Disciplines and Ideas of Social Sciences

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Activity 1: Editorial Cartooning of Social Issue

Answer the following questions:

1.What issue is being depicted in this editorial cartoon?
The issue that is being depicted in this editorial cartoon by Max Santiago is the
“different world of privilege people”. As I saw in this editorial cartoon, it portrayed a
major social issue of people coming from two different worlds. This means that not
everyone has the same experience. Every individual’s situation is different from what we
imagined. Privilege people enjoy their life without thinking about anyone as long as
people get what they want and only wish for their good. That resulted in conflict
between the inequality of each group.
2. By the looks of it, what sociological lens was used to present the issue? What specific concept/s
are evident?
The social-conflict theory was presented to the issue. It showed society with inequality
relations. The specific concept is evident by groups of people with unequal resources
that are resulted in constant conflict between results in social change.
3.What insights have you come across with this editorial cartoon considering your knowledge.
The insights I come across with this editorial cartoon are differentiating the world of
everyone. I came to realize that I should be satisfied and happier with the privilege I
had with my life because many people are struggling without me being aware. This
editorial cartoon taught me a lot of lessons about the social issues that happened in
real-life situations.
Activity 2: Graphic Organizer
Direction: Create a graphic organizer to illustrate what you have understood from learning the
Ensure the following:
Structure & Clarity of Perspective 20 %
Comprehensible organization of ideas 20%
Creative and neatness of the output 10%
Total 50%


Structural Symbolic
Functionalism Interactionism


Karl - Micro-level
- structures of
Marx perspective that
society and
focuses on patterns
- Social Structure their functional
of individual
- Social Functions - Forces that interactions.
- Parts of a - Change contribute to
- Manifest - Study of how
social system disintegration
Function - Dissension and individuals are
conflict - Coercion that shape by
- Latent Function relationships and
- inequality holds society
- Dysfunction together social structures

Activity 3: Reflection Paper

Direction: Think about the following status symbols, social media, and human rights violation. How
do you perceive these constructs? Write your insights on the importance of understanding the basic
principles of the dominant sociological theories in understanding yourself and the society.
After studying the basic principles of the dominant sociological theories, I get to know
the importance of them and how to understand myself more and the society around me.
I am determined to comprehend and embrace fundamental sociological problems,
concepts, and solutions better. Sociological theories taught me to be aware of the key
concepts, concerns, and ideas within society. I can understand the significant role of
sociological theories in my personal experience and apply them to my future actions.

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