Understanding Culture Society and Politics Quarter 1

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Module 2: The Birth and Growth of the Social Sciences

Prepared by: Kristoffer Jones D. Portugal, LPT

Most Essential Learning Competencies

Analyse the concept, aspects and changes in/of culture and society


After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Explain concepts of culture and society and relate it to a real-life situation;
2. Show deep appreciation on the collaboration between our culture and society by
means of stating personal pledge;
3. Trace and scrutinize terms that are related to the study of culture and the society,
and give examples of such concepts;
4. Analyze aspects of and changes in culture and society;
5. Appreciate the general characteristics of culture as means of enriching our own
culture; and
6. Write examples of real-life situations that best describe the characteristics of


General Direction: Read the following items carefully. Write the letter that
corresponds to your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. “Culture is not something that an individual alone can possess.” Which

characteristic or aspect of culture is best described by the said statement?
a. Culture is learned. c. Culture is continuous.
b. Culture is shared. d. Culture is transmitted.

2. The following are all considered as means of transmitting culture among

members of the society. Which one is the main vehicle of passing culture from
one generation to another generation?
a. Instruction c. Language
b. Imitation d. Symbols

3. Culture develops through social interaction. No man can acquire culture

without association with others. What aspect of culture is best suitable for this
a. Culture is shared. c. Culture is transmitted.
b. Culture is social. d. Culture is learned.

4-5. Which statements are not true about the aspects of culture in relation to
a. Culture is shared and learned within societies.
b. Culture is continuous and growing.
c. There are known human societies that do not exhibit culture.
d. Culture does not vary from society to society.
6. One of the characteristics of culture is being continuous and cumulative. No
culture remains constant or unchanged; it is subject to slow but constant change.
Culture is responsive to the changing conditions of the physical world; hence, it
is dynamic. Which scenario below best fits as an example of the given
statements on culture?

a. The Department of Education conducts learning instruction through

blended learning modalities and not the face-to-face strategy which people
are already used to.
b. The Department of Health pursues and promotes proper self-care or
health care to avoid virus-related illnesses.
c. The Department of Interior and Local Government strictly implements
directives on preventing drug-related activities and other correlated events.
d. The Department of Public Works and Highways pursues and supports the
administration’s “Build, Build, Build Program,” in order to invite foreign and
local investors.

7. Which statement is wrong about the concept of culture?

a. Culture is a way of life transmitted through social interaction.
b. Every society has its own distinctive culture.
c. Culture refers to group’s ways of behaving and thinking.
d. Culture can evolve into anything.

8. How do we learn our culture?

a. through social interaction c. biologically inherited
b. by reading books d. All choices are correct.

9. All of the following items are parts of complexity in a society. Which one does not
belong to the group?

a. Organization c. Food
b. Beliefs d. Symbols

10. Analyze all the given statements. Trace which one is the best description of the
complexity of culture and society.

a. Society can exist without culture.

b. Culture can exist without society.
c. Society can operate without culture command.
d. People carry and transmit culture as members of society

11. Edward B. Tylor described culture as “a complex whole.” Which of the following choices
supports Tylor’s description on culture?

a. Culture as a complex whole means it encompasses traits and values of

the society.
b. Culture as a complex whole means it includes laws and norms in the
c. Culture as a complex whole means it deals with everything that a person
learns and shares as a member of the society.
d. Culture as a complex whole means it refers to the beliefs and traditions of
modern Filipinos.
12. Culture is defined as the process through which human beings satisfy their
wants. This statement simply means that culture is __________.
a. continuous c. social
b. gratifying d. transmitted
13. Culture is a way of life of people. According to Edward B. Tylor, culture is
regarded as “a complex whole.” The word “complex” is synonymous to the word
a. simple c. complicated
b. plain d. easy

14. Which of the following choices is not part of the so-called concepts of culture?

a. Language c. Religion
b. Institution d. Traditions

15.Which of the following is not an example of culture?

a. Fiesta c. Machines
b. Courtship d. Emotions


Kindly recall ideas related to anthropology, sociology, and

political science. Write them on the provided learning
stations below.


Is the study of what makes Is a social science Is the study of politics

us human. Anthropologists concerned with the study of and power from
take a broad approach to society and human domestic, international,
understanding the many behaviour and and comparative
different aspects of the relationships. … The subject perspectives. It entails
human experience, which we matter is diverse and can understanding political
call holism. They consider cover anything from race, ideas, ideologies,
the past, through social class, crime and law, institutions, policies,
archaeology, to see how poverty, education and more processes, and
human groups lived theoretical wider issues behavior, as well as
hundreds or thousands of such as the impact of groups, classes,
years ago and what was radical change to whole government, diplomacy,
important to them. societies. law, strategy, and war.


Analyze each situation. Identify the feature of culture described in each
statement. In addition, the jumbled letters on the right will be your guide in identifying
these characteristics.

Portugal family was known for their religiosity. JP, Culture is

the youngest of the family, learned how to pray the
Holy Rosary and the “Oracion” at the age of 10. 1. Learned
According to him, his grandparents were the ones who
taught him the proper way of praying.

Marco didn’t know how to speak Tagalog well, not Culture is

until he met his new circle of friends. They were
speaking the said language. His usual interactions and 2. SOCIAL
bonding with them made him well versed in such S L O A C I
language, making him a good communicator in Filipino.

different from the way Chinese conduct the same

The way Filipinos celebrate New Year is truly event. Culture has
Pinoys have it every end of December, while Chinese 3. VARIETY
hold it by the month of February. In this manner, the two
races are observing different beliefs, practices, and V Y A T R E I

A gay fashion designer, Roberta, migrated

in the U.S.A since 2001. This year, he visited his Culture is
former employer in the Philippines to be the 4. SHARED
guest speaker of an event. Roberta was able to
introduce new fashlearned from the States. ion
techniques he had

Karlo and Andrea used to celebrate birthdays,

Culture is
Valentines, Christmas, and New Year together. 5 GRATIFYING
These celebrations had been part of their life as
sweethearts, making their life satisfied and ideal. G R A G I N T IFY

Mrs. Isabella owned a famous restaurant in their

hometown. Its bestsellers were the unique recipes of Culture is
bulalo and kare-kare. According to her, their family
managed to run the business despite all the 6. CONTINUOUS
challenges. In fact, she inherited the business from
her great grandmother. COUSNTIUTON

Anselmo is a proud grandfather to his 12

grandchildren. He often shared his childhood
experiences with them including stories during the
Culture is
old times. He also demonstrated Filipino values such 7. TRANSMITTED
as saying “po & opo”, pagmamano, etc. All these
traits were being transferred to and practiced by his TRNASMIEDTT

Edward Tylor, one of the founders of modern anthropology, characterize culture as a

“complex whole” which encompasses beliefs, practices, traits, values, attitudes, laws, norms,
artifacts, symbols, knowledge and everything that a person learns and shares as a member of
the society.1

The “complex whole” above suggests that culture cannot be simply broken down into a
set of characteristics. It means that an understanding of a part can only be achieved in relation
to other parts of the system. This requires an approach where all at once, one can get an
appreciation of what culture is all about without being bothered by its complexity or by any
definition that attempts to capture such complexity.

A society cannot exist apart from culture. A society may refer to group of people that
follows or shares same cultures. People, as members of the society, possess, produce and also
transmit culture but they cannot consider themselves as culture. No culture can exist without
social interaction in society; meanwhile, society cannot exist in the absence of people who have
learned to live and work together.
G.M. Lanuaza and S.S.Raymundo,
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Manila: Rex Boolstore, 2016, 7-12.

1. Culture is social because it is the
product of behavior.
• Culture does not exist in isolation. It is a
product of society. It develops through
social interaction. No man can acquire
culture without association with others.

2. Culture varies from society to society.

• Every society has a culture of its own that
differs from other societies. The culture of
every society is unique by itself. Cultures
are not uniform. Cultural elements like
customs, traditions, morals, values, and
beliefs are not constant.

3. Culture is shared.
• Culture is not something that an individual
alone can possess. Culture, in sociological
sense, is shared. For example, people of a
society share all customs, traditions,
beliefs, ideas, values, morals, etc.

4. Culture is learned.
• Culture is not inborn. It is learned.
Unlearned behavior then, is not
culture. Shaking hands, saying thanks,
etc. are cultural behaviors. Not all
behaviors are learned, but most of
these can be. Combing hair, standing
in line, telling jokes, criticizing the
president, and going to movies all constitute behaviors that need to
be learned.

5. Culture is transmitted among

members of society.
• Cultural ways are learned by people
from others. Many of these ways are
handed down from elders, parents,
teachers, and others (most likely
individuals of older generation), while
other cultural behaviors are handed up to elders. Transmission of
culture is made possible by language. Language is the main vehicle
of culture. Transmission of culture may take place also through
imitation as well as through instruction.

6. Culture is continuous and cumulative.

• Culture exists as a continuous process. In its historical growth, it
tends to become cumulative. Ralph Linton called culture “the social
heritage” of man. No culture ever remains constant or permanent. It
is subject to slow but constant variation. Likewise, culture is
responsive to the changing conditions of the physical world; hence, it
is dynamic.

7. Culture is gratifying and idealistic.

• Culture provides proper opportunities for
the satisfaction of our needs and desires.
Our needs, both biological and social, are
fulfilled in cultural ways. Culture consists
of the intellectual, artistic, and social
ideals, and institutions where members of
the society profess and strive to confirm.

G.M. Lanuaza and S.S.Raymundo, Understanding
Culture, Society, and Politics Manila: Rex Bookstore, 2016,

Create a “convo” (conversation) regarding the different aspects
of society and significant changes or transformation happening in our
present way of living. Craft your own comic strip as if you are sharing it to a dear friend
or classmate.

Content of Comic strip 10pts.
Creativity 2 pts.
Convo flow 3 pts.
15 pts.

1 2

3 4

5 6


“After learning concepts from the previous phases of the

module, answer the “Train Organizer” and write down your thoughts on the
2 Things I want to 1 Question I have in
3 Thoughts I have
remember… mind…
____________________ ____________________
__________________ ____________________ ____________________


1. Sinulog Festival is Cebuano’s way of honoring Sto. Nino; Pangasinan’s Bangus

festival signifies their bountiful harvest of fishes particularly bangus; meanwhile,
Bicolano’s “Bicol express” truly marks their “Uragon” (courageous) style because
of the spiciness and hotness of the said food. The mentioned traditions
represent culture as being ___________.
a. symbolic c. encompassing
b. intergrated d. learned

2. Mang Isko and Aling Perla used to have a family devotion (prayer) every
Saturday. They demonstrate and explain to their children the reason for having
deep faith to God. What aspect of culture is best suitable for this situation?
a. Culture is shared. c. Culture is transmitted.
b. Culture is social. d. Culture is learned.

3. Maharlika is a young woman of Agta tribe. She is excellent in performing their

ethnic dance. According to her, the elders in their tribe transferred the steps of
the dance to her. What characteristic or aspect of culture is being referred to by
this experience?
a. Culture is learned. c. Culture is continuous.
b. Culture is shared. d. Culture is transmitted.

4. The following are all considered as means of transmitting culture among

members of the society. Which one is the main vehicle of passing culture from
one generation to another generation?
a. Instruction c. Language
b. Imitation d. Symbols

5. Pinoys are fond of singing and listening to music. Before, people used to do
singa-long with a jukebox, then it was changed to karaoke, and now, most people
sing their favorite songs in videoke. Their ways of enjoying music has gone
through changes but still lives up until today. Therefore, culture is __________.
a. learned c. continuous
b. shared d. transmitted

6. In the United States, once a person reached the age of 18, he/she can live freely
outside the guidance of parents, while here in the Philippines, we are
familyoriented, meaning some are free to live with parents until they grow old.
This statement simply means that culture is __________.
a. Culture is continuous. c. Culture is social.
b. Culture is varied. d. Culture is transmitted.
7. Gentriseños are known for celebrating Valenciana festival. In times of barangay
fiestas, people actively participate in the so-called “karakul.” Carmela has
observed this specific way of life of the Gentriseños since childhood. At present,
this custom is still embedded in her heart. This story tells us that culture is
acquired by being bornt into a particular society. What aspect of culture does it
a. symbolic c. encompassing
b. intergrated d. learned
8. One of the characteristics of culture is being continuous and cumulative. No
culture remains constant or unchanged; it is subject to slow but constant change.
Culture is responsive to the changing conditions of the physical world; hence, it is
dynamic. Which scenario below best fits as an example of the given statements
on culture?
a. The Department of Education conducts learning instruction through
blended learning modalities and not the face-to-face strategy which people
are already used to.
b. The Department of Health pursues and promotes proper self-care or
health care to avoid virus-related illnesses.
c. The Department of Interior and Local Government strictly implements
directives on preventing drug-related activities and many other correlated
d. The Department of Public Works and Highways pursues and supports the
administration’s “Build, Build, Build Program,” in order to invite foreign and
local investors.
9. Which of the following refers to the “way of life” of individuals in a community?
a. Society c. Manner
b. Culture d. Organization
10. __________ cannot exist apart from culture. It is an organized group of
individuals who share common/related manner of living.
a. Institution c. Organization
b. Corporation d. Society


Complete the following phrases…

Culture will never be a culture without ________________________________



Lanuaza, G. M. and S.S. Raymundo. Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics.

Manila: Rex Bookstore, 2016.
Teachers Guide, Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics, 1st ed. 2016.
Teachers DepEd Learners Manual, Understanding Culture,
Society, and Politics, 1 ed. 2016.
Caparas-Abrina, Dennis. “Viva Valenciana!” Cavite Info p.1, accessed May 25, 2020
Taboclaon, Aleah. “Sinulog Festival in Cebu, Everything You Need to know.”
Accessed May 25, 2020 https://guidetothephilippines.ph

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