Lebmo 11 s2016

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LEGAL EDUCATION BOARD. ‘ite 1102, Emit CenterButcing 1390Roves lear Ermita Mano 1000 {EB MEMORANDUM ORDER (LEBMO) Wo: feriee 012036 Subject: POLICIES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF A NATIONWIDE UNIFORM LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION TEST FOR APPLICANTS TO THE BASIC LAN {COURSES IN ALL LAW SeHOOLS IN THE COUNTEY. Purwant tothe power of the Legal Eveaton oard (Lb) to presoibe the minim standares for la amision under Section 7c} f Republic Act No. 7682, ented the “Legal aeation Reform Ae of 1993", the folowing polices and regations forthe administration of anatinwide uniform lay schooladmisin tests hereby promulgated: 1. Poly and Rationale - To improve the quaity of legal eduction, all hose seeking ‘emis t the basic law courses lending to ether 2 Bachelor of Laws or lets Doctor ‘egne shal be recited te tate the Pilppine Law School Amision Test (PHLSAT) 2 nationwide unform admission test to be adminstered under the contre! and Supervion ofthe LB. 2. Tost Deign The PRLGAT chal deienad ne one-day aotiude test that can measure the acedemic potential of the examinee to pusve the study of law. It shall test ‘communications and language pofelercy, criteal thinking skis, ard verbal and ‘euanttive reasoning. 3. unified examinees-The following are quali to tae the PhiLSAT: 2. Graduates of tears bachelor's degrees, or Rs equivalent, trom day recognived bigher education institutions tthe Philippines: b. Thow expecting to graduate with year bachelor’s egrees,o sequal from ‘duly recognized Mehr seueaton neiutions inthe Phils atthe end of the ‘school eat whe the LSAT wasadminstered; and Graduates rom foreig Higher edueaton nsthutions with depres equivalent to» 4 years bachelor's degree a5 ceriied by the Commision on Higher Edkcaton. [Acquaified examinee may tae the PASAT for as many times ashe/ihe wasts, without any tint 4 Testing Acminstrato - For purposes of designing the examinations, fomrulating the quvtien, adinterng the tats, ond cvreting the answer, tha LER may desert, esting dminisrater, an ledecendent third-party testing prone tut meets athe folowing qvalictions: 2. Fre (3) years enperience in designing a government academic examination in the Prete 1b, Thvee (3) year: aipeience in admintering an examination simultaneous in five (Slor mor testing ses located in Lun, Visayas and Mindanao areas

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