En TissueLyser LT Handbook

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May 2009

TissueLyser LT Handbook

For disruption of up to 12 biological samples

Sample & Assay Technologies

QIAGEN Sample and Assay Technologies
QIAGEN is the leading provider of innovative sample and assay technologies,
enabling the isolation and detection of contents of any biological sample. Our
advanced, high-quality products and services ensure success from sample to
QIAGEN sets standards in:
„ Purification of DNA, RNA, and proteins
„ Nucleic acid and protein assays
„ microRNA research and RNAi
„ Automation of sample and assay technologies
Our mission is to enable you to achieve outstanding success and
breakthroughs. For more information, visit www.qiagen.com.
Product Contents 4
Storage 4
Product Use Limitations 4
Product Warranty and Satisfaction Guarantee 4
Technical Assistance 5
Safety Information 5
Introduction 6
Principle 6
Applications 6
QIAGEN Supplementary Protocols 11
Equipment and Reagents to Be Supplied by User 12
Important Notes 13
General remarks on disruption and homogenization 13
Disruption and homogenization using the TissueLyser LT 13
Disruption and homogenization in Buffer RLT Plus 16
„ Purification of RNA or Multiple Analytes from Animal and
Human Tissues 17
„ Purification of RNA from Plant Tissues 19
„ Purification of RNA from Bacteria 21
„ Purification of RNA from Yeast 22
„ Purification of DNA from Animal and Human Tissues 23
„ Purification of DNA from Plant Tissues 25
„ Purification of Protein from Animal and Human Tissues 27
Appendix A: TissueLyser LT Accessories 29
Appendix B: Automated Solutions 30
Ordering Information 32

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 3

Product Contents
TissueLyser LT
Catalog no. 85600
TissueLyser LT (100–240 V, 50/60 Hz) 1
Power Supply (24 V) 1
Cable Set (for different countries) 1
Allen Key 1
User Manual 1
Handbook 1

Important: The TissueLyser LT must be used in combination with the

TissueLyser LT Adapter, 12-Tube (cat. no. 69980), which is available

The TissueLyser LT should be stored upright in a dry environment at 5–40°C.

Product Use Limitations

The TissueLyser LT is intended for molecular biology applications. This product
is neither intended for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease, nor
has it been validated for such use either alone or in combination with other
products. Therefore, the performance characteristics of the product for clinical
use (i.e., diagnostic, prognostic, therapeutic, or blood banking) are unknown.
All due care and attention should be exercised in the handling of the products.
We recommend all users of QIAGEN® products to adhere to the NIH guidelines
that have been developed for recombinant DNA experiments, or to other
applicable guidelines.

Product Warranty and Satisfaction Guarantee

QIAGEN guarantees the performance of all products in the manner described
in our product literature. The purchaser must determine the suitability of the
product for its particular use. Should any product fail to perform satisfactorily
due to any reason other than misuse, QIAGEN will replace it free of charge or
refund the purchase price. We reserve the right to change, alter, or modify any
product to enhance its performance and design. If a QIAGEN product does not

4 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

meet your expectations, simply call your local Technical Service Department or
distributor. We will credit your account or exchange the product — as you wish.
Separate conditions apply to QIAGEN scientific instruments, service products,
and to products shipped on dry ice. Please inquire for more information.
A copy of QIAGEN terms and conditions can be obtained on request, and is
also provided on the back of our invoices. If you have questions about product
specifications or performance, please call QIAGEN Technical Services or your
local distributor (see back cover or visit www.qiagen.com).

Technical Assistance
At QIAGEN, we pride ourselves on the quality and availability of our technical
support. Our Technical Service Departments are staffed by experienced
scientists with extensive practical and theoretical expertise in sample and assay
technologies and the use of QIAGEN products. If you have any questions or
experience any difficulties regarding the TissueLyser LT or QIAGEN products in
general, please do not hesitate to contact us.
QIAGEN customers are a major source of information regarding advanced or
specialized uses of our products. This information is helpful to other scientists as
well as to the researchers at QIAGEN. We therefore encourage you to contact
us if you have any suggestions about product performance or new applications
and techniques.
For technical assistance and more information, please see our Technical
Support Center at www.qiagen.com/Support or call one of the QIAGEN
Technical Service Departments or local distributors (see back cover or visit

Safety Information
When working with chemicals, always wear a suitable lab coat, disposable
gloves, and protective goggles. For more information, please consult the
appropriate material safety data sheets (MSDSs). These are available online in
convenient and compact PDF format at www.qiagen.com/Support/MSDS.aspx
where you can find, view, and print the MSDS for each QIAGEN kit and kit
24-hour emergency information
Emergency medical information in English, French, and German can be
obtained 24 hours a day from:
Poison Information Center Mainz, Germany
Tel: +49-6131-19240

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 5


The TissueLyser LT provides rapid and efficient disruption of up to 12 biological
samples, including animal and human tissues, plant tissues, bacteria, and
yeast. Disruption and homogenization are achieved through the beating and
grinding effect of beads on the sample material as they are shaken together in
2 ml sample tubes.
Disruption is critically important in order to release the nucleic acids from the
sample material. Homogenization of the material acts to shear carbohydrates
that may otherwise reduce binding of DNA and RNA to silica membranes or
magnetic particles. Sample disruption using, for example, a mortar and pestle
does not result in efficient homogenization. The TissueLyser LT both disrupts and
homogenizes sample material in one simple and reliable step.
The TissueLyser LT is easily programmed to provide variable speeds from 15 to
50 Hz (900–3000 oscillations/minute) and run times from 1 second to 1 hour
59 minutes.

The ability to process up to 12 samples per run makes the TissueLyser LT the
ideal front-end solution to access biological information for genomics,
transcriptomics, and proteomics applications.
The TissueLyser LT enables fast and uniform disruption of animal and human
tissues, plant tissues, bacteria, and yeast in the TissueLyser LT Adapter, which
holds up to twelve 2 ml sample tubes. QIAGEN offers 2 ml microcentrifuge
tubes as well as stainless steel beads for use with the TissueLyser LT Adapter.
For more details about these and other accessories for the TissueLyser LT, see
Appendix A (page 29) and the ordering information (page 32).
The TissueLyser LT provides efficient disruption of biological material in each
sample tube for reproducible, high-quality results in downstream applications
such as the purification of total DNA, RNA, or protein from a variety of human,
animal, and plant tissues. A wide range of QIAGEN sample purification kits are
compatible with the TissueLyser LT (see Tables 1–6, pages 7–10). Sample
purification can be performed manually or can be automated using the
QIAcube® , QIAsymphony® SP, QIAxtractor™, EZ1® Advanced, EZ1 Advanced
XL, or BioRobot® or BioSprint® workstations. For more information about
automated solutions from QIAGEN, see Appendix B (page 30) and visit
This handbook provides guidelines on disrupting and homogenizing various
sample materials for subsequent purification of DNA, RNA, or protein. Specific
details on disruption and homogenization and nucleic acid or protein

6 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

purification, such as the amount of starting material and lysis buffer to use, can
be found in the handbook supplied with each QIAGEN sample purification kit.

Table 1. Kits for RNA purification from animal or human tissues using
spin columns

Sample type Kit Kit format Page

Easy-to-lyse RNeasy® Micro Kit Up to 5 mg tissue; automatable 17
tissues (e.g., on QIAcube
kidney, liver, RNeasy Mini Kit Up to 30 mg tissue; automatable 17
and lung) on QIAcube
RNeasy Protect Mini Up to 20 mg RNAlater® stabilized 17
Kit tissue; automatable on QIAcube
RNeasy Plus Micro Up to 5 mg tissue; includes 17
Kit gDNA Eliminator spin columns
RNeasy Plus Mini Kit Up to 30 mg tissue; includes 17
gDNA Eliminator spin columns;
automatable on QIAcube
Fiber-rich RNeasy Fibrous Up to 30 mg tissue; automatable 17
tissues (e.g., Tissue Mini Kit on QIAcube
heart and RNeasy Fibrous Up to 250 mg tissue 17
muscle) Tissue Midi Kit
Any type of RNeasy Lipid Tissue Up to 100 mg tissue; 17
tissue, Mini Kit automatable on QIAcube
including miRNeasy Mini Kit Up to 100 mg tissue; 17
fatty tissues automatable on QIAcube
(e.g., adipose
tissue and

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 7

Table 2. Kits for RNA purification from animal or human tissues using
magnetic particles or 96-well plates

Sample type Kit Kit format Page

Easy-to-lyse EZ1 RNA Tissue Magnetic particles; up to 10 mg 17
tissues (e.g., Mini Kit tissue; automated on EZ1
kidney, liver, Advanced (1–6 samples per run)
and lung) or EZ1 Advanced XL (1–14
samples per run)*
MagAttract® RNA Magnetic particles; up to 10 mg 17
Tissue Mini M48 Kit tissue; automated on BioRobot
M48 (6–48 samples per run)
QIAsymphony RNA Magnetic particles; up to 50 mg 17
Kit tissue; automated on
QIAsymphony SP (1–96 samples
per run)
Any type of EZ1 RNA Universal Magnetic particles; up to 50 mg 17
tissue Tissue Kit tissue; automated on EZ1
Advanced (1–6 samples per run)
or EZ1 Advanced XL (1–14
samples per run)*
MagAttract RNA Magnetic particles; up to 50 mg 17
Universal Tissue tissue; automated on BioRobot
M48 Kit M48 (6–48 samples per run)
RNeasy 96 96-well plate; up to 100 mg tissue; 17
Universal Tissue automatable on BioRobot
Kits Universal System (up to 80 mg
miRNeasy 96 Kit 96-well plate; up to 100 mg tissue 17

* Also automatable on BioRobot EZ1 (no longer available).

Also automatable on BioRobot Gene Expression — Real-Time RT-PCR and BioRobot 8000
(no longer available).

8 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Table 3. Kits for RNA purification from plant tissues, bacteria, and yeast

Sample type Kit Kit format Page

Plant tissue RNeasy Plant Mini Spin column; up to 100 mg 19
(e.g., leaf) Kit tissue; automatable on QIAcube
RNeasy 96 Kit 96-well plate; up to 25 mg tissue 19
Bacteria RNeasy Protect Spin column; up to 2.5 x 108 21
(Gram-postive Bacteria Mini Kit cells; automatable on QIAcube
and -negative) RNeasy Protect Spin column; up to 1.5 x 109 21
Bacteria Midi Kit cells
Yeast RNeasy Mini Kit Spin column; up to 5 x 107 cells 22

Table 4. Kits for DNA purification from animal or human tissues

Kit Kit format Page

DNeasy® Blood Spin column; up to 25 mg tissue; automatable on 23
& Tissue Kit QIAcube
DNeasy 96 96-well plate; up to 20 mg tissue 23
Blood & Tissue
QIAamp® DNA Spin column; up to 25 mg tissue; automatable on 23
Mini Kit QIAcube
EZ1 DNA Tissue Magnetic particles; up to 40 mg tissue; automated 23
Kit on EZ1 Advanced (1–6 samples per run) or EZ1
Advanced XL (1–14 samples per run)*
MagAttract DNA Magnetic particles; up to 40 mg tissue; automated 23
Mini M48 Kit on BioRobot M48 (6–48 samples per run)
QIAsymphony Magnetic particles; up to 50 mg tissue; automated 23
DNA Mini Kit on QIAsymphony SP (1–96 samples per run)
Reagent Pack, 96-well plate; automated on QIAxtractor 23
DX, and
Plasticware Pack,

* Also automatable on BioRobot EZ1 (no longer available).

These 2 products will soon be available together as the QIAxtractor DX Kit.

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 9

Table 5. Kits for DNA purification from plant tissues

Kit Kit format Page

DNeasy Plant Mini Kit Spin column; up to 100 mg tissue; 25
automatable on QIAcube
DNeasy 96 Plant Kit 96-well plate; up to 50 mg tissue 25
MagAttract 96 DNA Magnetic particles; up to 100 mg tissue; 25
Plant Core Kit automatable on BioRobot Plant Science
System — Genotyping*
BioSprint 15 DNA Plant Magnetic particles; up to 50 mg tissue; 25
Kit automated on BioSprint 15* (up to 15
samples per run)
BioSprint 96 DNA Plant Magnetic particles; up to 50 mg tissue; 25
Kit automated on BioSprint 96 (up to 96
samples per run)

* No longer available.

Table 6. Kits for simultaneous purification of multiple analytes from

animal or human tissues

Analytes purified Kit Kit format Page

DNA, RNA, and AllPrep® DNA/RNA/ Spin column; up to 30 mg 17
protein Protein Mini Kit tissue
DNA and RNA AllPrep DNA/RNA Spin column; up to 5 mg 17
Micro Kit tissue
AllPrep DNA/RNA Spin column; up to 30 mg 17
Mini Kit tissue; automatable on
AllPrep DNA/RNA 96-well plate; up to 10 mg 17
96 Kit tissue

10 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

QIAGEN Supplementary Protocols
Many of the protocols listed in this handbook are supplementary to the
protocols found in the handbook of the specific kit being used. QIAGEN is
constantly developing new protocols for existing products. These supplementary
protocols can be obtained by contacting one of the QIAGEN Technical Service
Departments or local distributors (see back cover or visit www.qiagen.com) or
visiting our Technical Support Center at www.qiagen.com/Support.
Supplementary protocols can be identified by their reference number, which is
made up of 2 letters followed by 2 numbers (e.g., RY23 — Isolation of total
RNA from plants using the RNeasy 96 Kit).

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 11

Equipment and Reagents to Be Supplied by User
When working with chemicals, always wear a suitable lab coat, disposable
gloves, and protective goggles. For more information, consult the appropriate
material safety data sheets (MSDSs), available from the product supplier.
„ TissueLyser LT Adapter, 12-Tube (cat. no. 69980)
„ Kit for purification of DNA, RNA, and/or protein (see ordering information
on pages 32–37 or visit www.qiagen.com)
„ 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes, such as Sample Tubes RB (2 ml) (cat. no.
„ Stainless steel or acid-washed glass beads, such as:
„ Stainless Steel Beads, 5 mm (200) (cat. no. 69989)
„ Stainless Steel Beads, 7 mm (200) (cat. no. 69990)
„ Glass beads, acid-washed, 150–600 μm (e.g., cat. no. G 8772,
Sigma-Aldrich [www.sigmaaldrich.com])
„ Optional: Reagent DX (see page 16 for details)
„ Optional: Dry ice (see the individual protocols)
„ Optional: TissueLyser Single-Bead Dispenser, 5 mm (cat. no. 69965)
„ Optional: TissueLyser Single-Bead Dispenser, 7 mm (cat. no. 69967)

12 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Important Notes

General remarks on disruption and homogenization

Efficient disruption and homogenization of the starting material is an absolute
requirement for all nucleic acid purification procedures. Disruption and
homogenization are 2 distinct steps.
„ Disruption: Complete disruption of cell walls and plasma membranes of
cells and organelles is absolutely required to release all the nucleic acids
contained in the sample. Different samples require different methods to
achieve complete disruption. Incomplete disruption results in significantly
reduced DNA and RNA yields.
„ Homogenization: Homogenization is necessary to reduce the viscosity of
the cell lysates produced by disruption. Homogenization shears
carbohydrates to create a homogeneous lysate. Incomplete
homogenization results in inefficient binding of nucleic acids to QIAGEN
silica membranes and magnetic particles and therefore significantly
reduced DNA and RNA yields.
Cellular disruption is one of the most critical steps in nucleic acid purification.
Disruption in lysis buffer alone, without physical shearing, may result in nucleic
acid degradation by endogenous DNases and RNases. Incomplete disruption
prevents the lysis buffer, which inactivates nucleases, from contacting nucleic
acids within the intact cells. Furthermore, cellular debris that is not disrupted
can result in decreased yield and increases the risk of clogging the purification
column. After sample disruption, there should be no visible particulates (except
when disrupting materials containing hard, noncellular components, such as
connective tissue, bone, or woody plant tissue). QIAGEN kits and protocols
contain recommendations for the most appropriate method of sample
disruption and homogenization to maximize the yield and quality of your DNA,
RNA, and protein preparation.

Disruption and homogenization using the TissueLyser LT

In bead-milling, cells and tissues can be disrupted by rapid agitation in the
presence of beads. Disruption and simultaneous homogenization occur by the
shearing and crushing action of the beads as they collide with the sample.
Disruption efficiency is influenced by:
„ Size and composition of beads
„ Ratio of buffer to samples (if buffer is used)
„ Amount of starting material
„ Configuration of TissueLyser LT (i.e., speed and duration)

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 13

„ Consistency of sample
„ Type of disruption vessel
„ Temperature of the samples

Disruption and homogenization methods

When using the TissueLyser LT in combination with QIAGEN sample purification
kits, one of 2 methods for disruption and homogenization is carried out:
„ Samples are disrupted and homogenized in lysis buffer. For animal and
human tissues that are either freshly isolated or frozen in liquid nitrogen,
the sample tube and tissue sample need to be precooled on dry ice. For
animal and human tissues that are stabilized in Allprotect Tissue Reagent
or RNAlater RNA Stabilization Reagent, no precooling is required.
„ Samples are precooled on dry ice for at least 30 minutes and then
disrupted and homogenized without lysis buffer. Lysis buffer is added after
disruption and homogenization. When precooling samples, the insert of
the TissueLyser LT Adapter as well as the sample tubes, each containing the
correct amount of sample and a grinding bead, are placed on dry ice.
Important: When using the TissueLyser LT Adapter, do not freeze the adapter
and sample tubes in liquid nitrogen, as this may result in breakage of the tubes.
Note: After disrupting and homogenizing tissues using the TissueLyser LT, some
debris may stick to the lids of the sample tubes. We therefore recommend a
brief centrifugation before opening the sample tubes.

Bead selection
For human, animal, and plant tissues, the optimal beads to use are 5–7 mm
(mean diamter) stainless steel beads. When disrupting tough tissue samples, we
recommend using 7 mm beads instead of 5 mm beads to improve disruption
efficiency. For disruption of cells, the optimal beads to use are 0.1–0.6 mm
(mean diameter) glass beads for bacteria, and 0.5 mm glass beads for yeast
and unicellular animal cells. It is essential that glass beads are pretreated
before use by washing in concentrated nitric acid.* Pretreated (acid-washed)
beads can be purchased from many vendors of biological supplies (e.g.,
Sigma, cat. nos. G1145, G1277, and G8772†). Disruption parameters for
samples not addressed in this handbook must be determined empirically.

* When working with chemicals, always wear a suitable lab coat, disposable gloves, and
protective goggles. For more information, consult the appropriate material safety data sheets
(MSDSs), available from the product supplier.

This is not a complete list of suppliers and does not include many important vendors of
biological supplies.

14 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Operating the TissueLyser LT
The TissueLyser LT Adapter should be securely fixed onto the piston of the
TissueLyser LT. For details, refer to the TissueLyser LT User Manual.
Disruption is carried out in high-speed (up to 50 Hz) shaking steps. Depending
on the starting material and on the analytes to be purified, disruption for
40 seconds to 5 minutes at 30–50 Hz is usually sufficient to release DNA, RNA,
or protein.
If fewer than 12 samples are to be processed, be sure to balance the
TissueLyser LT Adapter (see Figure 1), otherwise the lid of the adapter may
become twisted. If processing either 1 sample or 11 samples, load an
additional, empty sample tube to balance the TissueLyser LT Adapter.

Figure 1. Loading the TissueLyser LT Adapter. Ensure that the TissueLyser LT Adapter is
balanced by loading samples tubes as shown above.

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 15

Disruption and homogenization in Buffer RLT Plus
RNeasy Plus Kits and certain AllPrep Kits are supplied with Buffer RLT Plus, a
lysis buffer that provides optimal sample lysis as well as appropriate conditions
for DNA binding to gDNA Eliminator columns or AllPrep DNA columns. When
disrupting and homogenizing tissues in Buffer RLT Plus, excessive foaming may
occur. This foaming is substantially reduced by adding Reagent DX to Buffer RLT
Plus at a final concentration of 0.5% (v/v) before starting disruption and
homogenization. Reagent DX has been carefully tested with RNeasy Plus Kits
and AllPrep Kits, and has no effect on RNA purity or on downstream
applications such as real-time RT-PCR. Buffer RLT Plus containing Reagent DX
can be stored at room temperature (15–25°C) for at least 9 months. Reagent
DX is supplied separately; for ordering information, see page 33.

16 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Protocol: Purification of RNA or Multiple Analytes
from Animal and Human Tissues
This protocol provides guidelines on disrupting animal and human tissues for
purification of RNA or for simultaneous purification of DNA and RNA or DNA,
RNA, and protein. If using a QIAGEN sample purification kit (see Tables 1, 2,
and 6 on pages 7, 8, and 10), refer to the supplied handbook, which contains
a complete protocol for sample disruption and purification.

Important points before starting

„ Before beginning the procedure, read “Important Notes” (page 13).
„ Ensure that you are familiar with operating the TissueLyser LT by referring
to the TissueLyser LT User Manual.
„ If using a QIAGEN sample purification kit, read the supplied handbook
carefully before starting.
„ After storage in RNAlater RNA Stabilization Reagent or Allprotect Tissue
Reagent, tissues become slightly hard. If disrupting in Buffer RLT, we
recommend increasing the volume of this buffer according to the protocols
in the RNeasy Mini Handbook.
„ When disrupting tough or very tough samples, we recommend using one
or two 7 mm stainless steel beads, respectively, instead of one 5 mm
stainless steel bead to guarantee optimal disruption.

1. Place 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes containing 1 stainless steel bead
(5 mm mean diameter) on dry ice for at least 15 min. Keep the insert
of the TissueLyser LT Adapter at room temperature (15–25°C).
2. Transfer up to 30 mg fresh or frozen tissue to the precooled tubes
and incubate for another 15 min on dry ice.
If handling tissue samples stabilized with RNAlater RNA Stabilization
Reagent or Allprotect Tissue Reagent, cooling on dry ice is not necessary.
3. Place the tubes into the insert of the TissueLyser LT Adapter, and
incubate at room temperature for 2 min to avoid freezing of lysis
buffer in step 4.
Do not incubate for longer than 2 min, otherwise the tissue will thaw,
resulting in potential RNA degradation.

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 17

4. Immediately add the appropriate volume of lysis buffer (e.g., Buffer
RLT, Buffer RLT Plus, or QIAzol Lysis Reagent) to each tube.
Note: If using Buffer RLT Plus, we recommend adding Reagent DX to
prevent excessive foaming. For details, see “Disruption and homogenization
in Buffer RLT Plus” (page 16).
5. Place the insert with sample tubes into the base of the TissueLyser LT
Adapter, which is attached to the TissueLyser LT. Place the lid of the
TissueLyser LT Adapter over the insert, and screw the knob until the
lid is securely fastened.
6. Operate the TissueLyser LT for 2–5 min at 50 Hz.
The duration of disruption and homogenization depends on the tissue being
processed and can be extended until no tissue debris is visible.
If processing fiber-rich tissues, complete disruption and homogenization
may sometimes not be possible. However, small amounts of debris have no
effect on subsequent RNA purification with QIAGEN kits and are usually
digested in the proteinase K step.
7. Proceed with RNA, DNA/RNA, or DNA/RNA/protein purification.
Do not reuse the stainless steel beads.

18 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Protocol: Purification of RNA from Plant Tissues
This protocol provides guidelines on disrupting plant tissues for subsequent RNA
purification. If using a QIAGEN kit for RNA purification (see Table 3, page 9),
refer to the supplied handbook, which contains a complete protocol for sample
disruption and RNA purification.

Important points before starting

„ Before beginning the procedure, read “Important Notes” (page 13).
„ Ensure that you are familiar with operating the TissueLyser LT by referring
to the TissueLyser LT User Manual.
„ If using a QIAGEN kit for RNA purification, read the supplied handbook
carefully before starting.
„ Soft, fresh tissues from plants such as Nicotiana and Arabidopsis can often
also be disrupted and homogenized in lysis buffer. Hard tissues (e.g.,
woody plant materials) may require freezing and disruption under frozen
„ When disrupting tough or very tough samples, we recommend using one
or two 7 mm stainless steel beads, respectively, instead of one 5 mm
stainless steel bead to guarantee optimal disruption.

1. Place 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes containing 1 stainless steel bead
(5 mm mean diameter) into the insert of the TissueLyser LT Adapter.
Incubate on dry ice for at least 30 min.
2. Determine the amount of fresh plant material. Do not use more than
100 mg per sample.
Weighing tissue is the most accurate way to determine the amount.
3. Transfer the weighed tissue to the precooled tubes and incubate for
another 30 min on dry ice.
Alternatively, plant tissues can be flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen prior to
transfer to the precooled tubes. In this case, the additional 30 min
incubation on dry ice is not necessary.
Note: Do not freeze the adapter and tubes in liquid nitrogen, as this may
lead to breakage of the tubes.
4. Place the precooled insert with sample tubes into the base of the
TissueLyser LT Adapter, which is attached to the TissueLyser LT. Place
the lid of the TissueLyser LT Adapter over the insert, and screw the
knob until the lid is securely fastened.

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 19

5. Immediately operate the TissueLyser LT for 2–5 min at 50 Hz.
Note: The duration of disruption and homogenization depends on the
tissue being processed and can be extended until no tissue debris is visible.
If operating the TissueLyser LT for longer than 2 min, stop the instrument
every 2 min and place the insert of the TissueLyser LT Adapter and the
sample tubes on dry ice for several minutes. This prevents thawing of the
samples, which would result in reduced RNA yield and quality.
6. Remove the sample tubes from the insert of the TissueLyser LT
Adapter, and incubate at room temperature (15–25°C) for 1 min to
avoid freezing lysis buffer in step 7.
Do not incubate for longer than 1 min, otherwise the tissue will thaw,
resulting in potential RNA degradation.
7. Add the appropriate volume of lysis buffer (e.g., Buffer RLT or Buffer
RLC) to each tube, and proceed with RNA purification.
Do not reuse the stainless steel beads.

20 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Protocol: Purification of RNA from Bacteria
This protocol provides guidelines on disrupting bacteria for subsequent RNA
purification. If using an RNeasy Protect Bacteria Kit for RNA purification (see
Table 3, page 9), refer to the supplied RNAprotect® Bacteria Reagent
Handbook, which contains complete protocols for sample disruption and RNA

Important points before starting

„ Before beginning the procedure, read “Important Notes” (page 13).
„ Ensure that you are familiar with operating the TissueLyser LT by referring
to the TissueLyser LT User Manual.
„ If using an RNeasy Protect Bacteria Kit for RNA purification, read the
supplied handbook carefully before starting.
„ Bead milling will disrupt most Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria,
including mycobacteria. Gram-positive bacteria usually require more
rigorous digestion (e.g., increased enzyme digestion time and temperature)
and mechanical treatment than Gram-negative bacteria. For details, see
the RNAprotect Bacteria Reagent Handbook.

1. Pellet the bacterial cells by centrifugation. Immediately add the
appropriate volume of lysis buffer (e.g., Buffer RLT) to each sample
and vortex vigorously.
2. Transfer each sample to 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes containing 25–
50 mg acid-washed glass beads (150–600 μm mean diameter).
3. Place the tubes into the insert of the TissueLyser LT Adapter.
4. Place the insert with sample tubes into the base of the TissueLyser LT
Adapter, which is attached to the TissueLyser LT. Place the lid of the
TissueLyser LT Adapter over the insert, and screw the knob until the
lid is securely fastened.
5. Operate the TissueLyser LT for 5 min at 50 Hz.
The duration of disruption and homogenization depends on the sample
being processed and can be extended until no debris is visible.
6. Proceed with RNA purification.

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 21

Protocol: Purification of RNA from Yeast
This protocol provides guidelines on disrupting yeast cells for subsequent RNA
purification. If using the RNeasy Mini Kit for RNA purification (see Table 3, page
9), refer to the supplied RNeasy Mini Handbook, which contains a complete
protocol for sample disruption and RNA purification.

Important points before starting

„ Before beginning the procedure, read “Important Notes” (page 13).
„ Ensure that you are familiar with operating the TissueLyser LT by referring
to the TissueLyser LT User Manual.
„ If using the RNeasy Mini Kit for RNA purification, read the supplied
handbook carefully before starting.

1. Pellet the yeast cells by centrifugation. Immediately add the
appropriate volume of lysis buffer (e.g., Buffer RLT) to each sample
and vortex vigorously.
2. Transfer each sample to 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes containing
approximately 600 μl acid-washed glass beads (450–550 μm mean
3. Place the tubes into the insert of the TissueLyser LT Adapter.
4. Place the insert with sample tubes into the base of the TissueLyser LT
Adapter, which is attached to the TissueLyser LT. Place the lid of the
TissueLyser LT Adapter over the insert, and screw the knob until the
lid is securely fastened.
5. Operate the TissueLyser LT for 5 min at 50 Hz.
The duration of disruption and homogenization depends on the sample
being processed and can be extended until no debris is visible.
6. Proceed with RNA purification.

22 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Protocol: Purification of DNA from Animal and
Human Tissues
This protocol provides guidelines on disrupting animal and human tissues for
subsequent DNA purification.

Important points before starting

„ Before beginning the procedure, read “Important Notes” (page 13).
„ Ensure that you are familiar with operating the TissueLyser LT by referring
to the TissueLyser LT User Manual.
„ If using a QIAGEN kit for DNA purification, read the supplied handbook
and appropriate supplementary protocol carefully before starting.
„ When disrupting tough or very tough samples, we recommend using one
or two 7 mm stainless steel beads, respectively, instead of one 5 mm
stainless steel bead to guarantee optimal disruption.

1. Place 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes containing 1 stainless steel bead
(5 mm mean diameter) on dry ice for at least 15 min. Keep the insert
of the TissueLyser LT Adapter at room temperature (15–25°C).
2. Transfer up to 25 mg fresh or frozen tissue to the precooled tubes
and incubate for another 15 min on dry ice.
3. Place the tubes into the insert of the TissueLyser LT Adapter, and
incubate at room temperature for 2 min to avoid freezing of lysis
buffer in step 4.
Do not incubate for longer than 2 min, otherwise the tissue will thaw,
resulting in potential DNA degradation.
4. Immediately add the appropriate volume of lysis buffer (e.g., Buffer
ATL) to each tube.
5. Place the insert with sample tubes into the base of the TissueLyser LT
Adapter, which is attached to the TissueLyser LT. Place the lid of the
TissueLyser LT Adapter over the insert, and screw the knob until the
lid is securely fastened.
6. Operate the TissueLyser LT for 40 s at 30 Hz.
Note: Depending on the type of tissue, exceeding this homogenization time
and intensity may lead to significant fragmentation of genomic DNA.
However, for tough samples, it may be necessary to exceed this
homogenization time and/or intensity to improve disruption efficiency.
If working with fibrous tissues, cutting the tissue into smaller pieces before
starting disruption will improve disruption efficiency.

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 23

7. Proceed with DNA purification.
Do not reuse the stainless steel beads.

24 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Protocol: Purification of DNA from Plant Tissues
This protocol provides guidelines on using the TissueLyser LT to disrupt plant
tissues for subsequent DNA purification. If using a QIAGEN kit for DNA
purification (see Table 5, page 10), refer to the supplied handbook, which
contains a complete protocol for sample disruption and DNA purification.

Important points before starting

„ Before beginning the procedure, read “Important Notes” (page 13).
„ Ensure that you are familiar with operating the TissueLyser LT by referring
to the TissueLyser LT User Manual.
„ If using a QIAGEN kit for DNA purification, read the supplied handbook
carefully before starting.
„ When disrupting tough or very tough samples, we recommend using one
or two 7 mm stainless steel beads, respectively, instead of one 5 mm
stainless steel bead to guarantee optimal disruption.

1. Place 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes containing 1 stainless steel bead
(5 mm mean diameter) into the insert of the TissueLyser LT Adapter.
Incubate on dry ice for at least 30 min.
2. Determine the amount of fresh plant material. Do not use more than
100 mg per sample.
Weighing tissue is the most accurate way to determine the amount.
3. Transfer the weighed tissue to the precooled tubes and incubate for
another 30 min on dry ice.
Alternatively, plant tissues can be flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen prior to
transfer to the precooled tubes. In this case, the additional 30 min
incubation on dry ice is not necessary.
Note: Do not freeze the adapter and tubes in liquid nitrogen, as this may
lead to breakage of the tubes.
4. Place the precooled insert with sample tubes into the base of the
TissueLyser LT Adapter, which is attached to the TissueLyser LT. Place
the lid of the TissueLyser LT Adapter over the insert, and screw the
knob until the lid is securely fastened.

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 25

5. Immediately operate the TissueLyser LT for 2 min at 50 Hz.
Note: Depending on the type of tissue, exceeding this homogenization time
and intensity may lead to significant fragmentation of genomic DNA.
However, for tough samples, it may be necessary to exceed this
homogenization time and/or intensity to improve disruption efficiency. If
operating the TissueLyser LT for longer than 2 min, stop the instrument
every 2 min and place the insert of the TissueLyser LT Adapter and the
sample tubes on dry ice for several minutes. This prevents thawing of the
samples, which would result in reduced DNA yield and quality.
6. Remove the sample tubes from the insert of the TissueLyser LT
Adapter, and incubate at room temperature (15–25°C) for 1 min to
avoid freezing lysis buffer in step 7.
Do not incubate for longer than 1 min, otherwise the tissue will thaw,
resulting in potential DNA degradation.
7. Add the appropriate volume of lysis buffer (e.g., Buffer AP1) to each
tube, and proceed with DNA purification.
Do not reuse the stainless steel beads.

26 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Protocol: Purification of Protein from Animal and
Human Tissues
This protocol provides guidelines on disrupting animal and human tissues for
purification of protein.

Important points before starting

„ Before beginning the procedure, read “Important Notes” (page 13).
„ Ensure that you are familiar with operating the TissueLyser LT by referring
to the TissueLyser LT User Manual.
„ If using a QIAGEN sample purification kit, read the supplied handbook
carefully before starting.
„ After storage in Allprotect Tissue Reagent, tissues become slightly hard.
The disruption time may need to be extended.
„ When disrupting tough or very tough samples, we recommend using one
or two 7 mm stainless steel beads, respectively, instead of one 5 mm
stainless steel bead to guarantee optimal disruption.

1. Place 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes containing 1 stainless steel bead
(5 mm mean diameter) on dry ice for at least 15 min. Keep the insert
of the TissueLyser LT Adapter at room temperature (15–25°C).
2. Transfer up to 30 mg fresh or frozen tissue to the precooled tubes
and incubate for another 15 min on dry ice.
If handling tissue samples stabilized with Allprotect Tissue Reagent, cooling
on dry ice is not necessary.
3. Place the tubes into the insert of the TissueLyser LT Adapter, and
incubate at room temperature for 2 min to avoid freezing of lysis
buffer in step 4.
Do not incubate for longer than 2 min, otherwise the tissue will thaw,
resulting in potential protein degradation.
4. Immediately add the appropriate volume of lysis buffer (e.g.,
Mammalian Cell Lysis Buffer) to each tube.
5. Place the insert with sample tubes into the base of the TissueLyser LT
Adapter, which is attached to the TissueLyser LT. Place the lid of the
TissueLyser LT Adapter over the insert, and screw the knob until the
lid is securely fastened.
6. Operate the TissueLyser LT for 2–5 min at 50 Hz.
The duration of disruption and homogenization depends on the tissue being
processed and can be extended until no tissue debris is visible.

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 27

7. Proceed with protein purification.
Do not reuse the stainless steel beads.

28 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Appendix A: TissueLyser LT Accessories
TissueLyser LT Adapter
This adapter allows disruption of 12 samples in parallel using standard 2 ml
microcentrifuge tubes, such as Sample Tubes RB (2 ml) (cat. no. 990381) from
QIAGEN. Sample disruption can be carried out at room temperature or after
storing the adapter on dry ice for at least 30 minutes. The adapter set can be
cleaned with detergent, microbicides, or up to 96% ethanol. For more
information, see the TissueLyser LT User Manual.

TissueLyser Single-Bead Dispenser, 5 mm

This bead dispenser dispenses individual beads (5 mm diameter) into any
sample container. The reservoir holds approximately 150 beads. The
TissueLyser Single-Bead Dispenser can be cleaned with water or detergent. For
more information, see the product sheet supplied with the TissueLyser Single-
Bead Dispenser.

TissueLyser Single-Bead Dispenser, 7 mm

This bead dispenser dispenses individual beads (7 mm diameter) into any
sample container. The reservoir holds approximately 45 beads. The TissueLyser
Single-Bead Dispenser can be cleaned with water or detergent. For more
information, see the product sheet supplied with the TissueLyser Single-Bead

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 29

Appendix B: Automated Solutions
Automated purification using QIAGEN spin-column kits
Purification of genomic DNA or total RNA from tissues can be fully automated
on the QIAcube. The innovative QIAcube uses advanced technology to process
QIAGEN spin columns, enabling seamless integration of automated, low-
throughput sample prep into your laboratory workflow. Sample preparation
using the QIAcube follows the same steps as the manual procedure (i.e., lyse,
bind, wash, and elute), enabling you to continue using DNeasy Kits, QIAamp
Kits, RNeasy Kits, AllPrep DNA/RNA Kits, and the miRNeasy Mini Kit for
purification of high-quality DNA or RNA. For more information about the
automated procedure, see the relevant protocol sheet available at

The QIAcube.

The QIAcube is preinstalled with protocols for purification of plasmid DNA,

genomic DNA, RNA, viral nucleic acids, and proteins, plus DNA and RNA
cleanup. The range of protocols available is continually expanding, and
additional QIAGEN protocols can be downloaded free of charge at

Automated purification using magnetic particles and 96-well plates

Complete automated solutions from QIAGEN allow purification of genomic
DNA or total RNA from human, animal, or plant tissues at a range of different
throughputs using magnetic particles or 96-well plates (see Table 7, page 31).
For more information about QIAGEN automation, visit

Instrument service and support

QIAGEN Instrument Service provides comprehensive support services to ensure
the continued success of your automated applications. For more information
about QIAGEN Instrument Services, visit www.qiagen.com/service.

30 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Table 7. Automated purification of genomic DNA and total RNA from

Workstation Capability
EZ1 Advanced Purification of genomic DNA or total RNA from 1–6
human samples per run
EZ1 Advanced XL Purification of genomic DNA or total RNA from 1–14
human samples per run
QIAsymphony SP Purification of genomic DNA or total RNA from 1–96
animal or human samples per run
BioRobot Universal Purification of genomic DNA or total RNA in 96-well
System format from animal or human samples, plus
downstream reaction setup
BioSprint 96 Purification of genomic DNA from up to 96 animal or
plant samples per run

Low-throughput sample disruption

The TissueRuptor® is a handheld rotor–stator homogenizer that provides rapid
and efficient disruption of individual samples for a wide range of downstream
applications. The TissueRuptor uses transparent disposable probes, which helps
to minimize the risk of cross-contamination and enables visual control of the
sample disruption process. For more information about the TissueRuptor, visit

Medium- to high-throughput sample disruption

The TissueLyser II is a bead mill that rapidly and effectively disrupts up to 48 or
192 samples at the same time. A wide variety of samples, including human,
animal, and plant tissues, bacteria, and yeast, can be disrupted to release high-
quality DNA, RNA, and protein for subsequent purification and analysis. For
more information about the TissueLyser II, visit www.qiagen.com/TissueLyserII.

Automated multicapillary gel electrophoresis

The revolutionary QIAxcel® System enables fully automated and sensitive, high-
resolution capillary electrophoresis for up to 96 samples per run. Ready-to-go
gel cartridges reduce manual handling errors and eliminate the need for
tedious gel preparation. With the QIAxcel System, analysis of DNA fragments,
singleplex or multiplex PCR products, and qualitative and quantitative RNA
analysis is now easier and faster than ever. To find out more, visit

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 31

Ordering Information
Product Contents Cat. no.
TissueLyser LT Bead mill for low- to medium- 85600
throughput sample disruption
TissueLyser LT Adapter, Adapter for disruption of up to 12 69980
12-Tube samples in 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes
on the TissueLyser LT
Sample Tubes RB (2 ml) 1000 safe-lock microcentrifuge tubes 990381
(2 ml) for use with the TissueLyser LT
Stainless Steel Beads, 5mm Stainless Steel Beads, suitable for 69989
5 mm (200) use with the TissueLyser LT system
Stainless Steel Beads, 7 mm Stainless Steel Beads, suitable for 69990
7 mm (200) use with the TissueLyser LT system
TissueLyser Single-Bead For dispensing individual beads (5 mm 69965
Dispenser, 5 mm diameter)
TissueLyser Single-Bead For dispensing individual beads (7 mm 69967
Dispenser, 7 mm diameter)
Related products
RNeasy Kits — for purification of total RNA from cells,
tissues, and yeast
RNeasy Micro Kit (50) For 50 preps: RNeasy MinElute® Spin 74004
Columns, Collection Tubes, DNase I,
Carrier RNA, Buffers
RNeasy Mini Kit (50) For 50 preps: RNeasy Spin Columns, 74104
Collection Tubes, Buffers
RNeasy Protect Kits — for stabilization and purification of
total RNA from tissues
RNeasy Protect Mini Kit For 50 preps: RNAlater RNA 74124
(50) Stabilization Reagent, RNeasy Spin
Columns, Collection Tubes, Buffers

32 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Product Contents Cat. no.
RNeasy Plus Kits — for purification of total RNA from cells
and tissues using gDNA Eliminator spin columns
RNeasy Plus Micro Kit For 50 preps: RNeasy MinElute Spin 74034
(50) Columns, gDNA Eliminator Spin
Columns, Collection Tubes, Carrier
RNA, Buffers
RNeasy Plus Mini Kit For 50 preps: RNeasy Spin Columns, 74134
(50) gDNA Eliminator Spin Columns,
Collection Tubes, Buffers
Reagent DX 1 ml Reagent DX in a screw-cap tube 19088
RNeasy Fibrous Tissue Kits — for purification of total RNA
from fiber-rich tissues
RNeasy Fibrous Tissue For 50 preps: RNeasy Spin Columns, 74704
Mini Kit (50) Collection Tubes, Proteinase K, DNase
I, Buffers
RNeasy Fibrous Tissue For 10 preps: RNeasy Spin Columns, 75742
Midi Kit (10) Collection Tubes, Proteinase K, DNase
I, Buffers
RNeasy Lipid Tissue Kits — for purification of total RNA
from all types of tissue, including fatty tissues
RNeasy Lipid Tissue For 50 preps: RNeasy Spin Columns, 74804
Mini Kit (50) Collection Tubes, QIAzol Lysis Reagent,
RNeasy 96 Universal Tissue Kits — for purification of total
RNA from all types of tissue in 96-well format
RNeasy 96 Universal For 4 x 96 preps: RNeasy 96 Plates, 74881
Tissue Kit (4) Elution Microtubes CL, Caps, S-Blocks,
Airpore Tape Sheets, QIAzol Lysis
Reagent, Buffers
RNeasy 96 Universal For 12 x 96 preps on the BioRobot 967852
Tissue 8000 Kit (12) Universal System: RNeasy 96 Plates,
Collection Microtubes, Elution
Microtubes CL, Caps, S-Blocks, QIAzol
Lysis Reagent, Buffers

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 33

Product Contents Cat. no.
EZ1 RNA Tissue Mini Kit — for purification of total RNA
from easy-to-lyse human tissues on EZ1 workstations
EZ1 RNA Tissue Mini Kit For 48 preps: Reagent Cartridges, Tips, 959034
(48) Tip-Holders, Tubes, DNase I, Buffer RLT
EZ1 RNA Universal Tissue Kit — for purification of total
RNA from all types of human tissue on EZ1 workstations
EZ1 RNA Universal For 48 preps: Reagent Cartridges, Tips, 956034
Tissue Kit (48) Tip-Holders, Tubes, QIAzol Lysis
MagAttract RNA Tissue Mini M48 Kit — for purification of
total RNA from easy-to-lyse human tissues on the BioRobot
M48 workstation
MagAttract RNA Tissue For 192 preps: MagAttract Suspension 959236
Mini M48 Kit (192) E, DNase I, Buffers
MagAttract RNA Universal Tissue M48 Kit — for purification
of total RNA from all types of human tissue on the BioRobot
M48 workstation
MagAttract RNA For 192 preps: MagAttract Suspension 956336
Universal Tissue M48 E, DNase I, QIAzol Lysis Reagent,
Kit (192) Buffers
QIAsymphony RNA Kit — for purification of total RNA from
cells and tissues on the QIAsymphony SP
QIAsymphony RNA Kit For 192 preps: 2 Reagent Cartridges, 931636
(192) and Enzyme Racks
RNeasy Plant Mini Kit — for purification of total RNA from
plants and fungi
RNeasy Plant Mini Kit For 20 preps: RNeasy Spin Columns, 74903
(20) QIAshredder Spin Columns, Collection
Tubes, Buffers
RNeasy 96 Kit — for purification of total RNA from cells in
96-well format
RNeasy 96 Kit (4) For 4 x 96 preps: RNeasy 96 Plates, 74181
Elution Microtubes CL, Caps, S-Blocks,
Airpore Tape Sheets, Buffers

34 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Product Contents Cat. no.
RNeasy Protect Bacteria Kits — for stabilization and
purification of total RNA from bacteria
RNeasy Protect Bacteria For 50 preps: RNAprotect Bacteria 74524
Mini Kit (50) Reagent, RNeasy Mini Kit
RNeasy Protect Bacteria For 10 preps: RNAprotect Bacteria 75552
Midi Kit (10) Reagent, RNeasy Midi Kit
AllPrep DNA/RNA/Protein Mini Kit — for simultaneous
purification of DNA, RNA, and protein from cells and
AllPrep DNA/RNA/ For 50 preps: AllPrep DNA Spin 80004
Protein Mini Kit (50) Columns, RNeasy Spin Columns,
Collection Tubes, Buffers
AllPrep DNA/RNA Kits — for simultaneous purification of
DNA and RNA from cells and tissues
AllPrep DNA/RNA For 50 preps: AllPrep DNA Spin 80284
Micro Kit (50) Columns, RNeasy MinElute Spin
Columns, Collection Tubes, Carrier
RNA, Buffers
AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini For 50 preps: AllPrep DNA Spin 80204
Kit (50) Columns, RNeasy Spin Columns,
Collection Tubes, Buffers
QIAamp DNA Mini Kit — for purification of genomic,
mitochondrial, bacterial, parasite, or viral DNA
QIAamp DNA Mini Kit For 50 preps: QIAamp Spin Columns, 51304
(50) Collection Tubes, Proteinase K, Buffers
EZ1 DNA Tissue Kit — for automated purification of
genomic DNA from 1–6 human samples on EZ1
EZ1 DNA Tissue Kit For 48 preps: Reagent Cartridges, Tips, 953034
(48) Tip-Holders, Tubes, Proteinase K, Buffer
MagAttract DNA Mini M48 Kit — for automated purification
of genomic DNA from 6–48 human samples on the
BioRobot M48 workstation
MagAttract DNA Mini For 192 preps: MagAttract Suspension 953336
M48 Kit (192) B, Proteinase K, Buffers

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 35

Product Contents Cat. no.
QIAsymphony DNA Kits — for purification of DNA from a
wide range of sample types on the QIAsymphony SP
QIAsymphony DNA For 192 preps of 200 μl each: 2 931236
Mini Kit (192) Reagent Cartridges, and Enzyme Racks
QIAsymphony DNA For 96 preps of 1000 μl each: 2 931255
Midi Kit (96) Reagent Cartridges, and Enzyme Racks
DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit — for purification of total DNA
from animal blood and tissues, and from cells, yeast,
bacteria, or viruses
DNeasy Blood & Tissue For 50 preps: DNeasy Spin Columns, 69504
Kit (50) Collection Tubes, Proteinase K, Buffers
DNeasy 96 Blood & Tissue Kit — for purification of total
DNA from animal blood and tissues, and from cells, yeast,
bacteria, or viruses in 96-well format
DNeasy 96 Blood & For 4 x 96 preps: DNeasy 96 Plates, 69581
Tissue Kit (4) Collection Microtubes, Caps, S-Blocks,
Elution Microtubes RS, AirPore Tape
Sheets, Proteinase K, Buffers
DNeasy Plant Kits — for purification of total DNA from
plants and fungi
DNeasy Plant Mini Kit For 50 preps: DNeasy Spin Columns, 69104
(50) QIAshredder Spin Columns, Collection
Tubes, RNase A, Buffers
DNeasy Plant Maxi Kit For 6 preps: DNeasy Spin Columns, 68161
(6) QIAshredder Spin Columns, Collection
Tubes, RNase A, Buffers
DNeasy 96 Plant Kit — for purification of total DNA from
plants in 96-well format
DNeasy 96 Plant Kit (6) For 6 x 96 preps: DNeasy 96 Plates, 69181
Collection Microtubes, Caps, S-Blocks,
Elution Microtubes RS, AirPore Tape
Sheets, RNase A, Reagent DX, Buffers

36 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Product Contents Cat. no.
MagAttract 96 DNA Plant Core Kit — for manual or
automated purification of total DNA from plants in 96-well
MagAttract 96 DNA For 6 x 96 preps: MagAttract 67161
Plant Core Kit (6) Suspension A, RNase A, Buffers
BioSprint 15 DNA Plant Kit — for automated purification of
total DNA from plant tissue on the BioSprint 15 workstation
BioSprint 15 DNA Plant For 60 preps: MagAttract Suspension 941514
Kit (60) G, Rod Covers, Tube Strips, RNase A,
BioSprint 96 DNA Plant Kit — for automated purification of
total DNA from plant tissue on the BioSprint 96 workstation
BioSprint 96 DNA Plant For 576 preps: MagAttract Suspension 941557
Kit (576) G, Rod Covers, Microplates MP, S-
Blocks, RNase A, Buffer RPW

For up-to-date licensing information and product-specific disclaimers, see the

respective QIAGEN kit handbook or user manual. QIAGEN kit handbooks and
user manuals are available at www.qiagen.com or can be requested from
QIAGEN Technical Services or your local distributor.

TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009 37


38 TissueLyser LT Handbook 05/2009

Trademarks: QIAGEN®, QIAamp®, QIAcube®, QIAsymphony®, QIAxcel®,
QIAxtractor™, QIAzol®, AllPrep®, BioRobot®, BioSprint®, DNeasy®, EZ1®,
MagAttract®, MinElute®, RNAprotect®, RNeasy®, TissueRuptor® (QIAGEN
Group). “RNAlater®” is a trademark of AMBION, Inc., Austin, Texas and is
covered by various U.S. and foreign patents.
QIAzol Lysis Reagent is a subject of US Patent No. 5,346,994 and foreign
© 2009 QIAGEN, all rights reserved.

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1056713 05/2009 Sample & Assay Technologies

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