Assessment of Diaphragmatic

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Intensive Care Med (2017) 43:29–38

DOI 10.1007/s00134-016-4524-z


Assessment of diaphragmatic
dysfunction in the critically ill patient
with ultrasound: a systematic review
Massimo Zambon1*, Massimiliano Greco2, Speranza Bocchino2, Luca Cabrini2, Paolo Federico Beccaria2
and Alberto Zangrillo2,3

© 2016 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and ESICM

Purpose:  Diaphragmatic dysfunction (DD) has a high incidence in critically ill patients and is an under-recognized
cause of respiratory failure and prolonged weaning from mechanical ventilation. Among different methods to assess
diaphragmatic function, diaphragm ultrasonography (DU) is noninvasive, rapid, and easy to perform at the bedside.
We systematically reviewed the current literature assessing the usefulness and accuracy of DU in intensive care unit
(ICU) patients.
Methods:  Pubmed, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Embase, Scopus, and Google Scholar Databases were
searched for pertinent studies. We included all original, peer-reviewed studies about the use of DU in ICU patients.
Results:  Twenty studies including 875 patients were included in the final analysis. DU was performed with different
techniques to measure diaphragmatic inspiratory excursion, thickness of diaphragm (Tdi), and thickening fraction
(TF). DU is feasible, highly reproducible, and allows one to detect diaphragmatic dysfunction in critically ill patients.
During weaning from mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing trials, both diaphragmatic excursion and
diaphragmatic thickening measurements have been used to predict extubation success or failure. Optimal cutoffs
ranged from 10 to 14 mm for excursion and 30–36 % for thickening fraction. During assisted mechanical ventilation,
diaphragmatic thickening has been found to be an accurate index of respiratory muscles workload. Observational
studies suggest DU as a reliable method to assess diaphragm atrophy in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation.
Conclusions:  Current literature suggests that DU could be a useful and accurate tool to detect diaphragmatic dys-
function in critically ill patients, to predict extubation success or failure, to monitor respiratory workload, and to assess
atrophy in patients who are mechanically ventilated.
Keywords:  Diaphragm, Ultrasonography, Diaphragmatic dysfunction, Thoracic ultrasound, Respiratory monitoring,
Critically ill

Introduction induced diaphragmatic dysfunction, VIDD) [3] and

Diaphragmatic dysfunction (DD) has a relatively high mechanical insults such as cardiac or upper abdominal
incidence in critically ill patients [1, 2] as a result both of surgery [4–7].
disuse/atrophy during mechanical ventilation (ventilation In the last decade, research focused mainly on causes
and mechanisms underlying dysfunction and atrophy of
*Correspondence: massimo.zambon@asst‑melegnano‑ respiratory muscles in the critically ill, but there is still a
Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, ASST Melegnano- lack of tools to monitor diaphragm activity at the bedside.
Martesana, Presidio di Cernusco sul Naviglio, Via Uboldo 21,
Methods to assess diaphragmatic function often have low
20063 Cernusco sul Naviglio, MI, Italy
Full author information is available at the end of the article sensitivity or specificity, as in the case of chest X-rays, or

are invasive and difficult to obtain at the bedside, as in zone of apposition is 1.7  ±  0.2  mm while relaxing,
the case of the gold standard twitch magnetic phrenic increasing to 4.5  ±  0.9  mm when breath holding at
nerve stimulation or measurement of transdiaphragmatic total lung capacity (TLC) [9].
pressure with esophageal and gastric balloons [8]. Dia- 2. In the subcostal area, between the mid-clavicular and
phragmatic ultrasound (DU) in a critical care setting may anterior axillary lines, using liver or spleen as acous-
be of great utility for this purpose. It is noninvasive, easily tic windows. Either a cardiac or abdominal probe
available, and allows repeated measurements. (2–5  MHz) can be used. Diaphragm is identified as
There are two acoustic windows to explore the dia- a hyperechoic line (produced by the pleura tightly
phragm. Briefly: adherent to the muscle) that approaches the probe
during inspiration (Fig.  1c). The inspiratory excur-
1. At the zone of apposition, between the 8th and 10th sion can be easily measured in M-mode (Fig. 1d). In
intercostal space in the mid-axillary or antero-axil- healthy subject during quiet spontaneous breathing,
lary line, 0.5–2 cm below the costophrenic sinus. To diaphragm inspiratory excursion was found to be
obtain adequate images of diaphragmatic thickness, 1.34 ± 0.18 cm [10]. A negative inspiratory excursion
a linear high-frequency probe (≥10  MHz) is man- indicates paradoxical diaphragmatic movement and
datory. At a depth of 1.5–3  cm, two parallel echo- is associated with diaphragmatic paralysis and use of
genic layers can be easily identified: the nearest line accessory muscles [11].
is the parietal pleura, the deeper one is the perito-
neum. The diaphragm is the less echogenic structure For a more accurate description of DU technique, we
in between these two lines (Fig.  1a). This approach refer the reader to the related reviews [12, 13].
is utilized to assess thickness of the diaphragm and Ultrasound criteria for evaluation of normal and dys-
thickening with inspiration, usually in M-mode functioning/paralyzed diaphragm have been published
(Fig.  1b). In healthy, spontaneously breathing sub- [10, 11], but routine evaluation of diaphragm excursion
jects the normal thickness of the diaphragm at the and thickness is still poorly applied in daily practice.

Fig. 1  Diaphragm ultrasonography (DU) at the zone of apposition in a B-mode, b M-mode. 1 Thickness at end expiration, 2 thickness at end inspira-
tion. DU, right subcostal in c B-mode, d M-mode

We systematically reviewed the current literature about observational studies investigating diagnostic/moni-
the use of DU in critically ill patients. The purpose of this toring tools, assessing the risk of bias and applicability
systematic review is to answer the following question: is concerns in four domains: patient selection, index test,
DU a useful and accurate method to assess DD in criti- reference standard, flow, and timing [14].
cally ill patients? The review was registered in PROSPERO International
Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (Registration
Methods Number: CRD42016036387).
Two independent investigators performed an extensive
search in Pubmed, Cochrane Database of Systematic Results
Reviews, Embase, Scopus, and Google Scholar Data- Twenty studies which included a total of 875 patients
bases, without language restrictions. References of all were finally selected [15–34]. The study selection pro-
retrieved articles were scanned for additional relevant cess, updated on 31 March 2016, is shown in Supple-
manuscripts. mentary file  2. All included studies were published in
The research string was “diaphragm*[tiab] AND peer-reviewed journals. No randomized controlled trials
(ultrasonography[tiab] OR ultrasound[tiab] OR were found. All the included studies were observational,
echography[tiab])”. The research string was developed to with three case/control studies. The results of quality
have the widest possible sensitivity, while the specificity assessment with QUADAS-2 are reported in Supplemen-
was guaranteed by human scanning of retrieved results tary file 3.
as follows: one reviewer (SB) examined the titles and Three studies [21, 24, 25] were conducted on pediatric
abstracts resulting from the electronic search to exclude patients, 17 on adult patients.
articles that were obviously irrelevant. Two independ- To assess DD, 11 studies [15–19, 26, 27, 30–33] meas-
ent reviewers (MZ and MG) examined the full text of the ured diaphragmatic thickness, seven of them [15, 19,
remaining studies. A third reviewer (SB) was employed to 26, 27, 30, 31, 33] assessing diaphragmatic contractility
make the final decision when it could not be achieved. as thickening fraction (percentage change in diaphragm
Studies meeting the following criteria were applied: thickness with respiratory movement). Five studies [20,
human original studies published in peer-reviewed 21, 28–30] measured respiratory excursion of the dia-
journals; employed prospective or retrospective design; phragm in M-mode, five studies [23–25, 29, 34] meas-
reported the use of DU as a monitoring/diagnostic tool; ured diaphragm excursion in B-mode, and two studies
enrolled patients admitted to intensive care units (ICU) [22, 34] measured liver/spleen displacement as a surro-
for any reason. We included both adult and pediatric gate for diaphragmatic excursion.
studies and then discussed the results separately. Ten studies compared ultrasound with other methods:
Case reports, reviews, editorials, and studies avail- two fluoroscopy [24, 25], four transdiaphragmatic pres-
able only as abstracts were excluded. Furthermore, we sure [19, 23, 26, 30], four rapid shallow breathing index
excluded studies performed in settings other than critical (RSBI) [15, 20, 22, 33]. Table 1 summarizes the character-
care (i.e., patients ventilated for elective surgery). istics of the 20 studies selected.
Extracted data included first author, year of publica- In the selected studies, usefulness and accuracy of DU
tion, study design, population size, ultrasound technique were investigated in four main settings:
used to measure diaphragmatic function (i.e., thickening To diagnose dysfunction or paralysis in critically ill
or excursion, B-mode or M-mode), alternative technique patients: six studies reported the use of DU as a clinical
to assess diaphragmatic function, main results. monitoring tool to detect diaphragm dysfunction in criti-
In a second phase, we added a search of relevant cally ill patients. The results are summarized in Table 2.
abstracts from the last 3 years to include, as supplemen- To predict weaning success/failure from mechanical
tary material, a list of potential relevant issues for the ventilation: four studies aimed to investigate the accuracy
near future (Supplementary file 1). of DU in predicting extubation success or failure, two
This study was conducted and reported following the measuring excursion [20, 22] and two measuring thick-
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and ening fraction [15, 33]. The results are shown in Table 3.
Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. At a first screen- To assess the performance of DU measurements as
ing there was no randomized controlled trial to include; indexes of respiratory effort in mechanically ventilated
therefore, usual quality assessment tools (i.e., Jadad scale) patients: four studies assessed the accuracy of DU to
were not applicable. assess the diaphragm workload during spontaneous or
Therefore, we used the QUADAS-2 tool for the qual- assisted breathing, one measuring excursion [23], two
ity assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies. The measuring thickening fraction [19, 26], and one measur-
QUADAS-2 has the advantage of being easily fitted for ing both [30]. The results are presented in Table 4.

Table 1  Summary of selected studies

Author (year) Setting Study Aim Patients Main findings

Balaji [24] (1990) Pediatric cardiac ICU Prospective To assess the accuracy of US vs 16 US allows one to identify diaphrag-
observa- fluoroscopy to diagnose matic palsy without fluoroscopy
tional diaphragmatic palsy after surgery
Urvoas [21] (1994) Pediatric ICU Prospective To report and describe US signs of 27 TM-mode allows one to diagnose
observa- DD in children diaphragmatic paralysis in children
Jiang [22] (2004) Medical ICU, adult Prospective To assess if diaphragm excursion 55 DU (mean liver/spleen displace-
patients observa- can predict successful extubation ment) can predict successful
tional extubation
Lerolle [23] (2009) Cardiac ICU, adult Case/control To determine a quantitative ultra- 48 DU allows one to identify those with
patients sonographic criterion of diaphragm and without severe diaphragmatic
motion for the diagnosis of severe dysfunction in patients requiring
DD prolonged MV
Sanchez de Toledo Pediatric cardiac ICU Prospective To assess accuracy of US for 25 DU performed by cardiac intensivists
[25] (2010) observa- diagnosis of DD allows for an early diagnosis of DD
Kim [20] (2011) Medical ICU, adult Prospective To detect diaphragmatic dysfunc- 88 Diaphragmatic dysfunction assessed
patients observa- tion and to assess its influence on with DU can predict weaning
tional weaning from MV failure
Grosu [16] (2012) ICU, mechanically Prospective To quantify rate and degree of dia- 7 DU allowed assessment of decrease
ventilated adult observa- phragm thinning during MV Tdi during MV
patients tional
Vivier [19] (2012) ICU, adult patients Prospective To assess feasibility and accuracy 12 DU was shown to be a valid tool
under NIV post- observa- of DU to assess diaphragmatic to assess the work of breathing
extubation tional function during NIV
Cartwright [17] Medical ICU, adult Prospective To detect changes in muscles thick- 16 Ultrasound is an informative tech-
(2013) patients observa- ness (included diaphragm) in ICU nique for assessing muscles of
tional patients patients in the ICU, including dia-
phragm and respiratory muscles
Baldwin [18] (2014) ICU septic adult Case/control To assess relative differences in thick- 16 Survivors of sepsis and a period of
patients ness and strength of respiratory MV may have respiratory muscle
and peripheral muscles weakness without remarkable
diaphragm wasting
Dinino [15] (2014) ICU, adult patients Prospective To evaluate if diaphragm thickening 63 TF predicts extubation success of
observa- can be used to predict extubation failure during spontaneous breath-
tional success or failure ing or pressure support trials
Ferrari [33] (2014) Adult high dependency Prospective To test TF as index for weaning from 46 TF can predict successful extubation
unit observa- MV
Goligher [26] ICU, adult patients Prospective To test feasibility and reproducibility 96 TF is feasible and highly reproducible
(2015) observa- of TF in MV patients
Mariani [29] (2015) Medical ICU, adult Prospective Assess prevalence of DD through US 34 DD has a 24 % prevalence among
patients observa- evaluation, measure reproducibility, ICU patients ventilated for 7 days,
tional compare M-mode and B-mode but was not associated with a
worse prognosis. DD can be easily
detected by ultrasound. Agree-
ment higher for M-mode than for
2D images
Valette [28] (2015) Medical ICU, adult Retrospec- To assess feasibility of diaphragmatic 10 Diaphragmatic ultrasonography
patients tive obser- ultrasonography in a medical ICU enhances detection of DD
Umbrello [30] Surgical ICU, adult Prospective Performance of US indices (TF and 25 In patients under MV, TF is a reliable
(2015) patients observa- diaphragm excursion) to assess indicator of respiratory effort, while
tional diaphragm contractility diaphragm excursion should not
be used to quantitatively assess
diaphragm contractile activity

Table 1  continued
Author (year) Setting Study Aim Patients Main findings
Haji [34] (2015) ICU, adult patients Prospective To evaluate the movement 90 Acceptable agreement does not
observa- between different parts of each exist for diaphragm and solid
tional hemidiaphragm and the organ movement
agreement with liver/spleen
Goligher [27] ICU, adult patients Prospective Describe the evolution of Tdi over 107 Changes in Tdi are common in
(2015) observa- time in patients on MV and its mechanically ventilated patients
tional relation to DD and may be associated with DD
Schepens [32] ICU, adult patients Prospective To assess the extent and time 54 Diaphragm atrophy occurs quickly
(2015) observa- course of atrophy in patients after onset of MV and can be accu-
tional on MV rately monitored with DU
Zambon [31] ICU, adult patients Prospective To quantify rate and degree of 40 There is a linear relationship
(2016) observa- diaphragm atrophy during between ventilator support and
tional MV and correlate with the amount diaphragmatic atrophy rate
of ventilation support
Tdi thickness of diaphragm, TF thickening fraction, MV mechanical ventilation, RSBI rapid shallow breathing index, DU diaphragmatic ultrasound, DD diaphragmatic
dysfunction, ICU intensive care unit

To assess the progression of atrophy in ICU mechani- predicting extubation success or failure, quantifying res-
cally ventilated patients: six studies investigated the time piratory effort, and detecting atrophy in mechanically
course of thickness of diaphragm in mechanically venti- ventilated patients.
lated patients. The results are summarized in Table 5. To our knowledge, this is the first review that system-
atically analyzes the use of ultrasound to assess DD in
Reproducibility critically ill patients, a composite population including
Several studies have addressed the subject of repro- both medical patients, in whom DD is mainly the result
ducibility of ultrasound to measure the diaphragmatic of prolonged MV, and surgical patients in whom DD is
displacement and thickness. Intraclass correlation coef- often caused by acute insults such as trauma or major
ficients (ICC) ranged from 0.876 to 0.999 (intraobserver) surgical procedures.
and from 0.56 to 0.989 (interobserver). The results are The definition of ventilator induced diaphragmatic dys-
summarized in Supplementary file 4. function (VIDD) in the critically ill is relatively recent [3],
but its frequency and relevance are strongly enhanced in
Learning curve several publications [1, 35]. DD is responsible for a num-
Two studies describe learning curves of trainees, one in ber of pulmonary complications, including atelectasis and
pediatrics for excursion assessment, and one in adults for pneumonia, and an early diagnosis of DD (prior to extuba-
thickness measurement. tion) is mandatory to avoid the risk of extubation failure.
In a pediatric population, a 4-h hands-on training in Demoule et al. found that DD, defined as a reduced capac-
ultrasound was reported, focusing on the recognition of ity of the diaphragm to produce inspiratory pressure, is as
normal and abnormal diaphragmatic motion. Semiquan- frequent as 64 % on the first day from ICU admission. It
titative assessment of excursion (normal/dysfunction/ is associated with disease severity and sepsis, and it may
paralyzed) carried out by a trainee had very high repeata- represent another sepsis-related organ failure. Further-
bility compared to the one performed by an expert opera- more, it is associated with a poor prognosis [1].
tor skilled in ultrasound [25]. Despite the widespread use of ultrasound tech-
In adult patients, the training of ultrasound operators niques in the ICUs (namely echocardiography and lung
to identify the diaphragm and measure its thickness was ultrasound), DU has only recently been applied in the
reported to take three to five sessions lasting 10–15 min intensive care setting. DU allows both morphologic
each [15]. assessment (detection of atrophy) and functional evalu-
ation of the muscle (contractility). Furthermore, it allows
Discussion repeated measurements over time, such as before and
This systematic review has several interesting results. after variations in ventilator settings, or before and after
First, DU is feasible at the bedside and has excellent the start of noninvasive ventilation.
intra- and interobserver reproducibility. Second, ultra- Several studies have compared ultrasound of the dia-
sound is accurate in investigating diaphragm dysfunction, phragm with reference methods (i.e., transdiaphragmatic

Table 2  Summary of studies reporting DU to diagnose diaphragmatic dysfunction in the critically ill
Author (year) Setting Measures DU criteria for  Comparison Main findings Accuracy

Balaji [24] (1990) Pediatric cardiac Diaphragm Paralysis: absence Fluoroscopy US allows one to NA
ICU excursion, of movement or identify diaphrag-
B-mode upward movement matic palsy without
during inspiration fluoroscopy
Urvoas [21] (1994) Pediatric ICU Diaphragm Paralysis: paradoxical X-rays, fluoroscopy M-mode allows one to NA
excursion, motion. Dysfunction: diagnose diaphrag-
M-mode excursion ≤4 mm matic paralysis in
Lerolle [23] (2009) Cardiac ICU, adult Diaphragm Excursion <25 mm (at Transdiaphragmatic DU allows one to AUC 0.93, sen-
patients excursion, maximal inspira- pressure (Gilbert identify those with sitivity 100 %,
B-mode tory effort) was index) and without severe specificity 85 %
considered severe diaphragmatic
dysfunction dysfunction in cardiac
patients requiring
prolonged mechani-
cal ventilation
Sanchez de Toledo Pediatric cardiac Diaphragm Semiquantitative. Dia- Fluoroscopy DU performed by inten- Performed by
[25] (2010) ICU excursion, phragmatic motion sivists allows for an specialist:
B-mode was classified as (1) early diagnosis of DD sensitivity
normal; (2) hypoki- in a pediatric cardiac 100 %, specific-
netic; (3) akinetic; and population ity 100 %.
(4) paradoxical Performed
by a trainee:
sensitivity 86 %,
specificity 94 %
Mariani [29] (2015) Medical ICU, adult Diaphragm Excursion <10 mm None Bilateral DD has a NA
patients excursion, (right) and <11 mm 24 % prevalence
B-mode (left) among ICU patients
and ventilated >7 days.
M-mode No association was
found between DD
and extubation failure.
Agreement higher for
M-mode than for 2D
Valette [28] (2015) Medical ICU, adult Diaphragm Paralysis: paradoxical None Diaphragmatic ultra- NA
patients excursion, or no movement. sonography enhances
M-mode Dysfunction: excur- detection of DD in a
sion <10 mm during medical ICU popula-
unassisted deep tion
Tdi thickness of diaphragm, TF thickening fraction, MV mechanical ventilation, DU diaphragmatic ultrasound, DD diaphragmatic dysfunction, ICU intensive care unit,
NA not assessed

pressure) in healthy subjects, finding diaphragmatic 2. To predict weaning success/failure from mechanical
excursion and thickening fraction very effective in assess- ventilation. Either diaphragm excursion or thicken-
ing the diaphragmatic function [36, 37]. ing fraction measurements performed during a spon-
In our systematic review, we found DU successfully taneous breathing trial in intubated patients have
applied in four different settings: shown good performance as weaning indexes.
3. To assess respiratory effort in mechanically ventilated
1. To diagnose dysfunction or paralysis in critically ill patients. When compared to invasive techniques
patients. DD diagnosed with ultrasound was found in such as diaphragm and esophageal time–pressure
29 % of mechanically ventilated patients without his- product (PTPdi and PTPes), the thickening fraction
tory of diaphragmatic or neuromuscular disease [20]. has shown significant correlation, thus emerging as
This finding indicates that DD is probably underesti- a new noninvasive tool to monitor respiratory work-
mated in ICU patients. load during assisted mechanical ventilation.

Table 3  Summary of studies assessing the performance of DU in predicting weaning outcome
Author Setting Measures Comparison Main findings Best cutoff to iden- Accuracy
(year) tify DD

Jiang [22] Medical ICU, adult Diaphragm excur- Traditional weaning DU (mean liver/ 11 mm Sensitivity 84.4 %,
(2004) patients sion (liver/spleen indexes (included spleen displace- specificity 82.6 %
displacement) RSBI) ment) can predict
successful extuba-
Kim [20] Medical ICU, adult Diaphragmatic RSBI Diaphragmatic dys- 14 mm (right) and Sensitivity 60 %,
(2011) patients excursion, M-mode function assessed 12 mm (left) specificity 76 %,
with DU can AUC 0.68
predict weaning
Dinino [15] ICU, adult patients Tdi and TF RSBI TF predicts extuba- 30 % Sensitivity 88 %,
(2014) tion success or specificity 71 %,
failure during AUC 0.79
breathing or pres-
sure support (∆5/5)
Ferrari [33] Adult high depend- TF RSBI TF can predict suc- 36 % Sensitivity 0.82,
(2014) ency unit cessful extubation specificity 0.88
Tdi thickness of diaphragm, TF thickening fraction, MV mechanical ventilation, DU diaphragmatic ultrasound, DD diaphragmatic dysfunction, ICU intensive care unit,
RSBI rapid shallow breathing index

Table 4  Summary of studies evaluating the accuracy of DU to assess the diaphragm muscular workload
Author (year) Setting Measures Comparison Accuracy

Lerolle [23] Cardiac ICU, adult patients Diaphragm excursion at Transdiaphragmatic pressure Maximal excursion significantly
(2009) maximal inspiratory effort (Gilbert index) correlated with Gilbert index
(through pleural effusions) (ρ = 0.64)
Vivier [19] ICU, adult patients under NIV TF Diaphragmatic pressure–time TF significantly correlated with
(2012) post-extubation product (PTPdi) PTPdi (ρ = 0.74)
Goligher [26] ICU, adult patients TF Diaphragm electrical activity TF significantly correlated with
(2015) and transdiaphragmatic diaphragm electrical activity
pressure and transdiaphragmatic pres-
sure (r2 = 0.32 and 0.28)
Umbrello [30] Surgical ICU, adult patients TF and diaphragmatic excur- Diaphragm and esophageal TF significantly correlated with
(2015) sion time–pressure product PTPdi and PTPes (r = 0.701
(PTPdi and PTPes) and 0.801). No significant
correlation for diaphragmatic
Tdi thickness of diaphragm, TF thickening fraction, MV mechanical ventilation, DU diaphragmatic ultrasound, DD diaphragmatic dysfunction, ICU intensive care unit

4. To assess the progression of atrophy in ICU mechani- Thickening fraction has shown the best performance
cally ventilated patients. Measuring thickness at the to estimate respiratory muscle workload during non-
zone of apposition in mechanically ventilated patients invasive mechanical ventilation and to predict extuba-
is the best tool to detect atrophy, one of the main fea- tion failure or success during a spontaneous breathing
tures (even if not synonymous) of dysfunction [2]. trial. The reported cutoff to predict extubation success
or failure ranged between 30 and 36 % during spontane-
The technique to measure diaphragm performance var- ous breathing trials [15, 33]. Nevertheless, thickness and
ied from subcostal assessment of inspiratory excursion to thickening fraction measurements are not always easy
assessing the muscle at the zone of apposition for thick- to perform. First, the mean thickness values are about
ness and thickening fraction measurements. The two 1.5–2 mm and therefore it needs a high frequency probe
techniques have indeed different features. (usually a 10  MHz “vascular” probe). Second, technical

difficulties with some patients (i.e., obese patients) should to patients on spontaneous breathing. Only one study
be expected. Third, the smallest measurable distance of assessed both thickening of diaphragm and excursion to
most machines is 0.1 mm, which means about 5–7 % of evaluate inspiratory muscle effort during assisted breathing
the measurement; therefore, small operator-dependent and concluded that excursion should not be used to assess
variations could influence the measurement. Fourth, it diaphragm contractility [30]. In fact, excursion is mainly
is not always possible to assess the left hemidiaphragm related to the inspired volume [37], regardless of whether it
[26, 31]. Finally, there is a lack of data about the learning depends on muscle workload or ventilator support. There-
curve to measure the thickening fraction; nevertheless, in fore, to estimate the diaphragm workload during assisted
our experience it is longer than the one to measure res- breathing thickening fraction should be measured.
piratory excursion.
On the other hand, ultrasonographic assessment of Limitations
diaphragmatic excursion is relatively easy to perform. A This systematic review has some limitations. The existing
convex cardiac or abdominal probe should be used. The studies are observational, and no randomized controlled
probe is placed between the mid-clavicular and anterior trials have been published so far on the utilization of DU
axillary lines, in the subcostal area, and directed medi- in critical care; furthermore, they are relatively small and
ally, cranially, and dorsally, so that the ultrasound beam heterogeneous, and this does not allow one to perform
reaches perpendicularly the posterior third of the dia- pooled data analysis. Even if excellent reproducibility has
phragm. The inspiratory and expiratory cranio-caudal been reported in most of the studies, attention should be
displacement of the diaphragm respectively shortens and drawn to the fact that statistical gold standard to assess
lengthens the probe–diaphragm distance. To measure reproducibility (i.e., Bland–Altman limits of agreement)
diaphragmatic excursion, M-mode has been shown to be was reported only in one publication [34]. Data on learn-
more reproducible than B-mode [29]. ing curves for DU are lacking, especially for thickening
Movement is usually better appreciated on the right fraction measurements.
side, while on the left side the descending lung, bowel, Only three studies compare DU with transdiaphrag-
and gas interposition during inspiration often hide the matic pressure, a measure of the diaphragm’s force-
diaphragm. generating capacity. Therefore, the relationship between
The best cutoff to diagnose DD with diaphragmatic diaphragm thickening or inspiratory excursion and
excursion measurements ranged from 10 to 14  mm dur- strength of the diaphragm should be further investigated.
ing normal spontaneous breathing and 25  mm for maxi- Nevertheless, clearly all the retrieved articles support DU
mal inspiratory effort. It should be noted that excursion as a useful tool for respiratory muscle monitoring in criti-
as an index of diaphragmatic function should be limited cally ill patients.

Table 5  Summary of studies assessing diaphragm atrophy in mechanically ventilated patients

Author (year) Setting Patients (n) Main findings

Grosu [16] (2012) ICU, mechanically ventilated adult 7 DU allowed assessment of decrease in Tdi during MV. Diaphragm
patients thickness decreased on average 6 % per day of MV
Cartwright [17] (2013) Medical ICU, adult patients 16 Diaphragm thickness did not vary significantly
Baldwin [18] (2014) ICU septic adult patients 16 Survivors of sepsis and a period of mechanical ventilation may have
respiratory muscle weakness without remarkable diaphragm
Goligher [27] (2015) ICU, adult patients 107 Changes in Tdi are common in mechanically ventilated patients and
may be associated with DD. Over the first week of MV, thickness
decreased in 44 %, did not vary in 44 %, and increased in 10 % of
patients. Thickness did not vary in nonventilated patients
Schepens [32] (2015) ICU, adult patients 54 Diaphragm atrophy occurs quickly after onset of MV and can be
accurately monitored with DU. Mean baseline thickness was
1.9 mm, and mean nadir was 1.3 mm, corresponding to a mean
change in thickness of 32 %. Length of mechanical ventilation was
associated with the degree of atrophy
Zambon [31] (2016) ICU, adult patients 40 There is a linear relationship between ventilator support and dia-
phragmatic atrophy rate. Daily atrophy rate ranged from −7.5 %
under CMV to +2.3 % during SB
Tdi thickness of diaphragm, TF thickening fraction, MV mechanical ventilation, CMV controlled mechanical ventilation, SB spontaneous breathing, DU diaphragmatic
ultrasound, DD diaphragmatic dysfunction, ICU intensive care unit

Conclusions 9. Ueki J, De Bruin PF, Pride NB (1995) In vivo assessment of diaphragm

contraction by ultrasound in normal subjects. Thorax 50:1157–1161
DU has shown to be useful and accurate in diagnosing 10. Boussuges A, Gole Y, Blanc P (2009) Diaphragmatic motion studied by
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11. Gottesman E, McCool FD (1997) Ultrasound evaluation of the paralyzed
ing fraction. Current literature suggests the use of DU to diaphragm. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 155:1570–1574
detect diaphragmatic dysfunction in critically ill patients, 12. Matamis D, Soilemezi E, Tsagourias M et al (2013) Sonographic evaluation
to predict extubation success or failure, to monitor res- of the diaphragm in critically ill patients. Technique and clinical applica-
tions. Intensive Care Med 39:801–810
piratory workload, and to assess atrophy in patients who 13. Zambon M, Cabrini L, Beccaria P et al (2013) Ultrasound in critically ill
are mechanically ventilated. Randomized controlled patients: focus on diaphragm. Intensive Care Med 39:986
studies are needed to assess if the use of DU to guide 14. Whiting PF, Rutjes AW, Westwood ME et al (2011) QUADAS-2 Group.
(2011) QUADAS-2: a revised tool for the quality assessment of diagnostic
clinical decisions may influence outcomes in critically ill accuracy studies. Ann Intern Med 155(8):529–536
patients. 15. Dinino E, Gartman EJ, Sethi JM et al (2014) Diaphragm ultrasound as a
predictor of successful extubation from mechanical ventilation. Thorax
Electronic supplementary material 69:431–435
The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00134-016-4524-z) contains 16. Grosu HB, Lee YI, Lee J et al (2012) Diaphragm muscle thinning in patients
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