Reviewer in SEAM 2 Midterm

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Reviewer in SEAM 2

 KM = KG + GM
 KG = KM – GM
 GM – KM – KG
 BM =
12 x D

 Water densities
o English system (ft, in)
 SW
= 35
 FW
= 36
o Metric System (m,cm)
 SW
= 1.025
 FW
= 1.000
Length x Breadth x Draft
 w=
Density of Water

total listing moment

 tanθ=
weight x gm

 tanθ=
W x GM

 tanθ=

 w=
GM x tanθ

Midship Area( Am)

 Midship Coefficient =
Bx D

 Midship Area ( Am )=B x D x c m

 W = L x B x D x Cb x Density of water
 Draft=
L x B x D x Cb x Density of water

total vertical moment( VM )

total weight
w x distance
 ¿=

 Simpson rule 1
 half area=h x
x ∑1

length of waterplane
 h=
No. Subdivision
AWP x Density of water
 TPC =

 Whole area = half area x 2

∑2 x h
 cf =

 Simpson rule 2
 area=h x 8 x ∑ 1

 displacement =L x B x D x Cb x Density
 Forward WA = 4 x TPC

 English System
 FWA=
40 x TPI

 Metric System
 FWA=
4 x TPC
 TPI =
40 x FWA

 W = TPI x 40 x 7.403846154
FWA x Density
 DWA=

 English System
 immersion=
1000 x TPI

 Metric System
w xd
 immersion=
100 x TPC
DWA 1025−d
 =
FWA 1025−1000

New Displacement new density

 old displacement
old density

 Old displacement = L x B x Draft x Cb x Density

 FW to SW = subtract
 SW to FW = Add
 Bodily sinkage=

 Change of trim=
mct , cm

 Change of draft=
x cot

 English System
r x L x B3
 FSC =
12 x density

 Metric System
r x L x B3 x Density
 FSC =
S .G of liquid ∈the tank
 ratio=
S . G of the water where vessel float

 English System
r x L x B3
 ¿0 =
12 x w x density

 Metric System
r x L x B3 x Density
 ¿0 =
12 x w

 English System

 T =¿(0.44 x B)/√ GM
 Metric System

 T =¿(0.797x B)/√ GM


 Initial Stability – refers to stability at small angles and inclinationup to 15
degrees. The GM or the Metacentric Height is used as a measure of
initial stability since M, the Metacenter is considered to be fixed. At all
angles of inclination, the true measure of stability is the righting moment.

 Statical Stability – refers to the transverse stability of a vessel while

floating in still water. Statical connotes an absence of movement of the
water where vessel floats. All stability curves must be constructed for all
statical conditions.
 Statical Stability curves – are graphical presentations showing the value
of the righting arms at various angles of inclinations and at various
 Dynamic Stability – is the work done in inclining a ship as in the inclining
 Transverse Stability – refers to the tendency of the vessel to return to its
original upright position when inclined by an outside force.
 Damage Stability - Refers to the stability condition of the vessel after
collision on after grounding.
 Force – is traditionally defined as any push or pull on body.
 Resultant force – is the force representing the combined effect of two or
more forces acting at a point.
 Couple – is formed by the two equal forces acting on a body in opposite
directions and along parallel lines. All couples are expressed as a
 Moment of a Force – is a measure of the turning effect of the force
about a point.
 Resultant Moment – is an imaginary moment representing the combined
effect of two or more forces acting about a point.
 Heel – is the term used to describe a ship that is inclined due to external
forces i.e by off center weights or caused by negative GM.
 List – is the term used to describe a ship that is inclined due to internal
forces i.e. by off center weights or caused by negative GM.
 Weight – is the force exerted on the body by the earth’s gravitational
force and is measured in the terms of Newton(N) and kilo-Newton(KN).
 Mass – is the fundamental measure of the quantity of matter in a body
and expressed in terms of kilogram and the tonne.
 Specific gravity – (SG) or Relative Density – is defined as the ratio of the
density of the substance to the density of fresh water.
 Density – is defined as mass per unit volume.
 Center of Gravity(G) – is that point at which all vertically downward
forces of weight are considered to act: or it is the center of the mass of
the vessel.
 Center of Buoyancy (B) – is that point at which all the vertically upward
forces of buoyancy can be considered to act; or it is the center of the
volume of the immersed portion of the vessel.
 Transverse Metacenter (M) = is appoint through which the center of
buoyancy (B) acts vertically upward as the vessel is inclined and (B) shifts
toward the low side. It is also the
 highest point at which the center of gravity (G) may rise and still permit
the vessel to have positive stability.
 Righting Arm or Righting Lever – (GZ) – is the perpendicular distance
from center of gravity(G) to the line of force of center of buoyancy(B).
The distance is formed when the vessel is inclined or heeled and the B
shifts position (B1).
 Righting moment (also known as Moment of Statical Stability) – is a
couple formed by the parallel and opposing forces of (G) and (B). The
righting moment is equal to the product of the Righting Arm (GZ) and the
Displacement (W) of the vessel, (Righting Moment = W x GZ)
 Metacentric Height ( GM) – is the vertical distance from the center of
gravity(G) to the transverse metacentre(M). The length of metacentric
height(GM) is directly related to the length of the righting or upsetting
arms and therefore will directly indicate the measure of the ship’s initial
 Deadweight – the maximum carrying capacity of a ship, expressed in tons
of cargo , stores, provision and bunker fuel etc.

 Displacement – this is the weight of the volume of water that the ship

 Ship hydrostatic - the hydrostatic approach to ship stability aims to

balance idealized ship weight against buoyancy forces.

 Deadweight scale – A drawing used for estimating the additional draught

or for determining the extra load that could be taken on board when
vessel is being loaded in water of density less than salt water.

 What is “S” stand for at a typical set of freeboard mark- it is the summer
water mark for water of 1.025/m3 c density

 WNA stand for a typical set of freeboard mark – Winter North Atlantic

 W stand for a typical set of freeboard watermark – Winter watermark

 Draft/draught – determines the maximum depth of water a ship can
safely navigate

 Dock water – the area of water between or next to one group of human
made structures that the area involved in the handling of boats and ship.

 TPC – TPC means tonnes per cm in salt water and fresh water

 MCTC – is a moment to change trim per 1 cm

 TPC in ship stability – The amount of weight which will sink the vessel 1
cm deeper in the water

 Initial Stability – Stability at small angles of inclination up to 15 degrees

 Load lines - The waterline is the line where the hull of a ship meets the
surface of the water specifically. It is also the name of special markings.
Also known as international loadline.

 Draught Amidship - the amount of camber amidships is often one fiftieth

of the beam of the ship. This is the draught measured for any waterline
either forward or aft.
 Cb = Block Coefficient

 A box shape vessel of 160 ft in length and 30ft breadth floats at a draft of
10ft. Find BM
= 7.5ft or 2.29m
 Find No. of person which a modern lifeboat 10m long and 2.7m wide,
1m deep Cb = 0.6, Volume for each person = 0.283
= 57 people
 The displacement of your vessel is 10, 555 tons in length is 120m,
Breadth is 16m floating on water density of 1.020 t/cm and the draft if
calculated Cb = 0.77
= 7.00m
 The VCG of cargo is 10ft. weighing 10,000 tons are loaded in your ship.
KG at this time is 28ft. Displacement is 16,000. Find the new KG after
loading this cargo
= 21.08 ft
 A weight of 48 tons is removed from a vessel the center of gravity of this
cargo is 20ft above the keel. Find the new kg if its original displacement
and kg were 690 tons and 6.2 feet respectively
= 6.51 ft
 A vessel of 10,000 tons has 5,000 tons of cargo on board existing KG is
27ft. Solve for new KG. After the 5,000 tons of cargo is shifted up to 10ft
= 30.33 ft
 A weight to be loaded to a ship of 3,200T displacement. The cargo
200Tat a distance of 60ft from the original position of gravity
= 3.53 ft
 A ship load waterplane is 60m long. The length of the half ordinates
commencing from FWD. Are follows: 0.1, 3.5, 4.6, 5.1, 5.2, 5.1, 4.9, 4.3,
and 0.1m calculate the area of the waterplane, the TPC in S.W and the
position of the center of floatation from amidship
CF = 30.8m (FWD)
= 0.8 Aft Amidship
 A breadth at the load waterplane of a ship 90mlong measure at equal
from FWD areas follows: 0, 3.96, 8.53, 11.58, 12.19, 12.5, 11.58, 5.18,
3.44 and 0.30m. If the load draft is 5m and the Cb is 0.6. Find the FWA
and the position of Cf from amidship
= 43.436 measure foreward
= 1.564 FWD of Amidship
 Find the deduction in your vessel’s freeboard expected to load cargo in
fresh water. Your vessel Displacement is 15,400 tons and TPI at summer
draft is 52 tons
= 7.403846154
 If the FWA of your vessel at summer draft is 8 inches. Find the Dock
water allowance if the density of water is 1015kg cm m difference in
= 3.2 inches
 Displacement of your vessel is 10,000 tons TPI iss 50, difference in
density is 12’ find immersion
= 2.4 inch
 A vessel float at a draft of 17ft 8.5 inches and density of 1005. If her FWA
is 7 ¼ inches. Find her draft passing into water density of 1025.
= 17’2.7”
 A ship floating in dock water of density 1005, has the lower edge of her
summer load line in the water to starboard. 50mm above the waterline
to port FWA = 175mm, TPC = 12 tons. Find the amount of cargo which
can yet to be loaded in order to bring the ship to the draft in salt water
= 228 tons
 A ship 120m x 17m x 10m Cb 0.8 and is floating at load summer draft of
7.2m in fresh water. Find how much more cargo can be loaded to remain
at the same draft in salt water
= 294 tons
 A ship is floating at 8m mean draft in dock water of relative density
1010, TPC = 15 tons FWA = 150mm. The maximum permissible draft in
salt water is 8.1m. Find the amount of cargo yet load
= 285 tons
 A ship of 6400 tons displacement is floating in salt water. The ship has to
proceed to berth where density of the water is 1008. Find how much
cargo must be discharged if she is to remain at the salt water
= 106.1 tons
 A ship loading in summer zone in dock water density 1005 FWA 62.5mm,
TPC = 15 tons. The lower edge of the summer load line is in the water
line to port and is 5cm above the water line to starboard. Find how
much more cargo may be loaded if the ship is to be at the correct draftin
salt water.
= 150 tons
 A ship 90m long is floating at draft 4.5m F and 5.0m A. The center of
floatation is 1.5m aft of amidship. TPC 10 tons MCT 1cm= 120 tons. Find
the New drafts if a total weight of 450 tons is loaded in position 14m
forward of amidship
= 5.169m (A)
= 5.25m (F)
 Find the free surface constant for a tank 70 ft long =, 35 ft wide by 25ft
deep. The displacement of the vessel is 35,000 tons. The S.G of the liquid
in the tank is 0.78 and the vessel is floating on density of 1026
= 5446.5 ft/t
 The displacement of your ship is 8,000 tons on salt water. The DBT
measures 20m long 16m wide. Partly loaded with sea water. Calculate
the free surface constant.
= 6997.33 tons/meter
 A deep tank is half full of water which has a rectangular free surface, 30
ft long and 25ft wide. The ship displaces 1050 tons, her kg is 18.7ft. If the
effects of free surface is ignored. Solve her actual kg, allowing for the
effect of free surface.
GG0 = 0.54ft
New KG = 19.24ft
 The displacement of your ship is 8,000 tons of salt water. The DBT
measures 20m long and 16m wide partly loaded with salt water.
Calculate the free surface effect or loss of GM
= 0.875m
 The displacement of your ship is 8,000 tons of salt water. The DBT
measures 20m long and 16m wide partly loaded with salt water.
Calculate the effective GM if the KM is 7m and KG is 6m
= 0.125m
 A tank has a FSM of 3586 T. Calculate the FSM if the tank is fitted with
= I – A single longitudinal bulkhead (896.5 T/m)
II – A further 2 longitudinal bulkhead ( 224.125 0r 224.23 t/m )
 Find the angle of heel for the worst condition if weights to be shifted and
lifted respectively. First weight is 50 tons, shifted to a distance of 30 feet
from the centerline. The other weight is 50 tons to be lifted at a distance
of 50 feet from the centerline GM is 3.7 feet, displacement of 20,000
= 3 degrees 5 inches
 A vss of 6,000 T displacement has KG 6.7m KM 7.3m. She is floating
upright. A cargo weighing 60 tons on board be shifted 12m transversely.
Solve for the angle of llist
= 11 degrees 18. 5 inches
 The displacement of your vessel is 4,500 tons this to be inclined by a
moving weight of 35 tons to a distance of 30ft from the centerline, 36ft
plumline shows a deflection of 1 ft 6 inches. Find the angle of list
= 2 degrees 23 inches
 Find the displacement of a vessel, if her GM is 3 ft, the weight to be
shifted 10 tons to a distance of 30 ft across her deck, the angle list 1
degrees and 43 meters
= 10,009.0 or 10,010 tons
 The approx. rolling period of a dry cargo vessel with GM 3.0 ft beam 60 ft
= T = 15 secs stiff ship bottom heavy vessel
 Your vessel’s rolling period is 10 secs. Beam is 50ft what is your vessel’s
= 4.84 ft
 The metacentric height of your vessel is 34 centimeters her
displacement at summer draft is 35,000 tons. The Beam is 60 ft. find her
rolling period
= 25 secs

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