Chapter 2 (Student Portal) Kajsgdiahsduahsd

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Chapter 2

Review of Literature
Based on Chalmers The Student Portal, you will find information about
studies at Chalmers and the services that facilitate your studies. Here you can find
information about courses, Master's thesis work, degrees and more. The Student Portal
is aimed at active students at Chalmers. In addition to regular web pages, the Student
Portal serves as an interface to a range of services in different systems. Links between
systems can sometimes make the Student Portal slow. The Student Portal has a
responsive design i.e. the design adapts to fit the size of the screen regardless of
browser or device. The contents of the Student Portal are divided into the tabs Studies,
Contact and Service, Student Life and Careers and Jobs. On the general homepage
you will find news, events from the calendar and links to internal pages. When you log
in, the Student Portal will take you to My startpage. On My startpage you will find the
service that facilitates your studies at Chalmers, for example sign up for examination,
select courses and the road to my degree, as well as news and events. Remember, you
must be logged in to use the services.
( )

The University of Waterloo has its portal called Waterloo Portal. University of
Waterloo's Portal delivers the information you need, just when you need it. Portal is
designed to make your UWaterloo life easier, providing access to a suite of real-time
information, updates and features relevant to all students.  Information is categorized
into Widgets (features), making it easy for you to find what you are looking for quickly.
You can customize the content that appears in Portal, so you can easily navigate your
academic, social and campus life. Stay connected, wherever you are! Portal is a
communications tool for current a student that pulls in the UWaterloo information
students’ need, just when they need it. (
Denver Public Schools Student and Parent Portal features: Grades and
Assignments- Know which assignments your student turned in, check out their most
recent grades posted, and review past grades with your student throughout the school
year. Attendance & Behavior - Make sure your student is in school to learn. Discuss any
classes they have missed, see if they are getting to class on-time and get information
on behavioral issues. District & State Test - Your student takes multiple tests throughout
the school year. Find out how to understand these scores, see if your student meets
grade level goals, and learn how you can help your student improve. Schedule &
Courses - Review your student's schedule, be aware of their subject areas and what
days and times your student should be attending classes. Academic Resources - Help
improve your students’ academic progress with home based activities and exercises
found in the new Parent Portal. (


Based on University of the East Student Portal, portal is a gateway for online
student information, lectures, discussions, resources, and other services exclusive to
UE students. It aims to enhance and extend the students’ learning experience through
information beyond the bounds of the classroom.

University of the Philippines Student Portal is an online gateway where students

can access the online registration system (ORS), view their grades, request for
documents and update their contact information. It also includes links to the learning
management system (MyPortal), library and other online services exclusive for UPOU
students. My Portal is the university's virtual learning environment. This is where you, as
a student, hold your classes, interact with your Faculty-In-Charge as well as with tutors
and other classmates, share various resources ranging from documents to videos and
sound files, and submit quizzes and assignments, and so much more. Using student
number and password you can log in to the portal. (

Based on the Information Management Service of UP Manila, A website that will

serve as an online channel for student concerns was launched today in the Office of
Student Affairs (OSA). It is called Student Portal. In a message to students, Dr. Marie
Josephine de Luna, Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, said that "[t]hrough this
portal, you may view your student profile and grades, check for announcements posted
by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), post on the student bulletin board, and engage in
online discussions. Student organizations can also use this portal to apply for OSA
accreditation." (

Through FEU Institute of Technology Student Portal they can view personal
information, view current schedule, academic grades, assessment, clearances, and
curriculum. Enroll online and access and manage student gmail.

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