Cyber Security: The Need For Today's Environment: Jayesh Patil, Keshav Sule, Jagjot Singh Saini
Cyber Security: The Need For Today's Environment: Jayesh Patil, Keshav Sule, Jagjot Singh Saini
Cyber Security: The Need For Today's Environment: Jayesh Patil, Keshav Sule, Jagjot Singh Saini
9, Issue 3, July - September 2018 ISSN : 0976-8491 (Online) | ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print)
Indore Public School, Indore, MP, India
The Emeralds Heights International School, Indore, MP, India
Abstract it took them such a long time to report these breach which could
Cybersecurity first came into consideration in the year 1988, as lead them to a problem with regulators [2].
a result, one of the first ever registered online virus “The Morris
Worm” the worm caused as many as of the 60,000 computer
connected to the internet get affected by the worm and slow down.
More recently cybersecurity has come to signify a form of protection
from attacks designed to paralyze website, financial networks and
other computer systems by flooding them with data from outside
computer. At present, the biggest challenge is to secure information
from cyber-attacks. Cybercrime is the main aspect of which we are
moving toward the cybersecurity as they are increasing immensely
day by day. In order to prevent these cybercrimes governments
and companies are taking several measures i.e., governments are
making strict laws against cybercrimes and companies are hiring Fig. 1:
data science specialist.
Although cybersecurity is transforming, cybercrime is also
In this research paper, we talk about what is cyber security, cyber- transforming tremendously day by day. Nowadays crime has
attacks, types of attacks, governing bodies and how to be secure become the ceaseless news headline this transformed from
from such type of attacks? a perceived threat to actual headline. Since cooperative and
government bodies seem helpless in securing the data from
Keywords cybercrime hacker’s world. Breaching and another form of
Cyber Security, Cyber Attacks, Cyber Crimes, Cyber Ethics, cyber mischief has reached a complexness that the credential of
Social Networking, Cloud Computing, Risk, Threat, Vulnerability, many companies to defeat against the crime. To move parallel to
Breaching, Governing Bodies. this competitive world we also need to transform and be aware
with the cybercrime tactics i.e. cyber-attacks, breaching, viruses,
I. Introduction vulnerability and many other threats.
The practice of cybersecurity ensures integrity, confidentiality,
In this competitive world, everyone wants to be fast and easy and availability of information. It preserves you against the
their daily lives so people are attracting towards online services accidents like hard drive failure, power outage, adversary’s attacks
like transactions, shopping, etc. To access this service everyone capable of executing advanced persistent made by hackers and
needs to provide their personal information and to keep this criminals. Makes serious threats to enterprise data. Security
information secure from breaching everyone needs to be aware should be mandated to senior enterprise authority. Strong cyber
of cyber security which can assist them to evade from major nuts security controls are required as information is very fragile these
of frauds. days. The highest priority should be given to employee training
For example, an online payment, we provide our private information and standardized security which should be looked at by the
like account number, pin, username and passwords which can be management.
used by hackers to steal money from our account which can lead
to bank frauds. Table 1: The Comparison of Cybersecurity Circumstance
Mentioned in Cyber999 in Malaysia from January-June 2012
A bank fraud from the UK British banks accounted to lost approx. and 2013 Clearly Exhibits the Cyber Threats [3].
tens of millions of pounds after a gang of Russian hackers affected % Increase/
network in about 100 of financial institutions worldwide using a Incidents Jan-June 2012 Jan-June 2013
computer virus. The hacker used to manage bank computer system Fraud 2439 2490 2
for months using a malware which helps them collecting the bank Intrusion 2203 1726 (22)
user information from the internal computer system and the gang
Spam 291 614 111
used it to manipulate bank accounts. This incidence introduces
Malicious Code 353 442 25
a new stage in the emergence of cybercriminal exercise where
greedy users avoided targeting local user and directly steal money Cyber Harassment 173 233 35
from banks [1]. Content Related 10 42 320
A cyber scam faced by a well-known company Yahoo was reported Intrusion Attempts 55 24 (56)
by them in September 2016 that around 3 billion Yahoo user data Denial Of Service 12 10 (17)
was breached in 2014. After four months they also disclosed a Vulnerability
45 11 (76)
cybercrime which compromised the breach of data in 2013 of more Reports
than billions of Yahoo user. The company did not explain that why Total 5581 5592
Fig. 3:
1. Attacks on Confidentiality
Fig. 2: Many methods are used by hackers to compromise confidentiality
following are some common method.
Major areas covered by cyber security are:
Application Security - The measures that are taken during the (i). Packet Capturing
development stage of application to protect it from threats that Commonly known as packet sniffing is a type of attack in which
can come through defects in the application design, development, data packets are captured typically Ethernet frames. Once the
deployment, upgrade and maintenance. capturing of data is done attackers can go through sensitive
Some techniques used for Application Security are information like password and card numbers, unless the network
• Input Parameter Validation. traffic is not encrypted. Wire shark is the most popularly used
• User/Role Authentication and Authorization. packet capture software.
• Session Management, Parameter Manipulation and Exception
Management. (ii). Password Attackers
• Auditing and Logging. For accessing the computer password hackers are used to hack the
password of target computers and brute force attack.
Information Security - It is used to safeguard information from
unauthorized access of personal detail avoiding identity theft and (iii). Port Scanning and Pig Sweeps
protects privacy. By using port scanning method attackers scanning the TCP/UDP
Major techniques used to cover Information Security are: ports try to discover service running on the target computer. Here
• Identification, Authentication, and Authorization of user. the attacker tries to attack the Ports because of which the attackers
• Cryptography. could find out software products running on target computers.
Finally, attackers negotiating vulnerability in that product. A Pig
Disaster Recovery - This is a process that includes performing Sweep is a network where the intruder tries to send ICMP ECHO
risk assessment, establishing priorities, development recovery packets to a range of IP ADDRESS ICMP ECHO REPLY. Thus
strategies in case of a disaster. Any business should have a concrete attackers can identify which computers are up and which are
plan for disaster recovery to resume normal business operation down.
as quickly as possible after a disaster.
(iv). Dumpster Diving
Networking Security - This includes activities to protect the Searching through company’s dumpster for any useful information
usability, integrity, reliability, and safety of the network. Effective so that the network could be attacked.
network security finds a variety of threats and blocks them from
disturbing or spreading on the network. (v). Wiretapping
Components of network security are In this type, the telecommunications devices are undertaken to
• a) Anti-virus and Anti-spyware. listen to the phone calls of others.
• b) Firewall to block unauthorized access to your network.
• c) IPS-Intrusion Prevention System is used to figure out fast- (vi). Phishing and Pharming
spreading threats such as zero-day or zero-hour attacks. In phishing sensitive information is tried to be sourced such action
• Virtual Private Networks (VPNs to provide secure remote financial details including a password is tried to be extracted by
access)[5]. email and fake URLs. Pharming aims at redirecting the traffic of
one website to another.
(vii). Keylogger (iii). SYN flood attacks and ICMP flood attacks
It is a program that runs in the background of the computer which Attackers send various TCP SYN Packets to initiate TCP connected,
logs the user keystrokes. Whenever the user enters a password, but never send an SYN-ACK pack back. In ICMP flood attacks the
the password is stored in the log created by the keylogger and victim computer is sent with many false ICMP packets[6].
forwarded to the attacker.
B. Types of Vulnerabilities and Attacks
(viii). Social Engineering The vulnerability is a fault in the design, implementation, operation
It is performed by a person who is having very good interactive or internal control. Most of the vulnerabilities that have been
skills through which they manipulate others and reveal information discovered are documented in the Common Vulnerabilities and
about the network to steal information. Exposure (CVE) database.
III. Conclusion
Computer security is a vast topic because of increase in
interconnected activities such as transactions, inter-connected
networks, transferring of sophisticated data etc. has rapidly
increased since the last decades. Cybercrime continues to multiply
each year so does the security for protecting information increases.
Advancement and introduction of new technology each year
pave’s way for an increase in threats, the most challenging state
of today’s era is how to unfasten the increase in such activities.
Fig. 5: Now we require new platforms and intelligence to curb or eradicate
challenges. There is no impeccable solution for cybercrimes but
C. Famous Cyber Attacks we should try our supreme level to reduce them so to have a safe
and secure future.
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