reasons for failure of MIS in an organization.
19) What do you mean by eLogistics?

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