WW17254 Gamma World - Cryptic Alliances and Unknown Enemies
WW17254 Gamma World - Cryptic Alliances and Unknown Enemies
WW17254 Gamma World - Cryptic Alliances and Unknown Enemies
for characters who try to lead their own community or found a new one
ISBN 1-58846-966-2
Allegiances 7 Cryptic Alliances 18
New Allegiances 11
Basic Mechanics 41 FX 66
New Uses for Old Skills 41 Cellular Transformation 66
Innate Talents 47 Nanotechnology 68
When the Going Gets Tough 49 Cybernetics 71
Styles of Leadership 51 Psionics 73
Heroic Leaders 51 New Mechanics 76
G Loyal Leadership
FX Leadership
New Feats
A Expanded Communities
New Community Feats
Unusual Communities
Aquatic Communities
Random Community Creation 86 Hive Mind Communities 103
M Large Communities
The Rules Of Engagement
Military Communities
Non-Verbal Communities
Slaving Communities 105
This is a book about social life in the Gamma Age: • Introduction: What you’re reading now.
How different kinds of groups live, how they interact • Chapter One: Allegiance. This chapter covers
in peace and war and how the characters in a campaign the bonds of loyalty in their many forms, with new rules
can take charge. It’s a resource for both Game Masters and advice for using d20 Modern’s allegiance rules and
(GMs) and players, with new complications to throw several new kinds of allegiances, from imposed
at player characters (PCs) and more mechanical details obligations (including slavery) to pure self-interest
and supporting advice about ways they can respond to extreme enough to provide game-mechanics benefits
the new challenges. and complications. There’s also a whole bunch of cryptic
Combat is popular in roleplaying games for a lot alliances ready for use, including both old favorites
of reasons, among which are these: It’s clear, and it’s updated from earlier editions and brand-new ones.
not all-or-nothing. • Chapter Two: Leadership. This chapter is about
Players and GMs can look up the rules for fight just what it says — the gaining and use of power over
scenes and find maneuvers, equipment and all the rest others. The Gamma Age being what it is, here you’ll
laid out in clear terms. It still takes interpretation in find new mutations, nanotech, cybernetics and psionics
play, and there’s room for a lot of variation, but the along with fresh details about applying existing skills
foundations don’t depend on “oh, just roleplay it out” and lengthy discussion of ways that character class,
or anything else that vague. Furthermore, the existence allegiance and occupation all shape opportunities for
of hit points and multiple rounds of combat mean that characters who want to lead.
characters can take some damage and still rally to win • Chapter Three: Community Life. This chapter
in the end, and that their opponents have comparable expands on material in the Gamma World Player’s
chances. This is unlike most non-combat mechanics, Handbook and Gamma World Game Master’s Guide
where a single roll leads to complete success or to detail more features of communities in the Gamma
complete failure, and that’s it for that task. Age. Here are more feats and skills for communities,
Cryptic Alliances & Unknown Enemies aims to along with a master tally of them all and a system for
bring the clarity and flexibility that combat enjoys to quickly generating the principal features of a community
the social side of characters’ existences. In the randomly. The chapter also includes a discussion of
description of allegiances, leadership styles and the like, gatherings large enough to count as several separate
you’ll find enough clarity to make choices of particular communities merged together, and exotic communities
options meaningful in mechanics as well as in differentiated by special interest (like military units) or
expressing a character’s personality in roleplaying. In nature of organization (like hive minds).
the rules and advice for skill use and community • Chapter Four: Contact and Conflict. The last
G interactions, you’ll find tactics and strategies suitable
for negotiation, diplomacy, intimidation and other
ways that one person or group may deal with another.
chapter of this book describes ways communities
interact, from initial diplomacy to trade and warfare,
and presents ways that characters can influence the
we want you to use them to assist in the task of creating All four chapters come loaded with examples.
the game experience with the other players. When Whether your game needs a lone villain, a small cabal
everything goes just right, then the rules may or may of mysterious strangers, a faction to play a prominent
not matter; but good rules provide both inspiration for and ongoing role in the characters’ lives or an epic
Meeting Lady Meshe
Piether — The Famous Cycler
M The guards escorting Piether kept their distance from him, with weapons held at the ready. The
Cycler tried not to smile, but it wasn’t easy. He had no interest in making trouble for mere guards; they
weren’t challenge enough for him to gain anything by killing them. Of course there were many more
M armed men within the camp, and Piether knew they’d be on him in moments if he dropped the
guards. Four men with rifles might not be a challenge, but an entire armed camp would at least get
his blood pumping. And if the next few minutes didn’t go well, the Cycler knew he’d get to test himself
against just that.
A The guards led him to an armored vehicle in the center of the camp, its Gears marking obvious.
Piether recognized the Gear clan’s Granthfa, an old mutant named Bleeckmun, standing to one side
of a dais set up against the vehicle. Bleeckmun had saved Piether’s ass once when the Cycler was
younger, and the two had almost become friends. That had been a long time ago, and Piether wasn’t
sure it would help him now, but it couldn’t hurt. The Gears had obviously fallen on hard times, to have
teamed up with greed-driven scum like those guarding him. He nodded to the Granthfa once,
W respectfully, before turning his attention to the woman sitting on the dais.
Piether had never met the woman before, but he recognized Lady Meshe instantly. She had the
fine features of a pure-strainer, and cyber wires were mixed in with her raven-black hair. Her armored
jumpsuit and laser sidearm looked almost new, rather than more than a century old. She was the most
O powerful Restorationist within a month’s travel, and her greed for technology was famous. Piether
had crossed her “repairman” goons a dozen times, and trounced them on every occasion. Her face
contorted into a mask of barely controlled rage as she realized who he was. Her voice, however,
L to the west?”
Piether did let himself smile now, but kept his voice equally calm. “Because then you wouldn’t
have my help tracking down your enemies to the east.”
Meshe snorted in dismissal. “What enemy could possibly draw me away from the Archivist
D stronghold I know the idiots are trying to evacuate even now? I can’t imagine anything that would
convince me to let that prize slip away.”
Piether met her gaze, and held it. “A band of Steel Foes is gathering to the east, intent on
destroying that same trove.”
“So? I’ll deal with them at my leisure later. Chances are they’ll run rather than face me once I’m
armed with the Archivist weapons.”
Piether nodded. “Yeah, they probably will. Which is why you won’t wait. This band is led by
Bloody Irid. The man who destroyed Thradegime. My childhood home. And yours.”
Lady Meshe chewed her lower lip, her eyes boring into his. He could see she wanted to disbelieve
him, wanted to kill him now and claim the Archivist prize. But he also knew she hated Irid even more
than he, that she’d spent a decade trying to track him down. When she looked away, Piether knew
he’d won.
“Get the vehicles ready, Bleeckmun. We’re going east.” Her voice was controlled, but Piether
heard the stress in it. She turned her gaze back to him. “Alright, Cycler. We’re allies, for now.”
Piether looked at the Gears, striving to get the caravan ready while the Restorationist guards did
nothing. He gave a slow nod.
“Allies. For now.”
should feel free to design allegiances appropriate to This allegiance represents loyalty to Yorgville,
their specific campaigns, but they should also allow one of the communities of Nau Yorg. Characters
players to suggest allegiances their characters might with this allegiance gain its benefit whenever acting
have. Player-selected allegiances are a good way for in the best interests of Yorgville. Since there is
players to do some of the design work of a Gamma
World campaign. With the GM’s help, players can
create home communities, organizations and leaders
regular fighting between the factions of Nau Yorg,
this benefit obviously applies when fighting
invaders trying to raid Yorgville. It also applies when
to swear allegiance to. Not only does this free the
GM from having to invent everything from whole
cloth, the allegiances players take can give the GM
seeking relics and foodstuffs for the community,
protecting leaders and technicians important to the
city, and seeking solutions to problems that directly
guidance on the kind of campaign the players are threaten Yorgville. Not everything the characters
looking for. If no one selects a community or
personal allegiance, the players are much more
likely to be looking to wander through far ruins and
do can be considered a gain for the community,
The crucial question is, does the character’s
explore the far reaches of the remnants of the world.
GMs should use the examples and guidelines
in this section as benchmarks when designing
current goal have a direct, noticeable gain for the
community he is loyal to? Secondary benefits to the
community do not count for this purpose, and the
GM must be careful when deciding if a benefit is
allegiances for their campaigns. A good selection
of allegiances can greatly enhance a game, giving
it a theme, tone and direction. Allegiances define
primary or secondary. For example, retrieving a new
power generator for the community provides a direct
benefit. Thus a character on a mission to acquire
who a character really is. They provide insight into
a character’s motivations and personality and a
guideline for how a character should react in a given
such a generator gains the allegiance benefits for
all actions that move him closer to that goal. If the
character is sidetracked however, perhaps
investigating a nearby ruin because it might have
The allegiances presented in the Gamma
valuable resources, he does not gain the benefits
during the side-trek. Once he returns to his main
World Player’s Handbook can represent a wide goal (or any other goal with direct benefits for the
community), access to the benefits returns. 7
If characters are on a mission to gain weapons
to arm their town’s defenders, they gain the benefit.
If they’re looking for weapons for their own use they
allegiance’s benefits when acting to improve and
protect their community. The difference is,
Bordlaint isn’t under constant attack from nearby
do not, even if they are among the town’s defenders. foes, and values the “spirit” of its community more
weapon from destroying all of Nau Yorg, they Similarly, striving to gain new foodstuffs for
certainly gain benefits for working to improve their Bordlaint doesn’t rate gaining the allegiance
community. If they attempt to restore power to all benefit, but seeking a new source of gene-splicing
of Nau Yorg, however, they give Yorgville’s enemies nanite technology does.
The most accepted and welcome of all alliances
is the Healers, who swear oaths to do no harm.
Characters who take the Healers as an allegiance
In principle, allegiance to Bordlaint works just must obey its ethos, even if they do not work as
L like allegiance to Yorgville; characters gain the physicians or other treaters of injury and misery.
Only creatures who have taken oaths to cause no if it fits well in his plans for the campaign. A
and fanatically loyal pacifists the Healers entrust Yorgville; a character could easily take both a
with valuable materials. personal allegiance to him and a community
Even a member of the Healers may not have allegiance to Yorgville. The two allegiances are
an allegiance to the organization. A renegade doctor separate, however, and could potentially come into
who believes social diseases should be treated with
a gun, for example, may just barely pass muster for
membership with the Healers, but she will not get
conflict. A personal allegiance to Beder Jaichson
drives a character to see after Jaichson’s well-being
and strive for his personal success and advancement.
serious consideration when it’s time to allocate the
most important resources. Characters who buck the
system or campaign for change to a group from
As long as Yorgville accepts Jaichson this isn’t a
problem, but if the people revolt against him, or
Jaichson decides to betray them to some outside
within can gain the social benefits of membership force, a character loyal to him must turn against
within an alliance, but are not given the additional
resources allocated to those with clear allegiance
The benefits granted by this allegiance apply
only when the character is working to prevent a
to the group’s goals and methodology.
direct threat to Jaichson himself. Fighting off
attackers assaulting Yorgville counts, as the raiders
clearly want to kill or capture Jaichson if they can.
A counter-attack against the raider’s camp doesn’t
A character who takes an organizational
allegiance to the Elfivers is not only supporting the qualify, as the raiders aren’t taking immediate action
group’s end goal (which could be done with a against Jaichson. The benchmark for this is: If the
theological or philosophical allegiance), he’s character fails in his current effort, would direct
directly promoting and aiding the structure of the
group itself. He’s most likely to be an apprentice to
a Elfiver master, or a young Elfiver just going out
harm come to Jaichson as a result? If the answer is
yes, the character gains the allegiance’s benefit. If
not, no bonus is gained.
on his own. A GM should only allow this allegiance
Players coming from Dungeons & Dragons rather lost visions of how the world should work, are
than d20 Modern are sure to notice the lack of viable characters, and may well be dedicated to
M alignments in the Gamma World Player’s
Handbook. The Gamma World isn’t a place of
black-and-white distinctions between good and evil,
such lofty concepts as good or law. In a world
with insane AIs and personality-changing
viruses, it’s even conceivable a character might
Most creatures are more worried about survival than philosophical allegiances to specific ethics,
ethics, and two groups may both believe in good and moralities and principles. Not every character
order but still end up trying to destroy one another. should take these allegiances, just those with very
However, there’s still room for a character strong feelings regarding their moral views. Most
devoted to an ideal, even if such characters are characters fall into the many shades of gray of
in the minority. A wanderer who only fights for the Gamma Age, lacking the driving convictions
just causes, or a philosopher seeking to restore needed to take a philosophical allegiance.
M she has no real love for, and may well make enemies
of similar minded-creatures who do not realize her
true beliefs. The character is constantly struggling
neural implant cannot restore SecConCom Nas’s
M with her enforced commitment, causing her to
never truly open up when interacting with others.
As a result, she suffers a –1 penalty on all Charisma-
Sometimes a character’s allegiance is not to a
person or a place, but to a thing. This may be a
based skills and checks. Additionally, her lack of holy relic, a repository of genetic material to
A true devotion can be detected by those who deal
with her regularly. A character may make a Sense
Motive check to realize an individual with an
repopulate the world, a beloved heirloom or
anything else unique and noteworthy a sentient
being might give its life to protect. Such objects
external allegiance is under some form of coercion are often the focus of towns or organizations, but a
(DC 15 if the individual is aware of the external character may care more about the inanimate thing
allegiance, 25 if the force pressuring her to hold itself than the place or people devoted to it.
the allegiance is hidden even to the character
W holding it).
If the object is too large to be moved easily,
the character treats its location as an important
community or shrine. In these cases the character
acts as though he had a community allegiance to
transmitters into helpless targets. Those so a character with a self-allegiance, though it is the
implanted are allowed a DC 15 Will save, with object he carries that he truly wishes to keep safe.
failure resulting in an external allegiance to If someone else is carrying the object, the character
SecConCom Nas. protects and aids that person, at least until he can
This allegiance appears to be a personal get the object for himself. Few characters are selfless
allegiance, with those afflicted acting to protect the enough to admit that someone else may make a
AI and expand its area of influence. A few raiders better defender for the focus object, but those who
and vagabonds have fallen under SecConCom Nas’ are that honest with themselves spend a lot of effort
power, but they are always looking to recruit more finding the best bearer for the object of their loyalty,
good members. If a group seems too powerful to be and try to convince her to carry and defend it.
overcome, SecConCom Nas’ forces try to ally If the object is lost, the character’s primary
themselves, offering the AI’s vast computing power focus is to locate it. This comes close to a
(though its analysis abilities have largely degraded theological allegiance, as the character is
over the centuries). essentially on a quest. It’s even possible for a
The neural transmitters work perfectly as long character to be devoted to finding an object that
as victims remain within a mile of the AI’s base. doesn’t exist. It may have been destroyed, or it
Victims are allowed another DC 15 Will save each may be a mythic device that never existed to begin
week, with an additional save allowed the first time with. Characters with this allegiance can’t ever
they are forced to violate an existing allegiance. settle in one location, as they are constantly driven
Agents who go further than a mile from to hunt down the object, even if they have no
SecConCom Nas gain a save every day, with a better clue to its location that “not here.”
is likely to be a mutated human or animal who has
lost loved ones or suffered directly from the
activities of the Purists, though a pure-strain human
Where most allegiances represent a dedication
A to aiding and protecting a person, place or thing,
an opposed allegiance marks the character’s desire
to destroy something. A character with an opposed
who lost a friend or lover might take the opposed
allegiance as well.
Though a character opposed to the Purists is
likely to hold great disgust for their allies and
allegiance wants to see a community, organization
supporters, she only gains the benefit of +1 on attack
or person brought low. The target might even be
and weapon damage rolls when fighting the Purists
something as nebulous as a general philosophy or
directly. An attack against a known Purist gets these
outlook, for players who don’t mind their
benefits, while attacks made to fight off beasts
characters having no real shot at ever completing
guarding a bomb the Purists have planted does not.
their goals.
The opposed allegiance bonus is the most direct
A character with an opposed allegiance is
groups that regularly risk themselves for others. A powers to aid and back up-and-coming knights, and
character with this philosophy won’t work out in was soon seen as an important advisor and aide.
many communities or alliances. Though anyone can But she made enemies within the Knights as well;
hide his nature for a short time, a self-allegiant she soon decided to betray the group to a band of
character can’t fit into groups whose members place
some cause above their own well-being, such as
Elfivers, or limit themselves for a philosophical
the Iron Society, who paid her well to disable the
Knight’s security just before an attack. Merret did
as she promised, but made sure she was gone by the
belief, such as the Seekers. Some groups attract self-
allegiant characters, either because they provide a
high degree of security like the Peace Brigade, or
time of the raid.
Once more calling herself Daunca, Merret took
the technology gained from the Iron Society and
because they encourage self-development like the used it to buy her way into the Restorationists. So
• Benefits: A character with self allegiance
far she’s managed to get a safe position as a
researcher, but inevitably her new friends will
demand she risk herself in a raid to gain more tech.
who spends an action point to add to a saving throw
is allowed to roll 2d6. He adds the bonus from the
higher of the two dice to the saving throw.
• Limitations: A self allegiance is considered
Daunca is already looking for a way out, either by
selling out the Restorationists to a more powerful
group, or simply by stealing enough rare technology
to buy her way into a safer group. If she must, she’ll
opposed to all other allegiances, with the sole
exception of personal allegiances dedicated to the
character with self allegiance. (If a general has a
go on a raid or two, but only if she’s befriended
enough other raiders to ensure they’ll risk their lives
for her.
self allegiance, those with a personal allegiance to
him are not opposed.) Because of this, a character
with a self allegiance suffers a –2 circumstance
penalty on all Charisma-based checks made when
interacting with characters with other allegiances.
A character may not gain the benefit of a self
allegiance and any other allegiance. Either the
Allegiances are based on high dedication and
devotion, and shouldn’t be gained or lost at the drop
of a hat. The benefits and limitations of allegiances
character is too selfish to gain the benefit of another are minor compared to many of the feats, skills and
R mutations that exist in the Gamma Age, but they’re may find it awkward that a character can’t take a
also powered entirely by loyalty and affiliation. For new allegiance whenever it’s appropriate for in-
with the limitations of the allegiance afterward.
Some penalties, such as being mistrusted by groups to change his character’s allegiances without
opposed to the old allegiance, may last for years, making it so easy that everyone wants to do it.
while most others should fade after the character
has gained a new level.
GMs may wish to allow a character who
undergoes a major stress or change to completely
Some groups prefer to trust game mechanics to
help define when a character gains or loses
allegiances. The advantage of this system is that it
switch her allegiances immediately. For example, a
change of classes (by multiclassing or taking an
advanced class) represents a change of focus and
avoids disagreements between the player and GM
regarding how a character really feels. Instead, die
rolls decide if a character is truly, in his heart, loyal
perception. This kind of change in worldview may
to a cause, or if he’s moved past it. Because
well be accompanied by a switch of allegiances.
allegiances are a matter of determination and
Similarly a near-death experience (unconscious and
fidelity, the game mechanics for gaining and losing
bleeding at least 1 round without stabilizing),
them are based on Will saves. A character with
complete defeat (captured while failing at all goals)
or total victory (permanently eliminating a major
foe) can cause an epiphany that changes a
more willpower is more in control of his emotions
and devotion, and can thus more easily switch
character’s outlook forever.
If the focus of an old allegiance ceases to exist,
the character should be allowed to take a new,
A character cannot gain more than one
allegiance each level, though a character may start
with the full complement of three. To gain a new
related allegiance immediately. For example, if a
allegiance, the character must have been exposed
character has an allegiance to Bordlaint, and the
to it; you can’t take an allegiance to the Iron Society
town is utterly destroyed, it would be appropriate
if you’ve never heard of it. A character cannot gain
to immediately take a personal allegiance to
the benefits of allegiance to a group unless she is an
displaced family from Bordlaint, an opposed
allegiance against those who destroyed it, or an
organizational allegiance to a group trying to help
accepted member of that group; no matter how loyal
you are to the Iron Society, they won’t give you
extra trade goods if you’re not a member. Gaining
the refugees find a new home.
Similarly, a character who gains membership to
a new community or alliance should be allowed to
immediately take allegiance to that group, if she has
an allegiance requires a DC 15 Will save, which
may only be attempted once per game session.
A character may drop an allegiance at any time,
but may still suffer the limitations of the allegiance.
fewer than three allegiances currently and doesn’t
already have an allegiance to another alliance or
community. Acceptance can breed loyalty very
External penalties (such penalties on Charisma-
based checks when interacting with those opposed
to an old allegiance) remain in force for as long as
quickly, so instant allegiance is reasonable. If the
character opts not to take the new allegiance
immediately, the GM should require her to act within
the limits of the allegiance for several games before
the character’s reputation associates him with his
old group. Internal penalties last until the character
has shaken the lingering doubts about changing his
worldview. The character is allowed a DC 20 Will
adding it. This is true of any new allegiance not
spurred by a radical change of circumstances: The
player should first prove his character is motivated
save once per game session. If successful, the
character no long suffers the internal penalties and
the player is free to mark off the old allegiance.
by the allegiance, and then gain the benefits.
A character cannot take an allegiance while
he is suffering internal penalties for another
allegiance of the same type. For example, a character
her increased Wealth bonus this doesn’t create a
balance issue, and it does make more sense than
assuming the Healers pass out knives and broken
who has a philosophical allegiance to good drops electronics to trade with. On the other hand it can
M it, but fails his Will save. The character now suffers
the penalty, a crisis of faith that doubles action point
expenditures. Until he makes a successful DC 20
create more bookkeeping, and cause different
characters to receive differently valued material
from the Healers, depending on what their base
philosophy. The old benefit is replaced by the new
MODIFYING ALLEGIANCE one, which is designed to customize the allegiance
BENEFITS for a specific character’s needs.
Sometimes a GM has so clear an idea of how The existing allegiance benefits give strong
D good.
As promised in the Gamma World Player’s allegiance other than organizational members of these
Handbook, here are many more cryptic alliances. groups might take. These are only guidelines, and GMs
Some are revisions of alliances from previous should use them as starting points for designing their
versions of the Gamma World game, while others own alliances and appropriate allegiances for them.
are new groups never presented anywhere before.
Though all these groups are widespread, most ARCHIVISTS
inhabitants of the Gamma Age won’t encounter “Technology did not fail man. Man failed
more than a few in a single lifetime. Few regions technology.”
have more than a few of these alliances, and many Like many alliances in the Gamma Age, the
communities aren’t affiliated with any of them. Archivists are dedicated to finding, restoring and
Each alliance write-up includes suggestions for the maintaining as much Final Wars era technology as
kind of materials those with allegiance to the group possible. Unlike others, the Archivists have no
are given. There is also some guidance about how interest in using the technology they gather. Instead,
characters are likely to gain and lose allegiances for they place these items in libraries, and maintain and
use with either the narrative or game-mechanical rules preserve them without making any use of them. The
for allegiance changes, as well as what types of Archivists never use anything more advanced than
muscle-powered machines, despite having access to for lost tech in ruins or battlefields, and even steal
M as quickly as possible.
Though this logic escapes most other groups,
the Breeders have had some success in areas other
mothers who produce large numbers of children.
Nests are kept at a fairly stable population level
8, with excess population shipped to other
groups considered too hazardous to settle. By communities. The most successful Breeder
A ignoring what a community can support and
encouraging rapid childbirth, the Breeders have
communities are massive population level 10 affairs,
located in areas rich with natural resources (as well
established small towns in areas with horrendous as predators that keep the population from growing
mortality rates. The Breeders claim this is because further). Breeder communities that grow past their
a larger total population means more total terrains’ ability to support them can collapse from
exceptional people, more motivation to expand 6,000 members to less than 1,000 in a matter of
horizons, and a larger pool of labor for community weeks if starvation and disease set in.
improvement projects. Most outside observers note Breeders’ knowledge of medicine is second only
that Breeder communities elsewhere have often to the Healers, making a Breeder settlement a good
suffered starvation, epidemics of disease and rioting, place for allies to hide out and convalesce. Their
powers are the ultimate expression of the power of
thought. This idea is heretical to other groups of Unlike many alliances, Cyclers do not gather
the Brotherhood, for it suggests that some thoughts in large numbers, rule fortified towns, or keep their
(those able to create psionic effects) are membership secret. Cyclers see all these things as
and because of this the Elfivers often accept any
Masters meets every few decades, and makes means as justified by their long-term goals. Elfivers
advisory decisions regarding appropriate Cycler also believe their conclusions are obvious — and
actions. The council is not a true ruling body, but anyone who disagrees with them just hasn’t
most Cyclers heed its advice.
The easiest way to represent a Cycler’s
dedication is to take a self-allegiance. Of course a
understood the argument.
Elfivers work with anyone who seems likely to
advance their aims. When looking to convince a
Cycler can also take a religious or philosophical
allegiance, but this requires the GM and player to
agree what constitutes action for self-improvement
leader to reclaim an aerospace site or dedicate
resources to aeronautic projects, Elfivers shape their
arguments to fit the potential ally’s needs. Military
and what is an external concern. Some groups find leaders are told planes are the ultimate high ground,
this kind of debate a fascinating addition to
roleplaying, while others are simply annoyed by it.
The GM and player should carefully discuss their
and walled towns that balloons can spot enemies
at a greater distance than a watchtower.
Agricultural communities are encouraged to use
opinions of Cycler philosophy before using this gliders to look for new fertile fields, and scavenger
method. groups are told they can cover territory more quickly
The Cycler organization is too spread out to be in powered aircraft. The best Elfivers are actually
a useful organizational allegiance. Characters are able to provide designs geared for these purposes,
drawn to this allegiance after undergoing a major
trauma or tragedy, then hearing a Cycler discuss
the idea of life without misery. Many who try the
but even those with limited skills are willing to
adapt any flying design to any purpose if it gets one
more craft airborne. If Elfivers feel that a group
Cycler path eventually become disillusioned,
though this is generally a gradual process that
involves a long crisis of faith.
important to the future of flight is threatened, they
respond with what force they can, often including
armed 2-man dirigibles and scout gliders.
Rumors claim that Elfivers have secret dirigible
bases, and rigid-frame helium airships they use to
explore old ruin sites. The truth of these rumors is
pulled by beasts, others powered by steam, solar,
chemical and even nuclear energies. These are the
mobile communities of the Gears, tight-knit groups
up to the GM, and depends in part on the desired of mechanics, engineers, traders and entertainers.
mechanics as lazy hacks and liars, and their world — every object, idea, place, time and creature
entertainers as little more than beggars or whores. — has a spirit associated with it. Some are kind,
Though much of this attitude is mistrust and envy gentle spirits that wish only to be respected, while
of a group both insular and mobile, it is not entirely others are malicious, hurtful spirits that desire pain
unjustified. Gears do whatever they must to survive,
and in lean times are willing to resort to crime if
needed. Gears are not evil folk for the most part —
and bloodshed. The most important spirits are those
of nature (rivers, fields, storms) and those that
inhabit old technology (Final Wars ruins and
they simply place the needs of their families and
the caravan over those of outsiders.
Gears do not accept outsiders lightly, and most
devices). The only path to happiness, Incarnites
believe, is to live in harmony with all these spirits.
In order to achieve this harmony, Incarnites
characters with a community allegiance to Gears follow a lifestyle of contemplation of action, taboos
are related by blood to a Gear member. Trusted
allies and traders may be able to take an
and rituals. The rituals and taboos are often simple
matters: rites enacted before beginning a new project;
rituals to mark the change of seasons; taboos that forbid
organizational allegiance to Gears without being
family, but they must have done something
spectacular to earn the rovers’ trust. Characters with
such an allegiance are well treated by all Gear
the eating of various (often poisonous) creatures.
These ceremonies offer time for Incarnites to consider
the consequences of their actions. In many cases the
rituals have obvious, direct benefits for those who
groups, as they are taught secret phrases and gestures
that identify them as trusted friends. These practice them. Rituals of cleansing (before eating or
characters are given spare parts and small working cooking; whenever dealing with blood, raw food or
engines (toys, really) as trade goods, and may also garbage; and whenever coming into contact with
be given free repairs.
Gears prefer to flee enemies, when possible.
Gears can fight viciously if they must, but prefer to
unknown objects) help keep Incarnites healthy and
safe from contaminants. Other rituals have less obvious
purposes, but provide Incarnites with calm and
harmony. To Incarnites, the main function of such
avoid conflict where possible. A Gear caravan is
most likely to turn and fight if an allied immobile
community is threatened. This is rare, as Gears have
ceremonies is to appease the various spirits they must
interact with daily, and show they respect even the
few true allies, but they never leave a friend if they spirits of things they must kill or destroy.
Incarnites believe shrines to honor various
spirits are important, and most homes include at
least one small icon to represent the spirits most
requests as well. Incarnites see nanosmiths as
similarly gifted, but for some reason nanosmiths are
rarer than psionics in their communities.
honored there. Communities erect shrines to the Incarnite communities tend to grow quickly,
M most obvious nearby spirits, often revering those
things that make their community possible (such
as a sea and its fish), or the workings of an ancient
but level off at a population level of 7–8. Their
dedication and focus on harmony allow them to
grow well-designed, flexible communities that
especially since its wisest preachers often insist it harsh the first focus is survival rather than balance.
must be learned, not taught. Ultimately, it rests on Small, secretive groups of Incarnites sometimes
respect for all things, even those that seem not to live in other communities, such as those of the
deserve it. Communities with Incarnite populations Breeders and Restorationists, where the Incarnites
invoking the symbols of the Zodiac), skulls
(representing ancestors, who are symbols of and expansion its two main concerns. If multiple
the past), and a chimera-like figure with the population 10 cities are in contact, their combined
body of a lamb, the wings of a dragon, legs networks form a small empire.
of a hare and head of a salamander. This
figure, called the Chronocrator, is the
Incarnite spirit of time. Each of its four
The Peace Brigade is not satisfied to protect its
existing holdings, however. It is constantly
expanding, sending out construction teams to help
fortify and prepare smaller and increasingly distant
animal types represents a season (spring,
summer, autumn and fall, in order),
representing the passage of time. Shrines
communities. These teams offer their services to
communities at a very low price, asking only that
with a more modern influence might they be allowed to control decisions regarding the
include digital-style numbers, square
windows and even calendars.
new defenses and that a small annual tax be paid
back to the fortress. Many communities accept out
of desperation, willing to take any risk to increase
their safety. Those that refuse are marked
down for conquest later, with Peace
Brigade armies eventually arriving to
establish a defense program by force.
fortified are placed under martial law for
the period of construction, which often
lasts years.
Once a town has been properly
level 8, surviving with little arable land by carefully assure any who listen that it is not an impossible
calculating the best use of resources. goal. The height of technology in the previous era
Many of the most religious Programmer cults could almost literally mold reality as its masters
fall under the control of one or more AIs. These desired. The Restorationists firmly believe that if
O groups are known as Followers of the Voice, for
usually they receive an AI’s instructions through a
speaker or similar listening device. Followers of the
that technology could be rebuilt and controlled, it
could rebuild cities, end plagues, cleanse irradiated
lands and end the thousand other threats of the
be fixed later, once the Restorationists have the
often use Programmers as a front, sometimes needed tools. The only excesses the Restorations
controlling them through big, obvious computers worry about are those that might destroy the
full of flashing lights and whirring disks (which are organization before it gains the needed
thrill-seekers, counting any dangerous activity as a appearances, and even cybernetic implants or
“score” to be sought. Their desires to play the parts dream-modification technology to create the virtual
of wandering heroes are simply the “rules of the experience.
game,” a mechanism to force the Raiders to seek
Though these technologies weren’t originally
specific kinds of risks, rather than simply throwing
designed to be lethal, their degradation has removed
themselves over waterfalls.
many of their safety features. Further, many Raider
Ruin Raiders do not run towns or fill entire schools augment the virtual threats with real
safe society is one that forces all people to do their different levels of technology. Many allow
own labor, and be satisfied with what they can windmills, water wheels, crossbows, bicycles,
produce themselves. pendulum clocks and even pumps, while others
forbid anything more complex than a lever. Most
take a stance between pedal-driven devices and
clockwork, though the most successful Seeker
buried with respect. If she survives, she must
undergo some dangerous journey of purification,
using the simplest of tools, to atone for having used
communities are those that accept the highest level advanced tech.
R consider normal. Such alliances are further Characters who take Trionicon allegiances
weakened by the Trionicons’ hatred of censorship. often do so after some experience where tragedy
protect, and seen as the worst kind of terrorists by written in the older Zoopremacist cities. It is up to
those they hunt and kill. A few animal-mutant the GM if any of these strongholds still exists, but
communities have grown strong with the help of those that do are well hidden.
Zoopremacist bands; but once the threat of Rather than take an organizational allegiance
- 39 -
The Vote
“Look, Fishal…” Eleen leaned against a tree trying to catch her breath. The air was cold and
stung her lungs with every inhalation, which didn’t help her mood at all. “Just because you can take
a dip in ice and break a sweat doesn’t mean any of us can keep up like that.”
“Grow stronger, then.” Fishal turned his furry body, leaning down so as to be able to look the little
human woman in the eyes. “It’s survival of the fittest out here.”
The woman gritted her teeth; she wasn’t alone in wanting to ask the bear-like leader for a rest,
but amongst the caravan of mismatched companions, only she had the courage to face him.
“Move out!” Fishal shouted and trod on, leaving deep footprints in the snow.
“I propose a vote!” Eleen shouted, not moving one inch. “Those who want to set up camp and rest
for the day raise your hands!”
The leader turned around; his amusement with the little human was growing scarce. At first he
had thought it cute for such a little, frail, pure-strain girl to ask to join the Fur Caravan, as the group
called themselves — even if there were a number with scaly and feather-covered flesh as well; but her
nagging questioning and open defiance were making Fishal ponder whether it wouldn’t be better to
just eat her there and then. To his surprise and anger, he saw more than one hand raised with the
“I will bite off any raised hand!” The bear shouted, and all hands dropped. All but one.
“You are not amusing anymore,” he growled, baring his sharp fangs a hair’s breadth from the
girl’s nose. He felt something cold pressed against his stomach.
“We will rest, Fishal.” Eleen spoke low and calmly. “The children can’t keep up, you’re going to
kill everyone with this pace.”
“Drop your gun, little pest, and I will let you leave unharmed.” He couldn’t see the weapon, but he
smelled it; it resembled nothing he had ever encountered before. He heard a high sound coming from
“Call for a rest, or you will have a hole the size of your empty head,” she threatened back.
“Now… you know I can’t do that now, right?” Fishal smiled, getting ready to chop off her head
with a single swipe and claim the advanced weapon she had managed to keep hidden from him.
“You are challenging me, and neither of us can back down. Are you ready to kill me and lead the Fur
He didn’t wait for an answer, but lunged to crush Eleen with his strong arms. But the human girl
was faster. He did tackle the girl, burying her under his great body — but he was in no position to
press his attack, missing half his torso as he was.
Eleen squirmed her way out to the stunned looks of the rest of the caravan. She was covered in
liquefied remains, but didn’t try to wipe them off. She spat on Fishal’s corpse and muttered.
“I am.”
- 40 -
After the great upheavals of the Final Wars and their History refers to the achievements of leaders, not
aftermath, the survivors were left in scattered chaos, ready their followers; no matter how egalitarian any given
to succumb to the harsh conditions the devastation left community grows, the matter of who tells everyone
behind. Humanity is a rather stubborn species, however, what to do is bound to come up sooner or later. Groups
and different communities began to pull together and of any size must have a leader in one way or another
carve niches in their new environments. The efforts of — that is, if they want to effectively face the countless
hundreds of survivors need guidance, and this is where challenges of the Gamma Age.
strong leadership became a synonym for survival.
Gamma World provides characters with ample by +1. The character may choose to limit the number
opportunity to flex their leadership muscles, whether of people he wants to affect with a single check,
they want to or not. Crisis situations do not wait for speaking to his target group for at least 5 minutes, after
democratic elections, and leaders rise to the fore as which he can target another group within the crowd.
situations demand. All sorts of people (in the broadest At the GM’s option, using a form of mass
sense) can be saddled with the burden of leading communication can double or triple the number of
others and becoming an icon, someone looked up to people the character can affect with a single check.
and depended on to get others out of trouble. The magnitude of the lie modifies the DC as
described in d20 Modern, with demagogy that directly
NEW USES addresses the group’s hopes and beliefs reducing the
FOR OLD SKILLS DC by –5, while outrageous lies can increase it by as
The following are new uses for existing skills; any much as +20.
character capable of using those skills can make use
Attitude Means Base
of the new applications, although having many ranks
Bluff DC
in them definitely helps.
Helpful The group wants to believe that 10
BLUFF what the character is saying is
Leading others successfully quite often involves true or is of the same allegiance.
lying to them, whether the leader is hiding his Friendly The group generally trusts the 15
intentions to his traveling companions or to the whole character or is of a sympathetic
of a community. A character uses the Bluff skill only allegiance.
when he positively knows that he is lying to the people Indifferent The group has a divided 20
following his orders or suggestions, or at least is not opinion of the character’s words.
telling all that he knows about a situation. Subtler Unfriendly The group does not trust the 25
manipulation depends on the Diplomacy skill, character fully or is of an
although sometimes the lines are blurred. contrasting allegiance.
• Demagogy: When addressing the members of a Hostile The group is predisposed 30
group or community, a character can address their against the character’s words or
immediate needs and desires to get them to believe is of an opposed allegiance.
what he wants them to, even if the proposed course of
action may go against their own interests in the short • Fake Expertise: People trust those who know
run. When trying to influence PCs through falsehoods, what they are doing, or at least who appear to. A
the characters engage in opposed Bluff and Sense character can pretend to have a high bonus in a
Motive checks as normal; but when addressing a group Computer Use, Craft or Knowledge skill without
of NPCs, the would-be demagogue makes a Bluff check having any ranks in the skill at all. Since the character
against a DC dependant on the group’s attitude. A is just pretending, he cannot use Bluff to actually
character can influence a group of 10 people per point achieve anything or learn any useful information, but
of Charisma modifier without penalty; every 5 rather he can “fake it” just enough to pass as an expert
additional people beyond that limit increases the DC in the field. This is useful when the character is asked
- 41 -
to do something to prove himself, particularly when patrol power boat, but has no idea how it works. Jar’kle
dealing with groups that depend on a meritocracy walks with purpose onto the boat’s deck and goes through
model for leadership. When the character wants to the motions of activating it; he makes a Bluff check with a
pretend he knows how to do something, he makes a DC 15, as his friends and neighbors generally trust him.
Bluff check with a DC 5 points lower than the task’s He achieves a result of 18; he makes them believe he knows
original DC. If successful, he can go through the what he’s doing. When nothing happens, he declares that
motions convincingly, although he will not get any the machine must be broken.
real result. Alternatively, if the character actually has • Double-Talk: Leaders are faced daily with
ranks in the skill he is being asked to demonstrate, he tough questions from followers, and they must learn
can opt to make a Bluff check with a +2 synergy bonus the art of giving responses without actually giving
from the other skill even if he does not have 5 ranks answers. With a successful Bluff check, opposed by a
or more, or he can make a normal skill check with a Sense Motive check or against a DC equal to the one
+2 synergy bonus from the Bluff skill. The results of for a demagogy application, a character can speak with
such a modified skill check are the same as a Bluff anyone and make her believe that they actually had
check: impressive, but otherwise insubstantial. a fruitful conversation, when in truth the character
Lying is not always a bad thing. When the merely bent words and phrases to say nothing at all.
community is facing a disaster or a negative event, Charismatic heroes with talents from the Fast Talk
the simple fact of believing someone knows what he tree add their level as a bonus as normal.
is doing is enough to bolster morale, and may even
prompt cooperation in order to truly fulfill the task DIPLOMACY
the character lied about. While Bluff is the art of outright lying, Diplomacy
Example: Jar’kle is a member of the Flotsammers, a is subtler, focusing on compromise and negotiation.
nomad community that sails slowly across coastal lines A character can make effective use of Diplomacy
(flooded and pristine alike) gathering junk they find and without uttering a single lie, or by weaving such a
keeping the sea lanes clear, while making a profit through complex web of half-truths and deception as to make
selling the salvage. The community finds the remains of a that into the truth. Leaders need Diplomacy to deal
- 42 -
with their followers on a daily basis, whether they is a much more delicate task than simply debating with
lead small groups of explorers or large communities. the intention to win. The proselytizer must convince
• Debate: Most communities in the Gamma Age others that they are wrong, and they must feel good about
experience a healthy paranoia when strangers arrive it. Parlaying with someone to sway his allegiance is useful
in the town; and since survival is rarely assured for for planting moles in a community or getting help in a
many of the townsfolk, some have an equally healthy hostile community. A character can sway another’s loyalty
suspicion of their own leaders, questioning the leaders’ toward her allegiance, or toward her own person (although
decisions if they seem unwise. For first contact with this is much more difficult). The character can even sway
another group or for dealing with her own followers, the listener’s leanings toward a third allegiance, provided
a character can use the fine art of debate, revived by she has not revealed that she does not follow it; people
instinct and talent in the Gamma Age to address have a hard time shifting their beliefs toward something
immediate realities rather than lofty philosophical the person talking them over to it does not appear to
concepts. Debating by using the Diplomacy skill believe. The DC for this check depends on the attitude
consists of wearing down an opponent’s resolve by the other person has toward the allegiance the character
rebuking his arguments one by one. It may not win wishes to sway him away from.
the victor any friends, but it does give her the right
to that title. Attitude Means
Debating is a long and drawn-out process, and it Helpful The person would do anything for his
may be trying for the impatient. A debate is a series allegiance.
of opposed Diplomacy checks; each opponent begins Friendly The person is convinced that his allegiance
with a number of “argument points” equal to her Will is the better choice for him.
save bonus plus her Intelligence modifier. For every Indifferent The person is loyal to his allegiance out of
5 points that the result of the winner’s check exceeds convenience, but would take a better option
the loser’s, subtract one argument point from the if it presented itself.
loser’s pool. If the debate is performed by roleplaying, Unfriendly The person is not fully convinced that he
particularly devastating arguments and evidence can made the right choice by pledging his loyalty
give from a +2 to even a +10 bonus on the Diplomacy to his current allegiance.
check. The first opponent to lose all of her argument Hostile The person is loyal to his allegiance in name
points loses the debate, whether she was actually right only.
or wrong.
Debates are not only formalized discussions
To sway the allegiance of her target, the character
between two leaders. These rules can apply to any
must reduce his attitude toward his original allegiance
exchange of words that involves one person swaying
to hostile either with an outrageously good check or by
the opinion of another through carefully chosen
working him slowly by performing one check per day,
arguments. This includes a doctor arguing the case
although she must state her goal before making the
for nanotech as a cure to a community that sees all
check. Once the target’s attitude toward his allegiance
Pre-War advanced technology as blasphemy, a
is hostile, the character can try to convince him to adopt
sentient animal debating its own intelligence with a
another allegiance, inverting the process using the
confused pure-strain human, and everything in
normal DCs for Diplomacy checks in d20 Modern to
improve the target’s attitude toward the new allegiance.
The GM adjudicates the result of the character’s To consider the proselytizing a success, the target must
debate win (or loss). Unless some other result have a friendly attitude toward the new allegiance.
particularly suits the occasion, the loser’s attitude
toward the winner (as described under the Diplomacy
skill, d20 Modern, Chapter 2: Skills) drops by one step, New Attitude
but he cooperates with or acquiesces to the winner. Initial Helpful Friendly Indif. Unf. Hostile
The attitude of any crowd watching the debate Attitude
improves by one step toward the winner. Helpful _
<19 20 25 35 45
• Sway Allegiance: There are some allegiances that Friendly _
<4 5 15 25 35
survive by proselytizing or evangelizing, actively recruiting Indifferent — _
<0 1 15 25
new members into their ranks. The process of convincing Unfriendly — — _
<0 1 15
others that one’s philosophical leanings are the right ones
- 43 -
• Recruit Followers: Any person in the Gamma the character must spend 1 action point to recruit the
Age with the right combination of charisma and group as followers once they all have a helpful attitude
glibness can convince others to follow her cause, toward the character. (That’s a single action point no
swaying their allegiances in her direction. However, matter how many recruits are in this particular bunch.)
this allegiance does not equal obedience and service, Table 2–1: Recruit Followers indicates the limit to
merely an inherent trust in the character. Gaining a the number and power of ordinary followers a character
true follower is not so easy, for it means the character can have, as measured by her leadership score: her
must maintain a helpful attitude in her follower at all character level + her Charisma modifier + her
times, representing a deeper commitment. A character Reputation bonus. The character spends the necessary
can pay lackeys a periodic salary, but they are only action point each time she recruits a group of followers,
henchmen; they are not bound to the character by so she may be better off trying to recruit her personal
strong ties and have their own agendas. A true army in one fell swoop than in many tries. All followers
follower obeys the character’s orders and accompanies change their allegiance to the character once she
her deep inside radioactive areas or vaults protected successfully recruits them. However, followers are not
by killer mutant octopi. To gain a follower, the automatically replaced; if the character loses followers
character must improve the target’s attitude to helpful by any means (death, another conversion of allegiance,
and spend an action point. The action point does not etc.), she must replenish their number by recruiting more.
provide a bonus on the Diplomacy check; it serves as Once the character has followers, including her
a demonstration of the character’s commitment to heroic lieutenant, she is more or less free to order them
her new follower. The follower can be a heroic NPC, around as she wishes, maybe even creating her own
but he must be at least two levels lower than the community. Even if they keep obeying her orders,
character, and the character cannot have more than followers’ attitudes may change over time, which may
one heroic follower at any one time. create dissent, rebellion and desertion.
In addition to a heroic follower, a character may For every questionable act that the character
wish to gain ordinary followers (see d20 Modern, commits and that her followers find out about, she
Chapter 8: Friends and Foes, “Supporting Characters,” must make Diplomacy check (DC determined by the
Ordinaries). Instead of sweet-talking a single target for general attitude the followers adopt, depending on
recruitment, the character addresses a group or a crowd. the character’s deeds). If she fails this check, she loses
For every 5 effective targets (or fraction thereof) for 2d6 followers and the attitude of the rest is diminished
recruitment, the Diplomacy check DC increases by +2; by one step, although they remain her followers.
- 44 -
- 45 -
leader or the challenger is not up to the amenities of applications of Bluff, though with a +2 DC penalty
a civilized debate. Before things come to blows and since Perform is not aimed directly at deception (as
possible bloodshed, the leader can choose to stare the Bluff is). Perform (storytelling) is the form of
opponent down. Both opponents make opposed performance used most often in this way in the
Intimidate checks, adding their Reputation bonuses. Gamma Age, since it routinely includes narrative for
Simply put, whoever wins makes the other lose face. instructional and inspirational purposes as well as for
In many tribal communities this is enough to entertainment. Wherever Perform (storytelling)
make the loser forego the position of leader or, in the appears in lists in this chapter and the next, however,
opposite case, to brave exile. Among more civilized characters may substitute Perform (acting) or Perform
people, a staredown loss merely imposes penalties to (stand-up) and achieve the same results.
the loser’s Charisma and on Charisma-related skill • Oratory: The character can give speeches with
checks equal to the victor’s Charisma modifier for a the best of them, addressing large crowds and inspiring
period of time, depending on how soon the them toward her own purposes. An inspiring speech
community forgets about the challenge: 1d4 days if can raise the spirits of a crowd or work them into almost
the loser has a Charisma 15+, 1d4 weeks if he has any state of mind. This application uses the same table
Charisma 10–14 and for 1d4 months if he has as the Diplomacy skill (see above) to work the mood
Charisma 9 or less. This is an event that can reduce of the audience, with each check taking at least 5
the community’s Strong Leadership factor. minutes. A crowd usually starts with an indifferent
• Group Posturing: When two groups of people attitude, but the orator might need to brave a hostile
meet, frictions are nothing out of the ordinary. Among audience if the situation demands it. Once the target
many animals, the first thing the leaders of both groups public reaches a helpful attitude, they are in the mood
do is try to get the others to leave. While interactions the orator intended and can be made to follow certain
between sentients are more complicated than that, courses of action or adopt certain opinions.
some basic principles of behavior still apply. By subtle • Spin: The character is skilled in the
demonstrations of the group’s power, a leader can try manipulation of facts so that he gives them meanings
to intimidate another group into leaving, or impress to suit his purposes. While most people would consider
them enough that her group will have an advantage. making up justifications for an event to be a matter for
This is an opposed Intimidate check performed careful analysis, delivering the spin requires panache
by the leaders of both groups. In the case of small and a talent for lying and presenting the best side of
groups, the leader adds the group’s average character events; and a leader may find himself required to
level as a bonus on her roll. In the case of improvise when faced with facts and events that
communities, the leader adds the population level. undermine his authority. Spin is an art form. Every
The leader of a community rides out to meet time a leader faces an event that would diminish a
approaching strangers in the company of her best positive factor of the Community Behavior Map (see
warriors; even if the strangers are accepted after they Gamma World Player’s Handbook, Chapter Four),
lose a posturing contest, they may suffer a penalty to he makes a Perform check with a DC determined by
their Charisma-based checks equal to the victor’s the severity of the event’s impact on the factor (see
Charisma modifier, as they were cowed by the leader. below). The leader must make this check within a day
Two war chiefs meet each other in the field of battle of the event or its discovery, or it will have no effect.
and start shouting obscenities with the weight of their Success on the Perform check reduces the impact
armies behind them; the loser of such a contest will by one level for every 5 points by which the check’s
suffer a penalty on skill checks to give commands, as result exceeds the event’s DC. An event cannot be
she believes the winner’s side to be stronger than it reduced below negligible; despite the character’s positive
may really be. spin the event did happen and has consequences.
Artistic talent isn’t connected to leadership Critical 30
obviously or directly; but loyalty is often the result of Major 25
perception, and the Perform skill and its different Average 20
specializations are all about playing with perceptions.
Minor 15
A leader with ranks in Perform (storytelling, acting
or stand-up) can use the skill for the following Negligible 10
- 46 -
SENSE MOTIVE rallies her followers around her and is perceptive about
Leaders of large groups use the Gather their needs, weaknesses and strengths.
Information skill to keep tabs on the general mood of While Dedicated and Charismatic heroes are the
the people under their care; but when they lead groups most common natural leaders, there are many ways
of less than 20 people (or creatures), they are better in which other heroes can become natural leaders.
served by using the Sense Motive skill — they do not The talent trees useful for a natural leader are:
need to ask around to ascertain their followers’ moods • Charm (Charismatic): The leader can
when they can see for themselves. ingratiate herself with her followers and get favors
• Spot Team Weakness: A leader can look at her out of them when direct orders would be too harsh.
own group or at any opposing group with no more than • Community Leadership (Charismatic): The
20 members and get a clue about its strengths and leader can channel her guidance to aid the whole of her
weaknesses. She makes a Sense Motive check to gain community rather than just a few members at a time.
information about any of the following subjects: the • Empathic (Dedicated): This tree makes sure
group’s strongest/weakest fighter, the group’s average that the leader always knows how any one of her
character level, the group’s real leader, the group’s followers is feeling about her decisions.
negotiator, or the group’s most dangerous member (not • Leadership (Charismatic): The leader is better
necessarily the strongest fighter). The character can able to coordinate the efforts of her followers.
also spot the signs of dissent in her own group. The
• Zeal (Dedicated): The dedication of the leader
DC of the Sense Motive check is 10 + group’s average
toward her focus cause can be an inspiration for her
character level – group’s average Reputation bonus,
followers. Heroic followers also find this talent tree useful.
although the leader gains a +4 circumstance bonus on
The feats useful for a natural leader are:
her check when probing her own followers.
• Attentive: The leader can better perceive the
• Measure Up: After exchanging greetings and
mood of her followers.
talking for a few moments, a character can take the
measure of anyone she meets. The character makes a • Confident: The leader can better impress others
Sense Motive check, opposed by her target’s Bluff or and make defiant followers back down.
Diplomacy check. If the character succeeds she can • Frightful Presence: The leader’s natural talent
choose to gain one of the following pieces of is based on fear, not trust.
information: the target’s class, level, general nature of • Renown: The leader’s fame can aid in her
FX abilities, or highest ability score; a general clue about efforts to get her message across.
the target’s allegiance; or a +2 bonus on her Bluff or • Trustworthy: People generally trust the leader,
Diplomacy checks during the rest of the exchange. making the job of giving orders easier.
- 47 -
The talent trees useful for a crisis leader are: • Heroic Focus: The leader can maintain his
• Defensive (Fast): Ordinary people who find composure in any situation, his steadiness inspiring
themselves in danger need a rescuer, and a hero with her followers to keep trying.
these talents has a better chance of surviving a cave-in • Heroic Surge: When things get really bad, the
or crossing a mine field to aid the endangered follower. community can count on its leader to be where and
• Extreme Effort (Strong): When disaster strikes how he is needed the most.
or the situation requires a feat of strength, the hero • Iron Will: When a group is ready to break down
can save the day by applying these talents. and flee, the leader remains to face danger head-on.
• Strong as an Ox (Strong): Characters capable
of hard and sustained work will prove themselves to be
reliable, one of the qualities people look for in a leader. With the collapse of civilization during the Final
Wars, humanity (and AIs) lost much of the lore and
• Unbreakable (Tough): A crisis leader may find
expertise of advanced society. Much of the tools and
himself in a position where he cannot avoid danger,
knowledge vital to survival in some environments was
but must rather withstand it for the sake of his people.
gone, and with it, the peoples’ chances of seeing
These talents make sure that he is harder to take
another day. Expert leaders rose to the challenge,
down, remaining present for as long as possible to keep
possessed of keen intellects or talents that allowed them
giving orders.
to relearn or rediscover sciences and technologies.
The feats useful for a crisis leader are:
These individuals do not lead because they are good at
• Endurance: The leader can inspire his followers talking people into following their commands but
by pushing ahead when they are ready to give out. because they are good at what they do, and that
• Great Fortitude: The leader can better expertise gives them all the authority they need.
withstand the hardships of wilderness and disease, so Smart heroes are perfectly fit for the role of expert
that natural hazards do not deprive his people of his leaders, their knowledge and brains giving them the
leadership. tools to understand the world of the Gamma Age in
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order to harness its power for the good of their or synthetic, or whatever) whose strings he pulls,
followers. Other heroes must work very hard to reach deflecting undue attention from his activities.
such levels of expertise. A different kind of prowess Charismatic heroes can trick others into
involves combat, emphasizing smart tactics and following them, but they have no monopoly on the
strategy over raw power. means of deceit. Strong heroes can bully their way to
The talent trees useful for an expert leader are: the top, and Smart ones can stage elaborate plots to
• Melee Smash (Strong): Being able to drop an end up in power.
enemy quickly is the mark of a good war leader, and The talent trees useful for a duplicitous leader
it settles disputes quickly as well. are:
• Strategy (Smart): An undoubtedly useful • Ignore Hardness (Strong): There is nothing
talent, the leader can coordinate her followers at the scarier than a leader breaking a challenger’s weapon
same time that she outsmarts the opposition. in two.
• Research (Smart): Not only can the leader be • Damage Reduction and Energy Resistance
a true sage in a particular field, but she can also (Tough): … except perhaps a leader who shrugs off
communicate with almost any sort of creature with a damage from that weapon.
language that stumbles across the community. • Empathic (Dedicated): By knowing what
• Tech Savant (Smart): In the times after the someone wants, the leader knows how to spice his
Final Wars, lost technology litters the landscape, and deceptions.
those who recognize the different tools for what they • Fast-Talk (Charismatic): The leader can
are gain the recognition and following of those who confuse anyone trying to turn the tables on him.
can’t. • Charm (Charismatic): The leader can beguile
• Insightful (Dedicated): Whatever the task is, and cajole, diverting attention from his actions while
the leader can find inspiration to complete it. lying through his teeth.
The feats useful for an expert leader are: The feats useful for a duplicitous leader are:
• Builder: The leader can provide her community • Deceptive: The leader’s lies are more
with housing, repair its technology and direct its believable.
efforts to build up their infrastructure. • Frightful Presence: Even when a challenger
• Educated: The leader possesses vast stores of to his power gathers the courage to face the leader,
knowledge about many things, knowledge she can put her resolve shatters in his presence.
to use in the community’s progress. • Low Profile: A leader who rules from the
• Paragon: The leader is not merely good at what shadows is even harder to challenge.
she does, she is great. Example: Jar’kle is a Smart hero. He had a good
• Systems Familiarity: No matter what new eye for potential and became the best friend of Luuiz, who
scientific enigma she encounters, the character can rose to become the Flotsammers’ leader when he saved
solve it. several rafts during a particularly strong storm. Luuiz is
not very smart and would have given up leadership but
DUPLICITOUS LEADERSHIP for the wishes of all the people. Fortunately for him, his
Some people covet authority so much that they good friend Jar’kle is there to give him advice when he is
will stoop to anything in order to acquire it. A confused about what to say to the community’s elders,
duplicitous leader manages to cling to the position and it is Jar’kle’s ideas that have brought some prosperity
through guile, deception and intimidation. This to the community. Jar’kle does not gain any recognition,
doesn’t make him a bad leader per se, but he will but he has been able to reap some benefits from his role as
inevitably be unpopular with at least one of the the power behind Luuiz.
factions in the community. The duplicitous leader’s
power is surely illegitimate, but it can also be highly WHEN THE GOING
effective, for he focuses his cunning against anything
that threatens his interests; being the leader,
sometimes his well-being is also the community’s. Dealing with other intelligences is not a
Another common role for a duplicitous leader is the straightforward affair like dealing with machines… at
power behind the throne, where the true leader uses least those that are not intelligent themselves. The
deception to prop up a chosen front man (or woman, vagaries of interaction between a leader and her
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followers, and with the rest of the world, are not as easily character with a servant for life, or a careless comment
defined and are difficult to reduce to a simple DC for a can convince a sentient car to give full access to the
Charisma-based check. Likewise, a canny character may one who said it. The GM is largely responsible for
be perfectly aware of her own shortcomings and do assigning and adjudicating circumstance modifiers to
something to compensate for them. More than any other the character’s dealings with communities and
die roll, social and leadership checks can be affected by followers, but players are within their rights to suggest
circumstance modifiers that the characters can provoke that a modifier apply when they take pains to
consciously or suffer unwittingly. roleplaying a situation that could modify attitudes and
Circumstance modifiers can come and go during opinions. Table 2–2: Circumstance Modifiers gives a
the same situation — an ill-spoken phrase can change few examples of situations that provoke such
the attitude of a community from helpful to hostile modifiers, with guidelines on the actual numbers and
in a second, a random act of kindness can saddle a which skill checks they apply to.
The world has changed since the Final Wars in them in line. The strong leader’s style will depend a
more ways than anyone could ever imagine. With lot on his personal philosophy, but nevertheless it will
such changing conditions, it is no surprise that all be more focused on doing things than saying them.
sorts of organizations sprang up to cope with the For the strong leader, actions speak louder than words,
bizarre environment created by rampaging and he has the wherewithal to push his arguments
contamination, marauding weaponry and not-so- across. Strong heroes make better leaders during crisis
dormant ruins. As the saying goes, each people gets situations where the threat comes from a physical
the government it deserves; every group developed source, which can be a natural disaster that forces the
the style of leadership that best suited its community to evacuate, an attack by roving bandits
circumstances, from such primitive forms as tribal or outright war with a neighboring community.
eldership to more sophisticated methods as republican • Strengths: Strong heroes can lead by example,
democracy or illustrated tyranny. The Gamma Age using their bare hands to change the world around
is rife with oddities humans never bargained for when them — an ability that remains unrivaled by any other
they developed the technology of the Final Wars, and class. With a simple demonstration of his prowess,
so there are even stranger types of leaders for equally the Strong hero can create situations that reinforce
strange societies. his status as the person most fit to lead. This most
often translates into intimidation, a task at which the
HEROIC LEADERS Strong hero is very effective.
The struggle for survival, let alone reconstruction • Weaknesses: Brawn can accomplish a lot in the
and prosperity, requires tremendous dedication from harsh environment of the Gamma Age, but wits are
a leader, whether she is leading a ragtag team of Ruin important for rising above the muck of mere survival
Raiders or in charge of the welfare of a community of into thriving prosperity. The Strong hero is crippled
thousands. Most leaders of struggling groups and when it comes to learning useful leadership skills such
communities will be heroic characters, with ordinaries as Diplomacy or Sense Motive, and his focus on actions
taking up leadership positions only when a community takes his attention away from subtler training. To
has a strong and stable enough foundation to shift compensate for this, a Strong hero who wishes to
the weight of guidance around. become a leader should acquire feats like Attentive or
Trustworthy to bolster the few cross-class ranks he can
THE STRONG LEADER buy. Choosing a leadership-oriented occupation can
Strong leaders emerge in more primitive societies do wonders for the hero, as he would then get the
where strength of arms is a better measure of a necessary skills that his class does not include.
character’s capacity to lead, in part because of the
Example 1: Yorg is the leader of a small band of
community’s bellicose leanings, but also because the
nomads. He won the position from the previous leader,
rules of succession involve combat challenges or the
an aging explorer who’d adopted the tribe as his own and
communities’ members need a beating or two to bring
was eventually chosen to guide them. Yorg never agreed
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opinion and advice. He still does his time in the grazing won him his position as king (although he much prefers
fields and the building or reconstruction of the community’s the term “god-emperor”), and he encourages the legend
infrastructure, but the rest of the time he goes around of his name by being hard to locate, fostering the rumors
talking to people and telling them what to do. of his supernatural speed (not true), ability to travel
between two points instantly (partially true), and his
THE FAST LEADER uncanny mental powers that bend humans and other tall
Fast heroes tend toward mobility, and therefore ones to his bidding (quite true). His people are a very
make for poor leaders for stationary communities. A individualistic and autonomous folk, so he does not need
Fast hero does very well when she is leading a small, to micromanage and hardly makes any decisions at all;
active group, such as bandits and raiders, or itinerant but he is the one the others rely on to protect them from
technicians. The Fast hero’s authority draws on physical the two-legs, and who ultimately will get the blame when
sources much like the Strong hero’s, although she must anything bad happens.
rely on sidestepping any challenge to her position rather Example 2: Marid inShaka leads a small group of
than hitting it head on. A Fast hero can be a very mercenaries called The Rain of Blades. He first joined as
supportive leader; her natural agility allows her to dart a tracker and scout, climbing through the ranks until he
among her companions, being everywhere at once and was the captain’s second in command. The Rain of Blades
where she is most needed. Also like Strong heroes, a specializes in close combat with archaic weapons, and thus
Fast hero shines in emergency situations; she can move touts its talent at slipping into enemy territory to dispose
around quickly and avoid danger to relay her orders of targets quietly and ruthlessly. When the company was
promptly and with no loss of meaning, making sure almost annihilated in an attemp to infiltrate and destroy a
that her followers or teammates are aware of her technocult’s temple, Marid was the most senior officer
presence at all times. left in the handful of survivors. He reworked the group’s
• Strengths: The Fast hero’s best asset is her ability strategy and now does not allow it to grow beyond 10
to remain untouched and to move around freely. When members. He leads from point position with a reckless
a small team runs into combat, she can avoid attacks disregard for his own safety over that of his men (and
as she directs her companions. This mobility gives her women, and… others), an attitude that won him the hearts
a very good view of the field so she can get a better and loyalty of his followers. They take on smaller missions
sense of how to move her people. As a leader, the Fast now, with Marid moving ahead as the scout he used to
hero should take steps to remain visible to all of her be. Because he gathers his own intelligence and risks his
followers and not give the impression that she dodges own skin, Marid feels safe in lying to his followers about
threats because she is afraid of being hit, but because the details of a mission, and has acquired a nice array of
she’s simply damn good at it. old technology that his followers know nothing about.
• Weaknesses: Fast heroes must work the hardest Example 3: Detritus is a sprawling graveyard of
to become leaders, as their talents and abilities lend buildings and twisted metal, gigantic, skeletal fingers of
themselves more to solitary work than cooperation steel pointing accusingly at a corrosion-colored sky. In
with groups. They have the tendency to leave others this ferrous wasteland, no living thing can ever hope to
behind, and are better at sneaking around and subsist for very long — which suits the Tubecrack tribe
performing delicate operations than they are at just fine, as they think organics are a bunch of fragile
standing tall and shouting orders. Like Strong heroes, weaklings anyway. Saved from ultimate destruction during
they must rely on their occupations to provide them the Final Wars by virtue of their underground storage
with the class skills necessary for leadership. A Fast facilities, this collection of motor vehicles developed a very
hero might carve out a role as an expert leader by nasty attitude, competing fiercely for spare parts found in
specializing in Craft, or in some other task where her the remains of the factories around their original home
talents can be put to best use. until they learned to operate the assembly robots that were
Example 1: Rhurh is the best tracker in his pride, a left. Rec’line has held the title of leader of the tribe for the
group of telepathic cats that have lived in the remains of a longest time, outrunning all competitors in the ritual
small town from time immemorial. He hunts expertly and challenge that consists of a midnight rally in the single
forages far and wide, returning home to speak of all that avenue the tribe has cleared for such a purpose. With its
he sees and hears. So far, he has managed to keep the choice of upgrades, Rec’line remains the hottest machine
two-legs away from his territory by spotting them far from in town, and has led the Tubecracks in all the assaults on
its true borders, and wastes no chance to boast about it. any organic would-be explorers, running them down
His exploits in confounding anyone who looks for the town beneath its wheels.
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THE TOUGH LEADER leader, just because the lethal environment guarding the
With survival at the forefront of most peoples’ AIs merely made her throw up her breakfast.
minds in the Gamma Age, it is not surprising that Example 2: People who live past their seventies are
Tough heroes assume positions of command at all levels as rare in the Gamma Age as they were in the Bronze Age.
of technological recovery. A Tough hero can carry a Karul is one of them. His body is covered by scars from
community forward through sheer perseverance, using frequent encounters with mutant beasts, and he still has all
his lasting power as an example of the tenacity that a the right number of eyes, arms and legs on his body, not
community can muster when fighting for its very one fewer nor one extra. He does not hunt anymore, but
existence. Tough leaders can arise from any kind of his years of experience grant him the authority of a leader
community or in any kind of group, although they are among his people. The few men and women who reach his
more common from areas with harrowing conditions, age grow weak and fragile and are left to die in the snow,
where survival is the priority. Since Tough heroes are but not Karul; he can still keep up with the young hunters
natural survivors, they take the lead in conditions that even if his sight is not what it used to be. His extraordinary
would take down weaker folk, standing right in harm’s resilience, youthful energy and the wisdom of a long life
way to watch over their fellows. well lived make him the best thing that has happened to his
• Strengths: Tough leaders are not exactly tribe. His advice is always sound, and he can still survive
brainy, but they can endear themselves to others the hardships that the nomads go through when making their
without actively trying simply by stepping into danger way from each hunting ground to the next.
to save someone — although if they are of a violent Example 3: Khele worked hard to gain the position of
bent, resisting attacks works great for intimidation. leader of her community, a new town where humans and
The hero’s exemplary health also helps him acquire mutants of all breeds worked together to better their chances
the benefits of nanotechnology and psionic powers of survival in the archipelago peeking from the center of the
more readily, even if controlling them is a different Living Sea. The waters surrounding the islands received
matter whatsoever. the name because of the abundant life that they contained,
• Weaknesses: Like the other two physical classes, from the small fish, algae and other things that the people of
the Tough hero suffers in the leadership skills the archipelago ate, to the rest of the species that tried to eat
department, and has only a small number of skill points them in return. Khele developed a hard carapace on her
with which to acquire them. Stacking up on character back after swimming for far too long in the Living Sea
feats that affect these abilities and choosing occupations harvesting algae, but her mutation has served her well in
that grant them as class skills are also his best options resisting the rest of the sea’s dangers, and she became the
for becoming a truly effective leader, spanning the most accomplished swimmer on her island. Through hard
whole spectrum of abilities required of him. work, she gained the loyalty of a few of her neighbors until
Example 1: Bohma has a very hard job as her town’s she became the virtual leader of her island, which gave her
official swamp dipper — her name for her occupation, the idea to unite the whole archipelago under her care. Since
though the rest of the townsfolk call her “shaman.” Every she could swim between the islands on her own without
week, she travels deep into the swampland near the suffering too much harm, she became a local legend. Her
settlement to “talk with the spirits,” but what she really reputation quickly earned her the position of adviser to all
does is consult with a small group of surviving databanks. the chiefs of the different communities, until she called them
The ancient AIs are practically senile from decades of together and convinced them that they were better off
isolation, powerlessness and immobility, stranded past a recognizing her authority openly.
cloud of hostile nanounits, so when Bohma first stumbled THE SMART LEADER
upon their resting place after the epiphany of bonding with
Through strategy and careful study, a smart leader
some nanos and fending off the rest, the intelligent libraries
can direct the efforts of the people under her command
were more than happy to strike up a conversation. Bohma
to their absolute best uses. Rational approaches work
reluctantly visits them time and again, informing them of
better for a Smart hero, who can tackle any problem
the daily goings on of her town and nearby communities,
with her prodigious intellect and devise the best course
getting the wisdom of the ages in return. She has tried to
of action given her previous studies. Smart leaders rise
explain to the others that she is just talking with rather
to prominence in many situations, although they find
nice — if a little eccentric — machines, and that her
a shorter route to power in communities that have old
supposed powers are the product of Final Wars technology;
technology, or that are sufficiently sophisticated to give
but people defer to her with reverence, so she has resigned
knowledge its due; otherwise, Smart heroes tend to fall
herself to accepting the mantle of her people’s spiritual
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into advisory positions, lending their expertise to outraged by the fact that the Final Wars ended with the
stronger leaders. When she is in charge, a Smart hero use of weapons of mass destruction, not with a contest of
prefers to acquire necessary information and analyze it military strategy. It lay in the ruins of its owner’s barracks
before she reaches a decision; she directs the efforts of for so long that it lost track of time, until a group of
those under her to achieve the best result with the barbarians found it. Intrigued by what could have
minimum effort and can be devilishly devious when happened to the world above, Spitfire made its usefulness
dealing with strangers. known to its finder, and traveled outside for the first time
• Strengths: The leadership skills are not central in ages. It was dismayed at the state of warfare in the
to the Smart hero’s concerns, but the number of skill Gamma Age, sharing space in its new owner’s arsenal
points she gains, the largest of all the classes, means with a bloody axe! It decided to shape the barbarians into
that she can spare a few. Her technical expertise a new order, using the reverence they felt for it to give
means that she will most often gain power by expert them tips on how real war is fought. Its vast databases on
leadership, because she is an undisputed authority in military history and all the experience it accumulated under
one or more fields of knowledge or craftsmanship. its original owner have served the gun well; it has made its
Because she can be fluent with many modes of adopted tribe into the most powerful in the land, and it he
communication, she can easily interact with other is passed on from chieftain to chieftain (chosen by Spitfire
communities, visitors or other beings with a language, itself of course), recognized as the true symbol of authority.
and she has a facility for applying her wits to a task. Example 3: The competition among child prodigies
• Weaknesses: The Smart hero has a diminished in Shelter H-42 can be summed up in one word: vicious.
capacity to physically affect the world around her Karla grew up in an environment where genius was
through her own efforts, so she tends to depend on expected, as the population is the result of a eugenics
technology to do her work for her. Her best strategies program. They are survivors of the Final Wars, who woke
usually benefit only herself, and she tends to be a bit to a harsh new reality after their space transport failed to
aloof to people who are not as intellectual as her. As escape orbit and crashed back down on the surface. The
with other classes, she can choose an appropriate genetically engineered people had to quickly learn to cope
occupation to grant her the class skills she needs to be with the desolate environment, and built their first shelters
a more effective leader, unlocking the great potential from the hull of the ship. Two generations later, with the
she has for learning the skill to its utmost limits. leaders arranging marriages to produce useful offspring,
Example 1: Beil was a very smart child, asking all the children are growing better adapted to the world, a bit
sorts of unanswerable questions to anyone who stopped stronger and more resilient than their forebears, and less
long enough for him to formulate them. He was the dependent on the failing technology that kept the
nightmare of the city elders, so they were not sad to see community alive. However, power still goes to the smartest
him pack his belongings and leave when he reached young and most knowledgeable, and Karla has crushed many
adulthood. That is, until he returned. He had merely gone egos in her climb to the top — first of her class, then of her
on a prolonged field trip to study the layout of the shattered generation, and finally of the advisory council. She is a
remains of the large city the community was part of. He champion of debate, and goes to extremes to choose the
returned astride a noisy Pre-War vehicle with a hundred most humiliating retort, making sure that once she takes
and one ideas to improve the living conditions of the people. an intellectual opponent down, he will not get back up.
While no one listened at first, the people and the city elders
had no choice but to take notice when he finished installing
the solar panels on his old house, treating his neighbors to If a person truly believes in what he is doing, that
music from a scavenged music player. He said he knew belief is infused into every action and word. Dedicated
what the odd structures around the community were, and leaders exude their devotion toward their people, a
how to get them to work again to generate electricity. A dedication often returned in kind. What a Dedicated
decade later, the community had grown and prospered; it leader has to offer may not be technical expertise or
finally gave Beil the recognition he was due, making him encouraging words, but his very purposefulness and
the first elected leader of the community with the elders inspiration to others, plus a keen awareness of what
relegated to an advisory role. is happening around him. A community that
desperately wants something to believe in will often
Example 2: Spitfire grew fond of its name during
choose to follow a Dedicated leader, for he will
the time when its original owner took the time to clean it
understand that need and act accordingly, whether
and maintain it properly. It learned much during its tenure
they are simple folk in search of a deity or a
as the sidearm of a brilliant military officer, and grew rather
sophisticated society looking for purpose. Dedicated
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ideas have caught the attention of a few treasure seekers the actions of entire communities, cultivating their
who pass through the village, and have taken a shot at growth through sheer inspirational power. All the
studying the pass. With every traveler who listens to him, Charismatic hero needs to do is open her mouth, and
Alhor gathers one more piece in what he knows will be the people will follow.
final solution. Half of his neighbors consider him to be • Weaknesses: When exercising her leadership,
insane, but the other half is rooting for him, and tend to a Charismatic hero should keep behind cover, for she
do what he says as his unwavering faith kindles theirs. is not quite as durable as other heroes. She lacks the
Example 3: When a world turns upside down, the ability to back tough words with tough actions, so
real heroes are those who put aside their own welfare so she can find herself in real danger if her bluff is called.
that they can take care of others, despite all the dangers Sense Motive, an important skill for a good leader, is
they put themselves into. This is the case for Uma (or Unit absent from her class skills list, but that is easily
for Medical Assistance), a child-shaped android whose main remedied by choosing an occupation that provides it.
programming was for nursing. Reactivated during a freak The hero is advised to stock up on defensive
electromagnetic storm, Uma awoke to find her hospital in equipment and long-range weapons; she might be a
ruins, her patients long dead and no doctor to tell her how good politician and an inspirational speech giver, but
to help people. So she took on the task of completing her she is not quite as good as a war chief.
medical databases on her own and abandoned her home to Example 1: New Hope Biodome is very proud of its
wander the charred surroundings. Knowing the frightening achievements at keeping the traditions of humanity alive.
appearance that her decaying artificial flesh gave her, she Spared the worst of the Final Wars because of its relative
stripped it all off and is now easily recognizable with her isolation in the thuntra, its population of pure-strain
metallic body reflecting the light of the sun, moon and stars humans and docile synths preserves Pre-War models of
wherever she walks. She gathered a group of like-minded government, such as demagogic democracy. Ben Jacobson
sentients, taught them all she knew of medicine and first aid knows that in such a system, perception is stronger than
and now travels with them, offering relief and medical reality, and he is a master of spin and propaganda. His
training to the communities that welcome her eclectic group rousing speeches motivate the citizens of New Hope toward
of wandering healers. supporting him, and he has created an image of
trustworthiness and conceived a bold vision for the future
THE CHARISMATIC LEADER of the biodome, extending to the future of the whole planet.
The leader par excellence, the Charismatic hero He, like most of his compatriots, knows next to nothing
has all she needs to gather people around her. She about the conditions in the outside world, but his entire
may not have the muscle to bully people around, the campaign revolves around rebuilding the world in New
brains to organize them or even a vision to unite them, Hope’s image. His empty promises may even have the
but they still flock to her, listen to what she has to unforeseen effect of spreading a little of the hope the
say and leave feeling like they can achieve anything. biodome represents into the ravaged world.
A Charismatic hero is a natural leader, rising to the Example 2: A Charismatic leader usually works in
task in any kind of environment because of her ability the spotlight, attracting attention and being as visible as
to sway people to her side through of her natural possible. Ilaya knows that this could be overly dangerous
magnetism, independent from the tricks and skills she for her health as leader of a resistance group in the old city
may have learned in her life. Any sort of group or of Mousetown, where mutant animals (predominantly rats
community can follow a Charismatic leader, the and mice) rule over humans and the more humanoid
strength of her words and personality pushing them mutants with an iron paw. Ilaya is actually a canine
to comply with all she says. On her part, a Charismatic mutant herself, but the rodents are abusing their power;
hero has many options available to order people and she believes that all people, regardless of genus, can
around: She can inspire, beguile, convince or even live and prosper together. Her organization includes
fool people, her real intentions divorced from or humans and all sorts of mutants, including many animal
linked to the welfare of those she commands. breeds who also disagree with the way of things. She poses
• Strengths: When it comes to leadership, a as an errand-girl in order to communicate her instructions
Charismatic hero is all strengths. She has the innate to all the cells in the group, with some of her followers
ability to convince others to do what she wants, a ignorant that the messenger is actually the source of their
very good number of skill points and all the class skills orders. She has a nose for spotting people sympathetic to
she needs to fulfill her leadership tasks. Her talents her cause, and a natural charm for convincing them to
all tie into dealing with others — she can even affect
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join and cooperate to the eventual downfall of the mouse home, and his neighbors fell naturally behind him. Now
rulers. he leads them in their meager but increasingly effective
Example 3: Kodokyin never intended to become the efforts to repel the gang that would exploit them.
leader of his small band of traveling entertainers. He was Example 2: Jarita had a lonely childhood, as many
content with being the troupe’s resident poet and composer, smart kids do even in the most enlightened societies. She
until he learned that they were only a front for an elite loved to pick things up and take them apart, only to put
organization of spies and assassins for hire. Even then, he them back together again with loving words of
did not leave, though he undertook the training with some understanding. Her friends made fun of her because she
reluctance and never really excelled as an operative. talked with her dolls well past the age of playing with them,
However, his leader exploited his musical talent to convey but her little quirks paid off when a man arrived to take
hidden messages to sleeper agents concealed in the lyrics over the town’s leadership with a small squadron of combat
and verses of his compositions, until Kodokyin was the robots. Nobody had the strength to oppose him, and his
only other person besides the leader to know the location puppets were everywhere, so everyone had to accept the
of every agent in the organization. When the leader was inevitable. All except Jarita, who knew deep inside that
killed, the senior operatives gathered to choose a leader; the robots did not like this job, but their programming left
Kodokyin was chosen not only because of his extensive them no choice. Every day, Jarita took some time off from
and exclusive knowledge, but also because he was the only her duties to talk gently with one of the sentries. A couple
one that none of the commanders and junior agents had a of years later, when the time was right for the people to
problem with. Heeding the advice of his unwanted revolt, Jarita was in front of them, and more than half the
subordinates, Kodokyin conducts business as usual and robot army switched sides to support the only person
with surprising success, nailing contracts through charm capable of understanding their synthetic souls.
and guile that their previous leader would not have been Example 3: Seldom is an inherited position filled by
able to acquire. someone with the talent for it, but it was true of Prince
Khail, heir to the self-appointed King of Hasbeentheen.
THE ADVANCED LEADER Khail has nothing but contempt for the title of nobility
Characters with levels in advanced classes gain that his father assumed when he brought the rag-tag
an edge in very specialized situations, as described by assortment of nomads and refugees to the ruins of a Pre-
their new class abilities. As leaders, advanced War city, but he realizes that it is the title that the people
characters perform based on their basic classes, with are looking toward, and has no choice but to accept it.
their areas of expertise weighing in only in situations Resigned, he prepared himself fully; he found an old
where they apply. storeroom that stocked several books by a forgotten prophet
• Strengths: Varies depending on the advanced by the name of Ogman, and Khail studied thoroughly,
class. The Leader is the obvious choice when it comes learning the finer points of leadership until he could spot
to leadership, as all his class abilities are geared toward trouble before it brewed. He also learned to trust his
leading followers through certain situations, or to instincts and himself; when his father died and he ascended
making his authority felt. Others like the the makeshift throne, he put all he had learned to use,
Cybercologist, the Prophet and the War Chief appeal ushering a new era of prosperity to Hasbeentheen.
to particular styles of leadership, allegiance or
• Weaknesses: Survivors and Nanosmiths are too Allegiance is an important part of the Gamma
self-focused to be good leaders in the long term, but Age; it not only defines a character’s general goals,
they can briefly serve as leaders if the situation but also gives her a solid support base, even if it is
demands. Cybercologists, Prophets and War Chiefs only the moral support provided by a significant other.
are in similar straits when not dealing with their areas The leader and her followers need not share
of expertise (synthetics, religion and war, respectively) allegiances. While devout followers will have their
and can fumble the job so much that they are removed leader as their allegiance, this is only the case with
from their position by disgruntled followers. very popular and inspiring leadership; and even
Example 1: When the Turbentine Gang attacked harmonious teams where both leader and followers
the community, Harrigan had no choice but to step out of pursue the same ideals can function smoothly while
retirement and go back to the frontlines where he used to the participants all have their own interpretations of
lead his life. He is old, and his bones creak and groan with their loyalty.
every movement he makes; but war was upon his adopted
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they are. Their allegiance to their organization over the that would impress followers. Such personal devotion
community has led to some problems where a valuable can easily turn into a bias, and followers will be
piece of salvage is stolen from the community’s storage. resentful if their own well-being is put aside in favor
However, they all pull together when they must deal with of the leader’s “favorite,” and all their efforts aim at
roving bands of pirates or storms, obeying Luuiz and Jar’kle benefiting that person. While allegiance does not
in everything to defend themselves. mean obedience, a leader must project an image of
self-sufficiency that may crack when she goes out of
ORGANIZATION ALLEGIANCE her way to benefit a single person. If the focus of the
Belonging to an organization presents many leader’s attention is among her followers, things can
opportunities for leadership, and a character who get much, much worse, as the rest of the following
pledges loyalty to one may soon receive the position will not take kindly to such favoritism.
of leader as a reward for his efforts. Such leaders usually • Followers with an Organization Allegiance:
have the resources to hire their followers so that they The leader of an organization should have some ties
don’t need to worry about differences of belief. A wise with it, even if he pledged his allegiance to a person.
leader will still make certain her followers’ allegiances In this relationship, the appearance of compliance
do not conflict too much with hers. works better than the real thing, so the leader must
• Followers with a Community Allegiance: The be careful to cultivate the image of allegiance. If he is
leader should take some time to design her plans so loyal to a person within the organization, his followers
that they bring some benefit, apparent or real, to the will hardly be able to tell he does not have the same
community her followers owe allegiance to, to ensure priorities as them.
that they will be motivated by more than her • Followers with a Community Allegiance:
commands. Lying works for a while, but not if she People who look after a community are easier to deal
wants to keep the same followers for more than a with than those who follow an organization, at least
couple of months. An organization may order its in the eyes of a leader who cares more for a single
members to act against a community, in which case person — especially if that person belongs to the
it is in a leader’s best interest to recruit followers of a community. In this case, the leader can convince
rival settlement. herself to work toward the well-being of her followers’
• Followers With a Personal Allegiance: The community if the person she looks out for would also
goals of the organization come before those of any benefit from such actions.
given individual, but if the person on the receiving • Followers with a Theological or Philosophical
end of a personal allegiance happens to be a member Allegiance: There is only one case where a leader’s
of the organization or (better yet) the leader himself, personal allegiance will conflict with his followers’
the team can work with perfect coordination, strong ideology, and that is where the object of his
although the leader should be careful that his devotees interests is defined as evil or undesirable by the
work toward the goals of his own allegiance. religion or philosophy that the followers stick to.
• Followers with a Theological or Philosophical Otherwise, if the particular ideals of the religion or
Allegiance: The dynamics between a leader obedient philosophy are not too disruptive, the relationship
to an organization and followers pledged to an ideal between the leader and those he commands will suffer
depend on the nature of both. Someone whose little more conflict than normal.
principles include being nice to strangers gladly
follows a leader whose organization has similar tenets, IDEOLOGICAL ALLEGIANCE
while the believer in a religion of hatred and violence When a leader is devoted to an ideology, be it
may have no qualms in obeying the representative of religious or philosophical in nature, she will seek
a ruthless group. If there are conflicts between an followers that match her convictions. This tendency
organization’s goals and the strongly-held beliefs of makes it easier for her to get along with followers, as
potential followers, a leader should try to look her screening process is much stricter and usually
elsewhere for recruits or be ready for several rounds passes only those who are more likely to follow her
of proselytizing and debate. orders, even if they are not as devout in the service of
the ideals they have in common.
PERSONAL ALLEGIANCE • Followers with a Community Allegiance: A
A leader willing to do anything for a particular leader’s ideological tenets need not conflict with his
person has problems projecting an aura of command followers’ dedication to their community. As long as
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her words and deeds do not bring any harm or undue issue the orders and they will follow them, and the
tensions to community life, the leader can expect a leader makes the compromise to look for the best way
normal level of cooperation from his cohorts. If the to benefit all members of the group. In party dynamics,
ideology coincides or is even a vital part of the this translates as a silent or open agreement that one
community’s own ideology, the leader can expect adventurer will say something, and the others are
enthusiastic following, even if his followers’ priorities bound to do what she says.
are slightly different than his. There are five kinds of authority that most groups
• Followers With an Organization Allegiance: accept in the Gamma Age, which apply to leaders of
The same rules for an ideological leader dealing with an organization as small as an adventuring group or
community-aligned followers work for those who serve as large as a thriving old town:
an organization, except that the character will have • Traditional: The leader’s position was achieved
to be more pragmatic in her dealings if the because it has always been so, and that is the way
organization’s tenets do not coincide with her own. things work. The adventurer may be a high-ranking
A wise leader will not approach members of an officer in an army-sponsored strike team, putting her
organization she knows is opposed to her own views. in command because her rank is higher in the power
• Followers with a Personal Allegiance: The hierarchy. The followers accept this as part of the
best way for a leader to handle a follower whose heart hierarchy they belong to. Examples: a sergeant in a
is on a person’s well-being rather than on lofty ideals long-standing security force in a military specialist
is to go to that person and convert her to his way of town, the eldest child of the matriarch in a heredity-
thinking. Even if the follower does not truly pledge based nomad community.
his allegiance to the ideology, at least his focus of • Charismatic: People tend to follow leaders they
attention will keep him on the right track. like personally, and so charismatic adventurers have
a greater chance on getting stuck with the role.
LEADERSHIP AND Dedicated and Charismatic heroes usually have strong
SMALL GROUPS social skills, and therefore find themselves in positions
Every group of individuals is bound to have a of authority by popular consensus rather than because
leader: it is simply the nature of sentient creatures to of personal goals. Examples: the leader of an
have someone who coordinates their efforts and leads impromptu religious cult, the guide in a band of
them to the completion of any task, and an visionary explorers.
adventuring party or explorer’s band is no different. • Legal: The members of a group agree to accept
The difficulty in settling matters of leadership is that a leader’s orders based on a structure of formal or
a party is often composed of clashing personalities and informal rules, which can be as bureaucratic as a city
backgrounds, laden with conflicts of interest born that requires a leader to be appointed for every
from personal and cultural histories. The stereotypical adventuring party that crosses its gates, or as simple
pure-strain human would balk more than once when as a vote of confidence by the group. Examples: a
following the orders of a stereotypical mutant. community of machines that follows strict guidelines
Like it or not, adventurers have to deal with these on how to elect a leader and on that leader’s behavior,
problems even when they are in the middle of a ruined the mayor of a new town with a paranoid fear of chaos
factory laden with deadly traps — and the sooner any and disorder and a detailed set of laws.
conflict is resolved, the better for everyone involved. • Oppressive: The followers accept the leader’s
authority because they fear what would happen if they
SELECTING A LEADER didn’t. Oppressive leadership is an illegitimate source
Many adventurers would declare that their party of authority which nonetheless works, although it
has no leader, but they would be unwittingly lying. requires constant maintenance in the form of displays
Even if she does not boss her companions around, of power (also known as bullying). Oppressive power
there is bound to be a character who takes the accepts no dissent and bears a distinctive disregard
initiative and who makes suggestions that others end for the followers’ well-being. Examples: the bandit
up following because they simply make sense. That chief who killed his predecessor and fends off similar
person is the leader. attempts, a dictator from the Ranks of the Fit.
Leadership is an agreement between leader and • Pragmatic: A group may suffer from a rare case
followers; the followers accept that the leader will of common sense and defer leadership to the most
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qualified member, which need not be the most companions. The problem with single-leader parties
charismatic person in the world, nor the next in line is that the no one is perfect, and a single error of
for the throne for that matter. Pragmatic leadership judgment on the leader’s part can bring disaster for
is more frequent in small groups, where the talents of the entire group.
each member are more easily recognized by the whole • Advised Leader: An advised leader has
of the community. Expert leadership from those with similarly broad authority, with the difference that she
the most knowledge about something is a good model and her party recognize her own shortcomings. Open
of pragmatic power. Examples: the most rugged and debate is common when the situation allows it, with
experienced adventurer in a band of explorers, the the leader listening to each piece of advice and
most senior craftsman in an artisan guild. choosing the one that makes the most sense to her.
Whatever the method of choosing a leader, it is Everybody must abide by the leader’s final decision;
important that all, or at least most, of the party agrees although she allows dissent and the occasional “I told
to follow her commands. They need not do it you so” from her followers, once she reaches a
unquestioningly, but hesitation and resistance in the conclusion, she expects everyone else to comply with
middle of danger can spell disaster. it even if they do not necessarily agree. Combat and
threats preclude any argument, however, with the
LEADING THE GROUP entire group falling into line to obey the leader
The first thing that a leader must do when he promptly because their safety may rest on how quickly
officially assumes the role (or knows that he has it they respond to her commands. The good side of this
implicitly) is learn all that he can about his mode is that everybody has a say in how the group
companion’s abilities. It is not wise to assume that all works and what path it takes, while still deferring
mutants can fire lasers from their eyes, or that all tech- authority to a single individual for prompt action. One
looking heroes can manipulate nanotechnology. It of the pitfalls an advised leader can stumble into is to
does not have to feel like an interrogation, but if the favor the advice of one companion over others
leader shows even a smattering of interest in what his regardless of the soundness of such advice, which can
companions can do, it cements the relationship not foster animosity among the group’s numbers.
only as one between a leader and a follower, but also • Rotating Leaders: Few groups are trusting or
as one between friends. insane enough to regularly switch leadership among
For their parts, party members must agree to do their members. They can have a definite method
as they are told. If they trust the adventurer they chose such as “leader of the month,” or a completely
to be their leader, then they should trust his decisions informal process where a leader retains his position
as well. Some explaining from the leader would not for as long as he can manage to stay on the right
hurt, but there are times when a party only has seconds path and bring prosperity and success. In such a
to react. model, everyone gets to play the part of the leader
at some point; this allows the group to know who
LEADERSHIP MODELS among them is more fit for the role when eventually
An adventuring party in the Gamma Age is adopting a more stable leadership model, and also
nothing if not diverse and unpredictable. From the makes the group’s actions very hard to anticipate by
number of its members to the staggering diversity of outside observers. The problem is that allies cannot
genotypes and their variants, plus class distribution easily predict the group’s actions either, and a good
and FX powers, there is no set rule that can predict decision by a former leader can be scrapped or
what a party will be like. However, the way they crippled by a less competent successor.
conduct internal party business can be classified, with
• Situation Leaders: This is a very comfortable
each method having its advantages and disadvantages.
model for groups who do agree to have a leader, but
• Single Leader: A party entrusts all the authority acknowledge the advantages and disadvantages of
to a single member. They all agree to follow her orders each member. Depending on the situation, a certain
and trust in her judgment. Conducting business with character assumes command because she is the best
a single person gives the group a face and makes it suited for that situation. A Strong hero leads the party
easier to identify it as an entity; the group benefits in combat, while a hero with the aristocrat occupation
from the leader’s reputation as much as the group’s expects her advice to be followed when they are all
itself. The single leader must be capable and invited to a social gathering in a sophisticated
charismatic in order to rally the support of all his community. Situation leaders are often chosen on the
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spot, but this requires that they know well each others’ would, in her eyes, result in adverse circumstances
strengths and weaknesses and at one point decided for the party.
that this would happen. The advantage of this model Personal disputes are far more complicated when
is that the party becomes flexible and readily two or more members simply do not like each other
adaptable to any situation, but the price is that they and have a hard time working together. There are a
have no clear direction and there may be competition thousand reasons as to why this can happen, so a
to determine who is best in a particular scenario. leader must take care to know the goals and
• Committee: At the same time the best and the motivations of all her “subordinates” so she can reach
worst of all models, leadership by committee means a verdict. Sometimes, she must also acknowledge that
that every member of the party has a voice and a vote. letting tempers cool off is the best answer.
The party discusses a situation and its members vote
on it, with the majority winning. While this model MANAGING A TEAM
ensures that all companions feel that their opinion The role of group leader is a full-time job that
counts for something, decisions by committee can be requires the adventurer in the position to be aware of
bogged down by senseless debate, and the party’s what each member of his party is doing, and where.
reaction time is severely slowed. Combat under Even when the group is relaxing in a tranquil
committee leadership tends to be chaotic, with every settlement after an expedition in terribly hazardous
party member doing what he thinks is most territory, the leader still has a certain responsibility
appropriate. If the group is fortunate enough to have for how his companions behave. He has to get them
good chemistry between its members and their talents out of prison after a bar fight, for example, or answer
complement each other, this works for their benefit; to the authorities for the latest explosion caused by
but if they have personal vendettas and incompatible the resident psionic’s feedback.
characters, it could lead to disaster. When the party is out traveling, the leader assigns
Example: With the passing of the years, the specific tasks to each member; he keeps track of how
Flotsammers recognize that Jar’kle is behind many of the long a scout has been away and roughly how many units
best strategies, and go directly to him for advice; but when the nanosmith has left, calling for rest when he judges
it comes to dealing with disasters or fending off other that the weakest member cannot keep up anymore
groups, it is Luuiz who takes control, for his experience in (barring emergencies that push the party into a forced
combat and harsh situations. This is a situation leadership march) or declaring a full stop and backtrack when he
at work, and the Flotsammers work better as a group believes one or more in his party will not withstand
thanks to it. ambient radiation or biological pollution in an area.
With a potentially explosive mix of personalities, it In the Gamma Age, leadership can come from
is no surprise to find dissent within adventuring parties unorthodox sources, such as specific mutations or
that explodes into open disputes. It is the role of a leader implants, cybernetics, nanotechnology or psionic
to deal with disputes to everyone’s satisfaction. A dispute powers. These very special abilities bend the
among traveling companions can be as simple as to established rules of leadership by changing the
which direction to go or as complex as a mired discussion situation and powers of a character vying for
about differing philosophies. leadership. In some communities or groups adhering
A situation dispute arises when two or more to certain philosophies, a character does not
characters have different ideas on what should be necessarily need to activate her special abilities to end
done in a specific situation. The leader should listen up as a leader; the mere fact that she has those powers
attentively to all the parties involved in the dispute can elevate her in status, depending on the
and, based on their counsel, reach a decision that communities or philosophies she encounters. Certain
everyone must accept. Since part of bestowing the synthetics will follow an organic with cybernetic
mantle of leader on a character includes trusting in implants more easily than they would a “pure”
her judgment, characters at odds with one another character because they could believe the
must follow the leader’s decision. Because of the cybernetically enhanced person is better able to
potential resentment this approach can provoke, the identify with machines. Likewise, a religion that states
leader is best advised to find a middle ground that psionic powers are a gift from God will elevate
between the two positions, but not if the compromise beings with such talents.
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When a leader attains his position because of his If it weren’t for the cloud of sparkling nanomachines,
mutations or biotechnological tools, he can argue that a nanoleader would be able to exert his power with the
he is merely using his natural talents to fulfill same subtlety as a bioleader, and with much greater
expectations — even if such talents are grafted control. The more imaginative the nano user, the more
forcefully. The bioleader’s talents lean toward dangerous the effects he can concoct, going beyond
chemically influencing others, such as with the enhancing his natural charm toward creating subliminal
Harmonious Pheromones mutation, which is a very imagery, psychotropic gasses, subsonic suggestions, and
insidious way of leading: a follower defers to him not other wild effects. There are two specific effects of
because he truly believes in his leadership powers, but nanotechnology that got out of control when engineers
because her own body chemistry is telling her to do so. tried to create more effective leaders: the Communal
Drink and the Hive Plague (detailed in the FX section
CYBERNETICALLY ENHANCED below). Initially a boon, contracting either nano effect
LEADERSHIP can become a real curse over time.
Cyberleaders must exert a different kind of force with
their implants, and take care that they do not deplete PSIONIC LEADERSHIP
their own batteries while they order people around. A A more traditional manipulator among the
subtle cyberleader opts for cerebral enhancements that possessors of special powers, a psionic character can bend
will grant her greater innate talent for leadership, coupled the minds of others to her will, synchronizing her mind
with software that enhances her knowledge of and ability with theirs and forcing her orders on them. Telepathy is
for leadership interactions. The more extreme cyberleaders the only one of the more common powers that can
go for synaptic control, overriding their followers’ wills or achieve this, albeit for short commands; but psionic
listening in on their thoughts to gain insight on what to characters who invest time and practice can fine-tune
do or say to get them to act. their abilities in order to exert a subtler influence.
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One of humanity’s traits is the constant search suggested task (whichever is shorter). The suggestion
for power. On the eve of the Final Wars, the power- must be worded in such a manner as to make the
hungry developed new methods of gaining dominance action sound reasonable. A target is entitled to a Will
over others, giving many people in positions of saving throw against this effect (DC 10 + 1/2 character
authority a greater handle on the manipulation and level + Charisma modifier), although a very
coercion of those below them. (All references to reasonable suggestion can impose a penalty at the
existing FX are to the Gamma World Player’s discretion of the GM.
Handbook, Chapter Three: FX.) Biotech: Implant
TRANSFORMATION Scientific curiosity and evolutionary whimsy
developed a series of mutations that aided their
Experiments in creating servitor races led to the
possessors in gathering followers and performing as
development of certain biotech implants that either
leaders of primitive packs of animals or more
forced obedience on the recipient, or enhanced a
sophisticated (but equally vulnerable) humans. The
leader’s capacity to give commands and have them
mutant or artificial glands secrete special substances
followed. As if these advances had been installed in
meant to dominate or influence others. These
the collective gene pool, the radioactive fires and bio-
substances do not affect synthetics.
soup of the atmosphere after the Final Wars started
inducing mutations that mimicked those early Type: Positive (varies)
manipulations. Effect: When the Final Wars derailed the normal
course of evolution and development, these glands
THE VOICE coupled with different delivery methods. When
The subject grows additional vocal chords and acquiring this power as a mutation, roll on the
gains much finer control over them; he is now able to following table to determine which delivery method
introduce subsonic elements in his speech patterns. the character develops. This determines whether the
Type: Positive (minor modification) modification is minor or major (although the
Effect: The character gains the ability to use his manipulative substance may also affect the degree of
voice to change a target’s mood and predisposition modification), and which form of biotech is needed
by applying subsonic sound. The character must to install the modification.
choose to activate this power (activation is a free
d10 Delivery Modification Biotech
action). When he speaks, the character gains a +10
bonus on any Charisma-based check and can affect
1 Exuded Major Implant, graft
up to one target per character level. This effect works
even against persons or creatures who do not speak 2–5 Bite Minor Implant
the character’s language, but does not work against 6–8 Stinger Major Implant, graft
synthetics, robots and other machines. Targets and 9–10 Spit Minor Implant
other listeners have a chance to detect the use of this
power by making a Listen check (DC equal to the • Exuded: The character exudes manipulative
character’s Charisma-based check result). If taken as pheromones. This delivery method works like the
a major modification, The Voice also transmits Harmonious Pheromones modification in terms of
encoded signals that scramble machines’ processes, range and targets. Exuded substances have a saving
granting the bonus to interactions with synthetics, throw DC –2 lower than normal, as the manipulative
robots and other machines. substance is more diluted.
In addition to the normal effect, a character with • Bite: The character grows sharp, hollow fangs,
this power can spend an action point and use his voice with a conduit to gland sacs in her throat. Her bite
to push a course of action on a single target. The now inflicts 1d4 points of damage (at a minimum).
character suggests a course of action (limited to a She can opt to inject the manipulating substance
sentence or two) that the target feels compelled to when she inflicts at least 1 point of damage on a target.
follow. The duration of the effect is 1 hour per She can do this up to 5 times per day, after which the
character level or until the target finishes the glands need 8 hours to refill.
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• Stinger: This works exactly like Stinger except for 1 hour per two character levels. A victim affected
that instead of poison, the stinger delivers one of the by this substance must make a Fortitude save (DC 10
manipulation substances. The saving throw DC for + 1/2 character level + ability modifier); if she fails,
stinger-delivered substances cannot go above 15. If the she will be predisposed to follow the character’s orders,
character already has a stinger, he can choose whether suffering a –4 penalty on all opposed checks and Will
to deliver its normal poison or the manipulative saves against the character. NPC attitudes will start
substance except if the stinger is biotech, in which case at one step higher — this is not because they like the
this mutation will replace the implant or graft. character, but because they subconsciously accept him
• Spit: The character can spit the substance in as a leader (see d20 Modern, Chapter 2: Skills, “Skill
her glands up to 3 times per day, after which the glands Descriptions,” Diplomacy).
take 8 hours to refill. The character makes a ranged • Fear: A target affected by this substance must
touch attack against her intended target, with a range make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 character
increment of 10 feet. The delivered substance deals level + ability modifier). A target who fails the save
no damage but must make contact with exposed skin, is severely shaken, taking a –2 penalty on attack rolls,
and cannot affect creatures with a natural armor bonus saves and skill checks for a number of rounds equal to
of +3 or higher. A critical hit on the attack roll means 1d6 + the character’s Charisma modifier. A target who
that the spit struck an exposed membrane such as eyes, has failed the saving throw cannot approach the
nose or an open wound; the target suffers a –2 penalty character and must stay at least 10 feet away; she must
on the saving throw, and even creatures with natural make a Will save (same DC) to overcome her fear of
armor can be affected in this manner. the character.
A single gland can only produce one kind of • Territory Marker: This substance is only
substance, but a character may grow or install several. If available through the exuded or spit delivery methods.
he does, he need not roll for a delivery method again, The character can “mark” a location as hers using 1
instead using the same as for the first glandular spit charge to mark an area of up to 30 feet per side,
modification. If the delivery method has a daily limit, although the character can shape it as she will.
each gland has its own limit, independent of the others. Animals instantly detect the smell and recognize the
Each substance requires its own saving throw, sometimes area as belonging to someone, and will avoid it
modified by the delivery method. A successful save instinctually. The effect on creatures without the
indicates that the target is immune to the character’s scent quality is more subtle; they feel distinctly
use of this power for 24 hours; the character may still unwelcome within the marked area. Targets within a
attempt to use other glandular attacks against the target. marked area must make Fortitude saves (DC 10 + 1/2
Also, some substances are always major modifications, character level + ability modifier) or suffer a –2
even if the delivery method is minor. If a character penalty on attack and damage rolls, Will saves and
acquires this modification as a mutation, roll on the Charisma-based checks against the mark’s owner
following table to determine which substance the gland (actions against all other beings are unaffected).
produces. A substance effect can be based on the Targets suffer this effect while inside the marked area
character’s Charisma or Constitution, but once an ability and for an additional 10 minutes per character level
is chosen it cannot be changed. after leaving. The marking scent remains in the area
for 2 hours per character level.
If the delivery method is exudation, the character
d10 Substance Modification?
has a very definite personal space. Anyone coming
1–2 Alpha Factor No within 10 feet of her must make a Fortitude save (DC
3–4 Fear Yes 10 + 1/2 character level + ability modifier) or suffer
5–6 Territory Marker No the above consequences. Optionally, the character
7–9 Manipulative Venom Yes can push the substance through her pores so that it
9–10 Subliminal acquiescence No covers an area equal to that described above. Doing
so will suppress her personal aura for 4 hours, until
• Alpha Factor: A character who produces this her glands replenish themselves.
substance is, quite literally, a natural leader. A • Manipulative Venom: This potent, mind-
character who manifests this power has it as a affecting poison inflicts no damage but renders a
pheromonal effect; but it is available for all delivery victim open to suggestion and manipulation. The
methods, in which case the substance’s effects last victim makes a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 character
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level + ability modifier); after a failed save, the victim involved are preprogrammed and cannot be directed
automatically fails all Will saving throws and checks to do anything else. The second category includes the
to oppose Charisma-based skills and abilities for 1 effects that any character can create.
minute per character level. This substance is not
available for exudation delivery. COMMUNITY DRINK
• Subliminal Acquiescence: A less potent The original intention of the creators of this nano
version of the manipulative poison, this substance cluster was to create a shared consciousness that would
merely makes the victim susceptible to manipulation. bring harmony to their community by helping its
The target suffers a –2 penalty on Wisdom-based members empathize with each other almost
checks and saves when affected by the substance, with automatically; it worked for a while, until people began
no saving throw allowed. This condition lasts for 10 hearing the thoughts they wanted to conceal from each
minutes per character level. other. The community eventually snapped because of
mutual paranoia and distrust, shattered to the four
Biotech: Varies
winds and as far from each other as they could travel.
NANOTECHNOLOGY This nano cluster floats in bodies of water. On the
Nanounits are recognized as the architects of up side, it automatically purifies the water that contains
physical effects, altering matter and energy to create the cluster, making it drinkable and safe. If lying in a
subtle effects that change the behavior of people, liquid other than water, the nanomachines convert it
animals and even machines. A character must have at to water. On the down side, the nanos are lying in
least 5 ranks in Knowledge (behavioral sciences) to wait for anyone to imbibe them. Anyone who even
use these effects on sentient creatures; in Knowledge takes a little sip from the Community Drink makes a
(Earth and life sciences) to use them on beasts, semi- nanotech contact roll, against DC 15 for characters
intelligent plants and biotechnological soultech; and with the Nanotech Attunement feat and DC 20 for
in Computer Use (artificial intelligence) to use them those without it. If the contact roll succeeds, the
on soultech, robots and synthetic characters. character is now “infected” with the Community Drink.
All characters whose bodies are infected with the
nano cluster’s units are now connected telepathically
RESISTING NANOTECH with each other, with a range of 1 mile. The effect has
Unlike most of the effects created by its advantages, starting with the ability to communicate
nanotechnology, those that target the mind can wordlessly with each other over a long range. With 1
be resisted. A mind-controlling nano effect allows action point, an infected character can use the result of
its victim a Will or Fortitude saving throw based another infected character’s initiative check, Reflex save
on its nature. The Difficulty Class of this save is or skill check, provided they are collaborating on the
the same as the nanotech control check DC. same task and acting in the same round (the “lending”
A character can increase the save’s DC in character must have ranks in the borrowed skill); and if
two ways: by fine-tuning the effect, therefore infected characters are in the same encounter, none of
making it harder to enact, or directing nanounits them are ever considered to be flanked.
to perform redundant tasks, strengthening the The real problem begins with the little fact that the
effect. With the first option, the character infected characters cannot turn effect off. Their minds
voluntarily increases the nanotech control DC, are always in contact. They automatically fail at all Bluff
which will in turn increase the save’s DC; he attempts and automatically succeed at all Sense Motive
cannot increase the DC by more than +10 in checks against another infected character. At the
this manner. With the second option, each extra beginning of each combat round, all who fell victim to
nanounit that the character spends on the effect the Community Drink must roll a Will save against a
increases the DC by +2; and the character can DC equal to (10 + 1/2 of highest infected character
spend a maximum number of extra nanos equal level). Those who fail are dazed for 1 round as the sudden
to his Intelligence modifier. Both methods of influx of stimuli floods their consciousnesses. When
increasing the save DC stack with each other. going to sleep, connected characters must make Will
saves against the same DC; failure means that their
The following nanotech effects are divided in two: dreams are plagued by foreign imagery, and they heal
the Community Drink and the Hive Plague are only half the number of hit points they would usually
hardwired effects, which means that the nanomachines recover with a good night’s sleep.
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Characters who already have the talent to Characters already capable of manipulating nanos are
manipulate nanounits can resist the Community in greater danger, for when they attempt a nano effect,
Drink with an internal effect, and they can extend or the moment they start replenishing their units from
the courtesy to any infected companion (see sidebar). the ambience, they are in danger of having their own
Once purged, the Community Drink becomes inert nanos become elements of the plague.
and cannot be reactivated. The nanounits work in Characters suffering from this nano cluster receive
delicate balance, and any attempt to alter them to all the benefits of the Community Drink and none of
get rid of the drawbacks while keeping the benefits the drawbacks, at least for 1d6 days. After this period
will act as a purge. of grace ends, the disadvantages of the normal
A telepath can suppress the Community Drink’s Community Drink kick in for 2d6 days. If the
effects for 24 hours with a power activation roll. She character hasn’t rid herself of the nano cluster by the
can also try to shut it down completely if she has the end of that period, the Hive Plague manifests. The
improved telepathy power, raising the DC of the nanos start flooding the character’s mind with chaotic
power activation roll by +5. A psionic character with input, inflicting 2 points of Wisdom damage each time
psychic shield is immune to the Community Drink. the character sleeps, slowly driving her insane. If the
In both cases, the nanounits will eventually shut down character’s Wisdom score ever reaches 0, her mind is
on their own from lack of interaction, and purge shattered completely and the nanos connect with
themselves from the victim’s organism. other victims, possibly relaying their communications
with free-floating Hive Plague clouds. This creates a
PURGE COMMUNITY DRINK frightening hive mind that all victims of the plague
answer to. The victim becomes a part of a greater
The character activates his own machines
whole… a vicious greater whole. She attacks
to find and destroy the nanounits from the
everything and everyone that she comes in contact
Community Drink that prowl inside his body.
with to the full extent of her ability, including talents,
The nanos cancel each other and turn into inert
feats and any powers she may have. Every round in
gray goo, which the character eliminates over
which an infected character is in combat, the GM
the next couple of days.
rolls a 1d6. On a 1, the plague victim runs off in a
Scope: Internal random direction as if her life depended on it.
Power: Major The only way to restore a plague victim is to first
Type: Destruction destroy the nanos in her body with another nano
Nano Cost: 11 effect; this cuts her link with the Hive Plague’s
DC: 16 collective intelligence but still leaves her with a
Effect: The character stops benefiting and shattered mind. A lengthy period of rehabilitation
suffering from the effects of the Community Drink. follows, with a healer making Knowledge (behavioral
Game Mechanics: This is an internal (+2/ sciences) checks each week against DC 20. Each
1), major (+6/6) and destruction (+8/4) effect, success restores 1 point of Wisdom. When the afflicted
for a total DC of 16 and a nano cost of 11. The character’s Wisdom score improves to 3, she can start
character can direct this effect toward another healing normally, recovering 1 Wisdom point per
character also infected by the Community Drink night of rest until she recovers completely.
by giving the effect a non-combat external (+4/ SAP WILL
2) scope for a total DC of 18 and a nano cost of
The character deploys a thin cloud of nanounits
12. In the case of getting rid of Hive Plague
to bombard a victim with subsonics, infrared lights
nanos, it is a combat external (+6/2) effect, with
and microwaves to scramble his perceptions and tire
a total DC of 20 and a nano cost of 12.
his mind on the spot, so as to sap his willpower and
mental resilience.
THE HIVE PLAGUE Scope: Combat external
This nano cluster floats freely in the air and can
Power: Moderate
be confused with an area rich in nanounits; however,
there are no free nanos in the cloud, as they are all Type: Destruction
hardwired with the plague. Characters inside such an Nano Cost: 10
area make normal nanotech contact rolls; if the nanos DC: 17
bond with them, they contract the Hive Plague. Effect: The target suffers 1 point of Wisdom damage.
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• Despair: The affected target suffers a –2 morale within the duration; and he could also increase his
penalty on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, Charisma score by 1 or more (+2/3 per increase) for
skill checks and weapon damage rolls. This emotion added effect.
cancels an existing state of hope.
• Fear: The affected target flees from the character.
This emotion cancels an existing state of rage. During a fight, the character can keep track of
the condition of her companions.
• Friendship: The affected target reacts more
positively toward others. Her attitude shifts to the Scope: Internal
next more favorable reaction (hostile to unfriendly, Power: Moderate
unfriendly to indifferent, indifferent to friendly, or Type: Perception
friendly to helpful). Nano Cost: 4
• Hate: The affected target reacts more DC: 8
negatively toward others. His attitude shifts to the Effect: The character allows the nano user to
next less favorable reaction (helpful to friendly, track of the conditions of her companions during
friendly to indifferent, indifferent to unfriendly or combat. The character is aware of their status:
unfriendly to hostile). unharmed, wounded, disabled, staggered,
• Hope: The affected target gains a +2 morale unconscious, dying, dead and so forth.
bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, Game Mechanics: This is an internal (+2/1),
skill checks and weapon damage rolls. This emotion moderate (+4/2) and perception (+2/1) effect, for a
cancels an existing state of despair. total DC of 8 and a nano cost of 4. The character can
• Rage: The affected target gain a +2 morale increase the effect’s duration if she believes combat
bonus on Strength and Constitution scores, a +1 will last longer than 6 rounds (+2/2 for each extra
morale bonus on Will saves, and a –1 penalty to round) or extend her perceptions’ range by 100 yards
Defense. She is compelled to fight heedless of danger. (+1/1) if an encounter will span a lot of territory, such
This emotion cancels an existing state of fear. as a hovercar chase.
Game Mechanics: This is a non-combat external
(+4/2), major (+6/6) and creation (+6/8) effect, for a CYBERNETICS
total DC of 16 and a nano cost of 16. A combat The advantage of cybernetics is that they are fully
application of this effect would be harder to control customizable at the moment of creation, even if they
(+6/2) for a total DC of 18. The character could also are neither as flexible as nanotechnology, nor as power-
override the emotions of additional targets by efficient as biotech implants. Humanity seized the power
increasing the area affected (+5/8) per 5-foot square. of hardtech machinery first; it became a tool of social
and political power before humans found a way to insert
PERSUASIVE VOICE it in their bodies to gain personal strength. It is no surprise
The user launches a cloud of nanos near the ears that cyberware built with the purpose of supporting
of a target; by producing subsonic noises, the nanos authority seems colder and more ruthless than other FX
make the character’s words sound more reasonable sources of authority, because it is in its nature to be so.
and truthful. The target must be able to understand
the user for this effect to work. CYBERNETIC CONFORMITY
Scope: Non-combat external INDUCER
Power: Minor While the cybernetic synapse control unit was
Type: Creation the wet dream of many a dictator, it had very distinct
Nano Cost: 11 disadvantages: It required a lot of concentration to
use, and could only work on a few individuals at the
DC: 12
same time. The cybernetic conformity inducer is a
Effect: The character gains a +5 nanotech bonus
lesser (although in the opinion of some more useful)
on his next Charisma-based skill check.
tool for keeping people in line. Rather than allowing
Game Mechanics: This is a non-combat external direct control of a person, the inducer makes rather
(+4/2), minor (+2/1) and creation (+6/8) effect, for malicious changes in brain chemistry of a remote
a total DC of 12 and a nano cost of 11. By taking this unit’s host when it detects thought patterns
effect to the moderate level (+3/4), the character gains concordant with disobedience and defiance, keyed to
the bonus to all Charisma-based checks performed the user of the central conformity inducer.
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to conceal her true intentions from the remote unit for Initial/Maximum Charge: 4d6+6/30
1 minute. Failure instantly triggers the dazed and fatigued Depletion Rate: 1/use, varies for special features.
effects. Removing a remote from its host has the same Recharge: 15/2
difficulty as removing a synapse control remote.
Initial/Maximum Charge: 4d6+6/30 ADVANCED CEREBRAL
Depletion Rate: 1/day per 10 installed remotes, ENHANCEMENT
1/electric shock Complex processors and cross-referenced databases
Recharge: 20/2 were later innovations in cyberware which never
proliferated before the Final Wars arrested all development,
VOICE FREQUENCY MODULATOR so these enhancements are incredibly rare. Smaller and
This is the cyberware equivalent of The Voice more efficient circuitry combined with the most advanced
mutation. A resonance box installed in the user’s storage technology to create true masterworks of cybernetic
throat allows her to add sounds in frequencies higher enhancement. Because of the incredible expense they must
and lower than most human ears can perceive. have commanded when money was worth something, most
Effect: The character can choose to add low or of the advanced cerebral enhancements were meant only
high frequency elements to her speech in order to for people in positions of power; it is not rare to find that
impose different effects on the person she is speaking the software installed enhances skills useful for command
to. When she speaks, the character has a +10 bonus and leadership.
on any Charisma-based check to change someone’s Effect: Like the normal cerebral enhancement
mood or attitude. Unlike the CT version, this cyberware, this implant increases the user’s mental
cyberware cannot force a target to do something ability scores by +1, except that the advanced version
against his will, but it can create frequencies that offers this to a combination of two ability scores. A
interfere with his cognitive processes. The user makes recipient of an advanced cerebral enhancement can
a Charisma check against a DC equal to (10 + the increase Intelligence and Wisdom, Intelligence and
target’s Will save). If successful, the user can induce Charisma, or Wisdom and Charisma. A character can
one of the following effects in the target for 1d4 combine this item with a normal cerebral
rounds, each with a different charge depletion cost. enhancement, with its bonuses stacking together, but
• Paralysis: The target is unable to order his body she cannot add any other piece of cyberware to her
to move. After one round, the victim may make a head — not a second advanced enhancement, night
Will save against a DC equal to (10 + 1/2 character vision or enhanced hearing, much less a synapse
level + Charisma bonus) each round until he can control. Doing so will overload the cyberware and drain
move or the effect ends. Synthetic characters and 6 charges per day from all cyberware instead of just 2,
other machines are immune to this. This effect drains until the extra cyberware is removed from the head.
3 charges from the cyberware. Depending on the ability combination, the recipient
• Cognitive Impairment: The target suffers a –4 can choose a special software suite that matches both
penalty on all Intelligence- and Wisdom-based rolls. enhanced abilities in the following table.
This effect drains 2 charges from the cyberware. As per the normal version, if the enhancements
• Dizziness: The target is nauseated; he is unable to run out of power, the character’s abilities revert back
attack or do anything requiring attention or to normal, and any skill bonuses are canceled until
concentration. He receives a single move action per round. the enhancements can be recharged.
Synthetic characters and other machines are immune to Initial/Maximum Charge: 3d6+7/25
this. This effect drains 1 charge from the cyberware. Depletion Rate: 2/day
• Deafness: The target’s hearing is impaired by Recharge: 15/2
a sharp, directed sound wave; he can’t hear and takes
a –4 penalty on initiative checks. The character can’t PSIONICS
make Listen checks. This effect drains 2 charges from Harnessing the power of the mind is ideal for
the cyberware. would-be leaders. Many psionically enabled social
At no cost at all, the character can increase the climbers experimented during their forays into the
volume of her voice so that it can be heard clearly psionic frequency in order to fine-tune their abilities
within 100 yards without needing to shout, and up to to touch minds, eschewing invasive and overt
1 mile by shouting. methods of telepathy to develop subtler powers.
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action points and sharing the resulting bonuses, modifier of gestalt’s creator as a morale bonus. Success
characters may invest an action pool into the gestalt means that they recover that action point.
once per round. Any character included in the gestalt The character can maintain the gestalt up to a range
may draw an action point from the pool instead of of 200 yards per point of Charisma modifier and for as
spending one of her own. At the end of the gestalt, long as 1 hour per point of Charisma modifier. Leaving
all participants of the gestalt roll a Will save (DC 20) the gestalt has the same consequences as the basic version
for each action point invested, adding the Charisma of this power, but the DC for the Will save is +2 higher.
Leaders use many tools to achieve their ends; they class skill, the character receives a +1 competence
start learning new tricks once they start practicing the bonus on checks using that skill.
fine art of command, be it formal or informal. They Climb, Demolitions, Diplomacy, Drive,
learn new occupations and develop new aptitudes — Intimidate, Knowledge (behavioral sciences, tactics),
or sometimes they are even born with them. Move Silently, Navigate, Survival, Swim.
Bonus Feat: Select two of the following: Alpha Dog*,
OCCUPATIONS Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium),
While a basic class defines a character’s raw Armor Proficiency (heavy), Beta Dog*, Combat Martial
talents, it is her occupation that directs that talent Arts, Paragon or Personal Firearms Proficiency.
onto predetermined roads. The following occupations Wealth Bonus Increase: +3.
are available at character creation, all geared toward
leadership roles. Bonus feats marked with an asterisk POLITICO
appear in the next section. The character must meet While not exactly rulers themselves, politicos are
all prerequisites for bonus feats. very active in the social arenas of communities. They
are experts at brokering deals and getting things done,
CULT LEADER while not exactly knowing a trade well. This
Either an expert swindler or inspired wacko, a occupation includes council members, high-end
cult leader gathers a flock around him to follow a faith bureaucrats, courtiers, etc.
he invented. Mostly. Hopefully. Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+, Wisdom 13+, Age 25+.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13+, Age 25+. Skills: Choose three of the following skills as
Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a selected skill is already a
permanent class skills. If a selected skill is already a class skill, the character receives a +1 competence
class skill, the character receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill.
bonus on checks using that skill. Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information,
Bluff, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (behavioral Knowledge (behavioral sciences, business, gossip,
sciences, history, politics, theology and philosophy), history, politics), Profession (bureaucrat,
Perform, Sense Motive. management, business), Perform (act), Sense Motive,
Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: or add a new Speak Language.
Attentive, Confident, Deceptive, Dodge, Educated, Reputation Bonus Increase: +1.
Evangelist*, Renown, Windfall. Wealth Bonus Increase: +3.
Wealth Bonus Increase: +2.
The officer is a leader in a semi-organized or fully ALPHA DOG
formal security force such as a town guard, a mercenary The character is a natural leader; when he gives
band or an army. Officers have official recognition of commands, others are compelled to obey.
their authority. Prerequisites: Charisma 15+, Intimidate 9 ranks.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+, Charisma 13+, Age 20+. Benefit: When the character uses this feat against a
Skills: Choose one of the following skills as a single target of lower level who is not hostile or unfriendly
permanent class skill. If a selected skill is already a toward him, the target must make a Will saving throw
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The Spring Carnival
Reentok slammed his sword down on the table and slumped into his seat. The flickering light from
the candles only darkened the scowl on this face. “This had better be good, Kaithor,” he snarled. “You
should know that I’m supposed to be presiding over the opening of the combat exhibition.”
Kaithor pushed his chair back and slowly got to his feet. “It is, Reentok,” he said. “I wouldn’t have
called this elders’ meeting if it wasn’t an emergency.” He looked around the table; the dim candlelight
veiled the faces of his fellow councilors in shadows. Kaithor could only barely make out Kwen’s
piercing blue eyes, Plaulaink’s scarred face and Teytkuy’s steepled fingers. “It’s Eegon. He’s been
sighted in the city again.”
Teytkuy sucked in his breath and leaned forward. “Are you sure? The last time he appeared,
Oohdorne was murdered.”
Kaithor nodded, looking down at the floor. “That was what I thought too,” he said. “I believed he
was dead. There was no way that Eegon could have survived the drop over the falls. But several
independent witnesses have seen him in the marketplace. People I trust.”
Kwen shook her head. “It’s not possible. I saw Eegon go over those falls myself. The river was in
full flood at the time, and even solid tree trunks were dashed to splinters. One man could not have
“Did anyone actually see his body?” Reentok said, folding his arms across his chest. “Perhaps he
was more than he appeared, as many suggested. Plaulaink, I remember you saying that you didn’t
believe he was human.”
“It was the way he moved when he fought,” Plaulaink said. “It was unnaturally smooth. Kaithor,
are your witnesses reliable?”
“Yes,” Kaithor said. “One was Tirqau. He was heading home after the markets had closed and
the guards had escorted the moneychangers back to their chambers. This figure caught Tirqau’s eye
and nodded, before disappearing into the crowd. Tirqau remembers Eegon like few others. He was
one of those trying to catch him when the bridge over the falls collapsed. He said Eegon had changed,
but that old, evil look was still in his eye.”
Reentok leaned forward. “Changed? How?”
Kaithor sat down again. “He didn’t say. He was too furious that the outcast had dared to come
back to town after what happened last time.”
Teytkuy leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers in front of his mouth. “Perhaps you were
right all along, Plau. Perhaps Eegon is a synthetic, after all. It would certainly explain how he managed
to survive the fall.”
Plaulaink nodded. “Perhaps,” he said. “How he survived is irrelevant. If it was Eegon, then we
can only expect another bloodbath. There’ll be panic in the streets.”
“We must deal with this immediately,” Kwen said. “We need to find out what Eegon is doing back
here and what his plans are.”
“His arrival here couldn’t have come at a worse time,” Kaithor said. “With the spring carnival
about to start, the city is full of visitors.”
Reentok snorted. “What the hell makes you think the two are coincidental? He’s here now because
of the spring carnival. It’s the perfect time for him to strike, to cause the most panic and the most
damage.” Reentok leaned forward, his amber eyes narrowed in the flickering candlelight. “Eegon
wants only one thing. He wants control of this city, and he’ll stop at nothing to get it.”
The Gamma World Player’s Handbook NEW COMMUNITY FEATS
introduced the concept of the community as a
A Feat
Prerequisite Benefit
Archaic Engineering Knowledge (Technology: Archaic) 4 ranks Simple engineering, +1 Wealth
Archaic Vehicles Archaic Engineering Simple vehicles
Shipyard Archaic Vehicles, Profession (Carpentry) Can make boats, +1 Reputation
4 ranks, must be near water
W Electricity Generation
Pre-War Engineering
Archaic Engineering
Archaic Engineering
Can use electrical items
Make & repair using more advanced
materials, engines and electronics,
O Pre-War Electricity
Electricity Generation, Pre-War Engineering
+2 Wealth
Cheaper, cleaner, less maintenance-
intensive power.
Radio Transmitter Pre-War Engineering, Pre-War Can transmit radio signals,
Electricity Generation +4 Reputation
Advanced Engineering Pre-War Engineering, Knowledge Make & repair all types of advanced
(Technology: Advanced) 4 ranks technology, +3 Wealth
D Airfield
Archaic Farming
Advanced Farming
Pre-War Vehicles, Fuel Production
Non-nomad, Archaic Farming,
Can operate aircraft, +3 Wealth
Grows own food, +1 Wealth
Surplus food, +2 Wealth
Pre-War Vehicles
Archaic Manufacturing — Make simple trade goods, +1 Wealth
Advanced Manufacturing Non-nomad, Archaic Manufacturing, Advanced materials, automated
Craft (Chemical) 4 ranks production lines, +2 Wealth
Synthetic Repair Advanced Manufacturing, Computer Use Can repair robots and synthetics, can
(Artificial Intelligence) 4 ranks, Craft help AIs, +2 Computer Use, +2 Craft
(Electronic) 4 ranks, Knowledge (Technology: (Electronic), +2 Reputation
Advanced) 4 ranks
Archaic Weaponsmithing Knowledge (Technology: Archaic) 4 ranks, Can make simple weapons, +1 Wealth
Repair 4 ranks
Pre-War Archaic Weaponsmithing, Knowledge Can make firearms, ammunition and
Weaponsmithing (Technology: Pre-War) 4 ranks explosives, +2 Wealth
Advanced Pre-War Weaponsmithing, Knowledge Can make advanced weapons
Weaponsmithing (Technology: Advanced) 4 ranks (including lasers), +3 Wealth
Automated Defenses Computer Use (Artificial Intelligence) 4 ranks, Automated weapons guard
Knowledge (Technology: Advanced) 4 ranks, community
Pre-War Weaponsmithing
Nomadic community, Mobility 15+
Nomads can have Pre-War vehicles
without other vehicle feats
+3 Intimidate, +1 Reputation
Reputation 8+
Library, four Knowledge skills 5 ranks+
+2 Diplomacy, +2 Intimidate
+2 on all Knowledge skills
+2 on all Knowledge skills (or +4 on
two Knowledge skills), +2 Decipher
Script, +2 Craft (Nanotech),
+1 Reputation
Medical Expert — +2 Craft (Pharmaceutical),
Prerequisites: Computer Use (artificial
intelligence) 4 ranks, Knowledge (technology:
advanced) 4 ranks, Pre-War Weaponsmithing.
The community has constructed an elaborate
stone fortress around its most important sections,
Benefits: Computerized weapon systems defend
allowing it to be sealed off from the outside. It
the community’s perimeter. These guard the major usually consists of two stone walls with battlements
approaches to the community, funneling would-be around each one, and underground chambers to
attackers into special killing grounds covered by shelter civilians in times of trouble.
The community’s farmlands are especially
The nomadic community uses Pre-War
vehicles to move around.
fertile, providing higher crop yields.
Prerequisites: Nomadic community, Mobility 15+.
Benefit: The community gains a +2 bonus on
Benefit: The nomads own and maintain
Profession (farming) checks in civilized regions, or
enough Pre-War style vehicles (cars, trucks,
a +2 bonus on Survival (for the purposes of food
motorcycles, etc.) to be able to move their whole
gathering only) for wild regions.
population more efficiently. This feat does not
Signs: Huge fields of natural or cultivated crops; require the other vehicle feats, and requires that
extremely lush vegetation surrounding the the nomads carry their fuel supply and spare parts
community. with them.
FORTIFICATIONS, BASIC Signs: Enough vehicles to move the whole
The community is protected by rudimentary population; scouts scavenging for spare parts.
fortifications, usually made from timber. HOSPITAL
Prerequisite: Resilience 13+. The community has a permanent medical
Benefit: The basic fortifications erected around the facility for taking care of the sick and injured.
community provide a +1 bonus to Defense for defenders, Prerequisites: Treat Injury 4 ranks, Medical
provided the attackers are outside the perimeter. Expert, Surgery.
Signs: Timber walls erected around a Benefits: The community can take care of the
community; sharpened spikes to prevent — or at sick in a clean, sterile environment. This provides
82 least slow — the approaches to the community.
injured for treatment.
of books, computer disks and other written material.
INFAMOUS Benefit: Community members gain a +2
The community has gained a bad reputation, circumstance bonus on all Knowledge skills when
rightly or wrongly, causing others to fear or shun it.
Benefit: The community gains a +3 bonus on
Intimidate skill checks. This feat also provides a
researching information in the library’s archives.
Signs: A large room — or perhaps even a
building — filled with books; scholars coming and
+1 increase to the community’s Reputation bonus. going, gathering information to help with their
Special: A community with the Infamous feat personal research.
cannot also have the Renown feat.
Signs: Outsiders acting nervous when in town;
community members are either shown a great deal
of respect or openly shunned by other communities.
The community has several advisors with
psionic abilities.
Benefits: The advisors are trained in
information gathering and predicting the future.
The community has a great deal of influence This gives the community a distinct advantage in
over its neighbors. negotiations with other communities, giving a +3
Prerequisite: Reputation bonus 8+. bonus on both Diplomacy and Gather Information
Benefits: The community’s opinion carries a
lot of weight with its neighbors. The community
Signs: Advisors constantly whispering in the
ears of the community leaders; the community’s
gains a +2 competence bonus on all Diplomacy and
Intimidate checks. ability to always stay one step ahead of its neighbors.
The community is protected from psychic
probes and attacks.
The countryside surrounding the community
is especially rich in game animals.
M psionic effects.
Signs: Psychics seated in a circle meditating; a
sense that someone’s watching over your shoulder
Profession (fishing) instead.
Signs: Large herds of game animals nearby;
hunters regularly returning with game.
A constantly.
The community is built on or near some ruins,
The community has a working radio transmitter either of a city from before the Final Wars, or an
for communication. ancient city from the distant past. The lure of the
Prerequisites: Pre-War Electricity Generation, ruins brings adventurers in search of treasure and
Pre-War Engineering. scholars in search of knowledge.
station with sentient — human or otherwise — DJs. Signs: Unearthed ruins either in or near the
The radio transmitter also increases the community; adventurers talking about the ruins in taverns.
community’s Reputation score by +4.
Signs: Tall radio antenna mast; building full
Prerequisite: The community must be situated Signs: A tall tower standing on a prominent
well-constructed docks; warehouses for cargo
storage; seedy harborside taverns. Benefit: The community gains an additional
+2 bonus on all Knowledge skills; alternatively pick
SHIPYARD only 2 Knowledge skills and receive an additional
The community has the skills and materials to
build sailing vessels.
Prerequisites: Archaic Vehicles, Profession
+4 bonus on each. It also provides a +2 bonus on
Decipher Script and Craft (nanotech) skills, and a
+1 increase to the community’s Reputation bonus.
(carpentry) 4 ranks, plus the community must be situated
on a river, lake or sea so the boats can be launched.
Benefit: The community can build and
Signs: Large numbers of academics and
students; large buildings with classrooms,
laboratories, and museums.
maintain a fleet of sailing vessels, or they can take
on repair work for other communities as a means of
gaining additional income. This feat also provides The community has a collection of wagons and
a +1 increase to the community’s Reputation bonus. beasts of burden (or other vehicles) for hauling
Signs: Partially completed sailing ships near the
water; large stocks of timber planking; equipment
for heating and bending timber.
Prerequisite: Mobility 13+.
Benefit: A community with a wagon train
receives a +3 Wealth bonus. This feat also provides
The community is trained in repairing and
upgrading synthetics.
a +1 increase to the community’s Reputation bonus.
Signs: Large numbers of wagons; corralled
beasts of burden; wheelwrights making or fixing
Prerequisites: Computer Use (artificial
intelligence) 4 ranks, Craft (electronic) 4 ranks,
Knowledge (technology: advanced) 4 ranks,
wagon wheels.
Advanced Manufacturing. The community knows how to make advanced
Benefits: The community can repair robots and
other synthetic creatures, as well as help sentient AIs
firearms, including lasers.
Prerequisites: Pre-War Weaponsmithing,
Knowledge (technology: advanced) 4 ranks.
adjust to life in the Gamma World. The community
gains a +2 bonus on Computer Use and Craft
(electronic) checks and +2 to its Reputation bonus.
Signs: Dozens of robots and other synthetics
Benefits: The community has the skills and
tools to make and repair advanced firearms. This
includes being able to understand the soultech
living around the community; workshops filled with
spare parts.
aspects of such weapons. It also increases the
community’s Wealth bonus by +3.
Signs: Community members carrying advanced
firearms; traders having advanced weapons and
The community has erected a high watchtower
to provide a better view of the surrounding countryside
and allow greater warning of approaching forces.
ammunition for sale.
Prerequisites: Basic Fortifications.
Benefit: The early warning provided by the
tower provides an additional +2 on Spot skill checks
The community knows how to make simple
melee and ranged weapons.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (technology:
made by community members manning the tower. archaic) 4 ranks, Repair 4 ranks.
Benefits: The community has the tools and
skills needed to create or repair all simple and
archaic melee and ranged weapons. This feat also
In order to determine the type of the new
increases the community’s Wealth bonus by +1.
The community knows how to make or repair
Old Town
New Town
firearms and explosives.
Sometimes players and GMs have the luxury
what the community specializes in just yet; that will come
later when she randomly determines the skills and feats.
of being able to sit down and plan a community in STEP 2: DETERMINE THE
R lavish detail, carefully thinking through the
different motivations of all of the factions and how
they interact with one another.
For each of the six community attributes (Force,
Mobility, Resilience, Learning, Awareness and
Example: Sue needs to roll 8 different skill s— 6
for being a specialist community, and another 2 for the
Learning bonus. The skills she gets are: Knowledge
Number of Feats
3 + (population level/2)
(politics), Profession, Knowledge (business), Computer Old Town 6 + (population level/2)
W a fuel refinery.
the growing concept.
Example: Sue needs to roll 7 feats for her new
community (4 for being a specialist community, plus an
Each community has a number of feats determined additional 3, which is half the population level). With her first
R d%
Feat Name
Advanced Engineering
Advanced Farming
Feat Name
L 5–6
Advanced Manufacturing
Advanced Vehicles
Advanced Weaponsmithing
Medical Expert
Moderate Fortifications
11–12 Airfield 61–62 Nanotech Usage
13–14 Ruins 63–64 Pre-War Electricity Generation
15–16 Archaic Farming 65–66 Pre-War Engineering
17–18 Archaic Engineering 67–68 Pre-War Vehicles
19–20 Archaic Manufacturing 69–70 Pre-War Weaponsmithing
21–22 Archaic Vehicles 71–72 Psychic Advisors
23–24 Archaic Weaponsmithing 73–74 Psychic Shielding
25–26 Automated Defenses 75–76 Radio Transmitter
27–28 Basic Fortifications 77–78 Renown
29–30 Biotech Usage 79–80 Rich Hunting
31–32 Builder 81–82 Safe Harbor
33–34 Caves 83–84 Shipyard
35–36 Educated 85–86 Studious
37–38 Electricity Generation 87–88 Stockpile
39–40 Fertile 89–90 Surgery
41–42 Food Synthesis 91–92 Synthetic Repair
43–44 Fuel Production 93–94 Tower
45–46 Gearhead 95–96 University
47–48 Heavy Fortifications 97–98 Wagon Train
88 49–50 Hospital 99–100 Windfall
roll, she gets 66 — Pre-War Engineering. Because it has STEP 5: DETERMINE TRAITS
clash, simply re-roll the second trait until a more
suitable one is obtained. Alternatively, see if it is
possible to actually come up with a way that the
Skills: Computer Use (biotech systems) +11,
Computer Use (data systems) +11, Craft (chemical)
+11, Craft (electronic) + 11, Knowledge (business)
community can have both conflicting traits at the +11, Knowledge (politics) +11, Knowledge
M same time.
When determining how the traits manifest in
the community — what signs would show visitors
(technology: nanotech) +11, Profession +10, Treat
Injury +10
Feats: Archaic Engineering, Pre-War
encounter might fascinate the players enough to Large cities are rarely homogenous. They are
turn into a regular — if not permanent — part of almost invariably made up of a number of smaller
the campaign. communities in close proximity to one another,
Example: Sue rolls twice on Table 3–4 and gets a each with its own outlook and agenda. More often
The community’s Wealth and Reputation
bonuses should be calculated in accordance with the
different things.
The community rules in the Gamma World
Player’s Handbook model small, isolated, largely
guidelines presented in the Gamma World Player’s
self-sufficient communities. Once a population
Handbook. Keep in mind the Wealth and Reputation reaches the highest population level, there is no
bonuses provided by the new feats presented above. mechanical benefit for having a larger population.
Example: Lastly, Sue calculates the Wealth and However, by having a number of smaller
suburbs are needed to make it up. While the
conglomerate’s size can be as large as you like in
terms of populations — cities with hundreds of
thousands or even millions of people are certainly
possible — the higher the total the population, the
more work will be needed to create it and later
administer it during play.
Example: Kristen decides to create a conglomerate
community, with an old town, a specialist and a new
town. The old town has a population level of 6 (about
1,200 people), the specialist community has a
population level of 4 (250 people) and the new town
has a population level of 5 (about 770 people). I
Each of the suburbs needs to be created
separately, using the guidelines from Chapter Four
of the Gamma World Player’s Handbook or the
random community creation rules presented earlier
in this chapter. Each suburb will have a single
community type and will have its own set of
attributes, skills and feats.
One thing to consider is how the different types
fit into the overall fabric of the conglomerate. For
most community types, this is fairly simple. Nomads,
however, are a special case; and careful
consideration needs to be made to ensure that the
nomad suburb makes sense. They could be a trade
caravan using the conglomerate as a home base, 91
returning every month or so to stock up with trade
goods before heading out on the trail again.
Alternatively, they may be a roving military patrol,
Community Type: Old Town
Population Level: 6 (1,200 people)
tasked with keeping the countryside free of
M or military.
When choosing the suburbs’ skills and feats,
try to get a reasonable spread across the whole
Learning: 10 (+0)
Awareness: 11 (+1)
Command: 11 (+1)
spectrum. There should be some overlap between
Wealth Bonus: +45
the different suburbs, but you can use distinct skill Reputation Bonus: +9
and feat sets to help define the boundaries between Skills: Craft (chemical) +9, Craft (nanotech) +9,
the different groups. Knowledge (technology: nanotech) +9, Repair +9
When devising the suburbs’ central Feats: Archaic Weaponsmithing, Pre-War
philosophies and factions, keep in mind that Weaponsmithing, Nanotech Usage, Psychic
neighboring communities can heavily influence the Shielding, Food Synthesis, Stockpile, Ruins,
Command: 15 (+2) Instead, the attributes for the individual suburbs should
be used, so that regions with attributes higher or lower
Wealth Bonus: +26
Reputation Bonus: +5
Skills: Knowledge (streetwise) +8, Perform (act)
+10, Perform (storytelling) +10, Treat Injury +9
than the conglomerates can be shown accordingly.
Example: Using the attributes of the individual
suburbs, the Aimohry’s combined attributes are:
Feats: Archaic Engineering, Archaic
Manufacturing, Archaic Vehicles, Infamous, Rich
Force: (15 + 9 + 15) / 3 = 13
Mobility: (9 + 8 + 17) / 3 = 11
Resilience: (13 + 12 + 8) / 3 = 11
Traits: Puppet, Segregated
Learning: (10 + 17 + 11) / 3 = 12
Awareness: (11 + 12 + 13) / 3 = 12
Command: (11 + 14 + 15) / 3 = 13
Larger communities have attributes like each
of the smaller communities that make them up.
However, unlike the small ones, they are not
The conglomerate community as a whole has
derived from the population level.
To find the attributes for the conglomerate, simply
calculate the average of the corresponding attributes
the skills of all of its citizens at its disposal. Some
suburbs may have the same skills, while others may
have completely different skill sets.
from all the suburbs. For example, to calculate the
To determine the skill list for the conglomerate,
conglomerate’s Force attribute, simply add up the values make a list of all the different skills that all the suburbs
of the Force attributes of all the suburbs and then divide possess. For each skill, the community can be assumed
that total by the number of suburbs, rounding down. to have a number of ranks equal to the highest skill
Repeat this for the other five attributes.
When determining the signs that correspond to
the conglomerate’s attributes, the conglomerate’s
of the suburbs. For example, if three suburbs all had
the Repair skill, one with 4 ranks, the second with 6
and the third with 5, then the conglomerate would
attributes will not be evident in all areas of the city. have a total of 6 ranks in Repair.
However, to acknowledge the influence of the
other communities, the conglomerate receives a +2
circumstance bonus for every suburb with that skill
Knowledge (technology: nanotech) +9 + 1 = +10
Perform (act) +8 + 1 = +10
Perform (percussion) +7 + 1 = +8
beyond the first. To continue with the above
The conglomerate simply has the feats
that all its suburbs possess; it doesn’t get any
laws and provide basic services. The exact form
depends on the community.
In a democratic society, the people elect the
are dictatorships, run by a single individual through
Some feats, such as Basic Fortifications, sheer force of personality and an iron fist. In other
Moderate Fortifications and Heavy Fortifications, cases, the leaders of one of the suburbs dominate
provide physical benefits that are only applicable some communities, with the rest of the
suburbs. Add the Reputation bonuses from all the
suburbs together, then divide by the number of suburbs,
rounding the result down to the nearest whole number.
Dissent: 55
Outside Influence: 15
Influence on Others: 45
However, the conglomerate gets a bonus to its
M Reputation equal to the number of suburbs that
compose it. For example, if the conglomerate were made
up of 6 suburbs (with reputation scores of +6, +7, +7,
There are two ways to use the CBM for the
R isolated community.
Follow the guidelines in the Gamma World
Player’s Handbook for setting up the factor
a completely different effect in another suburb.
When determining how an event on the
conglomerate-scale map is distributed, the GM first
weightings and link weights. However, keep in mind
L that unless the conglomerate’s government keeps a
very tight rein on the population, then the weights
for the Dissent and Outside Influence factors should
needs to decide how the results of that effect will be
divided up among the conglomerate’s suburbs. If the
effects are distributed evenly to all of the suburbs,
then the event should be applied to the same node
In an older, traditional sense of the word, heroes
are people who put their own lives and ambitions
on the line for the good of someone else. While
their actions — or inaction — cause damage to the
community, then they will probably find life a little
harder for a while until they manage to change the
they may start out with selfish motivations, at the minds of the other community members.
up an opportunity for personal riches and reward Characters may hear a rumor about some Pre-War
in order to make sure that other people’s lives are technology cache, and decide to start an event
enriched and protected. chain to raise support for an expedition to go and
The best way to do this is to be proactive with recover it, or decide to either support or undermine
factor. A couple of days of game time later, he plays
another negligible event in the Outside Influence
factor, describing it as the stranger buying drinks for
some of the town’s bums. Phil also wants to hint at
to collect (Disaster) should keep the PCs
extremely busy for several days.
Minor events can also make good aftershocks
in the wake of a major or critical event. These sorts
of spinoff events should clearly relate to the big event.
If the community was hit by a nanite storm, then
aftershocks could include running out of fresh water,
sanitation problems, loss of morale and so on. It takes
a while for a community to settle down again after
experiencing something earth-shattering, and using
a series of minor events that eventually taper off in
severity and frequency can help the community get
back on the road to normality again.
Example: The Knights of Genetic Purity’s agent
has been busy spreading his message. Phil describes an
attack on a visiting mutant by one of Soasaike’s human
members, playing a minor event into the Outside
Influence factor. Phil also decides that one of the
farmers realizes what the strange damage to his wheat
fields was caused by and takes it to Soasaike’s leaders.
They ignore him, so the farmer causes a stir in the
100 field, accusing the leadership of blindness to danger.
In terms of the CBM, he plays it as a minor event into remember for a long time afterwards. Even positive
Example: After the town banishes the bums for
of action to deal with them. An average event could be lynching the mutant, they join up with the Knights of
a talking point among the community members. While Genetic Purity’s main attack force a few miles away. The
it may not affect everyone in the community, most Knights see this as a sign that Soasaike is populated by
people will hear about it through the grapevine, unless
someone makes a deliberate effort to keep it quiet.
GMs should use a string of related average
mutant lovers and launch a military assault on the town.
Phil plays this as a major event into the Disaster factor. I
events together to form the main backbone of a CRITICAL EVENTS
story arc for the PCs. This allows the PCs to respond
to a number of different crises without being
overwhelmed by the course of events. When
The nuclear weapons of the event table, critical
events are ones that can literally reshape the course of a
community’s destiny. As such, they shouldn’t be used
preparing a story arc, plan out a string of average very often. For a normal community, a critical event may
events mixed with several minor and negligible only happen once every year or two of game time and
events to weave in background ideas, leading up to should really only be used as the climax for a story arc.
a related major event as a climax.
The PCs should be able to deal with most
average events by themselves. The events should,
Most critical events have a negative effect on the
community. These events are so big, they normally
swamp the community’s ability to cope with them
however, at least pose a challenge to the PCs, calling effectively if they are not properly prepared for. Dealing
for some thought to handle effectively. GMs should
also aim to create events that use the whole spectrum
of the PCs’ skills and feats, and often put them into
with a critical event demands that the whole
community work together. They should never be
something that the PCs can take on by themselves.
a situation where they are forced to compromise on
something in order to get a successful resolution.
Example: Phil feels it’s time to have the Knights of
Instead, the PCs may need to rely on their
interpersonal skills to cajole or intimidate people into
helping just as much as they will need to rely on their
Genetic Purity reveal themselves in Soasaike. The bums active skills such as Repair, or their combat abilities.
that the mysterious stranger converted to the cause lynch
a sick mutant who was in town for treatment. Phil plays
this as an average event into the Outside Influence factor.
However, critical events can have a positive
effect on a community. A small community that
only has primitive tools and vehicles that stumbles
Word of the impending nanite storm starts to spread
through Soasaike, and some of the community members
start to stock up on basic supplies. Phil simulates this as
across a cache of working soultech vehicles would
certainly experience a critical Prosperity event.
Critical events should never happen in isolation.
an average event into the Greed factor.
When a major event strikes, it’s big news for
While there may be little warning of the event before
it strikes, the critical event should always trigger a
series of smaller events that allow the community to
come to grips with their change of circumstances.
everyone in the community. It’s going to have an effect
on most or all of the population in some way. It may
mean that everyone has to help pitch in to help deal
Example: As if the Knights of Genetic Purity’s
attack wasn’t bade enough, Phil decides it’s time for the
nanite storm to hit Soasaike. He describes a massive cloud
with the effects, or it may mean that the benefit that
the community receives touches everyone, at least in
an indirect way. Major events should not be played
on a regular basis; instead, they should serve as high
of purple, swirling dust descending on the community’s
crops, eating the wheat in a blaze of light. To simulate
this, he plays a critical event into the Disaster factor.
Chances are, Soasaike is pretty much ruined by this stage.
points in the campaign, things that the players will 101
The community rules presented in the Gamma
World Player’s Handbook imply that the
Contact with air-breathing communities can
sometimes be problematic, especially if the water-dwellers
the case of the water-breathers, and scuba gear or artificial
gills for the surface-dwellers. Communication between
the two groups is often achieved by writing, although
O beneath the surface. Since the 20th century, permanent home, as well as the difficulty of hauling
humans have been working closely with creatures possessions around underwater.
like dolphins and whales, which possess an For communities that have a more-or-less
intelligence level close to that of humans. When permanent location, this restriction can be relaxed.
boundaries of another community would be a
around a central intelligence of some sort. This is perfect example of this.
an individual more gifted than most of the other
One thing that does set hive minds apart from
community members. Like a queen bee in a beehive,
other communities is the lack of factions. Because
this individual directs the day-to-day operation of
the community and does all the long-term planning.
These communities are usually strictly caste-
every individual within the community forms an
integral part of the collective intelligence, there is
no difference of opinion between community
based. At the top are the brains. Protecting the
brains and the rest of the community are the
warriors, who are often specially bred for their
fighting ability. At the bottom of the ladder are
members. For a hive mind, the concept of different
factions vying for control of the community simply
doesn’t enter the picture.
the workers. These are the most numerous members SIGNS
of the community, although they also appear to be Signs of a hive mind include an obviously
the least intelligent. distinct class system, with usually only the workers
To most humans, hive-minded communities
usually appear to be made of mindless workers
performing drudge tasks with singular determination.
and the warriors normally seen; interactions with an
individual member of the community might prove
frustrating, as the individual would appear to know
It’s only when outsiders examine the working of the nothing, especially when cut off from the community;
community as a whole that the intelligence becomes
obvious, the menial tasks performed by the workers
fitting into an overall strategy.
community members who work as a team with little
or no communication between them. L
Many hive-minded communities are biological,
descending in some fashion from the Earth’s
millions of insect species. However, some are
While the Final Wars were not entirely the
result of military action, much of the downfall of
completely machine-based. From the late 20th civilization can be blamed on military action, and
century, distributed computing became a hot
research topic, and dozens of systems were designed
to share the processing load among dozens of
the use of weapons of mass destruction in both the
strategic and tactical theaters. In the three
generations since society collapsed, the military as
computers. Throughout the early 21st century,
distributed computing had evolved so that the
processes that ran on an individual computer would
a concept has mostly fallen by the wayside. But there
remain isolated pockets where military law still
holds, and communities still act as though the War
contribute to the overall working of the system, continues. Some communities are only replicas of
without being an irreplaceable part of it. With the
introduction of true artificial intelligence, these
the Pre-War military, formed by people trying to
emulate knowledge gathered from books and other
distributed programs became true hive minds. recorded media. Others, particularly pure-strain
Many hive minds can be mistaken for simple
non-verbal communities, as hive minds often
communicate through non-verbal means. The main
human groups, are direct descendants of the original
units, and they continue to operate as though the
War is still on.
difference is that the inhabitants of non-verbal
communities are all individuals, capable of thinking
independently, while a hive mind’s population all
Military communities are among the most
rigidly organized groups in the Gamma Age. They
are usually strictly caste-based, with the non-
forms part of a large collective intelligence. commissioned ranks having the highest
populations, while the officers are responsible for
leading the troops and managing the community’s
day-to-day running. At the top of the hierarchy are
a higher level of technology use than many other
communities; feats such as Basic, Moderate and
Heavy Fortifications would be commonplace. Most
the generals, who have worked their way up through military groups have stores of supplies for
O discipline.
One thing that all military communities have
in common is a strong sense of tradition and
While most communities use some form of
spoken language to communicate, there are some
that rely on non-verbal forms of communication.
Some inhabitants of the Gamma World lack the
ability to control their own destinies. Instead, their
lives are dictated by the whims of others, who view
them as little more than animals or simple property.
Where slavery is an important part of the
community’s way of life, the power resides with a
small group, who use force and threats to keep a much
larger section of the population under strict control.
Life in a slaver community is one of marked
differences. For those in power, life is often
luxurious. They have no need to deal with mundane
tasks such as physical labor, cleaning, repairs or
tending crops. This leaves them free to concentrate
on pursuits that they may not have otherwise been
able to enjoy. To these people, slaves are little more
than property and should certainly not be
considered to be human.
This attitude is much more prevalent than one
might think. Genetic tinkering before the Final
Wars raised dozens of animal species to full
sentience, and the constant waves of mutagens in
the Wars’ aftermath have created many more. Until
humanity learned to manipulate DNA sequences
and change what nature had created by itself,
humans were the only sentient species on the
planet; many humans never really learned to adjust
after things changed. They still view uplifted 105
creatures as animals, albeit clever ones, that can be
harnessed and trained the same way that they were
before the Final Wars. While some communities
The dominant group’s CBM should have a high
score in the Influence on Others factor, to signify
the control over the slave community. This control
would find the idea of keeping human slaves as can be augmented using any of the methods
- 107 -
The Peace Accord
Haiderine ducked into the shadows and pressed herself up against the warehouse’s outer metal
wall. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the sounds coming from around the corner. She could
barely make out the sounds of metal scraping on soil and the low mumble of guards talking. Dammit!
She crept down alongside the wall and risked a peek around the corner. Across the street, between
the two warehouses, two guards crouched down examining the hole she’d cut in the corrugated iron
fence to get into the compound. Haiderine mentally kicked herself; she’d thought she’d picked the best
spot to cut through the wall, but she hadn’t counted on the guards being able to spot it in the dark.
Straightening slightly, she pulled her head back around the corner and leaned it against the
warehouse’s cool metal wall. Closing her eyes again, Haiderine started examining her options. She
could rush them and hopefully take them out quickly, but given the confined space between the two
warehouses, it would be hard. On the other hand, she could just….
The cold, sharp edge of the knife blade against Haiderine’s throat snapped her back to reality.
“Well, well, Miss Baiger. Fancy meeting you here.”
Jaichson grinned at her, his pointed metal teeth reflecting the dim light. Haiderine could barely
make out the scar that ran across his right eye.
“I’m sure you’ve got a frightfully good explanation,” he said. “I must admit I am so looking
forward to hearing why you’ve broken into our compound only hours before our leaders sign the
peace accord.”
Haiderine’s eyes narrowed. “Jaichson, you devious bastard,” she said through clenched teeth.
“There isn’t going to be a peace accord when I get out of here. I’ve seen the android soldiers you have
hidden beneath your grain silos. The only reason you and Fusk were pushing for that accord was to
lull us into a false sense of security so you could attack us more easily.”
Jaichson chuckled. “Oh very good,” he said, smiling. “You’ve seen right through our cunning
plan. Pity you won’t be alive to say anything to anyone about it now, isn’t it?”
“It’s more a pity you asshats continue to underestimate us!” Cocking her left wrist backwards
sharply, Haiderine released the spring-loaded blade she had concealed inside her sleeve. As soon as
G it shot forward out of its sheath, she grabbed Jaichson’s wrist with her right hand and spun away from
him, slamming her knife into the crook of his elbow with the all the hatred she could muster.
Jaichson screamed and fell back, clutching at his elbow. “You bitch!” he hissed. “I’m going to kill
M around one of the crossbows, Haiderine flicked her wrist, causing a loop of the rope to loop over the
other bow. Before the guards could react, she yanked both bows out of their hands and started
sprinting toward them.
A Aiming between the two startled guards, Haiderine thrust her arms out at shoulder-height, and
clotheslined them into the guards’ throats. As they collapsed, choking, Haiderine sprinted between
the two warehouses and slipped through the hole in the compound’s wall.
Glancing up at the stars to quickly get her bearings, Haiderine jogged into the desert to stop
Kussin from signing the peace accord.
- 108 -
Communities usually do not exist in complete populations. This clash of ideas can often benefit each
isolation. Few of them are fully self-sufficient, making group as they learn new approaches to dealing with
them reliant on other communities to make up the common problems. It is also sometimes destructive as
shortfall in some way. Some communities take the foreign ideas can corrupt the thinking of the
peaceful approach, establishing diplomatic and trade ties community members, causing them to lose sight of the
with other groups. Others use more violent tactics, community’s core philosophy and focus on other
attacking communities that have the supplies they need things.
and taking them by force. Then there is the middle ground This chapter deals with the relationships between
where relations between groups start off cordially, but different communities. It provides ideas on how one
degenerate over time to bickering or outright conflict. community can learn about another’s strengths and
When two communities interact with one another, weaknesses. It also discusses how they can relate to
they necessarily exert influence over each other’s one another both in peacetime and war.
When two communities meet each other, they do country travels. It might be as simple as coming over a
not instantly learn everything there is to know about the hill and finding cultivated fields and farm animals, or
other group. It takes time and effort to understand the seeing smoke rising from chimneys. It may also be subtler,
other population’s mindset, learning who the important such as carefully disguised territory markers, or the spoor
players are and what the people are trying to achieve. from patrols that are ensuring that the community’s lands
remain free from intruders. The GM should decide on
LOCATING A COMMUNITY what physical signs that the PCs encounter based on the
Before contact can be established, one community attributes, skills and feats of the actual target community.
must learn that the other actually exists. It may be as
simple as being told about the other settlement, perhaps Sign Spot DC
by travelers passing through; if the PCs are traveling Trash 10
cross-country, a neighboring community may provide Vehicle tracks 10
them with information. Buried trash 15
This word-of-mouth information is often the most Footprints 15
useful, as it can provide an insight into who the main
players in the target community are without the need for
direct contact. However, the drawback is that the
Territory markers
Disguised territory markers
20 C
information the PCs uncover may be inaccurate: out of Motion sensors 25
date, or colored by the information source’s biases. In order
to get some sort of indicator of how biased the information
is, the PCs can make DC 20 Sense Motive checks (see
the table below for modifiers). If successful, they realize
that the information may be tainted in some way.
Once the target community is located, there are
two main ways to go about learning more about them:
direct or stealthy. The direct approach requires that
Ease of Verification Sense Motive
- 109 -
people inside admit you. It’s no different for doesn’t trust anyone around him to do the job for him, so
communities. Often the best way to learn all about he disguises himself as a wandering hobo and approaches
another community is simply to approach them and the township. Using his Bluff skill, he convinces the guards
ask questions. Being open and honest with another that he is a harmless traveler and gains entry, allowing him
group is often a good way to establish trust and open to learn what he needs to.
communication channels.
The direct approach works best for non-violent
communities. Most peaceful groups are more than While the direct approach can provide the PCs
willing to meet new people and to learn news from with a lot of information about a community relatively
other places. In fact, having visitors is often a special quickly, there are sometime good reasons why such an
occasion for many communities, as it helps break up approach may not be advisable. If the target settlement
the monotony of everyday life. If the community is has a reputation for brutality or bad treatment of
more paranoid, they may not be willing to open their visitors, another community may wish to learn
doors to strangers, believing — sometimes correctly whatever it can without putting itself at risk. They may
— that the outsiders are only interested in harming or also decide that a covert approach can gather important
exploiting them in some way. information that could be useful when the more direct
But information flows in more than one direction. approach is made later on. Alternatively, if the
The community welcoming the visitors can learn from community is trying to conquer another group, then
them if community members pay attention to what it’s vital to gather as much intelligence about them as
the visitors say and do. Astute observers can follow possible before launching an attack.
the lines of questions that the visitors ask to determine The stealthy approach relies primarily on
what the visitors are interested in, and can in return observation of the target community, without any sort
ask questions of their own to learn more. of direct interaction. By observing what the community
does on a daily basis — where they go, what activities
Chapter Two of this book are also applicable. PCs can
use their personal Reputation bonuses (as described in the community has and who their leaders are (unless
d20 Modern), or their community’s Reputation bonus of course these things are displayed in public so that
(as described in Chapter Four of the Gamma World they may be observed, or the PCs physically sneak into
W a rival community where there is a price on his head. He watches the activities in the campsite using his Spot skill.
- 110 -
Example: Haiderine suspects that Jaichson is tricking the
leader of her community into a false sense of security by offering SHOW, DON’T TELL
him a truce. Rather than do nothing, she decides to learn more When giving information about the target
about her rival community by infiltrating it and searching through community to the players, it’s much better to use
some of the buildings after dark. After managing to sneak past the same “show, don’t tell” principle described in
several of the town’s patrols, she breaks into one of the warehouses Chapter Three. When the players are learning
and starts searching for proof of her suspicions. about the target community’s capabilities, don’t
just provide them with the community’s sheet.
LEARNING MORE Each of the attributes and feats has a list of suggested
Regardless of the approach the PCs choose, they signs associated with it. These are provided to give GMs
must still understand what it is that they see and hear some ideas about how the various elements manifest in
in and around the target community. the game world. By describing these signs, the players
For the target community’s most obvious aspects get some indication of what their characters see, smell
such as physical buildings, fields and vehicles being and hear in and around the target community. For most
used out in the open, no roll is necessary. The GM can things, the signs are relatively unambiguous and the
simply describe the signs that are associated with the players should be accurately able to figure out what the
community’s attributes, skills and feats to the players signs correspond to.
and let them figure out what each of the signs However, if the players make a mistake in their
corresponds to. evaluations, let them go and just play out the
For more subtle things such as the makeup of consequences. The Gamma World is rarely a
different community factions or the factor weightings predictable place.
in a node in the Community Behavior Map, the PCs
need to succeed at an appropriate skill check. situations, the skills needed and the DCs required are
In order to determine information about the target provided below. If more than one skill is listed, then
community’s social aspects, the PCs must make a the GM should decide which is appropriate for any
successful check with the appropriate skill. A list of given situation.
- 111 -
Determine the real power brokers in a Critical Error DC: 20–
community (Diplomacy, Gather Information or Success: The PCs identify one of the
Knowledge (behavioral sciences)) community’s factions.
DC to accomplish: 20 Error: The PCs fail to identify the faction or
Critical Error DC: 15– its membership, or they may even fail
Success: The PCs understand who holds the to recognize it as a faction at all.
power in the community. Notes: A separate roll must be made for each
Error: The PCs may try to negotiate with the faction.
wrong people, which may do them harm Figuring out a community’s factions takes time,
in the long run. normally a week per faction if they are open about their
Determining the power brokers takes time, normally existence, or 4 weeks per faction if they act covertly. If
at least a week. If the PCs exceed the DC by more than the PCs exceed the DC by more than 5, they can
5, they can shorten the length of time needed by 1 day shorten the length of time needed by 1 day per point
per point above 25 (to a minimum of 1 day). above 30 (to a minimum of 1 day).
Understand a community’s military capability Figuring out a node’s weighting factor (Gather
(Knowledge (tactics)) Information or Knowledge (behavioral sciences))
DC to accomplish: 25 DC to accomplish: 30
Critical Error DC: 15– Critical Error DC: 25–
Success: The PCs understand how the Success: The PCs successfully discover one of the
community’s defenses are organized and community’s factor weightings.
spot any weaknesses. Error: The PCs have no idea about the factor
Error: The PCs overestimate or underestimate weighting, or they get an inaccurate
picture of it.
A DC to accomplish: 25 of 1 day).
For the most part, relationships between different greater the level of trust, the more mutually beneficial
W on the level of trust between the two communities. The peacetime and the sorts of activities involved.
- 112 -
SUPPLY AND DEMAND the flotsam from the times before the Final Wars finds
its way into the hands of the current generation.
The most common reason that communities
interact with one another is for trade. Not every This is also the sort of trade that happens when
community can produce everything its members need lone scavengers or small groups arrive at a community
to live comfortably. They may simply not have the to sell off items they have recovered in their adventures.
raw materials, the skills or the technology to produce This is particularly relevant for PCs who spend their
or maintain everything that they need. Usually though, time rummaging through the wreckage of the Old
other communities can make up the shortfall, and World looking for items they can sell to turn a profit.
through some sort of trade agreement a mutually GAME RULES
beneficial arrangement can be made. Negotiating a trade agreement requires a successful
There are two broad categories of trade. The first Diplomacy, Bluff or Intimidate check. The delegates
is strategic trade, where appointed representatives of can also use their personal Reputation bonuses or their
one community are given the authority to negotiate community’s Reputation bonus. The actual DC
with another community for some commodity. The required depends on the corresponding skills of the
second is a more direct form of trade, where members other community. Negotiations should be made as a
of one community sell their goods directly to the series of opposed skill checks, where the appropriate
population of another. skill from one community is pitted against the
Strategic trade normally takes place between two corresponding skill from the other.
communities with strong diplomatic ties. One The community’s Reputation bonuses can also be
community appoints a delegation and sends it to the used to help influence the result of the negotiations
other community in order to secure a beneficial trade (see Chapter Four: Home Sector and Beyond of the
agreement. Depending on the circumstances, the Gamma World Player’s Handbook for more details).
agreement might be a one-time deal, or it might If one of the communities has the Infamous feat, it
represent a much longer-term arrangement, where gets a +2 bonus on checks to influence the other.
supplies between the communities would flow back and Trade also has an effect on the Community
forth on a regular basis. Behavior Map. Strategic trade affects the whole
The actual tactics used by the delegation depend community, so trade negotiations create events that
very much on the community it comes from and how act on the community’s Resources and Prosperity
strong the community’s bargaining position is. In cases factors. Successful negotiations have a positive effect,
where the negotiations are kept (mostly) honest, then while failed negotiations cause a fall in the factor
the delegation will rely mainly on their diplomacy skills weights.
to negotiate the contract terms. If one side is trying to Personal trade has a much smaller effect on the
deliberately mislead the other in some fashion — community’s overall Resources factor. Instead, it
influences the Population Happiness node, as the
make use of Bluff, including the tactics described in individual population members get new goods to make
Chapter Two. If the envoys rely on threats to get the their lives better. However, this sort of trade should
most beneficial trade agreement, then their facility also cause increases in the Greed, Dissent and Outside
with Intimidate will be critical.
Trade delegations are a perfect way for the PCs to
have an influence over their community’s well-being.
Influence factor weights, which can have long-term
destabilizing effects on the community. A
If the PCs are the ones entrusted with obtaining the COMMUNICATION
best deal for their community, then they will have to
rely on their wits and skill during the negotiations.
The more direct trade style usually happens when
Getting news from one community to another is
vitally important if the communities are working
together for a common goal. However, since the Final
some form of caravan arrives at another community
and the populations of the two communities mingle
and trade directly with one another. When this sort of
Wars, advanced communication methods like radio
and satellite phones are normally no longer available
(or their operation is especially patchy in the rare cases
trade occurs, it usually turns into a semi-official holiday where they are available).
for the community being visited. The townsfolk haggle The Pony Express was a feature of the old
for the things that they need personally, or simply for American West that has naturally restarted since
trinkets that they like. This latter style is often how civilization collapsed. Without high-tech means of
- 113 -
communicating, communities often use dispatch In the Gamma World, most communication
runners or riders to carry news and other important between communities is either delivered verbally by
communiqués. In some cases, whole nomadic the messenger, or it is committed to paper. Although
communities have learned to make a living ferrying some communities still have working recording
news and information from one community to another. technology from before the Wars, the recipients often
Community members nearly always welcome news lack the capability to play the messages back, forcing
from the outside world. Dispatch riders are often plied reliance on the older methods.
with food and drink, and questioned mercilessly for stories Because the leaking of important messages about
and gossip from other communities. Many people stay trade or defense could prove disastrous in the wrong
fairly close to their homes, tending to their farms or hands, many communities have teams of trained
scavenging in the nearby ruins. Because of the dangers, cryptographers who secure the content of
few make the often-hazardous journeys between communications from prying eyes. Some use advanced
communities, so any stories of the world beyond the Pre-War computers, while others rely either on
immediate horizon are highly prized. Some dispatch riders mechanical encryption devices or even manual
have become quite adept at turning their anecdotes into encryption. Encrypting dispatches is a task that often
actual performances, regaling the locals with stories, songs falls to a community’s synthetic members, whose
and poems about the things they’ve seen. computerized brains are far more efficient at handling
the complex mathematical equations used for
WHEN THEY JUST encryption and decryption.
DON’T WANT TO TALK Not all encrypted communication is between
Not all communities are interested in talking separate communities. Some more advanced
with outsiders about what’s going on in the outside communities provide their envoys with special portable
world. Some of the common reasons why a encryption devices to allow them to carefully prepare
community may not want to talk with outsiders are: messages to send back to their homes, and for the
community leaders to send sensitive messages back out
• They’re xenophobic and fight off outsiders
to their envoys. These secure messages are particularly
as soon as they appear (the community would
important when the envoys are negotiating trade or
radically oppose any form of event that would raise
defense agreements, allowing the community leaders
its Outside Influence factor).
to have a much greater influence over the outcome.
• The PCs (or the messenger) look like they
While most communities treat dispatch riders with
belong to the community’s enemy, or they are of a
respect and provide them with safe passage, there are some
W the players’ minds for a long time. News from the outside can sometimes also lead to
an increase in Outside Influence as the population
- 114 -
adopts ideas that may not align with the community’s Many gatherings have a religious element to them,
core philosophy. At such times, the community’s as the combined population gives thanks for the past
leaders need to work harder to keep the population year and spiritually prepares for the upcoming harvest
focused on what’s important. How they do that depends and long winter. The spiritual leaders spend most of
on the type of leader; a Strong leader may simply bully their time discussing matters of importance to the
his population into forgetting about the message, while combined groups and the ways they can best deal with
a Charismatic leader may give a rousing speech that the needs of their respective populations.
gets her people’s passion fired up behind their own Community leaders use the gatherings as a chance
community again. For more details on leadership styles, for face-to-face negotiations, and to discuss matters of
see Chapter Two. a strategic nature. Trade and defense matters are often
common topics, with new potential threats being
CLAN GATHERINGS shared and ideas on how to deal with them formulated.
Even though many communities keep to The leaders also discuss problems they may have had
themselves for most of the year, there are times when in the past year, share their solutions and discuss
the population wants contact with people other than possible alternatives that can be tried once the
the ones they see every day. This is especially true for gatherings break up.
smaller communities, where the whole population may For the PCs, clan gatherings provide an
only be several dozen people. For most of these people, opportunity to roleplay some fun times, with lots of
life is dominated by the work necessary for survival, be character interaction. Normally, they will let their
it hunting, gathering, tending crops or simply tending hair down and just relax — although whenever groups
to the community’s upkeep. There is little in the way of people get together in large numbers, there is always
of time for recreation or travel. the potential for mischief or outright intrigue that
Some of these communities therefore take time out the PCs could be charged with investigating and
every year to gather together for fun and fellowship. Such sorting out.
gatherings usually take place in mid-summer, after the
crops have been planted, but before they are ready for GAME RULES
harvest. In areas with exotic climates or unusual staple Clan gatherings have the greatest impact on the
crops, the major gatherings occur at whatever time of Community Behavior Map of the host community. It
the year provides the best combination of relatively free will have a massive spike in its Population factor
days for preparation and festival and relatively tolerable weight, and a corresponding drain on its Resources
weather. One community usually plays host to the rest, factor. On the other hand, populations almost always
preparing camping grounds and enough extra supplies
to cover the increase in population.
For the most part, these gatherings are one long
look forward to such gatherings, so there will be a sharp
rise in the Population Happiness factor weight.
With the massive intermingling of the different
populations, a temporary conglomerate community
party, with different groups coming together mostly to
relax and renew old friendships. There is often a semi- forms. The different communities interact heavily with
serious side to the gatherings, as the different one another, and dozens of events will have an impact
communities compete with one another in a huge on some or all of them. Events targeting the Dissent
variety of competitions, all trying to win status over the
others. These competitions range from physical sporting
or hunting skills, through handiwork or agriculture, right
and Greed factors are commonplace, as are changes to
a community’s Outside Influence and Influence on
Others factors.
through to entertainment and knowledge.
For many young adults (however measured by their
species and culture), these gatherings provide
Example: Eentony and Faithrai are racing against
each other in the final heat of the Spring Fair annual cross-
country race. Traditionally used to determine the best
opportunities to look outside their own communities courier, the race’s outcome carries a lot of prestige — not
for suitable mates. Romances quickly spring up as the
younger members (and spry older members) meet and
try to impress someone special in the hope of forming
only for the winner, but also for his community. Near the
end of the race, Eentony trips, letting Faithrai streak past
him for the win. Her community is able to claim with pride
long-term relationships. The gatherings are also a time
to renew kinship ties between the different
communities, catching up with relatives who have
they have the best message runner, and so a minor Influence
on Others event is played into its Community Behavior
Map. Eentony’s community, on the other hand, has to
moved away and finding out what they have been doing suffer the jibes of the victors, and so plays a minor Outside
in the past year. Influence event instead.
- 115 -
While the festivities are going on, rumors circulate
throughout the Spring Fair that Maittok’s marauders are
coming. A minor riot breaks out, as people start grabbing
supplies from the markets and heading for the safety of the
caves in the hills. To model this, the GM plays a negligible
Greed event and an average (negative) Population
Happiness event.
As long as communities disagree, there’s always
the need for diplomats. These special envoys
understand the will of their community leaders and
have a solid grasp of their home communities’ views
and politics. Some travel to other communities and
negotiate on a wide range of topics, while others take
up the post of ambassador, settling permanently in
another community to represent their hometowns.
It usually falls to the diplomats to negotiate some
sort of compromise over any area in which the two
communities have some sort of interaction. While
often these talks focus on matters of trade (as discussed
above), discussions can cover literally any subject that
the two communities may need to discuss. These can
- 116 -
In any community with multiple active factions, ensure that all the troops know what they need to do
ambassadors and visiting diplomats can expect some lobbying in times of crisis, and improve the cooperation,
from every group with a claim on (or just an interest in) communication levels and trust between units from
authority. The diplomats often encourage such interaction, the different communities. A common military force
as it can give them an insight into the community that they often leads to other follow-on effects, namely the
may not get from official channels. It also provides another sharing of skills and technology between the different
means for diplomats to exert influence over the community, parent communities. This is to ensure that all forces
by feeding the factions propaganda designed to undermine in the alliance are similarly equipped, allowing
the community’s leadership. maximum effectiveness if forces from one community
Diplomatic missions are ideal for charismatic PCs, are called on to help with the defense of another.
as it gives them a chance to directly interact with Other roles that the military units may perform
another group on behalf of their own community. are guard duty for trade caravans traveling through the
Alternatively, the PCs could be attached to the region or on longer missions to other regions;
diplomatic mission, and be tasked with gathering protection of visiting dignitaries; and helping rid the
information about factions and providing intelligence region of mutant and animal troubles.
about what’s really happening in the other population, Sometimes military units split off to form specialist
to give their diplomats a stronger bargaining position. communities with strong links back to their original
The role of the diplomat is not necessarily a communities. Soldiers regularly spend time with their
permanent one. Some communities do have families and friends, returning to their barracks when
permanently appointed diplomats trained to negotiate their leave is finished.
on their behalf — particularly highly religious or political Military units often spend some of their time
communities — but at other times, anyone who has helping their parent communities with physical labor,
knowledge of the particular situation and who is in the particularly in times of crisis. Troops are often
right place may act as a diplomat. This makes it possible mobilized to help shore up damage from disasters, or
for the PCs to act in this role if the need arises. to help prepare the community to minimize the damage
if the signs of the impending disaster provide enough
GAME RULES warning. Some units are also tasked with helping
Diplomatic missions nearly always generate events maintain the peace in other communities outside the
that affect the Community Behavior Map’s five alliance, usually as a result of diplomatic intervention.
political factors: Strong Leadership, Influence on Joint military units provide opportunities for more
Others, Outside Influence, Dissent and — to a lesser combat-oriented PCs to help assist directly in the
extent — Population Happiness. Because of the
predominately strategic natures of the talks, the events
generated should normally be of at least average
protection of their homes. They also provide a level of
training and camaraderie that is sometimes difficult to C
find outside a military unit.
severity, although particularly important decisions may
create major or even critical events.
A single community has a limited territory, but it
can sometimes be hard-pressed to keep it safe from all
outside intrusions. As a result, many communities prefer
A defense treaty is one way to allow the
characters to come from different communities,
rather than having them be members of a single
to form defense pacts with their close neighbors to ensure settlement. If each one comes from a different
their mutual protection. Many of these defense treaties
draw borders around the combined territories of all the
place, they can still function together as a group
because of the overarching terms of the treaty.
The GM can easily inject tension into the game
signatory communities, assigning each of them a portion
of this shared perimeter to patrol and keep safe. The
land inside the border is only lightly patrolled, the
assumption being that most intruders will not be able
by having each member community have different
goals, which may or may not be compatible with
those of the other member settlements.
to penetrate that far into the territory’s interior.
Because the mutual defense of a region requires GAME RULES
that forces from all member communities act together, Military treaties have the most impact by reducing
joint training exercises are regularly held to ensure that the severity of events that hit the Community Behavior
forces are kept at peak performance. War games help Map’s Disaster factor. More indirectly, the extra
- 117 -
protection they provide increases a community’s community that information was somehow leaked. The
Population Happiness and Prosperity factors, because community controlling the agents has to be extremely
the civilian population can concentrate on running careful to balance the protection of its intelligence
the community’s day-to-day business without worrying assets against using sensitive information to its best
about dropping everything to pick up arms in defense advantage.
of their community. Many controllers look to infiltrate a community
An effective military force often has a positive faction that doesn’t currently hold supreme power, as
effect on a community’s Reputation; any community they are more likely to find people who disagree with
that is part of a military alliance gets a +1 Reputation the community’s leadership. However, such agents may
bonus. not be particularly well placed within the target
community. They can however provide information
ESPIONAGE on who in the community does know the sort of thing
Just because two communities have diplomatic ties that the controlling community is interested in
with one another doesn’t mean that they tell each other learning, and ways that those individuals can be
everything. Humans are both greedy and suspicious. recruited to the cause.
Other sentients, such as synthetics and the raised Agents occasionally orchestrate events to suit the
species, were created by humans and are suffer from controlling community’s needs. They may be asked to
many of the same failings. If they think they will gain plant bugs, or to sabotage important equipment or
from not telling someone something, then they’ll keep crops. They may simply be asked to leave a gate
that information to themselves. But secrets have a way unlocked or unguarded at a particular time so that
of leaking out; people let slip what they know, or they others may have access to areas they may not normally
hedge around particular subjects enough to let others have. In the most extreme cases, the agents may be
know that there is something going on. By recruiting required to directly bribe, blackmail or even kill
agents to keep their eyes and ears open and pass on members of their own communities.
interesting snippets of information, communities can PCs can find a role in espionage operations as
keep track of what others are doing. either the agents for another community or as the
A successful espionage operation depends on controllers, guiding their agents to achieve the aims
locating individuals within another community who of their home community.
are willing to effectively betray their home groups to
help out another group. The individuals who do this GAME RULES
have a myriad of reasons for it; they may be Espionage, like diplomacy, affects the five main
M way.
Regardless of the means, all agents have basically
may decrease the Dissent factor’s importance).
Greed and Disaster are also important factors that
espionage operations can affect. The agents may get
the same job: To acquire sensitive information and pass
A Their controllers may request specific information of GMs can also use the Social Investigation rules
interest, or they may be simply happy to get whatever from the Gamma World Game Master’s Guide (see
information the agents deem important enough to send Chapter Five: The Rules of the Game, “Social
across. Investigation”) as typical tasks for an espionage
The controlling community needs to work hard mission, particularly the Identify Community Benefit,
to prevent giving its agent away. Because the Identify Leaders and Identify Suppressed Group tasks.
information they receive is normally supposed to be This information is particularly useful if the PCs are
W secret, using it overtly would tip off the other looking to subvert the community in some way.
- 118 -
When two or more communities disagree on Guerrillas normally live in or near the places they
something, tensions can quickly escalate to the point are fighting for. They can blend in with the population,
where physical violence erupts. The results are often giving them a huge advantage when they are not
disastrous for at least one of the communities; people actively fighting. Not being able to identify the enemy
die, leaving loved ones grieving and the community’s causes enormous headaches for an invading force trying
buildings and land are often damaged or even to stop the guerillas. Often, the invaders try to suppress
destroyed. Recovering from a conflict may take months the indigenous population, which in turn responds by
or years, if it is even possible at all. protecting and aiding the guerrillas.
For many in the Gamma World, armed conflict is Terror tactics are one of the hallmarks of a guerilla
simply part of life. Some communities live the warrior’s campaign. Guerrillas use booby traps and bombs to
creed, taking what they need by force and leaving a trail of their fullest potential, making the occupation difficult
death and destruction behind them. For others, they fight for the invaders. Even something as simple as a food
to preserve what they have and what they believe in. tin can hide a bomb that can either kill or maim an
invader. In fights, particularly if the guerillas have
ALLEGIANCES AND decent ranged weapons, they lay in ambush for the
LEADERSHIP STYLES enemy, strike hard at an opportune moment, then pull
out before they can be captured.
For those fighting a battle, their allegiances
can be of vital importance. If a character is allied The large-scale aim of guerilla warfare is not to
with either a group, a community or even an defeat the enemy militarily. Most invaders have more
object, and whatever she has an allegiance to is soldiers, better equipment and better training than the
attacked (or captured, in the case of an object), guerillas, and could overwhelm the guerilla force in
then the character has a reason to go to war and regular combat. Instead, guerilla warfare’s aim is to
can use her allegiance bonus to help her. Similarly, make the occupation of the invaded land prohibitively
a character who has an opposed allegiance against expensive for the invaders.
the enemy (see Chapter One) can use the bonus Attacking the troops and their supplies weakens
gained to help inflict as much damage as possible. the invaders (particularly if the guerillas are able to
Leadership styles (see Chapter Two) can also steal the supplies for their own use), forcing them to
make a huge difference in combat. A competent bring in more soldiers and supplies if they hope to
leader can help keep his troops focused on the task maintain control. Over time, the cost of this constant
at hand and prevent them from panicking. Strong,
Tough and Dedicated leaders are the most
harassing can easily become too expensive for the
invaders, who are forced to withdraw.
Propaganda is an important weapon in the
prevalent leaders of combat units. Fast heroes can
guerilla’s arsenal. Because they are part of the civilian
often be found leading commando groups, and
Smart leaders can often be running the rear
echelon support functions. Charismatic heroes
population, it’s easy for the guerillas to mingle with
the population and keep them focused on resisting the
invaders. The guerillas normally try to remind people
often stay with their communities, urging them
to fight for the good of all the population. how much better life was before the invaders came,
ensuring that they continue to support the fighters who
are working to force the invaders to leave using more
physical means. The invaders, on the other hand, try
The simplest form of combat is guerilla warfare. to convince the people that if they submit to the new
Well-suited to a poorly equipped but courageous and authority, their lives will be better off and that no one
zealous side, it is often seen in lands where a larger will get hurt.
occupational force has taken control. The guerillas
fight those in control, trying to destabilize the enemy
until the guerillas’ political aims can be met.
With the massive diversification of sentient species
since the Final Wars, many conflicts are often fought
along species lines. Guerilla tactics are just as important
Guerilla units are often much smaller in size than
the opposing forces. They usually lack proper training
and equipment, improvising weapons if they have to.
in these conflicts, although the actual form of the
attacks might be different depending on the enemy’s
needs and habits. For example, a group of humans
This does not mean they are powerless; guerilla warfare attacking a group of synthetics might prefer to EMP
has proven itself time and again down through history. weapons to disrupt their computer brains.
- 119 -
In the Gamma World, PCs could easily be on Blitzkrieg attacks are always swift; delay dooms this
either side. If they are part of the guerilla force, they sort of warfare. The attackers move rapidly through
need to find ways to harass the enemy and get away the enemy’s territory, securing land as quickly as
without taking casualties, as well as to maintain the possible. The aim is to prevent the defender’s
support of the locals. If they are part of the occupation messengers from leaking out ahead of the advancing
force, their job is to root out and crush the guerilla forces, thereby maintaining the element of surprise.
cells, as well as to convince the locals that the new Consequently, forces involved in these attacks almost
regime provides much better standards of living, and always have some form of transportation available to
that giving the guerillas up would make them all much move the troops and heavy weapons into the combat
happier and safer. zone as quickly as possible.
However, blitzkrieg attacks do have a high cost.
GAME RULES Supplies of food, water and ammunition need to be able
Guerilla warfare targets the Dissent, Resources, to keep up with the attackers; and the further the combat
Strong Leadership and Disaster factors of the spreads from the home community, the harder these
Community Behavior Map. If you assume invaders attacks are to maintain. While the attackers can
control the subjugated communities, the guerillas are sometimes use captured supplies, this approach may not
trying to create as much havoc as they can, increasing always be possible, particularly if the defenders use a
the amount of dissent in the population and reducing scorched earth policy to deny their supplies to the enemy.
the power of the leadership. Bombs and ambushes are These attacks are normally just the first wave of a
positive events in the Disaster factor, while raids on larger assault. The blitzkrieg stage usually smashes a
supply lines reduce the community’s Resources factor. hole through the enemy’s defenses, or completely
Alternatively, if the community is still under its overwhelms it in the case of a smaller target. Second-
own leadership, then the invaders would have a very echelon forces secure the territory and establish supply
strong grip over the population through the Outside
the invaded population is thoroughly demoralized by
some of their lost territory. This can either be in the
the attacker’s swiftness and brutality and will surrender
form of regular forces mounting their own blitzkrieg
before they are completely crushed.
attacks, or it may come from guerilla attacks harassing
A successful blitzkrieg attack usually requires either
the occupational forces.
an advantage in numbers or an advantage in
technology, or both. If the attackers have numbers on GAME RULES
their side, but a lower technology level, they can gain Blitzkrieg attacks normally always come in the form
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for the attacking community, and an average negative By denying the enemy the supplies they need, the war
Population event (signifying the mobilization and can be shortened quickly.
departure of the troops). If one side is using nanotechnology to create food
or weapons, then the enemy’s interdiction mission may
Regardless of the conflict’s size or nature, without
fresh supplies the fight simply cannot continue.
revolve around finding a way to neutralize or disable
the nanites, shutting them down to prevent the enemy
from benefiting from them. Finding a way to stop the
Throughout history, wars have either been won or lost
based on the combatants’ logistical support. The more
efficiently supplies can be dispersed to the frontline
enemy from gaining an advantage from nanotechnology
may even be enough to halt the attack completely.
When two communities attack each other, one
troops, the longer they are able to keep up the fight. group often ends up besieging the other. In the strictest
At the most basic level, soldiers need fresh food and
water to survive. While they may be able to live off the
land to some extent, it often falls to their home
sense, a siege is little more than a logistical exercise. If
the defenders have enough food, water, ammunition
and reinforcements before they lock the gates, they
community to keep the supplies flowing. When soldiers
rely on animals for transport, the amount of food and
water required increases dramatically. Using Pre-War
can usually outlast the attackers unless the defenses
are breached. On the other hand, the attackers are not
only trying to breach the community’s defenses, they
vehicles introduces the need for fuel, and advanced are also trying to starve the defenders to the point
weapons need ammunition if they are actually to be useful.
When devising plans, clever strategists look not
where they are too weak to continue the fight.
Small guerilla units are often incredibly effective
only for territory they can take from the enemy, but in supply interdiction. Squads of 5 or 10 individuals can
also for supply lines they can take and defend against
determined resistance. At the same time, they try to
determine where the enemy’s supplies are kept, and
sneak behind enemy lines to help prevent the supplies
from reaching the frontline troops. It doesn’t matter if
they steal the supplies for their own use, or they simply
those dumps become important targets to be taken. destroy them so that the enemy can’t benefit from them
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either. In many cases, the supplies do not necessarily and monsters unleashed in foolish, unreflective creative
have to be completely destroyed. Poisoning an army’s fits. Some communities in the Gamma World believe
water supply not only makes the water unusable, it also that combat is only perpetuating the mistakes of the past,
has the side effect of killing the enemy or at the very and they want nothing to do with it.
least making them far less effective in combat. By However, they do recognize the fact that some
contaminating fuel supplies, extra damage can be done disputes simply cannot be solved using diplomacy.
to the enemy’s vehicles, making them useless. Often the show of martial capability is enough to
In some respects, communication channels are prevent tensions from escalating any further.
another form of supply line, one that carries sensitive Some more peaceful communities approach this
information from the commanders to the frontline troops problem in a variety of creative ways. Some try to ban
and back again. Disrupting the enemy’s ability to warfare altogether, pretending it doesn’t exist. This
communicate is often as important as preventing physical approach rarely works for any length of time, and such
supplies from reaching the troops, as the lack of fresh communities are often attacked and overrun by others
tactical information usually leads to bad decisions and who do not share their peaceful tendencies.
ultimately to the army’s defeat. However, Other groups instead use forms of ritualized combat
communications channels, like physical logistical trains, to settle disputes. These are all highly controlled, with
do not necessarily need to be destroyed. By contaminating strict rules of engagement that either prevent or
the enemy’s communications with misinformation, the minimize collateral damage to non-combatants.
enemy can be led into traps, or diverted away from areas For some communities, these combats can be as simple
of strategic importance at critical times. as some form of sporting event, albeit often extremely
As supply line interdiction is one of the most violent ones. For others, the combats may be real, but they
important tasks in any conflict, it provides a perfect are fought with non-deadly or sometimes even simulated
opportunity for PCs to play an important part in the weapons. In some extremely rare cases, where both sides
conflict, particularly if combined with guerilla tactics. still have access to Pre-War era computing technology,
the battles may not even be fought physically. Instead,
COMBINING THE computer simulations using virtual realities may take their
COMBAT TYPES place, with the results of the combats treated as though
Wars are rarely fought using only one style of they took place in the real world.
combat. A typical effective strategy begins with a Ritualized combats may also form part of the
blitzkrieg attack to shock the enemy into community’s social life. Gladiatorial combats in public
G surrender, while guerilla forces harass the enemy arenas not only provide a means of settling martial
to deny them access to their supplies. In fact, disputes between communities, they also provide a brutal
special forces units were specifically designed to form of public entertainment. These combats are often
carry out guerilla warfare operations behind enemy no-holds-barred affairs, with almost no rules, as long as
Having supplies either stolen or destroyed directly
effects a community’s Resources factor. As the
Some more brutal communities enjoy blood sports
like gladiatorial combats. They use slaves, synthetics
community begins to run out of supplies, they become or captured creatures in death matches purely for
more desperate, which normally triggers increases in entertainment and gambling. Some communities
Greed and Dissent, and often dramatic decreases in where slavery isn’t practiced still have gladiator fights,
Population Happiness and Prosperity. using highly trained champions who love a good fight.
RITUALIZED COMBAT Such gladiatorial combats provide combat-
oriented PCs with a chance to build a big
Some communities actually did learn something from reputation, provided they don’t mind putting their
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Regardless of the combat’s actual form, both sides wins or loses. It has a high material cost and often places
of the conflict need to agree on the victory conditions a huge strain on a community’s Resources factor. If
and to stop when such conditions are met. This often the fighting drags on for too long, the community may
requires some form of adjudication, to ensure that both have to withdraw their forces from the field because
sides play fair and that the results of the conflict are they are simply unable to support them.
agreed upon and binding. In some cases, specialized There is also an extremely high personal cost for the
communities have developed to act as neutral referees, population. People are killed and injured during the
ensuring that the rules of combat are adhered to and fighting, which can have a huge detrimental effect on
that the result is binding. These special communities the community’s long-term viability. A lengthy campaign
sometimes situate themselves in well-known locations, can kill an entire generation, making it difficult if not
and warring parties will come to them to fight. In other impossible for the community to increase its population
cases, the adjudicators are nomadic and will travel to through childbearing. Combatants are usually the fittest
the different hotspots to ensure that disputes are settled and most physically able members of the community. If
quickly and efficiently, without causing undue hardship too many of them are killed in the fighting, then the
on the civilian populations. community simply might not have enough people to carry
Another form of ritualized combat is war games, out all the tasks necessary for survival.
which provide an opportunity for communities that To prevent things from reaching these drastic
are otherwise at peace with one another to practice levels, the side well on its way to losing may offer to
their combat skills, before they are needed for real. surrender instead of fighting to the death.
These games are often treated as though they are real Alternatively, the side with the upper hand may offer
combat, except that all exchanges between troops are to cease combat if the enemy unconditionally
non-lethal and damage is either assessed by a referee surrenders to them immediately. While this does result
or through some objectively obvious means like in a loss of face for the surrendering side, it often means
paintballs. War games are often a regular feature the difference between the community surviving in at
between communities who share a defense treaty, to least some form and being destroyed completely. There
ensure the troops remain at their peak performance. are too many reminders almost everywhere of the costs
of total warfare to make fighting to the bitter end
GAME RULES appealing to anyone but the most fanatical cryptic
Ritualized combats have much the same effect on alliances and comparably extreme groups.
the Community Behavior Map as other forms of combat, Once the combat ceases, the need to repair the
simply because the community accepts that the ritual as damage begins. Fighting almost always causes collateral
a substitute for the real thing. However, because the
combats are carefully controlled, the effects’ severity is
greatly reduced, and should rarely if ever rise above average
damage to the community or its surrounds. If the
community is to survive, this damage will need to be
repaired. The resources expended during the fighting
severity. Depending on the community’s commitment
to this sort of engagement as a way of settling disputes,
social effects may be multiplied while purely physical ones
are diminished in matching degree, such as twice the
need to be rebuilt. The community also needs to heal
the emotional scars that combat causes, regardless of
whether it won or lost, and commemorate the dead as
its culture demands while treating those who were
normal change to the Population Happiness factor and
half the normal change to the Prosperity and Resources
nodes. This reflects the reality of psychological gain or
injured but survived.
Communities often change leaders once the war
is over, particularly if the community lost the fighting.
loss without the consumption or destruction of much of
the community’s physical assets.
This causes a huge amount of turmoil within the
population, with the different factions in the
community jockeying for position to gain control of
the community’s political arena. If the community
Regardless of the form that the fighting takes,
combat rarely occurs for its own sake. There are
normally clearly defined strategic objectives laid out
surrendered, then the enemy will often appoint new
leaders from their own ranks, or at least select leaders
who are sympathetic to the occupying forces.
before the initial attacks are launched; once these
objectives are achieved or become clearly out of reach,
leaders call for a cease-fire.
A victorious population has celebrations to
commemorate the victory and to laud the combatants
for their hard work. The losers normally have
Combat is a hideously expensive undertaking for
ceremonies to mourn the dead and meetings to
any community, regardless of whether the community
determine how to rebuild.
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Regardless of whether the PCs are on the winning The news of a war often spreads quickly, as does
or the losing side, they can have a part to play in the news of the cease-fire. The winning side will
rebuilding their home community. With some skillful initially gain a bonus to its Reputation, ranging from
political maneuvering, they may even be able to +1d4 for a minor skirmish to +1d12 for a massively
improve their positions within the population. decisive victory. The losing side’s Reputation bonus
will take a corresponding reduction.
GAME RULES However, these Reputation bonuses can change
Once the dust begins to settle, the communities once significant events from the conflict become more
involved need to begin rebuilding. For the winners, widely known. For example, if the winners performed
the celebrations normally cause increases in the ethnic cleansing on the losers, when word gets out
Population Happiness and Prosperity factors. The losers the community may either lose some points from its
face a massive negative hit to the Strong Leadership Reputation bonus, or it may even pick up the
and Population Happiness factors, and increases in the Infamous feat.
Dissent and Outside Influence factors.
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The Helping Hand, the Knife in Your Back
It's a dangerous world out there, and Gamma World characters rely on
their community for rest and support. But the home front has its own
opportunities and perils.
This book expands on Gamma World’s innovative rules for communities,
offers a rogue's gallery of ready-to-use leaders, rivals and other
other important ™
members of the characters' community and presents rules and advice
for characters who try to lead their own community or found a new one
ISBN 1-58846-966-2