The author would like to thank her friends and colleagues at the British Council,
Naples for their support.
The author and publisher would like to thank the ELT professionals who reviewed the material at different stages of development: Lisa McNamara, Spain; Sarah Moore, Italy; Duygu Ozkankilic, Turkey; Jessica Smith, Italy. Freelance Editorial Services by Trish Burrow. Design and typeset by Wild Apple Design. Cover design and header artwork by Chris Saunders (Astound). Sound recordings by dsound Recording Studios, London. The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources of copyright material and are grateful for the permissions granted. While every effort has been made, it has not always been possible to identify the sources of all the material used, or to trace all copyright holders. If any omissions are brought to our notice, we will be happy to include the appropriate acknowledgements on reprinting and in the next update to the digital edition, as applicable. The publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright photographs and material Key: L = Left, C = Centre, R = Right, T = Top, B = Below, B/G = Background Laetitia Aynié (Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency) pp. 14(B), 30(B) button, winner, window; David Banks pp. 8(T), 25; Joanna Boccardo 21(T); Bridget Dowty pp. 22(B) books; Chris Embleton-Hall (Advocate Art) pp. p15, 22(T) desk, write, draw, 22(B) dog, 23 (B); Andrew Elkerton (Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency) pp. 2, 3(B), 24(B), 28(T), 31 books; Clive Goodyer (Beehive Illustration) pp. 4(B), 23(T), 24(T), 30(T), 31 watch, computer, doll and robot, jeans, toothpaste; Andrew Hamilton @Elephant Shoes Ink Ltd pp. p17 (T), 20 ride a bike, 29, 31 breakfast, fish, glasses; Brett Hudson (Graham-Cameron Illustration) pp. 4(T), 18(B) sailing, swimming, 19(T) hockey, ice skating, piano, swimming, table tennis, 20 ride a horse; Kelly Kennedy (Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency) pp. 14(T); Nigel Kitching pp. 4(T), 5(B) splodges, 12, 13, 17(B), 31 hair; Andrew Painter: pp. 18(B) shopping, 27(T), 31 bike; Jamie Pogue @Bright Group pp. 16, 26, 27(B), 29; Nina de Polonia pp. 3(T), 19(T) playground, hospital, park, 20 sail; Andreas Ricci pp. 8(B), 19(T) comics, 22(T) board 30(B) tired girl, 31 mobile phone; Anthony Rule pp. 7, 11(B), 31 bag, socks; Pip Sampson pp. 18(T), 28(B); Melanie Sharp (Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency) pp. 5(B), 18(B) texting, 21(B), 22(B) story book; Sue Woollatt (Graham-Cameron Illustration) pp. 10, 11(T) (C), 22(T) playground, 25 (B).