01 Green Audit Suk

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Shivaji University,
Kolhapur (Maharashtra)

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ISBN : 987-93-85190-13-1

Published by:
Prof. (Dr.) Vilas D. Nandavadekar
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
Phone: (0) 0231-2609063
(R) 0231-2609059
(M) +91-9421918134
Email: registrar@unishivaji.ac.in

Prof. (Dr.) R. K. Kamat

Internal Quality Assurance Cell,
Shivaji University,
Kolhapur- 416 004.
(Maharashtra), India.
Phone: (O) 0231-2609087
Email: iqac@unishivaji.ac.in

Photo credits:
Coverpage by Prof. (Dr.) P. D. Raut,
Amol Chougule, Chetan Bhosale, Amit Mane.

Printed by:
Shivaji University Press,
Kolhapur-416 004.

Prepared by
Chief Editor
Prof. (Dr.) Prakash D. Raut

Editorial Team
Dr. (Mrs.)Aasawari S. Jadhav Dr. Pallavi R. Bhosale
Ms. Nirmala B. Pokharnikar Ms. Aarti A. Parit
Ms. Priya R. Vasagadekar Ms. Sonal G. Chonde
Ms. Sanjivani T. Chougale Mr. Amol A. Chougule
Mr. Chetan S. Bhosale

Field Team
Ms. Nirmala Pokharnikar Ms. Aarti A. Parit
Ms. Priya Vasagadekar Mr. Amol A. Chougule
Ms. Sanjivani T. Chougale Mr. Amit R. Mane
Mr. Chetan S. Bhosale Mr. Ajay V. Gaud
Mr. Harshad V. Suryawanshi

Prepared by:
Department of Environmental Science,
Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
ISBN: 987-93-85190-13-1

In the Era of global warming and climate change every citizen has to reduce their own
carbon foot prints to tackle with the adverse impacts of climate change. A green audit of any
academic institution revels ways in which we can reduce energy consumption, water use and
reduction in emission of carbon dioxide in the environment. It is a process to look into and
ask ourselves whether we are also contributing to the degradation of the environment and if
so, in what manner and how we can minimize this contribution and bring down to zero and
preserve our environment for future generation. This process of green audit enables us to
assess our life style, action and assess its impact on the environment.
Shivaji University administration has already taken a step towards the green approach
and conducted green audit of university in the year 2014. As an outcome of this university
has taken green steps to reduce its carbon foot prints by using electrical vehicles on campus,
solar electrical panels and green computing in the administration and examination. The
responsibility of carrying out the scientific green audit was given to Department of
Environmental Science. The Department has followed the rules and regulation of Ministry of
Environment and Forest, Govt. of India and Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi.
Focus was given to assess the consumption of energy, electricity, water as well as disposal of
liquid waste, solid waste, hazardous waste, e-waste and an inventory of trees on campus is
also prepared to check how much CO2 is sequestered and O2 is released.
A questionnaire was prepared based on the guidelines and format of CPCB, New
Delhi to conduct green audit. The questionnaire included month, year, total number of
students and employees, visitors of the department, average working days and office timings.
The information related to consumption of resources like water, electricity and handling of
solid and hazardous waste was collected in the formats from main building support services
and departments. The data collected was grouped in four groups as Building Block A, B, C
and D. The data collected was tabulated in Excel sheets and analyzed. The graphs of the
analyzed data were prepared for getting quick idea of the status. Interpretation of the overall
outcomes was made which incorporates primary and secondary data, references and
interrelations within. Final report preparation was carried out using this interpretation to
prepare environment management plan of university for next five years.
During the preparation of the „Green Audit Report-2018-19‟ Hon. Vice-Chancellor,
Hon. Pro-Vice Chancellor encouraged us with their full support. Registrar, Director, IQAC,
Deans of faculties, and other officers of the university were also given support to carry out
this work. All Heads of the department, Directors, Co-ordinators, In-charge of the support
services and engineering section of the university also gave full co-operation.
I must also thank all my Faculty, Research Scholars and M.Sc. students of the
Department of Environmental Science without whom this report could not have been
I hope the efforts made will be helpful for university to take one green step ahead.

Dr. P.D. Raut

Professor and Head
Department of Environmental Science, Shivaji University, Kolhapur




1. Introduction

1.1 Green Audit, a Tool for Environmental Protection and Conservation.

1.2 Need of Green auditing.

1.3 Goals of Green audit.

1.4 Objectives of Green audit.

1.5 NAAC criteria VII Environmental Consciousness.

1.6 Benefits of Green Audit to an Educational Institute.

1.7 Shivaji University, Kolhapur Maharashtra at a Glance.

2. Methodology

2.1 Background of Shivaji University Green Audit preparation.

2.2 Survey by Questionnaire:

2.3 Onsite visit and observations:

2.4 Data analysis and final report preparation

3. Water and Wastewater Audit

3.1 Importance of Water audit

3.2 Water Audit

3.3 Water consumption in the University

3.3.1 The water consumption at Building Block A

3.2.2 Water consumption at Building Block B

3.2.3 Water consumption at Building Block C.

3.2.4 Water consumption at Building Block D

3.2.5 Yearly water consumption at Shivaji University

3.3 Sustainable Water Practices (SWP)

3.3.1 Watershed management practices at Shivaji university campus.

3.3.1. a Farm ponds

3.3.1.b De-sedimentation and Rejuvenation of well

3.3.1.c Continuous contour trenches (CCT).

3.3.1.d Recycling of water.

3.3.1.e Mini Irrigation Tank.

3.3.1.f Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting.

3.3.1.g Water Filtration Plant.

3.3.1.h Drip Irrigation and Sprinkler Irrigation.

3.3.1.i Shiv Jal Yojana (Reverse Osmosis Plant)

3.4 Precautionary measures

4. Energy audit

4.1 Electricity audit.

4.1.1 Electricity consumption in the Building Block A.

4.1.2 Electricity Consumption in Building Block B.

4.1.3 Electricity consumption at Building Block C.

4.1.4 Electricity consumption at Building Block D.

4.1.5 Preventive Measures.

4.2 Fuel Energy Audit.

4.2.1 Building Blocks A (Administrative building).

4.2.2 Building Block B (Science Departments).

4.2.3 Building Block C (Commerce, Humanities and Social Science).

4.2.4 Building Block D ( Support Services).

4.2.5 Total fuel consumption on the university Campus.

4.2.6 Energy Conservation practices implemented at Shivaji University.

4.3 Fuel energy audit (LPG).

4.4 Precaution measures.

5. Solid waste audit

5.1 Status of solid waste generation in various Building Blocks.

5.1.1 Status of solid waste generation in Building Block A.

5.1.2 Status of solid waste generation in Building Block B.

5.1.3 Status of solid waste generation in Building Block C.

5.1.4 Status of solid waste generation in Building Block D.

Status of Plastic waste generation in various Building Blocks of Shivaji

Status of paper waste generation in various Building Blocks of Shivaji
5.1.7 Status of biodegradable waste generation in Shivaji University.

5.2 Status of Hazardous -waste generation at various Building Blocks on

5.3 Status of E-waste generation on university campus

6. Ambient Air Quality Status

6.1 National ambient air quality program (NAAQM)

6.2 Precautions Measures

6.3 Ambient noise monitoring status

6.4 Precautions Measures

7. Carbon Sequestration and Green Cover Inventory

7.1 Carbon Sequestration

7.1.1 Need of study

7.1.2 Objectives

7.1.3 Methodology Study Area Field survey Data Analysis Canopy cover

7.1.4 Findings Tree species with highest population Total biomass Carbon Stock

7.1.5 Carbon Sequestration

7.1.6 Oxygen released

7.1.7 Canopy cover

7.1.8 Conclusion

7.1.9 Precaution measures

7.2 Carbon footprints

7.2.1 Electricity carbon footprint

7.2.2 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) footprint

7.2.3 Vehicle footprint

7.2.4 Paper footprint

7.2.5 Total footprint of the University

7.2.6 Conclusion

7.2.7 Reducing the Carbon Footprints

8. Green initiatives

8.1 Green initiatives taken by the University for environmental Protection

9. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

10. Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

List of Tables

Table No.3.1 Sector wise use of water in Building Block A.

Table No.3.2 Sector wise use of water in Building Block B.

Table No.3.3 Sector wise use of water in Building Block C.

Table No.3.4 Sector wise use of water in Building Block D.

Table No.3.5 Sector wise use of water in Shivaji University.

Table No.3.6 Total capacity of Water Reservoirs on campus in Liter:

List Physico-Chemical Parameters of water checked by Department of
Table No.3.7
Environmental Science.
Table No.3.8 Physic-chemical characters of R.O. water in the year 2018-19

Table No.4.1 Electricity consumption by major equipments in the Building Block A.

Table No.4.2 Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block A.
Number of fluorescent tubes, bulbs and fans and their electricity
Table No.4.3
consumption in Building Block A.
Table No.4.4 Electricity consumed by laboratory equipments in Building Block B

Table No.4.5 Electricity Consumption by Major Electricity Consuming Equipments.

Table No.4.6 Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block B.
Number of fluorescent tubes, bulbs and fans and their electricity
Table No.4.7
consumption in Building Block B.
Electricity consumption by major electricity consuming equipments in
Table No.4.8
Building Block C.
Table No.4.9 Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block C.
Number of Fluorescent Tubes, Bulbs and Fans and their electricity
Table No.4.10
consumption in Building Block C.
Electricity consumed per annum by major equipments in Building Block
Table No.4.11
Table No.4.12 Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block D.
Number of fluorescent tubes, bulbs and fans and their electricity
Table No.4.13
consumption in Building Block D.
Table No.4.14 Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block A

Table No.4.15 Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block B.

Table No.4.16 Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block C

Table No.4.17 Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block D.
Total number of vehicles and their fuel consumption in all Building
Table No.4.18
Blocks of university.
Table No.4.19 Average fuel used in liters/day by four wheelers and two wheelers.

Table No.4.20 LPG Use in Science Departments and Support services Sectors.

Table No.5.1 Category wise solid waste generation at University (kg / month).

Table No.5.2 Departments generating highest and lowest quantity of solid waste.

Table No.5.3 Category wise solid waste generation at Building Block A (kg / month).

Table No.5.4 Solid waste generation at Building Block A .

Table No.5.5 Category wise solid waste generation at Building Block B (kg /month).

Table No.5.6 Solid Waste Generation at Building Block B.

Table No.5.7 Category wise solid waste generation at Building Block C (kg / month).

Table No.5.8 Solid waste generation at Building Block C.

Table No.5.9 Category Wise Solid Waste Generation at Building Block D (kg / month).

Table No.5.10 Solid Waste Generation at Building Block D.

Plastic waste generation and its distribution at various departments
Table No.5.11
Paper waste generation and its distribution at all Building Block
Table No.5.12
Table No.5.13 Biodegradable waste generation in Shivaji University (kg/month).

Table No.5.14 Hazardous waste generation at Shivaji University.

Table No.5.15 E-waste generation atn Shivaji University campus.

Ambient Air Quality Status in Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Dist:
Table No.6.1
Table No.6.2 Ambient Noise levels in Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Dist: Kolhapur.

Table no.7.1 Tree species with highest population

Table no.7.2 Total biomass in tons of first five tree species (Ton)

Table no.7. 3 Highest Carbon stock species in tons.

List of Graphs

Graph No.3.1 Total yearly water consumption at Building Block A.

Graph No.3.2 Total water consumption at Building Block B yearly.

Graph No.3.3 Total water consumption at Building Block C.

Graph No.3.4 Sector wise use of water in Building Block D.

Graph No.3.5 Average Yearly Water Consumption at Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

Graph No.4.1 Electricity consumed by major equipments in the Building Block A.

Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block
Graph No.4.2
Electrical Equipments and their Electricity Consumption in Building
Graph No.4.3
Block A.
Graph No.4.4 Electricity consumed by laboratory equipments in Building Block B.

Graph No.4.5 Electricity consumption by Major electricity consuming equipments.

Graph No.4.6 Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block B.
Number of fluorescent tubes, bulbs and fans and their electricity
Graph No.4.7
consumption in Building Block B.
Electricity consumption by major electricity consuming equipments in
Graph No.4.8
Building Block C.
Graph No.4.9 Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block C.
Number of fluorescent tubes, bulbs and fans and their electricity
Graph No.4.10
consumption in Building Block C.
Graph No.4.11 Electricity consumption by major instruments in Building Block D.
Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block
Graph No.4.12
Number of fluorescent tubes, bulbs and fans and their electricity
Graph No.4.13
consumption Building Block D.
Graph No.4.14 Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block A.

Graph No.4.15 Number of Vehicles and Their Fuel Consumption at Building Block B.

Graph No.4.16 Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block C.

Graph No.4.17 Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block D.
Total number of vehicles and their fuel consumption in all Building
Graph No.4.18
Blocks of university.
Graph No 4.19 Average fuel used in liters /day by four wheelers and two wheelers.

Graph No 4.20 LPG use in Science Departments and Support Services Sectors.

Graph No.5.1 Category wise solid waste generation at University (kg/month).

Graph No.5.2 Category wise solid waste at Building Block A.

Graph No.5.3 Category wise solid waste at Building Block B.

Graph No.5.4 Category wise Solid waste at Building Block C.

Graph No.5.5 Category wise Solid waste at Building Block D.

Graph No.5.6 Plastic waste at all Blocks at Shivaji university.

Graph No.5.7 Paper waste at Shivaji University.

Graph No.5.8 Biodegradable waste at canteen and hostel‟s eataries.

Graph No.5.9 E-waste at Shivaji university.

Ambient air quality status in Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Dist:
Graph No.6.1
Graph No.6.2 Ambient Noise levels in Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Dist: Kolhapur.

Graph no. 7.1 Tree species with highest population.

Graph no.7. 2 Total biomass in tons of first five tree species.

Graph no.7.3: Highest Carbon stock species in tons.

List of Photos

Plates No 3.1 University water Source.

Creation of three farm ponds near Shivtak (Sutar well) connected with each other
Plates No 3.2
with trenches.

Plates No 3.3 De-sedimentation and Rejuvenation of well near Sport Department.

Plates No 3.4 Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Plates No 3.5 Phytoremediation Treatment for Wastewater.

Plates No 3.6 Shiv Jalashay Yojana (Mini Irrigation Tank) Behind Language Department.

Plates No 3.7 Roof top rain water harvesting at Department of Environmental Science.

Plates No 3.8 Mini Water Treatment Plant (WTP).

Plates No 3.9 Drip Irrigation and Sprinkler Irrigation in University Garden.

Plates No 3.10 17 MLD Capacity Reverse Osmosis Plant.

Plates No 4.1 Inauguration of Electric car in University campus.

Plates No 4.2 Electric car

Plates No 6.1 Noise Monitoring at university campus.

Plates No 7.1 University campus.

Plates No 7.2 Satellite image of Shivaji University campus with tree census sector.

Plates No 7.3 University campus.


AGB Above Ground Biomass

CCT Continuous contour trenches
CDM Clean Developmental Mechanism
CF Carbon Footprint
CFC Common facility Centre
CFC Common facility Centre
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CPU Central Processing Unit
CPU Central Processing Unit
E Waste
E.C Electrical Conductivity
E-waste Electronic waste
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
GHGs Greenhouse Gases
GWP Global Warming Potential
HVS High Volume Sampler
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Kl Kiloliter
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
MIT Mini Irrigation Tanks
Ml Megaliter
MLD Millions of liter /day
MPN Most Probable Number
MW Megawatt
NAAC National Assessment and Accreditation Council
NAAQMP National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Programe
NOx Nitrous oxide
Pg Pentagram
RO Reverse Osmosis
RSPM Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter
SOx Sulphur dioxide
SPM Suspended Particulate Matter
SRPD Secured Remote paper Delivery
STP Sewage Treatment Plants
SUK Shivaji University, Kolhapur
SWP Sustainable Water Practices
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
WTP Water Treatment Plant
The Department of Environmental Science, Shivaji University, Kolhpaur conducted a
“Green Audit” of Shivaji University, Kolhapur in the academic year 2018-19. Green auditing
is the process of identifying and determining whether institutions practices are eco-friendly
and sustainable. The main objective to carry out green audit is to check green practices
followed by university and to conduct a well formulated audit report to understand where we
stand on a scale of environmental soundness.
This is second attempt of Shivaji University to conduct green audit of university
campus. Questionnaires prepared to conduct the green audit were based on the guidelines,
rules, acts and formats set by Government of India, Ministry of Environment and Forest, New
Delhi and Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi. Questionnaires were prepared for
solid waste, energy, water, hazardous waste and e-waste. For audit purpose and suitability
analysis of data the study area is grouped as Building Block A including administrative
buildings, Building Block B including Science and Technology Departments, Building Block
C including Language and Humanities departments and Building Block D including Support
Services. The audit was carried for solid waste, electricity and energy, water and wastewater,
hazardous waste, air quality and green inventory including carbon sequestration and carbon
foot prints. It also lists green initiatives taken by university to save environmental resources.
The „Green Audit‟ also gives a „Environmental Management Plan‟.

1. Solid Waste:
Solid waste generation and management is a burning issue. Unscientific handling of
solid waste can create threats to everyone. The solid waste audit focused on volume, type
and current management practice of solid waste generated in Shivaji University campus. The
solid waste collected was paper waste, plastic, biodegradable waste, biomedical waste,
construction waste, glass waste and other miscellaneous waste. The total solid waste
collected in the campus is 3108.77 kg/month and 37305.24 kg/year. Paper waste is a major
solid waste generated by all the departments. Old answer sheets, old bills and confidential
reports are sent for shredding, pulping and recycling after completion of their preservation
period. Plastic waste is generated by all departments, administrative sections as well as
support services but it is not categorized at point source and sent for recycling. Metal and
waste is stored and given to authorized vendors for further processing. Few glass bottles are
reused in the laboratories. Biodegradable waste is used for composting at Vidhyarthi Bhavan
and some of the waste from main canteen is used for vermicomposting by students of
Department of Environmental Science.

2. Electricity and energy audit:

Energy sources utilized by all the departments and services of university include
electricity, liquid petroleum and LPG. Major use of energy is at office, canteen, hostel and
laboratories for lighting, transportation, cooking and laboratory work. Electricity consumed
by laboratory equipments is 50838.36 KW/week. Air conditioners used in the university
consume 706.36 KW/week. Many of the departments and other services are using a LED
lamps and tube lights which is reducing consumption of electricity. The street lights in front
of main building is LED types which also save electricity. Number of four wheelers is 480
and they consume 10,500 liters of fuel/month whereas 4298 are two wheelers and they
consume 47755.56 liters of fuel/month. University follows No Vehicle Day on first Saturday
of every month means 1941.85 liters of fuel is saved every month; which is a very good green
practice followed by the university.

3. Water and wastewater audit:

A water audit is an on-site survey and assessment to determine and improve
efficiency of water use. The water used at bathrooms, toilets, laboratory, kitchen, garden,
shower and other uses as well as leakages and over flow of water from overhead tanks is also
been evaluated. The total use of water is 1894.85 liters/day. Major loss of water is through
overflow of tanks and leakages. The major use of water is in toilets.
Shivaji University is the only university from the state of Maharashtra which is self
sufficient in water. There are three tanks on the campus which supply water for regular use
where as well on the campus supplies drinking water. There is also water filtration plant for
filtration of water which supplies water for all facilities. For drinking purpose university has
set up a Reverse Osmosis Plant (RO Plant) for clean drinking water for everybody on the
campus. During flood situation in the month of August, 2019, university has supplied RO
water to needy people from city free of cost. Roof top rain water harvesting is also been
practiced and water collected been sent to water tanks on campus.
4. Hazardous waste audit:
A. Chemical waste:
Total chemical waste generated on the campus through Science laboratories is 40.80
kg/month in solid form and 242.5 liters/month in liquid form. Usually there is a practice in
the laboratories to store these hazardous chemicals in the containers and cans for safe
B. E-waste:
E-waste generated in the university is of schedule II of CPCB, New Delhi. E-waste
generated in the university is handled, treated and disposed in scientific way. E-waste
handled by university is 45.16 kg/month and E-waste treated and disposed is 45.16 kg/month.
C. Air quality audit:
Air quality on the academic institute is very important for health of students, faculty
and staff of university. The air pollution sources in the university campus are wind storm,
pollen grains, natural dust, vehicular emissions, generators, fires and laboratory fumes. All
these pollutants are measured by the Department of Environmental Science under the
National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program (NAAQMP) of Central Pollution Control
Board, New Delhi. The air pollutants monitored on regular basis are Sulphur dioxide (SO2),
Oxides of Nitrogen as NOx, Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and Repairable Suspended
Particulate Matter (RSPM) by High Volume Sample (HVS) as well as records of temperature,
relative humidity are also been recorded for comparison. All the air quality parameters are
within the standard limits of CPCB, New Delhi, suggesting ambient air quality of university
campus is good.
As an academic institute university comes under silent zone where noise should be
below 45 dB during day time. Therefore, the noise on the campus is also measured and found
within the standard limits. Sometimes construction activities and road traffic increase the
noise level on the campus.
D. Green inventory and carbon foot prints :
The green inventory was also carried out to know how green the university is.
Students of Department of Environmental Science counted full grown trees on the campus
which are 13,473 with 99 species and total biomass of 4233.69 tons. The total carbon
sequestration on the campus is 293.72 tons per year and total oxygen released is 783.23 tons
per year which is a good amount that is useful to keep university campus and surrounding
Simultaneously, university has taken many programs like green computing, SRPD
and use of ICT in many official procedures has reduced carbon footprints of the university.

Environmental Management Plan:

Environmental Management Plan gives the strength, weaknesses and suggestions on
the environmental issues of Shivaji University, Kolhapur. It also suggests about which area
is to be given priority to improve upon. The green audit of university campus reveals that the
university administration should take care of glass waste, wastewater, chemical waste and e-
waste management on high priority as the ignorance to these will deteriorate the environment
on the campus.
The entire exercise of green audit concluded that the university is keen on all the
environmental issues. University have lot to gain by following links to work towards making
a greener and more environmental friendly campus. Students, staff, faculty and
administration working together will produce the best results raising awareness and helping
to push the environmental friendly agenda beyond campus.
Green Audit 2018-19

Chapter I

1.1 Green Audit, a Tool for Environmental Protection and Conservation:

The modernization and industrialization are the two important outputs of twentieth
century which have made human life more luxurious and comfortable. Simultaneously, they
are responsible for voracious use of natural resources, exploitation of forests and wildlife,
producing massive solid waste, polluting the scarce and sacred water resources and finally
making our mother Earth ugly and inhospitable. Today, people are getting more familiar to
the global issues like global warming, greenhouse effect, ozone depletion and climate change
etc. Now, it is considered as a final call by mother Earth to walk on the path of sustainable
development. The time has come to wake up, unite and combat together for sustainable

Considering the present environmental problems of pollution and excess use of

natural resources, Hon. Prime Minister, Shri. Narendra Modiji has declared the Mission of
Swachch Bharat Abhiyan. Also, University Grants Commission has mentioned „Green
Campus, Clean Campus‟ mission mandatory for all higher educational institutes. As
environmental sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue for the nation, the
role of higher educational institutions in relation to environmental sustainability is more

Green Audit is the most efficient ecological tool to solve such environmental
problems. It is a process of regular identification, quantification, documenting, reporting and
monitoring of environmentally important components in a specified area. Through this
process the regular environmental activities are monitored within and outside of the
concerned sites which have direct and indirect impact on surroundings. Green audit can be
one of the initiative for such institutes to account their energy, water resource use as well as
wastewater, solid waste, E-waste, hazardous waste generation. Green Audit process can play
an important role in promotion of environmental awareness and sensetization about resource
use. It can create consciousness towards ecological values and ethics. Through green audit
one can get direction about how to improve the condition of environment.

Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 25

Green Audit 2018-19

1.2 Need of Green auditing:

Green auditing is the process of identifying and determining whether institutions
practices are eco-friendly and sustainable. Traditionally, we are good and efficient users of
natural resources. But over the period of time excess use of resources like energy, water,
chemicals are become habitual for everyone especially, in common areas. Now, it is
necessary to check whether our processes are consuming more than required resources?
Whether we are handling waste carefully? Green audit regulates all such practices and gives
an efficient way of natural resource utilization. In the era of climate change and resource
depletion it is necessary to verify the processes and convert it in to green and clean one.
Green audit provides an approach for it. It also increases overall consciousness among the
people working in institution towards an environment.

1.3 Goals of Green audit:

University has conducted a green audit with specific goals as:
1. Identification and documentation of green practices followed by university.
2. Identify strength and weakness in green practices.
3. Conduct a survey to know the ground reality about green practices.
4. Analyze and suggest solution for problems identified from survey.
5. Assess facility of different types of waste management.
6. Increase environmental awareness throughout campus.
7. Identify and assess environmental risk.
8. Motivates staff for optimized sustainable use of available resources.
9. The long term goal of the environmental audit program is to collect baseline data of
environmental parameters and resolve environmental issue before they become

1.4 Objectives of Green audit:

1. To examine the current practices which can impact on environment such as of
resource utilization, waste management etc.
2. To identify and analyze significant environmental issues.
3. Setup goal, vision and mission for Green practices in campus.
4. Establish and implement Environmental Management in various departments.
5. Continuous assessment for betterment in performance in green practices and its

Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 26

Green Audit 2018-19

6. To prepare an Environmental Statement Report on green practices followed by

different departments, support services and administration building.

1.5 NAAC criteria VII Environmental Consciousness :

Universities are playing a key role in development of human resources worldwide.
Higher education institutes campus run various activities with aim to percolate the knowledge
along with practical dimension among the society. Likewise different technological problems
higher education institutes also try to give solution for issues related to environment.
Different types of evolutionary methods are used to assess the problem concerning
environment. It includes Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Social Impact Assessment
(SIA), Carbon Footprint Mapping, Green audit etc

National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) which is a self governing

organization that declares the institutions as Grade according to the scores assigned at the
time of accreditation of the institution. Green Audit has become mandatory procedure for
educational institutes under Criterion VII of NAAC. The intention of green audit is to
upgrade the environmental condition inside and around the institution. It is performed by
considering environmental parameters like water and wastewater accounting, energy
conservation, waste management, air, noise monitoring etc. for making the institution more

Students are the major strength of any academic institution. Practicing green actions
in any educational institution will inculcate the good habit of caring natural resources in
students. Many environmental activities like plantation and nurturing saplings and trees,
Cleanliness drives, Bird watching camps, No vehicle day, Rain water harvesting, etc. will
make the students good citizen of the country. Through Green Audit, higher educational
institutions can ensure that they contribute towards the reduction of Global warming through
Carbon Footprint reduction measures.

1.6 Benefits of Green Audit to an Educational Institute:

There are many advantages of green audit to an Educational Institute:
 It would help to protect the environment in and around the campus.
 Recognize the cost saving methods through waste minimization and energy conservation.
 Find out the prevailing and forthcoming complications.

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 Empower the organization to frame a better environmental performance.

 It portrays good image of institution through its clean and green campus.
Finally, it will help to built positive impression for through green initiatives the
upcoming NAAC visit.

1.7 Shivaji University, Kolhapur Maharashtra at a Glance:

Shivaji University, established in 1962, is named after the Great Maratha Warrior and
founder of the Maratha empire Chhatrapati Shivaji. It was inaugurated on 18 th November,
1962 by Dr. Radhakrishnan, the then President of India. One of the major objectives behind
foundation of this University was to cater to the regional needs of South Maharashtra. The
jurisdiction of the University is spread over three districts viz. Kolhapur, Sangli and Satara
with strength of about 3,00,000 students studying in 280 affiliated colleges and recognised
institutes. This region of Maharashtra boasts of rich and varied socio-cultural heritage. Under
the innovative and socially reformist leadership of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj, the princely
ruler of Kolhapur, the city had become at the beginning of this century, a focal point of
educational opportunities for all classes and communities of South-Western Maharashtra, and
northern parts of neighboring Karnataka. This is also land of Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil, who
struggled for taking education to the masses by his innovative 'Earn and Learn' scheme.
When the University was founded by the Shivaji University Act of 1962, the objectives set
before the University included making opportunities of higher education accessible to rural
youth, conducting fundamental and applied research in the field of science and humanities to
ensure regional growth and development.
In 1962, the University started functioning with 34 affiliated colleges and about
14,000 students with 5 Post-graduate Departments on the campus. Today, the number of
affiliated colleges has gone up to 280 and students strength up to 3,00,000 with 34
Postgraduate Departments on campus. The University imparts education in 10 major faculties
of Arts, Social Science, Science, Commerce, Education, Fine Arts, Law, Medicine,
Ayurvedic Medicine, Engineering and Technology. The University consolidated its base in
this phase by 'taking education to the people'. The recent phase of the University can be
termed as "a pursuit of academic excellence". Since last 4-5 years, several attempts are being
made to overcome the image of University as a regional University. Several steps have been
taken to raise the standards of teaching and research so as to measure up to global standards.
This is being achieved by exploring new areas of higher learning and research in rapidly

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emerging fields like Industrial Chemistry, Space Science, Environmental Science, Bio-
Chemistry, Sericulture, Polymer Chemistry and Computer Science, in addition to basic
science disciplines. The University Department of Physics has been recently identified by
UGC for its Special Assistance Programme and recognised as Department of Research
Support. New research areas in these departments are Super conductors Energy, Bio-diversity
and Bio-technology. The University has also established the University-Industry Interaction.
The faculties of Arts and Social Sciences are also gearing up to meet the demands of
changing time. Establishment of Centre for Women's Studies and extension activities through
Adult and Continuing Education and Shramik Vidyapeeth are indicators of this change.
Department of Economics has been selected by UGC for its Special Assistance Programme.
Departments of Sociology, Education, Geography, Physics and Economics are offering
special courses in emerging areas like Environmental Science is also functioning actively.
The University's efforts towards excellence are being recognized by the substantial grants
received from funding agencies like UGC, DST, DBT etc. The indicator of recognition of
University is collaborations with premier institutes in the country. Shivaji University has
recently signed MoU with Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai for research in Material
Science. It has also joined hands with Indian Institute of Geo-Magnetism, Mumbai and
industries like Phyto-Pharma. Prestigious institutes like Maharashtra Police Academy, Nashik
and Centre for Social Studies, Surat have sought affiliation with the Shivaji University.
Shivaji University has been re-accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation
Council (NAAC) Bangalore, with "A" Grade (CGPA-3.16) (2014). University has bagged
the 28th position in the rankings announced by the National Institutional Ranking Framework
(NIRF) of Union Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). As per the
INFLIBNET report, Shivaji University stands second in use of Nature publications Group's
(NPG) e-journal usage in the country. Shivaji University has also signed MoU with Centre
for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune. Under the agreement, the two
institutions will exchange information and communication technology.
To sum up, the University which was founded primarily to cater to the regional
aspirations has now geared up to transcend this regional image and emerging as one of the
premier institutes of higher education and research in India.

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Chapter II

2.1 Background of Shivaji University Green Audit preparation:

Shivaji University has prepared its first Green audit report in the year 2014 during
second cycle of NAAC accreditation. This was one of the first attempt in Maharashtra to
prepare such pioneering document about the compilation of environmental status of any
university. This report was very much appreciated by the NAAC Pear Team visited Shivaji
University for second cycle accrediation. After preparation of this report, Department of
Environmental Science has taken the responsibility to prepare the Green Audit Report for the
colleges under Shivaji University territory. This Department has prepared more than ten
Green Audit reports of colleges and prepared a guideline for preparation of these reports for
This is being the second attempt to conduct Green Audit of Shivaji University,
Kolhapur campus; the report not only includes the data regarding the use of resources but
also highlights the biodiversity status of University. The resource utilization of Water and
Electricity, Solid waste generation, E waste, Hazardous waste, Noise and Air monitoring,
wastewater generation etc. on university campus are studied through this Green Audit
process. Besides, these observations, the report also includes the information about the social
responsibility taken by Shivaji University during the flood situation in Kolhapur.
The audit process was carried out in three phases. At first, all the secondary data
required for the study was collected from various sources, like concerned departments as
engineering, garden etc. A broad reference work was carried out to clear the idea of green
auditing. Different case studies and methodologies were studied and the following
methodology was adopted for present audit.
The methodology of present study is based on onsite visits, the personal observations
and questionnaires survey tool. Initially, based on data requirement, sets of questionnaires
were prepared. The surveyors then visited all the departments of the university and the
questionnaires were filled. The generated data is subsequently gathered and used for further
analysis. From the outcome of the overall study, a final report is prepared.

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Environmental Auditing Process


Choosing audit team

Inspecting site/ Collection of data

Analyzing results of audit

Evaluating audit

2.2 Survey by Questionnaire:

Baseline data for green audit report preparation was collected by questionnaire survey
method. Questionnaires prepared to conduct the green audit in the university campus is based
on the guidelines, rules, acts and formats prepared by Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change, New Delhi, Central Pollution Control Board and other statutory
organizations. Most of the guidelines and formats are based on broad aspects and some of the
issues or formats were not applicable for University campus. Therefore, using these
guidelines and formats, combinations, modifications and restructuring was done and sets of
questionnaires were prepared as solid waste, energy, water, hazardous waste, and e-waste.
All the questionnaires comprises of group of modules. The first module is related to
the general information of the concerned department, which broadly includes name of the
department, month and year, total number of students and employees, visitors of the
department, average working days and office timings etc. The next module is related to the
present consumption of resources like water, energy, or the handling of solid and hazardous

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waste. Maintaining records of the handling of solid and hazardous waste is much important in
green audit.
There are possibilities of loss of resources like water, energy due to improper
maintenances and assessment of this kind of probability is necessary in green audit. One
separate module is based on the questions related to this aspect. Another module is related to
maintaining records, like records of disposal of solid waste, records of solid waste recovery
etc. For better convenience of the surveyor, some statistics like, basic energy consumption
characteristics for electrical equipment etc. was provided with the questionnaires itself.

2.3 Onsite visit and observations:

The Shivaji University has vast built up area comprising of various departments,
administrative building, teachers and staff quarters, student hostels, guest house, sports
complex and health centre. All these amenities have different kind of infrastructure as per
their requirement. All these buildings were visited by the surveyors and the present condition
is checked with the help of the questionnaires. Personal observations were made during the
onsite visit. All the amenities were clubbed in as per their similarities and differences, which
makes the survey and further analysis easier.
For the data compilation purpose the University Departments and support services
were clubbed into Four Blocks and given coding as Building Block A, Building Block B,
Building Block C and Building Block D. The details of the Blocks are as follows:

Table No. 2.1 Details of each block including the various departments

Sr. No. Name of the Building Block Code

1. Administrative and Facilities Block Building Block A

2. Science and Technology Building Block B

3. Commerce, Humanities and Social Sciences Building Block C

4. Support Services Building Block D

After collection of secondary data, the reviews related to each environmental factor
were taken by the green audit team. The data was tabulated, analyzed and graphs were

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prepared using computer. Depending upon the observations and data collected, interpretations
were made. The lacunas and good practices were documented. The Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) was prepared for the next academic year in order to have better
environmental sensitization. Finally, all the information was compiled in the form of Green
Audit Report.

2.4 Data analysis and final report preparation:

A proper analysis and presentation of data produced from work is a vital element. In
case of green audit, the filled questionnaires of the survey from each group, were tabulated as
per their modules, in Excel spreadsheets. The tabulated data is then used for further analysis.
For better understanding of the results and to avoid complications, averages and percentages
of the tables were calculated. Graphical representation of these results was made to give a
quick idea of the status. Interpretation of the overall outcomes was made which incorporates
all the primary and secondary data, references and interrelations within. Final report
preparation was done using this interpretation.
Table No. 2.1 Categorisation of university departments and support services at Shivaji
University Campus.

Administrative Building, Annex Building, Student Facility

Building Block A Centre, Distance Education.
Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Physics, Electronics,
Mathematics, Statistics, Biochemistry, Environmental
Science, USIC, Geography, Industrial Chemistry, Applied
Building Block B
Chemistry, Computer Science, Technology, Food Science
and Technology, Biotechnology, Microbiology, School of
Nanoscience and Technology.
Political Science, Sociology, Economics, History, Journalism
and Mass Communication, Centre of Women studies, Adult
and Continuing Education, Marathi, English, Hindi, Foreign
Languages, Music and Dramatics, Education, Commerce and
Management, Law, Gandhiyan Studies, Neharu studies, Dr.
Ambedkar Studies, Community Development Centre, Social
Building Block C
Exclusion and Inclusive Policies, Shahu Sanshodhan,
YCSRD, Shivaji Maharaj Maratha History Centre, Bank of
India Adhyasan, Bhagawan Mahavir Adhyasan, Vitthal
Ramaji Shinde Adhyasan, Shardabai G. Pawar Adhyasan,
Yashwantrao Chavan Adhyasan, Balasaheb Desai Adhyasan
Library and Information Science, Barrister Khardekar Library,
Sports, Internet, Ladies Hostel, Boys Hostel, Ladies Hostel,
Building Block D (Technology), Boys Hostel (Technology), Vidyardhi Bhawan,
Guest house, Health Centre.

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Chapter III
Water and Wastewater Audit

Water which is precious natural national resource available with fixed quantum. The
availability of water is decreasing due to increasing population of nation, as per capita
availability of utilizable water is going down. Due to ever rising standard of living of people,
industrialization, urbanization, demand of fresh water is increasing day by day. The unabated
discharge of industrial effluent in the available water bodies is reducing the quality of these
ample sources of water continuously. Hence, the national mission on water conservation was
declared by the then Hon. Prime Minister Narendra Modi as 'Jal Shakti Abhiyan' and appealed
to all citizens to collectively address the problem of water shortage, by conserving every drop
of water and suggested for conducting water audit for all sectors of water use.
Water audit can be defined as a qualitative and quantitative analysis of water
consumption to identify means of reducing, reusing and recycling of water. Water Audit is
nothing but an effective measure for minimizing losses, optimizing various uses and thus,
enabling considerable conservation of water in irrigation sector, domestic, power and
industrial as well. A water audit is a technique or method which makes possible to identify
ways of conserving water by determining any inefficiencies in the system of water
distribution. The measurement of water losses due to different uses in the system or any
utility is essential to implement water conservation measures in such an establishment.

3.1 Importance of Water Audit:

 Systematic process
 May yield some surprising results
 Easier to work on solutions when the problems are identified.
 A tracking mechanism can be put into place.
It is observed that a number of factors like climate, culture, food habits, work and
working conditions, level and type of development, and physiology to determine the
requirement of water. The community which has a population between 20,000 to 1,00,000
requires 100 to 150 liters per person (capita) per day. The communities with a population can
consume over 1, 00,000 requires 150 to 200 liters person (capita) per day. As per the
standards provided by WHO Regional office for South East Asia Schools require 2 liters per
student; 10-15 liters per student if water-flushed toilets, Administration requires (Staff

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accommodation not included) 50 liters per person per day, Staff accommodation requires 30
liters per person per day and for sanitation purposes it depends on technology.

3.2 Water Audit:

Water usage can be defined as water used for all activities which are carried out on
campus from different water sources. This includes usage in all residential halls, academic
buildings, on campus and on grounds. Wastewater is referred as the water which is
transported off the campus. The wastewater includes sewerage, residence, hall water used in
cooking, showering, clothes washing as well as wastewater from chemical and biological
laboratories which ultimately going down in sink or drainage system.

Plate: 3.1 University water resources

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Water Audit Process



Audit Observation



Planning and Process



Zeroing on conservation
steps that can be taken

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3.3 Water consumption in the University:

From the data collected for water audit of Shivaji University, Kolhapur, the water
distribution and water consumption pattern is noticed as follows. The University departments
are grouped in different groups as given in the methodology as a) Building Block A
(Administrative Facilities) b) Building Block B (Science and Technology) c) Building Block
C (Commerce, Humanities and Social science) and d) Building Block D (Support Services).

3.3.1 The water consumption at Building Block A:

Table No. 3.1: Sector wise use of water in Building Block A.

Total Daily Use Total yearly use Percentage

Sr. No. Sector
(liter) (kl) %
1 Bathroom 15905.89 4294.59 25.00

2 Toilet 28715.50 7753.19 46.00

4 Kitchen 199.76 53.94 0.32

5 Garden 1198.56 323.61 1.92

6 Urinals 680.43 183.72 1.09

7 Drinking 1248.50 337.10 2.00

8 Wash Basin 14289.08 3858.05 22.89

Water loss during 124.85 33.71 0.20

10 Water loss at discharge 62.42 16.85 0.10

Total 62425.00 16854.75 100.00

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Graph No. 3.1 Total yearly water consumption at Building Block A

It is revealed from the data given in Table No. 3.1 and Graph No. 3.1 shows that total
62425 liters of water is used daily and 16854.75 kl yearly. In the Building Block A total five
departments are involved which use water for bathrooms, toilet, drinking, washbasin,
laboratory, kitchen and garden purpose. From above data it is observed that the maximum
water consumption for toilet purpose is 28715.5 liters / day i.e. 7753.19 kl/year. Water for
Bathrooms, Urinal and Kitchen consumed 4294.59 kl/year, 183.72 kl/year and 53.94 kl/year
respectively. In the case of Garden, water used yearly is 323.61 kl while for drinking purpose
less amount of water is required which is provided by R.O. water plant is 337.10 kl per year.
Water loss during filling of water in tank was noted as 33.71 kl/year and water losses at
discharge were found to be 16.85 kl/ year.

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3.2.2. Water consumption at Building Block B:

Table No. 3.2 Sector wise use of water in Building Block B.

Total daily use Total yearly use Percentage

Sr. No. Sector
(liter) (kl) %
1 Bathroom 11161.19 3013.52 9.96

2 Toilet 23880.00 6449.33 21.32

3 Laboratories 24850 6709.50 22.19

4 Urinal 14286 3857.22 12.75

5 Garden 11960 3229.2 10.68

6 Drinking 1574.81 425.20 1.41

7 Wash Basin 24076 6500.52 21.50

8 Water loss during filling 148.59 40.12 0.13

9 Water loss at discharge 67.85 18.32 0.06

Total 112004.44 30242.93 100

Graph No. 3.2 Total water consumption at Building Block B yearly.

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It is shown from the data given in Table No. 3.2 and Graph No. 3.2 that total
112004.44 liters water is used daily in Building Block B and 30242.93 kl yearly. In Building
Block B water is used for bathroom, toilets, drinking, washbasin, laboratory, urinal and
garden etc. purpose daily. From above data it is observed that the maximum water
consumption was for laboratory purpose which is 24850 liters/ day i.e. 6709.50 kl/year. The
next water requirement is for wash basin and toilet. For washbasin and toilet purpose water
used is 24076 liters and 23880 liters of water required daily while 6,500.52 and 6,449.33 Kilo
liters yearly. Other sectors like bathroom, urinal and garden shows daily water consumption
11161.19, 14286 and 11960 liters and yearly 3013.52, 3857.22 and 3229.2 Kiloliters
respectively. In case of drinking purpose only 1574.81 liters while yearly 425.20 Kiloliters.
Water loss during filling of water in tank was also noted as 148.59 liters/day i.e. 40.12
Kiloliters/year and water losses at discharge were found to be 67.85 liters /day i.e. 18.32 kl/
3.2.3 Water consumption at Building Block C.
Table No. 3.3: Sector wise use of water in Building Block C.

Sr. Total daily use Total yearly use Percentage

No. (liter) (kl) %
1 Toilet 7672 2071.44 31.02

2 Bath room 4434 1197.18 17.93

3 Garden 3090 834.3 12.49

4 Urinal 2289 618.03 9.25

5 Wash Basin 5774 1558.98 23.34

6 Drinking 1279.85 345.56 5.17

7 Water loss during Filling 120.59 32.56 0.49

8 Water loss at Discharge 74.52 20.12 0.30

Total 24733.96 6,678.17 100

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Graph No. 3.3 Total water consumption at Building Block C.

It is revealed from the data given in table no. 3.3 and Graph No. 3.3 shows that total
24733.96 liters water is used daily and 6,678.17 kl yearly. The Building Block C total nine
departments are involved which use water for bathrooms, toilet, drinking, wash basin and
garden purpose for daily and also calculated yearly. From above data it is observed that the
maximum water consumption is for toilet purpose which is 7672 liters / day i.e. 2071.44
kl/year. After toilet next use of water is for wash basin and then bathrooms which consume
1558.98 kl/year and 1197.18 kl/year respectively. In case of urinal and garden water used
yearly is 618.03 kl and 834.3 kl while for drinking purpose less amount of water is required
which is provided by R.O water plant is 345.56 kl per year. Water loss during filling of water
in tank was noted as 32.56 kl/year and water losses at discharge were found to be 20.12 Kl/

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3.2.4 Water consumption at Building Block D:

Table No. 3.4 Sector wise use of water in Building Block D.

Sr. Total daily use Total yearly use Percentage

No. (liter) (kl) %
1 Toilet 40302 10881.54 11.17

2 Bathroom 90617 24466.59 25.10

3 Kitchen 21152 5711.04 5.86

4 Garden 36060 9736.20 9.99

5 Urinal 6180 1668.60 1.71

6 Wash Basin 85711 23141.97 23.74

7 Shower 78694 21247.38 21.80

8 Drinking 2000.74 540.20 0.55

9 Water loss during Filling 167.148 45.13 0.05

10 Water loss at Discharge 82.44 22.26 0.02

Total 360966.33 97460.91 100

Graph No. 3.4 Total Yearly Water Consumption by Building Block D.

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Green Audit 2018-19

It is shown from the data given in Table No. 3.4 and Graph No. 3.4 that total
360966.33 liters of water is used daily in Building Block D and 97460.91 kl yearly. In
Building Block D total 21 department data is collected. In Building Block D water is
consumed for bathroom, toilets, drinking, wash basin, kitchen, shower, urinal and garden
purpose daily. From the above data it is observed that the maximum water consumption is for
bathroom purpose which is 90617 liters / day i.e. 24,466.59 kl/year. The next water
requirement is for wash basin and shower. For wash basin and shower purpose 85711 liters
and 78694 liters per day while 23141.97 and 21247.38 Kilo liters respectively per year. Other
sectors like toilet, urinal and kitchen shows daily water consumption 40302, 62 and 21152
liters and yearly 10881.54, 1668.60 and 5,711.04 Kiloliters respectively. In case of garden
purpose only 36060 liters and yearly 9,736.20 Kiloliters. For drinking purpose water is
required 2000.74 liters per day while 540.20 Kiloliter / year. Water loss during filling of
water in tank was also noted as 167.148 liters/day i.e. 45.13 Kiloliters/year and water losses
at discharge were found to be 82.44 liters /day i.e. 22.26 kl/ year.
3.2.5 Yearly water consumption at Shivaji University:
Table No. 3.5 Sector wise use of water in Shivaji University.

Water used
Sr. No. Sites %
in Ml/Year
1 Bathroom 32.97 19.62

2 Toilet 27.15 27.38

3 Urinary 6.32 6.20

4 Basin 35.26 23.04

5 Garden 14.12 8.77

6 Kitchen 5.76 1.55

7 Laboratory 6.50 5.38

8 Other 23.12 8.07

Total 151.23 100

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Green Audit 2018-19

Graph No. 3.5 Average yearly water consumption at Shivaji University,


Graph No. 3.5 shows the total percent of water consumed by all the Building Blocks
of Shivaji University, Kolhapur. The graph shows toilets, wash basin and bathrooms as the
major sources of water utilization comprising 27.38 %, 23.04 %, and 19.62 % respectively.
The other uses namely garden, urinals, laboratory and shower consume water with yearly
water requirement of 8.77 %, 6.20 %, 5.38 % and 5.45 % respectively. In case of others
includes water required for drinking perpose, water required for kitchen activity and loss of
water during filling and during discharge. It was observed that the water required for drinking
purpose is 2.28 % while for kitchen it is 1.55 %. In case of filling loss of water observed 0.22
% while during discharging water loss is about 0.12 % respectively.

3.3 Sustainable Water Practices (SWP):

3.3.1 Watershed management practices at Shivaji university campus.
Shivaji University, Kolhapur has become a front runner in water conservation and
management of water available on the campus. Now, university is self reliant through
decentralized water conservation and management practices. Following table shows the
capacity of water reservoirs on campus in liters.

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Green Audit 2018-19

Table No. 3.6 Total capacity of Water Reservoirs on campus in Liter.

Sr.No Sources Capacity in Liters.

1 Bhasha Bhavan Lake 22.15 cr

2 Music Department Lake 5.20 cr

3 Sutar well 4.00 lakh

4 Well near Sports department 4.87 lakh

5 Well near Chemistry department 3.00 lakh

6 Well near Synthetic track 5.00 lakh

7 Shinde well 3.00 lakh

8 Three farm ponds 40.00 lakh

3.3.1. a Farm ponds:

Shivaji University has created three ponds to control pressure of flowing water. These
ponds are created in such a manner to collect water serially, one after another and are
connected to each other with trenches without use of plastic. The reservoirs have total
capacity of 40 lakh liters with capacity of 5 lakh liters, 10 lakh liters and 25 lakh liters

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Plate: 3.2 Creation of three farm ponds near Shiv tak connected with each other with

3.3.1.b De-sedimentation and Rejuvenation of well:

University campus is having eight wells out of which six wells are old. The university
extract water from Sutar well in rainy season for potable water. Another well used by Botany
Department to maintain their lead botanical garden. Remaining four wells remain unutilized.
Two wells were dug in 2014 to meet water requirement and one of them is used for Boys hostel
and another is used for Botany Department. University has decided to bring two (out of four
unutilized wells) wells under use, this year. The well near Synthetic Track and another well
(Shinde well) near Sutar well, were desedimented completely which earlier contained very less
water. The work of desedimentation and rejuvenation was under taken after studying the
underground water resources of these wells. Nearly 60 ft. and 30 ft. sludge was removed out of it,
to activate ground water resources. During summer itself, water from few sources started
activating wells. Though, quantity of water was small, it was a great success. After de-
sedimentation those wells were constructed with compound wall to avoid any mishap The well
full fills daily need of university of around 2 lakh liters of drinking water.

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Plate: 3.2 De-sedimentation and Rejuvenation of well near Sport Department.

3.3.1.c Continuous contour trenches (CCT):

Few trenches were created to carry water towards various reservoirs on the campus.
The civil engineering section created trenches of total length of 2.5 km without disturbing
natural direction of water flow. Those included the trench from Chemistry Department to
back side of Botany Department (390 mtr), Statistics Department to Bhasha Bhavan (510
mtr), Boys Hostel (West side) to farm pond (300 mtr), Electric substation to Printing Press
(200 mtr). Also, four trenches of 315 mtr each were created from the West side of Synthetic
Track towards Bhasha Bhavan lake (Total of 1260 mtr).

3.3.1.d Recycling of water:

Wastewater recycling was considered as the best option of water usage. Underlining
this fact, Shivaji University has established two recycling plants in 2008-09 and 2013-14.
First plant was established near Ladies hostel where 60 thousand liter water is recycled per
day. Another plant of phytoremediation is established near Boy‟s hostel at Department of
Technology, where 50 thousand liter water is recycled. This recycled water is used for the
garden and campus beautification through drip lines across the gardens. The gardens of old
and new library, garden adjacent to statue of Karmaveer Annabhau Patil, garden of
Humanities building and North circle garden is irrigated with the recycled water from the
recycling plant near Ladies Hostel. The gardens in the area of Department of Technology are
irrigated with the recycled water from their hostel.

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3.3.1. Design of STP on the campus

Plate: 3.3. Wastewater Treatment Plant

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Plate: 3.4. Phytoremediation treatment for wastewater

3.3.1.e Mini Irrigation Tank:

University has constructed Mini Irrigation Tanks (MIT) behind Language Department
tank which has capacity of 8.52 million cubic feet. When it fills to about 50% of capacity, it
results in the recharging of wells, located down of the tank. The water from tank near Music
department is supplied to ladies hostel, few departments, teachers‟ quarters, and garden.
Plate: 3.5. Shiv Jalashay Yojana (Mini Irrigation Tank) Behind Language Department.

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3.3.1.f Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting:

The university program of rain water harvesting includes buildings on the campus,
Nallah construction, canal contours and resuscitating of water springs in the different wells.
The daily water need of the university is 5.5 lakh / liters and the university used to purchase
water from Municipal Corporation. Roof top rain water harvesting is carried out at Main
Administrative building, Humanities, all buildings of Science departments, Boy's and Girl's
hostel and Aappasaheb Pawar Vidhyatri Bhavan. Additional water collected is diverted to the
university constructed dams.
Plate: 3.6. Roof top rain water harvesting at Department of Environmental Science.

3.3.1.g Water Filtration Plant:

The university has campus as big as a village with its administrative setup and there is
a need of treatment of water for drinking purpose. University has constructed Mini Water
Treatment Plant (WTP) on the campus in 2008. This filter house (WTP) used to filter the well
water into potable water was constructed near library building. Now the university campus
use self filtered water throughout the year.

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Green Audit 2018-19

Plate: 3.7. Mini Water Treatment Plant (WTP)

3.3.1.h Drip Irrigation and Sprinkler Irrigation:

University has huge green campus of about 853 acres. Efforts have been made on to
bring part of land under cultivation of medicinal plants as well as other productive plants
through NSS and students of other departments. Drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation
system have been installed at 15 university gardens which helps to save water and nutrients
by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants. The goal is to place water directly into
the root zone and minimize evaporation to save water.
Plate: 3.8. Drip Irrigation and Sprinkler Irrigation in University Garden

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3.3.1.i Shiv Jal Yojana (Reverse Osmosis Plant) :

From 11th July, 2016, onwards Shivaji University started Shiv Jal Yojana Reverse
Osmosis plant (RO plant) in the campus. The plant has 17 MLD capacity which helps to get
pure water for drinking to all members of University and stopped using the water supply from
Municipal Corporation. It will help to minimize the water born disease occurrence in the
Girls and Boys hostel. The water is supplied by packing of sterile cans of water.
Plate: 3.9. 17 MLD capacity Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plant

The quality of water is monitored by Department of Environmental Science.

Following table shows the physic-chemical parameters checked weekly by Department of
Environmental Science of the university.

Table No. 3.7 List Physico-chemical Parameters of water checked by Department of

Environmental Science.

Sr.No. Parameter Unit Methods WHO Standards

1 pH - IS 3025, part11 6.5 - 8.5
2 E.C μmhos/cm IS 3025, part14 -------
3 TDS mg/lit IS 3025, part15 500
4 Total Hardness mg/lit IS 3025, part21 300
5 Chloride mg/lit IS 3025, part32 250
6 MPN 0/100ml --- 0/100ml

Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 52

Table No. 3.7 Physic-chemical characters of R.O. water in the year 2018-19 the

disposal point.
pH E.C TDS Total Hardness Chloride MPN
Green Audit 2018-19

Sr.N Parameters
o Months Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet

Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

1 January 7.7 7.47 56 6 560 60 152 50 47.3 8.0 2 0

2 February 5.6 4.6 79 8 790 80 174 24 60.1 7.0 4 0

3 March 8.28 8.33 80 6 800 60 105 26 71.0 12.0 4 0

4 April 6.13 6.7 54 12 541 120 100 30 80.1 17.6 2 0

5 May 7.02 6.9 55 10 600 40 150 13 77.1 10.2 4 0

6 June 6.32 6.7 56 10 450 38 135 15 72.1 16.0 4 0

7 July 7.02 6.55 65 10 542 42 165 19 65.9 12.3 2 0

8 August 6.64 6.32 74 10 322 12 120 76 60.6 11.1 5 0

9 September 6.3 7.5 52 11 276 26 118 16 65.3 12.1 5 0

10 October 5.4 4.9 56 6 525 65 128 10 74.0 15.4 2 0

11 November 7.7 7.5 59 12 423 53 120 16 75.4 16.2 4 0

12 December 7.4 7.2 64 11 356 39 114 14 67.5 12.0 2 0

R.O. plant as well as at the disposal point for drinking. The instructions are given to
every week of each month regularly. The university monitors the water at inlet and outlet of
Total six parameters of Inlet and purified water (RO) i.e. outlet water is analyzed

the R.O. contractor as well as to Departments or sections to maintain cleanliness at the

Green Audit 2018-19

Table No. 3.7 shows the physico-chemical and microbiological analysis of RO water for
12 months in the year 2018-19 on the Shivaji University campus. In present table shows analysis
of samples collected from inlets and outlets of RO treatment plant.
The samples are collected in sterile BOD bottles. The monthly analysis of various physic-
chemical parameters were carried out by standards methods. Physico-chemical parameters like
pH, EC, TDS, Hardness, Chloride and Microbial parameters like MPN were for analyzed for
water samples. All the physic-chemical parameters are within the permissible limit of WHO.
Most Probable Number (MPN) which suggest contamination of microorganisms is also zero
suggesting probability of water.

3.4 Precautionary measures:

University should consider following precautionary measures for improving campus
 Non-teaching staff or peons in the concerned section should take responsibility of
monitoring the overflow of water tanks.
 Large amount of water is wasted during the practical process in Science laboratories.
Designs of small water recycle system helps to reuse of water.
 Producing distilled water in the laboratories required large amount of water to distillate.
To produce 1 liter of distilled water required more than 33 liters of water. To avoid more
wastage university should design common distillation plant for Science Department.
 Reduce chemical waste formation in Chemistry laboratory, adopt the principles of green
chemistry to reduce chemical waste.
 Pipes, overhead tanks and plumbing system should be maintained properly to reduce
leakages and wastages of water.
Green Audit 2018-19

Chapter IV

Energy audit
Energy is one of the major inputs for the economic development of any country. The
fundamental goal of energy management is to produce goods and provide services with the least
cost and least environmental effect. Also it can be said as “the strategy of adjusting and
optimizing energy, using system and procedure so as to reduce energy requirements per unit of
output while holding constant or reducing total costs of producing the output from these
systems”. The energy audit is key to a systematic approach for decision making in the area of
energy management. It attempt to balance the total energy inputs with its use, and serve to
identify all the energy streams in a facility.

4.1 Electricity audit:

Energy resources utilized by all the departments, support services and the administrative
buildings of Shivaji University, Kolhapur campus include electricity and liquid petroleum. Major
use of the energy is at office, canteen, hostel and laboratories, for lighting, transportation,
cooking and workshop instruments. Shivaji University has installed solar power plant having a
capacity of 180 kW. Electricity is also supplied to the University campus by Maharashtra State
Electricity Board.

4.1.1 Electricity consumption in the Building Block A:

Building Block A includes Main building, Annex, Examination centre I, Exam centre II,
Distance Education. The calculations are based on the data collected from all these buildings and
actual observations taken at the site. The collected data shows that all Building Block A have
maximum number of major electricity consuming equipments and consumption is 83.49

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Green Audit 2018-19

Table No. 4.1: Electricity consumption by major equipments in the Building Block A.

Sr. No. Equipment Unit kW/annum

1 Cooler 4 480

2 Water Cooler 3 1,987.20

3 AC 34 34,020.00

4 Fridge 2 6,854.40

5 Amplifier 2 399.84

6 Speaker 4 76.16

7 ATM 2 9,000.00

8 Lift 3 677.28

Total 27 83,494.90

Graph No.4.1: Electricity consumed by major equipments in the Building Block A.

The electricity consumption by major electricity consuming equipments in the Building

Block A is 83494.9 kW/annum. As major electricity consuming equipments number of AC is 34

Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 56

Green Audit 2018-19

than other equipments and hence, also the electricity consumed by major electricity consuming
equipments is highest i.e. 34020 kW/annum. Number of fridge is 2 and the electricity
consumption is 6854.4 kW/annum. It is followed by water cooler 1987.2 kW/annum and ATM
9000 kW/annum, lift 677.28 kW/annum and cooler 480 kW/annum respectively.
Similarly, to analyze the electricity consumption of office equipments like computers,
printers, laptops were also considered.

Table No. 4.2: Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block A.

Sr. No. Equipment Number kW/annum

1 Computer 512 2,13,248.00

2 Printer 107 63,665.00

3 Projector 7 2023.00

4 Laptop 36 3427.20

5 Scanner 3 612.00

6 CCTV 332 18963.00

7 Biometry Machine 6 51.00

8 Xerox machine 42 102816.00

9 Router 24 822.528

10 LED TV 8 326.40

11 Amplifier 2 244.80

Total 1079 4,06,200.00

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Graph No. 4.2: Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block

Total number of office equipments consuming electricity at all departments is 406.20

MW/annum. As office equipment, and number of computers is highest i.e. 512 than Printers,
Laptops, LCD projectors and Xerox machine, the electricity consumed by computers is
maximum i.e. 213248 kW/annum followed by Printers 63665 kW/annum, Xerox machine
102816 kW/annum, CCTV 18963 kW/annum, Laptop 3427.2 kW/annum respectively. Other
equipments like biometry machine, scanner, amplifier, router etc, number is less and therefore,
their consumption is also less.
Similarly, to analyze the electricity consumption, lights and fans and other illumination
equipments were also considered.

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Green Audit 2018-19

Table No. 4.3: Number of fluorescent tubes, bulbs and fans and their electricity
consumption in Building Block A.

Sr. No. Equipments Number kW/annum

1 Tube 870 44,370.00

2 Ceiling Fan 608 93,024.00

3 Exhaust Fan 40 4,624.00

4 LED Tube 443 10,844.60

5 LED bulb 302 3,491.12

6 Table fan 27 2,643.84

7 Lamp 32 217.60

8 LED street light 511 101.73

9 Bulb 60 13,096.80

Total 2440 1,72,414.00

Graph No.4.3: Electrical Equipments and their Electricity Consumption in Building Block

Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 59

Green Audit 2018-19

Maximum use of electricity is for lighting and fans in all the buildings in Building Block
A. The total number of tubes is 870 and their consumption is 44370 kW/annum. The total
number of ceiling fans is 608 and their electricity consumption is highest i.e. 93024 kW/annum
and also the electricity consumed by LED tube, bulb is maximum i.e. 10844.6 kW/annum and
13096.8 kW/annum respectively. The consumption of other equipments such as table fan, lamp
and exhaust fan number is very small as compared to other equipments.

4.1.2 Electricity Consumption in Building Block B.

Electricity is utilized at all Science Departments as many equipments are used in
laboratory and some of them are run every day for 24 hrs. Total 30,035 MW/annum of electricity
is consumed in the laboratories alone.

Table No.4.4: Electricity consumed by laboratory equipments in Building Block B.

Sr. No. Department Equipments kW/annum

1 Environmental Science 73 26,405.25
2 Biotechnology 70 48,131.00
3 Biochemistry 70 90,101.25
4 Physics 122 1,91,042.80
5 Electronics 48 3,72,796.00
6 Botany 193 71,02,100.00
7 Chemistry 125 15,00,770.00
8 Zoology 101 29,96,572.00
9 Nanoscience 100 60,04,459.00
10 Microbiology 20 23,79,676.00
11 DOT 265 47,84,507.00
12 AGPM 27 11,98,037.00
13 USIC 35 33,40,500.00
Total 1249 3,00,35,097.00

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Green Audit 2018-19

Graph No 4.4: Electricity consumed by laboratory equipments in Building Block B.

Botany Department has 193 laboratory equipment units and thus utilizes highest
electricity 71,02,100 kW/annum. Equipments from School of Nanoscience consume second
highest electricity consumption i.e. 60,04,459 kW/annum and their number of laboratory
equipment is 100. Department of Technology has maximum lab equipments i.e. 265 but their
electricity consumption is comparatively lower than Botany and Nanoscience department i.e.
47,84,507 kW/annum. Department of Environmental Science shows lowest electricity
consumption i.e. 26,405.25 kW/annum and total number of equipments are 73. Followed by
Zoology i.e. 29,96,572 kW/annum, AGPM i.e. 11,98,037 kW/annum, Microbiology i.e.
23,79,676 kW/annum, USIC i.e. 33,40,500 kW/annum etc.

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Green Audit 2018-19

Table No. 4.5: Electricity consumption by major electricity consuming equipments.

Sr. no Equipments Number kW/ annum

1 Air conditioner (AC) 56 214200

2 Amplifier 1 5.95

3 Pumping motor 20 68000

4 Speaker 20 49

5 Lift 1 340

Total 98 282595

Graph No. 4.5: Electricity consumption by major electricity consuming equipments.

Total 282.59 MW/annum of electricity is consumed by all Air Conditioners, Pumping

Motors, Amplifiers, Speakers and Lift in Building Block B. In this block 56 Air conditioners
utilize maximum electricity of 2,14,200 kW/annum also 20 pumping motors are consume 68,000

Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 62

Green Audit 2018-19

kW/annum. This is followed by Lift i.e. 340 kW/annum, Amplifiers i.e. 5.95 kW/annum, and
Speakers i.e. 49 kW/annum.

Table No. 4.6: Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block B.

Sr. No. Equipment Number kW/annum

1 Computer 925 330225.00

2 Printer 141 41947.50

3 Projector 41 5924.50

4 Laptop 82 2927.40

5 Scanner 5 680.00

6 CCTV 239 13651.70

7 Biometry Machine 10 13.60

8 Xerox Machine 16 30464.00

9 Router 60 2056.32

10 LED TV 11 134.64

11 Alarm bell 10 1224.00

12 OHP 1 56.10

Total 1532 428082.00

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Green Audit 2018-19

Graph No.4.6: Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block B.

Total number of office equipments at all Science departments i.e. Building Block B
electricity consumption is 428.08MW/annum. As office equipments, number of computers is
highest i.e. 925 than Printers, Laptops, LCD projectors and Xerox machines. The electricity
consumption by computers is also maximum i.e. 3,30,225 kW/annum followed by Printers
41,947.5 kW/ annum, Xerox machines 30,464 kW/annum, CCTV 13,651.7 kW/annum, Laptop
2,927.4 kW/annum respectively and other equipments like biometry machine, scanner and
routers etc. consumption is less.

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Green Audit 2018-19

Table No. 4.7: Number of fluorescent tubes, bulbs and fans and their electricity
consumption in Building Block B.

Sr. No. Equipments Number kW/annum

1 Tube 1987 118227.00

2 Bulb 21 1713.60

3 LED Tube 396 9424.80

4 LED Bulb 280 6664.00

5 CFL Bulb 140 3808.00

6 Fan 1056 94248.00

7 Table fan 27 1927.80

8 UV tube 1 3.06

9 Exhaust Fan 88 8138.24

Total 4000 244168

Graph No.4.7: Number of fluorescent tubes, bulbs and fans and their electricity
consumption in Building Block B.

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Green Audit 2018-19

The total number of fluorescent tubes is highest i.e. 1987 and their electricity
consumption is also highest i.e. 1,18,227 kW/annum. In the Building Block B total number of
fans is 1056 and their electricity consumption is maximum i.e. 94,248 kW/annum. Followed by
LED tubes i.e. 9,424.8 kW/annum, LED bulb i.e. 6,664 kW/annum, CFL bulb i.e. 3,808
kW/annum, Exhaust fan i.e. 8,138.24 kW/annum respectively and other equipment i.e. table fan,
table lamp, bulb etc. but their electricity consumption is less.

4.1.3 Electricity consumption in Building Block C.

Table No. 4.8: Electricity consumption by major electricity consuming equipments in
Building Block C.

Sr. no Equipments Number kW/ annum

1 Fridge 4 4896
2 Water cooler 4 2815.2
3 Motor 8 171360
4 Mike 4 40.8
5 Speaker 19 387.6
Total 39 179500

Graph No. 4.8: Electricity consumption by major electricity consuming equipments in

Building Block C.

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Green Audit 2018-19

Total 179.50 MW/annum ofyticirtcele is consumed by all fridge, pumping motor, water
cooler, speaker and mike in Building Block C. In this Block 8 motors utilize maximum
electricity of 1,71,360 kW/annum, 4 water cooler consume 2,815.2kW/annum which is followed
by fridges i.e. 4,896 kW/annum and speakers i.e. 387.6 kW/annum.

Table No. 4.9: Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block C.

Sr. No. Equipment Number kW/annum

1 Computer 469 167433.00
2 Xerox Machine 14 38080.00
3 Printer 81 34425.00
4 Projector 37 21386.00
5 Television 11 1346.40
6 Laptop 2 171.36
7 Biometry Machine 2 24.00
8 Router 30 1028.16
9 CCTV 15 856.80
Total 661 264751.00

Graph No.4.9: Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block C.

Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 67

Green Audit 2018-19

The electricity consumption of office equipments at all buildings from Building Block C is
264.75MW/annum. In the office equipments the number of computers is highest i.e. 469 than
Printers, Laptops, Projectors and Xerox machine and hence, the electricity consumed by
computers is also maximum i.e. 1,67,433 kW/annum followed by Printers 34,425 kW/annum,
Xerox machine 38,080 kW/annum respectively and other equipment like biometry machine,
CCTV, Laptop, scanner and number is less and therefore, their consumption is less.

Table No.4.10: Number of Fluorescent Tubes, Bulbs and Fans and their electricity
consumption in Building Block C.

Sr. No. Equipments Number kW/annum

1 Tube 714 25849.80
2 Fan 423 43146.00
3 Bulb 103 8404.80
4 Exhaust fan 19 1405.70
5 LED Tube 162 2203.20
6 Table fan 8 489.60
7 LED Bulb 174 2366.40
8 CFL Bulb 142 4828.00
9 Focus 34 2427.60
Total 1779 90761.10

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Green Audit 2018-19

Graph No.4.10: Number of fluorescent tubes, bulbs and fans and their electricity
consumption in Building Block C.

The total number of fluorescent tube is highest i.e. 714 and their electricity
consumption is 25,849.8 kW/annum. Total number of fans in Building Block C is 423 and their
electricity consumption is maximum i.e. 43,146 kW/annum. It is followed by LED tubes i.e.
2,203.2kW/annum, LED Bulb i.e. 2,366.4 kW/annum, CFL Bulb i.e. 4,828 kW/annum, Exhaust
fans i.e. 1,405.7 kW/annum respectively. The equipments like table fan, table lamp, bulb are less
in number and their consumption is less as compared to other equipments.

4.1.4 Electricity consumption at Building Block D:

Building Block D includes Support services like Ladies hostel, Boy‟s hostel, Canteen,
Gymkhana, Library , Quarters, Guest House and Health centre the collected data shows that the
Support services has maximum number of major electricity consuming equipments and
electricity consumption is 408.09 MW/annum.

Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 69

Green Audit 2018-19

Table No.4.11: Electricity consumed per annum by major equipments in Building Block D.

Sr. No. Equipment Number kW/annum

1 Fridge 25 85680.00
2 Mixer 79 537.20
3 Geyser 98 186592.00
4 Motor 25 44640.00
5 Cooler 10 32844.00
6 Heater 2 1020.00
7 Washing Machine 29 1133.90
8 Microwave oven 10 212.50
9 Iron 46 1876.80
10 AC 10 48600.00
11 Television 92 110.40
12 Hair dryer 6 204.00
13 Home theater 5 89.25
14 Hair straightener 7 124.95
15 Radio 40 1428.00
16 Compressor 1 495.00
17 Mobile charger 3000 2856.00
18 Lift 1 340.00
19 other 26 1104.83
Total 3518 408088.87

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Green Audit 2018-19

Graph No.4.11: Electricity consumption by major instruments in Building Block D.

Total number of major electricity consuming equipments in Building Block D is 3518 and
electricity consumption is 4,08,088.87 kW/annum. Major electricity consuming equipments,
number of Geyser is 98 and electricity consumption is highest i.e. 1,86,592 kW/annum. Number
of fridge is 25 in Building Block D but the electricity consumption is maximum i.e. 85,680
kW/annum which is followed by Motors i.e. 44,640 kW/annum, Cooler i.e. 32,844 kW/annum,
AC i.e.48,600 kWh/annum respectively and other equipment like radio, mixer, heater, washing
machine, microwave oven, Iron, AC, television, hair dryer, home theatre, hair straightener,
mobile charger, lift, compressor etc. are less in number and therefore, their consumption is less.
Similarly, the electricity consumption of office equipments like computers, printers, laptops
were also considered.

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Green Audit 2018-19

Table No. 4.12:Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block D.

Sr. No. Equipment Number kW/annum

1 Computer 352 146608

2 Printer 64 3808

3 CCTV 490 27988.8

4 Biometry machine 12 171.36

5 Speaker 23 2737

6 Xrox machine 22 1196.8

7 Projector 7 1416.1

8 Laptop 320 30464

9 Scanner 7 1904

10 Router 59 3092.54

Total 1356 216308.1

Graph No. 4.12: Office equipments and their electricity consumption in Building Block D.

Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 72

Green Audit 2018-19

Total number of office equipments in Building Block D is 1356 and electricity

consumption is 216.31 MW/annum. Computers number is 352 and electricity consumption is
maximum i.e. 1,46,608 kW/annum, followed by Laptop i.e.30,464 kW/annum, CCTV i.e.
27,988.8kW/annum respectively and the equipment like printer, biometry machine, speaker,
Xerox machine, projector, scanner, router etc. as their number is less and consumption is
respectively less.
Similarly, to analyze the electricity consumption, lights and fans were also considered.

Table No. 4.13: Number of fluorescent tubes, bulbs and fans and their electricity
consumption in Building Block D.

Sr. No. Equipments Number kW/annum

1 Tube 4333 742502.88
2 Bulb 1168 200148.48
3 Ceiling Fan 1984 531216.00
4 Exhaust fan 105 13594.56
5 Bulb (LED) 325 61880.00
6 Mercury bulb 30 7711.20
7 LED tube 134 4556.00
8 CFL bulb 1 228.48
9 Table fan 24 1713.60
10 Lamp 41 409.84
11 Halogen lamp 12 685.44
12 Street Light 40 2284.80
13 Focus 1 46.240
Total 8198 1566977.50

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Green Audit 2018-19

Graph No.4.13: Number of fluorescent tubes, bulbs and fans and their electricity
consumption Building Block D.

The total number of fluorescent tubes is 4,333 and their electricity consumption is
7,42,502.88 kW/annum. The total number of ceiling fans is 1984 and their electricity
consumption is 5,31,216 kW/annum, which is followed by exhaust fans i.e. 13,594.56 kW/annum
LED bulb i.e.61,880 kW/annum, bulbs i.e. 61,880 kW/annum respectively and equipments like
mercury bulb, LED tube, CFL bulb, table fan, lamp, halogen lamp, street light, and focus etc.
number is less and therefore, their consumption is comparatively less.

4.1.5 Preventive Measures:

 University has many areas where lighting is not required at all times. Installing sensor
based lighting in such areas can generate massive rewards. This is one of the easiest ways
to save energy at university.
 If most systems in computer laboratory and instrumentation laboratory are based on old
technology, they might be consuming more power than new technology.
 Replacing old computers and instruments with ones having energy efficiency
certifications is the easiest way to conserve energy at university.
 By installing more solar energy panels generate more electricity and minimize their
electricity bill. In the hostels increases use of solar water heater is needed.

Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 74

Green Audit 2018-19

 Investment in solar lights for outdoor lighting can generate long term benefits.
 A huge amount of energy is wasted because no one really cares about switching off the
fans and lights when not required. Hence, planning workshops on energy conservation to
educate students, faculty and staff can generate huge results.
 Unplug overhead projectors, computers, and smart boards when not in use. This simple
way to conserve energy can help save large amount of power and money in the long run.

4.2 Fuel Energy Audit:

The fuel energy audit determines the approximate use of petrol or diesel by the vehicles
inside the university. It also includes the efforts taken by the university to conserve the fuel.
The conventional source of fuel for the vehicle is petrol and diesel. Maximum students,
teaching and non teaching staff of university and visitors use two wheeler and four wheeler
vehicles. So, the data regarding fuel utilization for students, teaching and non teaching staff of
university and visitor are monitored in the study. For the purpose of the fuel energy audit the
entire university campus with infrastructure is divided into following groups. With respect to the
mentioned classes the survey was carried out regarding the petrol/diesel fuel use in by students,
teaching and non teaching staff and visitors coming with vehicles on the campus.

Sr. No. Buildings Blocks

1 A (Administrative building)

2 B (Science departments)

3 C (Commerce, Humanities and Social science)

4 D (Support services)

4.2.1 Building Blocks A (Administrative building):

It includes buildings of Main building, Examination Section, Annex building and
Distance Education building.
Building block A consists of following sections of the university:-

Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 75

Green Audit 2018-19

Sr. No Departments in Building Blocks A

1 Examination Section building

2 Annex building

3 Main building

4 Distance Education building

Table No. 4.14:- Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block A.

Sr. Total fuel Total fuel

Vehicle Four wheelers Two wheelers
No. liters/month liters/year
No. of
1 66 291
Average liters
2 55 90.93
of fuel/month
Main building Main building
3 Maximum 26.67 44.68 145.94 1,751.25
lit/month lit/month
Annex building
4 Minimum 11.87
7.5 lit/month

Graph No. 4.14: Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block A

Shivaji University, Kolhapur. 76

Green Audit 2018-19

The vehicles coming to building block A includes buildings like university main
building, Annex building, Examination building and Distance Education building. The vehicle
coming to this building as regular and visitor‟s vehicle includes 66 four wheelers and 291 two
wheelers daily. The average fuel consumed by four wheelers is 55 lit/month and 90.93 lit/ month
by two wheelers. The maximum fuel consumed is 26.67 lit/ month by four wheelers coming to
the main building and 44.68 lit/ month by two wheelers coming to the Main building. The
minimum fuel consumed is 7.5 lit/ month by four wheeler visiting to the Distance Education
building and 11.87 lit/ month is consumed by two wheelers coming to the Annex building. The
total fuel consumed by the vehicles coming to the Building Block A is 145.94 lit/month and
1,751.25 lit/ year by both two wheelers and four wheelers.

4.2.2 Building Block B (Science Departments)

It includes Departments such as Environmental Science, Botany, Microbiology, Physics,
Biotechnology, School of Nano Science and Technology, Chemistry, Agrochemicals and Pest
Management, Zoology, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Technology, Electronics,
Mathematics, Statistics, Food Science and Technology, Geography, USIC, Computer Science,
and Department of Technology (DoT).

Building Block B consists of following Departments of University:

Sr. No Departments Name Sr. No Departments Name

1 Environment Science 10 Bio-chemistry

2 Botany 11 Electronics
3 Microbiology 12 Statistics
4 Physics 13 Geography
5 Biotechnology 14 USIC
6 Zoology 15 Computer Science
7 Chemistry 16 Department of Technology

8 School of Nano Science and 17 Food Science and Technology


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Table No. 4.15: Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block B.

Total fuel
Four Two Total fuel
Sr. No. Vehicle consumption
wheelers wheelers lit/year

1 No. of vehicle 285 1,382

Average liters of
2 237.5 431.87

DOT DOT 669.38 8,032.50

3 95.83 103.75
lit/month lit/month

AGPM Electronics
4 2.5 3.75
lit/month lit/month

Graph No. 4.15: Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block B.

The vehicles coming to the Building Block B which includes various Science and
Technology departments including University Science Instrumentation Centre. The vehicles
coming to these buildings regularly and visitor vehicles include 285 four wheelers and 1,382 two

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wheelers daily. The average fuel used by four wheelers is 237.50 lit/month and 431.87 lit/month
by two wheelers. The maximum fuel consumed is 95.83 lit/month by four wheelers coming to
the Department of Technology and 103.75 lit/month by two wheelers coming to the Department
of Technology. The minimum fuel consumed is 2.5 lit/month by four wheelers visiting AGPM
department and 3.75 lit / month is consumed by two wheelers coming to the Electronics
department. The total fuel consumed by the vehicles coming to the Building Block B 669.38
lit/month and 8,032.51 lit/year by two wheelers and four wheelers respectively.

4.2.3 Building Block C (Commerce, Humanities and Social Science)

Building Block C includes departments such as Political Science, Sociology, Economics,

History, Centre for Women Studies, Marathi, Hindi, Foreign Language, English, Music and
Dramatics, Mass Communication, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Centre for Research and
Development, Law, Journalism, YCSRD, Shahu Shanshodan Kendra, Lok Vikas Kendra,
Commerce and Management, Centre for Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Gandhi Study
Centre, Nehru Study Centre, and Yashwantrav Chavan Adyasan.
Building Block C consists of following departments of university:

Sr. No. Departments in Building Block C

1 Political Science
2 Sociology
3 Economics
4 History
5 Centre for Women Studies
6 Marathi
7 Hindi
8 Foreign Language
9 English
10 Music and Dramatics
11 Mass Comunication

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12 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Centre for Research Development

13 Law
14 Journalism
16 Shahu Shanshodan Kendr
17 Lok Vikas Kendr
18 Commerce and Management
19 Centre for Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy
20 Gandhi Study Centre
21 Nehru Study Centre
22 Yashwantrav Chavan Adyasan

Table No.4.16: Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block C

Total Fuel Total

Sr. No. Vehicle Four wheelers Two wheelers consumption fuel
lit/month lit/year
1 No. of vehicle 79 455
Average liters
2 65.83 142.18
of fuel/month
Maximum Department 208.02 2,496.26
3 14.37
lit/month 8.34
Lok Vikas Gandhi Study
Minimum Kendr Centre
lit/month 0.84 2.18
lit/month lit/month

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Graph No. 4.16: Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block C

The vehicles coming to the Building Block C include various departments coming under
Commerce, Humanities and Social Sciences. The vehicles coming to these building regularly and
visitors vehicles include 79 four wheelers and 455 two wheelers daily. The average fuel used by
four wheelers is 65.83 lit/ month and 142.18 lit/month by two wheelers. The maximum fuel
consumed is 8.34 lit/month by four wheelers coming to the Marathi Department and 14.37
lit/month by two wheelers coming to the department of Economics. The minimum fuel
consumed is 0.84 lit /month by four wheelers visiting Lok Vikas Kendra and 2.18 lit/ month
consumed by two wheelers coming to the Gandhi Study Centre. The total fuel consumed by the
vehicles coming to the Building Block C is 208.02 lit/ month and 2,496.26 lit/ year by two
wheelers and four wheelers.

4.2.4 Building Block D ( Support Services)

Building Block D it includes Department of Sports, Library, B. K. Khardekar library,
Internet unit, Girls Hostel, Boys Hostel, Vidhyarthi Bhavan, Guest house, Health Centre.
Building D consists of following departments of university:-

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Green Audit 2018-19

Sr. No Departments in Building Block D

1 Sports

2 Library

3 B. K. Khardekar Library

4 Internet

5 Girls Hostel

6 Boys Hostel

7 Vidhyarthi Bhavan

8 Guest House

9 Health Centre

Table No. 4.17: Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block D.

Two Total Fuel Total Fuel

Sr.No Vehicle Four wheelers
wheelers liters/ month liters/year
1 No. of vehicle 29 388
Average liters of
2 24.16 323.33
Guest house Library
Maximum 347.5 4,170
3 5.83 35
lit/month lit/month
Minimum Bhavan
4 3.43
lit/month 0.83

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Graph No. 4.17: Number of vehicles and their fuel consumption at Building Block D.

The vehicles coming to the Building Block D includes buildings of all support services of
the university. The vehicles coming to these buildings regularly and visitors vehicles include 29
four wheelers and 388 two wheelers daily. The average fuel use by four wheelers is 24.16 lit/
month and 323.33 lit/ month by two wheelers. The maximum fuel consumed is 5.83 lit/ month
by four wheelers coming to the university Guest House and 35 lit/month by two wheelers
coming to the B. B. K. Library. The minimum fuel consumed is 0.83 lit/month by four wheelers
visiting Vidhyarthi Bhavan and 3.43 lit/month is consumed by two wheelers coming to the
Sports department. The total fuel consumed by the vehicles coming to the Building Block D is
347.5 lit/ month and 4,170 lit/ year by two wheelers and four wheelers respectively.

4.2.5 Total fuel consumption on the university campus:

Shivaji University campus is divided into four Building Block as A,B,C,D for smooth
collection of data regarding vehicles recorded as two wheelers and four wheelers as well as the
vehicles used by staff, faculty, students and the vehicles of visitors coming to the various
departments and facilities for the student. While considering the floating vehicles of visitors to
each departments and facilities was collected from the gate vehicle record register as well as with
the discussion to student, staff and faculty regarding visitors coming to them with vehicle.

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Table No. 4.18: Total number of vehicles and their fuel consumption in all Building Blocks
of university.
No. of No. of
fuel used Average fuel Total fuel Total
Sr. Building four two
by four used by two used fuel used
No sectors wheelers wheelers
wheelers/ wheelers/month lit/month lit/year
vehicles vehicles
1 66 291 55 90.93 145.94 1,751.28
Block A
2 285 1,382 237.5 431.87 669.38 8,032.56
Block B
3 79 455 65.83 142.18 208.02 2,496.24
Block C
4 29 388 24.16 323.33 347.5 4,170
Block D
Total 459 2,516 382.49 988.31 1,370.84 16,450.08

From all the data collected by approved formats, it was found that 459 four wheelers and
2,516 two wheelers visit university campus daily. The consumption of fuel by four wheelers is
382.49 lit/month and 988.31 lit/month by two wheelers. The total consumption of fuel is
1,370.84 lit/month and 1,6450.08 lit/years consumed on the campus. The use of 1,370.84
lit/month of fuel release 146.51 kg/lit of CO2 where as 16,450.08 lit/year fuel emits 38,328.68
kg/lit of carbon dioxide per year. To sequester this CO2 which is released by the vehicles requires
1,758.19 number of additional trees to be grown on campus or other remedies like electric
vehicles, sharing of the vehicles, use of bicycles and the activities on the campus which can be
carried out by E-media be encouraged.

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Graph No. 4.18: Total number of vehicles and their fuel consumption in all Building Blocks
of university.

4.2.6 Energy conservation practices implemented at Shivaji University:

The administration of Shivaji University is very keen on saving electricity and fuel which
is been used on the campus. The university has implemented some unique ideas like „No Vehicle
Day‟, electrical vehicles on campus, LED lights on campus and installation of Biogas plant at
Vidhyarthi Bhavan Building. The various departments also conducted energy conservation
awareness programmes, motivation of students, staff and faculty to use public vehicles and
programmes like PUC are conducted by various departments.
Following are some of the practices followed by university on the campus to conserve energy
and fuel.
a. No Vehicle Day:
The concept of „No Vehicle Day‟ is to reduce emission of CO2 by minimum use of
vehicles on the campus. On the first Saturday of every month „No Vehicle Day‟ is observed on
the campus since 2013. During this No vehicle Day the vehicles of student, staff, faculty and
visitors are not allowed to move on the campus and only essential service vehicles are allowed
on the campus.

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Table No. 4.19: Average fuel used in liters/day by four wheelers and two wheelers.
Average fuel Average fuel used
Sr. Building Total fuel used
used litres/day litres/day two
No. Block litres/day
four wheelers wheelers
1 Building Block A 1.83 3.63 5.47
2 Building Block B 9.5 17.27 26.77
3 Building Block C 2.63 5.68 8.32
4 Building Block D 0.96 4.85 5.81
Total 14.93 31.45 46.38

Graph No. 4.19: Average fuel used in liters /day by four wheelers and two wheelers.

During this „No Vehicle Day‟ the use of four wheelers save 14.93 liters of fuel and two
wheeler save 31.45 lit of fuel. In total 46.38 liters of the fuel is saved to be used for vehicles on
the campus. This saves 110.85 kg/lit of CO2 to be released in the environment which is a very
good step taken up by a university towards saving our environment. This practice can be
replicated by other organisation, institutes and academic institution to reduce CO2 to Save Earth.
b. Use of Electrical cars in the university campus:

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This is another initiative taken by university to save fuel as well as save campus
environment. The university has purchased two electric cars which are used on the campus for
internal transport of officers, faculty, staff, students and visitors coming to the university. It
needs 6 hrs charging for battery on which the car runs for around 30 - 40 km.

Plate No: 4.1. Inoguration of Electric car in University Campus

Plate No: 4.2. Electric Car

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c. Solar electricity generation-

Shivaji University under RUSA programme purchased and installed 180 KW Solar
power plants for generation of electricity on the terrace of main administrative building. This 180
kilowatt electricity produced is fed to MSEB feeder line with electric meter and the same units of
electricity will be deducted from the electricity bill of university. There is ample scope to
generate solar electricity on the campus.
d. Use of LED lights
With the time university has taken a policy decision to replace all florescent, CFL bulbs,
sodium bulbs, and tubes by LED bulbs and tubes. These LED bulbs and tube lights will reduce
consumption of electricity.
e. Energy Conservation Programmes
The energy conservation programmes are conducted in various departments like
Environmental Science, Energy Technology, Department of Technology etc. A unique
programme of Petroleum ministry named PCRA energy conservation programme is conducted in
Department of Environment Science and Department of Energy Technology. The electricity
week is also observed in the university through Engineering Section.

4.3 Fuel energy audit (LPG):

LPG is one of the major important source of energy used in Shivaji Unviersity for various
purposes. LPG is mostly required for the laboratory work in Science departments of university
and support services including hostel mees, guest house and canteens of university. The
description of the use of LPG in university is as follows.
Table No. 4.20 LPG use in Science Departments and Support services Sectors

Sr. No. Sectors Kg/annum

1 Science Departments 1192.8

2 Support Services 32,049.4

Total 33,242.2

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Graph No. 4.20 LPG use in Science Departments and Support Services Sectors

Maximum LPG use is in Support services. It is used as a fuel for canteen, hostel mess,
and guest house and staff quarters. The total consumption of LPG is 32,049.4 kg/annum. In the
Science departments for laboratory purpose consumption of LPG is 1,192.8 kg/annum.
4.4 Precaution measures
1) No Vehicle day is one of the activities conducted by university which is helpful for the fuel
conservation practices. The university needs to continue this activity.
2) The university has purchased and using two electric cars for internal transportation. This
activity also conserves the fuel and implements the use of non conventional energy resources.
University need to purchase more electric vehicles for internal transport in the university
3) The university needs to arrange the energy conservation program for the purpose of
awareness of fuel energy conservation and motivation of students for use of non conventional
energy devices.
4) Also need to motivate the students, teaching and non teaching staff to use public vehicles for
the transport as well as to take the proper maintenance of the vehicles, so that vehicles
consume less quantity of fuel.
5) University needs to use alternative sources instead of use of LPG (Non conventional sources)
for laboratory and other sources.

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Chapter V

Solid Waste Audit

Solid waste is the unwanted or useless solid material generated from the human activities
in residential, industrial or commercial area. Solid waste management reduce or eliminates the
adverse impact on the environment and human health. A number of processes are involved in
efficiently managing waste for a organisation. It is necessary to manage the solid waste properly
to reduce the load on waste management system.
Solid waste generation and its management is a burning issue in current days. The rate of
generation of solid waste is very high and yet we do not have adequate technology to manage the
generated waste. Unscientific handling of solid waste can create threats to public health and
environmental safety issues. Thus, it is necessary to manage the solid waste properly to reduce
the load on waste management system. The purpose of this audit is to find out the quantity,
volume, type and current management practice of solid waste generation in the Shivaji
University campus. This report will help for further solid waste management and to go for green
campus development.

5.1 Generation of solid waste in Shivaji University, Kolhapur:

Shivaji University campus solid waste data is collected from Building Block A, Building
Block B, Building Block C, Building Block D along with support services. There are different
types of waste are recorded such as paper waste, plastic waste, biodegradable waste, construction
waste and glass waste etc.

Status of solid waste generation in Shivaji University Campus:

Table No. 5.1: Category wise solid waste generation at University (kg / month)

Category of Paper Plastic Biodegradable Construction Glass Other Total waste Total
waste waste waste waste waste waste waste kg/month waste
Quantity 484.3 129.33 1983.15 291.4 31.16 189.3 3108.77
4 8 37305.24
percentage 15.58 04.16 63.79 09.37 1.00 6.09 100

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Graph No.5.1 solid waste generation at university campus

During the study period total 3108 kg/month of solid waste is generated. Among this highest
quantity of solid waste is biodegradable waste and it is 1938.15 kg/month, which is 63.79 % of
total solid waste. Paper waste is at second place amounting 484.34 kg/month and is 15.58%.
Glass waste is lowest and is 31.16 kg/month and is 1%. The total waste generated on university
campus is 7305.24 kg/year and 37.31 tones /year.

Table No. 5.2: Departments generating highest and lowest quantity of solid waste.

Waste Quantity Department Quantity kg/month
Max. Main building 101.94 1,223.28
Paper waste
Min USIC 00.10 1.20
Max. Quarters 24.75 297.00
Plastic waste
Min Foreign language 00.10 1.20

Biodegradable Max. Girls hostel 600.00 7,200

waste Min Economics 00.30 3.60

Construction Max. Quarters 120.00 1,440

waste Min Annex building 00.20 2.40
Max. Chemistry 07.00 84.00
Glass waste Distance
Min 00.20 2.40

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Quarters are generating highest amount of paper waste amongst the other departments.
Quarters are generating highest plastic and Girls hostel is generated highest biodegradable-waste
as compared to other departments. Department of Chemistry is producing more glass waste.

5.2. Status of solid waste generation in various Building Blocks:

5.2.1 Status of solid waste generation in Building Block A

Table No. 5.3: Category wise solid waste generation at Building Block A (kg / month)

Category Paper Plastic Biodegradable Construc- Glass Other Total waste Total
of waste waste waste waste tion waste waste waste kg/month waste

Quantity 177.94 14.45 0.10 1.40 0.30 87.5 281.69

Percentage 63.16 05.12 0.03 0.50 0.10 31.06 100 3380.28

Graph no. 5.2 Catagorywise solid waste at Building Block A

Building Block A generated maximum amount of paper waste. Biodegradable waste is

minimum in Building Block A whereas construction, plastic and glass wastes are negligible. It is
281.69 kg/month and 3380.28 kg/year.

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Table No. 5.4: solid waste generation at Building Block A

Sr. Solid waste generation Department Quantity Quantity

at (kg / month) (kg / year)
Building Block A
Maximum solid waste Store Section(101) in 60.01 720.12
1 generating department administration Building
2 Minimum solid waste Inward outward section 0.01 0.12
generating department in administration

Table No. 5.4 shows that amongst Building Block A Stores section Room No. (101) in
Main Building is generating highest amount of solid waste. It includes paper waste and Inward
Outward section in main building is generating lowest solid waste per month. The Building
Block A generated 281.69 kg of total waste in a month. Among the total waste 63.16 % which
includes is paper waste which is around 177.94 kg. At second position is other waste i.e.31.06%,
Plastic, glass and other type of waste is negligible. Building Block A generates no biodegradable

5.2.2 Status of solid waste generation in Building Block B:

Table No. 5.5: Category wise solid waste generation at Building Block B (kg / month)

Category of Paper waste Plastic Biodegradable Constructio Glass Other Total Total
waste Kg/month waste waste n waste waste Kg/ waste waste
Kg/month Kg/month Kg/month Kg/mont month kg/ kg/year
h Month

Quantity 72.069 22.63 6.70 0.00 23.66 30.33 155.39


Percentage 46.37 14.56 4.31 0.00 15.22 19.51 100

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Graph no.5.3 Category wise solid waste at Building Block B

The data collected from the Building Block B reflects that paper waste and glass waste
generated in the departments is higher as compared to other category of waste. Paper waste
shows highest generation due to student‟s activity. However, glass waste is a periodical type of
waste generated every month. Glass waste is most of the time from laboratories, breakage of
glassware‟s. Other than this construction and plastic waste is also important waste generated at
its minimum. Construction waste is negligible. About 155.38 kg of total solid waste has
generated in Science and Technology Block per month from which 72.06 kg per month waste is
Paper waste and Bio-degradable waste is 6.70 Kg per month. The total solid waste generated in
Building Block B is 1864.868 kg/year.

Table No. 5.6: Solid Waste Generation at Building Block B

Solid waste generation at Building Quantity Quantity
Block B (kg /month) kg /month kg/year
Maximum Solid waste generating
Zoology 15.88 190.56
Minimum Solid waste generating
USIC 0.10 1.20

Department of Zoology is generating highest amount of solid waste i.e. 15.88 kg in a

particular month among Building Block B. Department of USIC is generating very less solid
waste i.e. 0.10 kg per month.

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5.2.3 Status of solid waste generation in Building Block C

Table No. 5.7: Category wise solid waste generation at Building Block C (kg / month):

Category of Paper Plastic Biodegradable Construction Glass Other Total waste Total
waste waste waste waste waste waste waste kg/ waste
month kg/year
Quantity 106.08 02.70 01.30 50.00 03.10 42.5 201.69
Percentage 5200 01.31 0.63 24.30 01.50 20.66 100

Graph no. 5.4 Category wise solid waste at Building Block C

Generation of paper waste is highest at the in Building Block C. As these are all Arts
and Social Science departments no laboratory work is involved and hence very negligible
quantity of glass waste is generated.

Table No.5.8 Solid waste generation at Building Block C

Solid waste generation at Quantity in

Sr.No. Department
Building Block C (kg / month)

Maximum solid waste Social Exclusion and

1 52.08
generating Department Inclusion Policy

Minimum solid waste

2 YCSRD 0.1
generating Department

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Table No.5.8 shows that among the Building Block C, Department of Social Exclusion
and Inclusion Policy is producing highest amount of solid waste and is 52.08 kg per month
whereas Department of YCSRD is producing lowest quantity solid waste i.e.0.10 kg/month. The
total amount of solid waste generated in Building Block C is 201.69 kg/month and 2420.28

5.2.4 Status of solid waste generation in Building Block D:

Table No. 5.9: Category Wise Solid Waste Generation at Building Block D (kg / month):

Category of Paper Plastic Biodegradabl Constructio Glass Other Total waste Total waste
waste waste waste e waste n waste waste waste kg/month kg/year
Quantity 128.26 89.55 1975 240 4.1 29.5 2466.41
Percentage 5.2 3.63 80.05 9.73 0.16 1.19 100

Graph no. 5.5 Category wise Solid waste at Building Block D

Biodegradable- waste generation is maximum in university support services as it includes

Guest House, Canteen, hostel mess etc. Generation of plastic waste is comparatively low as
compared to other departments. Glass and other type of wastes are negligible and construction
waste is generated in a particular month at Building Block D.

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Table No.5.10: Solid Waste Generation at Building Block D:

Solid waste generation at

Sr. Quantity in
No. Building Block D. (kg / month)

1 Maximum Girls hostel 627.00

2 Minimum Internet Centre 00.50

Table No.5.10 shows among the Building Block D, Girls hostel is generating maximum
solid waste which is biodegradable and Internet Centre, Building Block D, CFC are producing
lowest quantity of solid waste. Total solid waste in Building Block D generated is 2466.41 kg /
month and 24596.92 kg/year.

5.2.5 Status of Plastic waste generation in various Building Blocks of Shivaji University.

Table No. 5.11 Plastic waste generation and its distribution at various departments

Plastic Building Building Building Building Total Total

Waste Block A Block B Block C Block D kg/month kg/year
Quantity 14.45 2.7 22.63 89.55 129.33
Percentage 11.17 2.09 17.5 69.24 100

Graph no. 5.6 Plastic waste at all Blocks at Shivaji university

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Total 129.33 kg/month and 1,552kg/year of plastic waste is generated in the campus,
Support services i.e. Building Block D is producing maximum i.e. 89.55 kg/month and 1074.6

5.2.6 Status of paper waste generation in various Building Blocks of Shivaji University.
Table No. 5.12 Paper waste generation and its distribution at all Building Block (kg/month)

Building Building Building Building Total
Department Kg/
Block A Block B Block C Block D Kg/month
Quantity 177.94 106.08 72.069 128.26 484.35
Percentage 36.73 21.90 14.87 26.48 100

Table No.5.12 shows paper waste generation Which is maximum in Building Block A i.e.
177.94 kg/ month. Building Block B shows minimum amount of waste i.e.72.06 kg/ month.
Total paper waste generated on university campus in all Blocks is 484.34 kg/month and 5812.08

Graph no.5.7 Paper waste at Shivaji University

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5.2.7 Status of biodegradable waste generation in Shivaji University

Table No. 5.13 Biodegradable waste generation in Shivaji University (kg/month)

Hostels Girls Girls Boy's Boy's Boy's Boys Canteen Total Total
and Hostel hoste hostel hostel hostel hostel kg/ kg/
canteens l at no.1 no.2 no.3 DOT month Year
Quantity 627.0 50.0 150.0 100.0 100.0 50.0 545.0 1595.0 19,140.00
Percentage 37.61 3.13 09.40 06.26 06.26 03.13 34.16 100

There are three mess in the hostel and number of girls are more than thousand and
therefore, comparatively generation biodegradable is more.
Table No.5.13 shows biodegradable waste generation in Girl‟s hostel which is maximum
about 627 kg per month. Subsequent to girls hostel canteen has about is 545 kg per month. Total
biodegradable solid waste formed in the university campus is 1595 kg/month and 19,140 kg/year .

Graph no.5.8 Biodegradable waste at canteen and hostel’s mess.

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5.3 Status of Hazardous waste generation at various Building Blocks on university:

A hazardous waste is a solid, liquid, or gaseous material that displays either a “Hazardous
Characteristic” or is specifically “listed” by name as a hazardous waste. Characteristic wastes are
not listed specifically by their chemical name but they are regulated as hazardous wastes and
Toxicity. Hazardous waste includes various chemicals generated in the laboratories of Science
Departments and biomedical waste from Health Centre. It is in the form of liquid as wells in
solid state. Since, only specific section generates hazardous waste, about nine departments have
been included (Table No. 1.14).
Table No.5.14 shows Hazardous waste generated at university campus (kg). Chemistry
department generated maximum amount of chemical and hazardous solid waste from
laboratories and other sources and is about 1 kg/month. The Department of Biotechnology and
Environmental Science generated about 0.1kgs and 0.5kgs, whereas Microbiology department
generated 0.5 kg . Hazardous waste in the form of liquid is also been generated by these
departments. Chemistry generates 9 liters of liquid hazardous waste. It was followed by
Department of Agro Chemicals and Pest Management which is 5 lit. Health Centre of university
also adds to solid waste in the form of bio medical and plastic waste. Biomedical waste includes
blood urine samples cotton etc. and plastic waste with injection syringe ,vials and needles as 4 -
5 kg/week all these are in about 20 to 25 kg per month and given to Kolhapur Municipal
Corporation for safe disposal.

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Table No. 5.14 Hazardous waste generation at Shivaji University:

Sr. No. Department Quantity (kg} Quantity (liter)

1 Chemistry 1 09

2 Biochemistry 4 04

3 Biotechnology 0.1 -

4 Food Science 0.2 -

5 Zoology 0.16 -

6 Physics 0.02 -

7 Botony - 01

8 Environmental Science 0.5 -

9 Agpm - 05

10 Microbiology 0.5 -

5.3 Status of E-waste generation on university campus:

Generation of e-waste is apparent in every educational institute. Especially, at the university level
where there are several equipments and instruments used for administrative as well as for scientific
execution. Computers, Printers and Xerox machines are must for the administrative and research work.
The wires required for the connectivity also gets included in the e-waste. More usage of these electronic
as well as electrical materials generates huge amount of e-waste. Similarly, various scientific equipments
and instruments get worn out with time. These too contribute to the e- waste.
E-waste include monitor, CPU, key board, electric wire, printer. Paperless work increase load on
computer and therefore it is a need to reduce e-waste by repairing all these electric equipment . There is a
need to reuse and recycling of electronic equipments and material .
Major source of e-waste generation are at the Building Block B of the university. Building Block
B generated highest quantity of e-waste i.e. 27.22 kg/month compared to other departments. It is
followed by Building Block A which generated 20.96 kg/month of e-waste. Building Block D

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Green Audit 2018-19

generated about 9.00 kg/month and Building Block C generated 8.90 kg per month. At university level
all e-waste is collected at one place and by tendering process it is given to authorized e-waste disposal
Table No.5.15 show Summary of e-waste generation and its disposal. The total amount of e-
waste generated disposed by various Building Blocks of University is 66.08 kg / month.

Table No. 5.15 E-waste generation on Shivaji University campus.

Waste handled waste treated and disposed

(kg/month) (kg/month)

Building Block B 27.22 27.22

Building Block A 20.96 20.96

Building Block D 9.00 9.00

Building Block C 8.90 8.90

Total 66.08 66.08

Graph no.5.9 E-waste at Shivaji university

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Preventive Measures by university:

1) Paper waste is generated by all departments. Especially, building Block A is using more one
one side papers for printing and writing which is a good practices.
2) Answer sheets, old bills and confidential reports are sent for shredding, pulping and recycling
after completion of their preservation period.
3) University has banned signal use plastic for any administrative as well as other purpose and
therefore very less amount of plastic waste is generated in the University.
4) Metal scrap is segregated separately by respective departments and sent for recycling.
5) Biodegradable waste is a major solid waste generated in campus is mostly from canteen,
hostels and guest house kitchens. Canteen waste is collected and some biodegradable waste is
treated by composting process.
6) Vidyarthi Bhavan , Hostel mess waste is used for composting.
7) Glass waste is generated from laboratory mainly in the form of bottles; Many times bottles are
reused for storing of other chemicals.
8) Shivaji university has approximately 1,348,914 save paper sheet per year through .paperless
convocation application, photocopy of answer sheet ,circulars, interaction with colleges etc
online with Shivaji university and it is very effective. It saves number of trees per year and
reduces Carbon foot print of 5.6168 ton CO2.
9) Building Block B have maximum e waste due to Computer laboratory, MCA and other
courses. E-waste generated at Shivaji University send to recycle and reuse.
10) Hazardous waste generated in solid and liquid state during experiments in laboratory at
Building Block B is disposed properly.

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Chapter VI

Ambient Air Quality Status

Shivaji University is situated on south direction and at the edge of the administrative
boundary of the Kolhapur Municipal Corporation. The air pollution sources in the university
campus are due to the natural process like wind, pollen grains and natural dust. There are also
anthropogenic activities like vehicular activity, generators, fires and laboratory fumes and
construction activity are causing air pollution in the university campus. Shivaji University
campus is a green campus. University campus observed minimum air pollution as compared to
other National Ambient Air Pollution Centers located in Kolhapur city.

6.1. National ambient air quality program (NAAQM)

Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi initiated National Ambient Air Quality
Monitoring (NAAQM) programme in the year 1984 to get spatial and temporal variation of
ambient air concentrations for a wide range of pollutants that are considered relevant for
evolving strategic management plan. The program was subsequently renamed as NAMP
(National Air Quality Monitoring Program). Under NAMP, three air pollutants viz., Sulphur
dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen dioxides (NO2) and Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter
(RSPM/PM10) have been identified for regular monitoring at three locations. Monitoring of
pollutants is carried out for 24 hours (4-hourly sampling for gaseous pollutants and 8-hourly
sampling for particulate matter) with a frequency of twice a week, to have 104 observations in a
year as per CPCB monitoring protocol.
Department of Environmental Science, Shivaji University, Kolhapur is one of the air
pollution monitoring stations for National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program, Central
Pollution Control Board, New Delhi. One Respirable Dust Sampler (RDS) machine is installed at
the Department of Environmental Science. This machine continuously runs two days in a week
and minimum 104 days over the year. Department of Environmental Science monitors the
changes in ambient air quality throughout the year.

Ambient air quality in the Shivaji University is given in the Table No. 6.1 and Graph
No. 6.1.

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Table no. 6.1. Ambient Air Quality status in Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Dist: Kolhapur.

Air Quality Status of Shivaji University Year 2018

SOx µg/m3 NOx µg/m3 RSPM µg/m3
No Month
min max avg min max avg min max Avg

1 January 10.48 22.84 16.61 21.69 42.28 32.63 58.33 100.00 80.86

2 February 9.01 22.42 14.73 14.52 42.65 27.44 52.08 91.67 70.31

3 March 8.38 19.06 14.18 12.13 34.93 24.16 52.08 93.75 70.10

4 April 8.59 17.77 13.68 16.55 34.35 25.71 50.00 91.67 73.57

5 May 6.78 17.07 11.45 11.52 31.67 19.90 45.83 83.33 63.50

6 June 5.14 13.56 9.50 7.20 22.01 14.38 37.50 70.83 53.17

7 July 4.68 15.43 10.45 7.12 22.42 14.97 33.33 58.33 47.07

8 August 5.14 14.03 10.20 8.02 24.06 15.86 35.42 60.42 47.38

9 September 4.91 14.73 10.06 8.43 26.53 17.32 50.00 87.50 70.23

10 October 4.76 15.72 10.03 7.91 25.43 16.73 33.33 66.67 52.16

11 November 4.34 14.69 9.90 6.22 24.49 13.57 29.17 62.50 48.69

12 December 6.41 17.79 12.49 11.11 30.89 21.09 45.83 81.25 66.32

13 4.34 22.84 11.94 6.22 42.65 20.31 29.17 100.00 61.95
CPCB Standards 50 40 60

Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi has set guidelines to monitor and analyze the
air pollution quality parameters of Kolhapur city. The reason being the tree cover on campus
leading to absorb CO2 and releasing O2 to become lung of Kolhapur city. Result shows that
Shivaji University Campus air quality status is good as compared to other locations. The Table

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No. 6.1 shows that the Sulphur dioxide, Nitrogen dioxide except RSPM (Respirable Suspended
Particulate Matter) below standard values given by Central Pollution Control Board.

Graph No. 6.1. Ambient air quality status in Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Dist: Kolhapur.

The graph No. 6.1 shows the air pollution decreases in rainy season and higher in other
seasons. Air quality on University Campus is moderately polluted because of wind direction and

6.2 Precautionary measures:

1. Ban on open solid waste burning on Shivaji university campus.

2. Ban on grass burning in summer season.
3. Use of bicycles for transportation in the campus.
4. Avoid using diesel generators.
5. Use of BS-IV vehicles.

6.3 Ambient noise monitoring status:

Shivaji University is located adjacent of old Pune - Bengalore National highway. The
major source of noise on university is automobile noise. The human communication and
transportation are producing high level sound. Building construction and excavation work can
also cause considerable noise emissions. A variety of sound come from JCB, dumpers, welding,
hammering, boring and other work processes going on the campus.

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Ambient noise monitoring was carried out in different areas of Shivaji University campus
like at University campus entry, Departments, Mechanical working places, Canteens, Boys and
Girls hostels. The sampling was carried out using calibrated Sound Level Meter (AZ 8921) by
logarithmic scale in Decibels (dB). The noise readings were collected in the University campus
and calculated. The details of noise status in University campus are given below in the Table No.
6.3 and Graph No. 6.3

Photo No 6.1 Noise Monitoring at university campus.

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Table No. 6.2. Ambient Noise levels in Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Dist: Kolhapur.

Sr.No Department Name Leq (dB) Day time

1 Department of Environmental Science 66.70

2 Department of Chemistry 60.68
3 Department of Physics 50.58
4 Department of Mathematics 49.80
5 Department of Geography 59.08
6 Humanity Building 59.74
7 Department of Technology 65.99
8 Department of Nano Science 63.36
9 Department of Education 59.54
10 Department of Music 53.44
11 Department of Law 53.14
12 Main Building 63.98
13 Barr. Balasaheb Kardekar Library 59.33
14 MBA Canteen 65.98
15 Main Canteen 71.00
16 Exam Building No.1 58.24
17 Press ( Machine Department ) 77.79
18 Press ( Sieving Department ) 81.16
19 Ladies Hostel 55.06
20 Boys Hostel 61.42
21 Main Gate 65.06
22 Gate No.2 67.08
23 CSIBER Gate 72.31
24 Gate No. 8 72.33
25 Consumer Store 49.23
26 Health Center 53.29
27 Noise Standard for day time 50.00

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Note: - 1. All parameters expressed in dB (A) Leq.

2. Monitoring is carried during day time.
3. Day time is from 6.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.
The university campus comes under silent zone for noise pollution and therefore, limit for
noise during day time is 50 dB. It has been observed that except consumer store area on
university campus where as other areas show a rise in noise. Maximum rise in noise was
observed in Printing Press area due to working of Printing Press machines, the other areas
include the entrance gates where traffic noise on road is detected. Overall, though University
Campus comes in silent zone, it is found that the noise levels are exceeded and there is a need to
take measures putting boards mentioning „Silent Zone‟ and „ No Honking‟.

Graph No. 6.2 Ambient Noise levels in Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Dist: Kolhapur.

The graph No. 6.2 shows that the Printing Press area and University entrance gate found
major noise levels as compared to other University areas. The printing press machines need some
action plan to reduce noise.
6.4 Precautionary measures
1. Use acoustic rooms for heavy printing machines.
2. Proper maintain once of machines installed in press.
3. Use rubber mats for machine vibration and sound.
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Chapter VII
Carbon Sequestration and Green cover inventory
Carbon is the basis of life on mother Earth. It is incorporated into the plants through
photosynthesis, consumed by animal species through the food, present in the form of carbon
dioxide (CO2) the atmosphere, locked into the rocks as limestone and compressed into the
different fossil fuels such as coal and oil. As CO2 level in the atmosphere continue to increase,
most climate designs or project that the oceans of the world and trees will keep soaking up more
than half CO2 . The plants on land and in the sea, taken up carbon by over many years increased
the percentage discharged during decay, and this increased carbon became locked away as fossil
fuels beneath the surface of the planet.
The starting of the 21st century brought growing concern about global warming, climate
change, food security, poverty and population growth. In the 21st century more carbon has been
released into the atmosphere than that has been absorbed. CO2 is a principle component causing
global warming. Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have increased to 40 % from preindustrial
levels to more than 390 parts per million CO2. On this background it is a need of time to cover
the research areas interrelated with climate change.
The “Carbon Sequestration and Green cover inventory” is a current status of tree cover
and vegetation carbon storage assessment of area under Shivaji University campus. In an era of
climate change and global warming carbon emission, carbon footprints, carbon sequestration,
adaptations, mitigation are the keywords in academia. Carbon sequestration is a process of
converting atmospheric carbon i.e. CO2 in to other sinks of carbon such as vegetation, soil, ocean
etc. in various forms to mitigate global warming audit is one of the important clauses of Kyoto

7.1 Carbon Sequestration

7.1.1 Need of study
While transforming ourselves from regional university to global university it is a
responsibility of such universities to face the global future challenges and try to find out possible
solutions for them. It is a social and environmental responsibility of Government Institutes,
Universities, National and International Organizations to respond positively for various global
issues at local level and should percolate the generated knowledge in to the society. Global

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warming and climate change are current environmental issues need to be addressed scientifically
and efficiently. As Universities are provided with skilful human resource supported by analytical
infrastructure, it is our duty to bring such ideas in practice. While understanding the call of time
the Department of Environmental Science, Shivaji University has decided to enumerate the green
cover of Shivaji University campus and quantify the carbon sequestration of existing tree

7.1.2 Objectives:
1. To study woody green cover of Shivaji University campus.
2. To study species diversity of woody vegetation in the University campus.
3. To understand biomass and carbon stock accumulated by woody vegetation in the
University campus.
4. To explore carbon sequestration potential of woody vegetation in the University campus.
5. To explore potential of woody vegetation of the University campus as an oxygen source.
6. To measure canopy cover of the trees on the University campus.

7.1.3 Material and Methodology: Study Area:
Shivaji University, Kolhapur (SUK) is situated at South-West side of Maharashtra at
160 40‟31.81”N and 740 15‟12.10”E, in the outskirts of Kolhapur city and it is at the altitude of
607 m above mean sea level. Shivaji University covers an area of about 853 ha. The major area
of the campus is covered with vegetation.

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Lush green campus of Shivaji University

Satellite image of Shivaji University campus with tree census sectors

Source: Google Earth Field survey:

Current tree census methodology has been adopted from the guidelines set by Indian
Institute of Remote Sensing, Dheharadoon, Govt. of India.

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University campus area of 853 acres is divided into 46 sectors with the help of Google
Earth. Around 100 M.Sc. Environmental Science students were involved in the field survey.
Team of 4 students was made and one sector was allocated to a team. A team is provided with a
measuring tape, chalks, writing pad and tree census form. A tree with girth (circumference of
tree) more than 10 cm at chest level and height more than 4 feet were considered as tree and
taken for enumeration. Girth of each tree was measured with the help of tape and approximate
height by visual method. Identification of tree species was done with the help of field guides,
web source and with the help of expertise of Botany Department of University. Data Analysis:

All the collected data was tabulated and analyzed with the help of MS- Excel
spreadsheets and objected findings were extracted by using various factors given by
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
All the tabulated data is analyzed by following standard formulae.
A. Measurement of circumference of the tree:
To estimate the biomass of the each individual tree species non- destructive method was
used. To calculate the circumference Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) can be determined by
measuring tree Girth at Breast Height (GBH), approximately at 1.3 meter from the ground. The
Girth at Breast Height of trees having diameter which greater than 10 centimeters were measured
directly by measuring tape.

B. Height measurement:
Tree height is the important factor for the calculating tree biomass and evaluating tree
life history. There are number of different methods which are used for the measurement of tree
heights from the ground. For the present tree census, the height of individual tree is measured
by visual method.

C. Above Ground Biomass (ABG) of tree:

The above ground biomass is the most abundant and visible pool of carbon in its all the
forms. The above ground biomass of tree includes branches, stem, fruit, whole shoot and

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The specific wood density is used from the standard guidelines. By using the above
formula the AGB of all the tree species were calculated. The total above ground biomass is
calculated by using the formulae,
D. Estimation of carbon:
Generally, in any plant species the 50 % of its biomass is considered as the carbon.

E. Determination of weight of carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestrated in the tree:

Trees are the autotrophs, which make their own food by using photosynthesis. They
took CO2 and release O2. The sequestrated CO2 is calculated by using the Carbon Sequestration
Factor is used given by the standard guidelines by IPCC. Canopy cover:

Canopy cover is measured by using standard guidelines. A canopy cover of tree is
measured by tape using crown area cover. All the collected data was tabulated and analyzed with
the help of MS- Excel spreadsheets.
The crown cover areas of the trees were measured during the day time. The diameter of
crown at its widest point (A) as well as the diameter of the crown perpendicular to its widest
point (B) was measured in feets. The average diameter of the crown was calculated. Using the
average diameter canopy cover area was estimated.

7.1.4 Findings:
 Total number of trees enumerated in Shivaji University campus:
The total 853 acres area of Shivaji University Campus is divided into 46 sectors. Total
13,473 numbers of trees with 10 cm or more girth and height 4 ft or more have been
enumerated. Girth and height of every tree has been measured by using tailoring tape and

 Total No. of tree species identified in Shivaji University campus:

There are total 99 tree species have been identified during the census. It shows rich plant
diversity on campus.

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Green Audit 2018-19 Tree species with highest population:

Table no.7.1: Tree species with highest population

Sr. No Botanical Name Common Name Number

1 Gliricidia sepium Giripushap 4235

2 Leucaena leucocephala Subabhul 1850

3 Azadirachta indica Neem 951

4 Eucalyptus obliqua Nilgiri 902

5 Albizia saman Rain tree 675

Graph no. 7.1: Tree species with highest population

The tree species with highest population is Gliricidia sepium accompanied by

Leucaena leucocephala. Though both the species are non- indigenous in nature both are
contributing much in biomass generation and as Gliricidia is highly deciduous in nature it adds
large amount of biomass in soil every year. Both plants are multipurpose in nature as they
provides fuel wood, fodder Leucaena leucocephala, biomass and helps in carbon sequestration.
Followed to this Azadirachta indica is a species placed at third place which is indigenous in

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nature. As compared to the Green cover inventory report 2014, total 53 Azadirachta indica trees
are newly added in the record. Azadirachta indica is a medicinal plant species and also provides
shelter to bird species. On the other hand as compared to Green inventory report 2014, 104 trees
are added in the Eucalyptus oblique plant which is also medicinal plant species. Overall the
population of woody trees on the Shivaji University Campus is increased by 256 as compared to
Green cover inventory report 2014. Total biomass:

In ecology, the mass of living biological organism in a given area or ecosystem at
a given time is called as biomass. Biomass can refer to species biomass and community
biomass. The species biomass is the mass of one or more species. The community biomass,
which is the mass of all species in the community. It includes microorganisms, plants or
animals. The mass can be defined as the average mass per unit area, or as the total mass in the
4233.69 tons of total biomasses of woody vegetation have been recorded on the
University campus during the current tree census. The total biomass on the campus is increased
by 595.34 tons. Albizia lebbeck shows the highest biomass as it is with highest volume with
more number of trees on the campus. Followed by Azadirachta indica, Acacia auriculiformis
and Eucalyptus oblique are ranked at second and third place.

Table no. 7.2: Total biomass in tons of first five tree species (Tons)

Sr. No Botanical Name Common Name Total Biomass (Tons)

1 Albizia lebbeck Shirish 2123.90
2 Azadirachta indica Neem 848.19
3 Acacia auriculiformis Australian Babhul 266.67
4 Eucalyptus oblique Nilgiri 193.61
5 Gliricidiasepium Giripushap 170.65

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Graph no.7. 2: Total biomass in tons of first five tree species Carbon Stock:

The main carbon sink in tropical forest ecosystems includes the living biomass of
trees, understory vegetation, dead mass of litter, woody debris and soil organic matter. The
carbon stored in the Above Ground Biomass (AGB) of trees is the largest pool and is directly
impacted by deforestation and degradation. Trees and forests act as natural carbon stores, but
this carbon is released when the trees are felled and the area deforested. The amount of carbon
stored within an area of land varies according to the type of vegetation cover 2116.85 tons of
total carbon stock is present at the campus. The new 297.67 tons of carbon stock are added into
the new record.

Table no.7. 3: Highest Carbon stock species in tons

Sr. No Botanical Name Common Name Total Carbon Stock

1 Albizia lebbeck Shirish 1061.94
2 Azadirachta indica Neem 424.09
3 Acacia auriculiformis Australian Babhul 133.33
4 Eucalyptus oblique Nilgiri 96.80
5 Gliricidia sepium Giripushap 85.32

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Graph no.7.3: Highest Carbon stock species in tons

7.1.5 Carbon Sequestration:

Carbon sequestration is long-term storage of carbon dioxide or other forms of carbon
to avoid climate change. It has been considered as a way to slow the atmospheric and marine
accumulation of greenhouse gases, which are released by burning fossil fuels. Vegetation carbon
pool having the potential of 560 Pg (Pg: Pentagram= billion ton) of carbon storage globally. In
the current study the focus is given on the assessment of existing carbon stock stored in Shivaji
University campus in the form of woody vegetation by enumerating every tree species. Overall
7768.82 tons of CO2 has been captured and stored by the woody plants present on the University
campus. A single tree consumes 0.0218 tons of CO2 approximately annually consequently, as the
campus possesses 13,473 mature woody plants 293.72 tons of CO2 is consumed yearly by all
woody vegetation on the campus.

As the university campus considered as carbon sink for CO2 sequestration, the more
5.58 tons of CO2 is sequestrated by the woody tree as referred to previous record of 2014.

7.1.6 Oxygen released

Woody vegetation in Shivaji University campus has released 20742.76 tons of oxygen in
their lifetime till date. Released oxygen is directly proportional to CO 2 sequestrate in the ratio of

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32/12. Thus, it is supposed to release 783.23 tons of oxygen annually. The oxygen released is
increased by 16.94 tons as previous record of 2014.
A single tree supports oxygen demand of two people for their life. Thus, 13,473 woody
trees on the Shivaji University campus are supporting 26,946 people on and around the campus.

7.1.7 Canopy cover

The vertical projection of plant foliage onto a horizontal surface is called as Canopy
cover. In the other word, the canopy cover is the per cent forest area occupied by the vertical
projection of tree crowns. Furthermore the measure of forest cover is useful to analyse the plant
growth and survival. Hence, determining the nature of the vegetation and it is an important
ecological parameter of forest ecosystem for its relationship with species richness, wildlife
habitat and behavior. Forest canopy structure regulates radiation interception through the canopy,
affects the canopy microclimate, and consequently influences the energy, water, and carbon
fluxes between soil, vegetation and atmosphere through interactions with leaf photosynthesis.
The total canopy area calculated around the campus is 403.11 acres. The total canopy cover area
on the campus is 47.25 % and is more i. e. 33% forest cover decided for country or state.

7.1.8 Conclusion:
Forests and woody trees are the biggest carbon pool on Earth, act as a major sources and
sinks of carbon in nature. The 853 acres campus of Shivaji University, Kolhapur possesses
13,473 woody tree populations. This woody vegetation is sequestrating 293.71 tons of CO2 with
the liberation of 783.23 tons of oxygen annually. Thus, the campus is working as a good carbon
sink and a productive oxygen park.

 The total tree count on the campus recorded is 13,473. The reduction in population of
Gliricidia sepium species is observed. Gliricidia sepium is the exotic species on the
campus and also doesn‟t have the ecological importance like nesting for birds, fruits for
birds and at the same time the flowers have a smell which removes rat population on

 The increase in the population of Azadirachta indica species which is having the
medicinal value.

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 The new 297.67 tons of carbon stock added on the campus as compared to previous
report. As the university campus considered as carbon sink for CO2 sequestration, the
more 5.58 tons of CO2 is sequestrated by the woody tree population as referred to
previous record.
 The amount of oxygen released is increased by 16.94 tons as previous. The total canopy
cover area on the campus is 47.25 % which is 403.11acres.

7.1.9 Precautionary measures:

To maintain green cover and carbon sequestration potential of University following
precautionary measures have to be taken by every stake holder of University.
 Plantation of endemic species like Acasia catechu, Alstonia scolaris, Butea monosperma,
Azadirachta indica etc. will be helpful for conservation of native biodiversity.
 The plantation of tree species like Acacia nilotica subsp. indica, Albizia lebbeck,
Azadirachta indica, Citrus aurantium works as green belt which can maintain the
ecological balance in the environment as well as act as sink for the harmful gases and
improve air quality.
 Plantation activity should be taken yearly to increase the green cover on the University
 Avoid plantation of exotic species like Gliricidia sepium which is fast growing species
with less ecological values.
 There is need of fire lines or control measures should be taken in some sectors of the
campus to overcome loss of trees due to fires during the summer season.

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List of Species on Shivaji University Campus

Sr.No Botanical Name Common Name

1 Araucaria columnaris Chrismtas tree
2 Acacia mangium Australian teak
3 Acacia nilotica subsp. Indica Babul
4 Acacia auriculiformis Australian Babhul
5 Acasia catechu Khair
6 Adina cordifolia Kadamb
7 Aegle marmelos Bel
8 Albizia lebbeck Shiras
9 Albizia saman Rain tree
10 Alstonia scolaris Satvin
11 Anacardium occidentale Kaju
12 Annona reticulate Ramfal
13 Annona squamosa Sitafal
14 Anogeissus latifolia Dhavda
15 Areca catechu Supari
16 Artocarpus heterophyllus Fanas
17 Artocarpus incise Nirphanas
18 Azadirachta indica Neem
19 Bambuseae Bamboo
20 Bauhinia racemosa Apata
21 Bombax ceiba Katesavar
22 Bombax ceiba Shalmali
23 Bougainvillea spectabilis Bogan vel
24 Butea monosperma Palas
25 Caesalpinia pulcherrima Shankasur
26 Callistmon Bottle brush
27 Carica papaya Papai
28 Cascabela thevetia /Thevetia peruviana Bitti
29 Casia fistula Bahava
30 Cassia siamia Kassod tree
31 Casuarina equisetifolia Suru
32 Ceiba pentandra Cottan
33 Celtis bungeana Hackberry
34 Cinnamomum camphora Camphor tree
35 Citrus aurantium Linn Limbu
36 Cocos nucifera L. Coconut
37 Couroupita guianensis Kailaspathi
38 Cycas revolute Cycus

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39 Dalbergia latifolia Shisav

40 Dalbergia sissoo Sisao
41 Delonix regia Gulmohar
42 Dillenia indica Karambel or Elephant apple
43 Dypsis lutescens Bamboo palm
44 Elaeis guineensis Oil palm
45 Eucalyptus oblique Nilgiri
46 Ficus benghalensis Vad
47 Ficus elastic Rubber
48 Ficus racemosa Umber
49 Ficus religiosa Pimpal
50 Gliricidia sepium Undirmari
51 Gmelina arborea Shivan
52 Grevillea robusta Silver oak
53 Grewia tiliifolia Dhaman
54 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Jaswand
55 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis Bottle palm
56 Juglanas nigra American walnet
57 khaya senegalensis African Mahogani
58 Lagerstroemia speciosa Jarul
59 Leucaena leucocephala Subabhul
60 Mangifera indica Mango
61 Mangolia pumila Laal chafa
62 Manilkara zapota Chikku
63 Millingtonia hortensis Buchache Zad
64 Mimusops elengi Bakul
65 Mogali eranda Erandmungli
66 Moringa oleifera Shevaga
67 Morus alba Tuti
68 Muntingia calabura Cherry
69 Murraya koenigii Kadipatta
70 Musa acuminate Banana
71 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Parijatak
72 Parkia biglandulosa Chenduful
73 Peltophorum pterocarpum Peltophorum
74 Phoenix dactylifera Date or khajur
75 Phyllanthus emblica Aawla
76 Pithecellobium dulce Vilayati Chinch
77 Pittiosporum undulatum Australien cheesewood
78 Plumeria alba Chafa
79 Polyalthia longifolia Ashok

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80 Pongamia pinnata Karanj

81 Prunus serotina Black cherry
82 Psidium guajava Peru
83 Pyrus Peru Nashpati pear
84 Roystonea regia Royal palm
85 Santalum album Chandan
86 Saraca asoca Sitecha Ashoka
87 Senegalia catechu Kat
88 Senna auriculata Tarwad
89 Sesbania bispinosa Shevri
90 Simarouba glauca Lakshmi Taru
91 Spathodea campanulata Pichkari
92 Swietenia macrophylla Mohagani
93 Syzygium cumini Jambhul
94 Tamarindus indica Chinch
95 Tectona grandis Sagwan
96 Terminalia arjuna Arjun
97 Terminalia catappa Badam
98 Vitex negundo Nigadi
99 Ziziphus mauritiana Bor

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7.2 Carbon footprints

In today's world one of the biggest issues faced by all of us is global warming. Global
warming refers to an increase in average global temperature of mother Earth. The main cause of
global warming is increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere
due to anthropogenic activities and their level is determined with the help of global warming
potential (GWP) and expressed as Carbon Footprint (CF). Carbon Footprint is another
phenomenon used for GHGs or carbon dioxide emission in terms of CO2 equivalents. There are
various definitions of carbon footprint are in literature. But the most recognized definition given
by Wiedmann “the Carbon footprint is the measure of carbon dioxide emissions directly or
indirectly caused by an activity or accumulated over the life stages of a product.” In other
words, “A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly and
indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product.”
As the Shivaji University considered as institutional organization, the various
energy resources like electricity, fuels, Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are used. It is necessary
to calculate the carbon footprint of the University to upgrading the Clean Developmental
Mechanism (CDM) in various processes. All the data from the various sources were collected
from all the sectors where energy resources are used. The collected data is calculated by using
standard emission factors.

7.2.1 Electricity carbon footprint:

In the university, electricity is used for various purposes like residential, office use and in
the laboratories. The total electricity used in the University is 34,480.251 MW/annum which
(approximately) liberates 2, 93, 08,213.35 kg of CO2 per year. The laboratory equipments
consume highest electricity which emits the large amount of carbon footprint i.e. 25, 79,750 kg
of CO2 per year approximately.

The solar panels are installed on the roof of Administrative building produces 14.58 MW
electricity per year. The electricity produced from solar panels saves 12, 393 kg of CO2 per

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7.2.2 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) footprint:

The Liquefied petroleum gas (LPGs) is used in the Science laboratories, Hostels, Guest
house and staff quarters on the campus. The total LPGs consumed is 3,324.2 kg/annum is
responsible for the liberation of 9,916.09 kg of CO2. The total 1,249 equipments used in
Science laboratories consume 1192.8 kg LPGs per year emits 3,558.1224 kg of CO2 per year

7.2.3 Vehicle footprint:

The vehicles are the source of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. The number of vehicles
passed through the campus daily, which emits the CO2 in the atmosphere which add tons of CO2
as vehicle footprint. The vehicle footprint of University is 37,325.23 kg of CO2 per year
First Saturday of every month is followed as „No Vehicle Day‟, the vehicles are not
allowed in the campus to reduce the emission of CO2. On this No Vehicle Day university
campus reduce the 72.20 kg of CO2 per year of four wheelers and 34.27 kg of CO2 per year of
two wheeler footprint. The total 106.47 kg of CO2 per year footprint reduced during No
Vehicle Days.

7.2.4 Paper footprint:

The papers are used in the institution for various purposes like exam answer sheets,
circulars, notices, office work etc. The papers are responsible for the emission of CO2. The
University used total used 1,765.17 reams of papers which emits the 3.67 tons of CO2. In the
University campus various departments follows paperless methods of communication to reduce
the footprint by use of papers. The various sections on the campus save 13, 48,914 papers per
years i.e. 2,697 reams. The paperless work reduces approximately 5.61 tons of CO2
approximately. The total 2.80 tons of biomass is saved by paperless communication i.e. green

7.2.5 Total footprint of the University:

The total footprint is the addition of all the footprints and it is expressed as tons of CO 2
per year. The total footprint of Shivaji University is 29,359.12 tons of CO2 per year

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As the university is following the Clean Developmental Mechanism to reduce the

emission of CO2 and greenhouse emission by using solar panels for electricity generation,
paperless work and No Vehicle Day the university reduces of 18.10 tons of CO2 per year

7.2.6 Conclusion:
India‟s CO2 emission is increased by an estimated 4.6 % in 2017, despite a turbulent year
for its economy. The carbon footprint of nation is measured per person; India‟s emissions are
still very low – at only 1.8 tons of CO2 per capita which is much lower than the world average
of 4.2 tons. But those emissions have been increasing steadily, with an average growth rate
over the past decade of 6 %. The universities are the organizations which are having large areas
which consume the high quantities of electricity and LPGs for many purposes. The Shivaji
University Campus emits 30,355 tons of CO2 per year approximately. The present Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM) or practices reduces the 18.10 tons CO2 per year
The University campus covers total 853 acres area which is having the green cover of
13,473 mature woody trees which capture 293.72 tons of CO2 per year. The total 2.80 tons of
biomass is saved by paperless method capture 7.47 tons of CO2 per year.

7.2.7 Reducing the Carbon Footprints:

 Installation of solar panels or solar energy generation devices should be enhanced to
reduce the electricity footprint of the campus. Terrace of each building can be utilized to
produce electricity from tiltable solar modules.
 The food waste generated from university hostel mess, guest house, canteens and staff
quarters should be converted into the biogas which can be further utilized for hostel
 The solar battery operated vehicles should be used on the campus to overcome the vehicle
 The Green computing or E- work is helping the organization to reduce footprint very
 The solar energy based street lamps on campus will reduce carbon footprint.

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 The awareness should be made among the faculty, students and other employees regarding
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to reduce the consumption of electricity and
natural resources.

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Chapter VIII
Green Initiatives
Shivaji University, Kolhapur is situated at South-West of Maharashtra on the outermost
boundary of Kolhapur city. It is one of the important wilderness areas of Kolhapur city with its
precious biodiversity. It covers an area of about 853 acres The major portion is covered with
vegetation. The university aims to protect and conserve its biodiversity, fresh and clean
ambience through many initiatives.

The university has taken following green initiatives to protect and conserve the nature as well as.

1. Shiv Jalashay:

The Shiv Jalashay Yojana is a watershed management of Shivaji University on campus

which helps to conserve and store water. Nearly 2,80,000 Kiloliter water conserved and stored
under Shivjal Yojana in two lakes in the campus. University is self sufficient in water and stopped
taking water from Kolhapur Municipal Corporation.
The rain water harvesting strengthens the water supply to the campus lakes as well as
enhance water level of wells in the campus through ground water recharging process. Even the
recharging of bore wells and dug wells in the surrounding has also happend.

2. Shivjal Yojana (RO plant):

The University has installed an advanced reverse osmosis (RO) based water purification plant i.e.
Shivjal Yojana. Under this scheme every person in the university department, Guest house, Hostels, etc.
get benefitted by the pure drinking water. This has reduced waterborne diseases on the campus.
During the flood disaster in Kolhapur district in August 2019, this scheme has played very
important role in providing safe drinking water to many people from the city. Many citizens availed this
facility of pure drinking water during water scarcity condition in the city.

3. Wastewater ( Sewage ) Treatment Plant (STP):

The University has its own Wastewater Treatment Plant (STP) near Girls hostel which treats
some amount of wastewater generated in Girl‟s Hostel. The Phytorid plant at Department of Technology
treats wastewater coming out from Technology Hostel after Primary Treatment.

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4. Carbon Sequestration on the University Campus:

Shivaji University has 13473 trees on the campus and therefore, university campus is
considered as a carbon sink for carbon sequestration. This woody vegetation is sequestrating
293.71 tons of CO2 with the liberation of 783.23 tons of oxygen annually. Thus, the campus is
working as a good carbon sink and a productive oxygen park.

5. Plantation and Nurturing Programme

Many plantation drives are taken by the University on its campus and affiliated colleges.
Every year on 5th June i.e. World Environment Day, the University takes Plantation activity.
Under 33 Crore tree plantation scheme of Govt. of Maharashtra, university has taken many
plantation drives. The garden department looks after tree plantation activities. The Department of
Environmental Science has a plantation near Music Lake. The trees are watered by students of
Environmental Science Department. They nurture these trees throughout the year. Students of
various departments and NSS students make the plantation and nurturing programmes

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The Botany Department has a well established nursery. This nursery provides tree
saplings from Western Ghat area to university plantation as well as to those require. Garden
section also has nursery. These saplings are used on campus for plantation as well as sold to
people at nominal cost.

6. Green computing practice:

Being an academic institution, papers are used for various purposes like exam answer
sheets, circulars, notices, office work , for document printing and Xeroxing. Since the trees are
cut for paper manufacturing, the sequestration of carbon is reduced increasing carbon foot print.

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It was estimated that the university uses total 1,765.17 paper reams which is equal to
emission of 3.67 tons of CO2. To cut down the carbon footprint, the university administration
and various departments follows paperless methods of communication by using emails. The
examination department use SRPD system for paper distribution. The convocation process i.e.
Shiv Dikshant system also involves online submission of form. Through such practices, it was
estimated that overall 13, 48,914 papers per years i.e. 2,697 reams were saved during the routine
work. The paperless work was helpful in reducing approximately 5.61 tons of CO2. The total
2.80 tons of biomass is saved by this green computing practices.

7. Plastic free campus :

The University has banned use of plastic on the campus and campus of university is
„Plastic free campus‟. In all functions, workshops and conferences, the plastic mineral water
bottles, tea cups, straws, bouquets and gifts with plastic covering, decorations and unwanted
plastic use is strictly avoided. Instead of mineral water bottles, the drinking water is made
available through traditional water pots or steel water. The Department of Environmental
Science has taken workshops related to awareness for plastic reduction in various colleges
affiliated to University. The department also conducted a competition for students on „Plastic
alternatives‟ under Kirloskar Vasundhara Festival – 2019.

8. Solar Electricity Generation:

The University has installed solar panels system for electricity generation which
produces 180 kilowatt of electricity and send to the grid of Maharashtra State Electricity Board
(MSEB) which is helpful for electricity bill reduction. The University hostels are provided with
solar water heaters which reduce use of electricity for geysers. Most of the buildings are
constructed considering the need of Light and ventilation which reduces the use of electricity.
The air conditioners are used only in essential conditions in the laboratories and offices to reduce
electricity consumption.

9. Fuel Conservation :

The University follows „No Vehicle Day‟ on first Saturday of every month which saves high
amount of fuel. During this one day of „No Vehicle Day‟ the use of four wheelers save 14.93 liters

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of fuel and two wheeler save 31.45 liters of fuel. In total 46.38 liters of fuel is saved to be used
for vehicles on the campus. This saves 110.85 kg/lit of carbon dioxide to be released in the
environment which is a very good step taken up by university towards saving our environment.

The university has bought two electric vehicles which are used for internal transport of
officers, faculty, staff, students and visitors coming to the university. It runs for around 30-40 km
after 6 hrs of charging.

The university has composting at Vidyarthi Bhavan and in future going to install biogas
plant on hostel, canteen and guest house waste.

10. Conferences and workshops on Environmental Sustainability:

Shivaji University also organized many Conferences and Workshops based on the theme of
environmental sustainability. Department of Environmental Science has taken a workshop on Carbon
sequestration potential and carbon credits for farmers in Kolhapur District. Department of Botany has also
taken a National Level conference on Mangrove protection and Conservation. Geography department
also has taken internation conference on „Geoinformatics‟ and environmental sustainability. A popular
lecture of Mr. Rajendra Sinh Rana, a Magasasey Awardee was organised by Department of
Environmental Science, who spoke on saving rivers and water resources.

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Chapter IX

Summary and Conclusion

Summary :
Green Audit is one of the important tool to check the balance of natural resources and its
judicial use. Green auditing is the process of identifying and determining whether institutional
practices are eco-friendly and sustainable. It is a process of regular identification, quantification,
documenting, reporting and monitoring of environmentally important components in a specified
The Department of Environmental Science, Shivaji University, Kolhapur has conducted a
“Green Audit” of Shivaji University, Kolhapur in the academic year 2018-19. The main
objective to carry out green audit is to check the green practices followed by university and to
conduct a well defined audit report to understand whether the university is on the track of
sustainable development. The previous green audit of the university was conducted during the
year 2013-14. This is the second time to conduct green audit of university campus.
After completing the audit procedure of university for green practices, there are following
conclusions, recommendations and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) which can be
followed by university in future for keeping campus environment friendly.
From the green audit following are some of the conclusions which can be taken for
improvement in the campus.
1. University takes efforts to dispose majority waste by proper methods. The Green
computing i.e. Online payment system, online circulars and examination procedures
(SRPD) are helpful for reducing the use of papers and ultimately reducing carbon
2. Reducing the use of one time use plastic bottles, cups, folders, pens, bouquets, decorative
items will be useful to solve the problem of plastic pollution to some extent.
3. Biodegradable waste is used efficiently for composting and vermicomposting. There is a
scope to utilize the organic matter for biogas generation or manure production.
4. Installation of solar panels provides ample amount of electricity. Such solar modules
should be installed wherever possible in the campus.

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5. Use of LED lamps and Tube Lights is minimum and is to be encouraged.

6. Shiv Jalashay in the campus proved to be one of the best watershed management program
for making the university self reliant in water.
7. A continuous counter trench (CCT) has given good results on percolation of water and
for filling up of lakes on campus. Roof top rain water harvesting has proved beneficial.
8. Toilets and bathrooms are consuming more water in the departments. The replacement of
old taps can be beneficial for solving this issue
9. Shivjal Yojana of RO drinking water has solved the major problem of safe drinking water
in all departments, Hostels, Guest house, Quarters, etc.
10. „No Vehicle Day‟ proves to be one of the good practice to save the fuel and help for
green and clean environment on the campus. The use of electrical cars are good
initiatives to save fuel.
11. The overall ambient air quality on the campus is good while some air quality issues may
arise due to developmental activities on the campus should be addressed.
12. The sound levels on the campus is good except due to some transportation and
construction activities.
13. E-waste and biomedical waste segregation, handling and disposal are properly done as
per rules.
14. Science departments are following the principles of Green Chemistry to reduce chemical

Following are some of the key recommendation for improving campus environment:
1. An environmental policy document has to be prepared with all the recommendations and
current practice carried by university.
2. A frequent visit should be conducted to ensure that the generated waste is measured,
monitored and recorded regularly and information should be made available to
3. The university should develop internal procedures to ensure its compliances with
environmental legislation and responsibility should be fixed to carry out it in practice.

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4. The solid waste should be reused or recycled at maximum possible places. The biodegradable
waste is generated in more amounts in hostels which should be properly utilized for manure
preparation or biogas generation.
5. Reuse of glass bottles for storage of chemicals should be encouraged or the bottles should be
sent to again suppliers for reuse.
6. Electrification of street lights by solar power should be encouraged.
7. Installation of sensor based electrification items like fans, lights, etc. can save electricity.
8. Installation of solar panels and rain water harvesting system to every terrace of building will
be useful in conserving the natural resources.
9. Regular checkups and maintenance of pipes, overhead tanks and plumbing system should be
done by engineering section to reduce overflow, leakages and corrosions.
10. Science laboratories large amount of water goes waste during the process of making distilled
water; the system should developed to reuse this water for other purposes. The solar
distillation unit be installed at the earliest.

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Chapter X
Environment Management Plan (EMP):

By understanding the dynamics of present situation of resource utilization and current

practices of waste disposal, the Department of Environmental Science has prepared an
„Environment Management Plan‟ for the University. This plan will reveal the strengths and
weaknesses and suggests remedies to develop green and clean campus. The EMP also gives
suggestion for the priority of work to carry out.

Environment Management Plan 2018-19 to 2023-24

Solid Waste

Sector Strengths Weakness Suggestions Priority

 Use of green  Multiple  Towards

computing practices number of paperless office:
 Pulping of major copies required more use of e-
portion of papers for office work. mails, e-money Medium
i.e. answer sheets,  More number transfer and
bills and other of departments advance IT
administrative and affiliated technology for
papers. colleges where communication.
 Use of one sided circulars to be
papers in main sent.
building and many
1. Paper departments.
 The examination
department use
SRPD system for
paper distribution.
 The convocation
process also
involves online
 The administration
use emails and
online payment.

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 Total Plastic ban on  Sometimes  Segregation of

campus. plastic items waste at the
 Recycling and reuse are thrown with source and
of plastic at some general waste. sending plastic Medium
departments.  The plastic waste for
 In all functions the covering of recycling.
plastic mineral dispatched
water bottles, tea laboratory
cups, straws, equipment
bouquets and gifts boxes and other
with plastic items are
covering, unavoidable.
2. Plastic decorations, etc.  Sometimes
unnecessary plastic plastic bottles
use is avoided. and bags are
required for
water and soil
which is
unavoidable as
per the
 Distribution of
RO water
through plastic
 Composting of bio-  Burning of dry  Composting of
degradable waste at bio-degradable all bio-
canteen and at waste at some degradable Medium
Vidyarthi Bhavan places. waste at various
Mess places by
Garden section
3. Biodegradable
waste and using it for
plantation and
 The kitchen
waste generated
in hostel
kitchens should

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be utilized for
production or
 Reuse of bottles at  Throwing of  Maximum reuse
some departments glass waste of bottles.
for storage of with regular  Sending the
chemicals. waste though it broken glass for
is recyclable. recycling.
 Sometimes the
4. Glass waste glasses of High
windows and
doors crack
which produce
glass waste.

 Biomedical waste  No separate  Separate

sent to KMC containers for containers for
5. Biomedical incineration plant storage of glass, Liquid and High
waste for disposal. biomedical body waste
waste. should be


Sector Strengths Weakness Suggestions Priority

 Installation of solar  Insufficient use  Electrification of
panels and of solar energy street lights by
production of 180 for electricity solar power.
KW of electricity generation.  Installation of Medium
6. Electricity and fed to the grid.  Unnecessary use sensor based
 Use of solar water of lights, fans electrification for
heaters at Ladies and computers fans, lights, etc.
and Boyz hostels. at some places  Use of solar
 Use of LED lamps when no one is pumps for water
in front of using. tanks.

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university main  Sometimes  Use of electricity

building. ignorance by the efficient
 Use of CFLs at staff and equipments for
some places students wastes laboratory and
 Most of the electricity in office use.
buildings are well class rooms.  Installation of
constructed solar panels on
considering the the top of every
need of illumination building can
and ventilation reduce the use of
which reduces the conventional
use of electricity. energy.
 The air conditioners  General
are used only in awareness about
essential conditions electricity saving
in the laboratories. among all the
 Energy staff and students
Conservation should be
programmes are enhanced.
conducted in some
 „No Vehicle Day‟ on  Hostels using  „Cycle on rent‟
first Saturday of high quantity of service for
every month which LPG fuel for students will be
saves fuel. their kitchens. beneficial.
 Use of Electrical  The biogas
vehicles on generation plant
university campus can be helpful to
7. Fuel Medium
is use for internal the hostel
transportation. kitchens.
 General awareness
about efficient use
of fuel.

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Sector Strengths Weakness Suggestions Priority

 WTP on campus  Overflowing of  Installation of
to filter water. tanks at some water guards or
 Maximum water places sensors at
self-sufficiency  Excess use of overhead water
by watershed water at tanks to avoid
management bathrooms and overflowing
through Shiv toilets. losses.
Jalashay Yojana  Fitting of old taps  Proper and
on the campus in bathrooms and timely
 Roof top rain toilets wastes maintenance of
8. Water water harvesting water. plumbing.
 Installation of Medium
utilization at some  Leakages not
departments repaired on time. rain water
 Shivjal i.e. RO harvesting
water system assembly at
provides pure every
water to all department.
hostels, guest
house, etc.
 Sewage  Laboratory  Installation of
Treatment Plant effluent and other CETP to treat
on campus wastewater drain laboratory waste
 Phytorid off untreated and from all
installation at it percolates into departments
Department of soil.  Use of phytorid
9. Wastewater High
Technology  Wastage of large technology to be
amount of good encouraged at
quality water by every
distilled water department.
plants at various  Reuse of
science wastewater from
departments. the process of

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water distillation
should be done.
 Common
distillation plant
should be

Hazardous Waste

Sector Strengths Weakness Suggestions Priority

 The practical  No proper  Hazardous
protocols are set disposal method chemical waste
to use minimum for hazardous should be
quantity of chemicals wastes.
transferred to
chemicals for
the routine disposal facility
practicals. centre.
10. Chemical
 Microbial waste High
thrown out after
measures at
dealing with
 Regular disposal  E-waste is thrown  There must be
of e-waste along with regular segregation of e-
through certified waste, some waste from
material in e- regular waste at
agency. waste can be source. High
11. E-waste hazardous and  Precious metal
most of it can be recovery can be
recycled. possible by

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Sector Strengths Weakness Suggestions Priority

 University has  The construction  The precautions
ample amount of activities and like water
green cover for burning of waste sprinkling or use
maintaining fresh on the University
of enclosures
atmosphere. campus are
adding should be made
12. Air to reduce the Low
contamination of
ambient air particulate
quality. matter in air


Sector Strengths Weakness Suggestions Priority

 University is  The construction  Silent zone rules
located away activities like be followed.
from noisy area excavation,  The noise
of city.
digging, producing
 The tree cover
hammering, activities should
absorbs the noise
of highway welding, be done during
traffic. transportation, the holidays or
loading and after the office
unloading Low
13. Noise hours.
operations. are  The contractor
responsible for should be
ambient noise advised to use
which disturbs less noisy
the routine machines.
classes and

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Tree Census

Sector Strengths Weakness Suggestions Priority

 There is lots of  Less plantation on  Avoid
space for campus. monoculture,
plantation.  Plantation on variety of species
 99 tree species on campus of some should be planted
campus. exotic plants. in campus area.
 13,473 total full  More growth of  Plantation only on
grown trees on trees like Gliricidia slope areas of
campus. and subabhool. campus.
 Lead Botanical  No permission to
14. Tree garden with other organization Medium
Vegetation endemic species for plantation.
of Western Ghats.  Campus
 Plantation activity plantation plan be
by university and prepared.
all departments.  Guidance of
 University tree Botany
authority to look department for
after campus plantation
garden and activity.

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