Literary Text Analysis
Literary Text Analysis
Literary Text Analysis
Free verse poetry that doesn’t use any strict meter or rhyme scheme
Formal verse poetry that uses both a strict meter and rhyme scheme, e.g. a
Structured poems poetry that follows a specific pattern but doesn’t necessarily
use any strict meter or rhyme scheme.
Narrative poetry that tells stories with clearly developed, structured plots, e.g.
epic long poem, the romance, and the ballad;
Lyric poetry that is mainly concerned with one event, impression, or idea
Blank verse poetry with a strict meter but no rhyme scheme;
Tall tale A story usually set in the American frontier where the main character has
extremely exaggerated strengths, skills, or size doing the impossible with an air of
nonchalance. The tone of the author is humorous.
Myth a story often based on historical events that reveals human behavior and
natural phenomena by symbolism; often pertaining to the actions of the gods;
Fable a very short story about supernatural or extraordinary people, talking
animals with human characteristics, which has a moral, teaches a lesson or
demonstrates a useful truth
Fairy tale a story with magical elements, usually for children
Legend a story of a national or folk hero partly based on fact but also including
imaginative material, with the character traits of the hero typically exaggerated;
Lecture 3 Literary Text as a Poetic Structure
the verbal layer of the literary text - The words of a literary text combine into
phrases, phrases into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, paragraphs making
up larger passages, chapters, sections, parts.
the supraverbal (poetic) layer - Word sequences represent a series of events,
conflicts and circumstances in which characters of a literary work find themselves.
These word sequences make up genre, style, theme, composition, plot
Principles of the literary text structure cohesion
1. The principle of incomplete representation In recreating an object or
phenomenon of reality the author selects out of an infinity of features pertaining
to the object only those which are most characteristic.
2. The principle of analogy and contrast is based on establishing a relationship of
similarities or differences between two concepts or ideas. • represents a way of
imaginative cognition. The author in this way reveals the good and the evil, the
beautiful and the ugly, the just and the unjust in life. • permeates all components
of the text, characters, event representation, imagery, underlie quite a number of
tropes and figures of speech.
3. The principle of recurrence certain elements which have already occurred in
the literary text appear again at definite intervals.
Lecture 4
Macro components of the literary text structure:
Theme and idea
Elements of the plot
Point of view
Micro components of the literary text structure.
The ___idea_________ of a literary work is the underlying thought and emotional
attitude transmitted to the reader by the whole poetic structure of the literary
The ___Theme_________ of a literary work is the represented aspect of life: war
and peace, race discrimination, a clash of ideologies.
The point of argumentation here is to convince the reader with logic. The author
used sound reasoning to thoroughly convince the reader.
Rising action: While Lisa is thinking back to her broken past, a stranger is
looking at her. The writer suggests that the man is a stranger to Lisa, and
she sees a new love in him.
Climax: Lisa tells the man about her past, the relationship with James and
the miscarriage that had hit her so much and James seemed to do nothing.
For the first time in a long time, Lisa feels understood.
Resolution: the truth is revealed; the "strange" man turns out to be James.
The conversation they had makes them call off the divorce and decide to
start over together.
6. Comment on the theme(s) and the main idea(s) conveyed by the author.
1. The story has a theme of new beginnings. (A couple returns to the same
place they began their marriage in order to give their marriage another
2. Theme of love. The story shows the good and the bad sides of love. How
people can get together and be happy together, how relationships can
break down and also how this can work out again.
Idea: To forget the past and forgive the people you truly love (Liza
comes to understand that James does have the same pain she does. She
realizes that finally she isn't alone, she forgets how he hurt and
remembers what he means to her.)
8. Define the prevailing imagery. Give a detailed analysis of diction: tropes and
rhetorical figures.
Tropes get used again and again because they speak to us on some deep level and
connect with our experiences, fears, and hopes.
1. Metaphor (faint breeze, The justice of the peace had read their vows,
drive a wedge)
2. Personification: miniature white roses attempting to tame her long dark
curls, sigh that was filled with pain and regret, intensity that lured him
3. Epithet (her crazy hair and bright blue eyes, unbearable burden)
4. Periphrasis (lost her baby)