Machining Process
Machining Process
Machining Process
1. Electro
1. Turning 1. Polishing 1. Abrasive jet chemical
2. Milling 2. Buffing machining machining
3. Drilling 3. Lapping 2. Ultrasonic 2. Electro
4. Planning 4. Grinding machining discharge
5. Shaping 5. Honing 3. Water jet machining
6.Broaching 6. Super machining 3. Laser beam
7. Gear finishing 4. Magnetic machining
cutting abrasive 4. Plasma beam
8. Boring finishing machining
Machine Tools
• Machine tools are
defined as a tool which
while holding the cutting
tool would be able to
remove metal from the
• Material is removed from
the workpiece in order to
generate desired shape.
Some examples of M/C
tools are milling cutter,
drill bit, shaper etc.
Classification of Machine
General purpose machine tools
• It is designed to perform a variety of operations on a wide range of components.
• They can be used for almost any type of application but, the speed of production
is very low.
• Exp. Lathe, shaper and milling machine
4. Grinding wheels
Lathe Machine
• A lathe is a machine tool that rotates a work piece about an axis of rotation to
perform various operations such as cutting, knurling, drilling, facing, turning
with tools that are applied to the work piece to create an
object with symmetry about that axis.
Parts of Lathe Machine
• Bed
• Head stock
• Tail stock
• Carriage (cross slide, compound rest,
tool post and apron)
• Feed Mechanism
• Legs
Parts of lathe machine
6.Tool post: There are three main types of tool post used for
holding lathe cutting tools:
Ring and rocker
Four-way turret
Quick -change
2. Facing:
o Flat surface or to Reduce Length of Job.
o Turning Tool
o Feed: in direction perpendicular to
workpiece axis. Length of Tool Travel =
radius of workpiece.
o Depth of Cut: in direction parallel to
workpiece axis
3. Knurling:
Produce rough textured
For Decorative and/or
Functional Purpose
4. Grooving:
Produces a Groove on
Shape of tool = shape of
Carried out using
Grooving Tool.
5. Parting:
Cutting workpiece into two parts
similar to grooving Parting Tool
Tool rides over – at slow feed
Coolant use
6. Chamfering:
Bevelling sharp machined edges
Similar to form turning
Chamfering tool – 45°
Used to avoid sharp edges, make
assembly easier and improve
7. Drilling:
Cutting tool is held in Tailstock
and feed from Tailstock
8. Taper Turning
• Form Tool
• Swivelling Compound Rest
• Taper Turning Attachment
• Simultaneous Longitudinal
and Cross Feeds
Taper turnung
• Using the compound rest
• By using the form tools
• Offsetting of tailstock
• Using taper turning attachment
Parameters are used in machining