Grammar For Business Book - Table of Contents

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Cambridge University Press

978-0-521-72720-4 - Grammar for Business

Michael McCarthy, Jeanne McCarten, David Clark and Rachel Clark
Table of Contents
More information

Unit Title Extension Page
1 Imperative and present simple Write for business: Checking your work 8
2 Present continuous Business talk: Present continuous + always 12
3 Present simple and continuous Business talk: State verbs 16
4 Present perfect simple and Write for business: Using the present perfect in the news 20
Speaking strategies 1 Discussing 24
Test 1: Units 1–4 26
5 Past simple and continuous Business talk: Using past tenses to be polite 28
6 Present perfect and the past Business talk: Using continuous forms to give background 32
7 Past perfect simple and continuous Business talk: Regrets and intentions 36
8 Used to and would Business talk: be/get used to 40
Speaking strategies 2 Managing conversations 44
Test 2: Units 5–8 46
9 The future 1 (be going to, present Business talk: Organising presentations and workshops 1 48
10 The future 2 (will, shall, the present Business talk: Organising presentations and workshops 2 52
11 Future continuous and future perfect Business talk: Using the future continuous to be polite 56
12 Other ways of talking about the Business talk: Future time expressions 60
Speaking strategies 3 Emphasising and softening 64
Test 3: Units 9–12 66
13 Modals 1 (talking about possibility and Write for business: Alternatives to modal verbs 68
ability, asking, offering and giving
14 Modals 2 (making suggestions and Business talk: Other ways of making informal suggestions 72
giving advice)
15 Modals 3 (saying what people have Business talk: Changing the force of instructions 76
to do)
16 Modals 4 (speculating and saying Business talk: Responding to other people 80
how certain you are)
Speaking strategies 4 Simple spoken grammar 84
Test 4: Units 13–16 86
17 Conditionals 1 (talking about the Business talk: Negotiating 88
present and future)
18 Conditionals 2 (talking about the Business talk: More hypothetical conditionals 92
hypothetical present and past)
19 The passive 1 (forming and using the Write for business: Using the passive in business 96
passive) correspondence
20 The passive 2 (modal verbs, Write for business: Using expressions with modal passives 100
two-object verbs, have and get) in reports
Speaking strategies 5 Making your meaning clear and avoiding misunderstandings 104
Test 5: Units 17–20 106

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Cambridge University Press
978-0-521-72720-4 - Grammar for Business
Michael McCarthy, Jeanne McCarten, David Clark and Rachel Clark
Table of Contents
More information

21 Questions Business talk: Persuading and giving opinions with 108

negative questions
22 Question tags Business talk: Question tags for checking information 112
23 Reported speech 1 (statements Business talk: Talking about news 116
and instructions)
24 Reported speech 2 (questions) Write for business: Making polite requests in business 120
Speaking strategies 6 Checking information 124
Test 6: Units 21–24 126
25 Verbs and objects Business talk: Typical business uses of verbs and objects 128
26 -ing and infinitives after verbs Write for business: Giving reasons and views 132
27 Phrasal verbs Business talk: Phrasal verbs with get 136
28 Prepositions Business talk: Describing change 140
Speaking strategies 7 Organising what you say and highlighting information 144
Test 7: Units 25–28 146
29 Adjectives Write for business: Describing your products and services 148
30 Adverbs Business talk: Giving your personal perspective 152
31 Comparisons 1 (comparatives, as … as) Business talk: Modifying comparisons 156
32 Comparisons 2 (superlatives, Write for business: Using most in formal correspondence 160
comparing with verbs)
Speaking strategies 8 Being an active listener 164
Test 8: Units 29–32 166
33 Countability and number Write for business: Checking verbs after singular and plural 168
34 Articles Write for business: Not using the 172
35 Quantifiers Write for business: Levels of formality 176
36 Possessives and reflexive pronouns Write for business: Possessive noun phrases with of 180
Speaking strategies 9 Vague language 1 184
Test 9: Units 33–36 186
37 Relative clauses 1 (who, whose, Business talk: Commenting on what people say 188
which, that)
38 Relative clauses 2 (whom, where, Write for business: Writing about quantity 192
when, -ing, -ed)
39 Conjunctions and linking words 1 Write for business: Linking ideas in formal reports 196
40 Conjunctions and linking words 2 Business talk: Reasons, results and consequences 200
Speaking strategies 10 Vague language 2 204
Test 10: Units 37–40 206

Key 208
Recording script 235
Appendix 1 Spelling 246
Appendix 2 Common prefixes and suffixes 248
Appendix 3 North American English 250
Appendix 4 Formal and informal English 253
Appendix 5 Irregular verbs 256
Appendix 6 Verb patterns 258
Appendix 7 Prepositions 260
Appendix 8 Saying numbers, weights and measures 264
CD tracklist 267

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