The Quality Teacher Is Never An Accident - Jay T.
The Quality Teacher Is Never An Accident - Jay T.
The Quality Teacher Is Never An Accident - Jay T.
Pandemic caused a lot of changes in the academic world. Some find it hard to adjust to the
new system of education which is the ODL or Online Distance Learning, while some others don’t
want to pursue their academic goals. Many people don’t know how to survive in the middle of the
crisis that we are facing today. DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones stated, “We have COVID, we have
a crisis, but life goes on, so you continue building your schools, you continue enrolling the children,
continue teaching them even we are facing this very difficult challenge” (2021). Education should not
stop but continue. Do not let pandemic be the hindrance for the learning of the Filipino students.
Teachers should not think that because of pandemic, they become less effective, because the quality
of their teaching is not only perceived through face-to-face classes but beyond it. The quality teacher
is never an accident; it is something that can be developed through the teacher’s love for his profession
A quality teacher is never an accident; he is an effective, fair, and self-motivated person that
he can be through his love for his profession. A teacher is effective when he performed his duty as a
teacher, and, the learners learn from him. The effectiveness of the teacher is not only inside but also
outside the classroom. Some of the teachers tend to not care about their student once their class
schedule is done. Being an effective teacher is like a gold; he is rare and of high value. A quality teacher
is fair, no favoritism towards the students because it is the reason why some students prefer not to
attend the class anymore. During my elementary days, I was able to observe favoritism from my former
teacher. Because of comparison and unequal attention that she gave her students, many of us were
not motivated to attend her class. Some students cut classes, while some did not listen during her
discussions. It is important for the teachers to know how to be fair in treating their students. There
should be no room for favoritism. It is the reason why there is a negative student-teacher relationship.
Lastly, a quality teacher should be self-motivated. His motivation comes from himself instead of
materialistic or extrinsic motivation. If his motivation comes from outside, there will always be an
expectation and he will easily loss interest in teaching. But if his motivation comes from within, he
will always be eager and excited to perform his duties and responsibilities without expecting for
anything in return. To develop these characteristics, the teacher must love his profession. His love will
I intend to be a quality teacher because I want my future students to realize the value of
education. Education does not mean you are in school to study academic endeavor, but education
means holistic learning. Students learn not only subject matter but also way of life. As a student I
realize that education is valuable. There came in my life that I wanted to stop pursue my education
because of my age, but education is not only for the young. Education is for all of us no matter what
age you are in or what your status is in life. This is the reason why I intend to finish my studies and
become a quality teacher. It is easy to say “teacher” but it is hard to find the quality teacher. All teachers
can teach but not all teachers can deliver quality teaching. This is one of my reasons why I want to be
a quality teacher. To become one, I will try to develop the qualities of an effective teacher while I am
still studying.
The course Observation and Participation will be my means to achieve my professional goal — to
be a quality teacher. This course is just a beginning of my journey towards my profession-. I will learn
how the teacher prepares for the lessons, motivates the students, executes the lesson plans, manages
the classrooms, and the like. It is important for my learning as a future educator about the routines
and activities that the teachers go through. As I observed from my former teachers, before they teach,
they are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared. It is important to every educator
how to manage their lessons until the end of their discussions. By this course, Observation and
Participation will be a big help for me to prepare and be a good and quality teacher someday. It is very
responsible for their safety and well-being as well as their learning. The parents entrusted their young
in the hands of their teachers, not only for the education but also for their safety. I must check the
surroundings of the students regularly to make sure that the place is safe whether it is face-to-face or
online class. Aside from the place, I must also monitor the students themselves for sometimes they
are the ones who bring themselves into danger. It is important to check the status of every student
whether they are well or not, mentally. As a student teacher I am also expected to engage students in
learning content through activities, assignments, and other related tasks. Through preparing ahead of
time, I, as student teacher will give the activities that are well-planned. The materials such as visual
aids, props, and other learning material that I will use in my lessons should be creative. As we all know,
students are fond of aesthetics that are attractive to the eyes. Therefore, I must use this kind of
Aside from the students, I am responsible with my cooperating teacher, the institution, and
my profession as well. The student teachers are expected to be responsive to the suggestions of their
cooperating teachers and follow the instructions at all times. It is important to follow the instruction
set by my cooperating teacher because it will help me to grow. It may be a simple instruction but what
my cooperating teacher will advise me is going to be valuable. Their advises come from their
experiences. The institution where I will be immersed in has a set of rules and regulations that need
to be followed. It is very important to every institution to set rules or policies that will be followed
not only by the students but also by the teachers. I, as a student teacher must follow these rules or
policies because this will observe my obedience. Following instructions, policies, or rules start with
the teacher. If the teacher expects the students to follow, then it should also be expected from him.
Whether it is a small or big matter, following these can create a big impact to the institution. If they
can trust you in the small things, how much more in the bigger things? That is why following rules is
significant. It is like the famous quote that says, “A good leader is a good follower” — teachers are
the role models who must also be followers like the students. While I am still in the process of
transitioning from a student into a professional teacher, I also have a responsibility to set expectations
from my profession and myself. I must be willing to accept every challenge that I will encounter so
that I would be prepared when I become a professional. At the same time, I must practice
professionalism at all times. I must be careful with my thoughts, my words, and my actions.
The biggest reward that I want to receive as a teacher is that I will see my student succeed in
their dreams. Like a parent who want their child to attain their ambition in life, I, as a future
professional teacher also want the students to reach their dream. It would feel amazing to see my
students who became successful not only because they are professional but because of their
achievements. It is very important for the students to realize the value of education while they are in
the process of learning. Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he
is old he will not depart from it.” Therefore, as a teacher, I will instill in the mind of the students the
value of education so that wherever they go, they will not forget it. Through this, the students will
achieve their dreams. To witness them becoming successful, I can say that my efficacy and quality as
a teacher were proven. As a teacher it would be an honor to know that my students treasured what I
taught them by applying the wisdom and the knowledge that they gained from it. They may not
remember me but my words remain in them. I want to become an inspiration to my future students
and be able to touch their lives even after they graduate. The change or improvement of their
perspective on the different matters in life will be reflected on who they will be in the future.
The quality teacher is never an accident because it takes different factors that will make a
teacher a quality and effective one. There are different processes, preparations, and experiences that
to develop as a quality teacher. Aspiring teachers will go through processes which gives them an
opportunity to develop the characteristics of a quality teacher. One of these would be the courses that
we take as college students such as Principles of Teaching, Assessment of Learning, and Observation and
Participation. We can gain knowledge from these courses which we can apply when we become teachers.
These will allow us to prepare ourselves before we enter the real world of teaching. But other than the
mental preparation, I must also be emotionally and spiritually prepared. It takes a student’s
commitment and passion for him to become a quality teacher. These two things will help me to accept
possible challenges and keep me pursuing my dream. Most importantly, my love for this profession
will keep me eager to serve as a teacher. Without this, I cannot continue when problems take place
that can affect my performance. This course, Observation and Participation, is the stepping stone for
aspiring teachers like me to become a professional. Being able to observe and experience the
preparations, activities, and other things that teachers go through might only be a glimpse into the
world of teaching, but it will be a big help for me to develop personally and professionally. To achieve
my dream for my future students, to value education because of the quality teacher that I have become,
is my biggest motivation.