Amulet Lesson: Author
Amulet Lesson: Author
Amulet Lesson: Author
Lisa Mendel, Grades 7 and 8 middle school art teacher, Mt. Greylock Regional High
School, Williamstown, MA
Lesson Overview
Using the computer as a reference, students will create an amulet with material (clay)
that they are provided. Students will design four different amulets (with pencil and
paper) after researching what an amulet is and what the meaning is behind them.
¾ Students will be able to identify amulets from different cultures and customs.
MA Standards
Visual Art
2.11 For space and composition, create unified 2D and 3D compositions that
demonstrate an understanding of balance, repetition, rhythm, scale, proportion, unity,
harmony, and emphasis. Create 2D compositions that give the illusion of 3D space and
6.3 Interpret the meanings of artistic works by explaining how the subject matter
and/or form reflect the events, ideas, religions, and customs of people living at a
particular time in history.
1. Paper
2. Pencil
3. Clay
4. Sculpting tools
5. Paint, glitter, and sequins (etc.)
With the use of lecture and student questioning, review/teach:
¾ Explain use of amulets and the process that artists use when creating a piece
made from different materials.
¾ Using scrap paper students will design four different ideas for their amulets
and pick the one that they like best.
¾ Go over use of different materials and key art terminology such as balance,
repetition, rhythm, scale, proportion, unity, harmony and emphasis. Also look
at ways of attaching different materials and the safety and cleanup procedures
needed to complete project successfully.
Assessment by Amulet Rubric (below) and completion of Amulet for display at Mount
Greylock Regional School District.
WCMA Website
Amulet Wiki
Student Name:
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Form The piece has a form that The piece is interesting to look The piece is only The piece
is interesting to look at at from at least three sides. The interesting from one side. form is
from all sides. The painting/ finish on the form are The painting/ finish looks uninteresting,
relationship of the painting well thought out, but it doesn't out of place for the form. flat, non-
/finish to this form relate to the form (follow the The design principles are descript. The
enhances the design. curves and angles of the form). not really being used in painting/
Good design principles Some good design principles the artwork. finish is
were used to create the are evident in the composition. completely
composition. out of place
on that form.
were not
by the artist.
Craftsmanship The piece shows The piece shows attention to The piece shows some The piece
considerable attention to construction. The items are attention to construction. was put
construction. All items are neatly trimmed and are Most items are neatly together
neatly trimmed and are securely attached. A few barely trimmed. Most items are sloppily.
carefully and securely noticeable stray marks, securely attached. A few Items appear
attached. There are no smudges or glue stains are noticeable stray marks, to be just
stray marks, smudges, or present. Nothing is hanging off smudges, or glue stains \"slapped
glue stains. Nothing is the piece. are present. Nothing is on\". Pieces
hanging off the piece. hanging off the piece. may be loose
or hanging
off the piece.
stains, rips,
and/or stray
marks are
Creativity The idea used for the The idea used for the piece The idea used for the The idea
piece reflects an reflects creativity in the creation piece reflects some used for this
exceptional degree of and display and personal degree of creativity in the piece does
creativity in the creation objects were used to create this creation and display and not reflect
and display and additional piece. additional personal creativity and
personal objects were objects may have used to personal
used to create this piece. create this piece. objects were
not used to
create this
Interpretation It is evident by the title of It is evident by the short written The written explanation is The artwork
the piece what the artist is explanation what the artist is very loosely tied to the art and written
trying to convey in this art trying to convey in this art work. work. It is possible to see explanation
work. The art elements / The art elements/principle of a connection if you really don't go
principle of designs can designs are revealed in the stretch your imagination. together at
be easily indentified. written statement. all. The artist
was not at all
Work Habits Class time was used Class time was used wisely. Class time was not always Class time
Time and wisely. Much time and Student could have put in more used wisely, but student was not used
Effort effort went into the time and effort at home. may have done some wisely and
planning and design of additional work at home. the student
the piece. It is clear the put in no
student worked at home additional
as well as at school. effort outside
of class