TOKYO GAME SHOW 2009 Detailed Information
TOKYO GAME SHOW 2009 Detailed Information
TOKYO GAME SHOW 2009 Detailed Information
The Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association (CESA; Chairman: Yoichi Wada; Location: Minato-ku,
Tokyo) and Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. (Nikkei BP; President & CEO: Yasuo Hirata; Location:
Minato-ku, Tokyo) are pleased to announce further details of the TOKYO GAME SHOW 2009, which will
be held over a four-day period between Thursday, September 24 and Sunday, September 27, 2009 at
Makuhari Messe in Chiba City.
The Game Science Museum, which will exhibit game technologies, histories, and trends, will be set up
this year in Halls 2, 4, and 8 (Kids’ Area). Hall 2 will feature games related to sengoku samurai (feudal
warlords), a theme that has recently been enjoying great popularity in Japan, as well as an exhibition of
the armor and helmets of nine of the most popular Japanese warlords, with an analysis of this trend. Hall 4
will exhibit the structure of the latest game consoles in an easy-to-understand way, and introduce the
latest technology being applied to gaming. The Kids’ Area will show how game character graphics have
evolved in a way easily understandable for children.
- Hall 2 Exhibition
(supported by: KOEI Co., Ltd.; CAPCOM Co., Ltd.; Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture; Shiraishi City,
Miyagi Prefecture; et al.)
There will be a free gaming section featuring the “SAMURAI WARRIORS” series and “Sengoku BASARA”
series, which triggered the current sengoku samurai boom, and other sengoku samurai-related games, as
well as an exhibition explaining secrets behind the popularity of these games.
Armor and other items related to nine of the most popular sengoku warlords – including Uesugi Kenshin,
Naoe Kanetsugu, Oda Nobunaga, and Date Masamune – will also be displayed. We are particularly
grateful to Ueda City and Shiraishi City, for their assistance with the Sanada Yukimura and Katakura
TOKYO GAME SHOW official website:
For more information or inquiries on this press release for the members of the media:
TOKYO GAME SHOW Management Office Press Room
Fax: +81-3-3551-4123 / E-mail:
For more information or inquiries on the TOKYO GAME SHOW 2009 for the general public:
Kojuro exhibits, respectively. Special displays on these two samurai will include armor and other related
artifacts and special goods.
- Hall 4 Exhibition
(supported by: Nikkei Electronics, et al.)
The Game Science Museum in Hall 4, titled “Understanding the Science of Gaming,” is planned and
supported by the editorial departments of Nikkei BP’s specialized magazines. It will exhibit the
technologies applied to the latest home gaming consoles in an easy-to-understand way.
- Hall 8 Exhibition
(supported by: Nikkei Kids Plus)
The Kids’ Area is organized by the Nikkei Kids Plus editorial team and will help children learn about the
evolution of game character graphics. There will be the “Pixel Art Competition” for children, and kids are
invited to draw their originally created game characters (in pixel art) on the designated form and submit
their works. The winners will be announced later in the Nikkei Kids Plus magazine and will be presented
with original items with pixel art on.
SENSE OF WONDER NIGHT (SOWN) is a new project introduced last year at the TOKYO GAME SHOW,
in cooperation with the International Game Developers Association Japan Chapter(IGDA Japan;
Representative: Kiyoshi Shin).
The objective of SOWN is to discover new game ideas that will catch people by surprise and give them a
“Sense of Wonder” – a sense that something will change in their world – right at the instant of seeing or
hearing the concept. It spotlights motivated game developers by providing them with an opportunity to
present their new game ideas and prototypes.
There were a total of 65 entries to SOWN 2009 from 18 countries and regions, and 10 ideas have been
selected for presentation: 6 from Japan, 2 from the U.S.A., and one each from Australia and Sweden. The
selection was made by the SOWN 2009 Screening Committee consisting of 5 members in Japan and one
from abroad.
These 10 ideas will be presented on September 25 (Tue) at the SOWN 2009 special stage. All Business
Day visitors (visitors with a Business Day entry pass) are invited to the presentation.
All Tokyo Game Show 2009 Business Day entry pass holders (pre-registration required) are welcome
to attend the SOWN 2009 presentations. For more information, please see Media Info on the SOWN
2009 official website (http://tgs/
Titles Developer(s) Nationality
Ball Carry Takuya Ono Japan
ecolpit misi Japan
Hazard – The Journey of Life Alexander Bruce Australia
His and Her Disconnected Conversations Himo Japan
Incompatible BLOCK Jun Fujiki Japan
para rail Kuniaki Watanabe and Onitama Japan
(ZENER WORKS Inc./Team OniKu)
Shadow Physics Enemy Airship USA
Swarm Racer 3000 Joseph White (Lexaloffle Games) Japan
Transcend Zach Aikman (Fishbeat) USA
You Only Live Once Marcus Richert Sweden
*The presentations are listed in alphabetical order of the titles.
*You can find more details on the SOWN 2009 official website (http://tgs/
*Please note that the presentations are subject to cancellation upon request of the entrant’s.
As of August 18th, we had received a total of 493 titles from 55 exhibitors. Of these, 456 titles that are
ready to be announced are summarized below. They include 256 titles for the newly introduced “Advanced
Mobile & PC” section. Compared to the summary last year, there are more titles for the mobile phone
platform, and as a result, games that can be played rather quickly, such as puzzles and action games,
have increased.
For more information or inquiries on this press release for the members of the media:
TOKYO GAME SHOW Management Office Press Room
Fax: +81-3-3551-4123 / E-mail:
For more information or inquiries on the TOKYO GAME SHOW 2009 for the general public: