Scan May 18, 2021
Scan May 18, 2021
Scan May 18, 2021
(to be
Mourad considered crazy
by everybody? Cite.
Q1. Why was
adventurousand crazy
of the tribe's ancestors.
He did things which others o wo
famous for its never
doing. The tribe
was ho.
a horse. He did so in orden.
honesty an
integrity but Mourad stole to satisfy
his urge for horse-riding.
Q2. Why did the narrator rub his eyes when he looked
ked outside
through the window? Or
white hoOrsa
Aram rubbed his eyes because he could not believe
what hr
saw.He and Mourad belonged to a poor family and
could never
afford buy horse but here was Mourad
to a
on a sitting horset
was too good to be true.
Q3. Explain: "Mourad enjoyed being alive more than anybody else
who had ever fallen into the world by mistake".
This line rightly sums up Mourad's character. He did not
in suppressing and curbing his desires. He believed
in fulfilling
them. He wanted to live each moment of his life to the fullest as
is exemplified by his stealing a horse to enjoy ridingit.
04. Why were the Garoghlanian family members first proud and
then honest? Or
What was the chief hallmark of the Garoghlanian tribe?
For the Garoghlaniarn family their name i.e. family honour caue
first of all. They were known for their
honesty and integny
upholding the family name was of utmost importance them. o
stureCompanion 11
c e n t u r i e s .
B.T don't want both of us to be liars". How could both Aram and
Mourad be liars? What is ironical about this statement?
month but
riding the stolen horse for over
Mourad had been
did not wish to admit the fact in the event of his theft being
und out. Although Aram had come to know this fact,
should say that he
Oa him to pretend that he did not. Instead he
ha been that morning. This way Aram
riding the horse since
Aram's reply will be
o d be
speaking the truth. Ironically
much a lie as Mourad's would be.
218 Literature Companior
gentle at heart and never meant any harm to anybody. To all the
problems his attitude was: 'pay no attention to it.
Q10. Where would the boys hide the horse after enjoying their ride?
After enjoying the horse ride the boys would take it to a deserted
vineyard. There in a barn they would tie it. They wanted to keep
it away from the prying eyes of the world because they were
afraid that if anybody saw it their family name and honour
would be soiled. Moreover, they wanted to enjoy riding the
horse forquite sometime.
Q15. Why did Aram remark: "A man could be the father of his son's
flesh butthat did not mean he was also the father of his
Aram, the narrator of the story made this remark in the context
of his cousin Mourad inheriting his uncle Khosrove's
personality traits, although his father was Zorab. The narrator
believed that a son may resemble his father in body but may
exhibit quite a different character. Mourad's father was practical
but his uncle Khosrove was irritable, impatient and a little crazy
- personality traits t h a t M o u r a d also had. Such deviation in
beautiful white
horse which Mourad has
enjoyed riding a
farmer John Byro. It was a va
stolen from the barn of the
experience both for
the boys as well as the horse, whoose
health and temperament considerably improved during thi
time. This beautiful time, however, came to an abrupt end who
tful owner. Thtse
the boys were seen with the horse by its rightfu Thus
the title is very apt and suggestive.
Q1. Did the boys return the horse because they were conscience.
stricken or because they were afraid?
What prompted the boys to return the horse family values or
fear of being caught and punished? Give reasons in support of
your answer.
taken for the joy of riding, it was not stealing. One day the boys
were in for trouble. While returning after a ride that day they
came face to face with John Byro who recognised the horse to
about the
his, but could not say anything because he knew
family's honesty. Now they were left with no choice but
returnthe horse because their family's name and honour
stake and they did not want to bring a bad repute to ittn
h e yr e t u r n e d
its rightful owner. Thus, it is
no ars of ionominy and mix of family values
uncle Khosrove
a n dM o u r a d ?
nobody could altar his way of thinking. Yet he was good at heart.
Similarly, Mourad was also one of his own kind. He was daring,
full of exuberance and mischief. He did what he wanted. He
broke or altered family rules according to his convenience.
Though he knew that his family was known for honesty, he
risked it and stole a horse to enjoy riding it. However, this act of
stealing does not in any way make him a villain as the theft was
not performed with any evil intentions. It was merely a childish
Mourad was reckless, carefree and happy-go-lucky. He handled
John Byro - the owner of the horse so very deftly that the man
was convinced that the horse was the twin of his horse. Mourad
nad his way with horses, birds and men alike. On the whole, he
Tolen horse? What light does the incident throw on his character?
farmer noticed the horse and enquired about its name. Mourad
replied that the horse's name was 'My Heart'. Byro recognised
i t to be his own horse that was stolen many weeks ago, He
Q4. What moral lessons do you learn from the story, "The Summer of
the Beautiful White Horse"?
The story "The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse" has many
moral lessons to teach. The first and foremost lesson we can
Bvro, for example, did recognize the horse to be his but since he
had tremendous faith in the Garoghlanian family's honesty, he r
tald himself that the horse must be a twin of his horse and went
head. This way the boys escaped an unsavoury situation. This 1
incident also prompted them to acknowledge that it was wrong
to take Byro's horse for rides without his permission and
knowledge. Finally, one more lesson that we can learn is that we
must never give in to temptations just like Mourad does,
for they lead to sin, and sin in turn leads to ignominy and
05. Mourad seems to have a way with animals, birds and farmers.
What other qualities does he have and what different values
weave the fabric of his character?
Mourad truly has a way with animals, birds and farmers. He is
able to ride the horse as he likes, goes bathing in the pond with it,
can control it at will and for months on enjoys riding it. While he
does so, he takes a good care of the animal, too. Similarly, hurt
birds get healed in his hands and even people who have reasons
to be furious with him behave in a gentle way. For example, John
Bryo, the owner of the horse Mourad has stolen, one day finds
him and his cousin riding it, but dare not claim it to be his own
because he believes Mourad when he claims the horse to be his.
the horse. I
allowed to go
the i s
scot-free for his act ofstealing
must have taken
am sure
to tast
the Garoghlanian
family for his
misadventure and musthave suitably punished himand Aram,
the narrator.
You will probably agree that this story does not have reathless
D6. adventure and exciting action. What in your opinion makec tit
interesting? (Textual)
definitely does not contain any breathlace
Yes, the story
action but William Saroyan has given an
adventure and exciting
of young children's minds. He peeps
insight into the working
and longings of children who, like
into the thoughts, desires
Mourad grimly aware of their poverty background, try
and to
have to give it up
achieve what they want to but eventually
honour and values.
because of their family circumstances,
The story is told in a simple and straight but engaging
narrative technique suits
It keeps moving very smoothly. Such a
the easy going characters of the narrator,
his cousin Mourad and
Uncle Khosrove.
He is crazy about
The story starts with the prank by Mourad.
horses and steals a horse to enjoy riding it. He also invites
cousin Aram, the narrator, to join him. Both of them naiv
justify the stealing by convincing themselves that they
takenit for riding and not for selling. Theirjoy ride
f the
days together but eventually it is found out by the owner
horse, John Byro. Seeing that the pride and honesty
order to
is at stake they secretly return the horse to Byro in
the name of their clan and tribe unblemished.
Literature Companion 17