Nternational Usiness: Hapter
Nternational Usiness: Hapter
Nternational Usiness: Hapter
International Business
Box A
India Embarks on the Path to Globalisation
International business has entered into a new era of reforms. India too did not
remain cut-off from these developments. India was under a severe debt trap and was
facing crippling balance of payment crisis. In 1991, it approached the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) for raising funds to tide over its balance of payment deficits.
IMF agreed to lend money to India subject to the condition that India would undergo
structural changes to be able to ensure repayment of borrowed funds.
India had no alternative but to agree to the proposal. It was the very conditions
imposed by IMF which more or less forced India to liberalise its economic
policies. Since then a fairly large amount of liberalisation at the economic front
has taken place.
Though the process of reforms has somewhat slowed down, India is very much
on the path to globalisation and integrating with the world economy. While, on
the one hand, many multinational corporations (MNCs) have ventured into Indian
market for selling their products and services; many Indian companies too have
stepped out of the country to market their products and services to consumers in
foreign countries.
Box B
Firms need to be Cognisant of Environmental Differences
It is to be kept in mind that conducting and managing international business is not
an easy venture. It is more difficult to manage international business operations
due to variations in the political, social, cultural and economic environments that
differ from country to country.
Simply being aware of these differences is not sufficient. One also needs to
be sensitive and responsive to these changes by way of introducing adaptations
in their marketing programmes and business strategies. It is, for instance, a well
known fact that because of poor lower per capita income, consumers in most of the
developing African and Asian countries are price sensitive and prefer to buy less
expensive products. But consumers in the developed countries like Japan, United
States, Canada, France, Germany and Switzerland have a marked preference for
high quality and high priced products due to their better ability to pay. Business
prudence, therefore, demands that the firms interested in marketing to these
countries are aware of such differences among the countries, and design their
strategies accordingly. It will be in the fitness of things if the firms interested in
exporting to these countries produce less expensive products for the consumers
in the African and Asian regions, and design and develop high quality products
for consumers in Japan and most of the European and North American countries.
their own countries to those coming international trade. It includes not only
from other countries. While this is not international trade (i.e., export and
a problem for business firms operating import of goods and services), but also
domestically, it quite often becomes a a wide variety of other ways in which
severe problem for the firms interested the firms operate internationally.
in exporting their goods and services to Major forms of business operations
other nations or setting up their plants that constitute international business
in the overseas markets. are as follows.
(vii) Business regulations and (i) Merchandise exports and imports:
policies: Coupled with its socio- Merchandise means goods that are
economic environment and political tangible, i.e., those that can be seen
philosophy, each country evolves and touched. When viewed from
its own set of business laws and this perceptive, it is clear that while
regulations. Though these laws, merchandise exports means sending
regulations and economic policies are tangible goods abroad, merchandise
more or less uniformly applicable within imports means bringing tangible
a country, they differ widely among goods from a foreign country to one’s
nations. Tariff and taxation policies, own country. Merchandise exports
import quota system, subsidies and and imports, also known as trade in
other controls adopted by a nation goods, include only tangible goods and
are not the same as in other countries exclude trade in services.
and often discriminate against foreign (ii) Service exports and imports:
products, services and capital. Service exports and imports involve
(viii) Currency used in business trade in intangibles. It is because
transactions: Another important of the intangible aspect of services
difference between domestic and that trade in services is also known
international business is that the latter as invisible trade. A wide variety of
involves the use of different currencies. services are traded internationally
Since the exchange rate, i.e., the and these include: tourism and
price of one currency expressed in travel, boarding and lodging (hotel
relation to that of another country’s and restaurants), entertainment
currency, keeps on fluctuating, it and recreation, transportation,
adds to the problems of international professional services (such as training,
business firms in fixing prices of their recruitment, consultancy and research),
products and hedging against foreign communication (postal, telephone,
exchange risks. fax, courier and other audio-visual
services), construction and engineering,
11.1.4 Scope of International
marketing (e.g., wholesaling, retailing,
advertising, marketing research
As pointed out earlier, international and warehousing), educational and
business is much broader than financial services (such as banking
Box C
Tourism, Transportation and Business Services dominate
International Trade in Services
Tourism and transportation have emerged as major components of international
trade in services. Most of the airlines, shipping companies, travel agencies and
hotels get their major share of revenues from their overseas customers and
operations abroad. Several countries have come to heavily depend on services as an
important source of foreign exchange earnings and employment. India, for example,
earns a sizeable amount of foreign exchange from exports of services related to
travel and tourism.
Business services: When one country provides services to other country and in
the process earns foreign exchange, this is also treated as a form of international
business activity. Fee received for services like banking, insurance, rentals,
engineering and management services form part of country’s foreign exchange
earnings. Undertaking of construction projects in foreign countries is also an
example of export of business services. The other examples of such services include
overseas management contracts where arrangements are made by one company of
a country which provides personnel to perform general or specialised management
functions for another company in a foreign country in lieu of the other country.
which the exporter is ready to sell the export licence before it proceeds with
goods and also provides information exports. Important pre-requisites for
about the quality, grade, size, weight, getting an export licence are as follows:
mode of delivery, type of packing and • Opening a bank account in any
payment terms. bank authorised by the Reserve
(ii) Receipt of order or indent: In case Bank of India (RBI) and getting
the prospective buyer (i.e., importing an account number.
firm) finds the export price and other • Obtaining Import Export Code
terms and conditions acceptable, it (IEC) number from the Directorate
places an order for the goods to be General Foreign Trade (DGFT) or
despatched. This order, also known Regional Import Export Licensing
as indent, contains a description of Authority.
the goods ordered, prices to be paid, • Registering with appropriate
delivery terms, packing and marking export promotion council.
details and delivery instructions. • Registering with Export Credit and
(iii) Assessing the importer’s Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) in
creditworthiness and securing order to safeguard against risks of
a guarantee for payments: After non payments.
receipt of the indent, the exporter An export firm needs to have the
makes necessary enquiry about the Import Export Code (IEC) number as
creditworthiness of the importer. The it needs to be filled in various export/
purpose underlying the enquiry is to import documents. For obtaining
assess the risks of non payment by the IEC number, a firm has to apply
the importer once the goods reach the to the Director General for Foreign
import destination. To minimise such Trade (DGFT) with documents such as
risks, most exporters demand a letter exporter/importer profile, bank receipt
of credit from the importer. A letter for requisite fee, certificate from the
of credit is a guarantee issued by the banker on the prescribed form, two
importer’s bank that it will honour copies of photographs attested by the
payment up to a certain amount of banker, details of the non-resident
export bills to the bank of the exporter. interest and declaration about the
Letter of credit is the most appropriate applicant’s non association with
and secure method of payment adopted caution listed firms.
to settle international transactions. It is obligatory for every exporter
(iv) Obtaining export licence: Having to get registered with the appropriate
become assured about payments, export promotion council. Various
the exporting firm initiates the steps export promotion councils such as
relating to compliance of export Engineering Export Promotion Council
regulations. Export of goods in India is (EEPC) and Apparel Export Promotion
subject to custom laws which demand Council (AEPC) have been set up by the
that the export firm must have an Government of India to promote and
develop exports of different categories quality products are exported from the
of products. We shall discuss about country. One such step is compulsory
export promotion councils in a later inspection of certain products by a
section. But it may be mentioned here competent agency as designated by
that it is necessary for the exporter to the government. The government has
become a member of the appropriate passed Export Quality Control and
export promotion council and obtain Inspection Act, 1963 for this purpose.
a Registration cum Membership and has authorised some agencies
Certificate (RCMC) for availing benefits to act as inspection agencies. If the
available to export firms from the product to be exported comes under
Government. such a category, the exporter needs to
Registration with the ECGC contact the Export Inspection Agency
is necessary in order to protect (EIA) or the other designated agency
overseas payments from political and for obtaining inspection certificate.
commercial risks. Such a registration The pre-shipment inspection report
also helps the export firm in getting is required to be submitted along
financial assistance from commercial with other export documents at the
banks and other financial institutions. time of exports. Such an inspection
(v) Obtaining pre-shipment finance: is not compulsory in case the goods
Once a confirmed order and also a are being exported by star trading
letter of credit have been received, houses, trading houses, export houses,
the exporter approaches his banker industrial units setup in export
for obtaining pre-shipment finance processing zones/special economic
to undertake export production. Pre- zones (EPZs/SEZs) and 100 per cent
shipment finance is the finance that export oriented units (EOUs). We shall
the exporter needs for procuring raw discuss about these special types of
materials and other components, export firms in a later section.
processing and packing of goods and (viii) Excise clearance: As per the
transportation of goods to the port of Central Excise Tariff Act, excise
shipment. duty is payable on the materials
(vi) Production or procurement used in manufacturing goods. The
of goods: Having obtained the pre- exporter, therefore, has to apply to
shipment finance from the bank, the the concerned Excise Commissioner
exporter proceeds to get the goods in the region with an invoice. If the
ready as per the specifications of the Excise Commissioner is satisfied,
importer. Either the firm itself goes in he may issue the excise clearance.
for producing the goods or else it buys But in many cases the government
from the market. exempts payment of excise duty or
(vii) Pre-shipment inspection: The later on refunds it if the goods so
Government of India has initiated manufactured are meant for exports.
many steps to ensure that only good The idea underlying such exemption
are then submitted to the Customs (xv) Payment of freight and issuance
Appraiser at the Customs House: of bill of lading: The C&F agent
• Export Contract or Export Order surrenders the mates receipt to the
• Letter of Credit shipping company for computation of
• Commercial Invoice freight. After receipt of the freight, the
• Certificate of Origin shipping company issues a bill of lading
• Certificate of Inspection, where which serves as an evidence that the
necessary shipping company has accepted the
• Marine Insurance Policy goods for carrying to the designated
After submission of these destination. In the case the goods are
documents, the Superintendent of the being sent by air, this document is
concerned port trust is approached for referred to as airway bill.
obtaining the carting order. Carting (xvi) Preparation of invoice: After
order is the instruction to the staff sending the goods, an invoice of the
at the gate of the port to permit the despatched goods is prepared. The
entry of the cargo inside the dock. invoice states the quantity of goods
After obtaining the carting order, the sent and the amount to be paid by the
cargo is physically moved into the port importer. The C&F agent gets it duly
area and stored in the appropriate attested by the customs.
shed. Since the exporter cannot make (xvii) Securing payment: After
himself or herself available all the time the shipment of goods, the exporter
for performing all these formalities, informs the importer about the
these tasks are entrusted to an shipment of goods. The importer
agent —referred to as Clearing and needs various documents to claim
Forwarding (C&F) agent. the title of goods on their arrival at
(xiv) Obtaining mates receipt: The his/her country and getting them
goods are then loaded on board the customs cleared. The documents
ship for which the mate or the captain that are needed in this connection
of the ship issues mate’s receipt to the include certified copy of invoice, bill of
port superintendent. A mate receipt is lading, packing list, insurance policy,
a receipt issued by the commanding certificate of origin and letter of credit.
officer of the ship when the cargo The exporter sends these documents
is loaded on board, and contains through his/her banker with the
the information about the name of instruction that these may be delivered
the vessel, berth, date of shipment, to the importer after acceptance of the
descripton of packages, marks and bill of exchange — a document which is
numbers, condition of the cargo at the sent along with the above mentioned
time of receipt on board the ship, etc. documents. Submission of the relevant
The port superintendent, on receipt documents to the bank for the purpose
of port dues, hands over the mate’s of getting the payment from the bank is
receipt to the C&F agent. called ‘negotiation of the documents’.
borne by the importer. After payment After payment of the import duty,
of dock charges, the importer is given the bill of entry has to be presented to
back one copy of the application as a the dock superintendent. The same has
receipt. This receipt is known as ‘port to be marked by the superintendent
trust dues receipt’.
and an examiner will be asked to
The importer then fills in a form
physically examine the goods imported.
‘bill of entry’ for assessment of customs
import duty. One appraiser examines The examiner gives his report on the
the document carefully and gives bill of entry. The importer or his agent
the examination order. The importer presents the bill of entry to the port
procures the said document prepared authority. After receiving necessary
by the appraiser and pays the duty, charges, the port authority issues the
if any. release order.
Bill of entry: Bill of entry is a form supplied by the customs office to the importer.
It is to be filled in by the importer at the time of receiving the goods. It has to be
in triplicate and is to be submitted to the customs office. The bill of entry contains
information such as name and address of the importer, name of the ship, number of
packages, marks on the package, description of goods, quantity and value of goods,
name and address of the exporter, port of destination, and customs duty payable.
Bill of exchange: It is a written instrument whereby the person issuing the instrument
directs the other party to pay a specified amount to a certain person or the bearer
of the instrument. In the context of an export-import transaction, bill of exchange
is drawn by the exporter on the importer asking the latter to pay a certain amount
to a certain person or the bearer of the bill of exchange. The documents giving title
to the export consignment are passed on to the importer only when the importer
accepts the order contained in the bill of exchange.
Sight draft: It is a type of bill of exchange wherein the drawer of the bill of exchange
instructs the bank to hand over the relevant documents to the importer only against
Usance draft: It is a type of bill of exchange wherein the drawer of the bill of exchange
instructs the bank to hand over the relevant documents to the importer only against
acceptance of the bill of exchange.
Import general manifest: Import general manifest is a document that contains the
details of the imported good. It is the document on the basis of which unloading
of cargo takes place.
Dock challan: Dock charges are to be paid when all the formalities of the customs are
completed. While paying the dock dues, the importer or his clearing agent specifies
the amount of dock dues in a challan or form which is known as dock challan.
paid on export goods are, therefore, allowed duty free supply of domestic
refunded to exporters on production of as well as imported inputs required for
proof of exports of these goods to the the manufacture of export goods. As
concerned authorities. Such refunds such the exporter is not required to pay
are called duty draw backs. Some customs duty on goods imported for
major duty draw backs include refund use in the manufacture of export goods.
of excise duties paid on goods meant The advance licences are available to
for exports, refund of customs duties both the types of exporters — those
paid on raw materials and machines who export on a regular basis and
imported for export production. The also to those who export on an adhoc
latter is also called customs drawback. basis. The regular exporters can avail
(ii) Export manufacturing under such licences against their production
bond scheme: This facility entitles programmes. The firms exporting
firms to produce goods without intermittently can also obtain these
payment of excise and other duties. licences against specific export orders.
The firms desirous of availing such (v) Export Promotion Capital Goods
facility have to give an undertaking Scheme (EPCG): The main objective of
(i.e., bond) that they are manufacturing this scheme is to encourage the import
goods for export purposes and of capital goods for export production.
will export such products on their This scheme allows export firms to
production. import capital goods at negligible or
(iii) Exemption from payment of lower rates of customs duties subject
sales taxes: Goods meant for export to actual user condition and fulfilment
purposes are not subject to sales tax. of specified export obligations. If the
Even for a long time, income derived
said conditions are fulfilled by the
from export operations had been
manufacturers, then they can import
exempt from payment of income tax.
the capital goods either at zero or
Now this benefit of exemption from
concessional rate of import duty.
income tax is available only to 100 per
cent Export Oriented Units (100 per Supporting manufacturers and service
cent EOUs) and units set up in Export providers are also eligible to import
Processing Zones (EPZs)/Special capital goods under this scheme.
Economic Zones (SEZs) for select This scheme is especially beneficial
years. We shall shortly discuss about to the industrial units interested in
the 100 per cent Export Oriented Units modernisation and upgradation of
(100 per cent EOUs) and units set up their existing plant and machinery.
in Export Processing Zones (EPZs)/ Now service export firms can also avail
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in the of this facility for importing items such
succeeding paragraphs. as computer software systems required
(iv) Advance licence scheme: It is for developing softwares for purposes
a scheme under which an exporter is of exports.
three international bodies. The major much longer than the repayment
objectives and functions of these three period of IBRD, and (ii) the borrowing
international institutions are discussed nation need not pay any interest on the
in more detail in the following sections. borrowed amount. IDA, thus, provides
interest-free long-term loans to the
11.5.1 World Bank poor nations. IBRD also provides loans
but these carry interest charged on
The International Bank for commercial basis.
Reconstruction and Development
Over the time, additional
(IBRD), commonly known as World
organisations have been set up under
Bank, was result of the Bretton Woods
the umbrella of the World Bank. As
Conference. The main objectives
of today, the World Bank is a group
behind setting up this international
of five international organisations
organisation were to aid the task of
responsible for providing finance to
reconstruction of the war-affected
different countries. The group and its
economies of Europe and assist in the
affiliates headquartered in Washington
development of the underdeveloped
nations of the world. For the first DC catering to various financial needs
few years, the World Bank remained are listed in the Box A on World Bank
preoccupied with the task of restoring and its affiliates.
war-torn nations in Europe. Having
achieved success in accomplishing this 11.5.2 International Monetary
task by late 1950s, the World Bank Fund
turned its attention to the development The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
of underdeveloped nations. It realised is the second international organisation
that by investing more and more in next to the World Bank. IMF which
these countries, especially in social came into existence in 1945 has its
sectors like health and education; it headquarters located in Washington
could bring about the needed social DC. In 2005, it had 191 countries
and economic transformation of the as its members.The major idea
developing countries. To give shape underlying the setting up of the IMF
to this investment aspect in is to evolve an orderly international
the underdeveloped nations, the monetary system, i.e., facilitating
International Development Association system of international payments and
(IDA) was formed in the year 1960. adjustments in exchange rates among
The main objective underlying setting national currencies.
up IDA has been to provide loans on
concessional terms and conditions Major objectives of IMF include
to those countries whose per capita
incomes are below a critical level. • To promote international monetary
Concessional terms and conditions cooperation through a permanent
mean that (i) repayment period is institution,
Key Terms
International Contract IEC number Certificate of origin
business manufacturing Registration- Customs clearance
International trade Licensing cum membership Letter of credit
Merchandise trade Franchising certificate Shipping bill
Invisible trade Outsourcing Pre-shipment Mate receipt
Foreign investment Joint ventures finance Bill of lading
FDI Wholly owned Pre-shipment Airway bill
Portfolio subsidiaries inspection Invoice
investment Proforma invoice Export inspection Bill of exchange
Exproting Order or intent agency Sight draft
Importing Export licence Excise clearance Usance draft
International Business: International business refers to business activities
that take place across national frontiers. Though many people use the terms
international business and international trade synonymously, the former is a
much broader term. International business involves not only trade in goods
and services, but also other operations, such as production and marketing of
goods and services in foreign countries.
International Vs Domestic Business: Conducting and managing international
business operations is more complex than undertaking domestic business.
Differences in the nationality of parties involved, relatively less mobility of
factors of production, customer heterogeneity across markets, variations in
business practices and political systems, varied business regulations and
policies, and use of different currencies are the key aspects that differentiate
international businesses from domestic business. These, moreover, are the
factors that make international business much more complex and a difficult
Export Procedures: The starting point in an export transaction is the receipt
of an enquiry from the overseas buyer. In response, the exporter prepares
an export quotation — called proforma invoice, giving out details about the
export goods and the terms and conditions of export. In case, the importer
finds the quotation acceptable, he/she places an order or indent and gets a
letter of credit issued from his/her bank to the exporter. The exporter then
proceeds with the formalities related to obtaining an export licence from the
Director General of Foreign Trade and getting a registration-cum-membership
certificate from the export promotion council looking after the export of the
concerned product. In case, the exporter requires funds, he/she can avail
of pre-shipment finance from a bank. The exporter then proceeds with the
production or procurement of the goods and gets them inspected from Export
Inspection Council. If required by the importer, the exporter approaches the
foreign consulate for obtaining the certificate of origin to enable the importer to
claim tariff of quota concessions at the time of clearance of cargo at the import
destination. The exporter, then, makes arrangement, for reserving space on
the ship and insuring goods against transit perils. After obtaining the excise
clearance, goods are sent to the concerned port for customs clearance. Since
customs clearance is a tedious process, exporters often employ C&F agents
for availing their services in preparation of various customs documents and
getting the goods customs cleared.
After customs clearance and payment of dock charges to the port authorities
and freight charges to the shipping company, goods are loaded on the ship.
The captain of the ship issues a mate’s receipt. This mate’s receipt is submitted
to the shipping company’s office for the payment of freight. After receiving
the freight charges, the shipping company issues a bill of lading, which is
a document of contract relating to shipment of the goods by the shipping
company. Once the goods are dispatched, the exporter prepares an invoice
and sends the necessary documents, such as certified copy of invoice, bill of
lading, packing list, insurance policy, certificate of origin, letter of credit and
bill of exchange to the importer through his/her bank to release a certificate
of payment. Certificate of payment is a document that certifies that the export
transaction is over and the payment has been received.
Import Procedure: The procedure to import is also beset with several
formalities. The process starts with a search for export firms and making a
trade enquiry about the product, its price and terms and conditions of exports.
Having selected an export firm, the importer asks the exporter to send him/
her a formal quotation called proforma invoice. The importer, then, proceeds to
obtain the import licence, if required, from the office of the Directorate General
Foreign Trade (DGFT) or Regional Import Export Licensing Authority. The
importer also applies for the Import Export Code (IEC) number. This number
is required to be mentioned on most of the import documents. Since payment
for imports requires foreign currency, the importer has to send an application
to a bank authorised for sanction of the necessary foreign exchange.
After obtaining an import licence, the importer places an import order or indent
with the exporter for supply of the specified products. If required as per the
terms of contract, the importer arranges for the issuance of a letter of credit to
the exporter from the bank. Having shipped the goods under shipment advice
to the importer, the exporter sends a set of necessary documents containing
bill of exchange, commercial invoice, bill of lading/airway bill, packing list,
certificate of origin, marine insurance policy, etc., to enable the importer claim
title to the goods on their arrival at the port of destination. The exporter sends
these documents through his/her bank to the importer. The bank presents
these documents to the importer and after obtaining his/her acceptance of the
bill of exchange, delivers the documents to the importer.
After the arrival of the goods in the importing country, the person in charge
of the carrier (ship or airway) prepares import general manifest to inform the
officer in charge at the dock or the airport that the goods have reached the
ports of the importing country. The importer or his/her C&F agent pays the
freight (if not already paid by exporter) to the shipping company and obtains
delivery order from it which entities the importer to take the delivery of the
goods at the port. At this time, port dock dues are also paid and a port trust
dues receipt is obtained. The importer, then, fills in a form ‘bill of entry’ for
assessment of customs import duty. After the payment of the import duty,
the bill of entry has to be presented to the dock superintendent for physical
examination of the goods. The examiner gives his report on the bill of entry.
The importer or his agent presents the bill of entry to the port authority for
issuance of the release order.
5. *Name of the office of the Registrar of Companies in which the proposed company is to be
6. Details of promoter(s) (In case the promoter(s) has been allotted DIN, then it is mandatory to
enter such DIN)
* Enter the number of promoter(s)
DIN or Income-tax PAN or passport number or corporate
identification number (CIN) or foreign company registration Pre-fill
Number (FCRN) or any other registration number
8. *Particulars of proposed director(s)
(Specify information of one director in case the proposed company is One Person Company or
of two directors in case the proposed company is a private company (other than producer
company) or of three directors in case the proposed company is a public company or of five
directors in case the proposed company is a producer company)
Father’s Name
9 *Whether the Promoters are carrying on any Partnership firm, sole proprietary or unregistered
entity in the name as applied for
Yes No
(If yes, attach NOC from all owners/partners of such entity for use of such name)
Part B. Particulars about the proposed name(s)
10. *Number of proposed names for the company
(Please give maximum six names in order of preference)
I. Proposed name
Significance of key or coined word in the
proposed name
State the name of the vernacular
language(s) if used in the proposed name
11. *Whether the proposed name is in resemblance with any class of Trade Marks
Rules, 2002
Yes No
If yes, Please specify the Class(s) of trade mark
12. *Whether the proposed name(s) is/are based on a registered trade mark or is
subject matter of an application pending for registration under the Trade Marks Act.
Yes No
If yes, furnish particulars of trade mark or application and the approval of the applicant or
owner of the trademark
13. In case the name is similar to any existing company or to the foreign holding company,
specify name of such company and also attach copy of the No Objection Certificate by way of
board resolution (Duly attested by a director of that company)
(a) Whether the name is similar to holding Company
Existing Company Foreign holding company
(b) In case of existing Company, provide CIN Pre-fill
(c) Name of the Company
14. (a) Whether the proposed name includes the words such as Insurance, Bank, Stock exchange,
Venture Capital, Asset Management, Nidhi, or Mutual Fund etc. Yes No
If Yes, whether the in-principle approval is received from
specify other Yes No
(If yes, attach the approval or if No, attach the approval at the time of filing the incorporation form
(b) *Whether the proposed name including the phrase ‘Electoral trust’ Yes No
[If Yes, attach the affidavit as per rule 8(2)(b)(vi)]
Part C. Names requiring Central Government approval
15. *State whether the proposed name(s) contain such word or expression for which the previous
approval of Central Government is required Yes No
(If Yes, this form shall be treated as an application to the Central Govt., for such approval
and shall be dealt with accordingly)
Part D. Reservation of name for change of Name by an Existing Company
16. (a) *CIN of Company Pre-fill
(b) Global Location Number (GLN) of Company
17. (a) Name of Company
(b) Address of the registered office of the Company
(c) Email ID of the Company
18. (a) * State whether the change of name is due to direction received from the Central
Yes No
(If yes, please attach a copy of such directions)
(b) * Whether the proposed name is in accordance with the rule 8(8) and specific direction
of the Tribunal is attached.
Yes No
[If ‘Yes’ selected,attach order of tribunal as required in Rule 8(8)]
19. (a) Whether the change in name requires change in object of the company
Yes No
(b) Reasons for change in name (in case of yes above, mention proposed object of the company)
(12) Optional attachment, if any. Attach List of attachments
Remove attachment
*I have gone through the provisions of The Companies Act, 2013, the rules thereunder and prescribed
guidelines framed thereunder in respect of reservation of name, understood the meaning thereof and
the proposed name(s) is/are in conformity thereof.
*I have used the search facilities available on the portal of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)
for checking the resemblance of the proposed name(s) with the companies and Limited Liability
partnerships (LLPs) respectively already registered or the names already approved. I have also used
the search facility for checking the resemblances of the proposed name(s) with registered trademarks
and trade mark subject of an application under The Trade Marks Act, 1999 and other relevant search
for checking the resemblance of the proposed name(s) to satisfy myself with the compliance of the
provisions of the Act for resemblance of name and Rules thereof.
*The proposed name(s) is/are not in violation of the provisions of Emblems and Names (Prevention
of Improper Use) Act, 1950 as amended from time to time.
*The proposed name is not offensive to any section of people, e.g., proposed name does not contain
profanity or words or phrases that are generally considered a slur against an ethnic group, religion,
gender or heredity.
*The proposed name(s) is not such that its use by the company will constitute an offence under any
law for the time being in force.
*To the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in this application and its attachments
thereto is correct and complete, and nothing relevant to this form has been suppressed.
*I undertake to be fully responsible for the consequences in case the name is subsequently found
to be in contravention of the provisions of section 4(2) and section 4(4) of the Companies Act, 2013
and rules thereto and I have also gone through and understood the provisions of section 4(5) (ii) (a)
and (b) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules thereunder and fully declare myself responsible for
the consequences thereof.
To be digitally signed by
*DIN or Income-tax PAN or passport number of the applicant or Director
identification number of the director; or PAN of the manager or CEO or CFO; or Membership number
of the Company Secretary
Note: Attention is drawn to the provisions of Section 7(5) and 7(6) which, inter-alia, provides
that furnishing of any false or incorrect particulars of any information or suppression of any
material information shall attract punishment for fraud under Section 447. Attention is also
drawn to provisions of Section 448 and 449 which provide for punishment for false statement
and punishment for false evidence respectively.
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