Perception of Grade 11 Students of Pulo Senior High School On Financial Status in Relation To Academic Performance

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Pulo City of Cabuyao, Laguna

Practical Research I

Perception of Grade 11 Students of

Pulo Senior High School on Financial
Status in Relation to Academic
Pulo City of Cabuyao, Laguna
Practical Research I


The Problem and its Background

This chapter covers the introduction, background of the study, rationale, Statement of the
Problem (SOP), significance of the study, hypothesis and definition of terms in financial status
and academic performance.


Financial Status and Academic Performance

Finances are part of every human being’s lives. Finances are everywhere and it is

equal to money. Every human being have it, even the new born or unborn baby. Some

example of the human needs that need financial support are; food, water, education,

shelter, electricity and so many other human needs that needs money. As of now, it is

Impossible to live without money cause there was nothing given for free. All human

need those things that’s why human study and find a good work that can support for

their financial needs. But in everyday life people might be experiencing financial stability

that can ruin their focus of achieving a specific goal for a day. Financial stability is the

unstable support for their finances; it is having conflicts on supporting their everyday


Students nowadays, consider financial stability as one of their stressor in their

studies. Students who are experiencing it were out of focus, instead of focusing on their
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studies their attention will be attached to their financial problems. Instead of doing their

projects and paying for their school needs and activities, using money for fare in

transportation they would rather use it for their household needs. Sometimes it would

lead several absences that was also resulting to poor academic performance. Some

students nowadays doesn’t even care of having a good grades, they are more thinking

of passing grades. Making it to another level is their survival challenge. While the

students who are not suffering from this situation can focus on their studies and it is

easy for them to do their project paying their school utilities and going to school without

thinking of anything except studying. That’s why students who are having stable

financial status were very lucky so there’s no reason for them to be out of focus except

of rebellion.

Academic performance of the student was affected of their financial status.

Because of having incapability in finances some children were not given a chance to


Background of the study

       The observers anticipated that there are some grade 11 students who have

poor academic performances because of having financial stability. Having financial

problems shifts their focus on studies into their financial problem. Having a lack of

knowledge on how to find ways of overcoming financial problems will affect their vision
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of achieving their goal in the future. Researchers focus their attention in studying the

financial status of the students that affects academic performance of grade 11 students

of Pulo Senior High School, City of Cabuyao Laguna.

The students academic performance plays a vital role in creating the finest quality
alumnae who will become leader and manpower of a particular country, consequently
responsible for the country’s social and economic developments (Ali et. Al, 2009).

The main purpose of this study is to find answers from the respondents as how
do they respond to their everyday school needs. Financial status as the main focus of
this study; this will focus on proper allocation of their finances in order for them to
utilize properly their financial needs; This will also focus on ideas of having ways in
overcoming financial stability in order for the students to avoid poor academic


      This study is conducted to determine the effects of financial status to the students’

academic performance. This study will focus on financial status of selected grade 11

students in Pulo Senior High School in city of Cabuyao, Laguna SY.2018-2019.

In this study, researchers will base only on the selected respondents who were

grade 11 students. Therefore to derive the results for a larger group, the study should

have involved more participants from different grade levels.

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Statement of the Problem

1. What is the financial status of the grade 11 students?

 Mother and father’s occupation

 Number of siblings and grade levels

 Number of family members who work

2. What is the academic performance of the grade 11 student?

 Average

 Attendance

3. What is the significant relationship of the financial status and academic performance

of the student?

4. What recommendations could be given to address the issue of financial awareness

band on the results of the study?

Conceptual Framework

Personal background

-Academic performance
(gen. average)

-number of siblings and

grade levels

-number of family
members who work

Relationship of Students Financial

Status to their Academic
Pulo City of Cabuyao, Laguna
Practical Research I


I. Questionnaire
-financial status
-financial stability
-style and attitude

II. Data gathering

III. Analytical procedure

Significance of the Study:

This study focuses on different significance point of view of the students, parents,
teachers and future researchers.

Students- This study will give them a clear understanding on how the financial status
affects their academic performance. This will study will provide good explanation on
how the students can find alternatives on managing and overcoming financial stabilities.
It will also give awareness to the students of what would be the effect of not
overcoming their financial stability to their academic performance. These will help them
to enhance and improve their skills on how to manage finances and avoid absences in
school and also improve their knowledge and academic performances.

Parents-This study will help the parents on giving ideas and information on how they
would manage their money to their everyday needs. And saving an emergency money in
case of emergency situations in order for them to overcome right away their financial
stability, they may also learn some ideas on how to overcome financial stabilities and
also they will have an awareness about the effect of having financial stability on their
children’s academic performance. This study will help them on having so alternatives on
providing their finances.

Teachers- Teachers are also a parent and they also have students, as a parent this study
will help them on having alternatives and awareness about financial stability. And also
as a teacher this will give them an idea about their students’ situation and help them to
perform well on school inspite of having financial stabilities.
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Researchers- This study will provide more knowledge about the possible effects of
financial stability to the academic performance, and it would be also beneficial for them
to study about financial status in relation to academic performance.

H1 there is a significant relationship between financial status of the students and
their academic performance.

H2 There is no significant relationship between financial status of the students and their
academic performance.

Definition of Terms:
Academic Performance-This is the extent on which the student, teacher or institution
has achieved their short or long-term educational goals. It is defined or regarded as
participants’ examination grades the end of a given duration (semester). It could be also
be seen as the level of performance in a particular field of study. Higher scores indicate
better performance.

Finances-It is anything related to money. It could be service or goods that may use in
living. It is the avenue through which students’ bills are being paid. If their finances are
not adequate, the situation may tend to affect their academic performance adversely. If
on the other hand, their financial needs met adequately, probably their academic
performance may be enhanced.

Financial Status-It is mainly affected by the person’s income. It is how the person can
respond to everyday needs and it can be recognize as stable or unstable.
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Practical Research I


Review of Related Literature and Studies


The review of related literature and studies is one of the most important part of
the planning execution of the research study. The review gives an insight into latest
studies in the area. It helps in exploring the area and developing the perspective for the
research trends. Therefore the researcher surveyed the available literature and studies
with a view to built a correct perspective, and develop methodology for the study.

Financial Status and Academic Performance

The social economic status or financial status is most commonly determine by

putting up together parent’s educational level, occupational status and the income level
(Jeynes, 2002; McMillan and western 2000). In most of the studies done on academic
performance of students, it is not surprising that financial status is one of the major
factor studied while predicting academic performance. It is believe that low financial
status negatively affect academic achievement because lesser financial status prevents
access to vital resources and creates additional stress at home (Eamon 2005; Jeynes
2002). Graetz (1995) carried out a study on economic status in education research and
policy found that social economic background remains one of the major sources of
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educational inequality and adds that one’s educational success was depending on their
financial status.

Humlum(2011) found that the income of the family whether high or low can
have its impact on students academic achievement or performance in all their learning
years. Since they are in their early years, their family income can affect their education.
Some private schools and colleges may look carefully to this point. They may ask the
family resources and how can they pay their children’s tuition fees. Otherwise they may
not have a place in that private schools or colleges. If the family has high income that is
enough or more than enough to respond on their everyday finances at the early age of
the student learning, may help him/her accept at the school. Which make a very huge
difference from that student whose family has a low income in on students’ early
learnings or has a high income in the students’ late learning. While (Jensen, 2013)
Studied that the another difference is the environmental impact of the families with a
high/low income to their children learning. Some students who got low family income
have difficulties to understand of learning as fast as the others who don’t have any
financial problems. Their vocabulary can be less and not that much as the other
students from different Background. Also their way of learning and understanding are
different from others, because their parents may not help them at home in making their
home works and can’t even hear any encouraging words or they have single parent. If
they don’t have enough money to respond for their everyday finances, then their
parents must work all the day for them, which will have a result for having no time to
help their children with their homework. Another thing is the stress they have from
their family at home. These may affect their grades because no one help them or even,
sometimes care about their success in school. And Sander (2012) noted that students
are often worried about money this financial worry may affect their academic
performance due to divided attention, when they are concern about the availability of
the learning materials as well as their daily upkeep in school.

Schiefelbaum and Simmon(cited by adel, 2002) they consider family

background as the most important and most valuable factor in determining the
academic performance attained by the student. Among family factors of greatest
influence are social class variables and the educational and family environment. In other
words , motivation to achieve depends more on the parent’s level of learning than their
level of income or financial status. And Beck(2011) proved that each child has the right
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to learn no matter what family income do these family have. School must find solutions
to help students for their better education and not to judge according to their low family
income. Demski(2011) said that students who have financial stat

us cannot be judge because of having financial problems , he supported the idea

that some schools may help and support Students from low family income. They can
provide them with computers and some materials for better learning, and prove
themselves in their academic performance. And Hira(1997) concluded that there are
more communication in the money about the households of younger respondents and it
is the mother rather than the father who talked to them about the money matters. He
also summarized that today's children are more independent and are growing up with
more control over their lives than the past.

Friese and Koenig (1993) found a positive relationship between the compulsive
and impulsive buying behaviors. Respondents in their study were using buying to escape
from school problems and to achieve positive feeling. While Huan,See Ang and Har
(2008) explored the impact of adolescents concerns on their academic stress. The
objective of this study was to examine the contributing role of different aspects of
adolescents and one of this is the family financial problem that results to low academic
performances of the students. And found out that the financial status of the student
really affect the academic performance of that student in terms of focusing in their
studies and their mental health. They would rather focus in financial problems than
their academic performance that leads them to absences and not doing their school
works and projects.

Hill (2004) argued that the financial status of parents do not only affect the
academic performance of the child but also makes it impossible for the child to compete
with the counterpart from high financial status under the same academic environment.
Furthermore, Adelma (1999) categorically stated that "Unfortunately, low income
students are more likely to posses high risk characteristics than even undergraduates".
In his findings two-third of low income beginning students came from families in which
neither of the parents attended college compared to middle and upper income
students. And this implies that children who enroll in schools are more likely to drop out
of school because the first generation college students from low socio economic status
family face many disadvantages like they have far less experience and information on
the social and academic culture of higher education and they may not be able to rely on
their parents for assistance in these matters.
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Woolfolk (2004) supports by arguing that because of low socio economic status
or financial status students may wear old clothes, speak in dialect or be less familiar
with books and school activities, teachers and other students may assume that those
students are not bright and teachers may avoid calling them to answer questions in the
classroom to protect them from embarrassments of giving wrong responses or answers.
This makes students less attentive and do not concentrate on what is being thought and
in the end they will come to believe that they are not very good at school work. This
situation makes them perform poorly in particular subjects and sometimes they’ll end
up drooping out from school because they are affected psychologically. Furthermore,
Laqour and Tissington (2011) also examined the effects of poverty on academic
achievement in the USA. They concluded their study that poverty directly affects
academic performance due to the lack of resources. They recommended that
instructional techniques and strategies implemented at the classroom, and school can
help close the achievement gap by providing students with necessary assistance in
order to achieve high performance in academics.

Nyukonga (2011) also explored and showed the effects of cost sharing on
academic performance seems to be complex and they may depend on the particular
circumstances an individual is facing. The study concluded that cost sharing is likely to
motivate most students to study hard and improve performance by reflecting on the
amount of funds they invest in education. However, it can also lead to academic
performance due to lack of funds to cover educational expenses and other personal
needs. The result implied that students from low income families were more likely to
perform lower because of financial hardship and school they attended. Thus, there is
the need for the government to ensure that all students receive better education. This
result also indicated that some of the factors affecting academic performance in higher
education also resulted from poor education background.

Family income becomes educational controlling globally. Kadushin (19967

argued that low income limits both educational attainment and academic performance
of students. Good financial support is an essential stimulus in motivating students to
perform better. Low family income is a predictor of the level of academic performance,
alienation and drop out of students (Beegle and Rice; 1965) . in brief, the critical
literature review shows that the relationship between family income and students’
academic performance is a global phenomenon. Significant number of studies found
that students from low income families perform poorly than those from relatively rich
families; however this decision is not fully conclusive in research.
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Practical Research I


Research Methodology
This chapter outlines the manner in which the study was conducted. The key
components are research design, selecting participants of the study, the instruments
and validations, the data gathering procedures, the treatment and data gathering

Research Design

This study uses the phenomenology research design. Through this research
design, the researchers of the study were able to determine the grade 11 students’
financial status in relation to academic performance.

Sources of Data

The study used primary and secondary sources as a source of data. Which the
primary resources, were the respondents from grade 11 students of Pulo Senior High
School. And the secondary source of data were the books, articles or review related
literatures and other studies in lined with this study.

Participants of the Study

Pulo City of Cabuyao, Laguna
Practical Research I
The respondents or population of this study were the grade 11 students in Pulo
Senior High School SY.2018-2019. Wherein, we get students from every strand
(Accountancy, Business and Management, EIM, Home Economics and Computer System

The researchers determined respondents trough purposive sampling techniques

by simply using an initial survey that can determine respondents financial status and
also identifying them in who could give clear perception regarding the questions in the
study and must have enough understanding about the purpose of the study.

Instrumentation and Validation

The researchers conducted an interview to gather the data needed for the study
(using cellular phone’s camera or audio recording the researchers are able to capture
every word that the participants respond on every question). Every questions deal with
the learners’ financial status of the grade 11 students in Pulo Senior High School in
relation to their academic performance.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers prepare a questionnaire and conducted an interview for data

gathering. The researchers first secure the privacy of the respondents, they ask for their
permission to answer their questionnaire. The researchers interviewed their
respondents one by one and this was conducted at Pulo Senior High School.

The interview was documented by using cellular phone’s camera or audio

recorder. And using this documentation they are able to capture every single word that
their respondents say. The respondents were guaranteed that all of their identity will be
forbidden and secured.

Ethical Consideration

As to ethical considerations and data analysis, the researchers used Moustakas’

(1994) approach. The researchers ask the permission of the respondents to be
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interviewed. The respondents are assured that their identity will remain confidential.
Furthermore, their respondents are informed that their responses or statements would
be dealt with forbiddance and confidentiality at all times.

Treatment and Data Analysis

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This chapter presents the sections and discussions of bracketing,
horizonalization, textural and structural descriptions and overall essence as well as the
verification of the lived experience of the grade 11 students in Pulo Senior High School
SY.2018-2019 in finances.

The researchers imparted their knowledge in the initial step which is bracketing.

Based on the researchers idea in financial status in relation to academic

performance, the students may have a good academic performance if they have a stable
financial status cause having a stable financial status can help the student focus on their
studies and students will never think about “how to pay this?”, “how to pay that?” “do I
have enough money to do this and that?” and so many questions that the student
encounter if they have so many financial stabilities. Having financial stabilities would
make the students out of focus, they would rather think of their financial problems
rather than studies. The students would rather buy first they needs at home rather than
doing school works or papers, and projects. And once the student was out of focus and
not doing their school papers and projects the student will surely get a weak academic

According to researchers’ friends, they are both having financial stabilities, and
they say that they both have weak academic performance. They say because of having
financial stabilities they are not able to go to school every day, they are also not able to
answer in recitations sometime because they are thinking of money and also they are
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not able to pass their project sometimes. They say, that the money is the root or cause of
any problem, they guess.

The horizonalization of this study is presented through highlighting the

significant statements which are taken from the respondents’ responses.

After horizonalizing, theme clustering was constructed by analyzing, outlining

and grouping the significant statements of into themes or meaningful units. The
researchers were able to identify
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