Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis
2) liquidity;
3) leverage,
4) operating or efficiency
Leverage ratios look at the extent to which a company has depended upon
borrowing to finance its operations.
During periods of inflation, the FIFO gives a more accurate value for ending
inventory on the balance sheet. FIFO increases net income (due to the age
of the inventory being used in cost of goods sold) and Increased net
income can increase taxes owed.
Using LIFO during periods of inflation tend to show and ending inventory
amount on the balance sheet that is much lower than what the inventory
is truly worth at current prices, this means lower net income due to a
higher cost of goods sold.
The cost principle requires that assets be recorded at the cash amount (or
the equivalent) at the time that an asset is acquired. Further, the amount
recorded will not be increased for inflation or improvements in market
it's main disadvantage is lack of accuracy. Because assets appreciate and
depreciate, financial records which follow the cost principle are unlikely to
accurately reflect a business’s actual financial position.
advantages of the cost principle include:
Ease: It is much quicker and more straight-forward to record assets at their original
value than to continually update financial reports to reflect current market value.
Objectivity: The cost principle means that recorded values are objective and
verifiable as invoices, sales receipts, and bank transactions easily confirm the original
purchase price.
Cost: Because it is quicker and easier to verify the value of assets, accountants and
auditors need to spend less time verifying financial records, making it cheaper for the
companies who employ them
Because assets depreciate, financial records which follow the cost principle are
unlikely to accurately reflect a business’s actual financial position
some valuable, non-tangible assets are not reported as assets on the balance
sheet. For example, goodwill, brand identity, and intellectual property can add a
lot of value to a business but, because they are built up over time, they do not
have an initial purchase price to record on financial statements.