Portfolio in Health Optimizing Physical Education: St. Mary's Academy of Guagua, Inc
Portfolio in Health Optimizing Physical Education: St. Mary's Academy of Guagua, Inc
Portfolio in Health Optimizing Physical Education: St. Mary's Academy of Guagua, Inc
(formerly: Sacred Heart Academy: 1908)
Guagua, 2003 Pampanga
SY 2020 – 2021
First Semester
Portfolio in Health
Physical Education
Submitted by: Submitted to:
Name: Marc Emmanuel P. Gabitano
Gr. And Section:11-OLGC
Equipment/s Required:none
Procedure: get down on all flours, placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders
straighten your arms and legs lower your body until your chest nesrly touches the floor pause
the push yourself back up and repeat
Scoring: the number of completed push up in 30 seconds is the scores
4. Activity/Exercise:Sit-ups
Equipment/s Required:none
Procedure:lie down on your back bend your legs and place feet firmly on the ground to stabilize
your lower body cross your hands to opposite shoulders or place them behind your ears, without
pulling on your neck curl your upper body all the way up toward your knees
Scoring:the number of completed sit up in 30 seconds is the score
5. Activity/Exercise:High knee
Equipment/s Required:none
Procedure:stand with your feet hip width apart lift up your knee to your chest switch to lift your
right knee to your chest continue the movement alternating legs and moving at a sprinting or
running pace
Scoring:perform high knees four one minute counting each full repitition and record
6. Activity/Exercise:Plank
Equipment/s Required:none
Procedure: get in the push up position only put your forearms on the ground instead of your
hands squeeze your glutes and tigthen your abdominals keep a nuetral neck spine create a
staright strong line from head to toes a plank if you will and hold that position
Scoring:aim of this test is to hold an elevated plank position for as long as possible
7. Activity/Exercise:Walking lunges
Equipment/s Required:none
Procedure: Stand upright, feet together, and take a controlled step forward with your right leg,
lowering your hips toward the floor by bending both knees to 90-degree angles. The back knee
should point toward but not touch the ground, and your front knee should be directly over the
8. Activity/Exercise:Squat jumps
Purpose: to increase your explosive power improve upper and lower body strength and burns
Equipment/s Required:none
Procedure:stand with your feet shoulder width apart start by doing a regular squat engage your
core and jump up explosively when you land lower your body back into the squat position to
complete one rep make sure you land with your entire foot on the back ground. Do two to three
sets of 10 reps
Scoring:the number of completed squat and jump 30 seconds is the score
9. Activity/Exercise:Burpees
Purpose:focus is on a full body work caslisthenics workout that aims to build muscle stregth and
endurance in both your lower and upper body
Equipment/s Required:none
Procedure:start in a squat position with your knee bent back straight and your feet about
shoulder width apart lower your hands to the floor in front of you so they’re just inside your feet
with your weight on your hands kick your feet back so you’re on your hands and toes and in a
pushup position
Scoring:the number of completed push up in 30 seconds is the score
10. Activity/Exercise: Sit and reach
Purpose:test is one of thr linear flexibility tests which helps to measure the extansibility of the
hamstrings and lower back
Equipment/s Required:none
Procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight ahead. Shoes
need not be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat against the box. Both knees should
be locked and pressed flat to the floor - the tester may assist by holding them down or using the
velco strap.
Scoring:the score is recorded to the nearest centimeter or half inch as the distance reached by
tha hand
BMI Documentation:
Activity Sheets: