Rubrics For Reflective Journaling: Criteria Outstanding Proficient Basic Below Expectations 15

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CRITERIA Outstanding Proficient Basic Below Expectations

Critical Thinking Rich in content; insightful analysis, Substantial information; evidence Information is thin and common Rudimentary and superficial; little
15 synthesis evaluation, clear connections of analysis, synthesis and place; attempts made at analysis, analysis, synthesis or evaluation; little or
made to real-life situations or to evaluation, general connections synthesis and evaluation; no connections with any other material or
previous content. are made, but are sometimes too connections are limited, vague are off topic.
obvious or not clear. generalities are posted.

13-15 8-12 4-7

Personal Reflection Entries are high quality consisting of Connects ideas and thoughts to Little evidence of personal Lack of connection to personal life.
10 personal reflections that connect personal life; evidence of connection, many connections need
between real life learning and reading. personal connections to leaning, further explanation or justification.

9-10 7-8 4-6 0-3

Surface Features An occasional grammatical or stylistic Few grammatical or stylistic Obvious grammatical or stylistic Obvious grammatical or stylistic errors;
5 error. error. errors; errors interfere with content. errors make content very difficult to read.

2-3 0-1
5 4
30 points Total
*Source: Retrieved 06-28-2020


Criteria Excelling Meeting Beginning to Meet Not Met
4-5 3 2 0-1

Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl
Explanation A complete response with a Good solid response with clear Explanation is unclear. Misses key points.
5pts detailed explanation. explanation.
Demonstrated Knowledge Shows complete understanding Shows substantial understanding Response shows some Response shows a complete lack of
5pts of the question, ideas, and of the problem, ideas and understanding of the problem. understanding for the problem.
processes. processes.
Requirements Goes beyond the requirements of Meets the requirements of the Hardly meets the requirements of Does not meet the requirements of the
5pts the problem. problem. the problem. problem.
15 Points Total
*Source: Retrieved: 06-28-2020


Criteria Excellent Good Need Improvement Unacceptable
10-7 4-6 2-3 0-1
Content Essay has a specific central idea that is Central idea is vague; somewhat Unable to find specific supporting Essay had no central idea or supporting
10pts clearly stated in the opening paragraph; sketchy and non-supportive to details; more than 4 errors in details.
appropriate, concrete details support the the topic; lacks focus. information.

Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl
central idea and shows originality and
Organization Essay is logically organized and well- Essay somewhat digresses from Central point and flow of essay is lost; Ideas were unorganized and vague; no
10pts structured displaying a beginning, a body the central idea; ideas do not lacks organization and continuity. particular flow was followed.
and a conclusion. Critical thinking skills logically follow each other.
are evident.
Research Cited researched information; introduced Some of the topic was done but Did little or no gathering of No research of the topic was done.
10pts personal ideas to enhance essay was inconclusive to support information on the topic; did not cite
cohesiveness. topic; cited information was information.
Style Writing is smooth, coherent, and consistent Sentences are varied and Lacks creativity and focus. Unrelated Writing is confusing, hard to follow.
10pts with central idea. Sentences are strong and inconsistent with central idea, word choice to central idea. Diction is Contains fragments and/or run-on
expensive with varied structure. Diction is vocabulary and word choices. inconsistent. sentences. Inappropriate diction.
consistent and words well chosen.
Mechanics Written work has no errors in word Written work is relatively free of Written work has several errors in Written work has serious and persistent
10pts selection and use, sentence structure, errors in word selection and use, word selection and use, sentence errors in word selection and use, sentence
spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. sentence structure, spelling, structure, spelling, punctuation, and structure, spelling, punctuation and
punctuation and capitalization. capitalization (3-4) errors. capitalization.
Timeliness Posted/ Submitted completed assignment Posted completed assignment Assignment posted after 24 hours past Assignment posted 48 hours past deadline.
10pts on or before the deadline. within 24hours after deadline. deadline.
60 Points Total
*Source: Retrieved: 06-28-2020


Unacceptable Satisfactory Exceptional HT Points
5 pts 10 pts 15 pts 15 pts
I. History History is scant. The majority of vital information is History is age/gender appropriate and History is complete and age/gender HT Points
missing relating to the chief complaint. contains pertinent information. appropriate. It is written in logical
However, it is missing some vital points format (utilizing OLDCARTS or
relating to the chief complaint. OPQRST)

Unacceptable Satisfactory Exceptional HPI Points

5 pts 10 pts 15 pts 15 pts
II. ROS Review of systems is incomplete and the majority of The majority of pertinent positives and There is a complete review of ROS Points
pertinent positives and negatives are missing from negatives are noted in the HPI, but systems addressing all systems

Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl
the HPI. several are missing. related to chief complaint noted in
the HPI.

Unacceptable Satisfactory Exceptional
12 pts 21 pts 30 pts
30 pts
III. Physical Appropriate physical examination is incomplete. The Physical exam is appropriate for the Physical exam has been completed Assessment/Plan
Examination information obtained would not be sufficient to chief complaint but there are pertinent as instructed, is age/gender Points
support the diagnosis. systems or special tests missing. appropriate, relates to the chief
complaint, and pertinent findings in
the HPI. All appropriate special
tests are noted.
a. Labs/Diagnostic Tests The majority of the appropriate tests are missing The majority of the appropriate tests All appropriate labs and diagnostic
and/or abnormal findings are not flagged as (H) high have been ordered. There are one or tests are recorded. Abnormal
or (L) low. more missing or abnormal findings are findings are flagged as (H) high or
not flagged as (H) high or (L) low. (L) low
b. Assessment and Plan The main problem is not listed, the majority of the The assessment lists the chief The assessment lists ALL of the
plan is missing, and/or there is a recommendation complaint/main problem for the patient pertinent problems for the patient,
that is potentially harmful for the patient. but one or more problems is missing. not just the chief complaint. The
The plan is appropriate but not complete plan is ordered properly, follows
or contains recommendations which evidence based medicine, is
may not be appropriate for the patient. appropriate for the patient, and
demonstrates a logical flow of

Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Points

6 pts 8 pts 10 pts 20 pts
IV. Communication The oral presentation was choppy., difficult to The oral presentation was mostly The oral presentation was smooth Presentation Points
follow. Presenter did not have a grasp on the smooth and seamless, few verbal and seamless. The presenter
information. Frequent pauses for him/her to find their pauses. The presenter appeared calm, appeared calm and in command of
place. Too much reading. Needs mote interaction and had a general grasp of information. the information. Exceptional
discussion of questions. Proficient discussion delivery. Exceptional discussion
initiated/maintained. initiated and maintained to
facilitate learning.
Clarity The PowerPoint slides were difficult to understand The PowerPoint slides were somewhat The PowerPoint slides were clear Presentation Points
and difficult to read. Few images utilized. organized. Included some appropriate and understandable. Slides
Information at times did not seem to be related to the images, clear and medium font. The exceptionally detailed, organized,
topic being discussed. information contained generally applied logical; include images, video and

Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl
to the topic being discussed. large font. The information
contained was directly applicable
to the topic being discussed.
Unacceptable Acceptable Exceptional Defense Points
0 pts 15 pts 20 pts 20 pts
V. Response Student is unable to respond to questions related to Student provides adequate response to Student demonstrates a mastery Defense Points
the basic elements of the presentation. Fails to inquiries related to presentation. and full understanding of case and
demonstrate medical knowledge competency. Responses demonstrate core subject matter in response to
competency in subject matter and case questions and comments.
28 pts 64 pts 100 pts 100 pts
*Source: Retrieved: 02-28-19

Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl

Unacceptable  Developing  Accomplished  Exceptional 

0 pt 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts
Biographical Data 
3 pts Not written. Fairly written, missed information. Written most of information. All information obtained.

Past Medical History 

3 pts The history is far below of what is expected. History is scant. The majority of vital History is age/gender appropriate History is complete and age/gender
information is missing relating to the and contains pertinent appropriate. It is written in logical format.
chief complaint. information. However, it is
missing some vital points relating
to the chief complaint.

Unacceptable  Developing  Accomplished  Exceptional 

0 pt 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts
Physical Examination
(ROS)  The physical examination and ROS is far Appropriate physical examination and Physical exam and ROS is Physical exam and ROS has been completed
3 pts below of what is expected. ROS is incomplete. The information appropriate for the chief as instructed, is age/gender appropriate,
obtained would not be sufficient to complaint but there are pertinent relates to the chief complaint, and pertinent
support the diagnosis. systems or special tests missing. findings.

Labs/Diagnostic Tests  The labs/diagnostic tests are far below of The majority of the appropriate tests The majority of the appropriate All appropriate labs and diagnostic tests are
3 pts what is expected. are missing. tests have been ordered. There is recorded.
one or more missing.


Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl
3 pts The assessment is far below of what is The main problem is not listed. The assessment lists, the chief The assessment lists and all of the pertinent
expected. complaint/main problem for the problems for the patient is thorough and not
patient is present but limited. just the chief complaint.

Unacceptable  Developing  Accomplished  Exceptional 

0 pt 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts
Plan and Treatment
Overview  The plan and treatment category is far below The summary of the plan and The summary of plan and There is a complete discussion of the actual
3 pts of what is expected. treatment is poor and many facts are treatment is adequate with some plan and treatment including rationale for
omitted. Inadequate rationales given. facts omitted. each aspect of treatment.

Unacceptable  Developing  Accomplished  Exceptional 

0 pt 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts
Organization  Organization in the category is far below of The paper does not relay adequate The paper relays information but The paper is well-written in a logical,
3 pts what is expected. information on the subject, is is slightly disorganized. organized manner.
disorganized and difficult to follow.

Writing Style The written work in the category is illegible, The written paper does not follow The written paper follows the The written paper follows the current format
3 pts difficulty to decipher. proper format guidelines. Poor current format guidelines. Good guidelines, neat, and excellent sentence
sentence construction, spelling, etc. sentence construction, spelling, constructions, spelling, etc.

Content  The content in the category is far below of The paper is poorly written with There are topics throughout the The length of the paper is appropriate to
3 pts what is expected. incomplete data and communication paper which should have been communicate the ideas presented
of thought. explained more thoroughly. professionally.

Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl
References  Not written. Wrote 1 reference only. Wrote 2 References, including Wrote 3 or more references including
3 pts websites. websites.

30pts Total

*Source: Retrieved: 07-08-20


Developing Accomplished Exceptional Unacceptable
Introduction Not given. Introduction is vague. Introduction is understood. Introduction is eye catching and simplified.
5 pts 5
0-1 2-3 4
Body of Presentation The category is far below of The majority of vital information is The presentation is appropriate and The presentation is adequate and

Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl
20 pts what is expected. missing relating to the topic. contains pertinent information. appropriate. It is shown in an organized
However, it is missing some vital sequence.
points relating to the topic.

0-6 7-12 18-20

Conclusion The category is far below of Conclusion is vague with prominent Conclusion is appropriate but 1-2 It is completed as instructed, is very
5 pts what is expected. missed key points elements are missing. adequate and appropriate. Ties up all
0-1 2-3 4 5
Speaking Style The speaker is unprepared. The Does not establish eye contact. The Maintains minimum eye contact. Eye contact is maintained during the entire
10 pts voice/s is/are very soft, speaker relies more on the notes at hand. The speaker responds to questions; interaction. Clear and loud voice. Body
inaudible, and jumbled. Body More dead air observed. body posture exudes confidence. language indicates conviction and
stance and language lacks confidence. Extemporaneous and
conviction. spontaneity is shown.
4-6 7-8 9-10
Audiovisuals The audiovisuals in the category The audiovisuals selected did not support The audiovisuals presented were Used audiovisuals are impactful, sustains
10 pts is far below of what is expected. verbal presentat6ion. They lacked somewhat effective, but were not interest of audience and used throughout
Audiovisuals were not used at information, or group members read from consistently used throughout presentation. Group members used the
all. them. presentation. visual aids as a supplement not as a crutch.
0-3 9-10
4-6 7-8
*Source: Retrieved: 07-08-20


Criteria Excelling Satisfactory Meeting Beginning to Meet Not Met
4 3 2 1 0
Explanation A complete response with a Good solid response with Explanation is not on point. Explanation is vague. Completely missed key
detailed explanation. clear explanation. points.
Demonstrated Shows complete Shows adequate Shows substantial understanding Response shows some Response shows a complete
Knowledge understanding of the understanding of the of the problem, ideas and understanding of the problems, lack of understanding for the

Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl
questions and processes. problem, ideas and processes. ideas and processes. process.
Execution Performs the procedure very Performs the procedure Performs the procedure within the Performance of the procedure Poor performance.
well. satisfactorily. accepted minimum standards. lacks essential elements.
*Source: Retrieved: 06-28-2020


Unacceptable  Developing  Accomplished  Exceptional 

Content The content in the category is far The paper is poorly written with There are topics throughout the The length of the paper is
15 pts below of what is expected. incomplete data and communication paper which should have been appropriate to communicate the
of thought. explained more thoroughly. ideas presented professionally.
1-4 10-13 14-15
Focus The focus is far below of what is Focus is scattered. The majority of Focus is appropriate and contains Focus is comprehensive. It is
(Clarity) expected. vital information is missing. pertinent information. However, it is written in logical format.

Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl
5 pts missing some vital points.
2-3 4
0-1 5
Organization Organization in the category is far The paper does not relay adequate The paper relays information but is The paper is well-written in a
10 pts below of what is expected. information on the subject, is slightly disorganized. Skips some logical, organized manner.
disorganized and difficult to follow. vital elements.
No definite sequence.
0-2 3-5
6-8 9-10
Conventions The written work in the category is The written paper does not follow The written paper follows the The written paper follows the
(Writing style) illegible, difficulty to decipher. proper format guidelines. Poor current format guidelines. Good current format guidelines, neat and
10 pts sentence construction, spelling, etc. sentence construction, spelling, etc. excellent sentence construction,
0-2 3-5 6-8 spelling, etc.
40 Points Total
*Source: Retrieved: 07-08-20


Unacceptable  Developing  Accomplished  Exceptional 

Content The content in the category is far The paper is poorly written with There are topics throughout the The length of the paper is
15 pts below of what is expected. incomplete data and communication paper which should have been appropriate to communicate the
of thought. explained more thoroughly. ideas presented professionally.
1-4 10-13 14-15
Focus The focus is far below of what is Focus is scattered. The majority of Focus is appropriate and contains Focus is comprehensive. It is
(Clarity) expected. vital information is missing. pertinent information. However, it is written in logical format.
5 pts missing some vital points.
2-3 4

Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl
0-1 5
Organization Organization in the category is far The paper does not relay adequate The paper relays information but is The paper is well-written in a
10 pts below of what is expected. information on the subject, is slightly disorganized. logical, organized manner.
disorganized and difficult to follow.
0-2 3-5
6-8 9-10
Conventions The written work in the category is The written paper does not follow The written paper follows the The written paper follows the
(Writing style) illegible, difficulty to decipher. proper format guidelines. Poor current format guidelines. Good current format guidelines, neat and
10 pts sentence construction, spelling, etc. sentence construction, spelling, etc. excellent sentence construction,
0-2 3-5 6-8 spelling, etc.
40 Points Total
*Source: Retrieved: 07-08-20

Rubrics for Laboratory Activities

Items Exceeds Standards Meets Standard Nearly Meets Standard Does Not Meet Standard No Evidence
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Title Page Contains: Title, name, teacher’s Missing one component Missing 2-4 components Missing more than 4 Missing more than 5
name, course, date, neatly finished- components components
no errors.

Correct pagination and margins.

Question Clear and concise problem stated Identifies the question in an Identifies only part of the The question is not testable no The question is not
that is testable. unclear manner, but is still question, but is still testable. matter how clear and concise testable no matter
testable. the question is. how clear and
concise the question
is. Unorganized

Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl
Materials Lists all materials and equipment. Lists most materials and List some of the materials and Lists wrong materials or Lists almost wrong
equipment. equipment. equipment. materials or
Procedure Lists all steps in a detailed Lists all steps in a detailed Lists all steps in a detailed Lists all steps in a detailed Lists all steps not in
sequential order that are easily sequential order that are not easily sequential order that are not sequential order that are not a detailed sequential
followed. followed. easily followed. easily followed, or incomplete. order that are not
easily followed, or
All safety precautions and warnings All safety precautions and All safety precautions and Some safety precautions and incomplete.
are provided. warnings are provided. warnings are missing. warnings are not provided.
Some safety
Provides diagrams of all set ups. Provides diagrams of all set ups. Provides some diagrams of all Provides some diagrams of all precautions and
set ups. set ups. warnings are not

Provides no
diagrams of all set
Results All data is recorded and organized All data is recorded and organized All data is recorded and Incorrect data is provided No data is provided
in a clear manner. in a clear manner. organized in a clear manner. regardless of inclusion or regardless of
presentation of all criteria. inclusion or
All visible observations are All visible observations are Visible observations are presentation of all
provided. provided. missing. criteria

Complete and correct analysis of Analysis of data is provided with a Analysis of data is provided
data is provided. few errors. with a few errors.

Errors of Experimentation are Errors of Errors of Experimentation are

provided. Experimentation are provided. provided.
Conclusion Restates the hypothesis, supports or Restates the hypothesis, supports Supports or refutes the Does not address the Never address the
refutes it and explains the role of or refutes it. hypothesis without restating it. hypothesis. hypothesis.
the test in making the decision.
Mechanics No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in punctuation, Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting errors Numerous and
capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. capitalization and spelling. in punctuation, capitalization distracting errors in
and spelling. punctuation,
capitalization and
spelling. No correct

Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl
Time The assignment was turned in on The assignment was turned in few The assignment was turned in The assignment was turned in No output
Management time. hours late. 1-2 hours after the one day late. two days late. submitted.
given deadline.
Was the assignment
turned in on time?

Revised 2020/rna/mcas/pjne/eeb/hggl

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