2017 Book InformaticsInSchoolsFocusOnLea
2017 Book InformaticsInSchoolsFocusOnLea
2017 Book InformaticsInSchoolsFocusOnLea
Informatics in Schools
Focus on Learning Programming
10th International Conference on Informatics in Schools:
Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2017
Helsinki, Finland, November 13–15, 2017, Proceedings
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10696
Commenced Publication in 1973
Founding and Former Series Editors:
Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, and Jan van Leeuwen
Editorial Board
David Hutchison
Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
Takeo Kanade
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Josef Kittler
University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
Jon M. Kleinberg
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
Friedemann Mattern
ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
John C. Mitchell
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Moni Naor
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
C. Pandu Rangan
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
Bernhard Steffen
TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany
Demetri Terzopoulos
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Doug Tygar
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Gerhard Weikum
Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany
More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/7407
Valentina Dagiene Arto Hellas (Eds.)
Informatics in Schools
Focus on Learning Programming
10th International Conference on Informatics in Schools:
Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2017
Helsinki, Finland, November 13–15, 2017
Valentina Dagiene Arto Hellas
Mathematics and Informatics University of Helsinki
Vilnius University Helsinki
Vilnius Finland
as posters, creating a unique opportunity for the participants to discuss the ideas in a
supportive environment. ISSEP also hosted CSERC (Computer Science Education
Research Conference) as a special track at the conference.
Program Committee
Erik Barendsen Radboud University Nijmegen and Open Universiteit,
The Netherlands
Andreas Bollin University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Andrej Brodnik University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Michalis Giannakos Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
David Ginat Tel Aviv University, Israel
Bruria Haberman Holon Institute of Technology, Tel Aviv, Israel
Juraj Hromkovič Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,
Peter Hubwieser Technical University of Munich, Germany
Petri Ihantola Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Ivan Kalas Comenius University, Slovakia
Tiina Korhonen University of Helsinki, Finland
Peter Micheuz University of Klagenfurt and Gymnasium Völkermarkt,
George A. Papadopoulos University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Sergey Pozdniakov Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Russia
Ralf Romeike University of Erlangen (FAU), Germany
Maciej M. Syslo University of Wroclaw, Poland
Keynote Paper
Bebras Tasks
Country Reports
System Papers
1 Introduction
The recent technological development has led to a situation where many of our
children will be working in a profession that does not yet exist, and they will
be working on the solution of problems that have not even materialized yet.
To prepare them for this, we need to change our approach to teaching. Our
fundamental principle for designing educational curricula for any subject is the
Do not teach the final products of science, technology, and humanities, and
do not consider it the highest goal to train to successfully apply them. For
the latest knowledge may be found outdated with time. Teach the process
of discovering new knowledge, teach the need to search for new solutions,
teach the ways of collecting experience and formulating hypotheses, teach
the ways of verifying hypotheses, teach how others can be convinced about
the truth discovered, teach the constructive way of thinking in order to
create new products and finally new technology, and teach the processes of
testing and improving the products of our work.
only possible with the evolvement of science, humanities, law, and technology.
We should teach those aspects that have the biggest impact on the development
of our way of thinking. The whole of human history can be seen as a process of
developing research instruments to understand the world around us and to find
solutions for our problems. The goal of this article is to look at computer science
as an integral part of science since ever and to use this view to recognize the
main contributions and consequently to design how to teach them in the context
of other educational subjects.
2 History
2.1 Computer Science, Languages, and Writing
Writing was developed in many cultures, and it became one of the most
important human technologies. The oldest known writing was developed in
Mesopotamia more than 5 000 years ago. The motivation for this development
would be recently considered a “pure computer science task”: The people of
Mesopotamia needed to save (store) and process (update) tax and property
data of some 1 000 000 people living between Euphrates and Tigris. The start-
ing point during the development of a writing is the choice of symbols, called
an alphabet, and then the representation of data (numbers, words, texts) as
finite sequences of symbols. In this framework, we can speak about “coding” of
information. The development of number representations is a wonderful story
about different systems being in competition with each other (each to each) for
many years with respect to understandability (transparency), the length of the
description, and the efficiency of performing arithmetic operations on them.
As more and more people learned to read, the need to keep some of that writ-
ten information secret, i.e., understandable for a selected group of people only,
was formulated. The oldest traces of attempts to decrease readability are some
3 500 years old, where the order of some symbols was exchanged in Mesopotamia.
2 500 years ago, different secret writings were used in Palestine, India, China,
Egypt and Greece. They used concepts of mixing the order of symbols and
exchanging symbols (coding of symbols by other symbols) which are still used
in modern cryptographic protocols.
The above mentioned activities are all strongly related to the expertise of
computer scientists, some of them are even considered as a proper part of com-
puter science, e.g., cryptography. Indeed, computer scientists are true experts in
developing writings for specific purposes. Some examples for teaching this topic
can be found in [1,5,8].
Another example is compression, which is strongly related to measuring the
information content of texts. Coding texts as short as possible, without losing
any information, in order to shorten communication messages, was developed
even before computer science was established as an independent discipline (see
[1,8] for an example of a teaching sequence).
Self-correcting codes [10] are robust writings which automatically recognize
and correct mistakes in texts. Current e-commerce cannot work without such
The Computer Science Way of Thinking in Human History 5
codes because any small misprint could cause a wrong money transfer or wrong
online order.
Later on, computer scientists developed numerous writings for data rep-
resentations for different purposes. Some focused on performing selected data
operations (data structures), others focused on creating databases (information
systems) with a very fast search capability (see [1,8]).
Driven by the construction of (physical) computers, the binary alphabet and
many ways of representing data by sequences of bits were introduced1 (see [1,8]
for a teaching sequence).
Another strong relationship between languages and computer science is in the
development of programming languages. Programming languages are languages
with very well defined syntax and semantics, and looking at the development of
formal language theory as a product of computer science one observes a big inter-
section with the development of linguistics. The formal concept of a grammar,
context-sensitivity and context-freeness are all concepts developed in coopera-
tion with linguistics (see [2] for a textbook for high schools on this topic).
(i) All sentences have an unambiguous meaning for everybody mastering the
language of mathematics.
(ii) All argumentation in mathematics is verifiable.
It was technically much easier to build processors executing operations using binary
numbers than using decimal numbers. Also, it was much easier to build stable phys-
ical systems for storing information with two states only (interpreted as 0 and 1)
than developing a computer memory based on many states.
6 J. Hromkovič and R. Lacher
Algorithm is a key word of computer science, but this term is not new.
Already Euclid formulated algorithms in his “Elements” [4], among them the
famous Euclid’s algorithm. The term “algorithm” is due to al-Khwarizmi, who
wrote a book about Indian digits around the year 825. Humans tried to develop
algorithms as long as anyone can remember. People generated knowledge in order
to understand the world around them and especially to apply this knowledge to
develop “procedures” to reach their goals. This was key for the development of
the first human societies because it allowed jumps in performance and efficiency
increase. The point is that becoming an expert in performing a previously devel-
oped procedure was much easier than to learn to develop such procedures or
to discover new facts. One nice example from ancient Greece is the Theorem of
Pythagoras that became a procedure applied in the construction of buildings.
We know due to Pythagoras that 32 + 42 = 52 and that the triangle with sides of
length 3, 4, and 5 units always contains a right angle. Therefore, to create a right
angle, it is sufficient to take 3 ropes of the corresponding lengths (3, 4, and 5
units) to construct the right angle. There is a huge gap between the qualification
of creating this triangle and the intellectual potential to discover the Theorem
of Pythagoras, not to mention the capability to prove why it is true. In this way,
many technologies became available to big parts of society in spite of the fact
that only few people had the expertise to understand them or even to be able
to develop them.
The above was also the reason why Leibniz described mathematics as a sci-
ence of automation of human work. The idea of Leibniz was to translate the
problems of the real world into the language of mathematics and then to solve
them by formal calculations. His first dream was to develop a calculus for logical
argumentation similar to formal arithmetics. This dream was satisfied 200 years
later when logic was developed and became the formal system for automatic cal-
culation of the correctness of mathematical proofs. The second dream of Leibniz
was to create a type of mathematics in which all real problems can be described
and solved.
During the time of technical revolution, Hilbert [7] specified Leibnizs second
dream more precisely. He considered a problem as a collection of potentially
infinitely many problem instances. An algorithm for solving the problem was
therefore a method that was able to calculate the correct solution for any of the
instances of the problem. The dream of Hilbert included finding an algorithm for
each problem that can be formulated in the language of mathematics. However,
in 1930, Kurt Gödel [6] proved that there exist claims in mathematics for which
the truth cannot be decided inside of mathematics. In other words, Kurt Gödel
proved that the description power of the language of mathematics is stronger
than its argumentation power. One can formulate claims in mathematics for
which there exist no proofs whether they are correct or not. This finding was the
nucleus that started the founding of “computability” as the first sub-discipline of
computer science with the goal to classify problems into algorithmically solvable
and algorithmically unsolvable ones. The related formal definitions of the term
“algorithm” offered by Turing [18] and Church [3] are now considered as the
birth of computer science.
The Computer Science Way of Thinking in Human History 7
Rather than dedicating the space of this article to explaining in detail the
spiral curriculum of teaching computer science developed at the Center for Com-
puter Science Education of ETH, we give some selected examples to illustrate
the approach we followed during the development of our textbooks.
There are many other data representation topics. An important one deals
with suitable data representation for building databases or for special algorithmic
tasks. A key point is that there are many levels of deepness and one can create a
challenging spiral curriculum for this topic with many creative and constructive
3.3 Programming
For a more detailed presentation of this topic, see [9,12–17]. The starting point
is not to teach a programming language, but rather to combine problem solving
with the communication of the designed algorithm to the computer. Start with
as few instructions as possible and force the pupils through modularity to intro-
duce new instructions and to “teach” the computer to understand them. This
way, on one hand, the pupils learn how to develop a language in order to make
the communication more efficient, and on the other hand they learn modular
design, which is one of the most fundamental concepts of engineering. Simulta-
neously, they follow the genesis of the development of programming languages to
some extent and therefore naturally do not see programming languages as final
products that must be taken as they are.
10 J. Hromkovič and R. Lacher
4 Conclusion
To prepare our children for the future, we need to change our approach to teach-
ing fundamentally: Rather than teaching the current products of science, tech-
nology and humanities, we should teach the process of making discoveries. We
should teach collecting experience and data, formulating and verifying hypothe-
ses, how to convince ourselves and others about the truth discovered, how to
think in a constructive way that leads to the creation of new products and new
technology, and we should teach the processes of testing and improving the prod-
ucts of our work. The example of Pythagoras’ Theorem illustrates not only how
a product of science has been applied in processes, but also shows the difference
of skills needed for the discovery of new knowledge and the application thereof.
When applying this strategy for teaching computer science, one obtains the
following principles:
1. Do not teach computer science as an isolated subject, but teach computer
science as a part of science and technology offering a deep contextual view.
Take care on contributing to knowledge transfer to other disciplines. Build
and use bridges to the development of languages and mathematics.
2. Do not teach the latest products of IT and the latest scientific discover-
ies. Follow the genesis of fundamental concepts and improve them step by
step. Create the need for these concepts and their improvements and discover
the new ideas by doing experiments, proposing and verifying solutions and
evaluating their feasibility and quality. Try to discover, for all age groups,
to which extent which concepts are feasible and how to apply learning by
doing to master them. Computer science topics such as data representation,
programming, and algorithm design have many levels of deepness, therefore
lending themselves perfectly for a spiral curriculum.
3. Teach to view IT as an enabling technology. Teach to control computers by
programming and to automate well understood activities in order to make
society more efficient. Teach to work in a constructive way, to test the func-
tionality of own products, and the modular design approach. Simply teach
the way of thinking and working of technical disciplines (engineering).
The Computer Science Way of Thinking in Human History 11
1. Bell, T., Witten, I.H., Fellows, M.: Computer Science Unplugged. Creative Com-
mons Attribution 2.0 (2015)
2. Böckenhauer, H.-J., Hromkovič, J.: Formale Sprachen: Endliche Automaten, Gram-
matiken, Lexikalische und syntaktische Analyse. Springer, Wiesbaden (2013).
3. Church, A.: An unsolvable problem of elementary number theory. Am. J. Math.
58(2), 345–363 (1936)
4. Euclid: Elements, books I-XIII
5. Freiermuth, K., Hromkovič, J., Steffen, B., Keller, L.: Einführung in die Kryp-
tologie: Lehrbuch für Unterricht und Selbststudium. Springer, Wiesbaden (2014).
6. Gödel, K.: Über formal unentscheidbare Sätze der Principia Mathematica und ver-
wandter Systeme I. Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, pp. 173–198 (1931)
7. Hilbert, D.: Mathematische Probleme. Nachrichten von der königl. Gesellschaft
der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse, pp. 253–
297 (1900)
8. Hromkovič, J.: Einfach Informatik. Datendarstellung. Klett (2018, to appear)
9. Hromkovič, J., Kohn, T.: Einfach Informatik. Programmieren. Klett (2018, to
10. Hromkovič, J., Keller, L., Komm, D., Serafini, G., Steffen, B.: Entdeckendes lernen
am beispiel fehlerkorrigierender codes. Login 168, 50–55 (2011)
11. Hromkovič, J.: Homo Informaticus: why computer science fundamentals are an
unavoidable part of human culture and how to teach them. Bull. EATCS 115,
112–122 (2015)
12. Hromkovič, J., Kohn, T., Komm, D., Serafini, G.: Combining the power of python
with the simplicity of logo for a sustainable computer science education. In: Brod-
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(2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46747-4 13
13. Hromkovič, J., Kohn, T., Komm, D., Serafini, G.: Examples of algorithmic thinking
in programming education. Olympiads Inform. 10, 111–124 (2016)
14. Hromkovič, J., Kohn, T., Komm, D., Serafini, G.: Algorithmic thinking from the
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15. Hromkovič, J., Serafini, G., Staub, J.: XLogoOnline: a single-page, browser-based
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In: Dagiene, V., Hellas, A. (eds.) ISSEP 2017. LNCS, vol. 10696, pp. 219–231.
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16. Hromkovič, J., Steffen, B.: Why teaching informatics in schools is as important as
teaching mathematics and natural sciences. In: Kalaš, I., Mittermeir, R.T. (eds.)
ISSEP 2011. LNCS, vol. 7013, pp. 21–30. Springer, Heidelberg (2011). https://doi.
org/10.1007/978-3-642-24722-4 3
17. Serafini, G.: Programmierungerricht für Kinder und deren Lehrpersonen: Unter-
richtsmaterialien, didaktische Herausforderungen und konkrete Erfahrungen, GI-
Edition. Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. 249, pp. 267–272 (2015)
18. Turing, A.: On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidung-
sproblem. Proc. London Math. Soc. 42(2), 230–265 (1936)
Accessibility, Visualizations and Physical
Adolescent and Adult Student Attitudes
Towards Progress Visualizations
1 Introduction
The effort that we expect from our students can be overwhelming to the extent
that students temporarily lose track of their long-term goals and original moti-
vations – seeing the forest from the trees can be hard. Progress visualizations
can be a valuable tool for showing students the metaphorical forest, and helping
them focus on the work that they are doing. Certain visualizations can improve
students’ performance in a measured task; for example, a progress bar that mea-
sures a specific activity can increase students’ engagement with that activity [8].
These types of motivational tools can be important in labour-intensive courses,
such as introductory programming courses, and can provide additional incentives
for the students to complete the tasks they are given.
Learning progress visualization tools intended for students themselves have
mostly been researched as part of broader attempts at gamifying education.
However, this research rarely looks at specific elements of gamification with
O. Aarne and P. Peltola contributed equally to this work.
c Springer International Publishing AG 2017
V. Dagiene and A. Hellas (Eds.): ISSEP 2017, LNCS 10696, pp. 15–26, 2017.
16 O. Aarne et al.
any rigor. In this work, we compare two types of progress visualizations that
emphasize progress at different course granularities, and study whether specific
visualizations are more suitable for specific course sub-populations. More specif-
ically, we explore how adult and adolescent students respond to visualizations
that highlight weekly progress and course-long progress.
This article is structured as follows. First, in Sect. 2 we provide an overview
of students’ orientations and mindsets as well as discuss point and progress
visualizations. Then, in Sects. 3 and 4 we explain the details of the study and
its results, respectively. In Sect. 5 we discuss the results and lastly, in Sect. 6 we
conclude this work and outline possible future research.
2 Related Work
In this section, we visit two relevant streams of research. First, we briefly discuss
self-regulation in adults and adolescents. Then, we discuss previous work on
motivational visualizations.
Steinberg et al. [15] found that young adults’ future orientations and delay
discounting continued to develop from childhood all the way into their mid-
twenties. The research compared 10 to 30 year old individuals and indicated,
when compared to their counterparts, that younger individuals are more likely
to choose a smaller reward sooner than a larger reward later. This supports our
study design.
for both students and teachers, with the focus on students’ self-regulation in the
variables shown in the dashboard. They developed their dashboard iteratively
similarly to Santos et al. [14] by interviewing students and improving the dash-
board based on the feedback. Their dashboard also allowed students to see each
other’s progress.
Gamification in education [6,10,11] utilizes visualization of students’
progress. For example Holman et al.’s [6] learning management system Grade-
Craft shows students their course scores as a progress bar. Additionally, they
can get badges as they learn new concepts which are also shown in the progress
bar. GradeCraft shows useful visualizations for teachers as well. They can see
which badges have been completed, and which are in progress. They also see
how the students predicted their success during the course and if their progress
corresponds the prediction.
3 Methodology
In this section, we first explain the context of our study in Sect. 3.1. Then,
we describe the survey the students were given and the students’ answers, i.e.
the data for our study in Sects. 3.2 and 3.3. Lastly, our research questions are
outlined in Sect. 3.4.
3.1 Context
The data for this study comes from a CS1 course series split into two seven-week
courses conducted in the spring of 2016 at the University of Helsinki. The course
series is an introduction to object oriented programming with Java with content
similar to most CS1 courses globally. Since most CS majors take these courses
in the fall, our sample mostly consists of non-CS majors.
The course uses a blended online material with interspersed theory sections
and assignment sections. For the purposes of this study, a visualization compo-
nent was added to the online material.
In the study, the students were randomly divided into two groups, which were
shown separate visualizations of their progress. One group was shown a series of
bars that corresponded to the percentage of completed exercises for each week
of the course, and the other group was shown a line plot that emphasized the
growth of students’ skills throughout the course. The visualization aggregated
students’ scores over the course, showing a steady growth as students’ progressed
throughout the course.
From this point onward, we refer to the visualization with the weekly bars
as the Weekly visualization, and the visualization with an emphasis on course-
long growth and effort as the Growth visualization. Two examples of the Weekly
visualization are shown in Fig. 1, while Fig. 2 shows two examples of the Growth
The visualization was implemented as a floating element that was constantly
available in the lower right corner of the course material. As the students worked
Adolescent and Adult Student Attitudes Towards Progress Visualizations 19
on the course, they were able to hide the visualization temporarily. Regardless
of whether the student had previously hidden the visualization, the visualization
was visible to the student when the material page was opened again.
3.2 Survey
At the start of the final exam of the course, the students were asked to fill out a
survey about the course. As an incentive, they were offered an extra point toward
the exam score. All of the survey questions relevant to our study were Likert
items scaled from 1–7, where a low number indicated agreement and vice versa.
A zero option was also included if the students felt the item was not applicable to
them. The items for this study included statements about whether the students
saw the progress visualization, whether they liked the visualization they saw
and whether they felt motivated by it. The distributions of the responses to the
questions are shown in Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6.
20 O. Aarne et al.
3.3 Data
Our study uses data from two subsequent programming courses that are typically
taken together. In our dataset each student in a course makes up a single data
point. Therefore students who took both courses contributed two points of data.
Our survey from the course exams provided data from 89 and 83 students for
each course respectively. For the study, we only included students who agreed
that they saw the visualization, i.e. whose responses were between 1 and 3 on
the 7-point Likert scale. This narrowed our dataset down to a total of 118 data
points. We had to exclude 27 data points due to missing information on the
participants’ ages, leaving us with a final dataset of 91 data points.
We divided the data into two groups: adolescents and adults. We consider
adults to be students born before the year 1995, i.e. students who turned 22 the
year of the study. This cutoff was chosen since it formed quite even groups and
kept the age of the adolescents reasonably low. A later cutoff year would have
raised the adolescent group’s mean age to over 20. With our chosen cutoff the
adolescents were 18–20 year olds, while the adults’ age ranged from 21 to 34
years. The medians, means and standard deviations of the ages for the different
groups are reported in Table 1.
There were 34 adolescents and 57 adults. Of all the individual students, 17
only took the first course, 20 only took the second course and 27 took both.
For the students who took both courses, the visualization was switched between
courses, which means that 27 students reported their experiences with both
visualizations. The number of students in different age groups for the two visu-
alizations can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. The group sizes for the different age and visualization groups, along with the
medians, means and standard deviations of the groups’ ages.
Age group Weekly vis. Growth vis. Median age Mean age σ of age
≥21 27 30 23 24.11 3.64
<21 11 23 20 19.56 0.56
Total 38 53 21 22.41 3.64
4 Results
To get a general overview of the results and distributions of the relevant survey
responses, we visualize them in Sect. 4.1. We then analyze the results in greater
detail, and seek to answer the research questions in Sects. 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4.
To answer research question 1, we normalized the total assignment scores
for each student and calculated the means and standard deviations for each age
group by visualization, reported in Table 4.
For research question 2 we calculated means and standard deviations of the
responses to the survey questions “Did you like the visualization?” and “Did the
visualization motivate you to complete more assignments?”, which are reported
in Tables 2 and 3 respectively.
Fig. 3. The questionnaire response distribution from the adults who saw the weekly
Fig. 4. The questionnaire response distribution from the adults who saw the growth
Fig. 5. The questionnaire response distribution from the adolescents who saw the
weekly visualization.
Fig. 6. The questionnaire response distribution from the adolescents who saw the
growth visualization.
22 O. Aarne et al.
4.2 Preference
The different age groups seemed to prefer different visualizations. When asked if
they liked the visualization, the mean response level of adolescents who saw the
Weekly visualization was 1.55, whereas the adolescents’ opinion on the Growth
visualization was only 2.00. This indicates that the adolescents collectively pre-
ferred the Weekly visualization to the Growth visualization. Conversely, the
mean response levels of adults were 2.22 and 1.65 for the Weekly and Growth
visualizations respectively, i.e. the adults liked the Growth visualization more
than the Weekly visualization.
There is very little difference between the standard deviations for the Growth
visualization. For the Weekly visualization the standard deviations are signifi-
cantly different between the two age groups: 0.69 for the adolescents and 1.72
for the adults. These values are reported in Table 2.
Table 2. Likert scale responses to the question “Did you like the visualization?”. The
responses were between 1 (completely agree) and 7 (completely disagree).
4.3 Motivating
The age groups were also more motivated by their preferred visualization. Adults
reported being more motivated by the Growth visualization. When asked to
report if the visualization affected their motivation to complete assignments, the
mean response levels were 3.04 for the Weekly visualization and 2.19 for the
Growth visualization. Similar to the preference question, the effect was reversed
for adolescents. Their mean response levels were 2.27 for the Weekly visualization
and 2.96 for the Growth visualization.
The differences in standard deviations follow the same trend that appears
in the preference subsection, only to a lesser extent. The Growth visualization’s
Table 3. Likert scale responses to the question “Did the visualization motivate you
to complete more exercises?”. The options were between 1 (completely agree) and 7
(completely disagree).
standard deviations are not significantly different, whereas the Weekly visual-
ization’s standard deviations are 2.01 for the adults and 1.79 for the adolescents,
i.e. there is a slight difference. Although the standard deviations of the Weekly
visualization group differ for both of the questions, the difference is significantly
higher for the preference question. These values are reported in Table 3.
4.4 Points
The normalized assignment scores for the two different visualizations and age
groups are reported in Table 4. We see a similar effect, albeit weaker, as with
motivation and liking: younger students complete slightly more assignments
when shown the Weekly visualization (86% completed vs 80% completed) and
older students complete marginally more assignments when shown the Growth
visualization (84% completed vs 81% completed).
Table 4. Average scores for the different age and treatment groups normalized to be
between 0 and 1.
5 Discussion
Our results indicate that the long-term focused visualization received more pos-
itive responses from adult students and was associated with higher scores com-
pared to the alternative. Similarly, the visualization which emphasizes weekly
progress received more positive responses and resulted in higher scores in the
younger group, compared to the alternative.
Therefore, the answer to our first research question, “Does the type of visual-
ization affect student scores? ”, is affirmative. Moreover, as younger and older stu-
dents preferred different visualizations, a more specific answer that also answers
our second research question, “Do participants of different ages respond differ-
ently to the different progress visualizations? ”, is the following: “Depending on
the age of the student, different progress visualizations affect students’ scores dif-
ferently”. However, the differences between the visualizations were subtle. This
is especially the case when comparing our results to Leppänen et al. [8], who
found a much more intense effect. A number of relevant differences may explain
this. Their study used simple multiple choice questions, and kept the progress
bar always visible – the progress bar also indicated when the student had “com-
pleted” a specific task, even though in reality their completion was arbitrary. In
our study, the progress was slower as the assignments were more complex, and
the visualization was only visible in the web-based course material and not in
programming environment where students worked on most of the course tasks.
24 O. Aarne et al.
5.1 Limitations
Our study also lacked a control group of students who saw no visualization
at all. As such, we can not say how much the existence of a visualization affected
students performance over a baseline – we can only compare the effect between
the two visualizations. However, because most of the students we studied said
they liked and were motivated by the visualization they saw, we can assume that
the visualizations did not have a negative impact on the students’ scores. That
is, we may assume that a control group would have performed more poorly.
6 Conclusions
In this article we studied how different age groups responded to being shown dif-
ferent visualizations of their course progress – overall, students liked the visual-
izations and they can be a useful tool for educators in keeping students motivated
and engaged. However, our preliminary results suggest not all such visualizations
are made equal. Out of our two progress visualizations, the one that emphasized
long term growth was better liked and promoted better scores among the older
age group, whereas the younger age group performed better with a bar plot
visualization that emphasized each week’s progress individually. The differences
were rather subtle, however, and were not statistically significant.
In the future, we would like to further test our findings on a course with
more students. It would also be valuable to have a control group who were not
shown any visualization to study how these visualizations compare to not having
a visualization at all. In addition, we want to study how increases in the number
of completed exercises translates to actual acquired skills, for example whether
there are differences in exam scores between the different visualization groups.
1. Bennedsen, J., Caspersen, M.E.: Failure rates in introductory programming. ACM
SIGCSE Bull. 39(2), 32–36 (2007)
2. Bull, S., Ginon, B., Boscolo, C., Johnson, M.: Introduction of learning visualisations
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implementation of a learning analytics toolkit for teachers. J. Educ. Technol. Soc.
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6. Holman, C., Aguilar, S., Fishman, B.: Gradecraft: what can we learn from a game-
inspired learning management system? In: Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, pp. 260–264. ACM (2013)
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7. Jacovina, M.E., Snow, E.L., Allen, L.K., Roscoe, R.D., Weston, J.L., Dai, J.,
McNamara, D.S.: How to visualize success: presenting complex data in a writing
strategy tutor. In: EDM, pp. 594–595 (2015)
8. Leppänen, L., Vapaakallio, L., Vihavainen, A.: Illusion of progress is moar addictive
than cat pictures. In: Proceedings of the Third ACM Conference on Learning@Scale
(L@S 2016), pp. 133–136, New York, NY, USA. ACM (2016)
9. Loboda, T.D., Guerra, J., Hosseini, R., Brusilovsky, P.: Mastery grids: an open-
source social educational progress visualization. In: Proceedings of the 2014 Con-
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2014), p. 357, New York, NY, USA. ACM (2014)
10. Morrison, B.B., DiSalvo, B.: Khan academy gamifies computer science. In: Pro-
ceedings of the 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education,
pp. 39–44. ACM (2014)
11. O’Donovan, S., Gain, J., Marais, P.: A case study in the gamification of a university-
level games development course. In: Proceedings of the South African Institute for
Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Conference, pp. 242–251. ACM
12. O’Rourke, E., Haimovitz, K., Ballweber, C., Dweck, C., Popović, Z.: Brain points:
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Age differences in future orientation and delay discounting. Child Dev. 80(1), 28–
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3D Printing as Medium for Motivation
and Creativity in Computer Science Lessons
1 Introduction
For a long time, technological progress with respect to school classes was pri-
marily driven by better graphics performance and was used for motivating stu-
dents in the school, e.g. in the field of computer graphics. In recent years, 3D
printers have been a new technological development, usually not (yet) found in
the typical household. Nevertheless, it can fascinate students, their colleagues
and parents alike with amazing results. Therefore, 3D printers are purchased
at various schools to provide the impressive possibilities of 3D printing to stu-
dents. In practice, however, the use of 3D printers is often limited to configuring
the printer and printing out prefabricated models downloaded from the Inter-
net, which is supported by [2]. As of yet, few convincing examples have been
published that make use of the interdisciplinary potential of 3D printing in com-
puter science lessons. In the following, we present a teaching example in which
students are motivated by creating and printing algorithmically-generated 3D
models as an introduction to programming. The students experiment with con-
cepts they know from their mathematics lessons. Furthermore, the application
c Springer International Publishing AG 2017
V. Dagiene and A. Hellas (Eds.): ISSEP 2017, LNCS 10696, pp. 27–36, 2017.
28 P. Kastl et al.
idea was to build similar three-dimensional objects, which are based on mathe-
matic functions, and print them with a 3D printer. To implement the code, the
block-oriented programming language Beetle Blocks [3] was used.
to change the radius of the individual circles in relation to the height. This
was firstly achieved exemplarily by simple mathematical operations, which were
then replaced by more complex operations during the course of the lesson. The
advantage of building the object from individual layers is that the 3D printer
also builds its objects by adding individual layers. Thus, the pupils were able to
see in advance how the whole object emerges from individual layers (cp. Fig. 2).
lesson aiming towards these goals is that even those students who are not pri-
marily interested in programming can be motivated by the inventive creation of
products typically not expected to be encountered in computer science.
3 Implementation
3.1 Context and Background
In tenth grade at Bavarian junior high, at the latest, students will learn about
the basic structures of sequence, conditionals, and loops in the “Modeling and
Coding Algorithms” module of the curriculum for the subject of “information
technology”, which includes computer science. Another point of the curricu-
lum is the implementation of algorithms with a suitable programming tool. The
motivation of the students is a major concern in these lessons. Correspondingly,
the programming languages used for learning have changed over the course of
time. For example, the Pascal programming language was previously used at our
school. In order to increase motivation, we moved to Delphi. With Delphi, the
students programmed a pocket calculator or a vending machine at the end of the
teaching sequence, applying the newly acquired skills in a more complex context.
Such a self-programmed pocket calculator motivated some, but did not inspire
enthusiasm in the student group. The reasons for this were twofold: on the one
hand the very static interaction with the environment, and on the other hand the
high error rate due to syntactic errors. This has changed with the introduction
of the visual programming language Scratch. With this programming language,
the students were able to achieve an appealing result very quickly and without
syntactic errors. The first small games were programmed very quickly and could
3D Printing as Medium for Motivation and Creativity 31
be taken home. Working with Beetle Blocks was similar to Scratch. With a few
commands, the students could quickly move the beetle over the screen. This
caused amusement and curiosity in the group.
The aim was for students to use simple basic mathematical forms, e.g. circle,
square or triangle, to develop three-dimensional objects and to program them.
As a template, the students were able to use familiar subjects from their daily
lives, while being able to freely choose their 3D objects, since they had different
ideas ofwhich objects to create. One of the goals was to give the students the
opportunity to use their own creativity independently and implement their own
ideas. For this purpose, the students had to draw on their knowledge of geome-
try. In addition to the well-known theorem of Pythagoras, the basic forms also
included other basic knowledge, for example, the division ratio of the heights in
an equilateral triangle. With this knowledge, the basic shapes were created very
quickly (cp. Fig. 5). For the third dimension, mathematical functions were used:
With the help of sine, cosine and other functions, the size of the basic shapes was
changed as a function of the height to give the objects a nicely curved shape. In
Fig. 4 we see a colored snail, which is composed of equilateral triangles. In the
snail, the side length was gradually reduced in size.
The lesson is divided into three phases:
1. Learning the algorithmic basic structures of sequence and loops and applica-
tion/exercise with the programming language Beetle Blocks. In this case, the
pupils produce simple geometric figures, such as e.g. rectangles or squares
(3 double lessons)
2. Expansion into the third dimension, by the students building the simple ge-
ometric figures as a tower (1 lesson)
3. Mathematical modification of the tower (3 double lessons, cp. Fig. 7))
32 P. Kastl et al.
blocks developed by the pupils, provided the possibility for the geometric figures
to still be rotated by an angle α.
The reason for providing the blocks was that the students had not yet learned
the underlying mathematical concepts in their mathematics lessons. In addition,
the time given was seven-hours, which can be considered short, and the students
should be given the opportunity to spend more time developing their own 3D
objects. In doing so, they elaborated the previously learned method of building
the individual objects from layers. In the course of time, the attitude of Clara
also changed. With statements like “Is there another mathematical function that
I can try?” Clara wanted to try ever more variations of her tower. Thus, not only
were simply turned towers produced, but also, for example, small bowls. Other
students built nested objects (see Fig. 6).
After all, one of the most beautiful models was created by Clara. A snail-shell,
which consisted of turned, equilateral triangles with a decreasing side-length
towards the top (see Fig. 8). All results were then printed with a 3D-printer and
could be taken home by the students.
Summarizing, the students achieved the following milestones:
1. Creation of two-dimensional geometric shapes using sequences and variables
as the basis.
2. Creation of uniform three-dimensional shapes as an aggregate of two-
dimensional shapes (slices) using loops and procedures.
3. Experimenting with varying parameters by applying trigonometric functions
to the side length of the basic geometric shapes, using a given block.
4. Experimenting with rotation of the basic geometric shapes.
5. Inclusion of additional parts, such as a foundation.
3D Printing as Medium for Motivation and Creativity 35
1. Harvey, B., Mönig, J.: Bringing “no ceiling” to scratch: can one language serve kids
and computer scientists. In: Proceedings of Constructionism, Paris (2010)
2. Shewbridge, R., Hurst, A., Kane, S.K.: Everyday making: identifying future uses
for 3D printing in the home. In: Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Designing
Interactive Systems, pp. 815–824. ACM (2014)
3. Koschitz, D., Rosenbaum, E.: Exploring algorithmic geometry with “Beetle Blocks”:
a graphical programming language for generating 3D forms. In: 15th International
Conference on Geometry and Graphics Proceedings, Montreal (2012)
36 P. Kastl et al.
4. Maloney, J., Resnick, M., Rusk, N., Silverman, B., Eastmond, E.: The scratch pro-
gramming language and environment. ACM Trans. Comput. Educ. (TOCE) 10(4),
16 (2010)
5. Papert, S.: Mindstorms-Kinder, Computer und Neues Lernen. Birkhäuser Verlag,
Basel (1982)
6. Strecker, K.: Graphical programming languages in high school (Grafische Program-
miersprachen im Abitur). In: Gallenbacher, J.(Hrsg.): INFOS 2015: Informatik all-
gemeinbildend begreifen (16. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule, Darmstadt).
Bonn: Köllen (2015)
Teaching Materials in Informatics for Lower
Secondary School Blind Students
Abstract. This paper deals with teaching materials in informatics designed for
lower secondary school blind students. First, we describe our motivation to
develop special teaching materials for blind students. The second chapter pro-
vides an overview of the available computing textbooks for primary and lower
secondary education. In the third chapter we explain the way of using computers
by the blind to justify the need for teaching materials specially designed for this
category of students. Further, we offer a detailed description of the form and
content of teaching materials developed by the CEB project (Computing Edu-
cation for Blind). In conclusion, we describe our research aimed at the verifi-
cation of suitability of the created materials.
1 Introduction
In recent years, many countries have been directing their efforts towards introducing
computer science to pupils at all levels of education in the appropriate volume and
form. In exposing students to computing at school it is important to provide them with
some basic information about the discipline, as is common with other scientific dis-
ciplines, so that later on they will be able to choose whether to pursue this discipline
further in their future education [1]. The CSTA K-12 standards [2] describe computer
science as the study of computers and algorithmic processes, including their
principles, their hardware and software designs, their applications, and their
impact on society.
In Slovakia, informatics became a standard compulsory subject for almost all
grades of primary and secondary schools in 2008 [3, 4]. The content of this subject
includes: basic ICT literacy, information and data handling, communication via ICT,
algorithms, problem solving, user applications, working with the Internet, text, tables
and images, principles of hardware, social aspects of using ICT. Those themes are
adapted to the age of the pupils, with separate curriculums aimed at primary schools
and secondary schools. Since 2011, we have had an opportunity to teach informatics at
a special school for visually impaired pupils, and in recent years our research has been
aimed at the development of suitable teaching materials for teachers of blind pupils.
Research is under way in the framework of the CEB project (Computing Education for
Blind). This project is scheduled for 2016-2018 and funded by our national agency.
© Springer International Publishing AG 2017
V. Dagiene and A. Hellas (Eds.): ISSEP 2017, LNCS 10696, pp. 37–48, 2017.
38 Ľ. Jašková and M. Stankovičová
2 Textbooks of Computing
Since the beginning of this millennium, we have been observing efforts in the education
systems of many countries that the content of informatics as a subject has increasingly
evolved from the narrow concept of using a computer as a tool to a more complex
concept of understanding its principles [5]. The subject has been gradually updated,
enabling teachers to focus on the fundamentals and on sustainable knowledge [6]. This
trend is also evident in the changing content of the books for children.
The authors initially focused on the proper use of computers [7–9] (Fig. 1).
Later on, there were more publications devoted to programming and computer
science [10–12] (Fig. 2).
Blind people use computers in a totally different way than sighted users. They do not
use a mouse, and all the input is entered via a keyboard. Since they use a screen reader,
which reads the content of the screen in a linear way, they cannot get an instant view of
the screen content, as sighted users do.
A different way of using a computer requires a different way of teaching computer
skills and computer science. Unfortunately, our country suffers from a shortage of
qualified informatics teachers of the blind students. While regular IT teachers do not
have the experience of teaching blind learners, teachers from special schools do not
have the experience of teaching informatics. For both, high-quality teaching material is
highly desirable. Since the IT knowledge and computer skills are essential for blind
learners, so that they can continue at higher levels of study and succeed in the labor
market, informatics is the key subject for them.
Since 1993, Sarah Morley Wilkins has written a series of books on Microsoft Win-
dows, helping blind and visually impaired computer users to make effective use of their
PC in the Windows environment (http://www.sarahmorleywilkins.com/). These books,
together with accessible images (Fig. 3), inspired us to create our educational materials.
Another source of inspiration was tutorials for the blind from companies that
develop software for the blind (e.g. Freedom Scientific) or from organizations defending
the rights of the blind (e.g. American Foundation for the Blind). All of these materials,
however, were designed for adult users, who are highly motivated to learn how to work
with a computer. They do not need a collection of interesting tasks, but a list of keyboard
shortcuts and step-by-step instructions. We have not found textbooks for so young
students (age 11 to 15) with suitable and at the same time engaging tasks to build and
develop their computer skills. Therefore, our goal was to create teaching materials that
offer a set of interesting tasks with graded difficulty to teach pupils in an enjoyable way.
Within the CEB project we focus on the following areas of informatics:
– Text processing – the ability to create a well-structured and clearly formatted text
document should be considered part of basic digital literacy. Blind people should be
40 Ľ. Jašková and M. Stankovičová
able to imagine what is happening with the text when they use various formatting
tools. They should understand the impact of formatting on the understanding of text
content by the reader.
– Sound processing – blind people live mostly in the world of sounds. They have
aural associations with many objects, feelings and situations. When reading text on
the screen, they hear synthetic speech, which is not as natural as recorded sounds.
Understanding synthetic speech is sometimes demanding and tiring. Activities that
allow blind pupils to listen to natural sounds are a pleasant diversion for them.
These activities stimulate their creativity and are motivating and attractive.
– Programming and problem solving – the ability to perform an activity following a
sequence of instructions as well as the knowledge of how to divide a problem into
partial problems are skills that are indispensable for study and a successful life in
21st century.
– Working with mathematical formulas – the ability to understand and use
mathematical formulas is the key to understanding mathematical concepts and
fundamentals of computer science. Most of the mathematical tasks in the lower
grades of secondary education cannot be solved without the ability to use mathe-
matical formulas. Braille mathematical notation is different from regular mathe-
matical notation. If a math teacher does not manage Braille mathematical notation, a
barrier may arise when he or she teaches blind pupils. This barrier may be overcome
by means of Lambda software, which may be especially helpful if blind students
intend to proceed with their studies.
– ICT for communication and information retrieval – the ability to search for
information and its subsequent use is important for learning various subjects as well
as for life in modern society. The same can be said about the ability to communicate
effectively with classmates and teachers using digital technologies.
The creation of teaching materials is based on our experience gained during
teaching informatics to blind and partially sighted pupils [17]. It is our ambition to
allow students to learn in a constructionist way in the spirit of Papert [18]. Con-
structionism means giving students appropriate tasks, topics, problems that would
facilitate the learning process. We provide graded tasks, which each student can solve
at his or her own pace. Apart from the tasks themselves, the data files that students
work with (modify, supplement, remove bugs and the like) present an integral addition
to the material. We believe that creating tasks with respect to the cognitive abilities of
blind students is of utmost importance [19] and that tactile perception may significantly
aid in knowledge acquisition and generation of ideas. Hence, tactile images are also
included in the materials (e.g. tactile pictures illustrating the appearance of different
font formats, tables, windows and the like).
All created teaching materials will be freely available on the web portal, so IT
teachers from both special and regular schools will be able to download and use them.
Teaching materials for thematic areas Text processing and Sound processing have
been completed and are ready for use. We will gradually complete the other materials
so that all of them will be finished by the end of 2018.
Teaching Materials in Informatics for Lower Secondary School Blind Students 41
Now, let us take a sample task to explain the difference between educational texts
designed for blind students and for sighted students. The aim of the task is to set the
correct heading styles in the document. The screen reader offers keyboard shortcuts to
move between headings in a document, but the heading styles must be set properly. If
so, blind users can get an overview of the text more easily.
Table 1 lists the task assignment for the blind and the instructions for solving it.
Note that the text contains detailed explanation of the task entry, while the instructions
for solving it contain information on how to perform the required operations using the
If the material were intended for sighted pupils, it would contain less text and
would be completed with a picture of the finished text (Fig. 5).
42 Ľ. Jašková and M. Stankovičová
• Set the headline style by moving to the line you want to set and press Alt + Shift
+ Left Arrow or Alt + Shift + Right Arrow.
• Set the normal style by moving to a line that you want to set and press Ctrl +
Shift + N.
• We can find out the style of the current text by pressing Insert+F.
Instructions for solving the task would contain information on how to work with the
text using the mouse and would be supplemented by a picture of Style ribbon (Fig. 6).
and play sounds, to combine two or more sounds, to modify sounds and to learn the
basic terminology needed to process audio information using a computer. The material
contains almost 30 tasks. Instructions for solving these tasks are tied to the use of the
AudaCity editor (http://www.audacityteam.org/). This editor is fully manageable via
keyboard (http://manual.audacityteam.org/man/keyboard_shortcut_reference.html) and
works well with the screen reader.
Fig. 7. Sound of barking dog represented as waves in AudaCity program (tactile image)
The material also includes tactile images illustrating particular environment ele-
ments (such as a volume slider), as well as tactile pictures illustrating the sound as
waves (Fig. 7).
The first part of the teaching material under preparation will be aimed at under-
standing the difference between linear text view and graphical math view. In either of
them, the editor responds to keyboard inputs in a different way.
Fig. 9. An example of a series of compensatory functions (linear text view, graphical math
view, compact view)
The following sections will describe a series of compensatory functions (Fig. 9),
whose aim will be to help students learn the basics of how to use these functions
effectively (line duplication, compact structure of expression, calculator, calculation
result insertion, multiple memory buffer, graphical visualization).
One of the major skills is the skill of keeping the right order of keyboard shortcuts.
This skill requires students to understand the meaning of the notation. Keeping the right
order of keyboard shortcuts is necessary for correct graphic visualization and for the
right interpretation by the screen reader.
The last part will deal with exporting files to various formats, especially XHTML.
Based on our previous experience, the best time to start with the Lambda editor is
in the lower secondary school. Later, when pupils acquire basic skills, they will be able
to use the editor at math lessons as an appropriate exercise tool [26].
4 Verification
Fig. 10. A blind student encounters a tactile image illustrating text alignment [20]
Teaching Materials in Informatics for Lower Secondary School Blind Students 47
the page. After using the tactile image, they realized that the distance between the
beginning of the line and the left edge of the page is the same as the distance between
the end of the line and the right edge of the page.
It was a valuable experience for us as well, because we entered the perception of
blind pupils.
5 Conclusions
As all materials will be available on the web portal, we also expect feedback from IT
teachers from different schools. Once all the materials have been created, we plan to
organize a workshop for teachers of blind pupils and experts in the field of education of
the blind both from our country and from the neighboring countries. This seminar will
be yet another platform for exchanging experience and getting feedback.
Acknowledgements. This paper was created as part of a project Computing Education for Blind
(Kega 014UK-4/2016) funded by KEGA grant. Special thanks to all participating students and
teachers for their help and input into the research.
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Teachers’ Expectations and Experience
in Physical Computing
1 Introduction
“Ubiquitous computing enhances computer use by making many computers
available throughout the physical environment, but making them effectively
invisible to the user.” [23] Ubiquitious Computing, as it was described by Weiser
in the early 1990s, has become reality. Embedded and cyber-physical systems
are pervasive in our society, computers are everywhere and often we don’t even
notice their presence. They communicate with their environment and people by
using sensors and actuators and are connected to each other and services over the
Internet. They enhance our lives in many ways: as little helpers in the household,
as control systems in transportation or medicine or as robots to explore areas
that are inaccessible for humans. Both, in industry and science, the development
and advancement of embedded systems embrace a large and important area of
research. The creation of such systems is supported by the large availability of
suitable hard- and software tools for all purposes and experience levels, also for
non-professional use. Many tools, such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi or the BBC
Micro: Bit are aimed at inexperienced and creative developers who use the main
concepts of embedded systems and computer science (CS) in different contexts,
c Springer International Publishing AG 2017
V. Dagiene and A. Hellas (Eds.): ISSEP 2017, LNCS 10696, pp. 49–61, 2017.
50 M. Przybylla et al.
interactive systems and IoT and smart objects. When counting the topics that
teachers consider important and want to talk about in their lessons, interestingly,
sensing and actuation is the only content area, which is mentioned more often by
pE-teachers than by nE-teachers. All other topics are dominated by the other
group. Given the small number of interviewees, these findings should not be
overrated. However, it might be concluded that teachers – although willing to
integrate new topics in the beginning – find it difficult to prepare those contents
for their pupils or have other obstacles that prevent them from doing so. When
looking more closely into their statements1 , it becomes evident that the main
reasons for their hesitance are:
– Lack of knowledge: (e.g. “Embedded system is still like a foreign word for me,
I have no idea what that is.”)
– Topic not in focus: (e.g. “Well, so far, sensing and actuation and interactive
systems. I never thought about the others.”)
– More suitable in different context: (e.g. “The Internet of things, for me, is
more connected to home technologies than physical computing.”)
– Not in curriculum: (e.g. “Well, these are no topics that can directly be found
in the curriculum.”)
One of the main goals of the survey was to find out what problems CS teachers
expect to occur in physical computing teaching, which challenges they actually
face in the classroom and how they cope with these hurdles. Here, it is particu-
larly interesting to look at differences between pE- and nE-teachers.
Among the general answers to this question, time was seen as a major issue
by the nE-teachers. Among the pE-teachers, this issue was mentioned only once.
However, it is not always clear if teachers fear a lack of time in the classroom
or high preparation times. In the first case, anchoring physical computing in
the curricula might help. In both groups, organizational complexity is seen as a
challenge when planning physical computing projects. pE-teachers often report
how they coped with issues such as finding storage room for the unfinished
projects or receiving funds to buy necessary hardware components. Technical
difficulties were mentioned equally often by both groups and there seems to be
a tendency that pE-teachers experience hardware issues more often than other
technical problems (Table 3).
All statements were translated from German by the author.
Teachers’ Expectations and Experience in Physical Computing 57
We posed additional questions for some specific problems that we were con-
fronted with in our previous workshops: When inquired in more detail, nE-
teachers also mentioned several times that they were afraid their pupils might
not be experienced enough to use the necessary hardware tools. Only one of the
pE-teachers confirmed this worry. Many teachers of both experience groups fear
that components of construction kits might break or get lost in class. Not all
pE-teachers support this – pupils, according to one teacher “[...] have a natural
respect for things that are expensive. It’s the same with a laptop, they wouldn’t
throw it on the floor.” However, there was a tendency that teachers do not regard
this a problem in Gymnasium2 , but rather in other secondary school types that
do not focus on academic learning (Fig. 2). Other challenges were only mentioned
once or twice and seemed to be of minor importance (e.g. unrealistic project goals
or too much crafting in the classroom).
no pract. exp.
13% 13%
pract. exp.
no problem
small problem
University 27%
medium problem
other sec. school 47%
large problem
0 2 4 6
Fig. 2. Teachers’ concerns that students loose or break parts of construction kits
Gymnasium: advanced secondary school that leads to Abitur (A-Level equivalent),
compares to grammar schools (UK) or preparatory high schools (US).
58 M. Przybylla et al.
Table 4. Support strategies and means for teachers depending on whether they have
practical experience (pE, 8 total) or not (nE, 7 total)
5.4 Support
We also tried to figure out how teachers can be supported in avoiding prob-
lems in the future. They gave different answers depending on the particular
problems. While nE-teachers strive for networking opportunities, professional
development and collaboration both with colleagues and external partners, in
contrast, pE-teachers also emphasize the need for detailed descriptions and man-
uals and elaborate lesson plans (Table 4). Well-developed, tested and reliable
tools seem to be really important for successful teaching. If teachers have to deal
with technical difficulties, this is often perceived as problematic. However, there
were also many of the teachers’ initial concerns that were not confirmed by the
pE-teachers. Thus, networking meetings, where experiences are exchanged and
experts are available for questions are important, especially for inexperienced
teachers. Guidelines and teaching aids can help during the implementation phase,
scaffolding the process of physical computing lesson planning. In the last ques-
tion, we asked teachers what they would find helpful with the implementation
of physical computing projects. In general, the answers reflect the findings from
the previous sections pretty well: example projects and lesson plans are men-
tioned most frequently, directly followed by text books. Financial support and
networking were mentioned twice, each. Additional aspects were, for example,
classroom-suitable construction kits, more workshops and professional develop-
ment opportunities, tutorial videos and ideas how to deal with grading (category
“other” in Table 4).
6 Conclusions
In this study we analyzed teachers expectations, attitudes and experience with
physical computing to gain a better understanding of their aims and needs in
teaching. Our key findings are:
Teachers’ Expectations and Experience in Physical Computing 59
Some work has already been done in all of these sectors. There are tools
available on the market, some of them more and some of them less suitable
for education (cf. [14]), many teachers piloted physical computing projects and
developed materials. In general, however, more needs to be done in all the men-
tioned areas: curricula need revision, tools need improvement and professional
development is required that goes beyond an introductory course on tool oper-
ation and especially focuses on deeper examinations of the new content. Only
then we can provide successful education in the field of embedded systems, which
enables our pupils to appropriately participate in the digital society.
1. BITKOM: Eingebettete Systeme – Ein strategisches Wachstumsfeld für Deutsch-
land [Embedded Systems – A stratgic growth area for Germany] (2010).
Accessed 07 Sept 2017
60 M. Przybylla et al.
1 Introduction
Modeling plays a significant role in the development and learning of science [13] and
informatics provides the means for students to actively engage in learning science by
providing tools and techniques to engage in modeling. The new 2019 Dutch secondary
education informatics curriculum recognizes this and includes an elective theme
comprised of modeling and simulation, together called Computational Science. It is
described by the high-level learning objectives: “Modeling: The candidate is able to
model aspects of a different scientific discipline in computational terms” and “Simu-
lation: The candidate is able to construct models and simulations, and use these for the
research of phenomena in that other science field.” Modeling itself will be a part of the
In this paper, the terms modeling, simulation modeling and computational science all refer to the
learning objective computational science.
Investigating Informatics Teachers’ Initial Pedagogical Content Knowledge 67
2 Method
3 Results
In this section, we first present the results of our characterization of PCK organized
around the four elements of PCK. We then explore differential features in order to
distinguish types of teachers’ PCK.
confusing. Students who follow physics course are already familiar with models, as
opposed to students in humanities tracks. Teacher 2 expects that in the beginning,
students will have difficulties understanding existing models and how their com-
ponents interact. Teacher 4 expects her students to have problems getting used to
the programming language and subsequently to have problems programming.
Numerous teachers expect that modeling aspects such as abstraction – deciding
what is relevant for a model and what to leave out - will be difficult. Some teachers
expect problems with implementation – translating conceptual model into program
code. Teacher 7 expects his students could be too ambitious with the models they
want to make and suggests keeping an eye on his students all the time to be able to
intervene and help in case they encounter any of these problems.
• Perception: attitude, skills, interest or fun, relevancy, age and development. Tea-
cher 9 expects problems with motivation if the students do not see the relevance of
modeling. He also mentions lack of perseverance and inability to go on after getting
stuck. Teacher 6 believes that abstract aspects of modeling are difficult for the
students of this age – 16 years old. He also mentions students not using common
• Approach: work method, possibility to work on their own case. Some teachers
expect problems with students who dive right into building their models without
giving it sufficient thought first, and, with students who lack oversight and do not
know where to begin. According to teacher 9, the last problem could be alleviated
by good teaching material. Several teachers believe some students would have
difficulties coming up with a suitable case to model.
• Again, some teachers do not know what to say.
eye on the progress of the whole project. As the client, he would come in every two
weeks and tell his students things like “hey, you have things that make no sense”
and have students fix the problems themselves.
• Assignments the students work on: open and closed problems and making
models. Teacher 6 would have a number of closed problems together with answers
for students to practice before embarking on the open problem they have to work on
as their final project. For the final project, most teachers would let their students
come up with their problems themselves, but would also have a list of problems
available for those who cannot think of something themselves.
• Student’s characteristic to take into account: level and the track they follow.
Teacher 8 would have different assignments for students to practice on, catering to
their needs and preferences, depending on the educational track they follow. Tea-
cher 2 would not require his HAVO students to develop a model from scratch, but
would rather have them expand and adjust an existing model.
• Organizational aspects: the daily teaching practice, planning, organizing, SCRUM,
rapid prototyping and playing the role of the client. Teacher 3 teaches 60-minutes
lessons and would start each lesson with a short central instruction and let the students
work for themselves the rest of the time. He would use Trello boards for planning and,
like teacher 9, employ SCRUM to organize the work. Teacher 10 would send his
students to a teacher of a different subject who would then pose as a client, while he
himself would be a process supervisor. Teacher 9 would pose as a client himself.
• Difficulties and problems: technical problems, problems related to teaching
materials and other problems. Teacher 9 warns that no matter how simple the
software used is, there is always a possibility of getting an error message, not
understanding it and then getting stuck.
assessment. However, no clear quality criteria are elaborated and teacher 1 would
simply estimate the quality of the project. Teacher 8 adds that technical aspects are
easy to assess, but it is difficult to see if the students realize the full spectrum of
possibilities the modeling offers to them. Some teachers would rely mainly on their
observation of students while they work on the projects, again without elaborating
on specific quality criteria. Additionally, teacher 10 would talk to his students to
ascertain whether they understand what they are doing. Teacher 6 would also assess
the quality of the report the students wrote for the customer. Teacher 7 would have
his students present their models, he would assess the product (i.e. model and
project documentation) and additionally the process (SCRUM) and he stresses the
importance of reflection, together with number of other teachers. He adds, “even if
they didn’t succeed, I find you can’t say they don’t know what modeling is”.
Teacher 5 is not sure what to say: “if the model works, is that sufficient?”
Our analysis revealed, however, that the knowledge of students’ understanding (M2)
and instructional strategies (M3) varies within each of these four groups, so the above
differential features do not give rise to a typification of the teachers’ overall PCK.
4 Conclusion
In answering the first research question - How can the teachers’ PCK be portrayed in
terms of the four elements of PCK? - we portrayed each of these elements:
74 N. Grgurina et al.
5 Discussion
Regarding the instructional strategies, the teaching approach described here is in line
with prevailing informatics teaching practices in the Netherlands. The extent of
knowledge of topic-specific strategies [15] varies across teachers and seems to be
related to their subject matter knowledge and teaching experience. The findings about
young teachers 1 and 4 are in line with the results by Lee et al. [14] who found that “a
strong science background does not guarantee a proficient level of PCK.” The more
experienced teachers sometimes behave like novices too, – e.g. teacher 5 – while in
others, their extensive PCK seems to sustain them in the non-familiar area of modeling,
in line with results of Borko et al. [18] who found in a similar situation that rich PCK
for general science topic seems to sustain teachers “in whatever content they are
We observed two characteristics allowing us to distinguish among teachers that
were observed by Rahimi et al. [16] as well. However, our findings are not completely
in line with these findings because in our case, for example, teachers 1 and 10, both
leaning toward predominantly product-based assessment, require students to keep
logbooks to document the modeling problems, difficulties and dead ends they
encountered. On the other hand, teacher 6 would take customer’s feedback into account
and teacher 7 would have his students present their work in the class, while they both
lean toward predominantly process-based assessment. Unlike Rahimi et al., we were
not able to typify teachers’ PCK through relating their knowledge of students’
understanding and instructional strategies on one hand, to their knowledge of goals and
objectives and knowledge of assessment on the other.
Remarkably, despite the great variation of assessment criteria mentioned, there is
hardly any evidence of quality indicators used to judge to what extent these criteria are
met and to what extent the students are able to apply the elements of modeling to a
satisfactory degree.
Limitations of the study. In this study, we charted PCK of a small group of infor-
matics teachers. However, because of the variations in their educational background,
teacher qualification and teaching experience we expect that our findings are fairly
typical for the population of Dutch informatics teachers. This is to be confirmed in
further research.
Implications for educational development. We believe that teachers would benefit
not only from a course on modeling, but also from the availability of teaching mate-
rials. We are convinced that the quality of assessment - an issue attracting a lot of
attention in modern informatics education [1] – would improve if teachers get assis-
tance with designing assessment instruments that would take into account both product
and process.
In the subsequent phases of this research project we will focus on development of
teaching materials and assessment instruments. In parallel, in-service teacher training
based on these findings will be offered to interested teachers. Finally, all the partici-
pants in this study will be followed to chart the development of their PCK on modeling
in the future.
Acknowledgments. This work is supported by the The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific
Research grant nr. 023.002.138.
76 N. Grgurina et al.
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10. Henze, I., van Driel, J.H., Verloop, N.: Development of experienced science teachers’
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11. Henze, I., van Driel, J.H., Verloop, N.: Science teachers’ knowledge about teaching models
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14. Lee, E., Brown, M.N., Luft, J.A., Roehrig, G.H.: Assessing beginning secondary science
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15. Magnusson, S., Krajcik, J., Borko, H.: Nature, sources, and development of pedagogical
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16. Rahimi, E., Barendsen, E., Henze, I.: Typifying informatics teachers’ PCK of designing
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A Notation for Sets, Sequences and Series
Possible Benefits for Understanding and Use
1 Introduction
Mathematical notation is a language in its own right – unique and constantly
evolving. Mathematicians, speaking a range of indigenous languages, use it to
express mathematical concepts in a way which everyone can understand. The
use of mathematical language has evolved over many centuries as users of this
language share a mutual understanding of the meaning of its symbols, words
and sentences. Good notation enhances the precision of expression and at the
same time simplifies communication.
Mathematical notations are introduced to provide concise and accurate ways
of communicating complex yet well-understood concepts. It is well known that
brevity is the leading characteristic of mathematical elegance, but this is not
the only requirement. Most mathematicians agree on the value of clever nota-
tions. Dijkstra and Van Gasteren [1] emphasise that the use of appropriate nota-
tion can make a difference in mathematical work. Lipton [2] gives an example
of the European mathematicians who used Leibniz’s dx dt differential notation,
which enabled them to progress faster than their British counterparts who used
Newton’s ẋ to express the same concept. To support mathematical think-
ing, notation should not only be designed to enhance the brevity of the text
but should also control the number of rules governing the manipulation of
expressions [1].
c Springer International Publishing AG 2017
V. Dagiene and A. Hellas (Eds.): ISSEP 2017, LNCS 10696, pp. 77–88, 2017.
78 S.H. du Plessis and V. Pieterse
2 Sets
{x | P (x)}
The symbol | means such that. Therefore, the above means the set of all elements
x such that P (x) is a true statement. The property P can be expressed in either
words or symbols. The variable on the left of the | specifies a dummy whereas
A Notation for Sets, Sequences and Series 79
the expression on the right delineates the scope. One may use formulas to specify
the dummy. For example, the set of odd natural numbers can be expressed as:
{2t + 1 | t ∈ N}
Dijkstra [12] criticises this notation. He gives the following example which reveals
an inherent flaw in this notation:
{in | i < n}
x : P (x) : f (x)
Here x is the dummy, P (x) is a predicate that specifies the scope and f (x) is
an expression that describes the elements of the set. More than one dummy, as
well as more than one predicate to specify the scope, may be used. When doing
so, they should be separated by commas. This allows a distinction between the
Dijkstra states that he has no logical objection to declaring the type of the
dummy when identifying the dummy. For example, the following are equivalent
specifications of the set of even numbers less than 100 using Dijkstra’s notation:
i ∈ N : i < 100 : 2 × i
i : i ∈ N, i < 100 : 2 × i
{ i | (i ∈ N) ∧ (i < 100) | 2 × i }
3 Sequences
A sequence is an ordered list of objects. A sequence differs from a set because the
order of the objects matters. In addition, exactly the same elements can appear
multiple times at different positions in the sequence. A sequence with n entries
is called an n-tuple. As far as we know, no standard has been specified to notate
an intentional definition of sequences. In this paper we propose a notation for
cases where there is a relationship between i and the value of the ith term in
the sequence. This is an adaptation of the proposed notation for the intentional
definition of sets in Sect. 2. Similar to the notation for sets, the three aspects —
namely the dummy variables, the range predicate and the expression describing
the entries — are specified and separated by the | character. This is a variation of
the notation proposed by Pieterse [13]. Here we use the punctuation prescribed
in the ISO standard for sequences.
To indicate that it is a series and not a set, parentheses are used instead of
curly braces, for example, the following specifies the sextuple (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13).
The formula for the ith term in this sextuple is 2 × i + 3. It can therefore be
described by using the following intentional definition:
( i | i ∈ N6 | 2 × i + 3 )
4 Series
A series is the sum of the terms of a sequence. The well-known sigma notation
for the summation of sequences was introduced by Leonard Euler in 1755 [14].
Euler’s notation and modern refinements of this notation are well established in
the mathematical community. When using Euler’s notation, 32 +42 +52 +62 +72
is written as:
Wees [10] contends that students find Euler’s sigma notation difficult to
understand at first. He attributes this to the complexity of the expression,
which is a function that takes as many as four parameters, all of which have
to be understood at once. He proposes a programming-like notation as a substi-
tute for Euler’s sigma notation. His notation requires descriptive names for the
A Notation for Sets, Sequences and Series 81
Σm : 3 ≤ m ≤ 7 : m2 + 1 or as Σm : 3 ≤ m ≤ 7 : m2 + 1
Both Euler and Dijkstra use the Σ symbol to indicate summation. This is an
entirely new and unfamiliar character for learners who have not been introduced
to this topic. We avoid the introduction a new symbol by simply using the +
symbol. The learners are already familiar with the symbol and its meaning.
Dijkstra overloads the purpose of the first section of the expression when requir-
ing the specification of an operation along with the dummy variable in this
section. We suggest that the symbol that specifies the operation should be placed
as a prefix operation instead of embedding it in the specification.
82 S.H. du Plessis and V. Pieterse
where % is the symbol for the modulus operation, namely to determine the
remainder when one divides the value of the left expression by the value of the
right expression. The value of the this series is 5. This is determined by evaluating
the following expression:
When representing this series using Dijkstra’s notation, one would write
Σ i : 1 ≤ i ≤ 10 : i % 2
When interpreting the expression – assuming that the summation is over the
set which may only have unique values – the expression is equivalent to the
summation of the elements of {0, 1}. The resulting value is 1 instead of the
intended 5. This error in interpretation arises from the assumption that the
specified terms are elements of a set, instead of the intended meaning, namely
to be the terms in a sequence, in which the same element may appear multiple
times. To remedy this problem, our proposed notation amends the expression
for a sequence to serve as an expression of a series.
The proposed notation is more versatile than other notations. It does not intro-
duce a new symbol and can therefore be used without adaptation for quantifica-
tions involving operations other than +. Other notations require the introduction
of additional symbols when used for quantifications involving other operations.
For example, when using Euler’s notation, the symbol Π is introduced to indicate
multiplication over a series using, but our notation simply uses ×.
Owing to its linear nature and the absence of non-standard keyboard char-
acters the proposed notation may pose fewer problems when used electronically.
5 Pilot Study
We designed a pilot study [15]. The purpose of the pilot study was to gain
insight into the use of the notation in the field and to evaluate the feasibility
of conducting a full-scale investigation to determine the effect of the use of
our proposed notation on the participants’ comprehension of the mathematical
concepts underlying sequences and series.
The participants in the study were Grade 11 learners who had never been
exposed to the topics in question. It is unlikely that these learners would have
been exposed to the sigma notation elsewhere, since the target school follows a
rigid syllabus and the first introduction of the topic is in Grade 12. We divided
the learners randomly in two groups.
We used the same basic material from the Grade 12 mathematics textbook
published by Siyavula1 for both groups. The one group’s material was modified
to use the Dijkstra notation but used curly brackets instead of angle brackets.
The same teacher presented the material to both groups to avoid differences in
presentation. We did not introduce more notations because we are not aware of
any other notations for these constructs and we did not have enough participants
to conduct a meaningful experiment involving more notations.
The experiment was conducted over a period of three days with a work period
of approximately three hours every day. The teacher was an experienced lecturer
who had taught mathematics in secondary school for more than five years, was
involved in teacher training and was familiar with both the notations. The same
teaching aids were used in both classes. The lessons involved verbal explanations
combined with questions to explain the concepts. Each lesson was concluded with
use of worksheets containing exercises which the learners did on an individual
basis. The teacher moved from one classroom to the next, presenting the same
topic but using a different notation. While one group was receiving a lesson, the
other group was doing exercises.
After all the material had been covered, both groups wrote the same test
(Test 1). We then inverted the groups, giving the first group a view of the Dijkstra
notation and the second group a view of the traditional (Sigma) notation, and
again gave the same test to both groups (Test 2), requesting that they use the
notation of their choice to write their answers. The final test was intended to
ensure that the learners were able to use both notations.
84 S.H. du Plessis and V. Pieterse
At the end of the three days, an opinion poll was held, involving the par-
ticipants who had remained in the experiment until the end. We asked four
questions in this opinion poll:
1. Which notation is easier to write?
2. Which notation is easier to read?
3. Which notation is easier to understand?
4. Which notation do you prefer?
Test 1 Test 2
Average Median Std Dev Average Median Std Dev
Sigma group 37.00% 37.70% 0.09 20.71% 19.19% 0.09
Dijkstra group 17.21% 13.93% 0.17 13.30% 7.07% 0.11
Test 1
60 Test 2
The results of the final test were lower than the first, which is unexpected,
since one would imagine that learners would perform better after having had
A Notation for Sets, Sequences and Series 85
60 Test 1
Test 2
more exposure to the underlying concepts. We can only theorise that the lack of
performance was due to the learners having had little incentive to complete the
tests, so the learners did not put much effort into the final test.
Statistical analysis is not feasible in this case, due to the small number of
participants and the large deviation in the results. The one group was clearly
stronger than the other. Evidently our selection method was flawed as it did not
render comparable groups.
A factor which might have played a role is that the two groups were not
equal in gender distribution. To make matters worse, the dropout rate over
the three days skewed the gender distribution even more (Table 2). The group
with a majority of girls performed much better on average than the group with
predominantly boys. The difference in the performance of the groups is so obvious
that it is unlikely to be coincidental. The reason for this difference is, however,
unclear. We are inclined to attribute it to gender differences rather than the way
in which the material was presented in this experiment. This opinion is a topic
for another investigation, which is beyond the scope of the present research.
Start Finish
Girls Boys Total Girls Boys Total
Sigma group 11 5 16 10 4 14
Dijkstra group 5 12 17 4 8 12
Total 16 17 33 14 12 26
86 S.H. du Plessis and V. Pieterse
– 35% of the group instructed by using the Sigma notation felt that the Dijkstra
notation was easier to write.
– 66% of the group instructed by using the Dijkstra notation preferred the
Sigma notation.
All the tests and exercises were done in a hand-written format. It is clear that
the participating learners preferred the sigma notation when they had to use pen
and paper. This could be due to the easier visual separation of the elements in
this notation but more research would have to be conducted before we could
draw conclusions about this preference.
The logistical issues involved in organising a study of this kind are daunting. Per-
mission has to be obtained from governing bodies and teachers, and the parents
also have to give their consent. The permissions alone could take several months.
Since the school where we conducted our research, is semi-private and depen-
dent on parental funding and goodwill, it is understandable that the schools was
reluctant to introduce anything that could be seen as remotely controversial.
A Notation for Sets, Sequences and Series 87
Once all the stakeholders had been persuaded and the requisite permissions
obtained, a suitable time slot had to be found in the school’s extremely packed
agenda. For our experiment, this date ended up being after the final exams
just before the summer holidays. In the South African school system, learners
who have completed their end-of-year examinations do not wait for the official
closing date of the schools to go on holiday. This meant that our pool of available
learners was small and that the participating learners’ motivation to sit through
lessons and tests was very low. This could also explain the high dropout rate.
The participating learners had on average a scanty understanding of the
material presented and none of the results could be used to draw conclusions
about the influence that the use of the different notations had on the ease of
comprehension of the underlying concepts.
6 Future Research
In the process of analysing the results of this experiment, several observations
were made that warrant further research into the potential benefits of a new
notation for the sum of sequences.
We have decided to conduct our full-scale research experiment online. This
will enable us to reach a wider audience and to track learner progress more easily.
Taking the research online will also allow us to improve some of the aspects of
classroom teaching as experienced during this research.
7 Conclusion
We are still hopeful that additional research will show that the new notation
is beneficial to learning and also more practical in electronic use and e-learning
1. Dijkstra, E.W., van Gasteren, A.J.M.: On notation, January 1986. http://www.cs.
utexas.edu/users/EWD/ewd09xx/EWD950a.PDF. Accessed 27 Nov 2013
2. Lipton, R.: Notation and thinking, November 2010. http://rjlipton.wordpress.com/
2010/11/30/notation-and-thinking/. Accessed 12 May 2016
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of mathematical concepts by secondary school students. Int. J. Soc. Sci. Educ. 3(1)
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bols. Int. J. Innov. Sci. Math. Educ. 23(1), 1–9 (2015). Formerly CAL-laborate
8. Simistira, F., Katsourosa, V., Carayannis, G.: Recognition of online handwritten
mathematical formulas using probabilistic SVMs and stochastic context free gram-
mars. Pattern Recogn. Lett. 53, 85–92 (2014)
9. Cuartero-Olivera, J., Hunter, G., Prez-Navarro, A.: Reading and writing mathe-
matical notation in e-learning environments. ELC Research Paper Series Issue 4
10. Wees, D.: Mathematical notation is broken, May 2012. http://davidwees.com/
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11. ISO/TC 12: ISO 80000–2:2009 Quantities and units – Part 2: Mathematical signs
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12. Dijkstra, E.W.: EWD1300: The notational conventions I adopted, and why. Formal
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Bebras Tasks
Bebras Task Analysis in Category Little Beavers
in Slovakia
1 Introduction
In the school year 2016/2017 we participated in the 10th year of the competition
iBobor1 in Slovakia. It is an international competition named Bebras which
originated in Lihuania and it is focused on informatic tasks [1]. In Slovakia iBobor
competition has been organized since the school year 2007/2008. We included
the category named Little Beaver (at the official website of competition2 named
Primary) into competition iBobor in the school year 2011/2012 for the first time
[2]. It was the first year when the fourth grade pupils had already had Elementary
Informatics during primary school. This compulsory school subject has been
taught since the school year 2009/2010 from the second to the fourth grade for
one school period (45 min) per week. The new educational reform introduced
in 2014 renamed aforementioned subject to Informatics [3] and placed it in the
third and the fourth grade at primary school. In the first year, there were 7,727
competitors in category Little Beavers. Since then, the number of participants
has gradually increased, and this year it was 15,486. The category Little Beavers
see http://ibobor.sk/ - in Slovak only.
see http://www.bebras.org/.
c Springer International Publishing AG 2017
V. Dagiene and A. Hellas (Eds.): ISSEP 2017, LNCS 10696, pp. 91–101, 2017.
92 L. Budinská et al.
is intended for the third and the fourth grade pupils at primary schools. However,
teachers may also register younger pupils into this category. Due to the age and
cognitive development of the primary school pupils, the organizers have decided
to reduce the number of tasks to 12 for this category along with the reduction of
time to solve the tasks down to 30 min, while other categories include 15 tasks
each with 40 min to find the solution. Tasks in this category typically contain
less text information and more pictures. The tasks mentioned are in the form
of stories or they focus on real-life situations that should be well known to
pupils - so it tries to eliminate abstraction [2].
2 Research Problem
Over the past few years, we have gained a great deal of data that can help us to
create a picture of the state of pupils’ knowledge. In this article, we focus on the
Little Beavers category and the results of pupils in this category over the last
5 years. Tasks in this competition usually come from an international database,
yet about 50% of the used tasks in this category have been created by Slovak
authors (Fig. 1). The reason may be that not all countries have a category for
the primary education in the competition. Within the international database [4],
the tasks are assigned to one or more of the following areas:
– Information comprehension,
– Algorithmic thinking,
– Using computer systems,
– Structures, patterns and arrangements,
– Puzzles,
– Social, ethical, cultural, international, and legal issues.
Fig. 1. Authorship of tasks in last five year of iBobor competition in category Little
Bebras Task Analysis in Category Little Beavers in Slovakia 93
However, the tasks used in Slovakia in the category Little Beavers are
designed according to the State Educational Program (hereinafter referred to
as SEP) [3], which is divided into five thematic areas:
– representations and tools (work with graphics, work with text, work with
stories, multimedia work, information, structures);
– communication and collaboration (working with a web site, searching the
web, working with communication tools);
– algorithmic problem solving (problem analysis, interactive solution compila-
tion, solution by command sequence, interpretation of solution writing, find-
ing and correcting errors);
– software and hardware (work with files and folders, work in the operating
system, computer and add-ons, work on a computer network and on the
– information society (safety and risks, digital technologies in the company,
legality of use).
The tasks categories used in the international database overlap only to a cer-
tain extent with the tasks originating from thematic areas of the SEP. Therefore,
we are not able to uniquely include the tasks created for competition in the con-
text of informatics in Slovakia. In 2009 Kalaš and Tomcsányiová proposed new
categorisation for Bebras task [5] consisting of four categories: digital literacy,
programing, problem solving and data handling, but categories are broad and
overlapping as one task can fit into one or two categories.
In [6] the new two-dimensional categorisation system for tasks in Bebras
contest has been introduced. It combines computational thinking skills with
informatics concepts. Each task can be placed in only one informatics area, but
in up to three computational thinking areas.
One of the objectives of this article was to investigate the success of pupils
depending on different phenomena (e.g., conceptual complexity of the task, type
of the task, age and gender of the contestant, etc.) and we therefore created
our own categorisation to examine these dependencies. The base of it is similar
to [5], but we tried to make unambiguous categories and define subcategories
whenever possible.
There are not so many researches aimed at Little Beavers category, as many
countries don’t have this category, but overal we can say, that in most countries
boys and girls has similar performance in lower categories [5,7,9]. Boys tend to
be more successful in tasks aimed at spatial thinking, creating strategy and in
harder tasks, and girls perform better in tasks with colorful pictures and social
themes [8]. Contestants are more likely to guess the correct answer than to use
no respond answer, and boys do it more often (and even more successful) [7]. In
lower categories the proposed difficulty of tasks usually differ from real difficulty,
and pupils in this categories tend to underestimate the complexity of the tasks
[9]. Pupils in primary schools have problems with reading long texts, they cannot
focus on task for a long time, and need to have unambiguous texts and pictures
94 L. Budinská et al.
3 Methodology
The aim of our work was to better understand the results of contestants, and also
find out correlation between assignments of individual tasks and their results.
In our research, we have used qualitative and quantitative research methods.
When analyzing the task assignment, we used grounded theory with the system-
atic design [10]. We coded 60 tasks from the Little Beavers category over the last
5 years, and, based on them, we subsequently created new categorisation. We tried
to preserve the data triangulation and the objectivity of the results by individual
authors’ coding and subsequent joint processing based on inter-coder agreement
[11]. The created categories are described in Sect. 4. As in the competition, all tasks
are evaluated by points based on difficulty, using three groups: easy, medium and
hard, with 4 tasks being in each group. The proposed difficulty does not always
correspond to the pupils’ results, so for our research, we have redistributed the
analysed tasks into these three categories, depending on the real difficulty. (We
sorted tasks based on their results, first four with the best average score were
labeled as easy, next four as medium and four with the lowest score were hard.)
Next, we used qualitative methods to analyse data from the Slovak competi-
tion database, where the following information are kept about each contestant:
gender, grade, school’s ID, the chosen answer and the time they needed to solve
the contest. From this database, we first exported information about pupils com-
peting in the category Little Beavers, which we further processed using infer-
ential statistics for different groups - based on gender, or grade. We have also
used correlation designs [10], examining relations and dependencies between the
tasks results and the category in which they were placed.
4 New Categorisation
As it was mentioned above, we have created four new categories where all types
of tasks used in Slovak competition in category Little Beavers can be included.
When creating these categories, we focused on analysing the tasks’ text, or more
specifically their form and content, and the type of tasks (which area of knowl-
edge is tested). We have further analysed which information is available in text
and which is needed to be analysed by pupils, and also how they come up with
the answer - if they choose it or they need to create it. Example for each category
is shown in the Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Examples of tasks for each category from iBobor in school year 2016/17 in
Slovakia. Volume - digital literacy task. Shelf Sort - logic task (statement). Bebras
painting - algorithmic task (rules are given, answer is created). Robot 1 - programming
oriented task (program creation).
This type of tasks are not usually used in Bebras in other countries and they
are not very supported by the international community. However, we have found
out that pupils improve between the third and the fourth grade, so we have
come to the conclusion that this area of informatics takes a big part in Slovak
education. In other countries like for example England, digital literacy is a part
of different subjects, not only informatics or computing.
iii. others - This is a minimal set of tasks that do not belong completely to either
of the two previous categories. It can be a mixture of the two, or it can be a
task demonstrating a completely different information representation. This
category also includes logic puzzles.
5 Results
First of all, we analysed data of the last five years of Little Beavers category for
grade and gender groups. The competition is more attractive to boys than to girls
Bebras Task Analysis in Category Little Beavers in Slovakia 97
and the average score of girls and boys is similar, with girls being slightly better
in four out of five years (see Fig. 3). Girls achieved better results in tasks where
it was not necessary to create or discover an algorithm or use some strategy, but
to perform some sequence of steps or commands or to evaluate some states and
Fig. 3. The last five years of iBobor competition in category Little Beavers - a. number
of contestants, b. overall performance for boys and girls (maximum score is 96 points,
minimum score is 0 points
There were more fourth graders than third graders in competition and on
average 2% of all pupils in category were second graders. Interestingly, the sec-
ond graders, who entered the contest despite the fact that they were in the cate-
gory with older pupils, achieved on average very similar results as third graders
(see Fig. 4) and they even outperformed third graders and sometimes even fourth
graders in some tasks. The reason may be that teachers only enrolled the most
clever second graders, but there were often entire classes enrolled in the compe-
tition in the third and fourth grades.
Fig. 4. The last five years of iBobor competition in category Little Beavers - a. number
of contestants in each grade, b. overall average performance for each grade (maximum
score is 96 points, minimum score is 0 points
Next, based on our new categorisation and data analysis, we were looking
for some correlations and dependencies. We took a look at the group of pupils
who contested in the school year 2015/16 as third-graders and again in 2016/17
98 L. Budinská et al.
Fig. 5. Correlation of gender performance for each group of tasks. Green line represents
the same score for boys and girls. Point below the line means that girls performed better
in representing task, point above the line means that boys were better. (Color figure
– The differences between boys and girls in this group were minimal.
– If an algorithmic or logical problem is combined with testing user skills, tasks
are more difficult for pupils - they are not easy.
Bebras Task Analysis in Category Little Beavers in Slovakia 99
– If the task falls into the logic statement group and task text is in form text-
image with clearly defined rules, task is easy for pupils.
– This also applies to image-image tasks that have clear rules but they may not
contain another algorithm-complex problem.
– If the task has a small finite number of solutions, it turns out to be easy.
– If the task had more than one correct solution or contains more complicated
rules, it is medium difficult. They are mostly in image-image form.
– If pupils need to create answer while the task contains more complicated rules
consisting of a number of conditions that need to be identified, the task turns
out to be hard.
In this paper we have described new categorisation of the tasks for Little Beavers
group in iBobor (Bebras) contest. We have used this categorisation to analyse the
last five years of the competition in Slovakia. We have found some correlations
and dependencies, mentioned in Sect. 5, although we cannot definitely tell if some
causalities really exist. So in the next competition iBobor, in the school year
2017/18, we plan to use these dependencies to categorise tasks in the difficulty
groups, and, based on the pupils’ results, we would be able to better validate
our statements. Also, we would like to use our categorisation on tasks used in
other countries in similar age category to compare results of slovak pupils with
their peers in other countries.
Pupils’ good performance in logic tasks can be influenced by their math
lessons or even other subjects, so it would be helpful to do qualitative research
aimed at primary school teachers (which in Slovakia use to teach all subjects
in their class) and talk with them about tasks in Little Beaver category and
100 L. Budinská et al.
1. Dagienė, V.: Information technology contests - introduction to computer science
in an attractive way. Inform. Educ. 5(1), 37–46 (2006)
2. Tomcsányiová, M., Tomcsányi, P.: Little beaver – a new bebras contest cate-
gory for children aged 8–9. In: Kalaš, I., Mittermeir, R.T. (eds.) ISSEP 2011.
LNCS, vol. 7013, pp. 201–212. Springer, Heidelberg (2011). https://doi.org/10.
1007/978-3-642-24722-4 18
3. Štátny pedagogický ústav: Informatika. Inovovaný Štátny vzdelávacı́ program
(2014). http://www.statpedu.sk/sites/default/files/dokumenty/inovovany-statny-
vzdelavaci-program/informatika nsv 2014.pdf. Accessed 29 May 2017
4. Dagienė, V., Futschek, G.: Bebras international contest on informatics and com-
puter literacy: criteria for good tasks. In: Mittermeir, R.T., Syslo, M.M. (eds.)
ISSEP 2008. LNCS, vol. 5090, pp. 19–30. Springer, Heidelberg (2008). https://doi.
org/10.1007/978-3-540-69924-8 2
5. Kalaš, I., Tomcsányiová, M.: Students’ attitude to programming in modern infor-
matics. In: Proceedings 9th WCCE: World Conference on Computers in Education,
Paper-No 82 (2009)
6. Dagienė, V., Sentence, S., Stupuriene, G.: Developing a two-dimensional cate-
gorization system for educational tasks in informatics. Informatica 28(1), 23–44
Bebras Task Analysis in Category Little Beavers in Slovakia 101
7. Dagiene, V., Mannila, L., Poranen, T., Rolandsson, L., Stupuriene, G.: Reasoning
on children’s cognitive skills in an informatics contest: findings and discoveries
from Finland, Lithuania, and Sweden. In: Gülbahar, Y., Karataş, E. (eds.) ISSEP
2014. LNCS, vol. 8730, pp. 66–77. Springer, Cham (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/
978-3-319-09958-3 7
8. Hubwieser, P., Hubwieser, E., Graswald, D.: How to attract the girls: gender-
specific performance and motivation in the bebras challenge. In: Brodnik, A., Tort,
F. (eds.) ISSEP 2016. LNCS, vol. 9973, pp. 40–52. Springer, Cham (2016). https://
doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46747-4 4
9. Dagiene, V., Stupuriene, G.: Bebras - a sustainable community building model
for the concept based learning of informatics and computational thinking. Inform.
Educ. 15(1), 25–44 (2016)
10. Creswell, J.W.: Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research, 4th edn. Pearson Education, Boston
(2012). 650 p. ISBN 978-0-13-136739-5
11. Silverman, D.: Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook, 4th edn. SAGE,
Newcastle upon Tyne (2013). 633 p. ISBN 978-1-4462-6014-2
12. Vanı́ček, J.: What makes situational informatics tasks difficult? In: Brodnik, A.,
Tort, F. (eds.) ISSEP 2016. LNCS, vol. 9973, pp. 90–101. Springer, Cham (2016).
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46747-4 8
Promoting Computational Thinking Skills:
Would You Use this Bebras Task?
1 Introduction
The last decade has seen an increasing need for spreading the fundamental con-
cepts of informatics to a vast audience of students, stemming from the belief that
some basic concepts of the discipline should be taught even in the first stages
of the educational systems. An important contribution to this goal is provided
by informatics contests organized worldwide: they are indeed able to stimulate
interest among pupils and teachers with different mixes of fun games and safe
levels of competitiveness [3]. An initiative that proved to be particularly success-
ful is the Bebras challenge1 [6,10,11], organized since 2004 on an annual basis
in several countries (50 in 2016), with about one and a half million participants
in the last edition.
c Springer International Publishing AG 2017
V. Dagiene and A. Hellas (Eds.): ISSEP 2017, LNCS 10696, pp. 102–113, 2017.
Promoting Computational Thinking Skills 103
Hence teachers are clearly eager to have descriptions of the tasks that could
help them in finding the ones more suitable to their goals: both CT and infor-
matics seem useful for them, but while all tasks traditionally have an “It’s infor-
matics” section designed to explain the informatic idea behind it, no effort is
currently made by Bebras authors to identify and highlight the cognitive skills
they require. Thus, we decided to focus on CT skills, which seem to us the core
educational value of Bebras tasks, since they keep their computational peculiar-
ity, while being accessible even without a deep knowledge of the more technical
details of the discipline of informatics.
According to the operational definition proposed by ISTE and CSTA [1], CT
is a problem-solving process that includes (but is not limited to) the following
(a) Formulating problems in a way that enables us to use a computer and other
tools to help solve them.
(b) Logically organizing and analyzing data.
(c) Representing data through abstractions such as models and simulations.
(d) Automating solutions through algorithmic thinking (a series of ordered
(e) Identifying, analyzing, and implementing possible solutions with the goal of
achieving the most efficient and effective combination of steps and resources.
(f) Generalizing and transferring this problem solving process to a wide variety
of problems.
The first and last skills in the definition (a and f) are almost never addressed
by a single Bebras task, mainly due to its brevity, even though the contest aims
at helping the development of such skills in the long-term, by working on and
solving several tasks. Instead, most Bebras tasks deal with organization, analysis,
representation of data (skills b and c), algorithmic thinking (skill d) or design,
analysis and implementation of algorithmic methods (skill e). Thus, we believe
such a definition can be fruitful for analyzing and describing tasks.
ISTE/CSTA also propose a vocabulary of CT skills with a progression chart
suggesting possible activities for different ages and subjects [2]. The intended
goal of the vocabulary is “to unpack the operational definition by listing CT con-
cepts implicit in the operational definition”. The vocabulary lists and explains
nine terms, giving example activities suitable for the age groups: Data Collec-
tion, Data Analysis, Data Representation, Problem Decomposition, Abstraction,
Algorithms & Procedures, Automation, Simulation, Parallelization. This level
of description, however, seems to enter in the explicit domain of the practice of
informatics: as such, it could provide further enrichment for the “It’s informat-
ics” section which accompanies each task, but it is less useful to highlight their
teaching potential. In general, different (and only partially overlapping) defini-
tions of CT exist (a good recent survey can be found in [5], which discusses also
frequent misconceptions of CT by primary teachers), but in this proposal we
decided to focus on the operational ISTE/CSTA’s definition as the one with the
right granularity to emphasize the specificity of computational cognitive skills
106 A. Calcagni et al.
Fig. 1. Four tasks suitable to teach how to logically analyze data (a), how to represent
information (b), how to identify strategies and analyse algorithmic solutions (c), and
how to implement algorithmic solutions (d).
Typical tasks that promote this skill deal with ways to organize data according
to given criteria, with (generally hidden) references to databases or set theory:
they may ask to execute a query over a table of records representing a set of
objects, to split a set of items into categories according to their characteristics,
or to pick the misplaced object in a figure.
Other tasks for this skill focus on organizing data so that they enjoy relevant
properties: that is the case for instance of cryptography, where we want a message
not to be understandable even if eavesdropped, data compression, where we
organize data in order make them easier to store or transmit, or correction codes,
where we add bits to detect or recover possible errors in the representation of
stored or transmitted data.
Promoting Computational Thinking Skills 107
This skill is promoted also by tasks where data structures are used to organize
data for processing. For instance, a task may concern the use of binary search
trees to find quickly any element in a set, without considering the whole set;
similar examples can be done for heaps, queues, stacks, and so on. However, if a
data structure is used to represent an intrinsic property of the data (e.g., graphs
for binary relations, or trees for hierarchical relations), the task will be most
suitably related to the skill Representing information.
This skill concerns problem solving and in particular finding a suitable algorith-
mic strategy. Typically, formulating a solution algorithmically (so that it could
be automated) is not sufficient, and tasks that promote this skill usually require
to devise a non-trivial idea to address the problems they present.
The tasklet “Find the thief”, proposed by Belgium delegates in 2016 and
depicted in Fig. 1(c), is a good representative for this task since, in order to
estimate the number of interrogations required to detect the thief, students need
to understand that examining all visitors sequentially is too time consuming and
they need to address the problem with an original approach (in this case, binary
search). Thus, the task would be a good choice to promote the ability of devising
strategies to solve problems. Notice that, dealing the task also with complexity
issues, it could be used to promote the next skill, too.
– Are the (descriptions of the) skills clear? Are there terms or expressions that
you do not understand or about which you are not sure or that are ambiguous?
– Why do you relate a certain task to a certain skill? (In particular we delved
into those cases where the association between a task and a skill was unex-
pected for us).
– Do you think that if tasks were presented with this approach (that is consid-
ering the computational thinking skills they can promote), the educational
value of the tasks would emerge more clearly? That is, if presented this way,
would it be easier for a teacher to use them in the curricular educational
activity, as a curricular resource?
110 A. Calcagni et al.
During the interviews, we first noticed that despite the effort of removing
(or reducing to the minimum) computer science technicalities, our description
of skills still revealed some computer science implied meanings that teachers
are not familiar with, and hence needed to be clarified, especially for teachers
of primary schools. For instance, when we use terms like problem and solution
we implicitly think of computational problems and solutions, while in primary
schools a problem is what we would call an instance of a problem, and vice versa
a computational problem would be seen as a class of similar problems in the
primary school meaning. Similarly, for primary school teachers with no formal
computer science education, a solution is simply an answer to an issue, while
when we write “analysing a solution” we are usually thinking of a computational
solution for a (computational) problem, i.e., an automatic method to find the
correct answer to any instance of the problem. Other expressions that ran into
a similar misunderstanding are representing data and organizing data. Indeed,
the digital representation of data as usually meant in computer science is not
common knowledge for primary school teachers. When a task deals with some
formal/symbolic representation of data, teachers realize that, to understand and
tackle the task, one needs to rearrange or reformulate the data somehow and
hence they associate the task with the “organizing data” skill. Also the terms
implement and coding were not broadly familiar and needed some explanation.
Despite the need to clarify these terms, in general we got confirmation of our
hypotheses. We agreed on most associations between tasks and CT skills the
teacher highlighted, which seems to confirm that the definitions of skills are
understandable and their use to describe tasks is feasible. Teachers seem to
appreciate the use of CT skills to analyze Bebras tasks since “make the underly-
ing skills of a task explicit helps in choosing more consciously what to work on
and how”. The CT skill lens seems to foster the identification of the educational
potential of tasks; indeed, often teacher highlighted associations between tasks
and skills that we did not expect, but they were usually able to support their
association with a convincing reasoning, or with clear examples (for instance
envisaging original ways to use the tasks in the classroom, in order to promote
a skill that was not directly addressed by the question of the task itself). From
the interview we also got some new ideas and insights. We noticed that tasks
that required some kind of analytic thought were often associated by teachers
with “algorithmic thinking”. For instance, solving a task by using the technique
of decomposition or step-by-step reasoning was often associated with algorithmic
thinking even when no algorithm or formal procedure or rule was involved. This
could be acceptable at the primary school level but, for older kids, algorithmic
and analytical thinking should be distinguished more neatly by teachers, in order
to appreciate the true computational thinking value of a task, and to promote
it in general education.
Table 1. Classification of 120 tasks from Table 2. Classification of 120 tasks from
2016 edition according to [7] 2016 edition according to [9]
Topics and concepts No. tasks Topics and concepts No. tasks
Algorithmic thinking 67 Algorithms and programming 87
Information comprehension 27 Data, data structures and 37
Structures, patterns and 16 representations
arrangements Computer processes and 15
Puzzles 16 hardware
Social, ethical, cultural, 1 Communication and 3
international, and legal issues networking
Using computer systems 3 Interactions, systems and 2
112 A. Calcagni et al.
Table 3. Classification of 120 tasks from 2016 edition: number of tasks and category
pairs; bold figures count the occurrences of a category alone
5 Conclusions
Bebras tasks are a considerable teaching resource, but unfortunately they are
mostly underused beyond the contest.
We analyse and describe Bebras tasks by using the operational definition of
computational thinking and identifying seven fundamental CT skills, concerning
the organization, analysis, representation of data, algorithmic thinking, and the
design, analysis and implementation of algorithmc methods.
Such an approach applies to a wide range of ages and schools and can be
described with terms and concepts that do not rely on a strong or wide knowl-
edge of computer science, hence also teachers without a formal education in
informatics can understand it and relate it with their curricular teaching activ-
ity. Moreover, differently from other classifications based on a taxonomy of infor-
matics topics, this approach also helps in detecting the cognitive skills involved
by a task, thus it would make their educational potential more explicit.
We gathered feedbacks about this approach by interviewing teachers and
applied it also to classify Bebras tasks. We will also collect feedbacks by building
a website where teachers will be able to retrieve tasks according to their potential
in promoting CT skills. We are currently working to link such approach to the
recommendations of the Italian Ministry of Education for non-vocational schools.
Finally, and overall, we believe the awareness of the importance of a CT-
based classification can improve the way tasks will be written in the future. In
particular we suggest to expand the Bebras task templates with a new “It’s
computational thinking” section, containing for each class an articulated answer
to the question “Is this task suited to teach this CT skill?”.
Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the whole Bebras community for the
great effort spent in producing exciting tasklets and the key informant teachers.
Promoting Computational Thinking Skills 113
1. International Society for Technology in Education & Computer Science Teachers
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(2011). http://www.iste.org/docs/ct-documents/computational-thinking-operatio
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(2017). http://www.csteachers.org/resource/resmgr/472.11CTTeacherResources
3. Lonati, V., Monga, M., Morpurgo, A., Torelli, M.: What’s the fun in informatics?
working to capture children and teachers into the pleasure of computing. In: Kalaš,
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Heidelberg (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-24722-4 19
4. Lonati, V., Malchiodi, D., Monga, M., Morpurgo, A.: Bebras as a teaching resource:
classifying the tasks corpus using computational thinking skills. In: Proceedings of
the 2017 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science
Education, ITiCSE 2017, Bologna, Italy, 3–5 July 2017, p. 366. ACM (2017)
5. Corradini, I., Lodi, M., Nardelli, E.: Conceptions and misconceptions about com-
putational thinking among Italian primary school teachers. In: Proceedings of the
2017 ACM International Computing Education Research (ICER 2017), August
2017, to appear
6. Dagienė, V.: Supporting computer science education through competitions. In:
Proceedings of the 9th WCCE 2009, Education and Technology for a Better World,
Bento Goncalves (2009)
7. Dagienė, V., Futschek, G.: Bebras international contest on informatics and com-
puter literacy: criteria for good tasks. In: Mittermeir, R.T., Syslo, M.M. (eds.)
ISSEP 2008. LNCS, vol. 5090, pp. 19–30. Springer, Heidelberg (2008). https://doi.
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8. Dagienė, V., Sentance, S.: It’s computational thinking! Bebras tasks in the cur-
riculum. In: Brodnik, A., Tort, F. (eds.) ISSEP 2016. LNCS, vol. 9973, pp. 28–39.
Springer, Cham (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46747-4 3
9. Dagienė, V., Sentance, S., Stupurienė, G.: Developing a two-dimensional cate-
gorization system for educational tasks in informatics. Informatica 28(1), 23–44
10. Dagienė, V., Stupuriene, G.: Informatics education based on solving attractive
tasks through a contest. In: Key Competencies in Informatics and ICT, KEYCIT
2014, pp. 97–115 (2015)
11. Haberman, B., Cohen, A., Dagienė, V.: The Beaver contest: attracting youngsters
to study computing. In: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Joint Conference on Inno-
vation and Technology in Computer Science Education, pp. 378–378. ACM (2011)
12. Kalos, I., Tomcsanyiova, M.: Students’ attitude to programming in modern infor-
matics. Informática na Educação: teoria & prática 12, 127–135 (2009)
13. Pohl, W., Hein, H.W.: Aspects of quality in the presentation of informatics chal-
lenge tasks. In: ISSEP 2015 local proceedings, pp. 21–22 (2015)
14. Schwill, A.: Fundamental ideas of computer science. Bull.-Eur. Assoc. Theor. Com-
put. Sci. 53, 274–295 (1994)
Country Reports
Introducing Programming and Digital
Competence in Swedish K-9 Education
1 Introduction
All students need to be taught about the use of computers in our soci-
ety and about the fast development in the field. In particular, students
should realize that the computer is a technological tool, being controlled
by humans. (Lgr 80, p. 107, free translation from Swedish)
a computer from their employer against a gross deduction. In the early 2000s,
initiatives such as ITiS (IT i Skolan, IT at school) and PIM (Praktisk IT- och
Mediekompetens, practical IT and media competence) aimed at helping teachers
find good ways of using computers at school. The most recent curriculum reform
took place in 2011 (Lgr 11). For a more detailed historical overview of computers
and programming in Swedish education see [11].
Swedish school system. As one part of this work Skolverket was to update the
curricula for primary (K–9) and upper secondary education (grades 10–12). The
government explicitly stated that the curriculum should (1) strengthen students’
digital competence and (2) introduce programming at the K–9 level.
Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency, has also funded a number of research
projects related to the digitalization of school. One of these, the Trippel Helix
Project (www.trippelhelix.se), aims at getting school, industry and academia,
with regional backing, to together formulate a common concrete and achievable
action plan. The plan should be coordinated with the IT-strategy of the Swedish
National Agency for Education, pushing intellectual and operational changes
in the school of the future, based on the possibilities and knowledge demands
created by the digitalization.
4 Process
The directive from the government to Skolverket called for involving relevant
agencies, organizations and groups in the process. Skolverket formed several
reference groups, including one in CS education research. The authors of this
paper have participated in the process from two different perspectives; as a
reference group in CS education research and as part of the Trippel Helix project.
In the first stage, the researchers in the CS education reference group were
asked to review the current curriculum for grades 1–9 and suggest changes
and additions supporting the introduction of programming and digital compe-
tence. The reference group met with Skolverket in December 2015 and presented
their input. All researchers suggested that digital competence and programming
should be integrated in as many existing subjects as possibly (preferably all of
them), and not as a subject of its own. The role of CS was also emphasized,
rather than focus on programming which is seen as a particular skill within the
broader subject of CS.
Within the Trippel Helix project, representatives from industry, academia
and the school system work together collectively on supporting the digitalization
of education. During January and February 2016, three workshops were arranged
in different parts of Sweden (Stockholm, Gothenburg and Lund) to collect input
to the National IT Strategy and the new curriculum, both K–9 and 10–12. The
outcome of these workshops was handed as input to Skolverket’s ongoing work.
In early March 2016, a first draft including suggested curriculum changes
was sent out to different interest groups, with a request for feedback. Many of
the additions suggested by the CS education group were included in the draft,
but quite a few had also been left out. A few weeks later the first public draft
was published on the web. The authors provided feedback on the public draft
from a CS education perspective. In late April, the final public draft for a new
curriculum was published for anyone to give feedback on, with no explicit request
for feedback from the reference groups. In June 2016, Skolverket handed over a
proposal for revising the current curriculum to the government.
Introducing Programming and Digital Competence 121
and acting in a technology intensive world. The revision puts increased attention
on digital technology and the need for developing an understanding for how
computers and networks work. The changes are made under three main topics.
For the topic “Technical solutions”, the revisions focus on understanding aspects:
– Grades 1–3: What computers are used for and some fundamental devices for
input, output and storage of information, for instance, keyboard, monitor and
hard drive. Some common artifacts that are controlled by computers.
– Grades 4–6: Some of the components and functions of a computer, for instance
processor and working memory. How computers are controlled by programs
and can be connected through networks.
– Grades 7–9: IT solutions for exchanging information, such as computers,
Internet, and mobile phones. Technical solutions that use electronics and how
these are programmed.
The related content under the topic “Technology, man, society and the environ-
ment” focuses on safety and integrity aspects:
– Grade 1–3: Safety when using technology, for instance when handling elec-
tricity and using Internet services.
– Grade 4–6: Safety when using technology, for instance when transmitting
information digitally. How technology is part of and changes the basic condi-
tions for different professions within all areas of society.
– Grade 7–9: Internet and other global technical systems, their benefits, risks,
and limitations. Safety when using technology, for instance storing and pro-
tecting data.
– Grades 4–6: How to act responsibly regarding the use of digital and other
media from a social, ethical, and legal perspective.
Introducing Programming and Digital Competence 123
– Grades 7–9: The valuation of news and how it can be influenced by people’s
views of the world. How individuals and groups are portrayed, for example
based on gender and ethnicity as well as how information in digital media is
controlled through hidden programming. The opportunities and risks asso-
ciated with Internet and digital communication through electronic media as
well as how to act responsibly regarding the use of digital and other media
from a social, ethical, and legal perspective.
In addition to the quite notable revisions made in these subjects, other subjects
are also affected by the revision. Concrete examples are for instance the intro-
duction of modeling and simulations in natural sciences, extending the range of
materials and techniques to be used in crafts and emphasizing responsible com-
munication in languages. In summary, digital competence is visible throughout
the new curriculum, both in the general parts and in specific subjects.
6 Implementation
Revising the curriculum is only the first step, the next challenge is to implement
these changes in practice. There are more than 200 000 teachers in Sweden
and the need for in-service professional development is huge. The important
question is: How can teachers throughout the country be supported in teaching
programming and digital competence in their subjects?
Although the situation when introducing Computing in the curriculum in
England was somewhat different (own subject, ICT teachers already available at
schools), many of the challenges are the same. While ICT teachers were proficient
in teaching how to use technology, most of them had no prior experience in
programming or other topics focusing on understanding the technology. Hence,
one can expect to learn from their experiences in Sweden as well.
In England, companies such as Microsoft and BBC have supported the intro-
duction of Computing. The support organization Computing at School (CAS)
has helped build a network of teachers, who teach their peers, and a community
supporting teachers through local hubs, material distribution, and professional
development. It may seem as if teachers in England have received sufficient sup-
port. The transition to Computing has, nevertheless, not been unproblematic.
After the first year of having Computing, two main challenges were found [13]:
teachers’ limited programming skills and a lack of self-esteem for teaching the
new subject. Even though many of the teachers had taught ICT previously, most
of them had no prior experience in programming and CS. The formal professional
124 F. Heintz et al.
development offered has not been sufficient and many teachers have felt the need
to learn more on their own. Before the first school year of teaching Computing,
60% of all teachers felt they did not know enough to teach the new subject [2].
After the first term, almost half of the students felt teachers needed more train-
ing and over 40% of the students said that they had helped their teachers. Over
80% of teachers called for more training, in particular in programming.
In Sweden, Skolverket has developed online course modules to support teach-
ers in learning to teach the new content. These modules include, for instance,
school leadership in a digitalized world, programming as an interdisciplinary app-
roach, and programming in mathematics and technology. These modules can be
taken at any time, but the recommendation is for colleagues to get together
and take the course at the same time, forming collegial learning groups where
teachers can learn from each other and share experiences and ideas. In addi-
tion, Skolverket arranges conferences throughout the country aimed at showing
teachers what the changes mean in practice. Moreover, the supplemental mate-
rial describes what the new content entails and how it fits in the school context.
The universities are also in the process of slowly renewing the teacher train-
ing to meet the new requirements. Currently, the teacher training programs
do not include any mandatory courses in digital competence or programming.
Skolverket does not control university education, and can hence not place any
requirements on them. The universities do however need to educate teachers in
the competences and skills required by the current curriculum. Many universi-
ties are, for instance, planning courses on different aspects of digital competence,
including programming, aimed at both pre- and in-service teachers. One chal-
lenge is that the process of introducing new courses often have lead-times of
18–24 m. At least one university (Uppsala) has chosen to compensate for these
lead-times and pre-service teachers’ lack of training in digital competence and
programming by offering complementary education in the form of coding camps
offered to students that are graduating within the next 24 m. Other organiza-
tions, both public and private, also take an active role in making the transition as
smooth as possible. For instance, a school in Stockholm (Årstaskolan) has started
a portal of courses, which are freely available to anyone and help teachers learn
the basics of programming in different languages in a concrete manner. Swedish
national TV produces TV series, showing how to introduce programming to chil-
dren. Funding is offered for development and research projects, aimed at finding
good ways to teach the new content, hence contributing to a set of best prac-
tices. Dedicated social media groups gather teachers from all over the country
to share ideas and experience as well as answer each other’s questions. Regular
digichats are organized to provide an informal channel to discuss digitalization,
digital competence, and school.
The proposed IT strategy, which is not approved by the government yet,
also discusses important issues related to the new curriculum. For instance, the
need for updating the IT infrastructure. This includes access both to stable and
open Wi-Fi networks and computing devices (each teacher should have her own
device within two years and each student should have their own device within
Introducing Programming and Digital Competence 125
three years). The IT strategy also discusses the need for computing devices to
be open for teachers and students to test and install their own software. This
is very important as in several cases in Sweden, the power of selecting learning
material has moved away from teachers and schools to their IT-departments.
That is, the format of the tool (from pen and paper to a digital device) dictates
who should decide on which learning material to use in the classroom. There are
examples where this process has led to computers and networks being totally
locked down with committees being the deciding body on which tools to allow.
The IT strategy also requires principals and other school leaders and admin-
istrative personnel to have an understanding of the issues involved. Principals
play a particularly important role in the implementation process as they must
promote and support their teachers in their teaching development efforts.
7 Discussion
In this section, we discuss the revisions from several perspectives including sub-
ject integration, bootstrapping, ambition, and equal opportunities.
Own subject or integrated approach. As noted above there seems to be two
ways in which countries are introducing CS or programming in their curriculum.
England provides a prime example of where the content has been packed into one
subject (Computing). In other countries, Sweden included, this has not been the
route taken; instead programming and CS content has been integrated in exist-
ing subjects. Introducing a subject of its own makes practical questions related
to who will teach the content unnecessary – dedicated Computing teachers teach
the subject Computing in England. The rationale for choosing an integrated app-
roach is manifold: (1) lack of space for introducing a new subject in the curricu-
lum, (2) letting students see and experience the use of programming in different
subjects (e.g. for raising interest among previously underrepresented groups),
and (3) introducing computational thinking, providing students a framework for
how they can work together with the computer to solve increasingly complex
problems. There are also practical considerations such as the negative experi-
ence of introducing the subject Technology in 1994 which needed about 20 years
to find its place, as well as the need for creating a teacher accreditation for a
new subject, which would take years to settle. In addition, as Sweden is only
revising the current curriculum, not creating a new one, introducing a totally
new subject would most likely not have been feasible.
Bootstrapping problems. The introduction of a new curriculum that spans
grade 1 to grade 9 naturally has to take into account a phased ramp up where
the progression is continuously adapted to the penetration of the curriculum
in terms of number of years of prior knowledge to build on. There is hence a
notable challenge in how to bootstrap the introduction of the revised curriculum.
Students in all grades (1–9) will need to start with the basics to be able to take
on more advanced topics later on. This requires teachers to take the curriculum
requirements for lower grade levels into account when designing the progression
126 F. Heintz et al.
for their current student group. A particular challenge arises in the intersection
between school levels, for instance, when students move from grade 6 to grade 7.
At this point many students move to another school, resulting in teachers having
a group of students, whose background in the new content can vary greatly
depending on which school they have attended and what teachers they have
had. The progression in the revised curriculum is expressed as if the curriculum
has already reached a steady state. This leaves local authorities throughout the
country with the responsibility of implementing the changes and solving the
bootstrapping challenge.
Too much or too little. As always when discussing changes and renewal
processes, critical voices are heard. Whereas some seem to think that schools
should not focus too much on digitalization aspects but pay more attention to
basic – and traditional – skills such as reading, writing, and calculating, others
think that the revisions are too vague and not bold enough. Developing steering
documents for education is difficult, as they should stay relevant for many years.
The situation is particularly difficult for a rapidly moving area such as infor-
mation technology. It is therefore crucial to focus on key principles and ideas
instead of detailed instructions and buzzwords. Describing content and learning
objectives in general terms is the only way to guarantee that a curriculum will
not be outdated after a short period of time. This also holds for the revisions,
which are written quite broadly, leaving ample room for interpretation. However,
these descriptions are often too vague for teachers and school leaders who are
to implement the curriculum in practice. There is hence a need for additional
material providing concrete examples of how the curricula requirements can be
implemented in the classroom. Such additional material can be updated and
expanded on in a fast and agile manner, compared to the curriculum. Expe-
rience and knowledge acquired from the large number of active projects and
collaboration initiatives between schools, municipalities, industry, and universi-
ties will be of great importance when implementing the changes at national level.
Material developed and lessons learned abroad can also help avoid reinventing
the wheel.
Equal opportunities and broadened participation. In the beginning, the
lack of detail in the curriculum can, however, be positive, as this leaves teachers
with a more easily approachable task. Instead of having detailed requirements,
they can do what they feel is enough and cover more content at more advanced
levels as they have learned more and become more experienced themselves. On
the other hand, this also introduces the obvious risk of teachers not raising
their ambition level as time goes by. Another risk is that all teachers will not
see the new content as their responsibility, but rather as part of some other
teacher’s duties. A challenge for the future is hence to get everyone to do enough
– this is a crucial aspect if we are to arrive at a school system providing equal
opportunities to all students regardless of where in the country they live and who
they happen to have as their teacher. The role of principals and school leaders
thus need to be stressed – it is their job to make sure that all teachers are able to
provide children and youth with the skills and content listed in the curriculum.
Introducing Programming and Digital Competence 127
One important, but implicit, goal in the revised curriculum is to broaden the
participation in CS related study programs and jobs. This has also been one of
the important aspects that the authors of this paper raised in our discussions
with Skolverket. This is also one of the reasons why we argued for integrating
programming into as many subjects as possible, in particular also in aesthetic
subjects such as arts, handicraft, and music. The revisions, however, mainly
introduce programming in mathematics and technology, two subjects that can
be seen as the traditional and expected choice. We therefore see a risk that the
revised curriculum will not broaden participation as much as one would have
liked. At the same time, programming is introduced from grade 1 so everyone
will get exposed to programming from an early age, which may have a positive
influence on participation.
The role of Computer Science. The revised curriculum does not mention
computer science or any other synonym to the word. Rather, the focus is on
digital competence and programming. We believe this is very unfortunate, as
CS is the foundation for programming and includes much more than only pro-
gramming. This is further exacerbated by introducing programming mainly for
mathematical problem-solving and controlling technical artifacts. The interna-
tional trend, especially in the US, is to broaden the perspective and move the
focus from programming to the broader subject of computer science. This is also
related to the desire to broaden the participation as discussed above. To engage
and interest a broader group, the content needs to be broadened to speak to
this larger group. Further, CS is an academic subject, which programming is
not. To us introducing programming without CS is like introducing physical
experiments without introducing physics. We see upgrading CS to a status of
accepted general knowledge, similar to for instance mathematics and physics, as
an important goal.
8 Conclusions
Educational systems all over the world are being updated to reflect the possibili-
ties and challenges in the digitalized society. One part of these changes is related
to the inclusion of programming and computer science content in basic educa-
tion. The ways in which this is accomplished vary, and the Swedish revisions
are well in line with other countries, where the content is integrated in other
Making a large-scale change in the education naturally takes time. The sit-
uation for students in different municipalities, schools, and even classrooms will
vary for many years before all teachers have had time to embrace digital compe-
tence and programming concepts as part of their everyday teaching. As the early
experience from England indicates, sufficient financial support is not enough;
what seems to be most important is access to continuous professional develop-
ment of high quality, suitable material, and peer support. In addition, school
leadership is of crucial importance, as teachers need time, access to professional
development, and support to make the best of the new situation.
128 F. Heintz et al.
1. Balanskat, A., Engelhardt, K.: Computing our future. computer programming and
coding. priorities, school curricula and initiatives across Europe (2015)
2. Bateman, K.: Computing teachers need more training, say students, January 2015
3. Department for Education. National curriculum in England: Computing pro-
grammes of study (2013). https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-
4. Digitaliseringskommissionen. En digital agenda i människans tjänst : en ljusnande
framtid kan bli vår : delbetänkande. Technical report SOU 2014:13 (2014)
5. European Commission. DigComp 2.0: The digital competence framework for citi-
zens (2016). Accessed 22 April 2017
6. Finnish National Board of Education. Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perus-
teet 2014 (2014)
7. Heintz, F., Mannila, L., Färnqvist, T.: A review of models for introducing com-
putational thinking, computer science and computing in k-12 education. In: 2016
IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), pp. 1–9 (2016)
8. Heintz, F., Mannila, L., Nygårds, K., Parnes, P., Regnell, B.: Computing at school
in Sweden - experiences from introducing computer science within existing subjects.
In: Proceedings ISSEP (2015)
9. Informatics Europe and ACM Europe. Informatics in education: Europe cannot
afford to miss the boat, 2015. Report of the joint Informatics Europe and ACM
Europe Working Group on Informatics Education
10. Johanssen, M., Nissen, J.: It i framtidens samhälle och i dagens skola. Utbildning
och demokrati 10, 103–132 (2001)
11. Rolandsson, L., Skogh, I.-B.: Programming in school: look back to move forward.
Trans. Comput. Educ. 14(2), 12:1–12:25 (2014)
12. Skolverket. Få syn på digitaliseringen på grundskolnivå, June 2017
13. Swidenbank, R.: Coding in British schools: A review of the first term, January
14. TeacherHack - En digitaliserad Lgr11. http://www.teacherhack.com/
15. Utbildningsdepartementet. Skolfs 2017:11 (2017)
16. White House. Computer science for all (2016). https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/
17. Wing, J.: Computational thinking. Commun. ACM 49(3), 33–35 (2006)
Preparedness of Japan’s Elementary School
Teachers for the Introduction of Computer
Programming Education
Yutaro Ohashi(&)
1 Introduction
Japan has specified that programming must be introduced into every elementary
school by 2020 [15]. In the Japanese context, “Programming Kyouiku” can be trans-
lated as “nurturing ‘programming thinking’, which will be required in every job when
the children become adults, by letting them experience information processing on
computers” [18]. While programming would be a critical part of such a curriculum, the
concept goes beyond coding. The specific course content, however, including the
programming language to be studied, the hours devoted to the subject, and the grade in
which the subject is to be introduced, is left to the individual school and teacher.
Programming will not be introduced as an independent subject, but should be taught in
combination with existing subjects [15].
Not surprisingly, there has been a debate over the feasibility of this approach.
Advocates argue that it is important to keep pace with other countries, where computer
programming is already compulsory at the elementary level [17], or that an under-
standing of coding is essential in a world in which digital equipment forms a large part of
daily life [8]. Opponents urge caution, and point to a shortage of teachers who are
qualified to teach coding [1]. A more specific concern is that the elementary level is too
early [25]. Despite the increase in interest, few studies have attempted to explore the
views of elementary school teachers on the planned reforms, or to examine the measures
that are being taken. Many case studies have examined advanced schools, and are of
little relevance to ordinary in-service teachers, especially given Japan’s relatively low
use of computers in learning activities [22, 23, 29]. This low usage has been attributed to
shortages of time, content availability, facilities, and resources available to teachers [9].
Many factors are known to play a role in determining ICT practices in the class-
room [5, 11, 12, 19, 24]. Key factors include access to resources, the quality of the
software and hardware available, the ease of use, the incentives for change, support and
collegiality, local and national policies, the commitment to professional learning, and
the amount of formal computer training that the teacher has undergone [20]. The beliefs
and attitudes of the teacher are also known to play a decisive role in programming
education, yet few studies have explored these.
2 Research Content
A two-stage approach was used. The initial stage was a qualitative and inductive, and
was used to gain an understanding of the problems and real conditions in the field, and
to establish the scope of the second stage. The author visited elementary schools to
Preparedness of Japan’s Elementary School Teachers 131
3 Results
3.1 First Survey: Fieldwork at School
The questionnaire contained 10 questions, and 19 responses were collected from six
schools. Questions Q1 to Q8 were multiple choice, and the responses are shown in
Table 1. Statistically significance at the one percent level were found for Q1 (ICT use
in school affairs), Q4 (confidence in using ICT), Q5 (familiarity with the proposals for
programming education), Q7 (experience of computer programming), and Q8 (confi-
dence in teaching computer programming). No significant correlation was found
between actual ICT use (Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4) and confidence in teaching computer
programming (Q8). Responses to Q10 were coded into five categories (excluding “No
other comments” and other insignificant ones). Many of the comments reflected
uncertainty over the coming programming education (Table 2).
Responses to Q9 included “support staff and/or help desk (16)”, “training and/or
instruction course for teachers (16)”, “new facilities such as computers and/or tablet
PCs (12)”, “time (10)”, “textbook (9)”, and “budget (8).”
Preparedness of Japan’s Elementary School Teachers 133
Table 2. Responses in the first survey (Q10: Please write your opinions about ICT use or
programming education.)
Responses N.
Need for facilities and/or equipment 3
“If we have easy-to-use tablet PCs and other equipment we can teach pupils in all classes
in common (30s teacher)”
Anxiety 2
“I don’t know about programming at all. I’m anxious about it (40s teacher)”
Need for training and/or instruction course 1
“I need to serve apprenticeship for it (40s teacher)”
Need for specialized staff 1
“It would be helpful if specialized staff could come over and teach us (50s teacher)”
Expectation 1
“It is important for children. *snip* We’d like to explore the way we address it.” (50s
Responses to Q10 were coded into five categories, including “need for facilities
and/or equipment (3)”, “anxiety (2)”, “need for training and/or instruction course (1)”,
“need for specialized staff (1)”, and “expectation (1).”
The results of the first survey are summarized as follows.
• Most respondents (18) reported using ICT in school affairs, but fewer in teaching
• Some respondents (15) reported knowing about the planned programming educa-
tion, but only half (10) had been informed about it.
• Measures concerning programming education had rarely been taken.
• Teachers felt uncertain about or dissatisfied with the planned programming edu-
cation. They felt under-informed and lacking the facilities and/or equipment needed,
or the chance to acquire the necessary knowledge or skills.
• A majority of respondents (16) expressed no confidence in teaching programming.
• Overall, the teachers surveyed were neither technically nor emotionally prepared for
programming education.
questionnaires were returned by 309 respondents from 44 prefectures (out of 47). All
were elementary school teachers (Table 3).
• Demographics of the respondents (Q1)
Forty respondents (12.9%) were in their 20s, 66 (21.4%) in their 30s, 73 (23.6%) in
their 40s, 103 (33.3%) in their 50s, and 27 (8.7%) over 60. The average age was
44.9 years. The majority duration of employment was “less than 10 years” (104,
33.7%), followed by “10 to 19 years” (62, 20.1%), “20 to 29 years” (68, 22.0%),
“30 to 39 years” (68, 22.0%), and “more than 40 years (7, 2.3%).”
• ICT use in school affairs (Q2 and Q3)
Respondents used ICT in school affairs “almost every day” (198, 64.1%), “four to
five days a week” (38, 12.3%), “two to three days a week” (20, 6.5%), and “a day a
week” (10, 3.2%). “Rarely used” was reported by 32 respondents (10.4%) and
“never used” by 11 (3.6%). No statistically significant correlation was found
between age and years of teaching experience.
The reasons given for using ICT in school affairs were, in descending order,
“preparing for teaching” (252, 84.6%), “document preparation” (e.g. report) (243,
81.5%), “data management” (e.g. pupil scores) (255, 75.5%), “searching for
information” (219, 73.5%), “communication via mail and/or intranet” (144, 48.3%),
“crafting or making a presentation” (143, 48.0%)”, “miscellaneous work for club
Preparedness of Japan’s Elementary School Teachers 135
activity” (27, 9.1%)”, and “other” (e.g. preparing a class paper, photo administra-
tion, etc.) (8, 2.7%).
• ICT use in teaching (Q4 and Q5)
ICT use in teaching was less common than in school affairs. Thirty seven
respondents used ICT for teaching “almost every day” (12.0%), 31 used it “four to
five days a week” (10.0%), 59 used it “two to three days a week” (19.1%), and 56
used it “a day a week” (18.1%)”. Meanwhile, 103 respondents reported using ICT
“rarely” (33.3%) and 23 answered “never” (7.4%), accounting for more than 40% of
respondents. The distribution was statistically significant at the one percent level.
No correlation was found with age or years of teaching experience (Q1).
The most frequently reported use of ICT use in teaching was “teacher shows
teaching material” (233, 81.5%), followed by “pupils search for information” (165,
57.7%), “pupils use educational software” (80, 28.0%), “pupils craft a presentation
of self-introduction or a survey conducted” (69, 24.1%), “pupils practice typing”
(60, 21%), “pupils practice programming” (9, 3.1%), and “others” (5, 1.7%).”
• Confidence in using ICT in school affairs or teaching (Q6)
When reporting their level of confidence, 40% responded “confident” (22, 7.1%) or
“somewhat confident” (104, 33.7%), 92 “neutral” (29.8%), 71 “not very confident”
(23.0%), and 20 answered “not at all confident” (6.5%).” The distribution was
statistically significant at the one percent level. A weak correlation was found with
the frequency of ICT use in school affairs (Q2) (r = 0.327) and frequency of use in
teaching (Q4) (r = 0.366). No correlation was found with age or years of teaching
experience (Q1).
• Awareness of programming education (from Q7 to Q13)
In total 247 respondents (79.9%) were aware that computer programming will
become compulsory.
Opinions about programming education varied. Eight respondents rated it “nec-
essary” (2.6%), 113 “somewhat necessary” (36.6%), 84 “neutral” (27.2%), 84 “not
very necessary (27.2%), and 20 “not necessary” (6.5%). The distribution was statis-
tically significant at the one percent level. No correlation was found with age or years
of teaching experience (Q1).
Forty five respondents (14.6%) reported already having taught programming at
school. Popular programming languages were Scratch (18, 40.0%), followed by Pro-
gramin (13, 28.9%), Viscuit (3, 6.7%), LEGO Mindstorm (2, 4.4%), Google Blockly
(2, 4.4%), Logo (2, 4.4%), and “other”.
More respondents were unconfident in teaching programming than were unconfi-
dent in using ICT, with a majority (65%) lacking confidence in teaching. Four
respondents answered “confident” (1.3%)”, 28 “somewhat confident” (9.1%), 76
“neutral” (24.6%), 107 “not very confident” (34.6%), and 94 “not at all confident”
(30.4%). A correlation was found with confidence in using ICT (Q6) (r = 0.608), but
not with age or years of teaching experience (Q1).
When asked what was needed to realize programming education, 221 responded
“support staff” (71.5%), 202 “textbooks, teaching material, supplemental teaching
136 Y. Ohashi
material” (65.4%) or “instruction course and/or training for teachers” (65.4%), 162
“time for research and/or practice” (52.4%), 129 “computers” (41.7%), 128 “tablet
PCs” (41.4%), 115 “Wireless LAN” (37.2%), 105 “a portal site for programming
education” (34.0%), 59 “helpdesk for customer call and/or e-mail” (19.1%), and
“others” (9, 2.9%). Sixteen respondents answered “nothing in particular” (5.2%).”
Most respondents (253, 81.8%) had positive expectations of programming educa-
tion: “knowledge and/or skills needed in the future” (132, 42.7%), “learning with joy”
(119, 38.5%), “logical thinking” (102, 33.0%), “creativity” (83, 26.9%), “catalyst to
think about future jobs” (80, 25.9%), “experiencing latest technologies” (66, 21.4%),
“mathematical thinking” (19.4%), 45 “teachers use computers (60, 14.6%)”, “coop-
erating with other subjects” (40, 12.9%)”, and “pupils come to like school and/or
studying through programming” (34, 11.0%).” Fifty seven respondents reported
expecting nothing (18.4%).
• Opinions about ICT use or programming education (Q14)
After excluding uninterpretable responses (e.g. “No other comments.”), 172 com-
ments were collected. Comments were analyzed using the method noted above and
divided into three categories: “need for fulfilling learning environment”, “disbelief”,
and “expectation” (Table 4).
Preparedness of Japan’s Elementary School Teachers 137
4 Discussion
4.1 Revisiting Research Questions
We first discuss the two research questions noted in Sect. 1.2.
(1) How do teachers use ICT in school affairs or teaching?
Respondents have used ICT in school affairs and were reasonably confident in so
using it. However, ICT is underused in teaching. Even those who do use ICT in
teaching use it in a teacher-centered way (e.g. presentation of teaching material).
This confirms previous studies. A report by OECD noted that only 10% of
teachers in Japan reported frequent or regular use of ICT for student projects or
class work in all or nearly all lessons [22]. An OECD PISA country note stated
that computers have less presence in Japanese schools than the average across
OECD countries [23]. Cuban (2001) claimed that computers were oversold and
underused in US classrooms [3], reflecting the situation in classrooms in Japan.
(2) What do teachers think about programming education?
More than 80% of respondents had positive expectations of programming edu-
cation and 14% had already taught programming. However, more than half
expressed disbelief in or anxiety about the plan. Sixty five percent lacked confi-
dence in teaching programming, twice as many as lacked confidence in using ICT
in school affairs or in teaching (29.5%). Supporters of programming education
(39.2%) were only slightly more numerous than opponents (33.7%), suggesting
that this is a controversial issue even among teachers. In short, the teachers studied
were neither technically nor emotionally prepared for programming education.
5 Conclusions
This paper explored the extent to which elementary school teachers in Japan are prepared
for the planned introduction of programming education. Field observations and a
nationwide survey were conducted. Completed questionnaires were returned by 309 ele-
mentary school teachers, covering 44 out of 47 prefectures. The results show that ICT is
currently underused in teaching and that many teachers lack confidence in, or are anxious
about, the plan. Four barriers were identified: the low level of ICT use in teaching, teacher
skepticism about the plan, the use of conventional teaching methods, and teacher work-
loads. Overall, teachers were neither technically nor emotionally prepared for the planned
introduction of programming education. Ways of addressing each barrier were proposed:
increasing access to technological resources, improving teacher training, introducing
pupil-centered teaching and learning methods, and reducing teacher workloads.
Preparedness of Japan’s Elementary School Teachers 139
Acknowledgments. Author thanks all of the concerned parties, i.e., teachers and staff at the
participating schools, participating students, supporters of this study, and those who proofread
our work.
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Baltic and Nordic K-12 Teacher Perspectives
on Computational Thinking and Computing
1 Introduction
This paper draws on data collected over a two year period as a part of a two year
transverse action, the NordPlus Network on Innovative Computing Education -
NordNICE, funded by NordPLUS. The goal of the action was to increase the
interaction and knowledge flow between the compulsory schooling sector and
university research centers to enhance mutual understanding of how best to equip
future generations with the computational thinking and computing knowledge
which underpin the success of our increasingly technological society.
The network activities were designed to facilitate extensive collaboration
between educators, teachers, and researchers in computing teacher education,
both in pre-service and in-service training. Coordinated by Vilnius University,
the network was a collaboration between several Nordic and Baltic universities -
Uppsala University, Åbo Akademi University, University of Tartu, University
c Springer International Publishing AG 2017
V. Dagiene and A. Hellas (Eds.): ISSEP 2017, LNCS 10696, pp. 141–152, 2017.
142 A. Pears et al.
A major area of need is primary school teacher training, since these teach-
ers do not traditionally have any background in computing. To help inform the
development of new in-service teacher training initiatives the NordNICE part-
ners surveyed school teachers in 2015 and 2017 to gather perceptions of how
development of their competence in these areas was supported by their local
and Scratch, etc. In grades 9 and 10 when they progress towards developing
algorithms. Education quality depends on teacher’s knowledge and engagement.
Outreach activities have a significant influence on informatics curricula e.g. the
Bebras Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking [6]. Students in
upper secondary school (grades 11 and 12) have the option of choosing advanced
modules on programming, data bases and a range of other CS topics.
2.2 Finland
In Finland, Computer Science (CS) was part of the upper secondary curriculum
(grades 10 to 12) until the 1994 national curriculum reform, later ICT (Informa-
tion and Communication Technologies) were integrated in all subjects. In 2016,
Finland introduced a new national curriculum for general education (grades
1–9). The new curriculum includes both ICT-related skills and programming.
Programming is explicitly included in mathematics education, starting with pri-
mary students giving instructions to each other and moving towards graphi-
cal programming environments and using programming languages in secondary
school. The introduction of programming in the core curriculum has resulted
in different initiatives facilitating and supporting this reform. For instance, a
teacher guide called Koodi2016 (Code 2016) was published in early June 2014
with both state and industry support [12].
The National Board of Education, which is in charge of the curricula reform,
provides some funding for professional development aimed at in-service teachers
as well as curriculum related to the use of programming environments and tools
in schools. However it is the duty of education providers like municipalities to
ensure a sufficient in-service training for teachers to increase the professional
skills and professional self-esteem.
The new curriculum has clearly intensified the use of computing in the classes
and classrooms. Many teachers are however looking forward to have a more
radical integration process to intensify the use computers in everyday situations
to make computers an essential part of learning.
The teacher students at the universities are introduced to computational
thinking quite deeply but a lot of practice in schools is needed.
2.3 Sweden
The first curriculum for K-12 CS education in Swedish schools was established
in the 1970s, under the term informatics, later changed to information tech-
nology. Informatics was a supplementary subject in vocational education, and
later became obligatory for upper secondary students in the natural science
programmes [9]. For a number of years computing related material was offered
at primary and lower secondary level, but was later removed as primary and
secondary teachers were not properly qualified to teach the content, and more
specifically the programming element proved hard for many teachers to teach.
Over the last decade computer science has transformed into a subject mainly
focusing on digital literacy at the primary and secondary levels, with primary
Baltic and Nordic K-12 Teacher Perspectives 145
focus on applications and tools (e.g. the Office suite) and its applications in
other subjects. In Sweden’s compulsory school CS has not been taught as a
separate subject. Instead the content is offered as parts of other school subjects
like Technology and Mathematics. In the upper secondary schools (years 10–12),
the CS education varies depending on the programme attended.
Teacher training in Sweden does not include courses in CS, making it is
unusual to find teachers with computing expertise in many schools. There are
courses at upper secondary school in programming, multimedia, web design etc.
that are offered to any student who wishes to take them. However, programming
courses are mainly attended by students who attend one of the three programmes
in technology, natural sciences or electronics. Hence, historically only a minority
of students have taken programming courses.
The ICT content in the Swedish educational system is summarized as follows:
One ICT learning outcome is specified for Swedish preschools, which prescribes
that pupils shall become capable in the use of “multimedia and information
technology in creative processes as well as in applications.”
In the compulsory school (grades 1–9) ICT training focuses on equipping
students with the “how of information”, how to use digital technology, how
critical thinking can be applied to the information available on the Internet, etc.
In 2012, the Swedish government established the Committee for Digitization
(Swedish: Digitaliseringskommisionen) to provide direction and guidelines for
future work on the digitalisation of Swedish society. The committee recently
published a report which pinpoints the need for school to embrace the concept
of digital competency, in accordance with the DigiComp framework developed
in the European Union.
In 2017 the government introduced a revised curriculum which focused more
on digital competences and the development of relevant computing and compu-
tational thinking skills at all levels of the K-12 school system.
WWW link in Appendix A. This survey uses items from several earlier research
initiatives [14] and comprises three major sections, background demographics,
common classroom activities, and a concept association table.
The aim of the first survey was to obtain a broad picture of the attitudes
and associations of teachers in relation to central concepts in computational
thinking and computing identified in prior research. The survey was broadly
distributed through teacher networks and social media to teachers in all the
countries participating in the action.
Survey II uses a purposeful sampling approach with the intention to select
responses which represent a heterogeneous (maximum variation) sample. This
was done by intentionally selecting 3–5 schools in each country using “engage-
ment with computing” as a primary variable for selection. The goal was to collect
data from teachers who are already actively teaching computing content as well
as teachers in schools where teaching of computing content was not yet imple-
mented. Schools in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden and Finland participated
in this second data collection as shown in Fig. 1.
Teachers clearly had a clearer set of associations with Programming than with
many other terms and concepts listed in the table. Interestingly mobile devices Use
was quite strongly associated with IT and ICT, as was Internet. Bee Bots were not
clearly associated with any area, which may imply that the use of these devices to
reinforce relevant concepts is unclear to teachers. This warrants further investiga-
tion, since robotics was clearly associated with programming, algorithms and CT
or CS by many teachers in the sample. Problem solving and algorithms as were
strongly associated with programming, mathematics and algorithms which rein-
forces the conclusion that teachers consider these concepts as a knowledge cluster.
The only strong association with Word Processing was IT, which might reflect
the emphasis on tools such as Power Point and Word in the Swedish school IT
curriculum. Recursion was associated with programming and algorithms, but less
strongly with CS and mathematics, another area which may motivate additional
Baltic and Nordic K-12 Teacher Perspectives 149
“Describe at least one teaching activity or lesson where you felt that you
failed in introducing aspects of computing in your teaching. What made
the experience feel like a failure? What did you learn from it?”
Here the majority of responses indicate that lack of appropriate examples and
teaching materials, as well as the need to teach outside one’s personal comfort
zone are the two areas of greatest difficulty. A typical statement in this regard
describes the challenges experienced by many of our participants.
150 A. Pears et al.
5 Conclusion
The development of holistic curricula for computational thinking and comput-
ing concepts and techniques presents many opportunities and challenges. The
increasing dependence of our society and citizens on digital services, products
and systems makes the revision of curricula to include new skills which empower
future generations to manage a digital world vital to our future wellbeing.
This paper provides a Nordic and Baltic school teacher perspective on these
challenges and in particular how well governments, the teaching profession and
Baltic and Nordic K-12 Teacher Perspectives 151
teacher training institutes are meeting these challenges. Our results indicate
that there is a competent cohort of in-service teachers who are very capable of
managing the transition to the new curricula. However, many of these teachers
have more than twenty years in the profession and are nearing retirement age.
This will leave a considerable competence gap to be filled in many countries (see
Fig. 1).
At the same time, many teachers experience a lack of support, in particu-
lar access to appropriate teaching materials which contextualize computing into
their subject area. The NordNICE project is a first step towards an integrated
approach that draws together expertise from Computing Education Research in
Higher Education, in-service teachers as mentors and coaches, and teacher train-
ing programmes to generate new approaches and provide access to innovative
While some progress has been made, much still needs to be done. Our work
suggests that it will be necessary to restructure teacher training programmes
in all subjects to provide appropriate computational thinking and computing
content knowledge to future teachers. Without such an investment the new cur-
ricula are at risk and pupils left without an appropriate high quality education.
Failure to attend carefully to these issues, especially failure to invest in teacher
training, places the future industrial competitiveness of the Nordic and Baltic
regions at risk.
A Appendix: Questionaires
The questionaires used to collect the data used in this paper are available on the
following link. Questionaires
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tion: Europe cannot afford to miss the boat. ACM (2013). http://europe.acm.org/
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9. Rolandsson, L., Skogh, I.B.: Programming in school: Look back to move forward.
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Computational Thinking/Programming,
Computational Abilities
Identifying Students’ Misconceptions on Basic
Algorithmic Concepts Through Flowchart
1 Introduction
conducting authentic design assignments (see [9]). This study plays a multifold
role in this research project: (i) highlighting the importance of student-generated
flowcharts as intermediate design products, (ii) examining the usability of flow-
charts as an effective formative assessment tool, (iii) helping the teachers and
researchers in identifying students’ misconceptions on basic algorithm concepts,
and (iv) directing teachers instruction toward resolving these misconceptions.
This way, applying flowcharts as a formative assessment tool might help to
further develop the teachers’ PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge) [16] on
2 Programming Misconceptions
There are worldwide observations that students, regardless of institution or coun-
try, show generally poor performance in the introductory programming courses
and learning programming is a difficult task for novices [3,17]. A reason for this
difficulty stems from the fact that programming puts a high cognitive and knowl-
edge demand on novices including knowledge on a specific programming language
and knowledge and understanding of basic programming concepts and constructs
such as variables, loops, conditions, abstraction, and procedures. Any misconcep-
tion on these constructs might result in programming difficulties [17,18]. There-
fore, realizing and resolving these misconceptions seems useful in diminishing
the novices difficulties in programming.
Students’ misconceptions on basic programming constructs and features have
been vastly researched (see [4,8,11,14,17,19,20]). Four common examples of the
identified programming misconceptions include considering classes as containers
for objects, reverse assignment, interpreting assignment statements as mathe-
matical equations, and boundary problem (i.e., choosing inappropriate bound-
ary points) [17,20]. Seppälä et al. in [13] categorized students’ errors on algo-
rithm exercises into systematic and careless errors (‘slips’). According to [13],
slips result from randomly trying out algorithm exercises by students, whereas
a systematic error is “a symptom of a misconception that could be corrected if
recognized” (p. 244). According to [20], students’ misconceptions on program-
ming fall in two categories: plan composition and construct-based problems. Plan
composition problems refer to the encountered misconceptions in composing a
solution by putting the pieces of plans together. These misconceptions are con-
cerned with the solution formulation, algorithm development, and planning the
semantic and logic of the program [3]. On the other hand, construct-based prob-
lems concern with the misconceptions on language constructs and the syntax of
the program. Tables 1 and 2 summarize plan composition and construct-based
problems introduced by [18,20].
However, the majority of these misconceptions have been researched and
recognized in the context of program’s code in specific programming languages.
There are very few studies examining the programming misconceptions at a more
abstract level such as algorithms and flowcharts (see [18]). Arguably, the sorts
of misconceptions exhibited by students in a programming language depend, to
158 E. Rahimi et al.
Misconception Description
Summarization The complex combinations of plans are summarized in
problem terms of some primary functions and secondary functions
have been overlooked
Optimization Novices aim to optimize their plans but do not adequately
problem check if the optimization can really be carried out
Previous-experience Novices constantly develop and tailor plans on the basis of
(or pollution) previous experience. This error is introduced when
problem inappropriate aspects of previous plans pollute a related
plan that is being used in a new situation
Specialization Inappropriate and incorrect customization of an abstract
problem plan developed for other situations
Natural-language Errors happen during the process of mapping from natural
problem language to a programming language.
Boundary problem Novices difficulties for deciding on appropriate boundary
points in specializing a plan
Unexpected case The program is not working correctly for all cases (e.g.
problem uncommon, unlikely, or boundary cases)
Interpretation Not considering the implicit specifications of plans or
problem misinterpreting them
Cognitive load Omitting and overlooking small but important parts of the
problem plan or plan interactions
Misconception Description
Human interpretation problem Novices assumption that computers are able to
interpret problems as people do
Assignment misconception Inverted assignment: the positions of the giver
and receiver variables at the right and left side of
the assignment operator are misplaced
Condition misconception Misconceptions about how the condition construct
(or control structure) works
Boolean statements Misconceptions on how boolean statements behave
Loops Misconception on how a loop control variable
Method-related misconceptions Misconceptions on method calling
Control flow Misconceptions such as incorrect use of print and
return statements, omitting arrows in a flowchart,
or omitting start or stop steps
Identifying Students’ Misconceptions on Basic Algorithmic Concepts 159
3 Study Setting
The participants in this study were 50 students of age 15 or 16 from two schools
in upper secondary education in the Netherlands. All of the participants were
at the university preparatory education level (VWO in Dutch) [7]. In the afore-
mentioned surrounding research project (see the introduction section), the par-
ticipants were provided with the background and design documents. The back-
ground document covered various aspects of algorithms including the defini-
tion, basic concepts (i.e. sequence, condition, iteration, and sub-algorithms),
trace table, and flowcharts. Each of these aspects was explained using several
examples and questions with a different level of difficulty. The design document
included seven authentic design assignments in the context of text analysis. In
each assignment, students were asked to follow a step-wised approach to learning
algorithms and programming. These steps include analyzing the design problem,
formulating a conceptual solution, devising an algorithm, developing a flowchart
to implement the algorithm, testing the flowchart using trace tables, and con-
verting their flowcharts into a program using a programming language (either
PHP or Python, as the students had learned one of these languages in the previ-
ous years). Students could use the background document whenever necessary for
explanation and advice on conducting these steps. To embed formative assess-
ment within this educational intervention, students were asked to answer three
exit questions during their design endeavours on a weekly basis. These questions
were derived from the background document and were meant to assess students’
understanding of basic algorithm concepts underpinning the design assignments.
In each question, the students were asked to draw a flowchart for solving the given
problem. To foster collaboration and team working, the students were grouped
into teams of 2–3 students and each team developed a flowchart for each of the
questions. The flowcharts were written on paper or developed digitally using a
specific tool called Draw.io and were handed over manually or via the school’s
learning management system. The teachers then could use these flowcharts to
detect students’ misconceptions and provide them with appropriate feedback.
Table 3 presents these questions and their associated algorithm concepts.
The following research question directed the data collection and analysis
processes: What misconceptions can be seen in students’ flowcharts?
The flowcharts developed by the participating students in response to the
questions in Table 3 were used as the data source to answer this research ques-
tion. A qualitative deductive content analysis approach was followed to analyze
the flowcharts. Content analysis is a method used for analyzing written, verbal
or visual communication messages and documents [5]. Following the process of
160 E. Rahimi et al.
Question Concepts
Q1 : Write an algorithm that receives three Sequence, condition
numbers (a, b, c) and determines and reports the
maximum and minimum numbers
Q2 : (i) Write two sub-algorithms findmax (a,b) Sub-algorithms, problem
and findmin (a,b) which receive two numbers a, b composition and
and determine and return the maximum and decomposition, condition
minimum numbers, respectively (ii) Using these
sub-algorithms write an algorithm that receives 10
numbers (i.e., a0 , a1 , ... , a9 ) and determines and
reports the maximum and minimum numbers
Q3 : Write an algorithm that receives a text value Loop, condition
(i.e. t) as input and reverses it (i.e. t = “book”,
reverse of t = “koob”)
4 Results
Tables 4 and 5 present the identified plan composition and construct-based prob-
lems in the flowcharts, respectively.
• Plan composition problems
(i) Condition misconceptions: Three plan composition misconceptions for the
condition concept were identified. Not considering equal inputs in plans is an
unexpected case problem where the equal numbers are excluded from a solution,
specifically for answering questions 1 and 2 in Table 3. This was one of the most
frequently observed misconceptions in the flowcharts. Interestingly, some of the
students reacted to passing equal numbers to their flowcharts as a fatal error (see
Fig. 1(a)). Incorrect adaptation is the next condition misconception and repre-
sents a previous experience problem. Figure 1 (b) illustrates an example of this
Identifying Students’ Misconceptions on Basic Algorithmic Concepts 161
Category Misconceptions
Condition misconceptions Not considering equal inputs in plans
(unexpected case problem): the situations
where the equal numbers are excluded from
the comparison operations
Incorrect adaptation (previous experience
problem): refers to incorrect applying of a
previous condition-related plan in another
Misinterpreting the condition concept
(Interpretation problem)
Loop misconceptions Incorrect loop construction
Sub-algorithm misconceptions Composition problem: refers to students
problems and mistakes with composing an
algorithm by putting together
Translation Mapping problem: incorrect mapping from
natural language or programming languages
to flowcharts
• Construct-based Misconceptions
(i) Condition misconceptions: Missing the false part represents a misconception
where only the true output of a condition statement is addressed. Figure 4 (a)
presents an example of this misconception. The 3-output condition is another
misconception where 3 possible outputs are considered for a conditional state-
ment, as shown in Fig. 4 (b).
(ii) Sequence misconceptions: The sequence misconceptions were among the fre-
quent problems observed in the flowcharts. These misconceptions reflect stu-
dents’ misunderstanding about the flowchart’s flow control and sequential exe-
cution of its steps. The parallel execution misconception reflects a perception
Identifying Students’ Misconceptions on Basic Algorithmic Concepts 163
held by some of the students that the flowchart’s steps can run in parallel to
each other, as shown by Fig. 5 (a). Another observed misconception with the
sequence concept is called the dense step which refers to a flowchart’s step that
executes more than one operations. Figure 5 (b) shows two examples of this
misconception. It seems that in these examples the students assumed that the
flowcharts interpret these steps like what people do. The last sequence miscon-
ception concerns with students’ issues with Input/output and start/stop steps.
These issues refer to situations where students forgot to get input, report or
return the final results, forgot to add start and stop steps in their flowcharts, or
used return instead of report.
Category Misconceptions
Condition misconceptions Missing the False part: conditional statements
where the false part (or the else part) is missing
3-output condition: conditional statements with 3
Sequence misconceptions Dense step (Human interpreter problem):
situations where more than one operations are
processed in one step
Parallel execution of steps (flow control)
Issues with Input/output and start/stop steps
(flow control)
Loop misconceptions Simultaneous initializing and checking of the loop
control variable
Assignment misconceptions Inverted assignment: situations where the
positions of the source and destination statements
of the assignment operator are misplaced
3-output condition: conditional statements with 3
Sub-algorithm misconceptions Incorrect use of sub-algorithms: for instance using
a sub-algorithm at the left side of an assignment
Issues of calling/returning from sub-algorithms
Flowchart presentation Using incorrect shapes for the flowchart’s
steps, incorrect initialization and checking of the loop counter, inverted assign-
ment, missing values, incorrect use of sub-algorithms, issues of calling/returning
from sub-algorithms, and using incorrect shapes for the flowchart’s statements.
Computer programming consists of two interconnected contexts of high level,
abstracted and language-independent algorithmic thinking, and detailed, step-
wised, and language-dependent coding. Our findings suggest that some of the
programming misconceptions at the abstract level might be filtered by specifi-
cations of programming languages and accordingly not be visible for language-
based misconceptions detecting approaches. On the basis of our findings, it can
be concluded the flowcharts, by inheriting and bridging between the essence and
key characteristics of algorithmic thinking and coding contexts, are useful means
to detect misconceptions exhibited by students in the solution formulation and
algorithmic thinking phases.
As observed in the results section, the students exhibited various sort of
plan composition and construct-based problems on basic algorithm concepts in
their flowcharts. The inverted assignment was the most occurring misconcep-
tion encountered by the students. The same finding has been reported by other
researchers (see for example [8,17]). Furthermore, the students showed several
misconceptions related to the sub-algorithm concept including the composition
of an algorithm using sub-algorithms. Arguably, a reason for this misconcep-
tion stems from this fact that the majority of the students did not have any
previous experience of working with abstract constructs such as sub-algorithms.
Surprisingly, it has been observed that some of the students first wrote computer
programs and then tried to convert their programs to flowcharts.
Given the programming misconceptions presented in Tables 1 and 2 as the
analytical framework, the results suggest that there are many overlaps between
misconceptions encountered by students in the algorithmic and coding parts
of the programming process. For example, human interpretation, previous plan
experience, unexpected case, and inverted assignment misconceptions happen
similarly in both parts [18]. However, there are two exceptions with regard to
the parallel execution and dense step misconceptions. These misconceptions rep-
resent some of the students’ assumption that flowchart’s steps can run parallel
to each other. To the best of our knowledge, these are newly identified mis-
conceptions and have not been reported in other studies. A possible reason for
this neglect might be due to this fact that the majority of research on program-
ming misconceptions has been conducted in a specific programming language
and the syntactical structure and specifications of the programming language
filter emerging this sort of abstract misconceptions.
The use of flowcharts generated by groups of students as data, instead of
individually generated flowcharts, can be seen as a limitation of the study. One
might claim that group dynamics might amplify or filter misconceptions aris-
ing at an individual level. A second limitation stems from conducting the study
with students who had previous experience of programming. Repeating the same
study by students with less programming experience might result in detection of
other kinds of misconceptions. Other possibilities for follow-up research include
Identifying Students’ Misconceptions on Basic Algorithmic Concepts 167
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A Preliminary Investigation
on Computational Abilities in Secondary School
1 Introduction
When we observe the performance of a first year introductory course in program-
ming in a non vocational curriculum, we can be really disappointed: difficulties in
learning, low performances, high drop-out. One of the most relevant problems is
seemingly originated from too little familiarity with algorithm and effective pro-
cedures in the previous school experience. Many institutions in the past decades
have proposed and developed experimental projects for the introduction of infor-
matics and digital technology in School. This subject is also widely discussed in
the community (see for instance [8,18,19]). More recently, informatics and, in
particular, computational thinking have been incorporated into school curricula
starting from primary schools. In spite of this, the final outcomes are often poor.
Schools often do not have access to resources, notably people with adequate
experience but also time, computer facilities.
c Springer International Publishing AG 2017
V. Dagiene and A. Hellas (Eds.): ISSEP 2017, LNCS 10696, pp. 169–179, 2017.
170 U. Solitro et al.
3 Method
3.1 Participants
The data are collected among 261 students, of which 139 middle (i.e. lower
secondary) school students (from 6 to 8 grades) and 122 high school students
(form 9 to 11 grades).
Middle school students were from a residential district of the city. The school
teaching plan prescribes 6 h of mathematics per week and no independent infor-
matics teaching. The “digital” background is heterogeneous, with generally low
CT skills. The sample is composed by 75 female students and 64 male students,
distributed among the classes as shown in Table 1.
Class 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 3A 3B
M 13 10 9 4 6 11 11
F 8 11 9 9 15 12 11
172 U. Solitro et al.
3.2 Procedure
The test consists of two different parts:
1. the first part is about the general abilities,
2. the second part regards computational and algorithmic skills.
Both parts were presented during normal class time, so the students were not
required to dedicate extra time to the test. The activity was set following the
need of the school and the availability of teachers, and hence not necessarily
during mathematics or computer science classes. The test required about 50 min
with an upper limit of a 1 h, depending on the school schedule and needs.
The first part of the test was performed in about 35–40 min. The students
received all the questions and an answer sheet on which they had to report their
answers and an identification number assigned randomly.
A Preliminary Investigation on Computational Abilities in Secondary School 173
After the completion of the first part (all the answer sheets have been col-
lected), the second part, consisting in a single sheet of paper, was hand out to
students. In this case, the answers were marked directly on the paper, as well as
the identification number. The second part of the test was performed in about
15–20 min.
3.3 Instruments
The First part of the test includes 18 items. The aim is to verify the students
general abilities in 8 tasks that could be related to computational thinking.
The items involve non verbal aspects, pattern recognition, spatial orientation,
temporal order, procedure application, best solution identification, reasoning by
analogies and problem comprehension. The items used are based on the Bebras
tasks, the problem solving tasks and Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM) [15].
RPM is a collection of widely-used standardized intelligence tests consisting of
analogy problems in which a matrix of geometric figures is presented with one
entry missing, and the correct missing entry must be selected from a set of answer
The Second part acts as a criterion, useful to test the validity of the first part as
a set of preliminary skills connected with programming skills. This second part
is, in some way, estimates students’ programming skills. It is organized in two
“specific tasks”:
– a coding task, again inspired by Bebras activities, where the student has to
describe a simple procedure in a formalized language;
– an algorithmic task, based on the activities described in [13], where the stu-
dent has find a solution to a problem in an effective way.
Since the algorithmic task is more challenging, it has been organized in sub-
tasks guiding the student toward the solution.
4 Results
In this section we identify the tasks with an acronym that is connected with the
specific goal:
174 U. Solitro et al.
Acronym Description
R Non verbal (Raven matrix)
S Pattern recognition
O Spatial orientation
ORD Sequential order
P Procedure application
SO Best solution identification
A Reasoning by analogy
CT Problem comprehension
AL Problem solving
COM Coding
R 0.15* 0.11
S 0.14* 0.24***
O 0.29*** 0.36***
ORD 0.30*** 0.34***
P 0.20** 0.21***
SO 0.20** 0.36 ***
A 0.12 0.21***
CT 0.07 0.19**
COM 0.20**
p < .05, ∗∗ p < .01, ∗∗∗ p < .001
Then we tested two regression models to see which predictors better explain
coding task and algorithmic ability. Spatial orientation (β = .22, p < .001) and
temporal order (β = .21, p < .001) seemed to be the stronger predictors of cod-
ing task explaining 12% of variance. For algorithmic ability, spatial orientation
A Preliminary Investigation on Computational Abilities in Secondary School 175
(β = .20, < .001), best solution recognition (β = .21, < .001), temporal order
(β = .20, < .001) and reasoning by analogies (β = .13, p = .024) explained 23%
of variance.
Tasks main effect. The ANOVA shows there are main effects between the tasks
(F (1, 1785) = 53.12, p < .001), meaning that at least one of the tasks has sig-
nificantly lower scores than the others, independently of the school and class.
Figure 1 shows that there are drops in the mean scores obtained in spatial ori-
entation, temporal order and best solution recognition tasks.
School main effect. There is also a main effect of the school (F (1, 255) =
76.27, p < .001), meaning that there exists a significant difference between the
global score obtained from middle school students and the global score obtained
from high school students. A post hoc comparison confirms the significance of
this difference (pbonf < .001), and shows that middle school score (mean =
.65, st.dev. = .15) is lower than high school score (mean = .81, st.dev. = .14).
176 U. Solitro et al.
Class main effect. The ANOVA also shows a main effect of the class (F (2, 255) =
3.78, p < .05) but this effect doesn’t have a direct interpretation, as it considers
first year students of both middle school and high school in the same group.
For this reason we prefer to repeat the ANOVA on middle school data and high
school data separated.
The results of the ANOVA on middle school data show there is no main effect
of the class, so the differences between the mean scores of the different classes
are not significant.
The results of the ANOVA on high school data, instead, confirms the main
effect of the class found originally (F (2, 119) = 3.02, p = .05) and the post hoc
comparisons show the only significant difference (pbonf = .05) is between first
year student scores (mean = .78, st.dev. = .15) and third year students scores
(mean = .85, st.dev. = .13).
Tasks and school interaction effect. The interaction effect of tasks and school is
significant (F (7, 1785) = 3.07, p < .005), meaning that there is at least one task
where the difference between middle school and high school scores is higher than
the differences in the other tasks. Figure 2 shows the task where the difference
between middle school and high school scores is higher is spatial orientation (O).
Task and class interaction effect. The interaction effect of tasks and class is not
significant, nor in the case we consider all of the data, nor in the case we consider
middle school and high school data separately. This means that the trend of the
classes among the different task is the same for all the classes, as we can see in
Fig. 3.
School and class interaction effect. The interaction effect of school and class is
again not significant, meaning that trend of the classes among middle school and
high school are similar, as shown in Fig. 4.
A Preliminary Investigation on Computational Abilities in Secondary School 177
Fig. 2. Interaction effect of tasks and school. SCU: 1 = middle school; 2 = high school
Fig. 3. Interaction effect of tasks and class. CL: 1 = first year; 2 = second year; 3 =
third year
Fig. 4. Interaction effect of tasks and class. SCU: 1 = middle school; 2 = high school.
CL: 1 = first year; 2 = second year; 3 = third year.
Although we don’t know the individual gender for middle school students,
we know the gender distribution among the classes, see Table 1. From this dis-
tribution, we can see that some classes have a balanced number of male and
female students, while the class 1A has a higher number of female students and
classes 2A and 2B have a higher number of male students. Since there is no
significant difference between the classes in middle school, we could analyse our
data considering the class 1A as a class with female dominance and the classes
2A and 2B as classes with male dominance, and see if there is a significant
difference between classes with different gender dominance. The independent
sample t-test shows there is no significant difference in any of the tasks, in fact
the mean results of the first part of the test are very close (Female dominance:
mean = .63, st.dev. = .15; Male dominance: mean = .65, st.dev. = .17).
5 Conclusion
The intention of this work was to establish a preliminary instrument that can
help to introduce computational abilities in the secondary school.
The results show that the main abilities underlying computational thinking
are temporal order, best solution identification, spatial orientation and reasoning
by analogies. The school is a factor affecting students’ performances so these
abilities improve over time, especially after following specific courses, as in the
case of third year high school students. The analysis on the gender suggests
there is no difference between female and male performances, but this result is
not significant as it was not possible to collect individual informations.
This preliminary work has brought some positive results, but has also high-
lighted the necessity of some improvements. Hence we have in mind to redesign
the test to enhance its effectiveness and identify suitable action to improve the
introduction of computational thinking in non vocational school curricula.
We also plan to work in cooperation with secondary school teachers in order
to find an effective way to introduce computational thinking skills in secondary
school. Moreover we intend to deepen our analysis of the effect of school back-
ground on the learning of programming and other computing subjects for non
vocational university students.
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Solving Everyday Challenges
in a Computational Way of Thinking
Bernhard Standl(B)
1 Introduction
2 Background
2.1 Algorithms for Everyday Life Applications
Algorithms in computer science have been developed for computers but they also
can address human questions of everyday life. Our motivation for finding real-
life applications is based on Wing’s point of view, that techniques of computer
science can support solving problems in other areas of life [17] where students
identify learning as more authentic and has a strong relation to their own life.
A further reason for connecting algorithms to human living was also, that this
approach allows students to focus on the process of problem-solving beyond
coding in a programming language. Inspired by popular ideas by Christian and
Griffiths in Algorithms to Live By in [4] and scientifically confirmed in Algorithms
Unplugged by Vöcking et al. [15] we selected five algorithms for an application
182 B. Standl
in classroom practice: binary search, bin packing, minimal spanning tree, topo-
logical sort, and shortest path. Supposing, that the algorithms itself are known
to the reader of this paper, we are presenting here the algorithms with only
a brief description of the idea for an application with everyday life problems:
Binary Search: When searching a CD or a book among many in a shelf, stu-
dents develop a search strategy to find the item quickly. This leads to search
algorithms and to the binary search algorithm in particular. Bin Packing: By
asking how moving boxes can be filled up effectively with things from closets and
shelves, students should find out strategies to master this systematically. The
algorithms Next Fit and First Fit will describe the solution in computer science.
Minimal Spanning Tree: The challenge is to connect seven islands with each
other in building bridges. The distance between each bridge is known. Students
have to find out the shortest possible connection to each island connecting the
mainland. Solutions will lead to Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithm. Topological
Sort: Students write down a to-do list for a day and try to bring this list into
order. By doing this, dependencies and preconditions will lead to the aimed
algorithm for topological sorting that is used at finding one possible topological
order. Shortest Path: Students work on a street map and try to identify the
shortest path from home to school. The idea of selecting these algorithms was,
to show in examples that solutions from complex problems in computer science
can be easily transferred to challenge real-life situations as well.
Lee et al. [8] CT involves defining, understanding, and abstraction. Barr et al.
suggested in [2] CT involves the design of solutions, implementation of designs,
testing, running analysing, reflecting, abstraction, creativity, and group problem
solving. Grover and Pea [7] stated that CT should include among others abstrac-
tion, information processing, structured problem-solving decomposition as mod-
ularization, iterative recursive thinking, and efficiency. Again, for Lee et al. [8]
CT involves defining, understanding, and solving problems, reasoning at multiple
levels of abstraction, understanding and applying automation, and analysing the
appropriateness of the abstractions made. In reference to Voogt et al. [16] who
suggest, that ...we should not try to give an ultimate definition of CT, but rather
try to find similarities and relationships in the discussions about CT, outcomes of
our literature review resulted in a problem-solving approach which goes beyond
the skills computer literacy and understanding technology and underlines the
need for developing CT skills [5]. Beyond the actual problem-solving process,
Barr et al. suggested in [2] also a collection of dispositions a problem-solver
should hold, which will be included in our process bellow. Those are confidence,
persistence, handle ambiguity, deal with open-ended problems and communica-
tion skills in team-work. From teaching practice experiences, we know that the
teacher’s awareness of such dispositions at the students can be crucial for the
success of learning and added them as additional part of the process.
a process, where the remaining parts will be separated and clustered. 4: Design
an algorithm to develop the step-by-step instructions for solving the problem.
Start from what already is known and work outward from there. Make a plan
how to approach to solve the problem. Selby et al. [13] relate to Wing [17] and
further describe this process as a heuristic reasoning to devise a solution. 5: Test
the algorithm whether a solution meets the criteria as testing and debugging as
used in software development and in the context of CT suggested by Brennan et
al. in [3] to smoothen not working parts of the solution. This process has been
planned by us so that it can be carried out in a linear fashion step by step for
solving the problem. As mentioned above, we enhanced this five-step problem-
solving approach, with these dispositions, as it was suggested by Barr et al. in
[2]: Confidence in dealing with complexity, Persistence in working with diffi-
cult problems, Tolerance for ambiguity, The ability to deal with open ended
problems, The ability to communicate and work with others to achieve a
common goal or solution. Taking this approach for a CT problem solving app-
roach into account, in the next section we will describe, how we integrated it
into classroom practice.
3 Method
In order to proof the concept, we carried out our interventions at two high-
schools with two classes each. The participants (n = 75) were students between
the ages of 15 and 17 from four different high-school classes at two differ-
ent schools (Greenwood Laboratory School and Willard High School located
in Springfield, MO, USA). As the access to high school classes was limited
to 2 × 2 h, we designed our lessons with a strong emphasis on your five-step
problem-solving approach. Our goal was to find out, if everyday life problems
can be approached systematically using techniques from computational think-
ing. Therefore, we planned four lessons on two days with the overall intention
to let students find a solution to a problem heuristically followed by a reflec-
tion compared to the actual algorithm of computer-science. Students not only
practiced their problem-solving competencies but also learned how computer sci-
ence concepts can be useful and meaningful for their own life. We accompanied
the classroom activities with mixed methods using a pre-/post-questionnaire
and an analysis of the students’ work sheets. Even though, both schools offer
computer science classes with instruction on using a computer and standard
software, students of both schools received no prior computer science education
with a focus on computational algorithmic thinking on a regular basis. Hence,
we presumed that all participating students had similar pre-experiences with
algorithmic problem-solving processes. Due to this fact, we identified all stu-
dents across both schools as one entity for analysing the data. It should also be
mentioned that we did not include any control groups for organizational reasons
and because of the research design, which was primarily aimed at evaluating
our problem-solving concept. We carried out two separate lessons (2 h each) on
two different days with each of the four student groups at two schools, the first
Solving Everyday Challenges in a Computational Way of Thinking 185
lesson introduced CT and our problem-solving approach and in the second les-
son students worked on problems individually and in groups collaboratively. In
order to provide students a guideline through the problem-solving process, our
worksheets were distributed with a clear description of the problem and a path
through the process which was the same as stated above from understanding the
problem for generalizing the solution.
3.1 Instruments
3.2 Analysis
The analysis of the worksheets was a process of interpretation, where we eval-
uated our linear approach of solving the problem in going through each of the
five problem-solving steps. We checked in which parts of the worksheets students
were accepted as useful during the problem-solving process by reading through
the worksheets and identified, which parts were not edited by the students where
it was difficult for students to use it for the problem-solving process. The analy-
sis of the questionnaire was carried out with descriptive statistics and statistical
significance tests.
the first lesson and gave a lecture on some approaches, how computer scientists
try to solve problems. This included basic sorting algorithms as well as general
strategies as divide-and-conquer. Students subsequently worked in groups on
more difficult problems as binary search, bin packing and the topological search
as described above. Finally, group-work was followed with group presentations
which included a discussion on connecting solutions with the real algorithms
from computer science.
Example of application: In order to underline how our CT problem-solving
process works for real-life challenges in detail, we give here an example based on
the worksheet as depicted above. To each problem-solving section, we describe a
possible student’s answer which is based on Vocking et al. [15]. Pack your mov-
ing boxes: How can I pack moving boxes effectively? Possible solution of a
student: By going through the problem-solving process, the students systemat-
ically approach the solution to the problem (very short version): Describe the
problem: The challenge is to place my items into moving boxes in the most
efficient way. Abstract the problem: To make it easier, I reduce the items
to a geometrical representation that each part is described as block. So, a ball
becomes for example a block with a edge length of its diameter. Decompose
the problem: I have moving boxes with a certain size and items with different
sizes and forms. Design the algorithm: First I tried different approaches in
practice and extracted a general solution: 1. Sort the items by size, 2. Take the
next available biggest item. 3. If the items fit into the box: Place the item into the
box. Else: Open the next box. 4. Go to step 2. Test the solution: I organized a
small shoe-box and some items and I evaluated my solution. It turned out, that
my solution is not perfect yet as I need to many moving boxes. This example
demonstrated, how the problem-solving process can be integrated for finding a
solution to a problem from a real-life context by using a CT problem-solving
approach leading to an algorithmic solution.
4 Results
4.1 Worksheet: Problem-Solving Process
from problem-solving was experienced as difficult and was rarely edited. Most of
the time, decomposition was integrated into the design process or the evaluation
process. These outcomes suggested us to reorder and reduce our problem-solving
process at the worksheets in future to three steps: 1. Describe, decompose
and abstract the problem, 2. Design the algorithm, and 3. Test the
Even though, the structure of the worksheets was challenging for students, our
intervention still had some impact on students’ attitudes towards computational
problem solving as the pre-/post-questionnaires suggest. The results of the ques-
tionnaires showed some differences at certain items, where some of them even
differed statistically significant. The items of the diagram below can be clustered
in four sections, where each cluster represents a field of dispositions a problem-
solver should hold as defined above. These are 1–4: Confidence in dealing with
complexity, 5–8 Persistence in working with difficult problems, 9–12: Tolerance
for ambiguity, 13–16: The ability to deal with open ended problems, 17–20:
The ability to communicate and work with others to achieve a common goal or
solution. The questionnaire was identified as reliable as all two of the measures
evidenced a good reliability as Cronbach’s alpha ranged from 0.82 for the pre-
test and 0.85 for post-test. As the results in Table 1 show, confidence (items 1–4)
increased and item 1: “I feel anxious when I have to solve this kind of difficult
problems.” had also a significant difference in the pre-test scores (M = 3.55, SD
= 1.51) and post-test scores (M = 4.20, SD = 1.26); t(140) = −2.77, p = 0.006.
Furthermore we identified a significant difference in the pre-test scores (M =
3.55, SD = 1.42) and post-test scores (M = 4.20, SD = 1.12) at item 4: “I feel
Solving Everyday Challenges in a Computational Way of Thinking 189
Table 1. Aspects from students’ attitudes towards problem solving. Scales from 1
‘strongly disagree’ to 6 ‘strongly agree’ (n = 75)
5 Discussion
This paper presented results of the project coThink - Computational Thinking
which was aimed at identifying an approach for a step-by-step CT problem-
solving process for real-life applications. The underlying idea was to break
190 B. Standl
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System Papers
Teaching Basic Elements of OOP in School
Informatics During Constructing Virtual
Evgeny A. Eremin(&)
1 Introduction
2 Background
“It is clear that novice programmers face a very difficult task. Learning to program
involves acquiring complex new knowledge and related strategies and practical skills”
[22]. Learning OOP is much more complicated goal [23]. So in this section we discuss
the difficulties of teaching OOP and the ideas how to overcome them. As the number of
publications about OOP is enormous, only the most related ones are mentioned in the
2.4 Visualization
Changes in a micro-world on a computer screen demonstrate the process of a program
execution, so it clearly visualizes what program a student has written and how accurate
198 E.A. Eremin
3 Teaching Strategy
The analysis in the previous section showed that for many reasons it is practical to
begin an introduction into OO approach from teaching several fundamental categories
like object, class, inheritance etc. This part of material has no direct connection with
any OOP language. If we support it by some OO micro-world, we can get a complete
topic to learn within a framework of school informatics.
To determine the content of a learning material for this topic we may follow the
publication [31], based on authors’ programming and pedagogical experience, where
the six-step approach to teach the OO methodology is presented. First five steps are the
following (the sixth one is optional and does not take out below).
1. Discuss fundamental principles of object-orientation with respect to conventional
2. Introduce an object concept by observing the real world.
3. Acquire the class concept by abstraction of many common objects.
4. Introduce instantiation after the class concept is learned.
5. Illustrate subclasses by adding more details to an existing class and superclasses by
finding common things among several classes.
First two steps are general and so should be discussed with the help of illustrations
from everyday life. For steps 3–5 the authors suggested to show students (as an
example) how correspondent declarations look in C++ language. But an example set is
not mandatory, so we can consider that all five steps do not depend upon specific
computer language. Temporarily compromising learning goals and working on them in
isolation is the main way to reduce cognitive load [25].
“After these steps, instructors can start the language teaching, and should be
confident that the students can learn the language with correct thinking and with
object-oriented methodology in mind” [31].
Similar strategy we find in [19] before an introductory course of Java language. It is
reported shorter, but the content is obviously similar. The first lectures explain the object
ideas using real world examples to form “mental models” of classes and objects. The-
oretical part are followed by several specially constructed for the course computer labs.
In recently printed textbook [18] such way to start OOP is described the following
way. “For some time you will not feel that you are learning programming. You will
have a feeling that we are only playing with the computer. However, in this initial
phase you have to learn a lot of terms, connections and regularities so that later on you
could understand further topics much better and quicker.”
So we see that an easy method to introduce OOP basics to novices is possible and its
content is clear. Now we shall describe its software support, proposed in the present paper.
4 Software Support
To support the theoretical explanations what is an object and how to use it, we should
have some learning software to organize labs. In this section a variant of such soft-
ware, proposed by the author, will be briefly described. It was named System Builder
200 E.A. Eremin
(SB) – a tool to construct a virtual micro-world from objects. First version of this
program was presented earlier [8], later on it was extended and improved after testing
with the students of pedagogical university (recent pupils and future school teachers).
Fig. 1. Creating a new type of objects (class) from one of the standard types
Teaching Basic Elements of OOP in School Informatics 201
for sequential substitution of objects with specified type in order, taken from corre-
spondent table). All these operators are used to write methods and method’s body
(without any formal title) is the longest text student must type. Minimal text with
primary intuitive syntax, fully free of descriptive statements from a concrete profes-
sional language (like import, void, static, public etc.), is an essential advantage of the
proposed teaching tool.
For maximum reducing of input, SB has predefined library of types, properties and
methods. It is read from a system text file when SB starts. For instance, there is a
primary hierarchy of objects in this library.
All object types finally are derived from the top parent type called AbsObject
(abstract object). Its descendants are MainObject with predefined object World and
Vis-Object, which describes a static (motionless) object with image. The last one’s
child named MovObject in addition can move (see hierarchy in Fig. 1). So a pupil can
instantly start to create visual static or moving objects.
4. Find in the standard type MainObject method _main and complete it with the text
from listing 1.
5. Add method _inc to digit type and input its program from the same listing. (Note
that this is the longest text to input.) Now our world is constructed.
6. Then create 4 objects of digit type (4 timer digits): sec_lo, sec_hi, min_lo and
min_hi. Postfixes _lo and _hi let us distinguish the low and the high digits in
minutes and seconds values. For both high digits max_value property must be set to
5 and for the low ones – to 9. Now all preparations are over, the world is built,
7. Run SB project and watch how timer becomes alive. Correct errors (if any).
Short notification with cycle for in method _main is not mandatory; instead of it
you can write a longer variant with four similar fragments – for every digit singly.
Omitted name of an object in _inc listing is equivalent to this construction in Java.
It is necessary to emphasize that we have discussed one of the simplest static
projects. Much more complex ones, dynamic and interactive, are also available in SB
kit set as demo projects. In Fig. 2 several example are combined together in the collage:
• Plane – driving a plane through thundery clouds, using arrow keys (interactive);
• Traffic – crossroad controlled with a traffic light;
• Timer – timer with minutes and seconds;
• Lift – actor goes up and down by elevators, executing its program;
• Logic – digital logical scheme (interactive);
• Polymor – illustration that different types of objects may travel different ways;
• Neko – famous animation, made by Kenji Gotoh.
methods properties
5 Conclusion
The analysis made above, confirms that there are convincing reasons to teach OO
basics in a school informatics course. Present paper proposes to do it out of direct
connection with concrete professional programming language like Java or C++. The
matter of the suggestion is to learn this topic during construction of a virtual world from
visual objects of different types and describing its behavior by means of the easiest
language. The special educational software was developed for these aims; it allows
building systems by writing minimal number of program lines.
Easy realization of OO project in SB is achieved by several means. Primarily it is
the wide usage of graphical interface. Every object, property or method is creating with
the help of “electronic blanks” – the dialog windows with standard graphic controls
like text fields, dropdown lists and so on. Instead of writing long statements constantly
digressing on syntax rules a pupil just answer clear questions and the software con-
structs components of OO world automatically. Besides all data about objects is stored
and displayed in a form of tables.
Although this paper describes the given author’s free software, its main aim is to
demonstrate possible way of teaching basic OOP ideas at school. Practice distinctly
indicates that students, working with SB, have the ultimate difficulties just when they
build an object model but not in the following implementation. So from this point of
view the reported method seems very advantageous.
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Real-Time Data Analyses in Secondary Schools
Using a Block-Based Programming Language
1 Introduction
In previous years, several innovative topics of computer science became perva-
sive in our daily lives. The increasing possibilities when capturing, processing,
analyzing and visualizing data are, for example, central to home automation
(“smart home”) and when connecting various devices in the Internet of Things.
Also, data analyses are often used for decision-finding, even in contexts in which
this would hardly be expected in, such as autonomous cars or when addressing
voters in election campaigns. The emerging field data management comprises
several developments originating from the challenge to store and analyze so-
called big data, i.e. large amounts of data that are generated and analyzed with
high velocity and have strongly varying structures [10]. Despite its highly inno-
vative character, various practices and principles of this field seem promising
for general educative CS education. For example, partitioning and replication of
data are increasingly relevant, not only when developing data management sys-
tems, but also when synchronizing data between different devices and services:
c Springer International Publishing AG 2017
V. Dagiene and A. Hellas (Eds.): ISSEP 2017, LNCS 10696, pp. 207–218, 2017.
208 A. Grillenberger and R. Romeike
Understanding why data are sometimes duplicated or lost and how to prevent
this is hardly possible without getting to know the underlying concepts, such as
redundancy. One exemplary topic emphasizing several principles and practices of
data management, is real-time data analysis. In practice, such analyses are often
conducted using data stream systems. With these, immediate analysis of large
amounts of data are possible. As today we are often confronted with the results
and implications of real-time data analyses, getting to know their basic princi-
ples becomes increasingly relevant for understanding such results, for evaluating
their quality and relevance, but also for making decisions based on such data
[7]. For developing and fostering competencies related to capturing, storing and
processing data and for estimating and evaluating the consequences and implica-
tions of these possibilities, real-time analyses are an ideal starting point. Hence,
in this paper we will outline the functionality and central principles of real-time
data analysis in general and of data stream systems in particular. Based on this,
we will describe how central ideas of real-time data analysis can be included in
secondary education using a general-purpose data stream system extension for
the block-based programming language Snap! [8].
2 Related Work
Despite their high relevance, not only in computer science, neither the topic
data management in general, nor real-time data analyses in particular, have
been examined in detail as topics for secondary CS education yet. Although
related contexts, such as the Internet of Things, have already been discussed as
topic for CS education (cf. e.g. [11]), courses and projects presented are typically
designed for higher education. As they pursue different goals, only few aspects
can be transferred to our work, such as the practical orientation and the hands-
on approach. Also in robotics, processing streams of sensor data and events is
central from a technical perspective, but has not yet been discussed as a topic
for CS education. As we have shown in a qualitative analysis of various curricula
and educational standards, today most data management topics, including real-
time data analysis, are typically not included in secondary CS teaching [5]. In
consequence, as of today, there are no suitable tools for general-purpose real-time
data analysis in school. To bring aspects of modern data analyses to school, we
already developed and described a tool for analyzing the Twitter data stream
[6], which has been presented to teachers and discussed with them at various
opportunities. The advantages in comparison to data analyses using databases
were convincing for most teachers. Yet, there was always one concern: To work
with the Twitter API, students need to have an account on this platform. As a
workaround, we offered the possibility to work offline using a cached data set, but
this was obviously less motivating for the students than working with live data.
Also, teachers were often concerned that privacy issues might arise and noted
the restricted flexibility of the tool, as it only supported the Twitter data stream
as a data source. Hence, for tackling these issues, in this paper we describe a new
Real-Time Data Analyses in Secondary Schools 209
general-purpose approach which allows using various data sources and nearly all
possibilities of the continuous query language1 .
Today, real-time analyses are being used for several purposes: analyzing credit
card transactions in order to prevent fraud (cf. [12]), reacting to temperature
changes in smart home environments, or monitoring the environment of smart
cars. Although in many use cases, providing results of data analysis immediately
is not essential, in most modern use cases there are at least weak restrictions
on the reaction times of a system: Typically, users want data to be available
as soon as possible, hence “soft real-time”2 becomes increasingly important. In
other use cases, such as industrial robots, the restrictions on data analysis are
even harder: they need to fulfill firm or hard real-time requirements3 .
In order to meet a deadline even when analyzing large amounts of data, tra-
ditional data analyses are not sufficient. Instead, typical real-time data analy-
ses are in several parts completely different. While traditional data sources are
rather finite and discrete, for example when sensor data streams are analyzed,
the analysis system needs to handle infinite and continuous data sets (cf. [13]).
Also, the amount of data sources (in particular sensors) is growing, with wireless
communication the data are available faster than years ago, and the data rate is
increasing drastically [13]. Yet, when regarding current CS teaching, analyzing
data in schools, if at all, typically takes place using databases: For example, in
popular weather station projects, the sensors data are often stored in relational
databases and queried using the query language SQL. While this approach is
suitable for traditional data analyses, several challenges occur when trying to
conduct real-time analysis that way: In particular when data are generated con-
tinuously, analysis jobs would need to be started frequently in order to ensure
up-to-date results, as determining distinct points in time for starting the analy-
sis is not possible when analyzing data streams4 . In consequence, the database
(and the analysis) gets overloaded or stuck because of the continuous and paral-
lel read and write operations. Additionally, using databases for this purpose also
results in enormous amounts of data being stored, because of the high rate of
The “continuous query language” (CQL) is similar in syntax to SQL, but in particu-
lar allows using “sliding windows”, which makes it suitable for data stream analysis
(cf. [1]).
Soft real-time allow even frequent misses of the deadline, as only service quality is
being influenced (cf. e.g. [3]).
Hard real-time strongly requires adherence to a deadline, as exceeding it results in a
system failure. Firm real-time tolerates missing the given deadline infrequently, but
the analysis results become irrelevant after the deadline and the quality of service is
“A data stream is a real-time, continuous, ordered (implicitly by arrival time or
explicitly by timestamp) sequence of items. It is impossible to control the order in
which items arrive, nor is it feasible to locally store a stream in its entirety.” [4].
210 A. Grillenberger and R. Romeike
Queries Results
The different functional principles of databases and data stream systems are
visualized in Fig. 1: When using databases, storing and analyzing data are inde-
pendent processes. In contrast, in data stream systems, data is directly analyzed
after they were received by the system. Hence, many modern systems process-
ing continuous data streams are based on characteristics of data stream systems
rather than of databases: For example, when measuring the wind velocity in a
smart home project for triggering the closure of windows, it is neither important
to process every single value nor to store these data permanently. Hence, data
stream systems are ideal for this purpose. To summarize, Table 1 shows a com-
parison of central characteristics of both, databases and data stream systems.
Real-Time Data Analyses in Secondary Schools 211
Table 1. Comparison of the main characteristics of databases and data stream systems.
When the topic “data” is addressed in secondary CS teaching, the focus is typ-
ically on (relational) databases [5]. This has not been changed since the early
1990s. Thus, because of the tremendous developments in recent years, several
topics that are strongly related to the students’ daily life today are only consid-
ered marginally, such as data security, privacy, encryption or meta-data. Also,
“real-time data analysis” is typically not considered in secondary CS teaching at
all: Although such analyses are pervasive in our daily life, understanding their
underlying principles and functioning is not a goal of typical CS education. Yet,
to understand their relevance, opportunities and threats, getting to know basic
aspects of real-time data analysis is essential. For example, it is hard to imagine
how large amounts of data captured by CCTV may be analyzed in real-time
without knowing the underlying analysis methods. But when they know about
the restrictions and differences of real-time analysis in comparison to data analy-
sis in general, students also become familiar with the involved opportunities and
Recently, aspects of data management and real-time data analysis can be
found in school teaching when data is acquired and evaluated in physical com-
puting projects. For example, sensors are used for measuring and evaluating
environmental influences. In simple projects, data is typically processed directly
212 A. Grillenberger and R. Romeike
Web APIs. With several web applications providing free access to their applica-
tion programming interfaces (APIs), lots of data can be acquired. For example,
social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook provide access to large
parts of their data. There are two approaches for accessing the data: While
Twitter uses a “push” method, i.e. the client subscribes to the stream and is
notified by the server about new tweets (comparable to the observer pattern),
most other APIs use a “pull” approach, i.e. the client frequently requests infor-
mation. Although pulling produces more unnecessary communication and delays,
it has an advantage for teaching: As the connections are not kept open all the
time, typically multiple users can use the same credentials. Also, as most APIs
are based on the REST principle and hence are accessed via HTTP calls, using
them is relatively easy, particularly if they are based on a “pull” approach. Hence,
these interfaces are ideal data sources for real-time data analysis, as the data are
(depending on the application) highly dynamic and as access is typically only
limited by rate limits of the APIs.
Real-Time Data Analyses in Secondary Schools 213
Sensor Data. Another data source is sensor data. With physical computing
projects gaining popularity in CS education, using sensors for measuring data
from the environment of a system has already become common in CS teach-
ing. This is also a suitable approach for gathering data for data management
lessons: The main advantage of using sensor data as a basis for data analy-
sis is that it is generated in real-time in the classroom environment, without
hurdles of using web APIs, such as mandatory user accounts or privacy issues.
Also, as nearly all common programming languages allow communication with
microcontrollers, from traditional object-oriented languages such as Java right
up to block-based programming environments designed for educational use such
as Scratch or Snap!, finding a suitable tool for obtaining data is not a problem.
Another advantage of using sensor data in data management education is the
shift of focus from just processing and analyzing data, to the whole data life
cycle from their acquisition and modeling, through processing and analysis, to
visualization and (perhaps) deletion of data. This depicts the real usage of data
and shows how different CS fields come together in innovative topics like the
“Internet of Things”, which is based particularly on data management technolo-
gies and (interconnected) microcontrollers. As capturing sensor data can be done
in various ways, there are also very different types of sensors that might be used,
and hence also different ideas for data processing and analysis.
Design Decisions. For accessing both, sensor data and REST APIs, several
tools suitable for CS education already exist. In particular, the block-based pro-
gramming language Snap! [8] has high potential for data management teaching:
Not only does it provide blocks for sending HTTP requests that are suitable
for accessing REST APIs, it cam also communicate with Arduino (and compat-
ible) microcontroller boards in the fork Snap4Arduino5 . Hence, it is possible to
access sensor data captured with such boards. It is also highly expandable, so
that processing data is possible using the same tool with which they are cap-
tured, and it is easy-to-use for students, even without previous experiences using
it. Thus, for conducting real-time data analysis in CS teaching, we implemented
the central features of data stream systems and CQL [1] in the Snap! program-
ming environment. Using Snap! as a basis clearly contributed to our main goals:
The tool should be flexible enough to be used with various data sources, it should
be easy-to-use in a school context and it should be easy-to-extend by teachers
and (ideally) also by the students themselves. To allow the data stream system
extension to be used in Snap! and all its forks, we only used functionalities that
Snap! provides in its end-user interface and avoided to directly modify its source
code. Hence, the extensions is completely based on primitive Snap! blocks and
JavaScript functions (which can also be called in Snap! out-of-the-box by map-
ping them into blocks). In addition to extending Snap! for allowing data stream
analyses, we also extended it for data visualization purposes in the same way.
214 A. Grillenberger and R. Romeike
– Creating a new data stream from any data source (“reporter block” in Snap!).
– Combining data from several sources in one stream.
– Running queries on data streams, using aggregate functions, projections,
selections and sliding.
– Using analysis results as a data source for a new data stream (nesting).
– Continuous evaluation of queries in the background.
Besides allowing high flexibility and all relevant functionalities, our approach
also gives the teacher the opportunity to simply adapt the tool for concrete
lessons and thus to further reduce complexity (e.g. by hiding blocks or by creating
new ones), without losing the flexibility for complex analyses.
We limited processing of queries to one time per second to prevent performance
issues. Yet, this limit can easily be changed by modifying the block in Snap!.
Real-Time Data Analyses in Secondary Schools 215
in query
window size
cached values
unit of window
data sources
id of date
An exemplary project was described by the Raspberry Pi Foundation: https://www.
http://wiki.seeed.cc/Grove Starter Kit v3/.
Real-Time Data Analyses in Secondary Schools 217
Fig. 7. Exemplary weather station project using a combined temperature and pressure
sensor as well as a LCD attached to a grove shield.
7 Summary
In this paper, we discussed central characteristics of real-time data analyses.
Based on these, we proposed a tool, which is suitable for conducting general-
purpose data stream analysis in secondary CS education. In an example, we
218 A. Grillenberger and R. Romeike
have shown how this tool can be used in school in combination with physical
computing. Although the Snap!DSS extension reduces complexity, it preserves
characteristics and functionalities of real-time data stream analyses. It is oriented
at the syntax and semantics of CQL, allows its typical operations and implements
central aspects and functionalities of general-purpose data stream systems. In
combination with accessible hardware, students are enabled to pursue their own
ideas and to conduct analyses on their own, which are otherwise only possible for
professionals in the field. Thus, this approach opens up new opportunities for the
students to benefit from the innovations in data management. Yet, by preserving
the typical character of data stream systems and real-time data analyses, it also
fosters a better understanding of several central concepts of data management.
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5. Grillenberger, A., Romeike, R.: A Comparison of the field data management and
its representation in secondary CS curricula. In: Proceedings of WiPSCE 2014.
ACM, Berlin (2014)
6. Grillenberger, A., Romeike, R.: Analyzing the Twitter data stream using the
snap! Learning environment. In: Brodnik, A., Vahrenhold, J. (eds.) ISSEP 2015.
LNCS, vol. 9378, pp. 155–164. Springer, Cham (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/
978-3-319-25396-1 14
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opportunities. In: Brinda, T., Reynolds, N., Romeike, R. (eds.) Proceedings of
KEYCIT 2014. Universitätsverlag Potsdam (2014)
8. Harvey, B., Mönig, J.: Snap! Reference manual (2014). http://snap.berkeley.edu/
SnapManual.pdf. Accessed 09 July 2017
9. Krämer, J.: Continuous Queries over Data Streams - Semantics and Implementa-
tion. Philipps-Universität Marburg (2007)
10. Laney, D.: 3D data management: controlling data volume, velocity, and variety.
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XLogoOnline: A Single-Page, Browser-Based
Programming Environment for Schools Aiming
at Reducing Cognitive Load on Pupils
Abstract. For more than twelve years, our chair has been introduc-
ing primary school children to algorithmic thinking by teaching them
how to program in Logo. The key element of the proposed didactic app-
roach consists in reducing the extraneous cognitive load on the pupils.
We developed and stepwise refined the required teaching materials that
allow for introducing only a few instructions in a programming language,
which is gradually extended simply relying on modular design. XLogoOn-
line is our new browser-based, single-page programming environment for
schools which is perfectly attuned to our curriculum. We argue that the
platform reduces the extraneous cognitive load on the pupils thanks to a
heavily-simplified workflow, appropriate for young children, and present
evaluations that confirm high usability and acceptance across ages.
1 Introduction
It is crucial that young pupils leave school not only as passive users of com-
puters but also with the ability to think algorithmically and solve problems
by programming. This form of learning is constructive, enriches creativity and
teaches precision but is strenuous and demanding by its very nature. In this
work, we reflect on the difficulties children encounter while learning to program
and introduce our two-pronged approach of a programming environment and
curriculum as technical and didactic solutions to reduce cognitive load on novice
Following the definition of Aho, we are firmly convinced that learning how
to develop well-structured programs is a key element to mastering algorithmic
thinking, and an ideal way to experience scientific methods at an appropriate
level of abstraction. In our curriculum, pupils first learn to write small pieces
of code, which then are tested and revised for improvement. We mainly focus
on programming-in-the-small and the curriculum trains pupils to implicitly for-
mulate a hypothesis (write a program to solve a given problem), verify their
hypothesis (run and test the program), and successively refine the hypothesis as
Modular design is both a technique to develop well-structured programs and
an overall problem solving strategy that can be used to tackle any complex tasks,
even outside of computer science. In our programming classes, pupils are explic-
itly taught to seek geometric figures for repetitive patterns. They rapidly discover
the advantages of programming and naming such small bite-size elements, and
of reusing them in a proper modular fashion. The pupils learn to successively
decompose problems into smaller tasks which are each solved independently, and
finally reassembled to solve the original assignment.
Learning to program is generally considered to be a complex cognitive activ-
ity. In our didactic approach, programming-in-the-small and modular design
require the pupils to organize their programs into conceptually independent
units. This modularization process is core to teaching computer science: First, it
helps to approach challenging problems by breaking them down into smaller
tasks, which can be solved independently by applying top-down or bottom-
up problem solving strategies. Second, thinking about problem instances in an
abstract way helps identifying structural properties inherent to the problem,
and therefore allows the pupils to classify them into abstract problem classes,
with common properties that can be solved relying on one single parameterized
program. This results in a high intrinsic cognitive load. Educational research
highlights, that this kind of cognitive load is specific to the contents and consid-
ers it as immutable [14].
We strongly believe that Logo – despite its age – still is one of the most suit-
able languages for introducing novices of all ages to programming. Moreover, we
are convinced, that Logo together with our teaching materials and the program-
ming environments allow for a noticeable reduction of extraneous cognitive load.
Regarding knowledge dimensions presented in the Revision of Bloom’s Taxon-
omy [8], we argue that our proposed didactic setting lower the mental effort and
preserve the working memory of the pupils:
1. We massively reduce the impact of factual knowledge: Instead of introducing
pupils to all the instructions and features of a specific programming language,
we deliberately focus on a very limited set of basic instructions and teach the
kids how to gradually extend the programming language by naming their pro-
grams and making them available for reuse. Furthermore, the chosen syntax
is adequate to age and abstraction skills of school children. The pupils are
not merely using a programming language but they are developing their own,
personalized vocabulary to actively interact with the computer.
2. Conceptual knowledge is introduced in a compact and didactically effective
way: in the eyes of the pupils, a program simply is a sequence of unambigu-
ous instructions that the computer understands and predictably executes.
Furthermore, we focus on only one looping control structure that avoids vari-
ables, and, later on, we introduce the simpler notion of a static parameter,
as a preparation step to the challenging concept of variable. Variables are
postponed to lower secondary school.
3. The procedural knowledge and to some extent also metacognitive knowledge
developed by children mainly relies on modular design. We use this design
principle as a straightforward problem solving strategy and, moreover, as a
mean to hide nested loops.
Readers who are interested in further details and reflections on our teaching
approach should refer to our prior publications [3–5,11]. With the exception of
the textbook, all teaching materials and environments are freely available to all.
1. Built-in diagnostics that offer smart hints and pinpoint errors are automati-
cally generated in XLogoOnline and play an important role in the interaction
between computer and pupil. They help to foster a mostly autonomous and
self-driven learning process, and moreover alleviate pressure on the teacher.
2. XLogoOnline adopts a two-pronged strategy to reduce distractions in the
user interface. First, the chosen single-page approach, which makes all infor-
mation for developing and understanding a program visible at one glance,
prevents obstructively layered windows. Second, exhibiting nothing but the
most important features makes for a simple and clear user interface.
3. Our reactive, browser-based, client-side application relies on state-of-the-art
technologies and runs on a local web-server in offline mode. It uses the local
file system to store and retrieve code from earlier sessions. This enables the
platform to be deployed independent of whether an internet connection is
available or not.
4. Our programming environment relies on Canvas, a native dot-matrix data
structure for drawing supported by most modern browsers, which does not
pollute the Document Object Model and, moreover, which provides a handle
for conveniently downloading pictures. Our tool makes efficient use of the
canvas by discerning whether flushing the entire drawing to the canvas is
possible, or whether it should be split into sequences (e.g. in case of a wait
command) as the parser is running.
4 Implementation of XLogoOnline
In the following, we explain what goes on behind the scenes when a Logo instruc-
tion is executed by touching upon the parser, the editor and the canvas and
explaining what actions are triggered by a simple press of the <enter> button
in the input field.
from it during execution. Once execution has finished successfully, the result is
visible as a drawing in the rendering component and the command is added to
the history which keeps track of all recently issued commands. Next, we zoom
in on the pertinent implementation aspects of each component.
4.2 Editor
While our curriculum only introduces a very basic set of Logo primitives, pupils
use the editor to extend the set of commands by defining new customized pro-
grams. Programming demands precision and mistakes are inevitable, therefore
we provide helpful suggestions in terms of diagnostics which highlight token
classes directly in the editor by using different colors and inline markers to pin-
point syntactical errors. Programs are typically declared in the following char-
acteristic form:
TO PROGRAMNAME :param1 :param2 ... :paramN
Two especially common mistakes we see in pupils’ programs are due to mis-
taken declarations or invocations of programs. The former usually appear as
parameters with missing double-colons, which are interpreted as invocations
to non-existing programs. The latter often manifest as missing spaces between
program names and their arguments, leading to a single program without any
parameters. Calling such a program later causes a run-time error because the
according signature cannot be found. We help identify these classes of mistakes
using syntax highlighting and checking, which we will explain in the following.
Syntax Checking. As the users type in the editor, their programs are contin-
uously and automatically interpreted in the background after a short period of
inactivity. Programs which fail to parse are analyzed further to locate missing
keywords and erroneous numbers of parameters. The exact location and type of
an error is signaled by adding a red cross directly beside the faulty code which
shows a hint when hovered over. Doing so aids pupils and frees them from con-
centrating on syntactical details and let them focus on semantics instead. Next,
we discuss the underlying concepts of our interpretation process.
4.4 Canvas
In a typical classroom, a single teacher will guide and assist the entire class;
pupils learning how to program, however, progress at differing rates. Ideally
pupils should work autonomously while not experiencing cognitive overload. In
order to observe children programming in a real classroom environment, we ran
several introductory lessons, measured pupils’ and teachers’ exhaustion levels
using a questionnaire and examined the differences in cognitive load across ages.
Results. The combined student data confirmed that children indeed feel cogni-
tively exhausted while programming (Fig. 2a) reflecting the need for a tool which
eases their learning whilst also not imposing too much extraneous cognitive load.
The more detailed breakdown by age in Fig. 2b confirms our hypothesis; the
shifting peaks reflect that teachers are least exhausted, followed in turn by the
older and the younger pupils respectively who showed increased exhaustion.
Since exhaustion levels proved to be similar and rather high in both student
groups, we require an objective measure which helps differentiating more finely.
For this reason, we plan to run a follow-up study examining cognitive load by
measuring the number of exercises solved in total. Furthermore, we will explore
the influence of different exercise types on the cognitive load of the programmer.
XLogoOnline: A Single-Page, Browser-Based Programming Environment 227
Fig. 2. Questionnaire indicate particularly high cognitive load for young pupils.
The experiment confirmed that most children experience rather high cog-
nitive load while programming, which reinforces the need for tailored teaching
material to enable better learning experiences. Children aged 6–9 showed the
highest exhaustion levels, while children aged 10–13 were not only less exhausted,
but we also observed them to be more progressive and able to work without direct
To understand whether our design choices had a positive impact on user expe-
rience, we ran a second user study and examined the children’s interaction with
XLogoOnline, their understanding of the purpose of selected components therein
and general impression of the user interface. Figure 3 shows a side-by-side com-
parison of what solving the same exercise would look like in XLogoOnline and
its predecessor XLogo.
Fig. 3. XLogoOnline features an uncluttered single-page layout with bigger fonts and
a reduced set of GUI features for reducing the extraneous cognitive load and in support
of a young audience whose fine motor skills have yet to fully develop.
228 J. Hromkovič et al.
Results. A vast majority (83% of all pupils) understood the usage and mean-
ing of the four UI components correctly and could easily transfer from XLogo
to XLogoOnline. We received strongly positive feedback (praises for the syn-
tax checker, error pinpointing, layout, clarity and comprehensibility) which give
reassurance that simplifying the user interface in XLogoOnline, adopting a flat
design and equipping it with additional diagnostic tools like syntax highlighting
and syntax checking are indeed beneficial. Some pupils missed certain features
XLogo provided and others found the space usage not optimal, which we sub-
sequently adjusted according to their needs. We conclude, that the transition
between XLogo and XLogoOnline posed no significant burden on the students.
The respective programs were re-run 1000 times in XLogoOnline while mea-
suring their overall execution times. We found an average performance of 20000
drawing instructions per seconds on a four-year old off-the-shelf laptop. Conse-
quently, the running time for simple shapes like the ones shown in Fig. 4a and
b add up to merely a few milliseconds. Moreover, even the most time-intense
exercises in our curriculum run to completion on the order of seconds, which we
consider satisfactory for the typical classroom setting.
Finally, we investigated the breakdown of execution time between drawing
and parsing to determine the cost of diagnostics, which rely on repeated pars-
ing of the input. We found drawing to be the more influential factor between
the two phases and that, as programs get bigger, it increasingly dominates the
overall execution time (shown in Fig. 5). Diagnostics like error classification and
additional hints are potentially expensive, however, the time spent in parsing
constitutes a negligible fraction of the total time and significantly helps pupils
recover from their mistakes.
Fig. 5. The larger the program, the more time we spent traversing the parse tree (i.e.
drawing) while building the parse tree (i.e. parsing) takes only a fraction of the time.
6 Conclusion
Teaching how to program in hundreds of schools, we found algorithmic thinking
and programming to be exciting but exhaustive activities, especially for young
pupils. We introduce XLogoOnline, our new browser-based programming envi-
ronment that aims at reducing the extraneous cognitive load on school children.
It is tailored around a curriculum with a deliberately small set of basic com-
mands. Pupils steadily learn to expand the language with custom commands
while solving algorithmic problems. As a distinguishing attribute, our program-
ming environment features diagnostics which provide useful feedback to the pro-
grammer while having an uncluttered and easy to use single-page user interface.
The programming IDE can be deployed at the click of a button using only a web
230 J. Hromkovič et al.
browser and, thanks to its reactive design, can be run on a broad set of devices
with different screen sizes and platforms. We ran classroom studies investigating
cognitive load during introductory lessons and found a clear need for appropriate
didactic settings which reduce the load on pupils’ working memory. XLogoOnline
was shown to be intuitive and generally approved by primary school pupils.
Future Work: Our broader goals are to understand what troubles young pro-
grammers the most. Web environments are especially well-suited for collecting
rich data sets, for instance, containing student mistakes. Analyzing this data
may reveal patterns which can be tied back to conceptual error classes and tack-
led more explicitly in our curriculum. Further, we are investigating social effects
in programming and have built an early prototype extension for XLogoOnline
that allows pupils to collaborate on exercises by sharing code and drawings with
their classmates.
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Introduction to Bebras Challenge Management:
Overview and Analyses of Developed Systems
1 Introduction
The Bebras challenge1 on informatics and computational thinking (CT) is an
educational community network which brings together teachers and scientists
who are interested in teaching informatics at primary and secondary schools.
The aim of the Bebras challenge is to engage students in informatics, deepen
their understanding in computer technologies, and promote learning by solving
short informatics concept-based tasks [1]. The tasks are a crucial point of the
challenge: they should involve at least one informatics concept, arranged with
an interesting story, be attractive, short, and interactive or dynamic [2].
In general, the challenge is divided into six age categories: Pre–Primary
(grades 1–2), Little Beavers (grades 3–4), Benjamin (grades 5–6), Cadet (grades
7–8), Junior (grades 9–10), and Senior (grades 11–13). The core part of the
Bebras challenge is a contest organized by each country in the second and
third weeks of November. The Southern Hemisphere countries (Australia, New
Zealand, and Malaysia) have a different time schedule. Additional rounds of the
c Springer International Publishing AG 2017
V. Dagiene and A. Hellas (Eds.): ISSEP 2017, LNCS 10696, pp. 232–243, 2017.
Introduction to Bebras Challenge Management 233
A Finnish CMS3 was built using Rails, a rapid web development frame-
work using the programming language Ruby. In time, features were added to
the system by different developers. Some of these features break the separation
between models, views, and controllers. For example, although the system was
designed to be database-agnostic, its current version occasionally accesses the
SQL database directly and is therefore strongly tied to M ySQL.
The CMS of France4 is one of the most optimal and well-developed: in this
system, an optimized front-end is used which reduces the number of requests
from clients to the server and consequently the load on a server. While the web
workload is distributed, all the web servers access a single relational database.
The sessions are implemented using M emcached technology, reducing the load
on a database while still maintaining a single session across all the web servers.
If the web servers become unavailable, competitors are provided with a coded
message at the end of their competition. They can send this coded message to
the organizers using e-mail and have their results entered into the system. To
minimize the communication between the web server and the clients, results
are only submitted at the end of the competition, with no backup in case a
competitor web browser crashes.
In 2013, Slovenia started to develop a new Bebras CMS5 that have to be
[6]: high performance, scalable, and fault-tolerant. To achieve that, a three-layer
architecture consisting of a front-end layer, a business logic layer, and a distrib-
uted database back-end layer was applied [7]. As shown in Fig. 1, the front-end
was implemented using HT M L, CSS and JavaScript, the business logic layer
was implemented in P HP using the Y ii web development framework, while
M ySQL Cluster was used as the database back-end.
Introduction to Bebras Challenge Management 235
Both types of questions provide the opportunity to select “I don’t know”. Par-
ticipants in the challenge, school organizers who manage participants from their
schools, higher-level organizers (who manage the school organizer), etc. are roles
supported by the system [8].
Pikl et al. characterize the ideas for the competition systems and websites,
such as logical layout, important information visible at all times, frequently asked
questions, discussion between visitors, and a dynamic web page [9]. The history,
results, information about the competition, who the competition is for, contact
form and additional information should be provided at the competition site.
In this section we describe the process of collecting the data and the results
from analysing these data. A questionnaire with fourteen open questions was
announced in May of 2016 and was accessible until the end of February (2017).
The aim of this questionnaire was to collect information about CMSs in differ-
ent Bebras community countries, to understand the real situation about CMSs
(what is common, what is different), and to discover valuable suggestions for
others. Thirty-two countries answered the questionnaires regarding the Bebras
challenge. Table 1 shows the distribution of countries by responsibilities of CMS
support (organizers in countries themselves create and develop the system; sup-
port of the system is trusted for the private company6 ; organizers use platforms
available on the Internet).
Sweden and Finland collaborated in the development of the same system.
Their system is implemented using Ruby and interactive tasks are created using
JavaScript. Serbia uses Slovenia’s well-developed system (from 2013). Turkey
uses LMS M oodle (however, they do not have interactive tasks). This is easy
to use, although the interface should be changed and there should be a special
template for the contest [10]. Croatia also uses LMS M oodle. Teachers there
take care of editing, publishing tasks, and managing participants with M oodle,
since every student has their own access to the system. Belarus uses the
236 V. Dagiene et al.
issue. In some cases, such as Italy and Singapore, the possibility of indicating
gender is optional. All countries collect the number of participants by age group,
but in some CMSs, such as in Belarus, France, and Romania, participants are
listed with their precise ages. Personal information, such as name, surname,
school, or language is presented in individual cases. It depends on the country’s
attitude to privacy rules and data publication. Some privacy rules forbid using
the student data for statistical research.
The questionnaire confirms that the Lithuanian Bebras CMS has the most
developed data collection and statistics analysis. Nevertheless, sixteen countries
indicated the need to gather data about gender, devices used, etc., in each coun-
try. Discussions were also recorded about a privacy policy, depending on what
kind of data were recorded.
Bebras tasks can be of any type, from very basic multiple-choice tasks, to
interactive tasks where students manipulate objects visually, or even to advanced
interactive tasks where students can write and run small programs. Interactivity
is very typical for computers; thus, it is clear that a computer-oriented contest
should apply interactive elements to explain or solve tasks. These interactive
tasks are often “funny” and easy to understand. However, the interactive ele-
ments require a lot of effort by the programmer to implement them. According to
the answers from the questionnaire, twelve countries use only multiple choice or
open-ended questions for the Bebras tasks. Nineteen countries provide and inter-
active tasks during the Bebras challenge. Eighth countries out of the nineteen
surveyed countries, that use interactive tasks, use the Bebras Lodge tool. This
is a special tool for creating and developing interactive (dynamic) tasks8 . France
has developed its own special Bebras CMS, which manages all interactive Bebras
tasks during the challenge. They use JavaScript with RaphaelJS library, as well
as their own set of libraries 9 . Other technologies used for interactive task imple-
mentation are HT M L5 (Italy) and JavaScript (Estonia, Finland, Japan, and
Russia). Seven countries (out of thirteen, which do not have interactive tasks)
plan to introduce interactive tasks in their CMS. Nevertheless, interactive tasks
installation depends on their systems’ facilities.
Experience with contest management inspires those interested to think about
new system features or improvements for the present CMS. French Bebras orga-
nizers would like to have a tool for teachers for creating interactive tasks (some-
thing similar to the Bebras Lodge tool, but with a different approach). Germany
would like to have an API to import, store, and export Bebras tasks including
their complete interactivity (the Bebras Pool). Lithuania has a plan to collect
data regarding how many times participants have a second look at the same task
or return to resolve that task, and how many times they have changed the answer.
Slovakia wants to measure the time spent on each task. Ukraine would like to do
compatibility with mobile devices and developer-friendly animations. Belarus,
Canada, Croatia, Indonesia, Serbia and Turkey are planning to add different
types of interactive tasks or develop more interactive task features. Macedonia
238 V. Dagiene et al.
would like to add more functionality to its CMS to create a friendlier environ-
ment for the teacher (for example, see information about students). Macedonia
also emphasized the importance of testing as ensuring the performance of par-
ticipants. Singapore is planning to introduce reports on results for schools and
students into their CMS.
In this section we discuss the Bebras CMS functionality using Use case diagram
(Fig. 3). System administrators have full access, including management of task:
creation and importation from the Bebras Lodge tool. Teachers are provided
with challenge access to their school’s students and have access to the results of
their students. Teachers register their students and system administrators enroll
them to the system (it helps to avoid cheating). Registered teachers can con-
firm students’ participation in the challenge during the school-wide challenge
in November. Furthermore, teachers have the opportunity to preview the tasks,
participate in the discussion, and print certificates for their own students. Stu-
dents have access to the challenge during the Bebras week and can preview the
tasks, and comment on or discuss the particular tasks after the challenge week.
Students can see their results only after completing the challenge.
240 V. Dagiene et al.
(teacher) is responsible for the students and marks students who can solve tasks.
It can be done only during the scheduled time. Before the second round, the
system administrator has to mark the students who are involved in the challenge.
Students get email with the confirmation link and students, who confirm their
email, solve tasks during the second round. In addition, task sets of the first and
second round are separated, therefore the system administrator can easily follow
the history of a task set (when and which tasks were used in the challenge). The
Bebras CMS is used as the questions pool. About 2000 tasks are collected in the
4.3 Practicalities
The Lithuanian Bebras CMS is used as a tool for contest management, but
sometimes we demonstrate the system for teachers or systems developers to
provide them with practice, understanding the challenge policy, and teacher
training. Unfortunately, the Lithuanian system does not provide teachers with
the possibility of preparing their own challenge to use in the educational process.
If they want to practice tasks development, we recommend a Bebras Lodge tool.
Each year a systems developer adds new functionalities to the system or
improves existing components. For example, there was a new opportunity in
2016 to upload the participants’ list. Next year we are planning to introduce
the badge policy as a participation engagement tool. Students will be able to
earn badges depending on the collected points. We hope to have four types of
badges: gold, silver, bronze medals, and a certificate of participation. Badges do
not always affect learners’ motivation as an inspiration to reach better results
or be involved in the learning process, but we hope it will work as an award
that all students will receive. The second addition to the system will be a two-
dimensional system, which will enable the classification of tasks according to
computational thinking and informatics concepts. Detailed analysis of the new
Bebras tasks classification is provided by [12].
5 Conclusions
This paper discusses CMSs as a tool to manage the Bebras challenge in various
countries. Answers from thirty-two (out of a total of 39) countries running the
Bebras challenge were collected and analysed. The results show that 18 counties
developed their own CMSs. 12 countries used only multiple choice or open-ended
answers for the Bebras tasks, and 18 countries provided interactive tasks. In the
future, some countries would like to use more interactive task features, as well
as develop compatibility with mobile devices. The Lithuanian Bebras CMS was
developed in 2010. The system consists of eleven modules, and has a three-layer
architecture. One of the future plans is integration a two-dimensional system
for enabling the classification of tasks according to computational thinking and
informatics concepts.
Introduction to Bebras Challenge Management 243
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Author Index