Financial Analysis

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In general, financial ratios can be broken down into four main categories—

1) profitability or return on investment;

2) liquidity;

3) leverage,

4) operating or efficiency

Profitability ratios provide information about management's performance in

using the resources of the small business.

Gross profitability: Gross Profits/Net Sales—measures the margin on sales

the company is achieving. It can be an indication of manufacturing
efficiency. Profiti margjinal bruto.

Net profitability: Net Income/Net Sales—measures the overall profitability

of the company. Profiti margjinal neto.

Return on assets: Net Income/Total Assets—indicates how effectively the

company is deploying its assets. ROA

Return on investment: Net Income/Owners' Equity—indicates how well the

company is utilizing its equity investment. ROI

Investment turnover: Net Sales/Total Assets—measures a company's ability

to use assets to generate sales. Raporti I kthimit te mjeteve totale.

Break even sales: Fixed Costs/(Gross Profits/Net Sales) - break-even sales

are the dollar amount of revenue that precisely covers the fixed expenses
and the variable expenses of a business. Pika e rentabilitetit
Liquidity ratios demonstrate a company's ability to pay its current

Current ratio: Current Assets/Current Liabilities—measures the ability of an

entity to pay its near-term obligations. Raporti rrjedhës.

Quick ratio (or "acid test"):  (Assets-Inventory)/Current Liabilities—Ideally,

this ratio should be 1:1. If it is higher, the company may keep too much cash
on hand or have a poor collection program for accounts receivable.  If it is
lower, it may indicate that the company relies too heavily on inventory to
meet its obligations. Testi acid. Testi I shpejtë

Leverage ratios look at the extent to which a company has depended upon
borrowing to finance its operations.

Debt to equity ratio: Debt/Owners' Equity - indicates the relative mix of the

company's investor-supplied capital. A company is generally considered
safer if it has a low debt to equity ratio—that is, a higher proportion of
owner-supplied capital—though a very low ratio can indicate excessive
caution. In general, debt should be between 50 and 80 percent of equity.
Raporti I borxhit mbi kapitalin e vet.

Debt ratio: Debt/Total Assets—measures the portion of a company's capital

that is provided by borrowing. A debt ratio greater than 1.0 means the
company has negative net worth, and is technically bankrupt. Norma e

Interest coverage: Earnings before Interest and Taxes/Interest Expense—

indicates how comfortably the company can handle its interest payments.
Raporti I mbulimit te interesit.
Efficency ratios can show how quickly the company is collecting money for its
credit sales or how many times inventory turns over in a given time period.
This information can help management decide whether the company's credit
terms are appropriate and whether its purchasing efforts are handled in an
efficient manner.

Accounts receivable turnover: Net (credit) Sales/Average Accounts

Receivable—gives a measure of how quickly credit sales are turned into
cash. Alternatively, the reciprocal of this ratio indicates the portion of a
year's credit sales that are outstanding at a particular point in time.
Raporti I qarkullimit te LL/A.
Collection period: 365/Accounts Receivable Turnover—measures the
average number of days the company's receivables are outstanding,
between the date of credit sale and collection of cash. Periudha e arketimit.

Annual inventory turnover: Cost of Goods Sold for the Year/Average

Inventory—shows how efficiently the company is managing its production,
warehousing, and distribution of product, considering its volume of sales.
Higher ratios—over six or seven times per year—are generally thought to be
better, although extremely high inventory turnover may indicate a narrow
selection and possibly lost sales. A low inventory turnover rate, on the other
hand, means that the company is paying to keep a large inventory, and may
be overstocking or carrying obsolete items. Qarkullimi I stoqeve.

Asset turnover ratio: Total Sales/Total Assets - measures the value of a

company's sales or revenues relative to the value of its assets. The asset
turnover ratio can be used as an indicator of the efficiency with which a
company is using its assets to generate revenue. Qarkullimi I pasurive totale
Net asset turnover ratio: Sales/(Total assets-Total liabilities) - A
measurement of the ability of management to use a firm’s net assets to
generate sales revenue. Too high a number may indicate too little
investment while too low a ratio (relative to comparable firms) suggests
inefficient management. Qarkullimi I aseteve neto.

Net fixed asset turnover ratio: Total Sales/(Fixed Assets-Depreciation)

- This efficiency ratio compares net sales (income statement) to fixed assets
(balance sheet) and measures a company's ability to generate net sales from
its fixed-asset investments, namely property, plant, and equipment (PP&E).
Qarkullimi I aseteve fikse neto.

During periods of inflation, the FIFO gives a more accurate value for ending
inventory on the balance sheet. FIFO increases net income (due to the age
of the inventory being used in cost of goods sold) and Increased net
income can increase taxes owed.

Using LIFO during periods of inflation tend to show and ending inventory
amount on the balance sheet that is much lower than what the inventory
is truly worth at current prices, this means lower net income due to a
higher cost of goods sold.

The cost principle requires that assets be recorded at the cash amount (or
the equivalent) at the time that an asset is acquired. Further, the amount
recorded will not be increased for inflation or improvements in market
it's main disadvantage is lack of accuracy. Because assets appreciate and
depreciate, financial records which follow the cost principle are unlikely to
accurately reflect a business’s actual financial position.
advantages of the cost principle include:

 Ease: It is much quicker and more straight-forward to record assets at their original
value than to continually update financial reports to reflect current market value.
 Objectivity: The cost principle means that recorded values are objective and
verifiable as invoices, sales receipts, and bank transactions easily confirm the original
purchase price.
 Cost: Because it is quicker and easier to verify the value of assets, accountants and
auditors need to spend less time verifying financial records, making it cheaper for the
companies who employ them

Disadvantages of the cost principle

Because assets depreciate, financial records which follow the cost principle are
unlikely to accurately reflect a business’s actual financial position

some valuable, non-tangible assets are not reported as assets on the balance
sheet. For example, goodwill, brand identity, and intellectual property can add a
lot of value to a business but, because they are built up over time, they do not
have an initial purchase price to record on financial statements.

Rezervat latente krijohen duke e nencmuar aktivin dhe mbicmuar pasivin,

Humbjet e fshehta dalin per shkak te mbicmuarjes se aktivit dhe nencmimit

te pasiviti. Ato ndikojne ne rezultatin financiar dhe e bejne te paraqitet me
mire se sa qe ne realitet eshte.

Situaten e Pavolitshme Financiare ne Anen e Aktivit dhe pasivit konkretisht

duke bere Krahazimin ?
Konstatohet duke e bere krahasimin e shkalles se likuiditetit dhe burimet e
mjeteve perkatese ne pasiv

Treguesit qe Shprehin Stabilitetin Financiar jane:

A)Siguria Financiare B)Shkalla e Vetfinancimit C)Shkalla e aftesis

Financial Risk vs. Business Risk

Financial risk refers to a company's ability to manage its debt and financial
leverage, while business risk refers to the company's ability to generate
sufficient revenue to cover its operational expenses.
An alternate way of viewing the difference is to look at financial risk as the
risk that a company may default on its debt payments and business risk as
the risk that the company will be unable to function as a profitable

Leverazhi i referohet sasisë së borxhit që një firmë përdor për të financuar


Operating leverage is an indication of how a company's costs are

structured. The metric is used to determine a company's breakeven point,
which is when revenue from sales covers both the fixed and variable costs
of production. Financial leverage refers to the amount of debt used to
finance the operations of a company.

Parimet pergjithsisht te pranuara te kontabilitetit

Parimi I kostos historike

parimi I objektivitetit
parimi I realizimit
parimi I perputhjes
parimi I materialitetit
parimi I konsistences
parimi I kujdesit
parimi I plotesis

Financial consolidation is the process of combining financial data from

several subsidiaries or business entities within an organization, and rolling it
up to a parent company for reporting purposes.

Parimet e çmuarjes së pasurisë së ndërmarrjes

• Sipas çmimeve të furnizimit – Çmuarja e pjesëve të pasurisë bëhet sipas

cmimi të blerjes, qoftë të të mirave reale, letrave më vlerë apo devizave.

• Sipas çmimeve ditore – Të gjitha pozicionet e bilancit çmohen sipas cmimit

ditor, sepse çmuarja sipas cmimeve ditore ka për qëllim ruajtjen e
substancës, pra të pasqyrojë saktësisht gjendjen faktike të pasurisë së

• Sipas çmimit likuidues – ky parim gjenë zbatim, në qoftë se ndermarrja

ndërpren aktivitetin e vet dhe me atë rast e tërë pasuria e saj shëndrrohet
në para me qellim pagimi të detyrimeve ndaj paleve të treta.

Si vërehet situata e pavolitshme në të dy anët e bilancit njëkohësisht?

Konstatohen duke bërë krahasimin e shkallës së likuiditetit –mundësisë së
shndërrmit në para të mjeteve –në aktiv, dhe burimet e mjeteve përkatëse
-në pasiv

Treguesit që shprehin stabilitetin financiar janë:

Siguria financiare
Shkalla e vetëfinancimit,
Shkalla e aftësisë kreditore

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