SKENARIO 1: Critical Appraisal Penelitian Kuantitatif (RCT, Cross-Sectional, Case Control, Pre-Post Test)
SKENARIO 1: Critical Appraisal Penelitian Kuantitatif (RCT, Cross-Sectional, Case Control, Pre-Post Test)
SKENARIO 1: Critical Appraisal Penelitian Kuantitatif (RCT, Cross-Sectional, Case Control, Pre-Post Test)
Tujuan Umum :
Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan untuk menilai secara kritis kesahihan dan kemampu-
terapan informasi kedokteran berbasis bukti (Evidence-Based Medicine) dan menjelaskan
serta memecahkan masalah yang berhubungan dengan masalah konfirmasi tes penyaringan
atau diagnosis penyakit pasien.
Tujuan Khusus :
1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami tahapan telaah kritis dengan menggunakan panduan yang
sesuai, dalam hal ini penelitian kuantitatif
1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami metodologi yang digunakan.
a. bagaimana menentukan populasi dan sample
b. bagaimana menentukan kelompok perlakuan (intervention) atau pembanding (control)
c. memahami cara interpretasi hasil dan pembahasan
d. memahami apa yang dimaksud randomisasi
3. mahasiswa mampu memahami perbedaan diantara ke empat jenis penelitian tersebut
4. Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan kepada rencana penelitiannya.
Sumber: (
NO CITATION Jara, A., Undurraga, E. A., González, C., Paredes, F.,
SITASI Fontecilla, T., Jara, G., . . . Araos, R. (2021).
Effectiveness of an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2
Vaccine in Chile. New England Journal of Medicine,
385(10), 875–884.
1 STUDY PURPOSE Outline the purpose of the study. How does the
TUJUAN PENELITIAN study apply to your research question?
Not addressed
Not addressed
N/A (tidak dilakukan)
8 Were the analysis method(s) What was the clinical importance of the results?
appropriate? Were differences between groups clinically
meaningful? (if applicable)
No The Results suggest that the CoronaVac vaccine had
Not addressed (tidak high effectiveness against severe disease,
dijelaskan) hospitalizations, and death, findings that underscore
the potential of this vaccine to save lives and
substantially reduce demands on the health care
9 Drop-outs were reported? Did any participants drop out from the study?
Why? (Were reasons given and were drop-outs
Yes handled appropriately?)
1,632,572 Were excluded because of probable or
confirmed Covid-19 before February 2, 2021, or
because they had received the BNT162b2 vaccine.
10 CONCLUSIONS AND What did the study conclude? What are the
IMPLICATIONS implications of these results for practice? What
Simpulan dan Dampaknya were the main limitations or biases in the study?
Conclusions were appropriate The study results suggest that the CoronaVac
given study methods and results vaccine was highly effective in protecting against
severe disease and death.
No 1. As an observational study, it is subject to
confounding. To account for known confounders, we
adjusted the analyses for relevant variables that
could affect vaccine effectiveness, such as age, sex,
underlying medical conditions, region of residence,
and nationality.