Profinet: Technology and Application
Profinet: Technology and Application
Profinet: Technology and Application
Figure 9: Component generation is standardized with PROFInet Figure 10: The connection information is downloaded to
the field devices after configuration
Figure 12: The system view in the Connection Editor dis- Figure 13: The network view in the Connection Editor
plays the connected components shows the connected field devices
Ethernet is standardized in IEEE 802.3. Specifications include access
technology, transmission procedures and transmission media for
Ethernet (10 Mbps), for Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps) and for Gigabit
Ethernet (1Gbps). PROFInet uses Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet.
Like TCP, UDP ensures that data transmission from sender to receiver
is error-free, in the correct sequence and complete. However, in con-
trast to TCP, UDP is connectionless, i.e. each data packet is treated
as a single message and there is no transport acknowledgement. Be-
cause there is no timeout monitoring or connection buildup/cleardown,
UDP is better suited to time-critical applications than TCP. With UDP,
the data blocking and communication monitoring, which is implicit with
TCP, can be carried out at the application level e.g. over RPC (Re-
mote Procedure Call).
The duplex DC connector system Figure 22: Example of a RJ45 hybrid Even if they comply with the afo-
in accordance with ISO/IEC 11801 connector for IP 67 rementioned functionality, it is usu-
is primarily used in the field of fiber- ally not possible to use switches
optics. The latter is described in from the office sector. Special
IEC 60874-14. Devices are equip- switches are used for applications
5.4 Switches
ped with the socket and the con- in industrial environments. This is
nection cable with the plug. It is PROFInet always uses switches as firstly due to the fact that their de-
also possible to use BFOC/2.5 fi- network components. Switches are sign, both mechanical (IP degree of
ber-optic connectors in accordance devices positioned along the protection, …) and electrical (24
with IEC 60874-10. transmission path between the Volt power supply, …), has been
terminals to regenerate and selec- specially developed for rugged in-
tively relay incoming signals. They dustrial use. And secondly, they
serve the structuring of networks. need to meet the EMC demands of
They are based on the specifica- machines in an industrial environ-
tions of the ISO/IEC 15802-3. ment in order to ensure safe opera-
Technical properties
The basic component of Web Inte-
gration is the web server. It forms
the interface between the PROFI-
net object model and the basic Figure 23: Web integration enables web access to PROFInet components
technologies for Web Integration.
Using PROFInet, Web Integration As far as the system architecture of The best practice suggestions of
can be scaled through the per- an automation system with PROFI- PROFInet Web Integration contain
formance level and properties of net is concerned, it supports all ar- scenarios and examples showing
the web server. This means that chitectural forms, particularly the how demand-dependent security
even simple PROFInet devices, use of proxies for linking to any mechanisms can be implemented
with only an "embedded web fieldbuses. The specification in- for all PROFInet devices.
server", can participate in the Web cludes corresponding models that
Integration alongside a PROFInet describe the relationships between For example, it is possible to im-
device via an "MS Internet Informa- the PROFInet components, exist- plement security mechanisms in
tion Server" or "Apache Web ing web components and the ele- the transport protocols (TCP/UDP
Server". ments of PROFInet Web Integra- and HTTP). The encoding, authen-
tion. tication and access management of
Web integration for PROFInet is the web servers used are also sca-
designed so that it can be made Security lable. Further-reaching security
optionally available on each device. The specification of PROFInet Web elements such as application
Certain functions are optional and Integration is designed so that ac- gateways can be added for web
can be added depending on the cess to the PROFInet devices is services if required.
performance level of the device. It identical from the Intranet or Inter-
is thus possible to implement net. This enables utilization of all
scaleable solutions that are opti- the advantages of Web Integration,
mized for the particular application. 6.3 OPC
even if the device itself is not net-
The PROFInet-specific elements worked to the Internet. With this The PROFInet component model
can be seamlessly integrated in a
type of local access, the risk of un- and OPC have the same techno-
component's web implementation. authorized access is extremely logical basis in DCOM. This offers
Using uniform interfaces and ac- small and comparable with modern user-friendly options for data com-
cess mechanisms, creators of HMI systems. munication between various parts
technological components make of the system.
For networking within larger factory
their technological data available premises or over the Internet, OPC is a widely used interface for
over the web. The namespace and PROFInet Web Integration relies exchanging data between applica-
addressing concept specified in on a graded security concept. It tions in automation technology.
PROFInet Web Integration enables recommends a security concept OPC supports the flexible selection
the addressing of PROFInet com- optimized for concrete applications of multi-vendor devices and data
ponent model elements over the with one or more upstream security exchange between devices without
web server. This supports creation zones. This means that no struc- the need for programming.
of dynamic web pages using cur- tural restrictions are made to the
rent data from the component. OPC DX is not object-oriented like
Web Integration concept, as the
security measures are always lo- PROFInet but tag-oriented, i.e. the
Scope automation objects are not
cated externally to the PROFInet
Web Integration is optional with COM objects but names (tags).
devices. This not only relieves the
PROFInet, as it is arranged as an
PROFInet devices, but also allows
independent element alongside the
the security concept to be optimally
PROFInet object model and neither
modified to meet changing safety
interferes with the other.
demands while offering a constant
automation solution.
More information as well as PROFIBUS and PROFInet guidelines, profiles and the PROFInet
Runtime Software are available on
PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e. V. PROFIBUS Trade Organization PTO
Haid-und-Neu-Str. 7 16101 N. 82nd Street, Suite 3B
D-76313 Karlsruhe AZ 85260 Scottsdale
Germany USA
Tel. : +49 (0) 721 / 96 58 590 Tel. : ++1 480 483 2456
Fax : +49 (0) 721 / 96 58 589 Fax : ++1 480 483 7202
Liability exclusion
PNO / PTO has elaborated the contents of this brochure carefully. Nevertheless, errors can not be excluded. Li-
ability of PNO / PTO is excluded, regardless of its reason. The data in this brochure is checked periodically, how-
ever. Necessary corrections will be contained in subsequent versions. We gratefully accept suggestions for im-
Terms used in this brochure may be trademarks, their use by third parties for any purposes may violate the rights
of the owner.
This brochure is not a substitute for standards IEC 61158 and IEC 61784 and the PROFIBUS and PROFInet
guidelines, profiles as well as the PROFInet Runtime Software. In case of doubt, please refer to these publica-
tions which take precedence.