CB4303 Strategy & Policy: Department of Management

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The key takeaways are that this course provides an introduction to strategic management concepts and tools. It aims to help students understand how firms can gain and sustain competitive advantage. The course will use lectures, case studies and tutorials to explore strategic frameworks and analyze real business problems.

The main teaching methods used are lectures, case studies and tutorials. Lectures will explore strategic concepts and frameworks. Case studies examine real business problems. Tutorials review material and allow discussion. Student preparation, participation and engagement are important.

The assessment components are a group project (30%), lecture participation (30%), and a final exam (40%). The group project involves a written report. Lecture participation includes attendance, discussion contributions and an interim exercise. The final exam will contain multiple choice and essay questions.

CB4303 Strategy & Policy

Semester A 2021-2022
Class time: Monday 12:00-1:50PM (C02) / Wednesday 1:00-2:50PM
Department of Management
(C01), Venue: Zoom / Tutorials in respective times and locations
Professor: Yoojung Ahn
Office: 10F-260
Phone: 3442-3619
E-mail: yoojung.ahn@cityu.edu.hk
Office hours: Wednesday 11:00AM-12:00PM or by appointment


This course is an introduction to the major concepts and analytical tools within the field of
strategy and policy. The main objective of the course is to help the students understand the
reasons that allow a firm to outperform its competitors and sustain its superior performance
over the long run. Designed as a capstone course, this course builds upon the concepts and
knowledge in accounting, economics, finance, marketing, and operations management to
develop students’ ability to assess the strategic issues of a company both critically and

The course is conducted as a combination of (1) full-online lectures and case studies, and (2)
face-to-face tutorials. The lectures explore the various concepts and framework used to
understand strategy. The case studies examine the complex problems a firm will face in today’s
rapidly changing environments. The tutorials will review the lessons through group
exercises/presentations and discussion questions.


By completing this course, students will:

• Learn the key strategic framework and analytical tools relating to the development of a
business or a corporate strategy.
• Get exposed to real-world strategic business problems in national and global contexts.
• Learn to incorporate knowledge and skills learned from various disciplines to improve
their strategy making skills.
• Be capable of conducting a thorough analysis of strategic issues by identifying the
problems faced by a company, formulating strategic alternatives, and evaluating these
alternatives to recommend strategic implementation plans.
• Develop a set of skills important to the successful performance in a company, including
critical thinking, managing strategic business problems, working in a group, and oral/
written presentation skills.

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This course consists of a combination of lectures and tutorials. The lectures will focus on
exploring and understanding the strategic concepts and framework surrounding the field of
strategy. Reading the assigned textbook chapters before each lecture is strongly recommended.
The case studies provide the students with opportunities to learn from the experience of real
companies. For effective learning, student preparation, presence, and participation are essential
for this teaching method to work. To prepare for the case, students need to place themselves
into the strategic dilemma depicted in the case material, decide the best course of action under
the particular circumstance, and explain the rationale behind the proposed solution and action
plans. In the discussion, students are required to carefully consider their peers’ opinion, engage
each other’s ideas, and back up his/her arguments with the facts of the case. Collective
analyzing and discussing, as well as active engagement, are critical to this part of the course.

The tutorials will help students review the material learned in the lectures and provide them
with a chance to ask questions to the tutors about concepts and further clarifications that are
needed. In addition, tutorials will have group exercises, discussion, and group presentations.


Textbook (Available for purchase at the CityU bookstore): Frank T. Rothaermel. Strategic
Management: Concepts 5th edition, McGraw-Hill Education.
E-book ISBN: 9781307616514 (Purchase instruction posted on Canvas)

Casepack ($USD 12.75): 3 cases to be purchased by students directly from the following link:
(Student registration required)

Others: Other readings and articles required by the instructor.

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The grade for this course will be computed from the following components (each component
is described in more detail below):
• 30% Group project (presentation & report)
• 30% Lecture/tutorial participation, interim review exercise & discussion boards
• 40% Final exam

Group project (30%)

Over the course of the semester, students will select a strategic problem that a company is
facing, and formulate the solution to address the issue. The project should be done in a group
of about 4-5 members. Please choose your group members on Week 4 during tutorials and self-
assign groups on Canvas. You will be required to submit a group project proposal (choice of
company + a short reason for this choice) by Week 6. Once approved by your tutor, you may
proceed with the project.
The project must include three major sections:
• Identify a company issue (What is happening): Identify and describe a strategic
problem that a company is facing. The strategy problem creates significant uncertainty
about the company’s future competitive position and success.
• Analyze the issue (Why is it happening): Examine the external and internal factors
that result in the company issue. You will need to identify the relevant strategic players
involved in the industry, which will often include more than just competitors (e.g.
• Recommendation (How to solve it): Formulate and recommend a strategy to address
the company issue, and justify your strategy with proper action plans. Your proposed
strategy should be realistic, and demonstrate that you have thought carefully about the
company and its circumstances.

Students should base on the materials and insights learned from the course to conduct the
analysis. In deciding the company to investigate, students can select one that is small, medium,
or large in size. The company can also be in the for-profit or the non-profit segments. In cases
where the company selected is a large organization with a wide variety of divisions in different
industries, you can investigate just one division for this research project (e.g., “the beauty care
division at the P&G company” is more manageable for your study than “the P&G company”).
The students can base the project report on secondary data, including annual reports, magazines,
newspaper, and database, etc. Conducting personal interviews with credible sources is
permitted, although not required.

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The group project and presentation will be evaluated by two parts:

Presentation (15%): Group presentations will be scheduled during tutorials. Students are
required to share their analysis in a 25 presentation, which consists of a 15-20 minute
PowerPoint presentation and a 5 minute Q&A session after the presentation. All members of
the group are required to present.
Report (15%): Each group will submit a project report incorporating the comments received
during the presentation on Canvas one week after the presentation date. The report should be
between 15-20 pages (double-spaced, one inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font),
excluding figures, tables, and references. The report will be evaluated based on its argument
and its written quality. Late assignment is subject to 5% penalty per calendar day after the due

Lecture/tutorial participation & discussion boards (30%)

Students will be assessed will be evaluated based on; 1) attendance and active engagement and
quality of contribution to the lectures/tutorials (15%) and Canvas discussion boards (5%) and
a 2) interim revision exercise (10%). Please note that all lectures will be conducted via Zoom
in real-time while tutorials will be held face-to-face. Please make sure you attend both lectures
and tutorials to get full credit on attendance and participate in group discussions and exercises.
If you do not attend live online lectures and face-to-face tutorials, you will get 0 points for
this component of your grade (no exceptions).

The interim revision exercise will be available on Canvas on Week 8 during tutorials to make
sure you have learned the main concepts of the first four chapters. Details of this exercise will
be announced in class.

Students’ contributions to the class discussions are evaluated based on the quality and quantity
(i.e., frequency) of comments and questions. Other indicators of active engagement include
taking initiatives or risks of bringing up relevant questions and issues, prior preparation of cases
or class exercises and/or submitting class exercises on time. Assessment is based on in-tutorial

Final Exam (40%)

The final exam takes place on a date schedule by the University. The exam will be a
combination of multiple-choice and essay questions. The final exam will be closed book. The
final exam is expected to be conducted face-to-face.

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Students must observe the University’s policy on academic honesty in all areas relating to the
course. Students are expected to fully read and understand the section Academic Honesty-
Student Conduct & Behaviour of the City University Student Code of Conduct, and the section
University Intellectual Property Policy and Related Matters stated in the City University Rules
and Regulations. Any allegation of academic dishonesty will be referred to the appropriate
University Officer for action and proven offence will subject to the disciplinary procedures
stated in the Code of Student Conduct.

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Week Topics Assignments for Lecture Tutorials

1 Introduction & What is Strategy? Chapter 1
Intro & Icebreaking
Strategic Leadership: Managing
2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Review and
the Strategy Process
Conducting External and Internal Analysis
External Analysis: Industry Group Exercise:
Chapter 3
3 Structure, Competitive Forces, PESTEL & Five Forces*
Discussion board #1 due
and Strategic Groups
Mid-Autumn Festival (NO Watch ‘Print the Legend’ Chapter 3 Review & Q&A
4 Group Formation Due
LECTURE) Discussion board #2 due
Group Exercise:
5 Case 1: Tesla Read case BEFORE lecture EV Industry External
Internal Analysis: Resources, Chapter 4 Review & Q&A
6 Capabilities, and Core Chapter 4 Group Project Proposal
Competencies Due on Canvas
Group Discussion:
7 Case 2: Lego Read case BEFORE lecture Resource-based view
Formulating and Implementing Strategy
Business Strategy: Chapter 6 Review of Interim Review
8 Differentiation, Cost Leadership, Interim Review Exercise on Exercise
and Blue Oceans Canvas (Chap 1-4)
Business Strategy: Innovation, Chapter 6, 7 Review &
9 Chapter 7 Q&A
Entrepreneurship, and Platforms

Corporate Strategy: Vertical Chapter 8 Group Presentations

Integration & Diversification Discussion board #3 due

Corporate Strategy: Strategic Group Presentations

11 Chapter 9
Alliances & M&A
Read case BEFORE lecture Group Presentations
12 Case 3: Sony
Chapter 10 Group Presentations
13 Global Strategy & Class wrap-up

- End -

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