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Alloy 713C: Engineering Properties of

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Engineering Properties

of ALLOY 713C
C om p o s i t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Specifications ............................................................... 3
S t r e s s - Ru p t u r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
T e n s i le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Hardness . ..................................................... 3
Physical Properties ....................................................... 4
Density ......................................................... 4
M e l t in g R a n g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Thermal Expansion ......................................... 4
T h e r m a l Co n d u c t i v it y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
E l e c t r ic a l R e s i s t iv i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
O x i d a t i o n Re s is t a n c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Heat Treatment ............................................................. 6
Mechanical Properties ................................................... 6
T e n s i le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
S t r e s s - Ru p t u r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
S t r e s s - Ru p t u r e P a r a m e t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Effect of Overheat .......................................... 7
Creep Rate ................................................... 11
M in im u m Cr e e p R a t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
D y n a m ic M o d u lu s o f E l a s t i c it y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Impact .......................................................... 14
Hot Hardness ................................................ 14
Fatigue ......................................................... 16
Fabrication ................................................................... 19
Joining ......................................................................... 19
W e ld in g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Brazing ......................................................... 19
Surface Treatment ......................................................... 19
C le a n i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Etchants ....................................................... 20
A pp l i c a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
References .................................................................... 20

Engineering Properties
of ALLOY 713C

Alloy 713C* is a precipitation hardenable, nickel- under argon (air melted, argon cast). With the
chromium base cast alloy, which possesses excel- advent of improved vacuum technology it was
lent strength properties up to 1800 ºF. The alloy found that an increased level of high temperature
has good castability, remarkabl e resistance to properties can be consistently attained by vacuum
oxidation and thermal fatigue, and outstanding melting the master material and remelting and
structural stability. It was original ly intended to castin g it u nd er v acu u m (v acuum melt ed, vac-
air melt the master alloy and recast the product u u m cast).


Element Nominal Range (AMS 5391)
Chromium 12.50 12.00 -14.00
Molybdenum 4.20 3.80 - 5.20
Columbium Tantalum 2.20 1.80 - 2.80
Aluminum 6.10 5.50 - 6.50
Titanium 0.80 0.50 - 1.00
Carbon 0.12 0.08 - 0.20
Boron 0.012 0.005- 0.015
Zirconium 0.10 0.05 - 0.15
Silicon lap† 0.50 max
Manganese lap† 0.25 max
Iron lap† 2.50 max
Copper lap† 0.50 max
Nickel bal bal

The AMS 5391 specification for alloy 713C requires the following mechanical properties in the
as cast condition.

Stress-Rupture Properties
Test Temp, ºF Stress, psi Life, hr Elong, % in 4D
1800 22,000 30 min 5 min

Tensile Properties
Test Temp, ºF 0.2% Yield Strength, psi Tensile Strength, psi Elong, % in 4D
70 100.000 min 110.000 min 3 min

Rockwell C 30-42
There are many alternate specifications in existence and individual companies should be
contracted as to their requirements.

* U. S. Patent #2,570,193, produced under licens e from The International Nickel Company, Inc.
† Low as poss ible.

Density Melting Range

0.286 Ib/cu in. (7.913 g/cu cm) 2300-2350 ºF (1260-1288 ºC)

Thermal Expansion (See Figure 1)

Mean Coefficient, Mean Coefficient.

Test Temp, ºF per °F Test Temp, ºF per °F
70- 200 5.92 x 10-6 70-1200 7.81 x 10-6
70- 400 6.61 70-1400 8.17
70- 600 7.00 70-1600 8.63
70- 800 7.26 70-1800 9.13
70-1000 7.52 70-2000 9.48

Thermal Conductivity (See Figure 2)

Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Conductivity,

Test Temp, °F BTU-in/hr/sq ft/°F Test Temp, °F BTU-in/hr/sq ft/°F
200 146 1200 166
400 154 1400 179
600 160 1600 218
800 162 1800 334
1000 164

Electrical Resistivity (See Figure 3)

Electrical Resistivity, Electrical Resistivity,

Test Temp, °F microhm-cm Test Temp, °F microhm-cm
70 144 1000 157
200 148 1200 157
400 152 1400 158
600 155 1600 158
800 156 1800 159

Oxidation Resistance (See Figure 4)
Oxidation tests were performed in a tube furnace with a continuous flow of air.

Penetration Rate, Inches per Year

Test Temp, °F Continuous Exposure Intermittent Exposure
1700 .0033 .0050
1800 .0067 .0064
1900 .0088 .0092
2000 .0181 .0190

Figure 1. Thermal-Expansion Characteristics of Figure 3. Electrical Resistivity of As Cast, Vacuum Melted,
As Cast, Air Melted, Argon Cast Alloy 713C. Vacuum Cast Alloy 713C .

Figure 4. Oxidation Rate of As Cast, Vacuum Melted,

Vacuum Cast Alloy 713C .

Figure 2. Thermal Conductivity of As Cast,

Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast Alloy .

Al lo y 7 1 3C is n ormally used i n th e as cast co n - high stress at 1350 ºF shows a marked decrease in
d it i o n. An improvement i n th e 1 7 0 0-1 9 0 0 ºF rupture life and ductility. A stabilizing treatment
stress-rup ture l ife is o ft en ob tai n ed b y so lu t io n of 16 hours at 1700 ºF, applied to the solution
treat i ng fo r 2 hou rs at 21 50 ºF, u n d er v acu u m o r treated material, fol lowed by air cooling, restores
in an arg on atmosph ere, fo l lo wed b y ai r co o li n g ; the 1350 ºF properties as wel l as maintaining the
h o wev er, mat erial in this co nd i tio n tested u n d er high temperature propert ies. (See Table I)

Table I
The Effect of Heat Treatment on Typical Stress-Rupture Properties
of Alloy 713C
(vacuum melted, vacuum cast)

Condition Temp, ºF Stress, psi Life, hr Elong,%

As cast 1700 30,000 76 7
2150 ºF–2 hr–AC 1700 30,000 121 4
2150 ºF–2 hr–AC 1700 ºF–16 hr–AC 1700 30,000 131 5
As cast 1350 90,000 232 5
2150 ºF–2 hr–AC 1350 90,000 28 2
2150 ºF–2 hr–AC 1700 ºF–16 hr–AC 1350 90,000 274 5

Tensile Properties (See Figure 5)

Test 0.2% Yield Tensile Red.

Temp, ºF Strength, psi Strength, psi Elong, % Area,%
70 106,600 123,000 7.9 11.6
1000 102,200 125,600 9.7 17.0
1200 104,200 125,700 6.7 10.5
1400 108,000 136,000 5.9 10.5
1500 95,100 120,500 6.0 11.5
1600 72,100 105,400 13.9 20.0
1700 55,800 85,300 11.8 17.7
1800 44,200 68,400 19.7 25.0

Figure 5. Typical Tensile Properties of As Cast, Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast Alloy 713C.

Stress-Rupture Properties (See Figure 6 and Table II)

Test Stress, psi, for Rupture in . . .

Temp, ºF 10 hr 100 hr 1000 hr 10,000 hr
1350 – (97,000)* 76,000 56,000
1500 (86,000)* 60,000 44,000 30,000
1700 (42,000)* 30,000 18,000 12,000
1800 29,000 21,000 13,000 –
2000 9,500 6,400 – –
* ( ) Denotes extrapolated values.

Stress-Rupture Parameter (See Figure 7)

Effect of Overheat (See Figure 8)
The effect of one-half hour overheats at temper- should only be used to appraise general trends
atures 100 and 200 ºF above base temperatures of since the average values shown make no allowance
1500, 1700 and 1800 ºF was evaluated with the for normal scatter in test results or limited test
overheats being applied 48 hours after the start of data. The fact that for each test condition the
nominal 200-hour tests. In Figure 8, the effect of actual rupture life was greater than the predicted
overheating is indicated by the difference in life indicates that alloy 713C was not only im-
height between the bars representing the predicted mune to damage from the overheats but that it was
and actual values of rupture life. This chart actually strengthened by them.

Figure 6. Stress Rupture Data on As Cast, Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast Alloy 713C.
Table II
Long-Time Stress-Rupture Data on Alloy 713C
(as cast, vacuum melted, vacuum cast)

Temp, ºF Stress, psi Life, hr Elong, % R.A., %

2000 10,000 9 20 26
7,500 17 50 73
7,500 33 18 56
6,000 176 19 65

1800* 27,500 15 8 21
25,000 25 8 22
22,000 65 6 13
20,000 132 7 21
18,000 191 8 –
16,000 381 3.5 12
13,000 943 5 11.5

1700 35,000 33 12 23
30,000 103 16 15
30,000 109 7 14
25,000 266 8.5 25
25,000 327 12 19
20,000 496 22 34
20,000 867 12 31
15,000 1896 25 40
15,000 2376 12 27
12,500 6905 14 25
12,500 9602 (pull rod broke)

1500 65,000 42 9 11
65,000 66 7 9
55,000 292 6.5 9
45,000 795 7 14
40,000 1738 10 12.5
35,000 3765 12.5 19
29,000 12182 12.5 17
29,000 19862 11 12

1350 90,000 221 7 10

80,000 656 8 9
70,000 2380 6 10
60,000 5832 6 10

1350† 90,000 210 7.5 7.5

80,000 562 8 8.5
70,000 2594 7 6.5
55,000 12033 12 12

* T h is d a t a o b t a in e d o n a d if f e r e n t h e a t .
† T e st b a r s in a s c a s t p lu s 1 7 0 0 ºF – 1 6 h r s – AC c o n d it io n .

P = Parameter
T = Degrees Rankin (Add 460 Degrees Fahrenheit)
t = Time to Rupture in Hours

Figure 7. Larson-Miller Stress Rupture Parameter Curve.

Figure 8. Effect of Overheat on As Cast, Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast Alloy 713C.

Creep Rate (See Figures 9-11 and Table III)

Test Stress, psi, for Designated Creep Rate
Temp, ºF 0.0001%/hr 0.001%/hr 0.01%/hr
1350 (47,000)* 68,000 83,000
1500 (24,000)* 39,000 56,000
1700 (11,500)* 15,500 26,000
*( ) Denotes extrapolated values.

Minimum Creep Rate (See Figures 9-11 and Table III)

Stress, Minimum Creep Rate for Designated Temperature, %/hr
psi 1350 ºF 1500 ºF 1700 ºF
20,000 – – .0032
30,000 – .00030 .0240
40,000 – .00120 –
50,000 .00014 .00460 –
60,000 .00041 (.01800)* –
*( ) Denotes extrapolated values.

Table III
Long-Time Creep Data on Alloy 713C
(as cast, vacuum melted, vacuum cast)

Temp, Stress, Time, hours, for Total Creep Strain† of . . . Minimum Creep
ºF psi 0.1% 0.2% 0.5% 1.0% Rate, %/hr

1350 90,000 – 5 10 30 .02190

80,000 5 12 38 108 .00694

70,000 25 55 230 650 .00117

60,000 – 120 740 2040 .00036

55,000* 235 470 1580 3380 .00028

1500 65,000 – – 2.5 6 –

65,000 – – 3 11 –

55,000 5 12 40 100 .00870

45,000 7 15 105 275 .00270

40,000 43 125 378 690 .00130

35,000 135 305 870 1590 .00055

29,000 – – 1040 2960 .00027

1700 35,000 1.5 2 5 11 .09460

30,000 3 8 24 42 .02360

25,000 15 30 80 155 .00540

25,000 13 25 82 180 .00533

20,000 22 40 98 185 .00544

20,000 30 80 165 390 .00220

15,000 30 130 220 540 .00150

15,000 45 105 400 1030 .00062

12,500 200 435 1675 3315 .00023

12,500 80 360 1620 3750 .00023

* Test bars in as cast plus 1700 ºF – 16 hr – AC condition.

† Strain rates measured after extension on loading.

Figure 9. Design Curve for Alloy 713C at 1350 ºF

Figure 10. Design Curve for Alloy 713C at 1500 ºF.

Figure 11. Design Curve for Alloy 713C at 1700 ºF.

Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity (See Figure 12)

Test Dynamic Test Dynamic

Temp, ºF Modulus, psi Temp, ºF Modulus, psi

78 29.94 x 106 1000 26.16 x 106

200 29.48 1200 25.14
400 28.72 1400 24.20
600 27.97 1600 22.64
800 27.17 1800 21.37

Impact Properties (See Figures 13-14 and Table IV)

In general cast alloys do not attain the high level 1300 ºF. Depending upon the grain size, condition
of impact properties associated with wrought and prior holding time at temperature, the impact
material. A soluti on heat treatment of alloy values of alloy 713C decrease from 9 ft-lb at room
713C appears to offer a slight improvement up to temperature to 5 ft-lb at 1800 ºF.

Hot Hardness (See Figure 15)

Test Temp, ºF Hardness, Rc

70 38
1400 36
1600 18.5
1800 –8

Figure 12. Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity of Figure 14. Impact Properties of As Cast, Vacuum
As Cast, Vacuum Melted, Vacuum Cast Alloy Melted, Vacuum Cast, Alloy 713C After Holding 24
713C. Hours at Temperature.

Figure 13. Impact Properties of As Cast, Vacuum Melted, Figure 15. Hot Hardness of As Cast, Air Melted, Argon
Vacuum Cast Alloy 713C After Holding 30 Minutes at Cast Alloy 713C.

Table IV
Impact Properties of Alloy 713C
Charpy V-Notch, ft-Ib
(vacuum melted, vacuum cast)

2150 ºF–2 hr–AC

Test As Cast As Cast 2150 ºF–2 hr–AC 2150 ºF–2 hr–AC 1700 ºF–16 hr–AC
Temp, Grain Size, Grain Size, Grain Size, Grain Size, Grain Size,
ºF 1/8 - ¼” 1/32 - 1/8” 1/8 - ¼” 1/32 - 1/8” 1/8 - ¼”


70 9 7.5 9 11 8 8 8.5 13.5 8 5.5

10.5 9 8 8 11 10.5 11.5 10.5 7.5 5

1200 7 8 7 7 11 11 8 10 4 7

1300 7 6 6.5 6 10 9.5 7 7 5 6

1400 6 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 4 4

1600 6 6 6.5 6 4.5 5.5 4 4.5 4 3

1800 6 5.5 6 5.5 5.5 5.5 3.5 4 4.5 3.5


1200 7 7 7.5 7 10.5 7 8 8 4.5 5

1300 7 6 7.5 6 4 7.5 6.5 5.5 3 5

1400 6 8.5 7 8 6 7 4.5 6 4 –

1600 5 4.5 5 6 4 6.5 5.5 4 4.5 4.5

1800 5 5.5 3.5 5 6.5 4.5 5 4 9 5

Basic fatigue and stress-rupture data at 1700 ºF K t = 2.9 the fatigue strength is reduced and the
was determined for both the smooth and notched creep strength enhanced.
material. Using a stress concentration factor of

Reversed stress axial fatigue tests at various material indicate the following endurance limits at
temperatures on both coarse and fine grained 8
10 cycles:

Test Coarse Grain Material Fine Grain Material

Temp, ºF Endurance Limit, psi Endurance Limit, psi
70 32,500 33,500
1200 23,000 25,500
1350 27,500 26,000
1500 26,000 28,000
1700 22,500 23,000

Table V
Fatigue Properties of Alloy 713C
(as cast, vacuum melted, vacuum cast)

Grain (1) Stress Temp, Speed, Endurance Limit, psi

Size Application ºF cpm (108 Cycles, A= Kt=1.0)

Coarse Axial 70 7,500 34,000

Coarse Axial 70 14,500 32,500

Fine Axial 70 14,500 33,500

Coarse Rotary(2) 70 3,500 40,000

Fine Rotary(2) 70 3,500 47,500

Coarse Axial 1200 12,500 23,000

Fine Axial 1200 12,500 25,500

Coarse Axial 1200 12,500 22,000(3)

Coarse Axial 1200 12,500 22,500(4)

Coarse Axial 1350 12,000 27,500

Fine Axial 1350 12,000 26,000

Coarse Axial 1500 11,500 26,000

Fine Axial 1500 11,500 28,000

Coarse Axial 1700 9,500 22,500

Fine Axial 1700 9,500 23,000

( 1 ) F in e G r a in Siz e - 1 / 1 6 " a v e r a g e d ia m e t e r
Co a r se G r a in Size = 3 / 1 6 " - 1 / 4 " a v e r a g e d ia m e t e r
( 2 ) Ro t a t in g Be a m v a lu e s s h o wn f o r c o m p a r a t iv e p u r p o s e s
( 3 ) 2 1 5 0 ºF – 2 h r – AC
( 4 ) 2 1 5 0 ºF – 2 h r – AC + 1 7 0 0 ºF – 1 6 h r – AC

Figure 16. Stress Rupture and S-N Fatigue Curves for Notched and Unnotched Bars at 1700 ºF
of As Cast, Air Melted, Argon Cast Alloy 713C .

Thermal fatigue data were obtained in a labora- blast for one minute. As indicated by the follow-
tory test rig in which a spot on the trailing edge ing results, alloy 713C displays excellent thermal
of an investment cast stator blade section or a fatigue properties. Data for AMS 5382B alloy,
thermal fatigue specimen specially designed to widely used in applications requiring good resist-
simulate a stator blade was alternately heated by ance to thermal fatigue, are included for com-
a gas-oxygen-air flame to the indicated temper- parison.
ature in one minute and then cooled by an air

Average Cycles to Average Cycles to

Alloy Temp, ºF Initiate Cracking 1/8" Long Crack

713C 1700 813 2493

713C 1800 854 2521
713C 2000 164 947

AMS 5382B 1700 426 928

1800 196 529

Machining and Grinding

Information on this subject is contained in Inco's CASTING ALLOY 713C " which may be obtained on

Although alloy 713C is not considered weldable, using the gas tungsten arc process with either
using the normal frame of reference, a consider- HASTELLOY * W Filler Wire or INCONEL † Filler
able amount of fusion welding has nevertheless Metal 92. Where permissible, repair welding of
been done. In most instances, the welding opera- 713C castings can be done to a limited extent
tion has involved the joining of 713C to other using the above filler metals. There has been en-
more readily weldable metals, and this provides couraging progress made in producing crack-free
some latitude not present in matched welds. welds by use of the electron beam process in weld-
Matched welds have been made with some suc- ing 713C to dissimilar alloys. Mechanical testing
cess in relatively light sections under conditions has indicated that the welds retain excellent tensile
of low restraint. Welds are generally made properties.

Alloy 713C can be satisfactorily brazed in dry furnace brazed with ½ to 1 mil of nickel, which
hydrogen and inert gas atmospheres, and vacuum prevents the formation of aluminum or titanium
brazing can also be effectively used. In common oxide films and permits ready wetting by the braz-
with other age-hardened nickel-base alloys con- ing alloy. Since 713C is generally employed
taining titanium and aluminum, this alloy is dif- because of its high temperature-strength charac-
ficult to braze unless some method of fluxing– teristics, the higher melting point, stronger and
solid or gaseous–is used. Alternatively, the com- more oxidation resistant brazing alloys are used in
mon practice is to pre-plate the areas to be preference to the silver brazing alloys.

Depending upon surface condition and require- venting intergranular attack. A second dip in 70%
ment, sand or grit blasting of finished parts is the HNO 3 , 10% HF and 20% H 2 O removes any
general method of cleaning. Anodic etching in adhering particles. A variety of molten caustic
85% H 3 PO 4 at a current density of 60 amps per baths have also been used successfully.
square foot removes surface material while pre-

* T r adem ar k o f Cabo t Cor p o r at i o n .

† T r ad em ar k of t he I n co f am i l y o f co m p an i es.


1. Lepito's
Part I - 30 g ammonium persulphate plus 150 cc water
Part II - 500 g ferric chloride plus 200 cc concentrated hydrochloric acid
Mix Part II into Part I and add 60 cc nitric acid. Immerse specimen.

2. Aqua Regia
Concentrated nitric acid 25 cc
Concentrated hydrochloric acid 75 cc

Modified Glyceregia
6 cc glycerine plus 5 cc concentrated hydrochloric acid
plus 1 cc nitric acid. Swab specimen.

3% sulfuric acid at 3 volts for 5-10 seconds.

Many etching reagents have been used satisfactorily a guide.

on this alloy. The above list is intended only as

Alloy 713C has found wide acceptance in the industrial turbines, and diesel turbocharger
superalloy class due to its inherent castability, wheels. The alloy is included in many experi-
stability and high level of strength and ductility at mental jet engines and small auxiliary gas turbines
elevated temperatures. Some commercial ap- and is under evaluation for press forging die,
plications for the alloy include vane material and extrusion die, and die-casting die applications.
first stage blading in jet aircraft, guide vanes for

1. Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Company, Materials Engineering Section.
2. Union Carbide Stellite Company, "Thermal and Electrical Conductivit y of Haynes Alloy No.
713C," Technical Services Report.
3. "Haynes Alloy No. 713C," Data Sheet F -30; 154A, March 1960.
4. A. E. Cers, A. A. Bl at herwick, "Fatigue and Stres s-Rupture Properties of Inconel 713C, V-57C
and Titanium Alloys 7A1 – 3Mo – Ti and MST 821 (8A1 – 2Cb – 1Ta – Ti )," WADD Technical
Report 60-426, July 1960.


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